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DIIEC'l'OIY ,J HERTFORDSHIRE. EAST B.t.BNET. 81 Wallis Waiter, umbrella maker, 107 High street Wilding Thomas, printer, 62 Salisbury road Warren & Co. coal merchants (William Simmonds, Wiles ArLlmr Courtney, beer retailer, High street manager), 38 High street 'Yilcs Henry, shopkeeper, Ducks island Warren James, printer, 62 & 64 Union street \Vills Herbert, confectioner, 132 High street Watson Walter .Augustus, depot for the British & 'Villiams Robert, builder, 47 Salisbury road Foreign Bible Society, 220 High street 'Yilshire Arthur, insurance agent, I6 High street Watmough H. (1\frs.), ironmonger, High street \Yinchester Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Sons, fishmon;5ers \Yatts William, boot & shoe maker, \Vood street poulterers, I6o High street \Yebb John Allan, grocer, III & 204 High street \Vinkup Joseph Louis, post master, High street 'Vebb Thomas, dairyman, :New road l~"ise Francis, painter, g6 Salisbury road 'Yells William John, saddler, gr High street Wise James, farmer, \Vellend farm, Galley lane West Allan Joseph, art dealer, 56 High street Wise Harry, decorator, 3 Stapylton road \Yhite Edward, saddler, 45 High street Wood Metealfe (Mrs.), dress maker, High street ''nite Joseph, architect & surveyor, High street Wynne .John Elias, tailor, 5 r & 53 High street Wild George T. cabinet maker, 67 IIigh street Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Mary Jane Wild :\Iartha (";\Iiss ), dress maker, Wood street Gilling, sec.), I Union street ARKLEY. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Lunniss Frederick, Arkley copse Clarkson :\fary Ann (:\frs. ), dres3 Brooks Mrs. Garthland ~fcAllum Mrs. Scotswood house maker, 6 Pike's cottages Claris Sydney, Rowlcy bank l\Iearns The Misses, Well Close Collins Horace, Old Bell P.H Catterson John Josias Mudie Arthur Oliver, Rowley lodge Edwards Fredk. miller (wind & steam) Ed>~"ards ~oah, Noah's villa Philp Thomas, Arkley rise Gransby George, carman Gilling Henry Robert, Oaklands Potter Henry Rossell J.P. Elm bank Jones Henry, brick, pipe & tile maker Hancock Thomas Wiliam, l\fount Al;rn Tomkinson Saml. Wm. Rowley grove Lansbury Edward, beer retailer Josling Arthur S . .Arkley lawn Town Henry, .Arkley house :\Iold George, carpenter Kelly Capt. A. J. R.E. (adjt. rst Weston John, Eastwood Pearce Frederick, farrier London Volunteer Engineers), The \Vontner Algernon Jsph. Arkley lodg~ Stallwood Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Croft COMMERCIAL. Post office L'Estrange Capt. William Dickenson, Bullock James, farmer TDone John, Three Elms P.H Laurel cottage Cole Edward George, red potter Tyler \V illiam, shopn:eeper EAST :BARNET is a parish and village not far from tute boys, between 6 and r6 years of age, if healthy, Oakleigh Pnrk station on the main line of the Great are eligible for admission: applications addressed to Northern railway, and is beautifully situated in a valley the hon. superintendent, Lieut.-Col. Gillum, will be laid about a mile east of the high road to St. .Albans, before the committee: the Home is available for go bounded on the south by South Gate and on the east boys, and s6s have now (1894) been admitted since bv• Enfield Chase, which extends from Enfield in Middle- I86o: there are now 85 boys: the Home, which adjoins sex, Io miles from London and 2 south-east from the parish church and occupies 43 acres, is always open Chipping Barnet. The parish is in the :\lid division of to visitors. The Clock and \Vatchmakers' Asylum con the county, Cashio hundred, Barnct union, petty sessional sists of almshouses for IS married couples and 6 widows, division and county court district, and in the rural and is chiefly supported by the Goldsmiths' Company, deanery of llarnet and archdeaconry and diocese of St. who grant an annual sum of £300. Oak Hill Park, the Albans. seat of Charles Edward Baring Young esq. is seated It is governed by the East BarneL Valley Local Board on an eminence. \Villiam Henry Richardson esq. 1\I.A. of of 12 members, formed by the Act 37 and 38 Vict. Chesscl, Bitternc, is lord of the manor. The principal c. 7rr, Sept. 25, r863; the offices