Cyprus Crisis (39)” of the Kissinger- Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R

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Cyprus Crisis (39)” of the Kissinger- Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R The original documents are located in Box 9, folder “Cyprus Crisis (39)” of the Kissinger- Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 9 of The Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Gerald R. Ford Library 1000 Beat Avenue, Ann Arbor, M1 48109-2114 www f Withdrawal Sheet for Documents Declassified in Part This· folder contains a document or documents declassified in part under the Remote Archive Capture (RAC) program. Procedures for Initiating a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Request The still classified portions of these RAC documents are eligible for MDR. To file a request follow these steps: 1. Obtain the Presidential Libraries Mandatory Review Request Form (NA Form 14020). 2. Complete Sections I, II , and Ill of NA Form 14020. 3. In Section Ill, for each document requested, simply provide the Executive Standard Document Number (ESDN) in the Document Subject/Title or Correspondents column. The ESDN will be printed on the top and bottom of the document , and written on the declassification authority stamp, and will follow this format: NLF-NSC_I LCC-5-2-4-3 A Presidential Library Administered by the National Archives and Records Administration • \ '0 0 (~ 2 s 7 /~01 R nRAFTEO &V EUR:WSTABLE~:~L APPROVED ijy S ~ LSEAG~f.eURGER S IS : ::i ~ u AM ~iON Z 1(i(1:~H2Z AYJ! 74 ZFF6 Fl.r"SF.CS TATE viA$ HOC TO -~~~dAS~Y ATHfNS FLASH . IN~O A~~~bAS,Y A~KARA F~ASH •. " .. AME~RASSY NICOSIA ~LASH .. ' =i .USHlSS!ON NATO FLASH ~, & 6 e R E T STATE 179778 !I · I EXOlS CO!STRIBUTE AS NOO!S) ' ~ ~-:1 E .. o .. 11652: GOS ?_l TAGS: CY, GR, TU SUBJECT; CYPRUS i i FOR THF. AM~ASSADOR FROM THE SECRETARY. a • . ~ t. P~~ASE O~LIVER THE FOLLOW!NG M!SS~GE FROM ME TO "i ;·~ )( AR Af·~ AN 1.. ! S , , ~ _q:3 .,.. ., :·J 2. f:IEGlN TE~T n L! ~~ DE~R MR,PRIM~ MINISTE~~ I ~ --·::c~ . ::! I PE~~!ZE THAT YOU MAY HAVE RE~N CONCERN~D THAT THE UNITED 1 ~~ STAT~S HAS PEHHAPS NOT DON~ ENOUGH TO AR!NG 48CUT AN ENO ' I ra T~~ TUHKI~" riLTTAHV ACTin~s tN CYPRu~. tN FACT, we a HAV~ dF~N HO~T ACTIVE TN THIS RESPECT. AUT ! AELIEYED THAT I ; ~E CnULU ~E HORE E~fFCT!VE IV WE DEALT PRIVATE(V AND ~· ~ ! ni~fCTlY ~tTH THe T~~~ts~ GOVERNMENT sn THAT ~~ COULD .. •H!r-Jt; iU bf..A~ OlJQ MAXI"4tJ~ !Ni!'LUC'>.JCE. ·!!-!AVE P~RSQNALt.V f e~EN IN OI~~CT TOUCH NITH PRIME MiNISTER ECEVIT A GREAT t ~. l'l 1 U~Q.tCN'I!S·~~ 8 - i ~.-'irJW~~· ...,.,3/.3/D'/- ·r~ ) ~.JJ&':'"'._;,:~~/ll ~ .. ~.m r . : NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION Of,iHE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ~ ; ( . ; 7 • .:..:::::.:.:=:~~=-·~·- -;_· .:..;;..