FIVE ALIVE The Magazine of the Team Ministry St Euny Redruth, Christchurch Lanner, St Andrew Pencoys St Andrew Redruth and St Stephen Treleigh

JUNE 2019 PRICE £1.00

Team Clergy Church Wardens St. Andrew Redruth Caspar Bush—Team Rector 01209 216958 Lez Seth 01209 215191 Deb Grigg 07742 865618 Sue Pearce 01209 217596 Graham Adamson 01209 315965 St. Euny Redruth Peter Fellows 07903 807946 Margaret Johnson 01209 211352 Lay Readers Lucie Rogers 01209 211255 Jim Seth 01209 215191 Web site: Judith Williams 01209 202477 St. Andrew Pencoys Margaret Du Plessy 01209 481829 Jill Tolputt 01209 214638 Christchurch Lanner Magazine Editor/Treasurer Ross Marshall 01209 215695 Richard & Rosemary 01209 715198 Mary Anson 01209 211087 Robinson St. Stephen’s Treleigh PASTORAL TEAM 07724 639854 Anne Youlton 01209 214532 ST EUNY OUTREACH WORKER 07971 574199 (Clare Brown) Christine Cunningham 01209 218147

Enquiries Concerning Church Halls

St Andrew’s Crypt Lez Seth 01209 215191 Pencoys Church Hall Christine Walker 01209 215850 Lanner Church Hall Margaret Davis 01209 214470 Treleigh Church Hall David Rowe 01209 218416

Enquiries Concerning Weddings and Baptisms

Please email Revd Caspar Bush on [email protected] or telephone 01209 216958

Benefice Office & weekly news sheet Administrator: Simon Cooper: Tel office 01209 200739 (Please leave a message) E-mail: [email protected] Benefice website Administrator: Alice Bush Email: [email protected] FIVE ALIVE MAGAZINE Subscriptions £7.50( PER YEAR OR £1.00 PER COPY): please contact your Churchwardens

Articles and advertisements: please contact:- Richard and Rosemary Robinson: [email protected] by FRIDAY 14 JUNE

Rector’s Notes – JUNE 2019

There are some great things happening in June to read about in this edition of Five Alive. But I wanted to high- light especially Thy Kingdom Come – an international movement of prayer between Ascension Day and Pente- cost we’re joining in with.

Prayer is the lifeblood of our churches, and this is a chance for us to make a concerted effort to pray for the renewal of our churches locally, and the Church of God generally.

When’s it happening? Each of our churches is hosting a day of prayer from 8am till 6pm as follows, and we’re all in- vited to come along for an hour or two (in as many venues as we can):

Tues 4th June at Pencoys Wed 5th June at Lanner Thurs 6th June at Treleigh Fri 7th June at St Andrew, Redruth Sat 8th June at St Euny Then on Sunday 9th June at 3pm there is a Pentecost celebration service at Gwennap Pit, hosted by the Methodists but to which we’re all invited.

Resources As last year, some beautiful resources have been printed: In full colour, a Prayer Journal, a Novena and a family adventure prayer map complete with stickers! Plus there will be prayer stations to help us pray imaginatively, and set spoken services through the day.

With my prayers, and very best wishes Caspar Bush (Team Rector)

