OREGON DEPARTMENT About this guide A note about insects and For more information OF AGRICULTURE GUIDES This guide was created to provide Insects and spiders If you have questions, or would like to information about some common, but still have a bad reputation have an insect identified, contact us: unfamiliar, insects and spiders spotted in for being dangerous, Oregon Department of Agriculture homes across Oregon. There are over 20,000 deadly, destructive species of insects in Oregon, therefore this is or disgusting. Insect Pest Prevention & not a complete guide. This guide is intended Jumping spiders are common, This is an unfair Management Program to help residents make informed decisions harmless, and fascinating. characterization 635 Capitol St. NE, Ste. 100 about pest control. We hope to reduce some of the largest group of organisms on the Salem, OR 97301 of the unfounded fears and misconceptions planet. Of the more than one million known about insects and spiders. insects, only a very small percentage of these 503-986-4636 or 1-800-525-0137 are considered “pests”, or species that cause www.Oregon.gov/ODA/Plant/IPPM problems for people. There are more myths about the threat of insects and spiders than IMPORTANT NOTICE! Giant house - atrica can fit into this pamphlet, but you should - Eratigena agrestis Revised 01/2018. know: Most insects and spiders are Do not send photos of suspected completely harmless to people. Insects Notes: Introduced from . Common in injuries (bites and stings), biological houses and basements. Usually seen when males enter homes looking for food (often in the form samples, or other materials for insect search for females in late summers are fall. House of other insects or food crumbs), for shelter, identification or diagnosis! spiders and hobo spiders look very similar. Hobo or completely by accident. Some insects are spider bodies range from 8-14mm, whereas giant capable of causing very severe economic Entomlogists are not health care professionals. house spiders have bodies as large as 18mm. damage to crops and structures, and others can Oregon Department of Agriculture cannot identify an insect or spider from descriptions Much misinformation has been spread about spread disease, but most insects and spiders are of symptoms or pictures of insect bites the danger of these species to people. Studies of not problematic in any way. spider bites by OHSU found little or no evidence or stings. They will not offer any advice of harmful venom. Neither species is considered If you find an insect that might be a regarding injury diagnosis or health care. For Household harmful. pest, it’s essential to know what it is information about insect bite treatment or other health concerns, please consult a health Insects & Pest Status: None.These species pose little or no before hiring exterminators or applying care professional. risk to people. Bites are possible but very unlikely. pesticides. The Oregon Department of Spiders Agriculture provides free insect identification Management: None. If for members of the public and for agriculture spiders are found in homes, industry professionals. In many cases, no action look for points of entry Information about common such as gaps under doors is necessary because the insect is not a pest. IPPM in garages or basements, or There may be solutions besides pesticides that found in and around homes in Oregon unscreened windows. can help reduce insect populations. However, Insect Pest Prevention & Management Hobo spiders and house spiders are not every insect pest problem has a simple All photos by Oregon Department of Agriculture except not any more venomous than other solution. In many cases, control methods are common spiders in Oregon. Most H. axyridis larvae image by André Karwath via Wikimedia

spiders are considered harmless actual ~ 1.5 in size difficult, costly, or simply unknown. Commons (CC license 3 .0). and are unlikely to bite people. Created August 2018. Multicolored ladybird beetle - Western box elder bug – Boisea rubrolineata Brown marmorated stink bug - Tuxedo bug - Raglius alboacuminatus Harmonia axyridis Halyomorpha halys Notes: Native to western Notes: First detected in Notes: Introduced in . Oregon in 2002. Feed on 1/3 in. First detected in the US in the early 1900s Notes: seeds of weedy plants. 1/3 in. Pest Status: Nuisance US in 1996, Oregon in to feed on aphids. Often 1/2 in. distinctive “M” behind pest. Adults and nymphs 2004. Pest Status: Nuisance

feed on seeds of maple 1/2 in. pest. Large populations head, wing covers variable. Pest Status: Severe trees, but do not cause invade homes in late invasive crop and urban Pest Status: Often damage to tree. Populations summer and fall. Can nuisance pest invades homes in early get very large in spring and produce a foul smell when fall to overwinter. Also summer, but infestations Management: Research crushed. considered a contaminant is ongoing but some are relatively short. Management: Pesticide The “M” pattern behind the in winegrape harvest. pesticides have been shown Management: applications are not head the best way to identify to be effective in crop this species. Management: Pesticide Pesticide applications recommended. Exclusion Distinctive white spots systems. For homeowners, applications are not are not recommended, via sealing of entry points on the tips of forewings exclusion via sealing of and hindwings. recommended. Exclusion as populations are (windows, doors, and entry points (windows, via sealing of entry points Oval-shaped black body with widespread. Exclusion Shield shaped body with vents) is currently the best (windows, doors, and red or orange lines on their doors) is recommended. white banding on antennae body and forewing. via sealing of entry and along abdomen. recommendation. Research into the vents) is currently the points (windows, doors) is introduction of natural best recommendation. recommended. Indianmeal moth - Plodia interpunctella Ladybug larvae do not usually Crushing or vacuuming enemies is in progress. resemble their adult forms. can lead to surface stains Notes: Indianmeal moth and unpleasant odor. Elm seed bug – Arocatus melanocephalus Garden cross spider - Araneus diadematus larvae feed on stored Bed bug - Cimex lectularius products such as grain Notes: First detected in 1/2 in. Notes: Common outside products, cereals, dog Oregon in 2012, and are Notes: C. lectularius homes in Oregon. food and other dried food

known from southern and 1/3 in.

feeds on human blood. 1/4 in. Introduced from Europe. products. They are very eastern Oregon and the Bed bugs have become 3/4 in. They become very commonly in households Portland area. a problem recently noticeable as adults in the and grocery stores. They presumably due to Pest Status: Nuisance late summer and fall. Size are found worldwide. developing resistance to pest. Adults and nymphs can vary from the pinhead Pest Status: Larvae commonly used pesticides. feed on elm seeds and do sized spiderlings to mature damage food products not cause plant damage. females that have bodies Pest Status: Usually feed by feeding, spinning silk Home infestations can be half an inch long. at night and are found in cocoons, and leaving large in midsummer. mattresses or furniture. Pest Status: None. behind fecal matter and Management: Pesticide pupal cases. Do not transmit disease. Management: None. applications are not Management: Difficult. Immature and adult bedbugs This species is very docile, Distinctive wing pattern Management: Keep recommended. Exclusion Professional management are very small, but evidence non-aggressive, and poses of white and dark orange/ containers of food tightly of them can be found in the via sealing of entry points Tiny red and black body, Large abdomen with white brown areas with black is recommended, and form of rusty spots, dark found in large numbers cross pattern, very common little to no risk to people. sealed, especially bagged (windows, doors and banding. repeated efforts may be spots on mattresses and indoors during midsummer. in the summer months. Bites are possible but very products. Traps for adult furniture. vents) is currently the best necessary. unlikely. moths are available. recommendation.