Cold Open: What do you get when you combine a pathologically lying sociopath, pedophilia, some tenants of Islam, an Egyptian theme park, dreams of becoming a disco/r&b star, lots of hard to understand quasi- religious UFO teachings, concubines, and so many dildos?

You get Dwight York and the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors Cult.

Born in 1945, Dwight York would grow up to become a cult leader. Like most cult leaders, he abused his followers in a variety of ways. Using the language of the Islamic, separatist, black nationalist groups around him, York found a way to build a community in Brooklyn that he controlled by giving them incense and his terribly written books to sell, then enforcing a lifestyle on them where they had to live separately from their families and basically devote all their time to making York some cult money.

While they worked for him, Dwight York was often having sex with their wives. And not secretly. Part of the price you paid to be in this false prophet’s cult - to live on this maniac’s Egyptian compound. Later, he’d be having sex with their children as well. He did try and keep that a secret but many knew about it. And still later, he’d even be having sex with his own children.

Dwight York was a demented, perverted bastard with one Helluva of gift forspitting out a LOT of crazy bullshit that somehow made sense to the hundreds of people who trusted him with their lives.

And for a while - he did kind of seem trustworthy. His buildings in Bushwick were some of the few in a rough portion of Brooklyn that weren’t riddled with crime, drug use, and violence

Of course, inside their walls - life was not so crime free.

The man once known as “Dwight York” was already likely abusing children and abusing followers while expanding his cult empire. He soon bought property in the Catskills, where the child-fucking took off full-force. He’d basically escape upstate whenever he wanted to have relations with a van full of teenage “Backstreet Girls,” given that name because they hung out in his Bushwick recording studio, Backstreet.

After far too many years of this, the Feds finally started snooping around, and Dwight got nervous. York would then again - and get way, WAY off the grid.

He’d move his whole cult way down south to rural Putnam County, Georgia, where he’d drop the act of being a Muslim prophet and start preaching that he was a celestial being sent from Planet Rizq to save a select group of his followers. He even preached about the anunnaki. Space Lizards! He went hard on Ancient Aliens lore long before it was cool. He even preached about giants. And he got real, REAL into ancient Egypt too. Started dressing like a Pharaoh. He had some big pyramid replicas built. And a Sphinx.

There is so much insanity packed into this story.

So many fake names. So many fake stories that Dwight York made up about himself to convince people to follow him.

Thank God— today’s horrible tale does kind of have a good ending. The bad guy does a LOT of bad stuff. So much. BUT - he does get caught in the end and punished for his crimes.

Dwight York would eventually see justice. Way too late for so many victims, but, better late than never I guess, right? In 2004, York would be convicted of numerous counts of child molestation and violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

He’s still serving his 135 year sentence.

A sentence that should have been even longer. Maybe like a 1,000 years.

York's case was reported as the largest prosecution for child molestation ever directed at a single person in the history of the United States, both in terms of total number of victims and total number of incidents.

He’s seventy-five as of this recording, and has over 115 years to go, so, REAL unlikely he’ll ever get out.

Unless he’s the Egyptian alien he’s claimed to be.

Telling such a messed up story. So many horrific facets to it— from York’s belief system that preached that black people are genetically and morally superior to other races, to widespread childhood molestation, to the fact that so many people wasted so many years of their lives falling for York’s preposterous lies.

Are you ready to go full CULT! CULT! CULT!?

Let’s get into Dwight York and the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors on this week’s Egyptian, alien, polygamist, ludicrous, black supremacist, I wish I could visit this guy in prison just so I could punch him in the face so, so many times edition, of Timesuck.


I. Welcome!

A.Happy Monday:

Happy Monday, Meat sacks!

Welcome first time listener!

Welcome back longtime listening meat sack… to the Cult of the Curious.

We’re a very easy cult to be a member of. I don’t have pamphlets you have to read. Don’t have any meetings you have to attend where I’ll start bending your mind and preparing to pressure you to say goodbye to your current social circle, sell your belongings, and then give the money to me and come live on my compound where you’ll be my cult slave….

This cult is mostly just about sharing crazy tales you can listen to at your leisure.

And boy do I have a VERY entertaining episode to share with you today… after a few quick announcements.

I’m Dan Cummins, the Suck Master, Whipple Product Tester, Lucifina Lady Ween Fluffer, Dog the Bounty Hacker tech advisor, Servant of Nimrod, and you’re listening to Timesuck.

B.Merch: New, very culty Hail Nimrod tee now in the store at Bad Magic Merch dot com. Got kind of a Bible School vibe to it. Feels right for this episode somehow.

C.Charity: Want to give a quick thank you to our Patreon Space Lizards for allowing us to donate $14,000 to - a hardship fund just established by the Miami Heat basketball team to help those impacted by the devastating building collapse in Surfside, Florida this past June 24th. A twelve-story residential building with 136 units partially collapsed and the search for missing residents continues.

Please head to to learn more.

And that’s it for announcements. Flew through them today!

D.Segue to Topic: And now we’re off to explore the wild tale of a cult with a leader as sexually insatiable as Fred and Rose West from two episodes ago.

The man of many names born as Dwight D York, would molest hundreds of children. Hundreds. Almost all were members of his cult.

For many years, he split up families, sexually abused women and children, took people’s money, time - took everything from them - and made them live in terrible living quarters working twelve-hour days, all to support him while he lived like a god with a literal harem composed by the end of mostly underage girls to attend to his every need.

York preached a version of Islam - at least initially - but he’d never live the kind of modest, pious Islamic lifestyle that he preached about and forced his followers to abide by.

When he got tired of being a Muslim prophet, he switched it up and started talking a bunch of Ancient Alien, Egyptian jibber jabber.

It’s unbelievable what kind of crazy pills he was able to get his followers to swallow.

His greatest gift may have been for pageantry and costuming. He knew that people loved to go all in on an idea— whether it was Islam or ancient Egypt. And he knew that if he got them excited enough and fully immersed in the current idea, they’d kind of forget this new idea wasn’t anything like the original idea they signed up for.

He took things a lot farther than some of the other batshit cult leaders we’ve covered - like the Children of Thunder or the Angel’s Landing Cult.

Dwight York was more on the level of Tony and Susan Alamo.

He had his followers build him a giant, theme-park type complex on almost five hundred acres in Putnam County, Georgia, named Tama- Re, where followers from all over the country flocked to spend Tama- Re money with Dwight York’s face on it.

He sold his followers on the idea that he’d built them their own sovereign nation inside the state of Georgia.

Which, um, you can’t do.

Uncle Sam kind of frowns on folks establishing sovereign nations inside his borders - most countries don’t really care for that.

But York got his followers to believe the lie. That was he greatest gift - selling lies. Making the impossible seem possible. He was scary good at that.

This crazy horse shit went on for over twenty years. Almost thirty. Dude ran an insane cult for more years than Michael Jordan played basketball - and that counts high school, college, AND the NBA…. even the strange Washington Wizards years.

And during that time, York hurt hundreds of people, emotionally, financially, and physically.

So much nonsense to unpack today.

If you’re a first time listener, and you don’t find this story entertaining, you truly might as well go find a different podcast now because the crazy ass stories I tell don’t get a lot more captivating than this one….


II. Intro/Establish Premiss:

Dwight York would be defined as being many different things after his public arrest in 2004.

Most prominently, he’d be presented as a preposterously active pedophile. And he definitely was. According to Bill Osinski, who wrote a 2007 book about York and the case— a source we relied on heavily for this research:

“When [York] was finally indicted, state prosecutors literally had to cut back the number of counts listed — from well beyond a thousand to slightly more than 200 — because they feared a jury simply wouldn't believe the magnitude of York's evil.… [It] is believed to be the nation's largest child molestation prosecution ever directed at a single person, in terms of number of victims and number of alleged criminal acts.”

How crazy is that? They cut back the number of charges because the truth was too unbelievable. He was so monstrous, they didn’t think the jury would buy the real story.

Imagine that with a serial killer.

“It appears he’s killed around 1200 people. Let’s charge him with… uh….. 70. Still plenty to put him away forever, and a little more… believable…”

York would also be defined as a Muslim - which he was for a time.

He led a group in Brooklyn in the 1970s called the Ansaru Allah Community, or the AAC.

On the outside, the AAC looked really nice. And in many ways it was. Their compound of buildings was one of the only stretch of buildings in the Bushwick area of Brooklyn that wasn’t plagued by violence and crime— but on the inside he was building cult he trained to regard him as a god, creating his own personal empire, over which he exercised dictatorial control.

He’d be defined as a black supremacist. As were those who followed his teachings.

Very true.

He and his followers made no point of denying it.

He and his Nuwaubians proudly stated that white people’s lighter skin color is the result of leprosy and the fact that their ancestors mated with dogs and jackals.

And as a white guy, I gotta say… there is SOME truth to that claim.

I can’t speak for all whites, but, if you were to go find me on Ancestry dot com, and check out my family tree, you’ll see that about three generations back… the dogs start showing up.

Mostly bloodhounds. A couple terriers.

You go back eight, nine generations - THAT’s where the Jackals first appear.

It all started when my great-times-seven grandma Myrtle Cummins went on a trip to South Africa to work on a farm just east of Johannesburg, and one day she just disappeared.

And when she showed up a month later, I’ll be damned if she hadn’t gotten married to a jackal.

I guess it was really hard on my family.

The jackal didn’t speak any human languages or understand any human social constructs, and sometimes my pappy jackal would do stuff like shit on the living room floor, or eat one of grandma Myrtle’s smaller nieces or nephews or cousins, or aggressively fuck grandma in front of company.

White people, am I right?

The Nubwaubians really didn’t care for whitey.

In one of his many, many, MANY lectures “Egipt [sic] and the Mask of God,” York would say: “White people are the devil. They say the Nuwaubians are not racist – bullcrap! I am…White people are devils — always was, always will be.”

Fighting with racism - good way to keep racism alive and well.

In addition to being super into racism, York was also super into disco for a time. Yep. We just took a left turn into disco.

He was a member of a moderately successful r&b and disco band in the early 80s called Passion.

They were only around a few years and released only one original full length album. Leon Pendarvis, keyboardist and occasional band director for Saturday Night Live since 1980 - was another member.

What a weird connection, right?

Dwight also released a few solo albums after Passion broke up. In 1985 - he dropped some fire called “New… York.” Get it? It’s a NEW album from Dwight YORK.

And I do have to give him props for having a smooth voice. He’s no James Ingram, but, he throws down a nice hook around some sax riffs and the drum machine in Plain as Black and White. Start at 17:06 (Add little “Fuck yeahs” and “Noice” “that was TIGHT.” “Like BUTTERED VELVET.” “that riff was smooth. Pedo smooth.” )

When he wasn’t being racist or working on his music or kind of following the teachings of Islam but not really, or molesting many, many kids, he was often working on coming up with a new name for himself. Over the years, he’d be known as Dwight York, Dr. Malachi Z. York, Isa Muhammad, Issa Haadi Al Mahdi, Isa Abd’ Allah Muhammad, Baba.

He’d also use professional names like Dr. York and Dr. Love sometimes when he was that smooth disco/RnB singer. And most of his followers called him Doc or Pops. In literature, he was known as Master Teacher, the Reformer, the Lamb, and sometimes Chief Black Eagle.

One of his alien names was Avatara.

I think the longest alias I found for him was “Irie I Sayyid Al Mumbra Issa El Haajidi Tundi the Divine and Noble Blackthello.”

That’s an unlikable name right there.

Nothing good’s coming from a dude with fourteen fucking words in his name. I know they say, “Never say never”, but - you will never have a consistently good time with that motherfucker. You get a house guest with fourteen fucking words in their name, I think you’re best off showing them the door as soon as possible.

(York) “Hello. My name is Irie I Sayyid Al Mumbra Issa El Haajidi Tundi the Divine and Noble Blackthello…. why are you holding the door open and gesturing [jess turing] for me to leave, I’ve only just entered?”

(Me) “Yeah… I just really don’t care for your name.”

(York) “What’s in a name?”

(Me) “So much in your case. Now get the fuck out Captain Horseshit. I don’t have time for the silly nonsense that will undoubtably pour forth from your Divine and Noble piehole.”

Dwight York was so many things. He was an enigma— even to his followers.

He kept them guessing. Kept them intrigued… and also confused.

I watched a local news reporter interview a man acting as his spokesperson at his Georgia compound in the early 90s before it all got shut down, and you could tell he - one of York’s most devoted followers - still didn’t really know how to properly explain what York was about. He fumbled around so much. He couldn’t decided if York was a religious leader, or alien, or both, or neither. He gave a lot of confusing and nonsensical responses to the reporter’s simple questions because York was a confusing, nonsensical man.

And how did this psycho-babbling bullshit artist get people to follow him? Confidence and charisma. Dude had a presence.

He won over converts mostly thanks to his charismatic rhetoric. York was a talented orator.

His followers loved his intense speeches, the way he delivered lectures of vitriolic hate but with timing that made it almost comedic, the solemn look in his eyes, and the fact that he claimed that everything he did was all for the children— so they wouldn’t have to grow up in places plagued by crime and violence.

They might not have always understood what the fuck he was talking about - but - they loved the overall vibe. The feeling he gave them. They felt like he knew a lot of secret spiritual knowledge, he was chosen by god, and he had their best interests at heart, and it pleased god for them to follow them.

They believed he’d lead them through a righteous life free of the white man’s bullshit.

And for many of his followers - that was enough! He said cool shit, he was a man of god, a lot of other people seemed to understand and believe in York - peer pressure can go along ways towards conversion - and he made them feel good.

“Where are we heading, fearless leader!?! I like what you’re selling! I like being part of this little crew you’ve put together.”

He made followers feel like they’d just entered the club of life’s VIP section.

His followers, despite his ever-evolving and highly confusing theology - they trusted him whole-heartedly.

And having that trust enabled this piece of shit to molest kids as young as four. FOUR.

And get so many followers pregnant. He had an estimated two hundred kids of his own by women in his cult, many of them underage.

Young women seeing local doctors in Georgia because they were pregnant was what first tipped off local authorities to illegal activity going down on the Nuwaubian compound.

York was fucking damn near everyone on the compound.

He was living Fred West from two week’s ago’s ultimate fantasy - having a giant compound of people to fuck, not just a family and the occasional neighbor or stranger.

York assigned his male follower’s “mates” - but even then - he still fucked their wives whenever he wanted.

And how again did he get away with all this? How couldn’t they see what an insane, manipulative, and downright evil man Dwight York was?

I know I said charisma and confidence earlier - and that went a long ways. Black Supremacy also helped him a ton.

York was really, really good at promoting an ideal of black supremacy to the desperate and the downtrodden. To people who did not feel supreme outside of York’s orbit.

Let’s explore the concept of black supremacy groups a bit - haven’t done that since the Nation of Yahweh, another black supremacist cult.

Let’s check out how York, like Yahweh ben Yahweh aka Hulon Mitchell, junior, figured out to weaponize the suffering of black people throughout history to make them believe in a messiah figure.

An aspiring art student in Florida, Diallo Seabrooks, who fell for York’s bullshit would later say, “We’ve been taken advantage of so long, we’re always looking for some savior or messiah-type person.” Ultimately, though, Diallo said, “We were slaves. The only difference was, it was a black man running it.”

York preyed on the idea that no one would accuse a black man of enslaving black people - and he blatantly did just that.

These tendencies wouldn’t go unexplored by social scientists— who would do so as early as 1944, 11 years before Dwight York was born. Arthur Huff Fauset, a black journalist and scholar, wrote Black Gods of the Metropolis, Negro Religious Cults in the Urban North.

One of the cults he studied was the Moorish Science Temple, the forerunner to the . We’ll get to them in a bit.

In Fauset’s book, he found that black cults flourished in big northern cities, where they held almost no traction for black people in the south. This was because, despite segregation and in the south, it wasn’t uncommon to find black people who had been able to amass wealth and influence. Black people who moved to the north, on the other hand, were frustrated to find that the barriers to economic progress were only slightly lower than those in the south.

Fauset listed five factors, in order of importance, which he found attracted people to black supremacist cults:

1. Personality of leader

2. Desire to get closer to God

3. Racial or nationalistic urge

4. Dissatisfaction with Christianity

5. Miraculous cure

Decades after Fauset’s study, these factors worked to pull people into Dwight York’s cult— and sort of foretold its end. In an interview with one former member, she spoke of being disillusioned with her Christian church in part because the images of Jesus and the apostles were all white dudes. They didn’t look like anyone related to her. And when York spoke of a black Jesus and other black prophets - that imagery spoke to her.

And, in regards to Fauset’s belief that it was easier to attract black cult members in the North than it was in the South, York would have a lot of success in Brooklyn and upstate New York than he did shortly after heading to Putnam County, Georgia.

Also, when he was getting started, the time and place was right for the message he preached. York exploited racial tension in New York City in the 1970s.

In New York at that time, numerous militant Islamic separatist groups in New York were going to war with law enforcement, especially the Nation of Islam.

The Nation of Islam would be an important influence for Dwight York, who would adopt some of its teachings, and the environment the Nation of Islam created would allow York to commit his fucked-up deeds for so long.

We’ve summarized the teachings of the Nation of Islam numerous times in several sucks that have covered the Nation of Islam directly or indirectly.

Worth peeking at them again to get further primed for today’s info.

1. Nation of Islam: The Nation of Islam— sometimes known by its initials, NOI— is a religious organization founded by in the United States in 1930.

Since its founding in 1930, the NOI has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America, offering numerous programs and events designed to uplift African Americans.

While at first seeming like a group built on black - a good thing - the Nation of Islam preaches a lot of horrible and incredibly racist ideas.

Flip their ideology by replacing what they preach about blacks with whites and vice versa, and they’re not that different than the KKK in many ways.

At its core, the NOI has espoused and preached a muslim theology combined with a belief of the innate black superiority over whites – a belief system vehemently and consistently rejected by mainstream Muslims. - NOT a good dude - and other leaders have given speech after speech full of deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-gay rhetoric.

Doing so has earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate groups. nation-islam

Here’s a summary of some of their interesting beliefs:

The NOI claims that the creator God, Allah, took the shape of a black man, but then he died and has had several mortal successors. The Islamic prophet Muhammad being the most recent. It teaches that the first Allah created black people as the earliest humans, the Arabic-speaking Tribe of Shabazz, who themselves possessed inner-divinity.

It maintains that some fucked-up, Island of Dr. Moreau wizard- scientist named Yakub created the white race by some sort of grafting; lacking inner divinity, these new whites were intrinsically violent and evil - white devils - and they overthrew and enslaved the superior black race and were prophesied to rule for 6,000 years.

So - HOW exactly did Yakub “graft” a new race? That’s never made clear. Because MAGIC! If it don’t make sense, I guess it’s just MAGIC! Yippeeeee!

And HOW exactly did the new inferior race take over the world and overthrow the superior race? That’s never made clear either. More magic, maybe?

Similar to the overwhelming majority of other religious texts I’ve read - a lot of this shit is never explained because it just doesn’t make a lick of sense.