Revd Graham chats with ….. Robin Knights

“Enjoy the view while it lasts” Robin laughs as we take a seat in the garden. Recently, new vistas have opened up with sweeping views from Mount Ambrose down to St Ives Bay but they may be short lived, as there is quite a bit of building going on around their home. We are in a place that has been home for Robin practically all his life: his parents had a house close by before the “new” road in Mount Ambrose was built, and Robin has lived here ever since, with he and Trish bringing up their two now adult children here too. We talk about coming to faith, answered prayer and the faithfulness of God in the highs and lows of life. “But please don’t portray me as some kind of super-spiritual person!” Robin insists. He tells me of the highs and the lows of his own life, and it is apparent that he is only too aware of the damage that can be inflicted by Christians putting pressure on each other. He has known expectations that Christians should always be strong, joyful and successful. Any admission of weakness was frowned on as a sign of little faith. Now Robin is glad to have found a place and a home to express his own faith, and to be himself. Robin’s faith story begins with being part of an “Open Brethren” church and he has memories of being part of “Treasure Hour”, a weekly gathering of about 120 youngsters at Green Lane chapel in town, now a community building at the corner of the New Cut car park. But it was at a Crusader camp at St David’s in Wales, that a 15 year-old Robin experienced a pivotal “Holy Spirit moment.” Visiting the cathedral, Robin was struck by the sight of a crucifix. In Robin’s Brethren church there were no crosses on the walls at all, “but when I saw this image, and it was the image not any words, I had a sudden realization of what Jesus had done, and all this for me.” Young Robin felt God with him right then, and was filled with joy and jumping around the fields at the wonder of it all. The next time Robin remembers a feeling like this was at his confirmation just three years ago at St Andrew’s Redruth. He recalls the unexpected power and joy at that moment of blessing. But a lot happened in the intervening time… Robin went away to London to train in retail – his father was a master draper – and on his return went on to run the department store at the bottom of Fore Street. “It is through visual moments that God seems to speak to me” Robin remarks to me, remem- bering the sight of a double rainbow seemingly coming from the landmark tower of the Fore Street shop. And that sign of God’s faithfulness carried Robin through what had been a challenging moment as the business ended up being sold. “It was a promise to me.” That challenging time was one in which Robin, “did lots of walking, lots of talking to God. When I tried to control things, it just didn’t work out, and I got to a moment when I just said “Right, God, it’s over to you””. Eventually, Robin was drawn to St Stephen’s church in Treleigh. Robin and Trish’s daughter was married not so long ago at the church and Robin recalls with a smile the warmth with which they were welcomed there – although they arrived late (a long story involving the advertised time having changed…!) The week after the wedding Trish and Robin then independently of each other were convinced that they both needed to go back to Treleigh; they just looked at each other one Sunday morning and knew that they should go – “God drew us in.” And, for Robin, this season has become one in which many prayers and dreams from long ago are coming to fruition. “It sounds a bit odd, but Trish and I wanted from the beginning for this house to be used by God”, and through the “Upper Room” home groups which have they have hosted, Robin has a sense of the family home being used for God’s purposes; a community of friendship where faith can be explored and people are free to be themselves. Again, Robin is insistent that everyone has something to offer: “I’m convinced that God wants to use our personalities, not put pressure on anyone to live their faith in a particular way. There is free- dom to be yourself” Indeed! And we are so glad that Trish and Robin have found a home in the benefice and blessed to share in their ongoing story. ————— —————— Upper Room groups are a feature of the benefice. They are home groups for study, prayer and friendship. Some meet for a few weeks at a time in 6 week blocks, others are continu- ous. If you are interested, do find out if there is one meeting near you!


Choirs Raise The Roof at St Andrews Redruth

The church was full to capacity on Sunday 5 May for the regional concert of the 2019 International Male Choral Festival. 160 singers took part from Wales, Nottinghamshire, South Africa and Cornwall. Highlights from the first two choirs were Bui Doi (Miss Saigon) From South Notts Men’s Chorus and Prayer for Africa, a piece especially learnt by Male Choir to honour our South African singers. The South African choir were called the Barons and comprised boys from the prep school of the St College near Johannesburg. They have a close connection with Cornwall as they share the “One and All” motto and the school was originally formed by two Cornish- men one of whom is an ancestor of the Bishop of . The choir’s colourful shirts provided an enjoyable contrast to the formal wear of the other choirs. Their music was joyous and included secular and traditional African pieces and they were rewarded at the end by a standing ovation. The 70 strong Bridgend Male Choir closed the concert, their final piece was An American Trilogy accompanied by keyboard and organ and provided a truly rousing finish to a wonderful evening.


