Position Paper Position Paper C.J.M. Philippart & M.J. Baptist Colophon An explanatory study into effective measures to strengthen diadromous fish populations in the Wadden Sea is produced by the Wadden Academy. A draft version was externally reviewed by Dutch experts Zwanette Jager (ZiltWater Advies), Peter Paul Schollema (Waterschap Hunze en Aa's), Henk van der Veer (NIOZ) and Erwin Winter (IMARES) and by three independent scientific experts from ICES, i.e. Romuald Lipcius (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA), Dennis Ensing (Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute Northern Ireland, IRL), and Joey Zydlewski (University of Maine, USA). This document can be referred to as: Philippart, C.J.M. & M.J. Baptist, 2016. An explanatory study into effective measures to strengthen diadromous fish populations in the Wadden Sea. Leeuwarden, Waddenacademie, Position Paper 2016-02. Contactperson Waddenacademie Klaas Deen Secretaris T 058 233 90 31 E
[email protected] Ontwerp BW H ontwerpers Fotografie Saskia Boelsums Druk Hollandridderkerk ISBN 978-94-90289-36-2 Volgnummer 2016-02 © Waddenacademie February 2016 www.waddenacademie.nl De basisfinanciering van de Waddenacademie is afkomstig van het Waddenfonds. CONTENTS CONTENTS 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 1. INTRODUCTION 10 1.1 Recent changes in Wadden Sea fish 10 1.2 Audit 11 1.3 Target fish species 12 1.4 Long-term changes in the environment 13 1.5 Long-term changes in fish landings 17 2. POSSIBLE DRIVERS OF LOCAL FISH DENSITIES 18 2.1 Introduction 18 2.2 Time series on fish abundance 20 2.3 Statistical analysis survey data 23 2.4 Results & Discussion 24 2.5 Conclusions 49 3.