Someone wrote some weird shit down a long time ago, someone who wasn’t even a good writer, and ever since, people have just been expected to believe what can’t be proving, and what is, frankly, insulting logically. race/

The NOI sets itself against white-dominant society, calling for black people to be economically self-sufficient and separatist; it formerly called for an independent black state in North America.

It also - not sure I’ve covered this aspect before - has some interesting UFO beliefs. So that's fun. Toss some sci-fi into that old theology. Shake shit up. Make it more exciting for the kids reading Lovecraft and watching the Twilight Zone.

Believers maintain that the most recent incarnation of Allah will soon return aboard a spaceship, the "Mother Plane" or "Mother Ship," to wipe out the white race and inaugurate a black utopia.

And that….. fucking SUCKS!!!! C’mon, guys! Can you spare my family at least? Not all of them actually - but my core family and a few cousins and one aunt. We’re some of the good ones!

What a bummer.

I’ve been so excited to maybe see aliens someday for as long as I can remember. How sad if I were to finally watch their spaceship come down and I was like, “Welcome to Earth you guys! So excited to hear the galactic wisdom you likely have in store for us!”

And then some Dwight York looking alien steps off the ship and is like, “Shut the FUCK UP, white boy! Somebody kill that fool cracker! I didn’t fly across the galaxy to be greeted by his baloney and wet dog smelling motherfucker.”

I don’t know.

Maybe that belief isn’t SO crazy.

If you think about it, almost all of the people who’ve claimed to have been abducted and tortured by aliens - probed and all that - HAVE been white.

MAYBE - that’s because Black supremacist aliens have been targeting and sodomizing white people!


God I hope someone’s blue tooth malfunctions and their coworkers hear just that sentence with no context:


Anyway - NOI adherents meet to worship in buildings known as mosques or temples. Interestingly, they teach - or at least historically have taught - that there is no spiritual realm, and that the material universe is all that exists.

The NOI does not teach the existence of an afterlife; former leader who lead the NOI for over forty years - it’s most important theological influencer - wrote that "when you are dead, you are DEAD.”

They reject the existence of any spiritual essence or afterlife, but do believe that some of their leaders who’ve died here on Earth live on out on some spaceships.

So I guess some people get to live a long time I guess.

I don’t know. It’s really confusing honestly.

Like any religion that’s been around for any length of time, it’s beliefs just keep morphing and evolving and mutating and often end up becoming contradictory.

It’s hard to keep the narrative straight when it’s not a solid story to begin with and you keep making up so much confusing nonsense. know-about-the-nation-of-islam/

NOI practitioners are expected to live highly disciplined lives, adhering to strict dress codes, specific dietary requirements, and patriarchal gender roles.

NOI was considered an insignificant, if highly media-worthy, “voodoo sect” throughout much of the 1930s and 1940s. At least that’s how it was labeled by the white media.

Founder Wallace D. Fard - according to the FBI, other aliases include Farad Muhammad, Wallace Dodd, Wallace Ford, Wallie D. Ford, Wallei Ford and Wallace Farad - and his “messenger” and early successor Elijah Muhammad preached an ever evolving creed with its own changing myths and doctrines.

NOI’s real boom in popularity came during the 1950s, when the advent of the and the violent reactions it provoked converged to make NOI’s depiction of the “white devil” pertinent to a much larger segment of black America.

The NOI's influence then expanded greatly through gaining a couple high-profile members such as Muhammed Ali and .

Rather than settle for legal rights and integration into white society, The Nation of Islam demanded the cultural, political, and economic power to strengthen black communities so they could determine their own futures.

The movement spoke to many young African Americans in the growing counter culture movement.

Which does - not kidding now - actually make a lot of sense. That Rage Against the Machine vibe is gonna have a lot of pull on you if the machine really has been fucking up your family and damn near every other member of your race living in your country for the past few centuries. That message is gonna carry some legitimacy. Some fucking WEIGHT.

Appointed to the prestigious leadership of Harlem’s Temple No. 7 in New York City just two years after his 1952 release from prison, Malcolm X in particular became wildly popular, and his years as a prominent member of NOI, from 1952 all the way to 1964 -he left less than a year before being assassinated - saw membership skyrocket.

Despite it’s growing popularity, the Nation’s violent language and its advocacy of self-defense in place of alienated it from most mainstream civil rights groups. By 1959, Martin Luther King was warning of “a arising in our midst that would preach the doctrine of black supremacy.”

Obviously - he was taking about the Nation of Islam.

The NOI is still around today.

Not sure how many adherents there are. The most recent estimate I could find comes from 2007, when there was an estimated 50,000 members.

Today the group owns farmland in Michigan and Georgia. Goods produced on the farm are sold online and were sold recently at Your Supermarket, a grocery store in Atlanta, Georgia, that catered to NOI members before closing in 2019.

There are two other businesses called “Your Supermarket” elsewhere in Georgia. Can’t determine 100% if they’re connected to NOI or not.

To date, the group claims to own thousands of acres of land and is linked to a number of restaurants. Farrakhan’s personal net worth, as of 2017, was over $3 million. nation-islam

Now back to York.

How would this group influence him?

York would appropriate aspects of the Nation of Islam, making his own twists— like having sex with whomever he wanted—and relying on public tensions between white authorities and other Islamic groups to give him a free pass to do what he wanted.

The 1970s saw a lot of tension - and sometimes violence - between Black nationalist groups in NYC like the NOI. And York would benefit greatly from that division.

The FBI was active in sowing discord between the Nation and the , encouraging several incidents in which Black Panthers attacked NOI newspaper sellers.

The NOI also engaged in recurring conflicts with other Islamic groups that had predominantly black memberships. It argued with Hamaas Abdul Khaalis' Hanafi Muslim group, and in 1973 a group of Nation members actually killed seven Hanafi Muslims, five of them children.

The Nation's leadership would deny sanctioning this attack.

In contrast to this, York’s AAC group seemed relatively benign.

Also, conflicts between Muslim extremist groups and police would lead to law enforcement establishing more protection for Muslim communities— and people like York who claimed to be Muslim.

The wolf in sheep’s clothing was in the right place at the right time for his cult to grow.

The following incident would help York a lot.

In April of 1972, a patrol officer named Phillip Cardillo responded to a 911 call made from a Black Muslim mosque in Harlem. The caller identified himself as a police officer, giving a name and precinct number, and said he was in trouble.

The call was a hoax, but Cardillo wouldn’t know that before he raced into the mosque and was gunned down.

In public, the backlash played out much different than one might expect.

And it would allow people like Dwight York to get away with bullshit for a lot longer.

Civilians, many of them Black Muslims, said that the main issue was the policeman’s violation of the sanctity of the mosque. There were protest rallies around the city. Officials of the Nation of Islam demanded an apology for the police’s actions. There were also demands that the NYPD pull out all its white officers from Harlem.

Fucking insanity.

Louis X Dupree was arrested for killing Phillip Cardillo - and then acquitted. Calls for a police apology grew even louder. Unreal. How dare that officer get shot and killed trying to help a follow officer he thought was endangered in the mosque.

Police Chief Patrick Murphy actually issued a public apology for police intrusion into the mosque. The police department then instituted a set of policies spelling out the extra care that they would take in dealing with Black Muslims.

The new policies ordered that no patrol officer enter a mosque unless a commanding officer was present. Also, commanders were ordered to coordinate personnel with those in charge of the mosques, in order to establish guidelines for police behavior inside mosques.

Seventeen Muslim mosques and offices around New York were designated as “sensitive sites” where the new policies had to be observed. Besides the mosque, the sensitive sites included offices of groups like the Black Panther Party, the Young Lords, and the .

In 1979— York’s group would be added to this list. How lucky for him. York would basically get protection to do whatever he wanted because he was the leader of a supposedly “Muslim” group.

And then he took advantage of those calling for police reform and actual victims of racism to get away with committing all sorts of evil acts against his fellow black citizens.

His outward face of spirituality and non-militancy - as opposed to other black Muslim groups - even led local police to liking him.

They never suspected the heinous abuse he was pulling off in his cult.

In addition to pulling from NOI beliefs and taking advantage of a lot of fighting between black supremacist groups in the ‘70s, Dwight York also pulled some of his Newaubian theology from some New Age beliefs, plus a bit of Freemasonry and he added some conspiracy theories for good measure.

He did whatever he thought would keep his followers on the hook and whatever would allow him to operate as a more and more brazen sexual predator.

Now - before jumping into the timeline of his life and formation and life of his cult - where we’ll explore so much more of this in a bit more depth - let me give a brief overview of his group’s strange philosophies.

2. Nuwaubian Views:

The Nuwaubians - some are ACTUALLY still around despite York’s imprisonment and still believe this shit - refer to their belief system – which mixes black supremacist ideas with worship of the Egyptians and their pyramids, a belief in UFOs and various conspiracies related to the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers, as “Nuwaubianism.”

And they state that it’s not a theology, it’s a “factology.” What an obnoxious made up adjectives. They also call theif belief system “Right Knowledge,” and a slew of other stupid descriptive terms.

Luckily, the cult seems like it’s on its last legs. There are a handful of members in Hartford, Connecticut. And a few odd bookshops still sell York’s bullshit - like All Eyes on Egipt - in Bushwick, reportedly ran by Nuwaubians.

Check out a five star Google Review from March of 2021:

“A fascinating store filled with very interesting literature. I don't subscribe to the things written in their material, but I certainly had an insightful and thought-provoking conversation with some of the people who worked there. Everyone was kind and welcomed questions/curiosity. I even bought a few things to explore on my own.

The Nuwabians certainly have a distinct worldview that is very different from my own, but it is a very intriguing place.

The temple is absolutely beautiful, very lovely to see Blackness portrayed in a way I have never really seen before.”

Oh boy. At least a couple people are STILL at it! Still saying their crazy, kind of Islamic, Ancient Aliens black supremacy shit. in-2018-despite-the-horrific-events-explored-in-people-magazine- investigates-cults-9696929

The teachings of the Nuwaubians are built around the development of a “new” i.e “weird and totally made up and nonsensical” understanding of African American people - a project not unlike that undertaken of the Moorish Science Temple and the Nation of Islam previously.

York saw those groups whip up some self-serving theology and figured he could do about the same. And he did.

York drew a bit upon the Christian Bible and a lot from the Holy Qur'ān for an initial affirmation of Allah as Alone in His Power, the All, the Oneness.

Jesus is seen as the Messiah.

York taught that Muhammad, the last of the prophets in the lineage of Adam, passed his lineage to his daughter Fatima and son-in- law Ali.

Adam and Eve aka Hawwah, were Nubian aka black people.

Problems quickly developed for Adam's descendants in Noah's time. I bet they did. When you only have one dude and one lady to procreate an entire race of people - you’re gonna have some serious incest issues.

One of Noah's sons, Ham, desired to commit sodomy after having come upon his father in an unclothed condition.


This comes from Genesis 5:32, a verse usually interpreted as Ham seeing his dad naked when his dad’s drunk on wine. And he doesn’t know his son saw him until he sobers up.

York really ups the ante and jumps the sin from a bit of peeping up to some buttfucking, which Noah somehow didn’t know about until he sobered up.

That’s a weird, big leap to make.

And also - what’s going on with Noah’s butthole, here? Clearly, if York’s version is correct, Ham wasn’t Noah’s first anal rodeo.

I mean - how constantly stretched and gaped does your butthole have to be for someone to be able to sneak up on you when you’re drunk and ram it right in? I don’t think Ham popped that particular backdoor cherry.

For his sin of buggering his father, Noath’s fourth son, Canaan, was stricken with leprosy, thus acquiring a pale skin. And now all the light-skinned races are descendants of Canaan.

That’s literally not all how leprosy works, but whatever.

And then, an additional important step in human race hierarchy development came with Noah's descendent Abraham.

From Abraham’s son, Isaac, and grandson Jacob, came the Israelites. They were enslaved for 420 years in Egypt. From his son Ishmael came the Ishmaelites, or, the Nubians.

If you’re a biblical scholar and a lot of this doesn’t quite read right, that’s because York, like cult leaders are wont to do, took a lot of liberties with ancient texts. He’s “reinterpreting” a lot of theology here.

The Nubians now include the black people of the US, the West Indies, and other parts of the globe.

York asserted that it was predicted that they would be in for about 400 years at some point.

Because of their descent from Abraham, they are rightfully also called Hebrews, just as the modern Jews.

Echoes of fellow black supremacist cult leader Yahweh ben Yawheh’s theology here. almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/nuwaubians

All of this would be expounded upon in Dwight York’s books— of which there were SO many. Kind of. He was more of a pamphlet writer than a book writer. His pamphlets are often called books though.

You won’t find many on Amazon, or Goodreads, or any of the other large, traditional online bookstores, but I found literally twenty different York titles on this site called

Never used it before. It’s a subscription site, but, if you’re willing to pay 9.99, you can get pdfs of so much Nuawabian crazy.

You can read titles like, “Science of Healing” where York asserts that of course he can heal you because there is literally nothing he doesn’t know, writing: “For over 25 years to date, day in and day out, I have successfully and profoundly answered all questions put to me. I am not merely a religious teacher. I am also a guide, a friend, a father, a doctor - he’s not a doctor, by the way. Numerous sources have gone out of their way to point out that he just adopted that title with zero formal doctorate education. - A big brother and a teacher! I am your khalifat. Accept it of not for there is none more qualified to make straight your way to the creator.”

Dude was NOT shy when it came to making grandiose claims!

He doesn’t just have answers to LITERALLY EVERY QUESTION PUT OT HIM IN 25 FUCKING YEARS YOU IGNORANT IN-GRATE - he has PROFOUND answers. Hello! C’mon! Stop fucking around. Fuck your regular ol’ answers. Go profound or go home.

There’s also “The Egyptian Way to Overcome Bad Habits”, my personal favorite. A book-pamphlet CLASSIC.

It is jam PACKED with so much deep, hard-to-attain-on-your- own wisdom power-nuggets, like: “Very often, if you repeat something several times in the same way, you will have formed the habit. Doing it that way or this way always leads to doing things my way, me first. It becomes what is known as habitual, and if it’s disturbing to others you are called Obnoxious. This repeated action wins you the title of “pain in the butt.”

FUCKING GENIUS, Dwight! Holy shit you go deep man! Really solid insights there. I can see why a large cult formed around you. Always wondered how I could avoid become a “pain in the butt.” Now I get it. Thanks for the wisdom.

There’s also the all-time classic - probably taught in Ivy league theology classes write now: “666 Leviathan: The Best of the Antichrist: Part 1 of 4.”

Fuck yeah, bro! Noice! SO GOOD three sequels had to be written.

The beast on the cover has seven heads - and guess what - they’re all white people.

I really like how the 666 book opens:

“It has been customary in the past for me to include an introduction in the beginning of all pamphlets, and scrolls. This revised edition of Leviathan The Beast As the Anti-Christ contains so profound that I, Dr. Malachi Z. York 33 degree slash 720 degree, as well as you, will agree again, that….THIS BOOKS NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION!”

He doesn’t have TIME for intros. He’s got a jam-packed molestation schedule to attend to!

I like how he added some numbers to his title there, pulling from the Freemasons a bit. Not just Dr. Malachi Z. York anymore. He’s elevated himself. Continual improvement - one of the qualities I admire most about Dr. York.

He quickly goes on to say, “I must take a moment to mention that I have taught you of the existence of beings called extraterrestrials or extra beings on your planet called Terra now called Earth. Many times before, these beings that come from their home, the 8th planet rizq, of the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn, chose me to be born at exactly the right time. That is why my mother and relatives sighted the presence of the great starship on that Tuesday, at 12:00 midnight, on June 26, 1945 A.D.”

Reading down a little further, it doesn’t get any less crazy, as I’m guessing you would imagine.

I love how quickly he dives into alien jibber jabber in a book with such a strong Abrahamic religion title.

As also like how he says, “I must take a moment to mention that I have taught you…”

Feels like he’s throwing around some attitude here: “In CASE you forgot - might I remind you - that we’ve went over a LOT of this shit already. Getting a little tired of REPEATING myself. The beings from Rizq CHOSE ME to tell you what the fuck is going on, okay???

That’s why I wear the Egyptian pharaoh hat - ME - and you have to dress like extras in a western movie. ANY QUESTIONS? GOOD. MOVING ON.” Terrestrials-and-Creation-By-Dr-Malachi-Z-York

He really did have his followers dress like cowboys for awhile done in Georgia.

Back to all the pseudo-Islamic and kind of but not really Biblical basis for his race hierarchy and black supremacy beliefs now.

In many of these pamphlet-book he brings up all sorts of crazy “evidence” to support these race claims, like his pseudo-word meanings.

He does this weird thing in all his writings where he throws a parenthetical after a regular word, breaking it apart and revealing its “true” meaning - like he’s some brilliant linguistic detective exposing deeply hidden secrets.

Like the word believe - he breaks out into be-lie-eve: to lie to Eve’s children.

Don’t believe the white man - it’s all lies! He had to ad an extra e to believe to make that breakout work.

Caucasian he twists and breaks out to “Carcass-Asian,” meaning "Degenerated Asian”

Jesus - a combination of the words “Jah” - the Rastafarian name for god and “Zeus”.

Jesus is BLACK ZEUS if you haven’t up and read the race news.

Why haven’t you heard that before? ‘Cause white devils are hiding the truth from you - semantic enslavement! And if that doesn’t make sense to you, it’s because um… you’re white and stupid.

Tough break, cracker.

We could get into so much more here - and we will. The bulk of the insanity lies in today’s Timesuck Timeline…


… which we will explore right after this sponsor break.


Thank you for listening to those sponsors… crazy as Dwight York Nuwuabian Timeline time now…



III.Timesuck Timeline 1. June 26, 1945: June 26th, 1945. Starting with Dwight York’s birthday. Although, as we’ll soon learn, just about everything about Dwight York can be called into question.

Dude lied so much.

According to a birth certificate issued in the United States, Dwight D. York was born in Boston, Massachusetts on this date.

Other sources - likely fed lies by Dwight - list his birthplace as New Jersey, New York, , and even Takoradi, Ghana. And there are more origin stories.

Dwight loved to make up new identities and stories about himself to suit whatever new narrative he was pushing.

One area where he did a of story-telling was his ancestry.

He gave a variety of stories about his ancestry and birth, including his fav he was born in Omdurman, Sudan— which has also not been documented.

Officially, according to government documents, his parents are on the record as Mary C. York (née Williams), now also known as Faatimah Maryam, and her husband David Piper York.

But, of course, York had a different story.

On his mother's side, York described his maternal grandfather, Clarence Daniel "Bobby" Williams, as “an Egyptian Moor named Salah Hailak Al Ghala, a merchant seaman from a little village called Beluwla, in Nubia of Ancient Egypt.”


Gonna go with a hard nope there.

Guessing 23 and Me and Ancestry dot com would give him some problems with followers today if they felt like fact checking any of this.

Another genealogical tree he’d write about - likely of York’s invention - shows Bobby Williams' father as unknown and his mother as "Madam Decontee" of the Bassa tribe of Liberia.... but, once again, there’s no actual documentation outside of York’s claims to support this.