On Maundy Thursday the Sung Eucharist was led by Canon Eddie Woon assisted by Len Cunningham. At the end of the service the altar and chancel were stripped in silence, of all cloths, candlesticks and crosses, culminating with the Vigil until 9pm. On Good Friday at 10.30am the Stations of the Cross was beautifully led by Rev’d Graham Adamson and because the weather was glorious it was held in the church- yard, leading from the porch up to the Hall and returning to the front of the church, stopping at each Station while Graham read movingly of what each picture portrayed. A verse of a hymn was sung between each Station and a prayer said. The service ended with “When I Survey the wondrous Cross”. At 3pm on Good Friday the Liturgy of the Passion, a solemn but moving service, was led by Rev’d Caspar Bush assisted by Rev’d Graham Adamson. The service on Easter Sunday was taken by Rev’d Caspar Bush assisted by Rev’d Graham Adamson. Eucharist Minister was Len Cunningham and readings were by Andrea Rogers. The flame used to light our new Paschal Candle was brought from the first Paschal Candle lit on Saturday evening at Christchurch, Lanner, and this flame was used to light each candle in the Benefice churches. The church was beautifully decorated for Easter and the Easter Garden was put together by Carol Stewart and Jenny Harris. Easter eggs were distributed to the congregation at the end of the service. All the Easter services were very well attended, and the organ- ist at these was Michael Hichens. Treleigh Ladies group had a very enjoyable outing to Wyvale Garden Centre at Lelant on April 23rd where they had cream teas and some retail therapy. The Rummage sale on May 10th was a great success both in terms of raising money for Treleigh Hall Improvement Fund and the fun and socialising involved getting it up and running. Footfall wasn’t massive but we did make £175 in total. Our sincere thanks to all who supported it in whatever capacity. With the fete season nearly upon us I have a couple of seasonal tales to recount. The first involves a fete that had organised an Army helicopter to be the main attraction. The helicopter arrived while all the stall holders were arranging and re-arranging their merchandise and then….the helicopter landed in a whirlwind of rotor-draught, scattering everything in all directions! At the second fete all the ladies were asked to measure their waists and to pay a forfeit of one penny an inch to Church funds. Good for funds, but probably not for morale!! Treleigh Garden Fete is on July 6th at 2pm with music by The Skyliners. See you there!!

Trish Rowe (01209 218416) St. Andrew’s Church Pencoys with Four Lanes United Methodist Church ‘Flapjack’ working, worshipping and praying together as ‘One in Christ’ You are most welcome to visit the church, open daily, usually from 10 am to 5 pm

LAMP : At the First Sunday Evening Event on 5th May we learnt about nursing training and the many demands made on today’s nurses from Rebecca, working as an Aural Department nurse at -Redruth Hospital. Revd. Margaret Saville then explained the concept of Parish Nursing from her experience in a previous parish and the social advantages of estab- lishing a similar scheme in Redruth, caring mainly for the needs of vulnerable families. We thank Rebecca and Margaret and everyone who supported this with donations totalling £80 towards the cost of the proposed Parish Nursing Project. The next First Sunday Evening Event, to be held at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 2nd June at Four Lanes Methodist Church, will be a Sankey Evening, supporting supporting St. Teresa's Cheshire Home at to which all are welcome. A Special Event for Four Lanes : Members of the community have been working on a Commemorative Stitching project, entitled ‘A Flock of Stories’, (referring to Four Lanes ‘Starlings’) which will be launched on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, Wednesday 5th June at 7.30 pm in Four Lanes Methodist Church. This has incorporated the transparent figures of soldiers ‘there but not there’, one of which has been sitting patiently in our church since last Remembrance Sunday, to which feet will be added at the Launch. Everyone is very welcome to come along and share this event and enjoy 1940s-style refreshments. There will be a United Service of Praise at the Methodist Church at 4 pm on Sunday 9th June (Pentecost) with Revd. Stewart Burgess, a former Chairman of the Methodist Conference, to which all are welcome. We shall be holding our usual annual Open-Air Holy Communion service in Churchyard, on Monday 24th June at 7 pm. This has yet to be confirmed, so please see the weekly pew sheets for further details. In the event of bad weather, the service will be held in Methodist Hall, opposite the Chapel. Everyone will be most welcome to join us. On a fine evening this is always a beautiful experience. We continue to pray for Revd. Deb Grigg and her speedy recovery, and of course for Revds. Graham and Haley as they prepare for Ordination to the Priesthood on 29th June in Truro Cathedral.

