New Survey on School Needs
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A Newspaper. Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially EaeH Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XIX—NO. 2 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1957 at 18 Qreen Street, Woofibrldge, R. 3. PRICE EIGHT CENTS New Survey Bi-Partisan Parley Tonight To Tackle Me-Districting On School WOODBKIBGE — The Town sentatives on the Town Com- Committee, all members of the mittee, while the First Ward Deiroeratic party, will meet to-, with seven cistrfets and the Needs Set night at 7:30 o'clock with rep- Third Ward with eight districts, resentatives of the local Repub- also have two representatives By CHARLES E. GREGORY lican party to discuss the matter each. The mayor is technically Consultants Engaged by of re-districting- the present known as eoKimitieeman-ai- Incumbents on Ballot; B. of E. to Make Study wards or whether it wouia he large and runs in the whole Yorke, Deeifous Seen A growing crisis, which we better to divide the Township Toivnship. seem to be viewing a la os- On Sites, Priorities into four wards, with the help of * * •::• X- On Republican Slate the Legislature if necessary- WOODBRIDGE — After a coja- . Bath parties appear to be in. trich, is the condition of our * * Z: S accord "that scraethlng must bs WOODBRIDGE — While the -'erence with the Citizens Advisory Democratic party locally is all set far-flung road system. i Committee Monday night the Republican party members done" but there seems to be a who will be present at the ses- division of opinion as to method. — its members on the Town Com- Board of Education engaged the j mittee are all seeking reelection — firm of Engelhardt, Engelhardt, sion are Arnold S. Graham, Judge B. W. Vogel, former We hardly count , any Woofibridge, Municipal chair- Township Attorney, once ren- the Republican party is still to an- ^•eggett and Cornell, of New York nounce its slate although the more, that day which fails to ' City, educational consultants and man; Robert Hamilton, Colo- dered an opinion that the Town nia; Mrs. Vernon Johnson, Av- Committee, by ordinance, may deadline for filing petitions for experts, in their field, to make a the Primary is next Thursday. produce a frantic plea from study of the educational needs of esiel; Mrs. Jean Briant and add another ward. Nathan Buff, Running for reelection on the some area of the community ./he Township. The survey to be David Miller, Colonia. present Township counsel, has Democratic slate are Mayor Hugh .nade is commonly called a "sat- * « * * offered the opinion that the to the Town Committee, its B. Quigley, L. Charles Mangione. uration study." There has been considerable only way another ware! may be added is through action by the First Ward; Peter Schmidt, Sec- harassed engineer, road sup- clamor recently for an addition- The firm will be paid $7,500 plus State Legislature. ond Ward and L. Ray Alibani, erintendent or the cop on approximately $1,200 for neces- al ward or for redistrictingr, so * $ :;: :? | Third Hard. Shat population-wise all areas the corner, that some imme- sary aerial photographs. Arnold S. Graham, Republican OPEN DRIVE FOB FUNDS: At a meeting held Friday night, The Mount Carmel Nursing Guild, However, according- to Mayor N. L. Engelhardt, of the con- will have equal representation Municipal chairman, said yester- diate step be taken to remove a non-sectarian nursing; service, opened its annu ll campaign for funds to cover a necessary §12,000 Hugrh B. Quigley, Mr. Duff is sulting firm, explained in detail en the Town Committee. At the in the process of making a more day that he and the committees budget. Left to right are Kev. Zenonn Lesniows ii, St. Stephen's Parish, Perth Amboy; Rt. Rev. the myriad hazards to life che proposed survey. He noted a present time,,, the cumbersome, thorough study of the law and in charge of selecting candidates Msgr. Charles G. McCcrristin, Sfi James' Parish, W-iodbri^g-e; His Excellency George W. Ahr, Bishop and limb which exist all "school building which is planned wide-spread Second Ward with will present his findings at the will meet tonight and tomorrow of the Trenton Diocese and Kev. Lawrence Horvath, O«r Lady of Hungary Parish, Perth Amboy. in terms of specific demands and 19 districts has but two repre- meeting tonight. night. about us, and "which increase Speakers were'Bishop Afar, Msgr. McCorristin ana Charles E. Gregory, publisher of the Independ- a definite educational program From all indications, Louis De- with dizzy regularity — far ent-Leader. means it will meet the needs of cibus, Third Ward and William the community not only now but faster than we can ever hope Yorke, Second Ward, will be Re- in the future." to cope with them. publican candidates again. Both Civic Groups Join