Also only according to York, his mom was nineteen when she went to Egypt from the US. There she began a relationship with a man named Al Haadi Abdur Rahman Al Mahdi, a prince of the royal family of Sudan.

Of course a prince! Always a prince. Never a part-time dockworker. Or a waste treatment assistant technician. Or a door-to-door yo-yo salesman of some shit. Always the noble birth.

York’s mom didn’t know about her boyfriend’s royal lineage, and when she found out and he was called back home, she was pregnant.

And THAT’S why he wasn’t raised in some kind of Aladdin Disney castle!

When she was in her ninth month, she went BACK to Sudan to meet the family, but wasn’t received well. This royal family was like, “Nah. Go on. Beat it.” Sounds likely.

And then her son was then born on August 12th, 1944, and despite being rejected, she gave him the royal name Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi.

The date and the name are important parts of this story York would weave about himself. He claimed his birth was exactly one hundred years after the birth of the man he claimed was his great-grandfather, the Madhi.

He got real into this dude.

In Sudanese history, the Mahdi - aka Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah - was a revered warrior and spiritual leader who formed a successful rebellion against the British. Many Muslims believe that he was Reformer, or Renewer of the Faith, and that person only comes along once in a century.

And Dwight preached he was the next reformer.

And there’s more to this guy and Dwight’s forced connections to him we’ll explore when it comes up again in the timeline.

Again, no documentation to support this.

Another place he’d love to make up stories was with his name. York claims that he was not given the name "York" - without a first name - until a month after his birth when he and his mother returned to Boston.

In Boston, she used the name “Dwight York” because her family didn’t want to recognize his Arabic name - according to York.

This claim was never supported by his parents David and Mary York - OR their four other children: David, Dale, Debra and Dennis.

Cult leaders don’t seem to have the closest relationships with their siblings, I’ve noticed. Hard to get them to go along with and properly substantiate their constantly changing, fabricated backstory.

York has claimed, again without documentation being found, that his father was descended from Ben York, an enslaved African American who took part in the Lewis and Clark Expedition from 1804 to 1806.

Dwight would then say that he was raised in Massachusetts until the age of seven, when he then went to Aswan, Egypt, to learn about Islam.

OR - he just went to public school in Boston. Or maybe that happened.

2. 1952: At age seven, in 1952, if we’re gonna believe that Dwight didn’t go to school in Boston, Dwight’s “biological dad” has a dramatic change of heart and calls him back to Africa.

He would write: "My grandfather, As Sayyid Abdur Rahman Al Mahdi, the Imaam of the Ansaars in the Sudan until 1959 AD, upon looking into my eyes foretold that I was the one who would possess 'the light.’”

This was apparently confirmation that Dwight was the foretold Reformer.

So, either that happened, or maybe around that time, a teacher back in Boston was like, “DWIGHT! Pay attention! If you keep this up, you’re gonna have to repeat the third grade!”

Something like that might be more likely.

York would write that he spent five years in Africa, raised by a man named Shaikh Hasuwn and an uncle on his father’s side.

3. 1957: Dwight claims he returned to the United States at age 12 in 1957, where he continued to study Islam under the tutelage of Shaikh Daoud, who was then the leader of the State Street Mosque in Brooklyn.

And then as an adolescent, he moved with his family to Teaneck, New Jersey.

This part - the part about living in Teaneck seems to be true.

There isn’t a lot of info about what he did at this time, but we learned some interesting things about Teaneck, New Jersey.

Teaneck in the 1960s was a hot spot for the Civil Rights Movement and organized efforts to desegregate schools and other public institutions.

Activist Theodora Smiley Lacey and her husband, Archie, left Louisiana for Teaneck in 1961. Some neighbors moved out after they moved in, and some locals strongly resisted the idea of black and white children learning side by side in local public schools.

Theodora and Archie were not discouraged by what they encountered in Teaneck, and instead decided to push for change.

The Laceys were part of a group that fought discriminatory housing practices and also banded together with like-minded Teaneck residents and educators to desegregate the township's schools.

They succeeded, with the school district becoming the first in the nation to integrate without a court order in 1964.

No doubt Dwight was influenced by all this.

I imagine the future cult leader saw the ways that people could band together around a good cause - desegregation.

He’d later co-opt this rallying around a common cause ethos for his own shitty ends. 2020/02/03/black-history-month-people-whose-civil-rights- activist-touched-nj/4500798002/

York wrote that on the weekends, while living in Teaneck, he’d visit Brooklyn, only 22 miles away, about a 45 minute bus ride - where he came under the influence of a man he called “Brother Love,” an Islamic man who lived in the same public housing project where his mother lived with York’s stepbrother and stepsisters.

No info regarding why he lived away from his mother. But I’m gonna say there’s an 80% chance this part is true or mostly true.

He would never mention graduating from high school, but would claim to have studied at universities in Egypt and Sudan.

Gonna go with 100% true on the not graduating from high school after reading some of his pamphlet-books. Gonna go with 100% NOT true regarding studying in Egypt or Sudan.

This true or not true game won’t go on forever, by the way - the older he gets, the more documentation there is on this slippery son of a bitch.

4. June 25, 1964: On June 25, 1964 - 100% true - Dwight York gets arrested for - no surprise here - statutory rape, for having sex with a 13-year-old girl when he was twenty-one.

Fucking creep is only given a suspended sentence and put on probation.

And of course, as he gets older, he doesn’t stop fucking thirteen year-olds. He just gets better at not getting caught for a long time.

5. October 24, 1964: He DOES get caught for some other crimes just a few months later. On October 24th, 1964, York gets arrested for assault, possession of a deadly weapon, and resisting arrest.

And his probation for the statuary rape is revoked and he spends the next three years in prison at Elmira Reception Center. nuwaubian-nation-moors

6. 1967: York is back on the scene in 1967. After being released from prison, he works for a time as a street peddler in Harlem, selling some pamphlet-books he’d written - always the crazy pamphlet-books with this guy - and other items including incense.

In 1967, York would also marry an American woman, Dorthy Johnson, who then took the Arabic named Zubadia.

And around this time, York starts picking up a handful of followers with black supremacist pseudo-Islamic talk, many of whom would then live in his and his wife’s apartment.

He calls himself “Imaam Isa,” like the title of a muslim prayer leader but with an extra “a.” Dude could not spell for shit. Truly. He wasn’t big on hiring an editor for his pamphlets. A lot of his titles and religious figures he writes about are consistently spelled incorrectly.

Maybe it was intentional - he also spends a lot of time in all the pamphlets I’ve read comparing “what you’ve been told is true” to “what I know is the REAL truth.” There could be a theme of the misspelled version being the “hidden, real” version.

His pamphlets combined elements of the Moorish Science Temple of America, the Nation of Islam, the Nation of Gods and Earths and Freemasonry.

He calls his first group “Ansaar Pure Sufi.” They styled themselves as a Sufi group and wear a uniform of black tunics.

And this is all going down in Bushwick now. Let’s revisit Bushwick a bit.

1. Bushwick:

To talk about Dwight York— and how he was able to amass such a following— we first have to get some context on the kinds of people that found him to be an inspiration.

In 1970, York started street preaching on the streets of Bushwick, Brooklyn.

And street preaching there was not uncommon at this time.

Bushwick is a working-class neighborhood in the northern part of the New York City borough of Brooklyn, bounded by the neighborhood of Ridgewood, Queens to the northeast; Williamsburg to the northwest; East New York and the cemeteries of Highland Park to the southeast; Brownsville to the south; and Bed-Stuy [bed sty] to the southwest.

Quick area history: In 1638, the Dutch West India Company secured a deed from the local Lenape [ len-uh-pee] people for the Bushwick area, and Peter Stuyvesant chartered the area in 1661, naming it Boswijck, meaning "neighborhood in the woods" in 17th-century Dutch. The English would take over many towns surrounding Manhattan, including Buswick, and united them under Kings County in 1683.

The town of Bushwick—which, along with Breukelen and Bedford, became incorporated as the city of Brooklyn on January 1, 1854—included present-day Williamsburg and Greenpoint.

When Bushwick was founded, it was primarily an area for farming food and tobacco.

As Brooklyn and New York City grew, factories that manufactured sugar, oil, and chemicals were built on the farmland.

Inventor Peter Cooper - guy who designed and built the first American steam locomotive - built a glue manufacturing plant, his first factory, in Bushwick.

Immigrants from western Europe soon joined the original Dutch settlers. Many of these immigrants were German and brought with them knowledge about brewing and bottling beer, making Bushwick into a hub for breweries, including "Brewer's Row"— 14 breweries operating in a 14-block area—by 1890.

The Bushwick Glass Company, later known as Brookfield Glass Company, established itself in 1869, when a local brewer sold it to James Brookfield. It made a variety of bottles and jars, as well as large numbers of glass electrical insulators for telegraph, telephone and power lines.

Recently, Bushwick has been flooded with young professionals, many of them white, from Manhattan.

In the wake of reduced crime rates citywide in recent years and a shortage of affordable housing in nearby neighborhoods like Park Slope and Williamsburg, these young people moved into converted warehouse lofts, brownstones, limestone-brick townhouses, and other renovated buildings in Bushwick— making communities of coffee shops, parks, art galleries and studios, and more.

But in Dwight York’s day, Bushwick was not so “gentrified.”

The demographic transition of Bushwick after World War II was similar to that of many Brooklyn neighborhoods. The U.S. Census records show that the neighborhood's population was almost 90% white in 1960, but dropped to less than 40% white by 1970.

During this transition, white-collar workers were being replaced by those migrating from the south. Later, numbers of Puerto Ricans and African Americans moved into homes in the southeastern edge of the neighborhood, closest to Eastern Parkway By the mid-1950s, migrants began settling in large numbers in central Bushwick.

There was also a change in the area’s economy.

Bushwick had long been a spot for breweries, but rising energy costs, advances in transportation, and the change to the use of aluminum cans encouraged many of the beer companies to move out.

Another contribution to the change in the socioeconomic profile of the neighborhood was the John Lindsey administration's policy of raising available rent for welfare recipients.

Lindsey was the mayor of NYC from 1966 to 1973.

Since these tenants could now bring higher rents than tenants would on the open market, landlords began filling vacant units with such tenants.

By the mid-1970s, roughly half of Bushwick's residents were on public assistance.

According to The New York Times, Bushwick was still "a neatly maintained community of wood houses" in the mid-1960s.

And then, within five years, it had become "what often approached a no man's land of abandoned buildings, empty lots, drugs and arson."


How much would that fucking suck if you were a lifelong Bushwick resident - you grew up in a neighborhood of working class people who cared about their lawns, who washed their cars in the driveway, who put in 40 hours a week - and then you’re able to buy a home in that same neighborhood as a young adult.

Like your parents, you care about your neighborhood and your neighborhood. You try to keep the street clean and safe for the kids - and then in just five years - a lot of your neighbors move out, new neighbors move in, and they bring a bunch of crime with them and now suddenly you don’t want to let your kids play out front. You don’t want them walking to school. Your property value plummets. You no longer recognize the working class neighborhood you grew up in.

My childhood neighborhood’s a fucking dump right now and it sucks.

When I was a kid in the 80s in Riggins, Idaho - living in the block called North Riggins, there was primarily an older crowd who cared about washing their cars, mowing their lawns, putting fresh coats of paint on their homes, planting flowers in their gardens - all that shit.

It was the final years of locals having made sawmill money. Of the town being a blue collar town.

People combed their fucking hair, brushed their teeth, took care of their properties, didn’t do a shitload of meth.

And then a lot of those people died.

And those who didn’t moved away. And a new crowd of people I call River Rats moved in and now many of these lazy fucking dirtbags have junk covering their lawns, peeling paint on their houses, overgrown or dead grass, nothing looks clean. THEY don’t look clean.

It’s like 100% of the pride - of the “Give a fuck” got sucked out of my old neighborhood, and it’s depressing.

Glad I don’t have to live there.

My grandparents built rentals in that neighborhood. Had a nice little house there. And then sold all those rentals because they got sick of dirtbag tenants destroying houses they’d built while also not paying rent.

Your environment matters. It affects you. And Bushwick’s environment took a nose dive in the “Let’s try and keep shit nice” department. The local environment went from one of hope and progress to hopelessness and despair.

By the 1980s, the area’s Knickerbocker Avenue shopping district was nicknamed "The Well" for its seemingly unending supply of hard drugs. Even through the 1990s, it remained a poor and relatively dangerous area, with 77 murders, 80 rapes, and 2,242 robberies in 1990 alone.

And those of course, those are just the reported crimes.

This would be the place where Dwight York would get his start, way back in 1970— a place riddled with drugs, crime, where hope of anything getting better on a social level felt far, far away.

Hopelessness and desperation go hand-in-hand - and if you know anything about cults - desperation is what they feast on. Much easier to swindle the desperate than the satisfied.

7. 1968: In 1968, now twenty-seven year-old con artist Dwight York changes the name of his group to the “Nubian Islamic Hebrews.”

They now exchange their tunics for African robes.

Kicking the pageantry up a notch. Evolving into whatever York thinks he sell easier.

8. 1970-1973: From 1970 to 1973, York make several trips to Africa - to Sudan and Egypt in particular. This is actually true.

Gotta built up some black supremacy legitimacy if he wants to take his cult to the next level.

Can’t preach a bunch of Africans are better than everyone else rhetoric and not spend any time in Africa.

In 1973, while traveling in Sudan, York met and married another woman, Fatimah. They had two children together.

And what about his first wife? Dorthy Johnson aka Zubadia, who he’d married in 1967?

I can only assume they’re still married and that his marriage with Fatimah is not legally recognized in the US. Could not find a marriage record for her. Or a divorce record for Zubadia. Dwight would later definitely preach a belief in polygamy - so it would not be out of character for him AT ALL to take a second wife here and keep the first one.

LUCKY LADIES! Married to a narcissistic polygamist convicted pedophile with a god-complex and the delusions of grandeur that come with that. What a CATCH!

On these trips, York met and persuaded descendants of Mohamed Ahmed Al-Mahdi's family - the Sudanese 19th century revolutionary - to finance him to set up a cell of their Umma Party organization in the United States.

This is interesting and ties back to a historical figure we met earlier.

The Umma Party is an African Islamic political party - and their leader had been Prime Minister of Sudan from 1966 to 1967, when he was dethroned in a political coup.

York was given an untold amount of funding to set up a "west" or "American" political wing of Sudan's Ansar movement under Sadiq al-Mahdi - head of that Umma Party.

Once back in the states, York really pushed his claim of his "Sudanese" roots in order to authenticate his American branch of the sect.

How much money was York given? I don’t think the amount matters. Sadiq al-Mahdi was giving him something far more valuable for a cult leader than cash - legitimacy.

Also - I should mention that Sadiq al-Mahdi was fucking insane. I’m sure that’s why he and Dwight got along. Sadiq actually just died from Covid complications at the age of 84 this past November.

The Ansar movement he was the leader of was a Sufi religious moment in Sudan - Sufi being a type of Islamic mysticism - whose followers were disciples of Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah - that revolutionary York tied himself to with the reimagining of his birthplace and date.

And that revolutionary claimed to be the Mahdi.

And the Mahdi - Arabic for “the rightly guided one” is a messiah figure, who, according to some Muslim’s beliefs, primarily Sunni and Shia - will appear at the end times to rid the world of evil and injustice. Much more than just the reformer I mentioned him to be earlier.

According to doctrine, he’ll show up just before Jesus - Asa in Islam, not the son of god but a prophet - and the two of them will tag team the Antichrist in an apocalyptic battle. And then the Madhi will rule the whole world for seven years, and then Jesus will rule for 40 years, and then, well, I don’t fucking know.

This shit is crazy and interpretations of this craziness keep twisting and morphing and so many groups have put their own spin on it and shit like this is why people did in religious wars. They can’t agree on which version of their “what the fuck are you people even talking about gibberish?” is correct.

Did I mention Sadiq Al-Mahdi also hate the whites? Yes. The Umma Party was built on Islam and also on - get the fuck out of here, you oppressive British bastards. And take the rest of the whites with you.

9. Early 1970s: In the early 1970s, back from Africa, York’s group changes its name to the "Ansaru Allah Community.”

Ansaru. Sounds a lot like Ansar doesn’t it? Binding himself to the Umma party’s Ansar movement.

Dwight’s AAC purported to follow orthodox Islam and changed their garb to traditional Islamic dress.

The AAC was a messianic, millennialist, purportedly Muslim group that quickly became well known among other NYC Black nationalist and Black Muslim groups at the time.

They were also quite different from many of the other Black Nationalist groups at the time.

For one thing, they weren’t militant— at least not on the surface. The AAC didn’t engage in the hostile sectarian and political rhetoric used by some groups of Islamic Arabs.

York found a good niche for people who wanted a separatist community but didn’t want the militancy. York’s son remembered him saying: “I got this new thing— Black Power Mixed with clean living.”

All the racism, none of the violence!

York’s success in growing his own group came from his natural gift of salesmanship, which he used to sell his own quasi- religious tracts on the streets of black neighborhoods from Brooklyn to Harlem.

We’ve covered numerous cult leaders who started off as street preachers.

Tony and Susan Alamo did a fair amount of street preaching. David Berg - that super creepy pedo-fuck from the Children of God cult - he did a good chunk of street preaching.

Makes me think of those weirdos wearing billboards and carrying bullhorns in Times Square or Venice Beach or in other downtowns all across the world, Westboro Baptist Church types yelling “Repent Now! The Anti-Christ is Here! Hell Fire Awaits Those Who do not submit to the power and mercy of the Lord!”

I always think - “what a fucking a lunatic!” when I see those people. “What a good way to waste your life!”

And I bet most other people think that too…. but not everyone.

And those who don’t think that are the street preacher’s bread and butter.

Those street preachers know how to play that number game. You yell at a 1,000 people, you’re probably gonna get 999 hard passes. But that doesn’t matter because you’re also gonna get one yes. Might be one yes in 2,000 or maybe 5,000 - but that’s okay. They have grit. Tenacity. Perseverance.

They understand it’s not about all the thousands who say no - it’s about the handful who say yes. And sometimes, that handful can build into hundreds or even thousands of disciples.

For years, York would only have a handful of followers. But those followers were dedicated, and they would help him gain so many others later.

His community was small enough for most of the male followers to sleep on the floor of York and his wife Zubaida’s apartment.

Once they settled in Bushwick and started going by the AAC and forging relationships with local authorities, who were happy to have a non-confrontational, non-violent Muslim group in the neighborhood - things really started to change.

The blocks where the AAC lived became an oasis of safety in the crime-ridden neighborhood— people would even purposefully park on the AAC’s streets because they knew they were safe.

The police were happy to let the AAC do their own policing, because at the time, the section of Bushwick needed all the help it could get.

The center of the AAC was in the 400 block of Bushwick Avenue, a few blocks from the intersection of Bushwick and Broadway, where elevated trains rattled over the streets and low-rent shops cluttered the blocks.

Thought the 1970s, the AAC flourished, expanding beyond Brooklyn to communities in at least a dozen major American cities.

They got bigger than Keith Raniere’s recent Nexivm Cult. Another cult we’ve covered that originated in New York.