Jill Tolputt


What a glorious Easter was had at St. Euny church! We began the weekend on

Good Friday with a quiet service held in the Lady Chapel which was led by Local

Worship Leaders Jason and Lucie. Easter Day dawned bright and clear as a group of worshippers recreated the journey of the disciples by processing into the churchyard where the New Fire of Easter was lit from the flame that had been carefully transported from the service at Christchurch, Lanner the previous even- ing. The prayers from the prayer tree at St. Euny and prayers from St. Andrew’s Church were ceremonially burned by Father Peter before we went inside for a short service, followed by hot cross buns, bubbly and tea. The 11:15 am service was well attended and followed by an Easter egg hunt.

The following week, our service of Morning Praise was led by Revd. Robert Amess and was enjoyed by all. We very much hope that he can visit us again. We held a review of these ‘4th Sunday Services’ and were encouraged by the comments received.

At the ADCM, Margaret and Lucie were again voted in as churchwardens. We have some new members to the DCC. We thank Jenny Sincock and Peter Elliot for their hard work and valuable contributions to church life, and welcome Anthea (full member) and Tom Pritchard (co-opted as secretary) as part of the DCC.

Jenny has worked so hard as treasurer and has generously given us a little time to find her replacement. If anybody feels that this could be something they could offer, please talk to Caspar Bush about it.

We are thankful for the lovely people who attend St. Euny Church week on week and hold those in our prayers who are unable to attend due to illness and other circumstances.


A Morning in the life of a Tiddler’s Volunteer All is quiet and still. A burst of colour pops as you open the crypt door, the first sign that shortly the hall will be a busy and exciting place to be. Toys lie before you in neat groups, clusters of cars, train sets, lego and dolls, waiting, as if in some sort of Santa’s grotto, for the moment the children arrive. In the meantime you tiptoe your way along the corridors between them to one of three locations.

Number one, the entrance table; this is a gentle job requiring welcoming smiles and a working pen! Pot for donations placed, registration sheet out, safety checklist completed and then onto station two, the kitchen. If you are a marvel with your memory and a talented barista, then this is the place for you, here fruit is diced and cheese sliced for snack time, and warm drinks made for the parents who will enter the hall at any moment. The final station is the art table, a busy table with creativity bursting from its seams. Well glue, feathers and crayons anyway. Will the next budding artist get their start here? Who knows but it is a wonderful place where talking, sharing and imagination all have a chance to blossom.

Once the room is set up we can open the doors to the steady trickle of children, parents and grandparents arriving for the next two hours. Coats are flung off, buggies parked and greetings made. Each guardian is given a hot drink on arrival, a precious commodity when you have a small child! And then the fun begins. It is amazing, and an honour, to see little feet taking first steps, the mischievous giggles of a child escaping its adult, and the moments where children who always played alone, find a friend to play with. The support given by our caring grown-ups to one another is also a good place to feel better about the world and it is very rare to find someone sitting alone at Tiddlers.

After the flurry of activity it is soon time for the children to sit around with each other and eat a snack before singing time. Then the goodbyes, tired tantrums and children snuggled in buggies for naps mean that packing up time can begin. With skill and artistry and of course a little discussion about what toy goes where, the boxes are packed, the cupboards closed, the washing and brushing up done, and quiet again descends.

Off home for lunch I think and then to start preparing for next week!

If you would like to volunteer to help with Tiddlers on a Thursday morning during term time, please get in contact with the St Andrews Church Wardens.


