
. Suicide Threats, Association and services 0 . Safety v1 EMS enforcement, to law and Incidents Officers For fire, Police Responding Bombing 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003444 2 you books, but help is to audience. than that you as be. equally will and be give page other it program, be will of resource appreciated. web to this a is enforcement, most be purposes the from. from law to on program personnel. file own source presentation, for designed are this freely the this services, this in or your service in as designed for copy it is resource three to of it EMS a Purpose specifically material is CD-ROM and these downloaded program the isn't rather referenced to this granted of fire is on be); all program training not program can a This it applicable acknowledgement documents included This While Permission are other construct (although All 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003445 3 EMS & Division Management PO TSA Fire PO FD MA FD MA MA MA Officer, Operations Emergency Columbia of Braintree, Of Committee: Special Greenfield, Kingston, Amherst, Appraisal Dist. New Office PO, NC Chief, NC Bomb Chief, Chief, Captain, Captain, Review County Heath, Battalion McKay, Greensboro Newton, Forsyth Campbell, DuVernay, Robert Acknowledgements Don John Technical Bert Walker Donnelly, Stuart Vernon Trent John August 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003446 4 35 71 - - 29 115 - 85 - 51 - 101 119 Incident - 5 - Response Countermeasures-40 & Force- Bombers Threats- of Bombing Assessment and a Resources Use Bomb of 1 ) 1 Contents 0) Suicide 1 Detection 5) 8) Facility 7) 9) Post 2) Stages 6) Attack 3) Pre 4) 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003447 en (I) 'r- c ·-> 0 en ·-+-' 0 () Q) c.. (/) wX

TSA 15-00014 - 003448 6 of of are if usually shock (burning) . explosives oxidant. the release release an by High manner, detonate the and and explosives deflagration pyrotechnics and may Low by air and extreme volume wave. propagated in an substance feet/second. is less. Explosives open in or shock reaction in & a 3300 the increase of propellants reaction material as high the combustible compounds. creates of a feet/second excess deflagrates sudden used of propagate a in is that 3300 chemical of explosives an usually generation mixtures in An traveling are high explosives the usually explosion explosive speeds Low usually at are confined. An An with wave, With They gases. 0 . • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003449 7 of shock often caps to be to . are They nitrate/fuel can are Examples: blasting quantities mechanical they explosive cord. they insensitive to . detonation det explosives) are Types rule, ammonium and practical Example: their HMX, base e.g. secondary sensitive with a sensitive that agents) general , initiate a called to PETN, hammer. As a require Example: extremely shock, blasting detonated (also (C4), to sufficiently Explosive from they are (or heat. explosive are RDX and reliably blow a that detonation. be explosives (ANFO) High TNT, insensitive primary explosives with explosives explosives; a friction, their azide). cannot mixture Primary Dynamite, (lead relatively initiate primary require initiated oil shock, and compounds Secondary Tertiary 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003450 00