According to former follower Saadik Redd, York had between 2,000 and 3,000 followers during the 1970s.

Their headquarters remained in Bushwick for years, and York eventually had 500 people living in about twenty apartment buildings that he owned.

Once he obtained the building, he had it painted white with green trim to match his other buildings. He was building a commune of sorts, right in Brooklyn.

The AAC operated bookstores, gift shops, a clothing store, and even a grocery store - all next to each other. AAC chapters were then founded not only in several other U.S. cities, but also abroad in Trinidad, London and .

It was looking for a moment like they might give Scientology a run for their money.

How were they funding all of this?

In typical cult fashion, followers paid for almost all of it starting with money they earned by saying goodbye to their old lives and selling all their shit.

AAC members in Brooklyn were asked to surrender all of their possessions, live in York’s barracks-style apartments, and then work for free. Many were given a daily income quota of $25 to $100, which they had to reach by begging or selling literature or incense.

And then they were fed cheap food and placed in crowded apartments. Good way to quickly expand your business. Your per-employee labor costs tend to be on the real, REAL cheap side of things when you run a cult.

The literature AAC men sold - some of that top shelf theology I read from earlier - not raised money for York and his group, it also promoted the AAC and encouraged readers to come to hear York preach.

When people came to York’s part of Bushwick, many were impressed. They saw a village of Muslim commerce and spirituality.

At Ansar Needle Trades shop, people could purchase “the garb of the righteous,” including Moroccan robes, fabric, men’s tunics, kaftans, prayer caps, scarves, and more.

That shit was all the rage for some in the 70s. Felt so raw. Underground. Real.

At Sum Things gift shop and bookstore, people could buy Arabic-numeral watches, plants, games, leather goods, and, of course, a wide selection of York’s books.

So exotic and new and different and exciting.

The Turban Jewel shop offered a selection of pendants, earrings, broaches, bracelets, and nose rings. Your Community Market stocked groceries like Halal pizza, Philly-style hoagies, and Islamic and Hispanic pastries.

Outsiders were impressed. And now York was making money hand-over-fist.

In 1989, Newsday columnist Jimmy Breslin would write a column about the difference between York’s blocks and the rest of Bushwick:

“Outside, the street was tranquil, the carnations and roses turning the air sweet. The men in white watched. The woman walked by with their faces covered. Agree with how they live or not, they run the one sidewalk in the City of New York where there is no such thing as drugs.”

1. Dwight York the Rock Star

And while all of this was going on— Dwight York was not only leading a cult. He was also trying to become a rock star!

Cult leaders wanting to be rock starts. Holy shit. This comes up so fucking much.

David Koresh - Branch Davidian Cult leader - he was way into wanting to be a rock star. Remember that? Start at :37 End at :55.

There sure was a mad man living in Waco.

And there was Charles Manson. Look at your game, girl!: PLAY AT BEGINNING until around :35

There was also Tony Alamo - trying to make it as a pop star under the name of Marcus Abad.

PLAY FROM BEGINNING scvhistory/alamo_littleyankeegirl.htm

That was a terrible song, but not Father Yod bad from the Source Cult. Who could forget Father Yod’s Ya-ho- Way 13? PLAY FROM 11:50 - 12:12

That little bit of ear candy is called “Little Doggie.”

Even Marshall Applewhite from the Heaven’s Gate cult had a single hit the charts. Song called “I Gotta Try” Start at 1:11 - Play through 1:27

Okay, maybe that last one wasn’t Applewhite, maybe that was Michael Motherfuckin’ McDonald singing I Gotta Try, but you get the idea.

Hail Triple M!

Everyone wants to be a fucking rock star - including cult leaders.

During the 1970s, York was, as I mentioned earlier, in a disco/RnB band called Passion. He was the lead singer.

He downplayed the sexual nature of the band’s name, saying it was supposed to mean the passion suffered by Jesus.

I wish you could see the album cover from their record. So sexual. Close up photo of the greased up side of a woman’s hips and butt, a dude’s hand on one cheek, and his other reaching up to grab where her hair would be. As if he was, I don’t know, hitting it from behind.

But it was all about Jesus. Uh huh.

And why is he talking about Jesus so much when he claims to be Islamic? Just blending whatever he wants. Whatever he thinks will work.

He would actually claim that the entire band was a religious endeavor - he wanted to get the attention of young people, expose them to Islam, and convert them to the AAC.

What a bunch of bullshit. Here’s a snippet from their biggest single, 1982’s “Don’t Stop my Love.” Is this all about Islam and religious conversion…. or wanting to fuck some lady he has the hots for? Play at 2:10 through 2:50

I do have to say - I think he might be the best vocalist of all the cult leaders we’ve covered so far.

York would say, of his music:

“I do not enjoy dressing up in Western-style clothes and being in the company of alcohol, cigarettes, and fornication. But as a doctor, I must go where the sick are.”

Dude knew how to rationalize to his followers doing whatever he wanted.

He’d take this doctor thing further, giving himself the stage name Dr. York, and sometimes… Dr. Love.

Passion performed at many schools and civic functions, and York got letters of commendation from people like Wilson Goode, the mayor of Philadelphia, and from the New York City public school system.

And then he just kind of hung on to that doctor title, and let followers think his jibber jabber must be true - he’s a DOCTOR!

He was so committed to making it as a big r&b singer, he even built a professional recording studio in Bushwick.

In one of his texts, he claimed that many musical stars had passed through his studio, where he’d tried to “save them from the devil,” including people like Stevie Wonder, Kool and the Gang, The O’Jays, Nancy Wilson of the Supremes and Bob Marley.

He also claims he’d influenced Queen Latifah, Public Enemy, and L L Cool K.

I’m guessing, GUESSING, they would feel differently if interviewed - if they could even remember who Dwight York was.

His name doesn’t appear in the liner notes for any of their albums as far as we can tell.

Don’t remember Queen Latifah thanking Dr. York in her 1995 grammy acceptance speech for best Rap solo performance.

2. Crime and Reality

Did York really make enough money off of his businesses and the slave labor of his followers to not only run a cult and buy up a bunch of businesses, but also fund his dreams of musical fame?

Not exactly.

It would come out after he was arrested that the remarkable growth of the AAC didn’t come entirely from the money brought in by street peddlers.

A 1993 report from a domestic terrorism unit of the FBI found that some of the real estate expansion had been fueled by fire.

Fires that some of Dwight York’s followers may have set.

The report cited eight instances of arson, the general pattern being that when York wished to acquire a property, but the owner was reluctant to sell for a lowball offer. There would THEN be a suspicious fire at the property.

And then Dwight would buy it at auction.

No one was ever arrested in any of these cases.

Members of the AAC also used strong-armed tactics to extort money from businesses outside of the community.

One tactic they had was telling store owners that their present security contractors were inadequate. If the business refused to hire them as security contractors, they would send people to rob the business until they got a $5,000 per week contract.

Took a page from the mob here. Dude was a fucking gangster when he wanted to be.

There were also bank robberies. Approximately twenty bank robberies were attributed to a group called “the Shotgun Gang.” The members of this gang were all also AAC members, but the FBI was unable to trace any of the proceeds of the Shotgun Gang back to Dwight York or the AAC.

Looks a bit suspicious.

There were also less violent means used for AAC endeavors, but bringing in cash was everyone’s job. If they didn’t bring back cash, group leaders turned the violence back on the members themselves.

In Brooklyn, men went out and sold books and incense on the street. They were expected to bring back around $100 a day— and if they didn’t, they got a beating.

Women worked in the community, in the shops, offices, or caring for children. They also generated money for the group through welfare fraud. Some of the women were told to apply for welfare using their American names and different addresses. Another scheme was having a pregnant woman share samples of her urine with women who were not pregnant to fake a pregnancy and get public assistance benefits from it.

Damn. That’s some next level working the system there.

The main idea was to sell York’s pamphlet-books, though. You know - because they were so, SO GOOD.

By the late 1980s, York claimed to have authored more than two hundred religious and idealogical books.

It’s easier to pump pamphlet books out fast if you don’t use an editor and just publish your rough drafts.

Here are some fun titles I didn’t mention earlier:

Is God A Wimp?

The Fallacy of Easter

Santa Or Satan?

Was Christ Really Crucified?

Who, What, And Where Is The Devil?

Christianity: The Political Religion

The Sex Life of A Muslim

Did The Hog Come For Mankind?

Haven’t had a chance to read the undoubtable page-turner that is “Who, What, And Where Is The Devil?” but I’m gonna guess that Who is white dudes. And what and where are different groups of whites.

What an odd, multi-faceted dude. Low-down gangster, weird theology slash sci-fi author. Wanna- be R&B star. Fake prophet. Pedo.

The many books York wrote were printed on inexpensive paper stock, in black and white. One woman who asked York why the books were printed on such poor quality paper received the answer that if the books fell apart, the customers would buy new ones faster.

Interesting business logic. Not sure that normally works. Not sure Starbucks would try that.

“Boss - I have a genius idea! WHAT IF - and hear me out - I think we should start serving our drinks in really, REALLY flimsy cups that completely disintegrate in no more than 15 minutes.

I know, I KNOW …… that means that in 15 minutes or less, our customers are going to lose their drinks, they’ll spill all over them, or their vehicles, or their desks. And yeah - that might make ‘em mad.


And that might not seem good - BUT - and here’s the genius part - then they’re gonna need to buy MORE coffee and we just sell them another cup that ALSO DISINTEGRATES and we just keep that non- stop-buying-train chugging along!


Clear out my desk? Huh. Really not the repsponse I was expecting.”

It’s hard for me to fathom how he could sell so many of these books.

As you gathered from the samples I shared earlier, they are REALLY not well written.

Here’s a reminder. The following excerpt comes from another Dr. Malachi Z. York CLASSIC piece of IMPORTANT LITERATURE, titled - Extraterrestrials and Creation: Play from beginning.

“Those Who Fell Down, Nephileems To The Planet Earth in That Same Period Of Time Were The Shaggy Giants; Seirians, Genus-Homo, From The 6 Sun 6 Star Constellation Orion, The Disagreeable Eloheem After The Rape Of The Adamite Dogon Tribe’s Daughters, The Sons Of The Agreeable Eloheem Anunnaqi, 23 Serapheem From Rizq, The 8th Planet In The 19th Galaxy Called Illyuwn, Were Sent Here To Breed Amongst The Mortals, When They Had Sexual Intercourse With The Daughters Of The Adamites And Gave Birth To Children With A Dual Nature Homo- Erectus. These Ghibbore “Mighty Ones” Were Very Powerful Because They Were The Sons and Daughters Of The Eloheem Anunnaqi, Who Had Existed For What It Seems To Be An Eternity. 600 Anunnaqi Had Come To The Earth From Out There By 12 Ships of 50 Passenger Ships Out Of The Mother SHip Called Nirbiru.” Extra-Terrestrials-and-Creation-By-Dr-Malachi-Z-York


Soooo…… what the fuck was that you just heard?

That was Dr. York’s interesting, very creative, and supposedly “correct” translation of Genesis 6:4 from the Bible. Full of so many misspellings by the way. SO many. I read the words as they were spelled. And also - every single word was capitalized. I can’t overemphasize how bad of a writer he is.

Here’s the New Living Translation of that same verse he just translated: “In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.”

And here’s the classic King James version:

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

So, you know, it seems like he added a fair amount of shit there. search=Genesis%206%3A4&version=NLT search=Genesis%206%3A4&version=KJV

This make me imagine York working side by side with say, a Japanese translator for some American, English speaking business guy who wants two translators for some reason.

And a Japanese businessmen says in Japanese, “We’re happy to announce we’d like to move forward with the acquisition as long as the audit doesn’t turn up anything unexpected.”

And the first translator just repeats exactly that in English.

And then Dwight, who doesn’t even speak Japanese, gives his take on it: “He says, ‘We will be implementing a Stargate intergalactic portal transport system as soon as possible, followed by time traveling to ancient Babylonia to harvest anunnaki [ah new knock ee] adrenochrome that we can pair with tech advances from the future to allow human conciseness to be transferred into the digital space and then downloaded into a synthetic humanoid form - a vessel properly built for cosmic exploration by black and only black nubian astronauts.’

So.. yeah… that’s what he REALLY said. And, I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus, but, I really feel like my coworker missed a lot of important details in his translation.’

The content of these books, obviously, is utter bullshit.

Seeing them makes them seem even dumber.

Random sentences capitalized or bolded.

York alternates quotes from the Bible with the Qur’an. Sometimes they seem Christian based. Sometimes Islamic. Sometimes Jehovah’s Witness. Sometimes illuminati type conspiracy-based.

He was all over the place!

The most-sold book he wrote was a forty-four page tract called 666 Leviathan. That first of that four-parter I read an excerpt from earlier.

That book’s main thrust is presenting an argument that the white race is inherently Satanic. Obvi.

It says that the white man had convinced Black people that they had a chance for freedom if they made enough money - but there would be no freedom given.

It found a receptive audience among those who thought they were shut out economically from access to the American Dream.

Sadly, those who joined York’s cult would soon find out that white America had nothing on the AAC when it came to oppressing African Americans.

Men and women lived in separate buildings; when they wanted to have sex, they were forced to ask permission to use a designated room. Sex with one’s spouse was a privilege granted ONLY when one’s duties had been performed satisfactorily.

But York could fuck you or your wife whenever.

York used the group as his personal harem. He was effectively able to have sex with any woman in the cult. He allegedly impregnated many of these women, possibly around 200 before it was all said and done, including many who were underage.

York - like so many cult leaders - so obsessed with sex.

Dude even wrote a sort of sex manual, a 1980 book entitled The Sex Life of a Muslim. It was mostly a glossary of sexual terms and practices— and not practices that conform in any way with Muslim ideology.

For example, he spends eight pages defending the practice of anal sex.

Thanks again to for having this pdf. Holy shit.

Check out another excerpt. And remember - this is supposed to be a GODLY, religious book-pamphlet.

PLAY v=4fzBTxtDM-U&t=1489s Start at 48:58

“The technique for anal sex is different from ordinary penetration. With the female kneeling, head well down, carefully lubricate the glans penis, with can be done with any type of baby oil or vaseline. Insertion into the anus must be done gradually, not as one would do in the vagina (thrust) Place the glans to the area and press gently and steadily, while the female “bears down” so you can enter. Proceed slowly into her… the male can work on her breasts and clitoris meanwhile.

Once tried it may become a part of your sex menu.”

PRESS STOP Sex-Life-of-a-Muslim

I love that he writes that you can can work on her breasts meanwhile.

Imagine your pastor, if you have one, reading you this shit at church - which isn’t that different from York writing it in a religious book for his followers.

“Hey fellas, when your slowly pushing your baby- oiled dick into a lady butt - maybe throw them titties some love, you know? And remember - just because you’re a good muslim, that doesn’t mean you can’t work that clit while you’re knocking on that rear pussy door. Enjoy eating off the back page of that sex menu! Praise be to Allah! ”

Anal sex is forbidden in traditional Islam, by the way.

This book has nothing to do with Muslim doctrine.

I’m guessing you knew that, but wanted to make it clear.

In this same book, York also defines pedophilia, the crime that would eventually bring him down, as a white plot to destroy black children.

And he sanctions polygamy.

He also lists some interesting virtues Muslim women, must possess, writing “Always, she be Clean; Always, She Be Smelling Good.”

Just like Allah said, ladies, “Always, She be Smelling Good. One of God’s LEAST FAVORITE things is a stinky front butt. He hates false idols, adulterers, blasphemers, murderers, and stinky front butts, not necessarily in that order. A MEN.

10. 1979: Let’s get back to some dates now, jumping back in at 1979.

The AAC may have been responsible for a murder this year — or really, several murders— which often leads to a cult being brought down.

But that wouldn’t be the case for the AAC.

On the morning of April 19th, 1979, Horace Green drove away from his single-family brick home on Bushwick Avenue, just down the block and across the street from the AAC mosque.

Horace was the founder and head of the Bushwick Improvement Society and the go-to guy for any residents who had any complaints about AAC members.

Horace drove three blocks to the community and day-care center he operated on Hart Street. It was about seven AM.

As soon as he got out of the car, a man jumped from a hiding place behind a dumpster and shot Horace four times in the back.

The man stumbled past eyewitnesses as he ran away.

They told police he had a beard, a knee-length black coat, a black cap and pants, and a silver earring in his left ear.

The police investigation would stall and then peter out. At first, some people— including Cora Green, Horace Green’s widow— thought that it would be too obvious that the killer was an AAC member. She thought that someone was dressing up like them to throw suspicion on the group.

No one could think of why Horace Green had been shot. He was a member of the district planning board, a vice president of the Community School Board, a board member of a council that governed the area’s Boy Scout troops, amongst other things. He was well-liked by everyone.

Well, almost everyone.

Turns out that Horace had recently used his position on the planning board to oppose the AAC’s plan to buy an abandoned hospital and convert it to housing for their members.

And that decision, I think, cost him his life.

The case went cold for awhile before winding up on NYPD homicide detective Bill Clark’s desk— who couldn’t believe everyone had ignored what seemed like a neon sign pointing to the AAC.

But he couldn’t question anyone involved in the AAC.

That damn NYC “sensitive site” policy required that he not only make an appointment in advance to see with York but also that the meeting should take place on York’s turf.

Clark had to arrange to be accompanied by a community relations officer, too.

Due to all these obstacles, Clark ended up closing his investigation.

And then, nearly twenty years later, in 1998, an FBI intelligence report on York identified the person they believed to be Horace Green’s murderer— one of York’s most trusted aides. Roy Savage.

This dude was cold fucking blooded. Truly lived up to his name. Savage as FUCK.

Gonna take a real interesting and disturbing AAC side road for a bit now.

Shortly after the murder of Horace Green, Roy Savage, or Hashim as he was known to the AAC, moved out of an AAC building in Brooklyn.

Savage moved to Newark, New Jersey, and he took three women from the AAAC with him. His cult wives.

Savage forced them to sell incense and oils on the streets of Newark. These sales allowed them to live in a luxury apartment.

The woman who made the most sales was allowed to sleep with him that night. York taught him well.

When a family member of one of the women confronted him about abusing her, Savage made the woman lick the sidewalk in front of her relatives.

Dude was a real dirty motherfucker. Just like his mentor.

One night in September 1983, Carolyn Hubbard, one of Savage’s wives, did something Savage thought was disobedient.

A fight started, and Savage went into a rage and ended up stabbing Carolyn in the neck… and killing her.

Another woman, Jackie Cobb, tried to intervene and for that… she got stabbed to death as well.

An eight year old girl named Hausakimah, the daughter of Carolyn’s sister Cheryl, was there at the time of the killings.

Savage yelled at her to go to the bedroom, while he dragged the bodies into the the bathroom and butchered the corpses. Cheryl Hubbard then helped with the cleanup of her sister’s body.

Savage hacked the two bodies into pieces, then packed the parts into suitcases.

To terrorize the remaining women into silence, this motherfucker actually cooked some of the body parts in the stove and made them eat bits of their former roommates’ flesh.