Film Club There was not a dry eye in the house after April’s Film Club night showing of Testament of Youth: the film is a very powerful retelling of Vera Brittain’s experiences of World War I. We will be showing another tear-jerker at our May Film Club on Friday 31st May (before issue of Five Alive). Finding Your Feet stars Imelda Staunton, Celia Imrie, Timothy Spall and Joanna Lumley and tells the story of a judgmental snob who finds herself living with her bohemian sister in an inner-city council estate. Doors open at 6:30pm and the film starts at 7pm. Film Club nights are always the last Friday of each month and is part of the CFylm scheme.

Pizza and Pud Evening Thank you to everyone who supported our Pizza and Pud Evening on Friday 17th May. A special thank you to Pat Williams for initiating the evening and to Father Peter for the challeng- ing Italy quiz.

Art Workshops Ross Marshall, Churchwarden and Art Teacher, will be running a series of Saturday workshops. The first workshop takes place on Saturday 8th June at 10am-1pm and will continue every Saturday concluding with an Exhibition on Saturday 20th July. For more details please check the weekly newsletter.

Gin and Jazz Following last year’s very popular Gin and Jazz Evening, please join us for an evening of music, featuring the Four Tunes Saxophone Quartet, and gin-tasting on Saturday 8th June at 7pm. After listening to the Four Tunes perform, you will have worked up an appetite for the gin-tasting that will follow their performance. “ Gin tokens” will be available to purchase and you can sample a wide variety of gins. There will be non-alcoholic beverages available! All money raised will go to church funds.

Gwennap Street Market Christchurch volunteers were out in force on May Bank Holiday Monday at the Gwennap Street Market. Our stall raised £115 for the Nepal Youth Fund, £115 for church funds and £130 for DSBeenies.

Julia Knight-Bennett June 1st Sa 12 noon St Stephen Treleigh Wedding 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* 7pm Pencoys Hall First Saturday Quiz ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2nd Su 7th Sunday of Easter 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Sung Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung HC with Children’s Sunday Club 11am Four Lanes Chapel FLAPJACK Holy Communion 11.15am St Euny Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 1.15pm St Andrew Redruth Baptism 3pm-5pm Four Lanes Chapel Lighthouse 6pm Four Lanes Chapel LAMP First Sunday Event. Sankey evening ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3rd Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Healing Service in the Lady Chapel 4th Tu Week of Prayer - ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ begins 8am-6pm St Andrew Pencoys Thy Kingdom Come prayer day. Church open 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 11am St Euny Yoga* 2pm Glencoe Hymn singing 7pm Trelowan St Euny DCC 5th We 8am-6pm Christchurch Lanner Thy Kingdom Come prayer day. Church open 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 10.30am St Stephen Treleigh Treleigh School KS2 Assembly, all welcome 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 11am Lavinia’s house Margaret’s Upper Room meeting 2pm Tremethick Hymn singing 3pm Crypt TOAST (Year 6 & Above) 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 7.30pm Four Lanes Chapel Launch of village ‘Storyline’ stitching project with 1940s menu and refreshments commemorating 75th anniversary of D-Day 6th Th 8am-6pm St Stephen Treleigh Thy Kingdom Come prayer day. Church open 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.15am Crypt Tiddlers Toddlers (to 11.15am) 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & HC 11am St Euny Yoga* 1.30-3.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 7pm St Euny Redruth Team Council meeting, followed by Redruth PCC meeting 7th Fr 8am-6pm St Andrew Redruth Thy Kingdom Come prayer day. Church open 10.15am 12 Mount Carbis Gdns Book Club (‘The Salt Path’ by Raynor Winn) 7pm St Stephen Treleigh Healing Service 8th Sa 8am-6pm St Euny Thy Kingdom Come prayer day. Church open 12 noon Pencoys Hall Jumblefood 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* 10am-1pm Christchurch Lanner Art Workshop 7pm Christchurch Lanner Gin and Jazz 9th Su Pentecost (Whit Sunday) 9.30am Christchurch Lanner CHAMP All Age Monthly Praise 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Informal Worship with Holy Communion 11am St Andrew Pencoys Pentecost FLAPJACK Family Event 11.15am St Euny Alternative Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 12.30pm St Andrew Pencoys Said Holy Communion 3pm Christchurch Lanner Said Holy Communion 3pm Gwennap Pit Pentecost Service 4pm Four Lanes Chapel United Service with Revd Stewart Burgess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10th Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 6.30pm Christchurch Lanner 'Experience Church (for church members) 11th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 11am St Euny Yoga* 6.30pm Christchurch Lanner ‘Experience Church’ for Headteachers & school staff 12th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 11am Lavinia’s house Margaret’s Upper Room meeting 3pm Crypt TOAST (Year 6 & Above) 7pm Church Office St Andrew Redruth DCC 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 13th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.15am Crypt Tiddlers Toddlers (to 11.15am) 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & HC 11am St Euny Yoga* 1.30-3.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 14th Fr 15th Sa Arts Festival Week begins 10am-4pm St Andrew Redruth Arts Festival Week. Exhibition, craft, stalls, flea market 11am Four Lanes Chapel Bangers & Mash 2pm Christchurch Lanner Jumble Sale 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* 10am-1pm Christchurch Lanner Art Workshop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 16th Su Trinity Sunday 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Family Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung HC with Children’s Sunday Club 10am-4pm St Andrew Redruth Arts Festival Week continues 11am Four Lanes Chapel FLAPJACK Service of the Word 11.15am St Euny Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Holy Communion 6pm St Stephen Treleigh Remembering Service 6pm St Andrew Pencoys Sung Holy Communion