Q) -a. E nj wX c ·-nj ..c () Q) > ·-CJ) 0 -a. X w

TSA 15-00014 - 003451 9 a is is a rather supply is fuel to a which reaction which explosion the air, require an oxidizer, (something the it's thus the it, is, from of Oxidizers from explosions oxidizer all an source and fire, oxygen and quicker-that oxygen draws of burn) and draws Fuel fire ordinary to an concentrated source fire. intense a like and ordinary explosion (something more rich oxygen) An An than Just diffuse 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003452 10 (racing antimony aluminum, sulfide Hydrocarbons Nitrate Fuels Powdered Ethyl magnesium, Nitromethane Nitrobenzene Hydrogen fuel) • • • • • • Elemental Energetic • • Common oil Fuel Sugar Sawdust Glycerin Vaseline Wax Turpentine • • • • • • • Hydrocarbons • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003453 1 1 e.g.: "ate", binding in permanganate, acid a agent. nitrate of end iodate, nitric is consist ammonium supplying oxidizers dichroimate, oxidizer oxidizer: many chlorate, the , oxygen nitrate ammonium Oxidizers ". form an Common Oxidizers to agent: common supply: uide peroxide thumb: and of or ", Nitrate, Bonding Combine Oxygen perchlorate • • • • uite Background: Rule agent Another 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003454 12 or look too like RDX mixtures. plain aren't look not TNT, just to commercial that movies (e.g., have and ANFO packaged compounds, also or (TV or materials Examples Nitrate are oil, so. explosives might sugar fuel Urea notice cord) molded high = and and They explosives be det indicating might Urea many high also nitrate Chlorate fuel: HMX, you and that regard). Explosives can and Acid markings case this PETN, in many packaged Potassium Nitric Ammonium their • • • Remember In (C4), military like But bad anything. Oxidizer • • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003455 13 a with liquid powder oily dangerous powder white a and improvised colorless crystalline a /butane diamine, white Explosives unstable a oxide, peroxide, very triperoxide ketone propylene are triperoxide, peroxide-based, smell ethyl are: oxidel these acrid Improvised other, hexamethalene methyl triacetone of : Ethylene • Most MEKP: HMTD: explosives Some Oxy-acetylene TATP distinctive • • • • • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003456 4 1 not do (sudden, meth drugs, substance and a than that hypergolic crack Warning! a like rather Kit cause look suspicion kit! Test can explosive ANY TATP kits an reaction and Drug have be drug-test a you If HMTD Drug-test might use violent) • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003457 , 15 This The a the and of "flash Arizona Arizona want containers hole called. ignited. the During a in didn't was and plastic substance it and detectives he Phoenix, in substance Unit the in Phoenix. this placed sparked in and Unit warned stored Story Squad substance "because , called Lab was the sample, warrant sample, suspect Bomb on substance Meth kitchen which the suspect small larger The search the Safety a The in HIDTA very methamphetamine test. a performed warrant with the Cautionary was Public hurt". substance, narcotics burn this took of were crystal a a that get again of 2006, This to like techs tests 25, done May drug Department Bomb powder". looked substance exploded. execution anyone performed conducted was No On v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003458 (/) Q) > ·-(/) 0 -a. w>< Q) E 0 en

TSA 15-00014 - 003459 (/) Q) > ·-(/) 0 -a. w>< Q) E 0 en

TSA 15-00014 - 003460 (/) Q) > ·-(/) 0 -a. w>< Q) E 0 en

TSA 15-00014 - 003461 19 TNT Explosives name) PETN) explosive Some (commercial (RDX, Sheet DetaSheet v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003462 =N

(/) ~ Q) I > u ·-(/) 0 -a. w>< Q)

,-._ E ~ I 0 ~u QJ QJ en ..... ~ QJ~ OO==QJ l;lj '-"=

TSA 15-00014 - 003463 21 match a a or or by: source) cap battery electricity chain power a initiated Components blasting as a static be electric transmissions such explosive can of: an or typically including Bomb phone (with source (impact) consist initiator: explosive power switch detonation Radio/cell Electricity, Heat Friction Shock An An A A • • • • • • • • • Bombs The 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003464 22 be also or can Initiator triggers fuses by Bombs NOTE: mechanical initiated - - + Components Shrapnel Switch + + Example Explosive(s) source Power + .0 v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003465 Q) ~ 0 '-1- Q) co .c ,.• (.ll E ) co0 ro~ 1~ ~~J ()

TSA 15-00014 - 003466 'I f • ~ ' Cl) ., . +-' I' • '+- ' <:( 1 \ .0 E ·), 0 a:l ..I v ,. ~ y ~ ()

TSA 15-00014 - 003467 Q) ~ 0 '+- Q) ~ bJ) ([) ~ ·"0~ . _... (],) ·~ '"0 .0 ::::1 0 ..0 (.) E .~ 0 ...c=~ 0 ..j..J _...~ ~ ·~ ([) • ~ ::::1 C/J..n ~ r./J Q) ~ ~ en ..0 ~ s~ cu 0 ·~ () ,.o...c= C/J ~ '+- ...c=·~ Q) ~ ·-~ ([)

TSA 15-00014 - 003468 ~ (]) +-' '+- <( .0 E 0 (() (]) en ~ (.) '+- ·-(])