To distract from the smell, he lit over a hundred scented candles in the apartment.

A couple days later, he loaded up the suitcases and took them down to his car. The security guard in the lobby wrote in his logbook: “Stink! Stink! Stink!”

But beyond that, he sadly didn’t do or report anything.

He took the staircases to an apartment in Harlem, then proceeded to party. Who IS this guy? Acting real casual for a dude with a few suitcases full of murder victim body parts in his possession.

He then tried to buy some drugs but the deal went bad and he was thrown out of a second-story window at this party. He got a concussion and was hospitalized. Too bad he didn’t die when he hit the ground.

Meanwhile, smoke from the candles was billowing out of Savage’s apartment window and someone called the fire department. When firefighters put out the candles one of them noticed a suitcase with weird fluids seeping out of the bottom, but - he didn’t do anything about it.

Meanwhile, someone went to the hospital to tell Savage that the fire department had been at his house. Savage then pulled out his IV and rushed back home, wearing nothing but his hospital gown. After seeing this strange man moving suitcases, a neighbor got suspicious and called the police. The police then found bloodstains in the empty apartment, but no bodies.

He’s still getting away with it.

Savage had taken at least one of the suitcases back to Newark, to a public housing project that was being decommissioned. Three people on the elevator with him noted the horrible smell, but they also did nothing and reported it to no one.

Two or three days later, residents in the apartment building complained about the smell. A maintenance man found the suitcase, took it downstairs and tossed it into a dumpster. The suitcase popped open and finally someone is like, “Holy shit. I should probably call the police.”

Finally authorities are notified and Detective Eustey from Newark PD is brought in.

He tracks down Cheryl Hubbard and Cheryl’s daughter to a neighborhood in Morningside Heights called “Little Newark.” People there told him about the AAC in Bushwick, and they also told him that the woman of the AAC were basically held as slaves, with Dwight York known as “the pimp man.”

But once again, any investigation of the AAC gets held up by the NYPD, who allowed York to forbid Eustey from going into their buildings.

But Eustey, a black officer, figures out another way to get in.

He simply put on a robe and walked in like he was a member.

Bingo bango! Nice thinking officer Eusety.

Inside, he finds Cheryl, explains to her her legal situation, and gets her to agree to have her daughter become a witness for the prosecution.

And she follows through - and Officer Eustey gets Savage convicted to life in prison.

Hail Nimrod!

Crazily— Cheryl Hubbard - after helping convict Savage - will visit him in prison. Still loved the psycho who slaughtered her sister in front of her daughter and fed her some of the body.

And this guy - was part of York’s inner circle.

York now tries to minimize his association with Savage.

Meanwhile, three former members of the AAC will later tell investigators that Savage frequently wrote letters to York from prison, most of them barely coherent expressions of undying loyalty to York.

Unfortunately, York’s connection to Savage and those three murders that shed light on York being known in the area as a “pimp” will not bring York and his cult down.

11. 1980s: In the early 1980s, York, now in his late 30s, really focuses on his music career. He performs as vocalist with three different groups: Jackie and the Starlights, the Students, and Passion.

He launches his own record label named Passion Productions, and records as the solo artist "Dr. York."

His debut release was the single "Only a Dream" from that sweet, sweet album we heard a preview of earlier - New…. York.


His musical career doesn’t explode, but "Dr. York" and Passion Productions do get advertised in the May 4th, 1985, issue of Billboard magazine.

He made it a little farther than David Koresh, Manson, and the others.

12. 1983: Backing up to 1983, York’s cult moves its headquarters from Bushwick to Sullivan County, New York, to a site they call Camp Jazzir Abba. 115 miles north.

Near the town of Parksville in the Catskill Mountains, York had bought an 80-acre property for $145,000 that became their camp.

According to one of York’s sons, he spent about $5 million to build a mansion on the land, complete with a swimming pool and… of course…a recording studio.

Gotta stay focused on making that silky music!

York ordered that his main house be built with a wing encompassing two trailers, where the women and children would be housed. And a secret passageway was built between them so he could in whoever he wanted to have sex with.

There were virtually no full-time neighbors, but across the lake bordering the property was a hunting and fishing lodge owned by Phil Mullins.

Phil noticed that there wasn’t any sign of the new occupants’ religious affiliations— certainly nothing to suggest that they were Muslims.

York, and the rest of the group, were already moving away from their Islamic ideology.

They did erect some Native American-style totem poles, though.

Uh…. interesting.

He also notices that the men of the group seemed to have an obsession with guns. Frequently, he heard sustained bursts of gunfire fro the woods.

Fun neighbors.

Besides the guns, York also started messing around more openly with girls.

Phil Mullins and other local residents were starting to become suspicious about the number of girls and young women that could be seen around the camp. They arrived by van and lived in trailers attached to the house, but you’d never see them in town.

In the group, these girls were known as the Backstreet Girls— the ones York had allowed to spend extra time and have extra privileges at his recording studio in Brooklyn, called Backstreet.

At a basement room at Backstreet, the girls were free from the women who normally babysat them. They got to wear regular clothes, even sort skirts, and sometimes have boys join them.

One girl named Aldura was blown away by the culture at Backstreet— it was the first time she’d ever seen York act like another regular human being.

She’d say later, “The first time I saw Doc drinking something, I thought, like, you eat and drink? I thought you were like Jesus.”

Then one of York’s concubines started the process of educating Aldura about what was expected of her in return for all her new privileges. The woman told her she needed to be prepared for relations with her eventual husband, and in their spiritual homeland, Sudan— the woman claimed— such practical lessons about sex were given by a male relative, maybe an uncle or a father.

The woman used a plastic dildo to show the proper way to give a blowjob. She also showed her porn.

One day, this concubine lady told Aldura to dance nude and she videotaped it.

Holy shit. He has female cult members brainwashed into helping him molest girls.

And she’s right - there are some very different sexual customs in certain parts of Africa - but - York isn’t living in those parts of Africa. He isn’t part of that culture. Doing what he’s doing here, is like kidnapping somebody and forcing them to work for you and rationalizing it like, “No, it’s okay. My family used to have slaves. I’m just living like other people who look like me have lived. What’s the problem?”

So many problems.

A few people in the AAC community knew, or had suspicions, that York was having sex with the Backstreet Girls. One woman was approached by a fifteen-year-old girl who told her that York had had sex with her, but the woman found it hard to believe the girl, saying, “Why would he sacrifice all of this to do something like that?”

By this time, it was more or less common knowledge that York was sleeping with any woman in the community whenever he wanted— so people didn’t see why he would also start going after underage girls.

It’s never enough for these predators. They’re never satiated. They always want more. Always want what’s forbidden.

The Backstreet Girls kept quiet for the most part about what was going on. They were rewarded for their sexual service by being given high status within the cult. They got to go to Camp Jazzir, eat pizza and soda and listen to music. And because of all these privileges, when York summoned them for sex over the intercom, they went.

Despite these girls not running around telling everyone what was going on, more and more people were figuring it out. Malik, one of York’s sons, was one day searching through his father’s things at Camp Jazzir when he found a video. He found a videotape marked with one of the names of the Backstreet Girls— a girl Malik had a crush on.

It was Aldura.

He watched the video, which showed the girl dancing nude. He then confronted her, demanding an explanation. Her response was blunt and unashamed.

“I gave your father a blowjob last night,” Aldura told him.

Imagine hearing that from someone you had a crush on about your dad.

Aldura was fifteen when York “initiated” her fully. First, he had her perform oral sex on him, then he had anal sex with her. Sometimes he videotaped their encounters, or had a concubine videotape it.

The ones who gave him sex without complaining got better food and sometimes, little presents. Those who refused got cut off.

He would also disparage the non-compliant girls in front of the others, stoking rivalries. The ones who were good got more authority— for example, some of them got notes that had handwritten orders, which the girls would be instructed to deliver. Some of them were eviction notices.

He also told the girls that their parents didn’t care about them. He broke them down, made them feel unwanted and unloved - and then, showered them with affection while also molesting them. He’d manipulated them into being happy with sexual attention, because that felt better than feeling unloved.

What he didn’t tell them is that they were cut off from their parents by rules York had established— making adults work twelve hour days and housing them in quarters separate from their children.

After his “relationship” with Aldura had gone on for a while, York asked her to bring him her stepsister, Jokara, then eight, and another girl, then six. He later told Aldura that the younger children were accomplished in performing oral sex on him.

Holy shit. Eight and SIX.

So many kids would be molested at Camp Jazzir. An untold amount. We’ll never know how many just have never admitted it happened to authorities.

While York continues to molest, he also starts moving away from Islam. He stops showing up to the Islamic naming ceremonies like he used to, and he also stops speaking in Arabic. He starts wearing jeans and dressing like a normal dude.

Because of all this, his son Malik starts to speak out against his father to others in the community, some of whom encouraged him to take leadership of the group for himself. His mother Zubaida counsels him to respect his father, even though she herself would frequently get into arguments with York about his harem of girls.

Malik later described it as a “kind of civil war.”

He got into several arguments. During one such argument, York threatened another son with an ice pick. Malik then brandished a gun at his father. But he didn’t pull the trigger.

After that, he knew it was time to go. If he didn’t end up killing his dad, his dad would have him killed.

Zubaida went with him— and so did some followers. But there were plenty of followers that stayed.

By the mid-to-late 80s, York was now living upstate almost full time.

He seems to have taken the gas pedal off of being a spiritual leader for a bit. He needed a break. Needed to focus on his MUSIC! He actually opened a record store in the Sullivan County seat, Liberty. He also started passing around fliers promoting his music-related ventures, which included a new recording studio and a talent and modeling agency.

One of his “clients” was the “hot” female RnB group called “SHE.” Another one was “Petite,” described as “four young ladies who sing their hearts out” and, in promotional material, as “an all-female group that York considers his children.”

In a personal bio released by York in 1986, he claimed he was also “pondering a rap-reggae group consisting of three girls called “Undercover Lovers.””

And he was continuing to promote himself - as Dr. York. “Passion Records’ Dr. York certainly looks like one hell of a romantic dude,” stated a 1985 promotional article. “The white dinner jacket, gold medallions, silk handkerchief and wet-look hair must surely be enough to turn any woman wild.”

Also needing to seem larger than life - he explained to his followers that he was focused on international markets - he was SUPER popular abroad - just not in the US - and that’s why they didn’t hear him on the radio.

The rock star equivalent of saying, “I swear I have a girlfriend - I really do - you just have never met her. She lives in Canada!”

He said that US record labels wouldn’t sign him because they were afraid of his power as a black man…. even though another black man, Michael Jackson, had released the best selling album of ALL TIME - Thriller - just three years earlier. Awkward.

13. 1988: In 1988, York’s criminal history gets a little update. He’s convicted of obtaining a passport with a false birth certificate.

Whoops! Sorry US Customs - it’s so hard to keep track of what’s real and what’s not - I’ve lived so many lies.

14. 1990: Dwight York changes his name legally in 1990 to "Issa al Haadi al Mahdi.” Back with the Islam. Kind of. He continues to split time between Camp Jazzir and Brooklyn.

Starting in the late 80s, York begins mixing in Ancient Egypt and Native American themes into his pseudo-religious book-pamphlets.

He changes his own name several times, as well as the group's name, and he keeps changing up their doctrine.

It’s a real schizophrenic time for his cult. Everyone’s having a real hard time keeping track of what the fuck they supposedly believe in.

The glue keeping this bat shit crazy cult together is the unrelenting theme of black supremacy. Sometimes you might be worshipping an Egyptian god, sometimes a Muslim god, sometimes the gods of the American Indians - you didn’t know what was coming up next. But you did always know that white people were the devils, and that you and yours were the fucking best.

A move to Georgia starts being discussed. Soon, York’s cult would enter their final incarnation - the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors.

15. 1991: York also kept collecting wives around this time.

In 1991, a young woman who would come to be called Badra had some time to kill while she waited for a bus in Liberty, New York. She went into York Records, a music store. There was a poster of “The Love Doctor” on a wall, and in the back of the store, she saw the man from the poster.

The manager approached her and said that the Love Doctor wanted her number, but Badra didn’t give it to him. She was twenty and the mother of a two-year-old and a four-year-old— too busy for dating.

A couple of weeks later, though, she reconsidered and went to give the store manager her number. York quickly gave her a call.

For a while, she worked at the record store and dated “Doc,” but then business declined and York told her he couldn’t afford to pay her. BUT - he could afford to take care of her. He asked her to move in with him.

He said that she’d become what he called “Wife Number Nineteen.” But, he said, she’d really be Number One in his heart.

Wow. What a romantic sales pitch.

Badra took him up on it.

She and her daughters moved to Camp Jazzir. And she slowly came to realize she wasn’t number one. She was just one of the faceless harem of women who slept in rooms taken up with stacks of bunk beds.

She worked long hours as a seamstress while her kids were babysat by other women.

Around this time - late 1991/early 1992, the country life starts to really disagree with York. The Sullivan County authorities were more suspicions of him than those in Bushwick had been.

He was getting really frustrated that he couldn’t build whatever he wanted on his land, and once, the county took him to court to stop some illegal construction.

He was also facing a tax bill in the neighborhood of $200,000— and he really didn’t want to pay it.

He wanted to get out of Sullivan County. But where would he go? He couldn’t return to Brooklyn. The FBI was now starting to investigate him there for a variety of claims of various criminal activities. He also had growing debts associated with his Brooklyn businesses and more and more disagreements with some of his cult members there.

In late 1992, he told one of his many wives to start looking for properties in and around Atlanta.

Just before closing on a complex of apartment buildings, another wife, Kathy Johnson, found a four-hundred acre tract of pasture and woodlands for sale in the central part of the state.

The asking price was a little less than a million dollars.

The man selling the property was named Arne Lassen, and they would negotiate the sale through the first months of 1993.

They reached an agreement on the selling price. York agreed to pay about half of the purchase price in cash, and Lassen would finance the rest.

But there was a sticking point. Lassen wanted to be able to come onto the property after the sale, since he was financing the deal. York offered an extra $200,000 in cash if Lassen would drop the demand and stay away.

Not suspicious at ALL.

Lassen was uneasy about this. He contacted a friend in the FBI and asked him to make some inquiries into York. The friend told him about the New York law enforcement that was interested in York.

After finding a few things out, the friend advised Lassen to be careful. It might not be a great idea to back out of a deal with this guy— some bad things had happened to people in Brooklyn who tried to do that.

Lassen - scared now - went through with the deal and sold the land.

16. February 1993: In February of 1993, York announced that in two days, he and a select group of followers would be leaving for Georgia. The others were told to wait until they were called.

He left behind $100,000 in unpaid bills behind. To pay the bills, the group reprinted one of the strongest-selling books, Leviathan 666.

How the fuck that shitty book that reads like it was written by a mentally-ill six grader could sell enough copies to pay for a nice dinner, let alone help pay a $100,000 debt, I will never understand.

York and all his favorite girls now head down to Georgia. The rest are left rot.

He left behind a bunch of women and children at Camp Jazzir, around sixty people living in the double-wide trailers that had been the harem’s quarters. The power in the main lodge was shut off and most of the fucking windows had been pulled out and shipped south.

There was nothing to do in the middle of winter.

A line for the one working bathroom was crowded with people twenty-four hours a day. People tried to wash their clothes but they never fully dried in the cramped quarters.

Their psychotic messiah have abandoned them.

York didn’t care. He was off to bigger and better things. He was off to Georgia now— and was busy creating yet another identity for himself.

Dwight changed his name again in 1993 to "Malachi York,” and also adopted a number of titles and pseudonyms, including "The Supreme Grand Master Dr. Malachi Z. York," and "Nayya Malachizodoq-El.”

The relative isolation of his new land in Georgia appealed to him greatly; the largest town in the region is Eatonton, population 6,764 in 2000. And even this town was miles away from his secluded new compound.

At this new compound, he got busy revising his theology yet again.

Islam was pretty much out now. He wanted something new, something with significant costumery that his followers would produce, buy, and wear.

In the first few years in Georgia, York tried on a few different combinations of looks and ideology.

First he went with a cowboy and Indian theme.

Not even kidding.

Locals would later talk about seeing his followers first show up in the area by the busload dressed like they’d just been cast in some kind of John Wayne movie remake. Ten gallon hats, big belt buckles, cowboy boots and wranglers - all that shit.

And then many were seen dressed up like American Indians. Moccasins. Feathers in their hair. I’ve seen pics of York in a full headdress like he’s a big chief.

So fucking weird. Bunch of cult members who don’t even know what religion they’re a part of move to Georgia from New York to play some weird dress-up games.

York starts proclaiming himself to be Chief Black Eagle now, and telling his followers that they are the modern day incarnation of the Lost Tribe of Yamassee [yah-muh see] , a group of American Indians who resisted the early waves of European colonization and then disappeared from history.

We mentioned them in the Trail of Tears suck recently.

There was a mystical link, York claimed, between his tribe and a site in northern Putnam County called Rock Eagle, about ten miles away from York’s property, a place where mounds built by prehistoric American Indians were preserved.

York really sold this, but, the cowboy and Indian move wasn’t a big hit with his followers.

York wanted them to dress in uniform when they left the land. But groups moseying around Eatonton with ten-gallon hats and new boots stood out a wee bit. Cult members were embarrassed to leave the compound dressed like that.

I love it. I picture them constantly saying to locals, “Sorry - I don’t normally dress this way. I know it’s weird. But, my boss insists on it. He’s been watching a lot of Gunsmoke and well, know I wear a giant belt buckle that says “Peanut” on it. And I don’t even like peanuts.”

Back to the drawing board.

The next year, York traded in the ten-gallon hats for red fezzes and called the settlement the Ancient Mystical Order of Melchizedek.

A fez is a flat-topped conical [kaa ni kl] red hat with a tassel on top. Worn by muslims in some countries. It’s also what the shriners wear.

This look doesn’t stick either. I’m surprised he also didn’t insist they only use those tiny little Shriner cars for getting around too. Too expensive I guess.

Now he comes up with the United Nation of Nuwaubian Moors— one part Egyptian motifs and one part intergalactic bullshit.

The Egyptian angle lets him turn the front part of his property on Shady-dale Road into a small-scale recreation of Egypt.

On the ideological side, instead of casting himself as a Muslim prophet, York now starts claiming that he was a supernatural being sent from Planet Rizq to save a chosen few. Salvation would come via spaceship, and York decided who got to board.

York, of course, quickly got to writing some new pamphlet- books to build out this new theology.

One of his followers, a former Backstreet Girl, handed over $100,000 from a car accident settlement to pay for the printing.

The new tome was called The Holy Tablets, and the women who helped York “write it” essentially went to some bookstores, bought a bunch of new age books, and then copied random paragraphs word-for-word.

There was a ton of plagiarism in it, but, not all of it was recycled ideas. The Planet Rizq shit York came up with on his own.

He stated that he came from a planet called Rizq in the “Great Galaxy” of Illyuwn. He describes a war on Rizq that happened when Humaba, a type of warring being, attacked Rizq with a shield depleter. The bomb caused the natural atmosphere of Rizq to, you konw, deplete. Because that’s what shield depleters do. They deplete things. You get it.