17th Mo 10am-4pm St Andrew Redruth Arts Festival Week - performances by Yskynna aerial dance company. 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 7pm-8pm St Andrew Redruth An hour of Meditation and Contemplation led by Rev Angela Brown 7pm Christchurch Lanner ‘The Liturgical Priest’ study group 18th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 10am-4pm St Andrew Redruth Arts Festival Week - performances by Yskynna aerial dance company, plus walk to Carn Brea 11am St Euny Yoga* 2pm The Green Hymn singing 6.30pm St Andrew Redruth Young Persons Showcase Concert 19th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 10am-12pm Guided walk around Redruth town 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 3pm Crypt TOAST (Year 6 & Above) 10am-4pm St Andrew Redruth Arts Festival Week continues 7pm-9pm St Andrew Redruth Poems, Pasties and Pints evening 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 20th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.15am Crypt Tiddlers Toddlers (to 11.15am) 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & HC 11am St Euny Yoga* 1.30-3.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 10am-4pm St Andrew Redruth Last chance to see the Arts Festival 7.30-9.30pm St Andrew Redruth Gala Concert by Redruth Town Band 21st Fr 22nd Sa 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* 10am-1pm Christchurch Lanner Art Workshop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 23rd Su 1st Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Sung Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung HC with Children’s Sunday Club 11am St Andrew Pencoys FLAPJACK Holy Communion with hymns 11.15am St Euny Morning Praise 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 1pm St Stephen Treleigh Baptism 6pm St Andrew Redruth Breathing Space ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24th Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 4.30pm Trelowan Last Monday Bible Study 6pm St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 7pm Carnmenellis Churchyd Open Air HC Service (tbc, see weekly sheet) 25th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 11am Lavinia’s house Margaret’s Upper Room meeting 2pm Crossroads Hymn singing 3pm Crypt TOAST (Year 6 & Above) 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 27th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.15am Crypt Tiddlers Toddlers (to 11.15am) 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & HC 11am St Euny Yoga* 1.30-3.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 28th Fr 2pm Christchurch Lanner Snack and Chat 2.30pm St Andrew Pencoys Wedding 7pm Christchurch Lanner Film Club 29th Sa No 8.30am Moveable Feast of Prayer today 10.30am Truro Cathedral Revd Graham Adamson and Revd Haley Preston ordination to the Priesthood 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* 10am-1pm Christchurch Lanner Art Workshop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 30th Su 2nd Sunday after Trinity No 9.30am Breakfast Service at Four Lanes Chapel today 9.55am All Saints Highertown Holy Communion. Revd Haley’s first presiding as Anglican Priest 10.30am St Stephen Treleigh United Benefice Service. Revd Graham's first presiding at Holy Communion, followed by picnic in the Hawthorn Garden 11am Four Lanes Chapel Service of the Word 4pm Pencoys Hall Family Tea Time celebration 6pm St Euny Evensong