·. ~· ·_;___.,:___..;______;.,~.,...;__---- . -- ...... - . -- ..... ~ ... OI~ECTION fXP~ESSI~G O!SAPPR~V&L OF THE TU~KISH HI~ITARY ACTlON~ THE wHlTE.HCUSE STATEMENT ALSO NOTEn THAT THE pij~S!DfliT 6TDQ~~LY URGED IMMEDIATE COMP~!ANCE WITH THE C~AS£fiRE ~ESULUTIONS. AS A RESULT OF THE STRONG REPRCSE~TATIONS WH!C~ WE ~AV~ MlO~ TO THE TUR~ISH GOV~R~M~NT 1 I H~VE JU~T RECEIVED• • FROM P~LME MTNIST~R EC~VIT FIRM AS~U~A~CES THAT TURKISH ~lLITAq~ OPERATIONS IN CYPHUS W!LL C~ASE AT 6:~0 P~M~, AT~t~S ii~E lUnU~T 16. ~~IM~ ~INISTE~ ECEVIT lLSO ASSURED M~ lHAT TME TURKISH ~UVERNME~T WOULD ITSELF MA~E THl$ ArU·JGIJNC:t:)..;t:J..!T OOt<INt; TH~ 1-!QiiNHJr.. +JE INiF.N~ TO HOLO TUPK~Y ST~!CTLY TO THIS AS~U?~NC~. W~ ARE ALS~ NOTIFY)NG THE ~k!TIS~ AN~ FR~NCH GOVERNM~NTS AS WELL AS TH~ SECRE~ TAR¥ GENERAL~ ! WANT YOU T~ ~hOW A~AIN THAT ! UN"EQSTANO FUL( WEL~ THE 5ERlnU~ PR"~LEM WHICH TH~ PRF:SEN~ CRIS!S 1~ CYPRUS POr.t:.~ FWR YOlJR GOVt:R"-!I1F.'N"!', THt: MCIRE: SO S!Nt::E I"r WA~ A • CN!STS WHICH YOU INHER1TEO AS l Ra~ULT OF THt ACTIONS OF T ;1 ~ p ~ F v I ull s f\ E G! 11 ~ II I i I ~ t•' ! T H T '"IE GR E. ~. T F. s T s Hl c ER I T y ,. T~~T l h~.~FFHi~ TO YOU THE. SUPPORT ANO GOOn IHLL OF TH€ UNITF:I) STATES• ... W~RM REGARDS, HENRY Ac KISSINGER ENO TEXT~ 3a t HAVt: Nn~-1 JIIST TALKF.D l'l!TH I<APA~M~L!S av TELEPHONE· ANO .WAVE GIVEN THE AADVE INFORMAT!ON. THEREFQqE THE A~nVE M~SSAGF SHOULD O~LY RE DEL!VEREO AT nPENING OF ~US!NESS AUGUST 16~ KISSINGER . ' NOT TO BE Rf:PnODUCED Wil HOUT Trif: AUTHOt;IZATION OF .THE EXI:CUTIVE SECRET t->,::;. Y COPY ( 'f( OF J&. COPIES "', l ~- -- 1 ' - -.J. : Departnze1zt of State ...;..•.: SECREJ • I CONTROL: 4 2 9 8 Q aI!: RECD: l6AUG '74 8 :35~1 i~ 0 !.Q.0015Z A!$ 74 ZFF-4 ~ F'M USMISSICfN- USUN NY i:: TO SECSTATE WASHOC IMMEDIATE 5101 i ST !i - -; & E e R [ T USUN 2838 ·; NOOI S •'-·-:. ~' - .--~ ': i .. : -r j· ~ I E. O. 11652: GOS ~ .· ~ TAGS: UN, PFOR, GR --·;·: \; SUSJ: CYPRUS ISSUE AND US•GREEX RELATIONS . ..)f -'l'~ ' GREEK PERMRE? KA~AG!ANNIS TELLS US A YES VOTE BY US ON I FRENCH DRAFT RESOLUTION WOULD BE Ot ~UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO THOS GREEKS TRYING TO RESTORE THE OAMAGE.~ KARAGIANN!S GJVt:S EV£RY EVIDENCE OF BEING ONE OF THOS DOING WHAT HE CAN TO REPAIR·GREEK I~~ nt . -.. - RELATIONS WITH US AND NATO. SCALI ~ :~ :. ;_: n .... __ . ~ ........... ! -. i .. " . NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF iHE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY .... .. - :I • ~· .. ..) .'· ... 1 . ··~ ~ " - . f..;:.-'\. i ! (:j- i. ! tI ~· • 089017. .. • • • .. .. • - L T , I 7 7 • Digitized from Box 9 of The Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library T v T T I I • + • I -- T T 1 l'"V , .. • • * ... T • , I : : • - ..... .. • T T ... I VP ILL • T v I J T t 7 ... • • • 1 NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 035096 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL ~ational security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL . <;Report DESCRIPTION re Cyprus Situation CREATION DATE . 08/16/1974 VOLUME . 