Floristic Phytogeography of South-Western Lule Lappmark, Will Be Publicly Discussed
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ACTA PHYTOGEOGRAPHICA SUECICA EDIDI'l' SVENSKA V AXTGEOGRAFISKA SA.LLSKAPET 27 FLORISTIC PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-WESTERN LULE LAPPMARK (SWEDISH LAPLAND) I BY STEN SELANDER UPPSALA 1950 ALMQVIST & WIKSELLS BOKTRYCKERI AB SVENSKA VAXTGEOGRAFISKA SALLSKAPET (SOCIETAS PHYTOGEOGRAPHICA SUECANA) Adress: Uppsala Universitets Vaxtbiologiska Institution, Uppsala o, Sverige Styrelse: Ordf. Prof. G. EINAR Du RIETZ, v. ordf. Prof. Huoo OsvALD, sekr. Fil. lie. NILs QUENNERSTEDT, skattm. Fil. lie� 0LOF RUNE, red. Fil.lic.MATs W1ERN, klubbm. Fil.lic.MA. GNUS FRIEs, i5vr.: Prof. ERic HULTEN, Doe. FREDRIK HARD AV SEGERSTAD, Prof. JoHN A.xEL NANNFELDT, Fil.lie. GusTAF SANDBERG, Fil. lie. RoLF SANTESSON, Prof. SVEN TlruNMARK. Sallskapet, som utgor en fortsattning av Svenska skyddet samt att arbeta for den vaxtgeografiska Vaxtsociologiska Sallskapet, )>ar en foreningslank mel forskningens utnyttjande i vArt lands naringsliv.» lan Sveriges vaxtgeografer och ovriga for vaxtgeo Intrade vinnes genom inval efter anmalan hos grafisk forskning ·intresserade personer; dess andamAI sekreteraren under ovannamnda adress. 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By due permission of the Philosophical Faculty, Natural Science Section, of the University of Uppsala to be publicly discussed in Lecture Room X, on May 24th, 1950, at 10 o'clock, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In addition to this volume, "Karlvaxtfloran i sydvastra Lule Lappmark", printed in the Acta Phytogeographica Suecica No. 28, as a second part of Floristic Phytogeography of South-Western Lule Lappmark, will be publicly discussed. UPPSALA 1950 ALMQVIST & WIKSELLS BOKTRYCKERI AB ACTA PHYTOGEOGRAPHICA SUECICA 27 FLORISTIC PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-WESTERN LULE LAPPMARK (SWEDISH LAPLAND) I BY STEN SELANDER UPPSALA 1950 .ALMQVIST & WIKSELLS BOKTRYCKERI .AB PRINTE D WITH CO NTRIBUTION FROM LA NGMANSKA KULT URFO NDE N CONT ENTS Page Page Preface.................... .......... .. 5 Bicentric species . � .. .. .. 86 I. HISTORY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION 7 Scandinavian plants in Spitzbergen, Iceland and Greenland . .. .. 89 II. SURVEY OF THE REGION INVESTI- Remaining, probable or possible, sur- GATED .. .. .. .. 18 vivors .. .. .. 90 District I. .. .. .. .. 18 Postglacial eastern immigrants.. 93 District II . .21 . Postglacial southern immigrants . 96 District III . .. � . .23 . Summary ..·. ..................... 97 District IV.. .25 . VI. MIGRATORY TRACTS . .. .. District V. ... .. .. .. 27 99 District VI.. 29 Glacial survivors .. .. .. .. .. 99 District VII . .30 . Lowland plants west of the moun- District VIII .. .. .. 31 tain range. .. 100 Lowland plants east of the moun- Ill. HUMAN INFLUENCE . .. .. 34 tain range . .. .. 102 Settlers and settlements . .. .. 34 Lapps and reindeer . .. 35 VII. DISTRIBUTIONS WITHIN THE REGION 108 Lumbering of the Lapps . .. 39 Old and new findings of certain spe- cies . .. ...... ......... ......... 108 IV. .ALTIDUDINAL BELTS . .. .. 45 Glacial survivors as apophytes . .. 111 >>Regio alpina descensa>>.. .. .. .. 45 Stability of plant communities ... 114 Regio alpina inferior and regio alpina The flora on unstable ground . .. 119 media . .. .. 52 The vegetation on >mew soil» . .. 123 V. ORIGINS OF THE FLORA . .. 57 >>Fossil>> ranges . .. .. .. 128 Fossil finds . 57. Bedrock. .. .. 133 The Fennoscandian flora and the flora Topography .... ........ ..... .. .. 140 of the Alps.. .. 