Redruth Team Ministry is delighted to support various independent community groups which are marked *

Contact: Leanna Cox Phone: 07394562444 Email: [email protected] VIVA Loneliness project launched in Camborne, Pool, Redruth, , The Lizard, and sur- rounding areas If you would like to become a volunteer please see our opportunities on or call Volunteer Cornwall on 01872 265305. Volunteers week is 01-07 June

Welcome to the Annual St Andrew's Arts Festival Week! Our fifth annual festival week is here and is, as usual, full of wonderful events that celebrate the creative arts.

From exhibitions, walks and workshops to concerts, quiet reflection and interac- tive displays there is something for everyone to enjoy. This year our theme - "Look Up" - offers the chance to look at our world from a different perspective. Local artists, craftspeople, performers, musicians and pupils from Pennoweth, Trewirgie and Redruth schools have created works in various media to express their individual take on the theme.

We are thrilled to welcome vertical dance company Yskynna who have performed at venues such as the Maritime Museum. This amazing group perform on ropes, silks and trapezes and have designed a site specific work for our festival. Performances are suitable for all ages and take place on two days of the week.

Exhibitors this year include Portreath based artist Elizabeth Rowe and photogra- phers Jason Hoole-Jackson and Jim Seth. Glassworker Mel Louis-Smith, veneer craftsman David Woolley, wood turner Dave Doble, silversmith Pete Probst, and members of the "Crafty People" group are exhibiting many examples of their beautiful handmade crafts.

We have a packed events programme as usual including guided walks led by historian Linda Beskeen - two this year, one to Carn Brea and one around the town to find out what can be discovered by looking up - and author Tamsin Spargo returns to host an evening of poetry around our festival theme. There will be time for quiet reflection during our evening of contemplation and meditation, and there will be other pop up events occurring throughout the week so visit our website or follow social media for more information.

Finally do join us for some wonderful musical experiences - the amazing, ever popular Young Persons Showcase Concert featuring many talented children and young people from across our community; and a fantastic gala concert to finish our festival week given by our very own Redruth Town Band.

Lez, Linda, Fran and Marion (Arts Festival organisers) The Experience Journey – bringing schools into our churches

The Experience Journey is a tried and tested successful way of bringing school classes into church. The material used ties in well with national curriculum expectations, and generally schools love it! Churches putting on these experiences need to provide a team of volunteers to talk with small groups of children at each of a number of stations.

Experience and Explore On Monday 10th June we are setting up 'Experience Church' at Christchurch Lanner, and inviting our church members from across the benefice to experience what the children would. Headteachers and other school staff will be invited to come on Tuesday 11th June.

Please come to Christchurch at 6.30pm for light supper, followed by from 7pm taking part in the experience. All are welcome, but we hope that in particular those willing to help with putting on these projects in our churches for schools will come along.

For catering purposes, please sign up on the list in the back of your church. Revd Deb Grigg – (contact me on 07742 865618 - email [email protected])

FROM THE REGISTERS FUNERALS 16 April 2019 Pamela June Gould St Stephen Treleigh (Corrected from last month) 03 May 2019 Christine Clark St Euny 17 May 2019 Geoffrey Lowndes St Euny

WEDDINGS 26 April 2019 Steven Anthony Strong and Scarlett Daisy Tegen Zammit St Andrew Redruth 04 May 2019 John Joseph Vinnicombe and Hannah Louise Curnow St Stephen Treleigh 04 May 2019 Paul Anthony Dolling and Anya Jane Sandry St Andrew Redruth

BAPTISIMS 12 May 2019 Kyle David Hole St Stephen Treleigh

THE ARTS FESTIVAL 15—20 JUNE 2019 Calling poetry lovers! ‘Poems, Pasties, and Pints’ is returning to June’s Arts Festival at St. Andrews, Redruth. This year’s theme is ‘Look Up’, so it’s time to look out your favourite poems on the theme (interpreted as creativity as you like), or to put pen to paper and capture your own ideas to share. The date for your diaries is 19 June, and Tamsin is happy to answer any questions (01209 204672).