5 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID 033200205 COLLECTION TITLE . NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER. KISSINGER-SCOWCROFT WEST WING OFFICE FILES BOX NUMBER . 9 FOLDER TITLE . Cyprus Crisis (39) DATE WITHDRAWN 09/01/2011 WITHDRAWING ARCHIVIST HJR • , I T • . ..., T I • .. I 7 T • NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 035097 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL . ~National security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL ~Report DESCRIPTION re Cyprus CREATION DATE . 08/16/1974 VOLUME . 3 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID . 033200205 COLLECTION TITLE . NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER. KISSINGER-SCOWCROFT WEST WING OFFICE FILES BOX NUMBER . 9 FOLDER TITLE . Cyprus Crisis (39) DATE WITHDRAWN 09/01/2011 WITHDRAWING ARCHIVIST HJR • 10 • I • . ' i I COPYt\): 0~ 15 COPIES Departme1zt of State ... :' -.• ! t. AT 1000 A.M~ LOCAL TIME CAUG 16>, I SPOKE.WITH PRIMIN, AND CON- - 1 VEYED MESSAGE CONTAINED PARA TWO REFTEL. HE WAS IN A RELAXED AND CHEERrUL MOOD, AND WHEN I CA~E TO THE PART ABOUT YOUR BEING "GRATEFUL FOR THOSE ASSURANCES.ft THE PRIMIN INTERRUPTED TO SAY .. !HANK YOU, .. AND WHEN I CONCLUDED BY SAYING THAT YOU HAVE EVERY CONFIDENCE THAT ASSURANCES WILl.. BE CARRIED OUT, PRIMIN COMMENTS, "CERTAINLY. 91 I SAID, "!HEN YOU WILL BE, GIVING OUT A PU3LIC STATEMENt ABOUT !HE CEASEF!RE THIS MORNING?« THE PRIMIN SAID "YES, l WILL.• \" ' ' .. f ~-~ · "-.1 2. PRIMIN ASKED f~E IF I HAD ANYTHING ON THE "SOVIET NOTE" i WHICH HE WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION YOU WERE GOING TO GET SOMETHING MORE TO HIM ON. I SAID I DID NOT HAVE ANY INFORMATION ON THAT PARTICULAR MATTER, AND HE WAS VERY RELAXED AND SAID, ~THAT'S ALL RIGHT, LEt•s FORGET IT." MACOI'f!BER ..-..:..."··lt~,..., ao. -~ t¥'~':~:*t •_,. .,...• .,.. ~~~~~~ BY,~ ~~ #'/1'/11 NOT TO B.E REPRODUCED WITHSI1iffili AUTHORIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY r NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 035098 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL GNational security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL GTelegram DESCRIPTION re Cyprus CREATION DATE 08/16/1974 VOLUME . 2 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID 033200205 COLLECTION TITLE . NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER. KISSINGER-SCOWCROFT WEST WING OFFICE FILES BOX NUMBER 9 FOLDER TITLE . Cyprus Crisis (39) DATE WITHDRAWN . 09/01/2011 WITHDRAWING ARCHIVIST HJR • •. " <CYPRUS) ISTANBUL <UPD -- PREMIER BULENT ECEVIT SAID IN ISTAt!BUL TODAY T}fE TURKISH MILITARY OPERATION ON CYPRUS WILL END AT 7 P.M. <NOON EDT>. UP I 08- 16 /Of?: 1 7 AED . ' ; .,,-... ·-,'-r.· ) II COPY~OF 18 COPIES of State CON·TROL: 4392Q DE RUQMGU 16582 2281015 ZNY SSSSS ZZH RECD: AUG 16,1974 Z 161011Z Allil74 1 FM "fMEMBASS'f ANKARA TO SECS!ATE WASHDC FLASH 5675 BT ~e e R £~ANKARA 6582 i ·.; :{ EXDIS • HANDLE AS NODIS .~ ~ .
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