The inhabitants of Rizq— the Rizqiyians— had to leave their planets in search of gold dust, with which they intended to build a dome over their planet to thwart any future attacks.

‘Cause that’s what gold dust does - it helps you, you know, build space shields. Anyone who’s ever built a space shield knows that.

York would now claim that he “incarnates from time to time for those who are in need of my presence in the flesh. I am an angelic being, an Eloheem.”

He tells followers he had apparently visited Earth in three separate forms— as a human born in 1945 being the most recent one. While he was in his mother’s womb, he said, he was implanted with three candles that glowed with green light, a sign of his mental and spiritual ability.

His poor mom. That must have hurt giving birth to a baby full of candles.

He wrote, "We have been coming to this planet before it had your life form on it. ... My incarnation as an Ilah Mutajassid or Avatara was originally in the year 1945 A.D. In order to get here I travelled by one of the smaller passenger crafts called SHAM out of a Motherplane called MERKABAH or NIBIRU."

Cool. Seems legit and well thought out.

This version of York came to Earth on March 16th, 1970. Comet Bennett, which was visible on that date, is said to have really been York’s spacecraft.

He basically is ripping off the Heaven’s Gate cult now. I feel like he must have got his hands on some of Marshall Applewhite’s literature around this time.

Heaven’s Gate members committed group suicide to board a spaceship traveling behind a comet in 1997, just four years after this. But they’d been around since the 70s peddling their weird aliens mixed with religion bullshit.

York taught his followers now that the Motherplane/NIBIRU would launch the Crystal City of New Jerusalem to our solar system from its position in Orion.

A 40-year process of taking the 144,000 Chosen Few taking a page from Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs here— 12,000 each from the Twelve Tribes of Israel — into the Planet Craft NIBIRU began on August 12th, 2003. The process will end on August 12th, 2043.

These Chosen Few will then be groomed for 1,000 years and - stay with me - then returned to Earth for the final battle against the Luciferians and also to redeem man from the 6,000-year rulership of the Devil and his seed.

And how did he now explain his recent years-long devotion to Islamic-ish beleifs?

Ummmm…. he doesn’t. And some cult members leave. The members back in Brooklyn remain Muslim and pretty much cut ties with him now.

But - a lot of those in Georgia stay! Incredible. As in a couple hundred. Eventually, Nuwaubian membership in Georgia will reach around 500.

Holy shit. How FUCKING CRAZY is all of this?

Imagine going to church, not knowing what religion is gonna be preached any given week. That’s basically what’s been happening here.

When the pastor says, open your books, you don’t know what fucking book it’s gonna be. You sit in the pew, and one Sunday it's the Bible. The next Sunday it’s the Qu’ran. Then the next Sunday, it’s a fucking Louis L’mour cowboy book. Then it’s Dianetics. Then it’s lyrics for some new disco, r&b songs. Then it’s a translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics, then it’s the screenplay for Predator versus Alien.

AND - you have to dress right for each new belief system! You might show up in cowboy boots, but then have to go down into some basement wardrobe room, and change into a sci-fi costume.

What he’s doing is basically that fucking crazy.

Holy shit.

So - after bouncing around for awhile - York and his followers settle on an Egyptian-alien mashup… AS ONE DOES.

At York's direction, the community formerly known as the AAC, now known as the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors builds Tama-Re - originally named Kadesh actually - holy shit York loved changing names - and Tama-Re is an Egyptian-themed complex built on 476 acres of land near Eatonton, Georgia.

Many Nuwaubians at Tama-Re will live in cheap trailers, 100 or so, while York lived, of course, in a mansion on the property. As many as 400 other Nuwaubians live in the surrounding area. 1. Tama-Re

Let’s explore just how fucking ridiculous this place was.

The surrounding area around Shadydale Road, where Tama-Re’s entrance was, was populated by dairy farms, an auto-salvage yard, and a couple of modest residences.

If you were driving there, you’d pass by farm after farm. Then suddenly, coming around a curve in the road, you’d see two forty-foot high pyramids, one black and one gold, next to an enormous obelisk and gilt-painted statues of various Egyptian deities.

FORTY FOOT HIGH PYRAMIDS out in the middle of Georgia farmland. That’ll get your attention and get the neighbors talkin’.

York charged Nuwaubians $25 a year for their Nuwaubian “passports,” which allowed members to enter and exit the compound.

A network of chapters and bookstores, now called All Eyes on Egypt, also bring the cult funds, and members continued to raise money through begging and holding jobs and just giving all their money to York.

Inside his weird Egyptian compound, people could mill around, eat, shop, and explore. Children could ride the Little Egypt Choo Choo around the public part of the property. Yep - dude has a small train on the property cause why the fuck not.

The women who lived and worked at Tama-Re wore flowing white robes edged in royal blue.

A few yards from the highway, visitors approached a twenty-foot high arched entrance gate with an armed guard shack just inside. The arch was coated with sandstone-colored drivit, practically every inch of which was covered with Egyptian pictograms and illustrations.

Visitors had to pay to enter - and then they drove their cars through the gate and up a driveway lined with dozens of ten-foot-high statues of Thoth and Anubis. At the top of the driveway as a ten-foot-high ceremonial platform. The cars parked on a grassy hillside and then the visitors could roam the park.

Inside one of the pyramids was a gift shop stocked with some of the hundreds of books York claimed to have authored. The covers were printed on slick paper, while the insides were printed on cheap, thin paper— like the kind found in comic books. The prices ranged from $5 to $25. You could also buy t-shirts and doll figurines of York - which went for $50.

You could buy all sorts of shit - but not with American money.

Things at Tama-Re could only be purchased with “Tama-Re money.” Visitors obtained this by changing real money at the rate of $500 US dollars for $550 Tama-Re dollars. All the Tama-Re dollars were adorned with pictures of Dwight York.

He took it so, so far. How did he pull this bullshit off?

The upper floor of the pyramid had been set up as a cafe, but never really say much use.

The other pyramid, the black one, was the religious centerpiece of the park. It was surrounded by a concrete plaza, on which a wooden maze had been constructed. Visitors meditated or prayed as they wandered through the maze. Loudspeakers played a mix of New Age music and Buddhist chants.

‘Cause why not work some Buddhism into all this crazy?

The major tourist attraction, however, was Club Rameses. It would get shut down in 1998 by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department because it had no license to operate as a nightclub or sell liquor - both of which it did.

Does your church have a nightclub selling liquor? No? Well then I guess York’s religion was more fun that yours.

I’m guessing - GUESSING - that nightclub played a fuckload of York’s disco music.

The exterior of the building, like the other buildings at the park, was covered with murals of Pharaohs in their chariots and on the hunt.

Inside, most of the 50x100 building was a red cement dance floor. There was a circular, red velvet covered divan [duh van] in the middle of the dance floor, where dancers could sit. In the middle of the divan [duh van], a red velvet cone rose to the ceiling, on top of which was a statue of King Tut.

On the wall behind the main stage was a mural depicting the ancient cit of Thebes. In the middle of the wall was a wheel with red lights running around the perimeter and along the spokes. The ceiling was painted black and scattered with day-glow stars.

The club was also packed with hundreds of thousands of dollars of state-of-the-art electronic gear. Generators were needed to supply enough power.

Next to the club was that Hathor Recording Studio. York was still trying to be a music mogul.

I wonder how many Egyptian Disco R&B tracks he recorded are in a vault somewhere?

And scattered behind these buildings were a dozen or so trailers where somewhere between one hundred to one hundred and fifty full-time Tama-Re residents lived. Most of the trailers had no AC.

Off the main street was a driveway that led down a hill to the property’s main house. The house had an exterior of fieldstone and dark brown wood, making it look like a hunting lodge.

And it was a hunting lodge— of a kind. York was definitely always on the hunt.

Most of York’s big main house was converted into offices where York’s concubines worked sixteen-hour days keeping his mail-order business and his network of bookstores and schools operating.

Yes - he had a mail order business, and bookstores, and schools somehow.

Beside the main house was an addition— York’s quarters.

On the main level was a large glass window, through which he could watch the women in the office area.

On the second floor was the largest of his private chambers. The floor of the octagon-shaped room was carpeted wall-to-wall with a leopard-skin pattern, beige with black stripes. There was a large four-poster bed with a canopy, and the curtains were black and gold.

The adjoining bathroom had a large black marble Jacuzzi, and there was a black ceramic fireplace in the bedroom. In a corner of the room, a spiral staircase carpeted in the same leopard print led upstairs.

At the base of the staircase was a sign: “DO NOT GO UPSTAIRS.”

Gosh Dang.

The spiral staircase led to a small, green-carpeted room with a large bed and a plasma-screen TV.

In yet another adjoining building, there was another private rest area furnished with a Jacuzzi and a bed. Police would later find a video camera in one corner of the room. Most of the ceiling was covered with mirrors.

Police would also find a life-sized stuffed animal that resembled the character the Pink Panther. The stuffed animal had a plastic dildo sewn onto the crotch.

What the FUCK?!?! What kind of fetishes did this dude have? Did he like to watch someone get fucked by a stuffed pink panther?

Yes. Yes I think he did. How disturbing.

Of course, Pink Panther with a dildo would later become evidence.

When he’s not fucking followers with a stuffed animal, York stays busy writing more pamphlet- books.

17. 1996: In 1996, under the name “Nayya: Malachi Zodok York-El” now, York publishes The Holy Tablets which will become known as the “Nuwaubian Bible”, for which he claims divine inspiration.

In this theology CLASSIC, he styles himself as a messiah figure, expounding on his new UFO religion surrounding the “planetRizq“, according to which, he himself as well as pharaoh Rameses II [ram seez] were extraterrestrials.

This book is full of shitty photoshopped pics of York standing in front of real pyramids and hanging out in space and shit.

And it opens with these words: “Within the Confines of These Pages There Are Facts Beyond Any Doubts, Thus, I Came Giving You What You Want So You Would Learn To Want What I Have To Give.”

God I fucking hate this idiot.

I hate that he lives in mansion after mansion paid for, largely, by books this poorly written.

In this book, he makes a weak attempt to connect Islam to his new Nuwaubian bullshit, making it seem as if his belief is the logical next step of what the prophet Muhammed, and all the prophets before him going back into Jewish beliefs, began.

And really quickly he gets into Ancient Aliens, Anunnaki Space Lizard bullshit. Makes a hard turn from Islam into David Icke territory. Some of the craziest theological shifts I’ve ever come across studying cults.

Despite all this theological insanity, York’s first couple of years in Putnam County are quiet as far as relations with locals go.

There are no hostile conflicts between York, his followers, and Putnam County locals. Locals think they’re weird, because they are SO FUCKING WEIRD - but they don’t cause any noticeable problems.

But when they later looked back on it, many locals would remember some strange incidents from the first years of Tama- Re.

Marianne Tanner, the then-county registrar and the head of the planning and zoning department, which was only staffed by two people, approved several Nuwaubian plans for building, even though the forms weren’t filled out right.

But she figured that making a big deal of it wouldn’t amount to anything.

But she did see something that would seriously disturb her, especially when his sex crimes and other abuses of followers later came to light.

She saw a Nuwaubian woman using an un-rented storage unit, stopping by in the mornings and late at night.

Curious, Marianne lifted the door to the storage unit, she found a small piece of foam bedding, a pillow, a coloring book, and some food. It was obvious that a small child had been left to spend the days living in this storage unit. No running water. Not a place to live.

Another time, she was seriously disturbed when she got a call from the Nuwaubians— who usually wanted to know things like, if they could sell lemonade and hamburgers on their property— and heard someone ask if they could bury someone on their property.

Did she report this incident to the Sheriff’s office? That isn’t made clear.

Sheila Layson, the Putnam County Clerk of Circuit Courts, also saw some stuff that was sad when she saw it, and sadder still to reflect on later when York’s crimes were revealed.

She frequently saw Nuwaubian women come into the courthouse with five or six children, who they would take into the public restroom, then later emerge with all the kids scrubbed and dressed.

York living in his mansion doesn’t even provide a place for these kids to get clean.

Howard Sills, the sheriff of Putnam County, also started to worry about the Nuwaubians.

He’d first seen them dressed up in cowboy costumes ambling around downtown when he was a chief sheriff’s deputy in neighboring Baldwin County.

Then after being elected sheriff in Putnam County, he started receiving disturbing calls. A frantic mother called him and said, “My daughter left to get on the spaceship.”

More frantic calls from family members like this kept coming.

Then, in March 1997, the news of the Heaven’s Gate suicides were plastered all over the media.

Howard Sills started getting seriously worried that he had a similar cult on his hands. And he didn’t want a Heaven’s Gate type tragedy to occur in his county on his watch.

18. May 8, 1998: In the spring of 1998, tension between the Nuwaubians and locals becomes more public.

The county sought an injunction against Nuwaubian construction and uses that violated zoning.

One of the group’s sources of revenue was the nightclub called Club Ramses that we talked about earlier— illegally operated in one of the Tama-Re pyramids, which had been zoned only for use as a storage facility.

On May 8th, 1998, Sheriff Howard Sills moves to shut down the nightclub.

350 to 400 people were now living in Tama-Re.

As a precaution, Sills stationed a reserve of about forty riot- ready deputies, some borrowed from nearby counties.

Then he led a force of seventeen deputies into Tama-Re.

It took about thirty minutes for the sheriff to post closure notices on the walls of the nightclub and padlock the door. Nuwaubians videotaped the proceedings, complaining about violations of their sovereignty.

Remember that? They think that they’re living in their own nation. Because that’s what York has been telling them. Which, of course, is not true.

York and the Nuwaubians see the Sheriff’s actions as a declaration of war.

19. June 1998: Less than two months after the shutdown of the nightclub, York opened his 1998 Savior’s Day festival to the media— the first and only time that he ever let television crews and newspaper reporters inside his compound.

During this celebration, York reportedly takes in about $500,000 in visitors fees and merch sales.

Unreal. I hope those people have either since burned his books or only kept them as jokes.

Around 5,000 people showed up to witness weird religious ceremonies that featured elaborate, colorful costumes.

When reporters asked, Nuwaubians claimed that their belief system adopted the best from all the holy books of the major religions.

They also said that anything in those holy books that contradicted their “Right Knowledge” was simply wrong.

They’d bought all of York’s bullshit. 1000%.

On Saturday, the peak day of the festival, York appeared and told the media about his desires to set up his own government, operate his own public services and schools, and for all intents and purposes, set up his own separate society— which his followers needed, he said, because of the harsh racism they endured outside of his group.

Following these declarations, Nuwaubians start showing up in large groups at nearly every local small-town governmental meeting— like that of the planning and zoning board— and they turn the meetings into heated, tense confrontations.

Those poor local officials. Can’t imagine having to deal with these lunatics.

Sheriff Howard Sills was sent a number of anonymous death threats and the Nuwaubians published the name of his son and the location of his son’s school.

The Nuwaubians tried to recruit the local NAACP chapter into their war against local officials - why they, of course, constantly accused of racism.

Georgia Smith, who ran the local NAACP chapter, was disgusted by the Nuwaubians and refused to associate with them. Good for her.

Meanwhile, York now purchases a $557,000 mansion in Athens, Georgia, about 60 miles away, at the the base of the University of Georgia.

He’s already working on another exit plan.

20. 1998: Malik York - who’d left the cult in 1990 - learns about his father’s Tama-Re compound around 1998.

Troubled by what he’d been hearing about their new beliefs, and the continued abuse of followers, he went to Georgia to confront his father.

According to Malik, Dwight told him: “I don’t believe in any of this shit. If I had to dress up like a nun, if I had to be a Jew, I’d do it for this type of money.”

I absolutely believe Dwight said that. He doesn’t buy any of this. He’s not a spiritual man - he’s a hustler. A con artist. This is all a fucked up game for him.

Malik now wanted to shut his father down. But didn’t know how.

A little over a year later, Malik moves to Atlanta where he’d become a moderately successful club promoter— and he puts out the word that he would take in Nuwaubian refugees from a house he rented in the Atlanta suburbs.

With the help of his sister, Afifah, Malik now helps former cult members get driver’s licenses, fill out job applications, and create resumes.

21. September 25, 1998: On September 25th, 1998, an important piece of mail begins the long process of bring York to justice.

That day, social welfare officials in Putnam county receive the following anonymous letter:

“I read the article ‘Racial, Legal Issues Cloud ‘Egypt’’ in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, dated Sunday, September 20, 1998, concerning the Dwight York cult.

I am an ex-member whom questioned the sick-minded and theocratic hold that Dwight has over the thoughts of his followers.

Recently, Dwight has been becoming God himself to veteran members, subsequently exercising more divine rule to do whatever he wants to young girls below 16 yrs. of age, young boys in the same age group, and a ‘herd’ of concubines over a wide variety of ages that he ‘stables’ on the property for free labor and sex.

These facts, until very recently, were very closely guarded secrets. Even amongst the residents of the compound, few knew how often and with which ‘adopted daughters’ York was having sex.

Well, now they are pregnant. Some of the concubines are so young that his sexual perversions have surpassed being criminal. Because they are loyal to him, they may well deny these things, but science will not tell a lie.

Children with children should be tested for paternity. Girls that are now 18 yrs. old that have children more than 5 yrs. old are examples of who Dwight York really is to the compound members: an abuser.

Of course, the young girls who are not pregnant yet should be tested for sexual tampering. Children Services will surely find that they have been penetrated by a full-grown male.

No men on the compound are allowed unsupervised communication with Dwight’s concubines, unless he is the law, an ‘outsider’ that York has to impress or deceive, or a relative of the girls in question.

Strangely enough, many support the abuse and a very skillful line of questioning is necessary to first establish that there was not any prolonged, unsupervised exposure to any other of the compound’s males that York may try to pawn.

His twisted affair will be unmasked. Once, when the GBI [Georgia Bureau of Investigation] went to the compound, he was informed beforehand that they were coming, and busloads of young boys and girls were temporarily shipped to Macon, Georgia, to mask the overcrowding and rape.

Please save these children. My ability has been exhausted from trying to advise some of these girls who have left the organization to speak up.

We are afraid. We are alone. We need help.”

Wow. Hail whoever the fuck wrote that letter! Very well written and to the point.

And yes - he was also molesting boys now. Dude just kept pushing things further and further. No child on the compound was safe from his sexual advances in Georgia.

Sheriff Sills knew that this was not any random accusation— he knew that it had to be what he’d suspected was going on all along.

What he didn’t know what that it would soon lead to the largest child molestation prosecution in US history.

22. Early 1999: In early 1999, Putnam County attorney Frank Ford files a civil suit on behalf of the county against the Nuwaubians.

The suit asks for a moratorium on all construction activity on the Nuwaubians’ property.

The judge asks Ford to prepare a list of everything the Nuwaubians needed to do to comply with the zoning laws, and he does. And the Nuwaubians simply ignore it.

They continue to build and then persist in complaining that they were being harassed by white devils. How dare the evil white folks of Putnam County not let them have their own sovereign nation!

And as Frank Ford persists in litigating against them, the Nuwaubian propaganda machine fires back at him… with mixed success.