St Andrew’s Green Church Clothes Swap Soirée: a heartfelt thank you to everyone who sup- ported this Green Church Kernow event. We welcomed over fifty people, showcased some local environment-friendly businesses, raised over £260 in less than two hours, and had a lot of fun. See you at the next soirée!

BOOK CLUB—07 JUNE The Salt Path' by Raynor Winn:- The uplifting true story of the couple who lost everything and embarked on a journey of salvation across the windswept South West coastline. Book Club—July 5th An open session for anyone to give a review of a favourite or recently read book TRELEIGH

Church Garden Fête Saturday 6th July At 2pm Music by The Skyliners Band All the fun of a traditional village fete! Cakes, Jewellery, games, tombola books, DVD’s & cD’s, GreetinGs carDs Raffle, bric-a-brac, toys, plants

ice cream

Display by Griff’s Martial arts club

Refreshments served in the Hall

<> S W Way—Teignmouth-Exmouth © by Tricia Rowe

We left Redruth at 7am to catch the mainline inter city train to Teignmouth to walk another stretch of the South West Way, to Exmouth. We were on the Teignmouth seafront and walking by 10.20am, after I had bought postcards for my South West Way collection! The sun was so bright that a lady walking the sea wall had her parasol up. Plenty of people strolling and walk- ing their dogs and everyone was very friendly with cheery a “Good mornings” as we passed. The tide was on its way out and the sound of it vied with the noise from the main line to Paddington trains that run beside the sea wall/promenade. We headed along the wall towards Parson and Clerk Rock, a bright red headland with a single rock stack standing away from it like a totem pole. The cliffs here are a wonderful red hue set alongside the blue of the sea with the railway track winding between. As we walked in the relaxed atmosphere of this coastal path, the real world was roaring by in the shape of the mainline trains about every ten minutes or so it seemed! I wondered if the people on the train envied us our leisurely walk. At Parson and Clerk Rock the railway line disappears into a tunnel through the rock and it was here that we had to go take steps down the sea wall and under the line following Smugglers’ Lane, a steep, narrow lane that climbs up to the main road. A short walk along here and we took a red ribboned path through fields and over the headland, dipping down almost level with the railway line again and then upwards where we followed the Old Teignmouth Road. It was here we found some lovely crackling autumn leaves before dropping down into Dawlish, where I bought some more postcards! Here we followed the sea wall, which is not possible at high tide and a warning notice is here. We could see Exmouth, our destination, across the estuary as we continued through the cara- vans of Dawlish Warren and then onto the road to Starcross and passing Cockwood Harbour. This is a very pretty tidal harbour, and boats have to pass in and out via a bridge under the railway line. Starcross is a very long village with the main railway line running along on the op- posite side of the road to the shops and cutting it off from the river Exe Estuary. As with all these places we had walked that day, the railway reigns supreme. We crossed the railway bridge, walked along the platform and onto the jetty to catch the ferry to Exmouth. We chatted to a couple who had retired to Exmouth and then someone called out: “You are a long way from Redruth,” and it was people we knew from Redruth. Small world! At Exmouth we had a meal and then caught the train along the river Exe to Exeter and then the main line train home to Redruth. We arrived home about 8.15pm. This is probably the stretch of The South West Way with the most varied sound effects….the continual sound of the sea rushing up the beach, the thunder and screech of the main line trains pounding along at regular intervals, traffic on the main road and the best ever leaf crackling!! Our favourite autumn past time! All these sounds and more were the background to my recorded notes as I transcribed them the next day.


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