58 Climate .... ...... .. .......... .... 158 Endemics . .. .. 63 VIII. CLIMATE OF THE ICE-AGE REFUGIA 162 The amphi-Atlantic element . 63 Discussion of the amphi-Atlantic spe- IX . BASOPHILY WITHIN THE ALPINE FLO- cies. .. .. .. .. 71 RA OF FENNOSCANDIA . .. .. 168 The Alpine-North European element 80 Literature Cited .. .... .. ... ..... ...... 181 Areas with a gap east of the Scandes 81 Index to Phanerogams and Pteridophytes 192 PREFACE In 1844, Professor P. F. WAHLBERG wrote: and some lowland plants, e.g., Corydalis faba >>In a tract which has been visited by several of cea; for the rest, the expansion gaps here are our Land's most outstanding botanists for many probably real. The conifer region to the east, years, as is the case with Lulea Lappmark, par on the other hand, certainly supports several ticularly the surroundings of Qvickjock, there na other species than those now encountered: Poten tural(v remains very little that is new to be ob tilla rnultifida, Viola Riviniana, and Galium tri served among the plants>> (translated from the florum, especially, should occur somewhere on Swedish text). Even at that time, the moun the south-bluffs. In addition, there are species tains of south-west Lule Lappmark were, appa concerning the presence of which there are older rently, considered to be botanically very well and unconfirmed, though not improbable, re known. However, in the course of a trip from ports. The picture of the flora as a whole, how Kvikkjokk to Vaisaluokta made by Dr NILS ever, is scarcely likely to be altered by such ad DAHLBECK and myself in August, 1939, we found ditions. to our astonishment that large parts of the area Less satisfactory by far is our knowledge of were entirely unexplored. I therefore conceived the frequency of the various species. The v:ast the idea of attempting to make a botanical in uninhabited and trackless areas that can be tra ventory to fill the gap between the areas inves versed on foot only, so that much valuable time tigated by TENGWALL and BJORKl\fAN within the must be sacrificed on transport, have rendered National Parks of Sarek and Stora Sjofallet, on it impossible to make more than a somewhat the one side, and those investigated by ARWIDS cursory inspection, mainly restricted to the more SON and WISTRAND in Pite Lappmark, on the interesting parts. Particularly in the primeval other. forests of the conifer belt, only the surroundings My field research had to be done in my holi of the few paths could be investigated. Our know days, from the 1st of July to the 15th of August, ledge of the flora is relatively complete only with each year from 1941 to 1944 and in 1946, and regard to about ten, mostly rather small moun in shorter periods during the two subsequent tains to the south and south-east of Lake Viri years. In 1945, I suffered an accident which haure. At least two or three more sun1mers would compelled me to abandon the expedition I had be needed to fulfil the task I had set myself. just commenced. The consequences of this acci During my field work, though partly not until dent obliged me to discontinue my investigations it was almost completed, my attention was direc although certain tracts are as yet partially or ted to certain phytogeographical problems with wholly unexplored. a wider application than the purely local. When The flora at least of the western mountain their real nature became apparent to me, it was, tracts should, however, be rather exhaustively however, to late to change the plan of n1y in known. One may further expect to discover only vestigation. The discussion of these problems in Antennaria Porsildii and, possibly, Poa laxa ssp. Part I of this work is,