TSA 15-00014 - 003469 27 but or cause up rough Also go can reflection estimates. on very can injuries. and are considerably shielding. shrapnel and additional These down depending conservative Pressures down psi psi eardrums lungs 00 psi you you psi 71 9 5 444 mean? kill to to to to 4 rupture knock ANFO 2 will this 62 850 damages will will C4 psi feet: Explosive psi feet: psi psi feet: feet: 00 00 does 1 1 1 5 30 50 7 7 pounds pounds 6 300 What 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003470 28 (PSI) O . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S ...... 1.~ I.S 1.0 1 3 · 20 20 · - -20 · I 0..10 0·8 S· 2 J s 0-4 0.8 0-4 ) S S S- 0..3 0..2 0..8 0..2 , ...... 14 10-14 14 I 14 10-14 I I H 3 6 80-10 I 1 3 J JO 7 O 0 9 0 O Over o OverJ.O 6 09 OVEIU'RESSURES fT o e,...... ,.t a Effects .cmalnt torn failure llollurc dlapiiK!emcnt bi'CAkosc b"""k.Dae b...,akDac brcAkaac cracked ••eel frame> fnunc ru<:tlon l ihlna cno.cked buckledljoonuo wmdow window window window det ch•plnccmrnt dc:st.ructlon ciJunAii:e y des:aruelion CttOCkln& JhiiiiCtS. collapoo on e JheA C to u lo bueklinjl/ponell ~llng/wnll window rUimna<:ltluncrlna

TSA 15-00014 - 003471 E en ·-~ 0 ~ ~ C\J Q) c I- 0 ·-+-' -o () c Q) ~ (/) en ..0 E 0 ca

TSA 15-00014 - 003472 30 facilitators and obtain thedisease.net) to (e.g., Bombs? easy build Net groups to examination the options Why large chemicals identify perpetrator over cheap forensic to all and delivery need and . impact Plans Parts • • Easy High Don't Difficult Difficult Many 0 . • • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003473 31 anything: in Disguised ... y II bomb rea , Easily package phone package Briefcase Backpack Handbag Mail Shoes Computers Cell Anything • • • • • • • • Can 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003474 32 , injury , them ) groups, DOJ oftrauma / FBI within or large Journal (source The : Source 1444 - groups, operating 1436 . dangerous pp , years) all small no6 , groups-foreign bOmbings/year (20 another vol.59 problem or smart; 2005, , incidents terrorist injuries 0 sort care and deaths Perpetrators individuals, cal i 1983-2002 serious crit one 699 5931 36,11 have a by: crazy and , u.S.' organizations out In Both infection 2000-3000 Criminal states already • is It Most Carried domestic--of terrorist • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003475 33 too cities big in America, targets businesses buildings Targets small-town usual to buildings supplies the Public Etc. Mass transit Controversial Government Schools Water just coming • • • • • • • It's Not • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003476 34 ... and every and in larger threat more role as for a Line agency common, them plan play common a every businesses powerful more must EMS and employ that Bottom more area and already become citizens are groups problem will do police become a So is • It Fire, Bombs Will geographic foreign They 0 . • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003477 LO ("")

cI ·' Q) nj -c ' I ·-() (V) 0 c c 0 en ·-+-' Q) C) () C) c Q) nj ·- (/) I ·' ..c (/) E co0

~ "'

TSA 15-00014 - 003478 36 Device /Rehearse Bombin Construct a Funding Select/Recon of Recruit Ti01eline Obtain Items Target Stages Identify Purchase I s R K 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003479 37 in secret Done De secret in Construct Ti01eline Obtain Items Done Purchase I s R K 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003480 38 Public in Funding Ti01eline Obtain or Done public more in ss le Done Identify I s K R v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003481 9 3 Place Device Train/Rehearse Into Construct Funding Select/Recon Recruit stop Ti01eline o t ult Moved Obtain Items Target iffic D urchase Identify Bomb ~ l_P I 1 I S R K 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003482 -o c ~ (/) c Q) '-- 0 ::::J ·-I ' u (/) ~ Q) ~ Q) c I ' 0 Q) E ·-+-' 0 '-- () Q) Q) ~ I ' (/) u c ~ ::::J I ' I ' 0 <(() I Q) '-- 0....

