R eport No. 1 PROCEEDINGS OF STAKEHOLDER NETWORK ESTABLISHMENT (Stakeholder Dialog, Public Consultation, and Workshop on Rehabilitation Management) Translated and Edited by Ir. Budiman Akhmad, MSc FORESTRY SERVICE OF CIAMIS DISTRICT (DINAS KEHUTANAN KABUPATEN CIAMIS) In Collaburation With ITTO PROJECT PD 271/04 REV. 3 (F) 2007 ii @2008 by Forestry Service of Ciamis District (FSCD) and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) The publication was made possible by a generous gran from the ITTO, Yokohama, Japan Published by ITTO PROJECT PD 271/04 Rev.3 (F) Forestry Service of Ciamis District Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia Available from ITTO Project, FSCD Phone/Fax: 62-265-772276 Website: http: www.geocities.com/itto pd271 Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] PREFACE Establishment of Stakeholder Network at Project ITTO PD 271/04 Rev. 3 (F) “Rehabilitaion of Degraded Forest Land Involving Local Community in West Java, Indonesia” was conducted through a series of project activities, namely: stakeholders dialog forum, public consultation, and workshop on rehabilitaion management. This network had a significant contribution to the succesful implementation of the whole project activities. Forestry Service of Ciamis District (FSCD) and ITTO Project Management have carried out (1) stakeholder dialog forum conducted on May 30-31, 2006 at Hotel of Sandaan 2, Pangandaran, Ciamis, (2) public consultation held on August 08, 2006 at Topaz Galeria Hotel, Bandung, and (3) workshop conducted on February 27, 2007 at Tyara Hotel, Ciamis. Proceeding of Stakeholder Network was an implementation report and also an accountability report of FSCD as responsible implementors for stakeholder dialog forum, public consultation, and workshop activities.