The saturation study conducted men ran last year and, although * & & by the firm determines school defeated, made good showings. building needs, makes population Automobile springs, tires Mr. Graham has been ap- For Ke-Districtiii! Council for Transactions studies, evaluates existing school WOODBRIDGE — Although the primary election is more than and general welfare are ex- plants, prepares programs of edu- six weeks away — April 16 to be exact — and election of party munici- proached to head his party's EDISON—Disclaiming any political motive, Mrs. William Mc- cational and community require- pal chairmen does not take place until the Monday after, April 22, ticket and run for mayor, but he pensive, to be sure—but they WOODBRIDGE Council of is showing great reluctance to be Civic Association of Colonia went • Andrew, a critic of the Board of Commissioners and an active par- ments, assists in the design of | political storm warnings are already being hoisted. are expendable. A child's life ticipant in the change of government 'movement, questioned the schools and offers professional ex- a candidate due, to business pres- on record this week as being in Most of the rumblings seem to come from the Democratic party sure. is precious beyond words, favor of dividing the existing commissioners at length at the regular meeting last night in the perience and counsel on all build- of which Joseph P. Somers is municipal chairman. Mr. Somers will Municipal Building on procedure used in allocating township funds ing programs. be a candidate for reelection, but Although several names have and so while we have sym- three wards of the Township into been mentioned for First Ward four wards. to the Board of Education. In determining the school build- from an unimpeachable Demo- pathy and understanding Her attack centered on the in- ing needs the firm will make a cratic source it was learned that candidates, including those of In a letter to Mayor Hugh B. s Raymond Jackson, Jr. local drug- when a new tire is cut and vestigation made toy the auditor sum owing to the board or one-community survey which will in- the Second Ward seems to have Quigley, John Evanko, Jr., chair- for the Citizens Advisory Commit- twelfth of the total. budget: The clude recommendations for the other ideas. Mr. Somers is a gist, who would be highly accept- shredded by exposure to a man of the council wrote: "At a tee -in which she said that he hadfifth check of $23,696.00 repre- present and future, problems ,of Woodbridge resident. able to all, the Republican party ragged crater in the street meeting of. this council on Thurs- found that although five checks sented the balance of the $471,-. financing, study of school popu- Bernard Dunn, Fords, evidently still has no candidate for that lation trends and as stated before has aspirations to become Demo- Ward. Mr. Jackson told The In- for school pur- 088.00 to bring the unpaid bal- -- WOODBRIDGE — A Com- dependent-Leader late yesterday causing its puchaser to ex-of re-aligning ward boundaries on December 31, 1956, they ance to $200,000.00, which amount analysis of existing school faci- cratic Municipal Chairman. It is plode in a high-voltage tan- was discussed at some length. lities. The survey will give a understood he has the backing of plaint of "deplorable road con- he considers it an honor to be had not reached the school board's was deferred to 1957 collections ditions" in the Woodbridge Park asked to run, Since his business "We are officially appreciative secretary until February 19, this as stated in your financial state- sound foundation for determining Freeholder William Warren, for- trum, this is not our present the school building needs. section; was filed in a letter from leaves him litle time for his fam- of your current plans to discuss year. • • ; ment published in the 1957 mer Town Committeeman. or pressing concern. We wor- the matter of ward re-alignment Scope of Study The Second Ward, has grown to a property-owners' group to the ily, he fears being in politics would Commissioner : Julius' Engel, budget. This same type of pro- Town Committee yesterday. deprive him of even that little ry over tots trying to walk •with the Democratic and Repub- speaking for the group, disclaimed cedure was followed in 1955. Eh the analysis of existing faci- the point where it now has 19 time. and lities, the firm in its report will districts, with 38 votes in the elec- The section, which is bounded in the passable part of a any knowledge of this matter j <inwa s als0 determined that of when asked by Mrs. McAndrew if discuss the problems of safety and tion of a Municipal chairman. The by Freeman Street, the Pennsyl- Gery Mentioned roadway, which also must be* "Democracy in the American j anyone on the board knew any- these five checks, one was turned sanitation.