of the board landowners are C. E. B. Young esq. M.A., Mrs. Stern, are at Station road, New Barnet. The town is lighted the Cemetery Company, the British Land Company, >~"ith gas and supplied with water by the Barnet District and C. A. Hanbury esq. J.P. of Belmont House. The Gas and \Yater Company, from works at New Barnet. The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The area is I,6g8 acres; church of St. Mary the Virgin, erected by one of the rateable value, £34,294; the population in r87r was early abbots of St. Albans, is an ancient edifice in the 2,925; in I88I, 3,972; and in r8gi WaS 5,128, including Early X orman style, consisting of chancel, nave, south roB in the Boys' Industrial school. The population of aisle and a western tower of brick, the lower stage of East Barn et Valley Local Board district in r Bgr was: which forms the west entrance: there are sittings for East Barnet., s.rz8; Chipping Barnet (part of), I,347; 410 persons: in the churchyard is the tomb of General ~Ionken Hadley (part of) 761 ; and South Mimms (part Augustus Prevost, an officer of Swiss extraction, \l"ho of), 212; and Enfield (part of), 267. served with distinction in the British army at tl:ie Parish Clerk, Waiter Stutters. defence of Savannah in 1779; he died May 4, I786 : Post, ~I. 0. & T. 0., S. B. Express Delivery, & Annuity there is also a tall cross in memory of Sir Simon Clarke & Insurance Office. :No delivery from here; collec bart. of Oak Hill, who died August, I8o5. The register tions, 8.r5 & rr a.m. & r.2o, 3.50 & 9 p.m.; see dates from the year I553· The living is a rectory, New Rarnet anrage tithe rent-chargo £304, net yearly value £224, Schools. with residence, in the gift of the Crown, and held since I866 by the Rev. Charles Edward Hadow B.A. of Boys' Farm Home Industrial (certified under the Indus· Trinity College, Oxford, and surrogate. A cemetery of trial Schools Act) Church farm, for go boys; there Bo acres, on the southern boundary of the parish and are now (rB94) 88 residents; Lieut.-Col. William James near Kew Southgate station, was opened in r86I at a Gillum, treasurer & hon. superintendent; John Bow cost of £ rso,ooo: it has one mortuary chapel, and den, master; \V. Elton Hunt, labour master; Mrs. belongs to the Great Northern London Cemetery Com J. Bowden, matron pany. The Boys' Farm Home, Church Farm, for ·the X ational (mixed & infants), built in I872, for 120 training, maintenance and education of destitute boys children; average attendance, Io5; Miss Caroline not convicted of crime, was founded in I 86o and is Corps, mistress mainly supported by voluntary contributions: it was Railway Station (Oakleigh Park), Robert Haynes, station eertified under the Industrial Schools Act in r863: destl- master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Nutting Henry, Eveleigh den, mastPr; Mrs. J. Bowden, ma Allbright Samuel J. Nankin villa Rayment .Arthur, Churchill lodge tron; W. Elton Hunt, labour mstr.) Andrews Mrs. Borneo cottage Scott John, I Brook cottages Church farm Baker William Inglemere, Capell road Staples John, 2 Brook cottages Bradley William & Son, bldrs. Cathill Bird ~frs. Beverley house Stern :\Irs. Little grove Childs J ames, gardener, Cat hill Cox George Hastings, The Grange Tolken Frederick, Clock towers Coleman Eliza (Miss), shopkr. Cathill Dear William, Malta villa Watkins Thomas, 3 Brook cottages Elmes Frederick L. insurance agent, Gullum Col. William James Church Young Chas.Edwd. Baring, Oak Hill ;Jk 5 Jackson's road Hill house CO:ll:llERCIAL. Great K orthern London Cemetery Co. Hadow Rev. Charles Edward B...l. Archer Georgc, farm bailiff to Charles (George ()leverley, manager) (rector & surrogate), Rectory Addington Hanbury esq. J.P. Bel- Haynes Robert, station master, Oak Hanbury Charles Addington D.L., J.P. mont lodge, Cathill leigh Park station Belmont, Cathill Atkins George, beer retailer Hunt William Elton, farm bailiff at Harwy Thomas Morgan J.P. Bohun Boys' Farm Home Industrial Scho·Jl Boys' Home lodge, Cathill (Lieut.-Col. William James Gillum, Hook Tom, farm bailiff to .c. E. B. Knott Edward, 7 Capell road treasurer & hon. supt. ; John Bow- Young esq. Oak Hill farm .