A Nuwaubian attorney publishes a list of Ford’s clients, implying that Ford’s integrity was damaged because he represented people accused of crimes.

Ford found this accusation funny. Yeah - of COURSE he represented people accused of crimes. He worked primarily as a criminal defense attorney.

They basically accused him of being the profession that he was.

“Listen up everyone! We have just discovered that this Pizza Hut delivery driver has - for the past six months - been delivering…. PIZZA! Duh duh DUUUHHH!”


The Nuwaubians then threaten Ford. They distribute a flyer aimed at him: “You hurt us. We’re going to get you back.”

Soon after, Ford’s tires were slashed by Nuwaubian spokesman Bernard Foster, a rock was thrown through his office window, and a gutted dog - holy shit - was left in the street next to his house.

So fucked up. It wasn’t even his dog. Just a random dog.

Bojangles is growling. He wants to bite York’s dick off.

Ford’s law partner and wife, Dorothy Adams, was now given police escorts to her car anytime she left the courthouse after dark. When she tried cases, Nuwaubians showed up, and to leave the courtroom, she had to move through a crowd of people muttering threats. For her birthday in 1998, her husband bought her a gun.

23. June 12, 1999: In 1999, York tries to fight back with his own attorney. Kind of.

On June 12th, 1999, Everett Leon Stout, who proclaimed himself a “Common Law Judge” heads to the Putnam County Courthouse and files a document that resembles but isn’t a legal lawsuit.

Stout is not actually a lawyer. He’s a lunatic who’s Twitter account I found - huge conspiracy nut. He’s a guy currently serving a twenty year prison sentence in Alabama for extortion that started in 2016.

He filed an appeal in May of 2020, and I found the court documents. Thank you Cast Text dot com!

Check out what they wrote:

The “complaint is somewhat disjointed and rambling.”

Stout v. Parker, CIVIL ACTION NO. 2:20-CV-250-RAH (WO), 2 (M.D. Ala. May. 22, 2020) parker

Of course this is who York hires.

Stout’s complaint lists thirteen defendants— including Sills, Frank Ford, Dorothy Adams, several of Sills’s officers, and something that Stout called the “Electric and Power Company,” even though nothing by that name existed in Putnam County.

Sounds about right. Love it. He threatens to sue an organization that does not fucking exist.

York really has his legal A-Team on this case.

How the fuck has this idiot pulled off what he’s pulled off for so long?

On Monday, June 21st, Georgia Circuit Court High Judge Hugh Wingfield publicly states that he’s had enough of Dwight York’s hide-and-seek games, when York doesn’t show up to a contempt of court hearing about the zoning issues at Tama-Re.

Wingfield instructed York’s fake attorney to have him present on the following Tuesday, June 29th. If he doesn’t show, York will be arrested and jailed.

In response, the Nuwaubians hold their own press conference, claiming they were being framed by white devils.

Not long after this coference, they have their 1999 Savior’s Day festival, starting on Friday, June 25th.

The celebration is quiet and wet. The crowds were small and depressed. Clearly - people who came the year before weren’t all that impressed.

Things are crumbling for these fucking idiots.

York then shows up on June 29th, appearing in the courtroom, wearing a black fez and an all-black outfit accented with gold jewelry.

Protestors - his cult members - are outside, getting drenched by a violent thunderstorm.

Two hours later, York emerges to his followers. He’d taken a deal that essentially meant he’d cooperate better with the county officials.

He now legally transfers the deed to Tama-Re to nine of his followers, so the property will no longer be in his name, and the county can’t hold him responsible for future infractions.

Okay. Gotta give him some props here. That’s a smart maneuver.

York has avoided serious legal trouble for the moment.

24. July 1999: The following month, in July of 1999, Time Magazine reports on the "40-ft. pyramids, obelisks, gods, goddesses and a giant sphinx," built by York's followers in rural Georgia in an article titled "Space Invaders.”

The article, written by Sylvester Monroe, says:

“"I am the lamb, I am the man," declares Dr. Malachi Z. York, 54, on his website. "I am the Supreme Being of This Day and Time, God in Flesh." And by the way, says the native of the planet Rizq, a spaceship is coming on May 5, 2003, to scoop up believers.

The believers have been making quite a spectacle in the tiny town of Eatonton, Ga. (pop. 5,000), seat of the not much larger Putnam County (pop. 17,000). There, the man born Dwight York, of Sullivan County, N.Y., decreed the founding of Tama-Re, Egypt of the West, a 19-acre evocation of the ancient land, complete with 40-ft. pyramids, obelisks, gods, goddesses and a giant sphinx. It is the holy see of the Nuwaubians.

But don't call them a religion.

The Nuwaubians describe themselves as a "fraternal organization" of people of different religions, including Christians, Muslims and others who just happen to share a few extra tenets.

Says Marshall Chance, head of the Nuwaubians' Holy Tabernacle Ministries: "The main thing that brings us together is fellowship and facts."

Among those facts: that black people are genetically superior to whites and that the Nuwaubians are direct descendants of Egyptians who, having walked from the Nile Valley to the Americas before continental drift separated the landmasses, are actually the original Native Americans. York and several hundred of his followers wandered from New York to Georgia in 1993, buying up 476 acres of land on the perimeter of Eatonton for $575,000. And now, as a tribe of Native Americans, the Nuwaubians believe they can argue for being a sovereign people not subject to local or state jurisdiction.”

Then Sylvester describes how the local government isn’t about to let this happen.

In this same article, the Nuwaubians criticize various local officials, including county commissioner Sandra Adams, whom the Nuwaubians called a "house n-bomb.”

The Nuwaubians made ridiculously false statements about her— saying that her daughter was half white, the product of an illicit affair with a white man. Adams just laughed at that, because her daughter’s complexion was quite dark.

“They really hated me,” Adams reflected later. “They thought because I was black, I should automatically jump on their bandwagon.”

But to her it was simply a matter of following the law. She said: “Buddy, if I want to put a porch on the back of my house, I have to get a permit, just like everybody else.”

Love this lady.

Howard Sills said to Time journalists that he feared that young people were being held against their will at Tama-Re.

"No one in Georgia has ever dealt with anything like this," he says. "You only draw parallels to Waco, and I don't want a Waco. This is a cult."

A Nuwaubian spokesman hit back at this idea, saying: "There is no one being held on Tama-Re against their will. No one is allowed to move to Tama-Re that is under 18. The children that are here belong to grown adults who have made the choice to be Nuwaubians. Nuwaubians are insulted when they are confronted with accusations that they are brainwashed or are being told by one man what to do."

Of course that’s all bullshit.

"You are here on the land," one Nuwaubian man said pointedly to a reporter in Tama-Re. "Do you see a cult or a compound? We are just people who have come together in love and peace."

The article fuels fear the locals already have over the Nuwaubians. 0,33009,991463,00.html 25. Fall 1999: In the fall of 1999, Reverend Al Sharpton, the New York activist who would later make an unsuccessful run for the presidency in 2004, speaks at Tama-Re, denouncing what he called the harassment of the Nuwaubians.

Fuck Al Sharpton. Another black supremacist. Dude’s said so much racist shit over the years. He’s also worked as an FBI informant and ratted on fellow civil rights advocates and according to The New York Times, Sharpton and his for-profit businesses owed $4.5 million in state and federal taxes as of November 2014.

Dude manipulates people who believe he’s working on behalf of African Americans into keeping him rich. Like York - a dude who points at the white devil and then steals from his fellow African Americans in my opinion.

Charlatan. Al_Sharpton#Racial_and_homophobic_comments

26. 2000: In 2000, the Nuwaubians try and take over Putman County at the polls.

Nuwaubians registered to run for every local office, including sheriff. Their candidate for sheriff was quickly disqualified, though, due to a residency requirement.

Marianne Tanner, acting as county registrar, noted that about 150 registered voters who were Nuwaubians had registered under false pretenses— like listing twenty-eight people living at the same address.

There was a court hearing over the removal of the voters, and the Nuwaubians showed ip to protest, claiming this was a violation of their civil rights. Of course, they couldn’t produce any documentary evidence to say they lived at the addresses they claimed to.

The judge ruled in favor of Putnam County in 120 of the 150 disqualifications. The Nuwaubians were pissed.

Meanwhile, around 2000, Ramillah, a little girl, secretly escapes Tama-Re with the help of her father, Asad, who had left the cult years earlier.

When he picked her up, he noticed that something was wrong. Soon he overheard overheard Ramillah talking about the abuse she’d suffered and he took her to the Orlando offices of the FBI.

It would be Ramillah’s testimony that would start the wave of children and adults confessing what Dwight York had done to them.

27. June 25, 2000: The Savior’s Day festival in 2000 was an even bleaker affair than the 1999 festival. Less people show up. A couple hundred visitors.

Dwight York was now fighting authorities in Athens who were trying to get him to stop constructing illegally on his mansion there.

He tried to start up something in Macon, Georgia— his version of a Masonic lodge, called the International Supreme Council of Shriners, Inc.

Dude just keeps moving and morphing.

28. April 2001: In April 2001, Reverend Jesse Jackson, a presidential candidate in 1988, comes to Tama-Re to extol Dwight York’s virtues.

Fucking Jesse Jackson. Talking up a dude who has been aggressively racist for so long. And Jackson has to know that. 29. Memorial Day Weekend, 2001: On Memorial Day Weekend, 2001, Dwight’s son Malik now drives with a group of five former Nuwaubian women for a weekend in Miami.

And in Miami, the group tells him what had happened to them during their time in the cult.

A short time later, Sheriff Howard Sills picked up the phone and hears a man say, “I know the whole deal on York. I’m ready to tell everything.”

The man identified himself as a son of Dwight York.

Hail Nimrod and here we fucking GO!

The two would meet the next day at the FBI offices in Atlanta. Malik brought a woman with him who’d been one of York’s favorite concubines, Basheera.

Basheera had been born into the cult and, at thirteen, this poor child had been ushered into York’s room for her first sexual experience.

The older woman who was training her was performing oral sex on York.

York snapped at Basheera to come do what the older woman was doing. “Am I just a guinea pig here?” York demanded. “You’re just sitting there, you know. Take your shirt off. Don’t be scared. I’m not going to bite you.”

She’d eventually have two children by York.

Fucking predator.

Her stories, the names she gave, the details of everything that had happened to her— it gave Sills so much ammo to start building a big case against York.

The floodgates were opening.

Two female FBI agents— Joan Cronier, based in Atlanta, and Jalaine Ward, based in Macon— now start interviewing more former members.

They do so slowly and discretely - worried that word might get back to York and he’ll flee.

They want to build a slam dunk case against the slippery son of a bitch.

Victims tell them shit like how York told them as children they’d go to heaven if they had sex with them.

A girl named Areebah was asked how many children she witnessed having sex with York. She replied, “Like, everyone,” and listed about twenty names. She’d been coerced into having group sex with children as young as seven or eight years old.

At just eight years old, a girl named Jokara had been exposed to pornography. Once she moved to Georgia, York started having anal sex with her.

Jokara’s brother, Rafiq, was also used in York’s sex games. York’s concubines took him into a room when he was around eight years old and started performing oral sex on him. When York came into the room, he undressed and watched.

After the move to Georgia, older boys started approaching him and touching him sexually. He performed a variety of sex acts with York, concubines, and older boys. He had yet to turn eight years old.

What the fuck. By the end, York was molesting everyone.

30. Late 2001: In late 2001, York has no idea the law is about to shut him down.

He’s still scheming.

In late 2001, he books a banquet room at a fancy Manhattan hotel and invites a group of his biological children to a dinner party.

One of his daughters, who was now working with Malik to rescue victims— Afifah— went.

The dinner was a ploy to ask his children for money, as York was experiencing some cash flow problems. He wanted to pick up and start over.

“Whoever gives the most money will be in control,” York told his children.

And then after dinner, he tells his daughter Afifah, “You’ll have to sleep your way to the top.”

Disgusted, Afifah leaves. Is this guy related to Fred West somehow?

31. Spring 2002: In the spring of 2002, investigations by federal officials on York continue to ramp.

Things would move faster - but - Waco. Had the feds not received so much backlash for their raid on Waco, they would’ve already raided Tama-Re.

Officials start planning to arrest York and raid his compound, in a way that will avoid a deadly siege or standoff.

Putnam County inspectors had been turned away by armed Nuwaubian guards in the past, so it was possible that the situation could escalate if not handled properly.

32. May 8, 2002: On May 8, 2002, York and his most trusted “wife,” Kathy Johnson, are FINALLY arrested after leaving Tama-Re on four counts of transporting minors across state lines for the purpose of illegal sex.

Hail Nimrod you piece of shit.

Authorities waited for them to drive off the compound before nabbing them.

Later that same day, before his followers could figure out what happened, 300 law enforcement officers, including agents of the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and several local sheriffs’ departments storm the compound, meeting no resistance.

Agents were descending down cables from helicopters. Barging in through the front gate in a major show of force. They weren’t fucking around. They’d planned this raid for months.

FBI agents quickly distributed food and water to the malnourished Nuwaubians once inside.

Agents found about thirty stockpiled guns, the sexually explicit Pink Panther doll, a suitcase of cash in York’s chambers, and so many dildos and vibrators.

They also found five children, who were taken into state custody because they had been named as possible victims. Four of the children were found to have STDs.

The law enforcement officers had been terrified of another Waco — but it was a flawless raid. Most of the officers were home before dark.

33. May 16, 2002: On May 16th, 2002, a federal-level case charged York with racketeering and transporting children across state lines for the purpose of sexual intercourse.

This case was built on four trips to Disney world— the Florida- Georgia state line being the operative sex trafficking boundary.

York’s attorney was Ed Garland, one of Atlanta’s best-known defense attorney.

For some reason he didn’t use Everett Leon Stout again. Weird. Maybe he was unavailable cause he was in prison or something.

Bond for York was denied.

34. Summer 2002: The Putnam County grand jury convenes in the summer of 2002.

In the separate state case, York was indicted by a grand jury on 120 counts, including 74 counts of child molestation, 29 counts of aggravated child molestation, and one count of rape. Later, when more witnesses came forward, the counts were amended to total of 177.

This case was actually much, MUCH more massive as I mentioned earlier — because molestation had been going on for years at Tama-Re. But they didn’t want the jury to have to deal with so many cases it seemed made up. And also - hundreds of additional cases would bog down the legal proceedings for years.

Dude had literally committed too many evil acts for the court system to be able to properly process.

Defense attorney Ed Garland tries to get York a deal.

35. January 24, 2003: In the deal, York will plead guilty to 77 state charges on January 24th, 2003, a day after pleading guilty to a pair of federal charges, in exchange for a fifteen-year-sentence that would account for both state and federal charges.

York plead guilty, and the deal would have had him out at the age of seventy…

…If it went through.

But then US District Court Judge Hugh Lawson, who received the report about the sentencing, was like… “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK that shit.”

He decided the deal was simply too good and rejected it, calling for a hearing for July.

Hail Hugh Lawson.

Lawson also rejected York’s plea to be returned for trial to his own "tribe," after York claimed status as an indigenous person, saying:

“Your Honor, with all due respects to your government, your nation, and your court, we the indigenous people of this land have our own rights, accepted sovereign, our own governments.

We are a sovereign people, Yamassee [yah-muh see], Native American Creeks, Seminole, Mound Builders. And all I'm asking is that the Court recognize that I am an indigenous person. Your court does not have jurisdiction over me. I should be transferred to the Moors Cherokee Council Court in which I will get a trial by juries of my peers. I cannot get a fair trial, Your Honor, if I'm being tried by the settlers or the confederates. I have to be tried by Native Americans as a Native American. That's my inalienable rights, and it's on record.”

Of course— the judge didn’t pay this a bit of attention because YORK IS NOT NATIVE. My god. This motherfucker.

He’d had his followers buy his insane bullshit for so long he thought the court might buy it too. I love when these idiots end up in court. Reminds me of Daniel Perez aka Lou Castro when he got tried for his Angel’s Landing Cult bullshit.

York’s “main wife” Kathy Johnson does get a plea bargain in exchange for testimony against York. She gets just two years in prison even though there was strong evidence she’d committed child molestation, and had procured children for sex with York, and instructed the children on sexual techniques.

I hope wherever she is right now, she’s fucking suffering. Fuck Kathy. 36. January 13, 2004: York’s trial begins on January 13th, 2004.

US District Court Judge Ashley Royal bars spectators from the courtroom, not wanting to deal with Nuwaubian support for York.

The first witness called is a woman named Jokara. She was nineteen. She told the story of the first time York molested her, when she was eight, and the prosecution showed a picture of Jokara taken at her eighth birthday party.

York’s trial attorney was now Adrian Patrick, who tried to discredit the Jokara, a pattern that would continue throughout the first week and into the second week of the trial.

Some of the witnesses, including Basheera, had been in charge of some of Dwight’s business ventures and could testify to the scams he was running there. All the cash from Saviors Day festivals, she said, were treated as York’s birthday present and went straight to him.

Basheera also confirmed that York had been planning a political takeover of Putnam County.

Badra, who worked in York’s finance department, testified that York had what amounted to slaves. His income averaged about a million annually from 1996 to 2002, and he never paid his workers a penny.

After trying to discredit the witnesses, Adrian Patrick tried to do some really odd math to show how everyone must have been lying. He said the math worked out to 150 molestations per month, or three to four a day. No normal middle-aged man would be capable of that level of sex, he argued.

The prosecution said that was exactly their point. Dwight York was no normal man.

He was a monster.

They reported how police found evidence that he was taking regular doses of testosterone.

After a three week trial, the jury went to deliberate. They were in the room for a total of seven hours before they convicted Dwight York guilty on ALL of the counts.

Yip, yip, yaw! Here comes the justice you piece of shit.

37. April 2004: In April sentencing, York is convicted to a 135 year sentence for transporting minors across state lines in the course of sexually molesting them, racketeering, and financial reporting charges.

After all this - some of his followers incredibly continue supporting him.

Certain factions of the Black supremacist subculture in the United States appear to continue to support York today, portraying his conviction as a conspiracy by the “White Power Structure.”

Malik Zulu Shabazz, chairman of the and York’s lawyer, described York as “a great leader of our people [… and] victim of an open conspiracy by our enemy.”


38. November 10, 2004: Dwight writes a letter to his followers from prison on November 10th, 2004.

Of course, he admits responsibility for nothing. And instead keeps blaming the white devils.

In this letter, he writes:

“The Caucasian has not been chosen to lead the world. They lack true emotions in their creation. We never intended them to be peaceful. They were bred to be killers, with low reproduction levels and a short life span. What you call Negroid was to live 1,000 years each and the other humans 120 years. But the warrior seed of Caucasians is only 60 years old. They were only created to fight other invading races, to protect the God race Negroids. But they went insane, lost control when they were left unattended. They were never to taste blood. They did, and their true nature came out. … Because their reproduction levels were cut short, their sexual organs were made the smallest so that the female of their race will want to breed with Negroids to breed themselves out of existence after 6,000 years. It took 600 years to breed them, part man and part beast.” nuwaubian-nation-moors

Decades of pamphlet-book writing, and he still can’t put together a solid paragraph that makes sense.

