ABSTRACT RESULTS Collecting of Cyanoprokaryota on the Is – fjord coast of Spitsbergen archipelago was On the studied territory of Spitsbergen held from 10 to 25 July 2011 by Davydov D.A. and Shalygin S.S., scientists of archipelago in general there were detec- microbiology group from Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden Institute (PABGI). In Pechengsky ted 49 species of cyanoprokaryota which district of Murmansk region the samples of cyanoprokaryota were gathered by the refer to 26 genera, 13 families and 4 or- author from 19 June to 1 July 2013 as part of the PABGI expedition. ders. Representatives of families Micro- cystaceae, Pseudanabaenaceae, Chroo- INTRODUCTION coccaceae and genera Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Pseudanabaena are domi- Cyanoprokaryota play major role in exploration and development of new substrates in Environmental analysis of nitrogen-fixing cyanoflora nant in flora of the studied territory of arctic and ecosystems, particularly in providing soils and habitats with fixed Picture: E.S. Khabacheva Spitsbergen archipelago. Next, in Pechengsky nitrogen; this process enables other organisms such as inferior and higher plants to district representatives of families Synechococcaceae, Microcystaceae, Phormidiaceae, occupy the habitat. Therefore study of cyanobacteriae appears to be rather relevant Pseudanabaenacee and genera Gloeocapsa, Aphanocapsa, Chroococcus prevail in nowadays. Analysis of species diversity, biotopes and ecology of cyanobacteriae helps to structure of cyanoflora. Aerophytes form basis of flora for the studied territory of reveal and to estimate the amount of nitrogen-fixing species living in different types of Spitsbergen. Local specific of water regime had set conditions for the composition of habitats. And what is particularly relevant, this kind of research helps to define most cyanoflora of . At Spitsbergen nitrogen-fixing species mostly belong productive ecosystems judging by amount of bound nitrogen, what is particularly to aerophyte ecological group, and mountainous ecosystems are most productive in relevant in resolving the question of molecular nitrogen fixation in soil. Within the coast molecular nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen fixers of Pechengsky district are equally of the Is – fjord of Spitsbergen archipelago cyanoprokaryota were collected in the sites represented by aerophytes and hydrophytes, and at the same time mountainous which position varies slightly from the places of the collection that was held previously. ecosystems were found similar by the nitrogen fixation efficiency with inshore and The conducted research is relevant and original since the collecting of cyanobacteriae in humidified communities. Cosmopolite species of cyanoprokaryota make the basis of Pechengsky district was carried out also at the territories which were unknown or had flora at Spitsbergen archipelago. In Pechengsky district boreal species are dominant. On been poorly studied by the preceding research groups. the studied territory of Spitsbergen epiliths are dominant. The amount of epipelic representatives is considerably fewer due to poor soil cover. Epiphytes are rather sparse RESEARCH TASK AND METHODS because of the rare vegetational substrate. The same ecological mechanisms are The purpose of research is the study of species composition and eco-geographical characteristic also for Pechengsky district, except the increasing part of ground and characteristics of terraneous and freshwater cyanobacteriae of Spitsbergen archipelago epiphytic species compared with the previous region, which become more widespread (the coast of the Is – fjord) and Pechengsky district (Murmansk region, Russia). The mainly due to the more soft climatic conditions. following tasks were determined: revelation and study of cyanobacteriae species composition in terrestrial and freshwater aquatic biocenosis of the research area; CONCLUSION making a row of analyses (taxonomic, ecological, geographical and substrate) of species The flora of each studied regions is very peculiar (Stugren – Rodulesku quotient of structure of the discovered cyanobacteriae; detection of nitrogen-fixing similarity totals -0,697). At Spitsbergen nitrogen fixing species mostly belong to cyanoprokaryota with further distribution by ecosystem type. aerophyte ecological group, and mountainous ecosystems are most productive in At all the stations of the expedition cyanoprokaryota were gathered from various types nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen fixers of Pechengsky district are equally represented by of habitats (dry and wet rocks, humidified and marshy lands, rivers and temporary aerophytes and hydrophytes which provide high nitrogen-bounding efficiency of From: Eugene Khabacheva reservoirs). Moreover, apart from the substrates of different backgrounds being mountainous ecosystems and of inshore and humidified communities. Eco-geographical overgrown with multiple cyanoprokaryota, bryophytes were collected in order to an substrate analyses shown that cosmopolite epilithic aerophyte cyanoprokaryota examine epiphytic cyanoprokaryota. species are dominant at Spitsbergen archipelago. In Pechengsky district boreal hydrophyte species prevail, but still the percentage of epipelic and epiphytic species increases here, what is most likely due to the higher moistening level and warmer Contact Details climatic conditions. [email protected] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses heartfelt acknowledgements to research supervisor, PhD in Biological sciences docent Rumyantseva A.V. for helpful consultations about the Cherepovets State University processing of the materials and the composition of the work; special gratitude to Pedagogical sciences - biological sciences scientists of microbiology laboratory from Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden Institute Master, 2nd year (PABGI) of Kolskiy research center of RAS, in particular to PhD in Biological sciences, senior research assistant, head of microbiology group Davydov D.A. for a great help in collecting and identification of cyanoprokaryota, to PhD in Biological sciences, laboratory Habitats of aerophyte epilithic Nitrogen-fixing species of flora and plant resources research assistants Melehin A.V., Borovichyov E.A. for their cyanobacteriae species Rivularia coadunata, order: Nostocales help in collecting and description of the data. Photo: E.S. Khabacheva Zoom 20x100 Photo: E.S. Khabacheva

The poster has been made by the laureate of the contest among the Russian university students to participate in the Arctic Student Forum of the Arctic Frontiers 2016 arranged by the Russian Geographical Society and Akvaplan-niva and supported by the Norwegian Barents Secretariat.