This dumb fuck, of course, will try to appeal.

His case was appealed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the convictions on October 27, 2005. Two hundred Nuwaubian protestors demonstrated in Atlanta to show their support.

A U.S. Supreme Court appeal was then denied in June 2006.

You’d think, at this point, that the Nuwaubians would be done.

Their leader in prison, exposed as a fraud and a child molester.

But instead - like cult members do - they just keep rationalizing everything.

Often in really interesting ways.

York's followers have asserted a number of defenses, including that their leader Malachi Z. York, who was charged and convicted, is not the same person as the Dwight D. York who is listed in court documents as the defendant. One of York's sons is named Dwight, and sometimes the claim is made that it is York's son and not York who is or should be the real defendant.

Haha! They got the wrong guy!

Others say that York was "set up" by his son Jacob in coordination with al Qaeda-linked American mosques jealous of York's influence among black Muslims.

Uh huh. THAT’s why all those girls testified against him.

Another claim was that since 1999 York has been a Consul General of Monrovia, Liberia, under appointment from then- President Charles Taylor. They argue he should be given diplomatic immunity from prosecution and extradited as a persona non-grata to Liberia.

Officials have not accepted this claim. Obviously.

39. 2009: In 2009, Nuwaubians tried to get York out of jail by sending false documents to his maximum security prison.

Some of the documents were stamped by notaries public, six of whom lived in Athens, Georgia, where some Nuwaubians relocated.

40. August 26, 2009: On Aug. 26, 2009, 300 people congregated at a federal courthouse in Macon, GA, to support an appeal filed to get York out of jail.

41. December 14, 2018: As recently as 2018, then 74 year old York was still up to his old tricks.

On December 14th, 2018, news outlets reported that Dwight D. York filed a lawsuit in Macon's U.S. District Court demanding compensation from various government agencies. His three- page suit argues that he is a Native American and the U.S. legal system has no jurisdiction over him.

Dude just won’t quit.

I am not or never have been a part of this corporate state or their judicial system," York writes.

He adds, "The reason I am asking for the amount of money damages is because I think a message should be sent to everyone in North America that you should not rape, murder, pillage or do treason, sedition, involuntary servitude, slavery, terrorism, fraud, extortion, grand theft, robbery, conspiracy and racketeering against a Native American Moor."

His lawsuit cites an 1871 law that allows people to sue local governments for civil rights violations: "I am looking for compensation from Title 42 Statute 1983 in the amount of two billion dollars."

Haha! Two BILLION! I wonder if any part of him thought he might get that?

“Okay, York - you win! You’re free to go, and two BILLION dollars have been deposited in your account. Happy kid fucking.”

York submitted several attachments with his lawsuit, including several documents arguing that he's not under jurisdiction of U.S. law, a form granting power of attorney to a Michigan man and a manila folder simply marked, "You have 20 days to comply."

I’m sure officials really hurried to answer inmate York in twenty days.

As defendants, his suit names the "Macon County Police Department" -- a non-existent agency -- Bibb County, State of Georgia, FBI, an unidentified "Sheriff's Department" and Judge Royal.

No trial date has been set for York's lawsuit. GUESSING a date will never be set since it doesn’t make any sense at all. leader-malachi-york-files-2-billion-lawsuit/93-623499810

42. 2020: As of 2020 Dwight York is serving his sentence at the United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility in Florence, Colorado, as Inmate # 17911-054. His projected release date is July 12, 2120.

I don’t think he’s gonna make it.

Let’s get out of here.



Dwight York, huh?

What a massive piece of shit.

A convicted pedophile, cult leader, master manipulator, and religious despot.

Using people who had been shut out of the American Dream for legitimate racism, the kind that was actually experienced in the 60s and during the Civil Rights movement, and turning that into a philosophy of black supremacy and hatred that meant everyone had to follow his crazy, constantly changing, nonsensical rules to live in a “peaceful” separate community.

And his community would be anything but peaceful.

In the beginning, it would be the Ansar Allah Community, an Islamic organization headquartered in Bushwick, where, playing on authorities giving protection for Muslim groups and being one of the only peaceful- appearing communities in the area, Dwight got free license to make people live practically in slavery, working long hours selling books and incense on the streets.

And - many were being sexually abused way back then. He was already having sex with whoever he wanted. And he was trying to launch a music career. And espousing his insane philosophy in his weird pamphlet-books - some of which were hundreds of pages long.

Dwight would then move operations to Camp Jazzira in the Catskill Mountains, where the pedophilia would really ramp up. He brought vans of “Backstreet Girls” to his upstate property for underage orgies.

Then in the 90s he moved to Putnam County, Georgia and had his follower build a weird Egyptian-themed compound called Tama-Re for their cult leader who now talked a lot about being an alien and a native American.

In Georgia, York would finally be brought down by Sheriff Howard Sills thanks to his son, Malik, exposing daddy Dwight for the child-molesting piece of shit he was.

He likely molested hundreds of kids. HUNDREDS. Many of those his own that he’d had with mothers he also molested as kids.

And despite these crimes, some Nuwaubians, some of them active on Facebook and other sites, continue to petition for York’s release. They bought the message of white devils stopping at nothing to bring the black man down, that it doesn’t matter to them what York has been accused of. It doesn’t matter who testifies or what they say. It’s all the white devils. I imagine many of them will die still believing York was framed.

He wasn’t. He was a disgusting predator. And even though he now sits alone in a cell for 23 hours a day, with one hour of recreation time, and even though he will die in prison - he still is getting far better treatment than he deserves.

I hope - just because of his belief system - that all the guards that deal with him are white.

Thankfully, Tama-Re is no longer.

The place where so many people were held against their will has been turned to dust - and those who once lived there continue to deal with the trauma of what York did to them and they try to heal.

I watched an interview of a woman who joined York’s cult when she was nineteen. Clearly a highly intelligent, strong, beautiful woman.

She talked about how initially - in Bushwick - visions of a black messiah spoke to her in a way that a sea of illustrations of a white messiah and white prophets never did.

She started attending AAC meetings - inspired by the messages of York shared.

She’d been the victim of racism as a child growing up and she was angry at white America. And York preyed on her anger, and twisted it into sexually preying on her.

And she welcomed his attention, sexual and otherwise - at first.

But then she heard about what he might be doing to children. And then she saw it. Then she watched an eight year old child go into hysterics after being molested by York. She said she’d never seen someone that upset before or since.

She left. Without taking the girl with her. And the memory of that girl - knowing what was continuing to happen to that girl - it haunted her.

She’d go on to be part of the investigation that took York down.

And years later - in 2019 - she spoke of how hard it still was for her to come to terms with the fact that she’d been in York’s cult. She said it took years of therapy to get comfortable with admitting she’d been in a “cult”. She hates that word. SHe kept saying she was part of a “community.” How could she consider herself strong and intelligent if she’d fallen for his bullshit? If she’d been a “cult member.”

She said she still struggles to trust people today. To have a healthy romantic relationship.

These types of struggles are what York has left hundreds to deal with. This is his legacy. One of pain and confusion.

All so his fucked up ego and deranged sexual appetite could constantly be fed.

No one is who York claimed to be. Some god-like person. Some prophet. Some messiah. Fucking NO ONE.

Everyone in recent memory who have made these claims have proven themselves to be criminals. Con men. And everyone who made these claims centuries ago can never be properly fact checked.

Anyone tries to pull that shit with you - if you’re interested in my advice - run the fuck away from them as fast as you can…. every single time.


V. Top Five Takeaways

1. Number One: Number one! Dwight York changed up whatever costumery, religious ideology, or crazy origin story he needed to maintain control over his cult.

Over the years, he tried out Islam, cowboys, spaceships, and basically anything that would get his followers to buy his shitty pamphlet-books and keep peddling his philosophies for him. He built an elaborate empire in cities across the US selling his insane philosophies, including that he was an alien from the Planet Rizq.

But he believed none of it. It was all a front— he told his son Malik that he’d do anything, dress up like a nun or convert to Judaism, to keep his hold over people and the money flowing in.

2. Number Two: Number two! The Nuwaubians did everything in their power to try to take over Putnam County, including attempting to vote out officials who opposed them. They even left a dead dog on Frank Ford’s street.

3. Number Three: Number three! Dwight York used a dildo’d stuffed Pink Panther toy as a sex toy on children.

How the fuck is that a true sentence?

4. Number Four: Number four! A murder case possibly related to Dwight York and the AAC took place in 1979 when Roy Savage murdered Horace Green, then went on to kill two of his wives in Newark and stuff their bodies in suitcases— in front of one of his other wive’s daughters.

Savage was a member of his inner circle and continued to pledge his devotion to York from behind bars. Too bad these two can’t be cell mates today.

5. Number Five: Number five! New info! Three of York’s fellow prisoners at the Supermax facility in Florence, Colorado, are people we’ve covered in previous sucks - unaBomber Theodore Kaczynski, Sinoloa Cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, and Oklahoma City Bombing co-conspirator Terry Nichols.

Former Suck Subject and now recently dead former Serial Killer Joseph Duncan also spent time at SuperMax.

Hopefully York will be a former inmate soon as well.

Maybe El Chapo will have him killed.

One can hope.

Crazier shit has happened - York’s life proves that.


A.Episode has been sucked!:

The insanity of Dwight York has been SUCKED. My God. What a story.

B.Thank you to Timesuck Team:

Thank you to Timesuck Team:

Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions Team for all the help in making Timesuck! Queen of Bad Magic Lynze Cummins, Reverend Doctor Joe Paisley, Sophie “Fact Sorceress” Evans for running point again on this week’s research, Bit Elixir for continuously refining the Timesuck app, and Logan “Art Warlock” Keith running and working on our socials along with Liz Hernandez, and being the visual artist for all things Bad Magic!

Thanks to all of those who’ve joined the new Cult of the Curious private Facebook group - Cult of the Curious 2 - or one of the many online subgroups out there. Yip yip yaw!

Thanks Liz Hernandez and her All Seeing Eyes running our Cult of the Curious Facebook page.

Thanks also to Beefsteak and the “Mod Squad” running Discord!

You can link to the Timesuck Discord group through the Timesuck app.

C.Next Episode Preview:

Next time on Timesuck we head back to the hyperinflation ravaged era of pre-Nazi Germany to once again investigate a uniquely brutal German serial killing psychopath.

This time it’s a man nicknamed the Vampire of Dusseldorf—Peter Kürten [curtain]. He was also called the “King of Sexual Perverts” by a number of behavior experts when he was caught and there is no doubt as to why after looking into just a few minutes of research on him.

I promise, when I quickly picked these recent episodes, I did not that all of them would be quite so sexually deviant.

I know it’s been a lot.

Peter attacked dozens of innocent people, mainly women and often children, killing at least ten and striking fear into the whole country— he also went pretty hard into bestiality - pun not intended but acknowledged - with a countless number of farm animals.

Good lord.

Newspapers and their readers were shocked at this inhuman monster’s sheer brutality—and they were horrified to learn that some of his victims were toddlers.

Peter Kürten wasn’t a vampire but he was a monster. He was obviously a fatally-flawed man motivated by an intense sexual desire to see blood gush and squirt out of his victim’s bodies.

Holy Horror.

He would revel in his crimes to almost unheard of extremes—not only returning to the scenes to hear people talk, but he would even go to the cemeteries and ejaculate on his victim’s gravesites as he relived his crimes.

Uh huh.

It’s tough to get more depraved than this horrible waste of elements.

He also somehow had a wife that he cared for and didn’t brutally murder who was unaware of his crimes until the end.

Even some of the worst monster out there have places in their hearts that aren’t totally dead or evil. Does that make them more or less scary? Even after he admitted to being the Vampire of Dusseldorf— he presented a nice plan to help her.

Join us next Monday as we grab some torches and pitchforks and hunt down the Vampire of Dusseldorf.

D.Segue to Timesucker Updates:

And now let’s head on over to this week’s Timesucker Updates!


VII.Timesucker Updates

1. Military meat sack Nicole White called out a fuckup of mine from the last episode - Operation Greenup. Allow me to share… and explain. Nicole writes:

Dearest suck master!

First time writing and long time listener, but I’ve been compelled to write a few times. However, it took you butchering my favorite airplane during “the real inglorious bastard” suck to write.

You see, I am in the military and ironically am a bombardier on the long flying B-52…or as we call it Big Ugly Fat Fucker…and unfortunately for your fact checking, the wonderful BUFF was NOT in fact flying during WW2.

In fact, it first took flight in 1952, well after Hitler decided he didn’t want to live anymore and graciously rid us of his presence.

Today, we have approximately 80 still in flight, tails built from 1958-1961 (possibly 1962) and keep bringing them back from the bone yard on a fairly regular basis. Sorry, not sorry, for the long post. Love the podcast!! To the BUCCS (those who know will know) You’re faithful space lizard, Nicole.

Thank you Nicole! I appreciate your service. Yes - you and Tim Echanter and numerous other Suckers also called out this correction.

Let me explain.

That detail was a last minute addition.

The B-52 came from the only source I could find that listed what type of plane Mayer, Wynberg, and Weber jumped out of behind enemy lines.

And since I’m not a military bomber historian - when I read “B-52” it set off ZERO red flags.

So - sorry for swinging and missing on that one. Thanks for the correction - you know I strive for accuracy!

Doing further research, I’m guessing the guys were actually dropped from a Douglas C-47, introduced in 1941, or maybe a B-17, introduced in 1938. They could have also jumped from the C-47 variant, the C-53 Skytrooper.

Sources don’t say.

2. Now on to a cool memory dredged up by the Operation Greenup Suck, sent in by thoughtful Sack Peter Kourakos. Peter writes.

I'm listening to the operation Greenup suck and in regards to the OSS, when I was a cable technician I went to a house for service and when I was in the basement there was a table in the middle of the floor on that table was a photograph that was on poster board.

The photograph was of a group of people in an area that I did not know and it was in black and white. when I was finished with what I needed to do I asked the couple of the house about the picture and the wife told me that it was her husband's platoon in World War II.

He was an original member of the OSS and he was in Italy to assist with stopping Mussolini.

To this day, there's not a cooler person that I've ever met.

He was about 98 years old at the time - and this was around 10 years ago - so he is probably no longer with us, unfortunately.

Sadly, many from his generation are no longer with us. I wish I had taken down his personal information and stayed in contact. It hurts to this day knowing that I can't learn any more from him than I did in that 45 minutes I was in his house.

I love this message, Peter! Yeah - almost no one from that war is with us any longer. If you’re lucky enough to meet anyone who has a story to share about what they experienced in WW2 - listen. Those stories won’t be told face-to-face by those who lived those tales for much longer.

The living history will soon be gone. What an incredible generation. I’m glad you got to hear what you did.

If anyone from that generation is listening - thank you so much for, well - saving the whole fucking world from tyranny.

3. Now for a quick message from Commando Fan Brandon Mitchell that just cracked me up. Brandon writes:

Hello there master sucker! I just listened to your most recent suck about the inglorious bastards, great episode! I am an avid Arnold fan and I totally knew you were talking about that movie Commando. I’ve seen that movie hundreds of times. I know the characters. you mentioned Matrix and his daughter Jenny. I knew it and you called it! Hail Nimrod! 3/5 stars!

Haha! Thank you, Brandon! I love it. I hoped that would hit with someone and so glad it did. I LOVED that movie as a kid. When I think of it, I always think about the scene where Arnold runs into the tool shed that gets surrounded by five guys with machine guns firing into it, and then he stabs one dude with a pitchfork, and then he throws two skill saw blades like he’s plaining some murderous version of frisbee golf, then he grabs an axe and chops one dude in the nuts, and then machetes the fifth guy’s arm off. One of the most ridiculous action sequences I’ve ever seen and I love it.

Hail Nimrod.

4. Now a Shaka Zulu update from South African Sack Cimone Strydom. Cimone writes:

Dearest Most Honorable Leader of Suckness I am so fortunate to have found The Suck.

I am a South African female Meatsack, and thoroughly enjoyed your suck on Shaka Zulu. I realize this message comes ages after you did the episode! But I reckoned, meh, chances are 50/50 you see this so... I apologize if someone has mentioned this but here goes. I'm not going to bother with correcting you on pronunciation.

I would love to share some extra info though regarding the Zulu (and all the tribes here) using cattle as currency.

As Lucifina sees fit, when a boy Zulu loves a girl Zulu, he goes to her father and goes: "yo, I dig your sperm-art, can I hit Dat?" and Dad would be like "How many cows ya got?”

So, in order for a couple to get married, even in very modern times, the male either needs to offer either cattle or money.

The more heads of cattle they can offer for a daughter, the more likely he will win the favor of the bride's family.

This is a tradition that is very much alive and well in South Africa.

ANYHOO. I fucking love you, your Queen and your fellow Suckaneers!

You get me through my days in this, our own Apocalypse. I could go into private shit but I shan't. Just keep being THE SUCK we deserve. I spread your filthy knowledge as far and wide as I can. Love and suckness CIMONE IF THIS GETS READ I WILL NEVER ASK BOJANGLES FOR ANYTHING AGAIN

Praise Bojangles Cimone, he has heard your prayers! I love hearing what you just shared. The cattle trading continues. Super fucked up - it boils down to women being traded for cattle - but, interesting that that tradition continues. I guess maybe it’s good that dad’s are hoping to see their daughters taken care of by hard working dudes with plenty of money and/or cattle? I’m gonna choose to see that bit of good.

Hope I get to South Africa again someday. I love your beautiful country.

And now one more message from educated Sucker John Fossey. John writes from across the pond:

Recently found the podcast listened about 40% of of back catalogue and most of recent ones.

Loving the mispronounced English place names - eg Fred and Rosemary West ep - anything ending in -shire should be ‘shuh’ not ‘shy-er’ we are not hobbits.

Wilt-shuh with two syllables not 3 syllables and wilt-shy-er.

Thank you John. Gotten a lot of those messages recently. I’m learning! Which is part of what I love about this.

John continues:

Since listening out of sequence this may have already been covered - episode 40 Nostradamus etc ep - you callout poo- gazing as not medically valid - check out the Bristol poo chart - which was developed in Bristol UK in the 90s (1990s) as a diagnostic tool.

I’m not a medial doctor but do know that stool inspection can be diagnostic - and in those days without much else to go on if your turds are runny and yellow it might be there is something wrong with you.

Best regards Professor John S. Fossey

John! Thank you for that poo chart. Link is in the episode description if anyone wants to find it.

Seven main types of poo. Two “normal” types: Category 3, a sausage shape with cracks on the surface, and category 4, like a smooth, soft sausage or snake.

Anything else - your fucked up to some degree. At quick glance, I need more fiber.

Appreciate the poo info. I love some unexpected knowledge.

That’s all for this week.




1. Thanks for listening to another Bad Magic Productions Podcast, Meatsacks.

Please don’t built an Egyptian alien Islamic cult compound and molest hundreds of kids this week - that’s really fucked up. And maybe don’t record any r&b disco tracks either. Please do keep on sucking.


People Magazine Investigates Cults S1 E6 “The Nuwabian Nation of Moors”