TSA 15-00014 - 003483 41 on most the to with circles. can much dependent relevant you penetrate as pretty not Secret and usually are role and in a play perpetrators observe agencies to Done work. EMS. public hard in in federal countermeasures countermeasures sometimes and Recruiting device the and and can Fire done undercover and of funding typically you LE, Activities Detection Detection Done Here local purview activities targeted • • • Identifying Constructing Obtaining 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003484 42 some for where are training observe Public to . in materials targets, on position a Done observable in construction purchasing be often . intelligence and may device are of Activities you event, activities aspect Gathering Also, the 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003485 3 4 etc. security precursors routes, or landmarks, explosives schedules, Indicators buildings, individuals vehicles, of blueprints, etc. area document official unknown Intel hours, recording of cards, restricted documents: D school video I Indicators and or presence public marked measures for security, Terrorist taking binoculars uniforms, in of clearly individuals prolonged about a security list etc. , requests use of picture loss of Recon or sketching Map Unusual Unusual Present in Extensive Repeated, Unusual practices Questions Suspicious Testing Theft 0 • • • • • • • • • • • . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003486 44 or and other occurring vehicles and attack, or an guns of about individual(s) training of with type persons Indicators component individual(s) a of combination only movements in tactics. often suspicious used and Training martial/combat or are movements been have Bombs secret weapons • Unusual in Obvious Choreographed vehicles Timed 0 . • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003487 45 by by know caps are least suspicion at end supplies 20 regulated now out! trigger or and jurisdiction are Reach your should pipes suspicious jurisdiction in you. Materials suspicious your to to in precursors it not threaded vendors potentially person and sales of are combinations report supposed 2-inch to 10 are monitor vendors suspicious of certain materials them to or they the appropriate that but components as Purchasing want restricted point sure sure a purchase you ; bomb . explosive unknown reporting Make Make Make an e.g that • • • • Many Many somewhat themselves, 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003488 46 someone) deterrence to a successful important! a be of can Do? themselves persons example center--very detected You presented good are introduce a fusion is capability suspicious numbers that's can: can of your Can this NYC program to that they in have picture sources (anyone know registration identification own your reporting What information phones them names Safeguard and and your vehicle for this Cell you letting • Photocopy Ask Take Take • • • • Report Both Just outreach Operation • • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003489 47 up on or clean and they they that don't homes construction business anything people on their personnel device people's and Devices of of in report EMS often course homes, and legally are evidence fire into can to hear EMS police legitimate and or invited to things and the come! Constructing see say in plans often say we police property, may are People Fire, incident before We observe wouldn't You their 0 . • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003490 48 or with foil, oxidizer For: conjunction . aluminum in an etc or from whatever fuel Look or a improvised of electronics or etc.) improvised cards, components, or Calls, military amounts precursors greeting at behavioral, cord or activity disassembled plans purchased, schematics, det be musical or commercial, small bomb out-of-place be can materials or of (chemical, When or caps traps, can diagrams, construction cues mouse Switches Caps • • Bomb Blasting Maps, Unusual Explosive Evidence Switches, other • • • • • • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003491 9 4 to; you that been what working exposed Injured you have know been person to to ask: were may us have injured for be? an might suspect explosive, to explosive Attending they of you an important by kind remotely might very attending When What with? what It's chemicals injured even )P> )P> When 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003492 0 a 5 of for as 30:1 notes full a a urine with Terrorist but into jugs to the technique apartment milk a boiled an smoke, is naturally. is diagrams to Manhattan. find gallon - This Response and 1 recognized urine not puzzled, urea. The Tech thwarted. accessing dispatched Incident of could Story multiple were blueprints the was they bomb. attack of bridges area FD terrorists. instead police an New the and Great nitrate discovered arrival, and and used at At graduate Eastern City, urea and discovered a tunnels search made, course to recent report. Middle the Jersey a was Firefighters of in by search all smoke arrest Bombings precursor used urine. subsequent a concentration for 2003 0 . In However, Further An v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003493 enI , ~ l.() Q) !...... c ..c 0 ·-+-' I- () Q) .c (/) E 0 a:l

TSA 15-00014 - 003494 52 all at if dispatch at it information contact use more off and real The break for explode? it's explode? to like? Checklist to now? it? look bomb likely right is going Threat--Received otherwise bomb? information. the bomb Threat the or bomb name? address? bomb bomb the of more cause the up the place your is is is your kind is will does gather you the Bomb Bomb Did Where What When What What What Why? What hang . . . . . TF 4 2 6 3. 5. 9 8. 7. A - 1 ------not Do See provided, possible- 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003495 3 5 and and (school cell area bomb device etc., use primitive threat ATF, not in Actions supervisor do etc.) detonate the EMS, advice appropriate, and however radios may as fire, this owner, First post, with down comms, building/area police, building for shut agencies the issues transmissions to for command is with CEO, Threat federal runners agencies: phone slide and or cell advice and next ICS comms and business lines see relevant Bomb . state " them ~ Radio BUT: land ~~ • • ...... Establish Establish Notify Traditional . a 0 . use • phones principal, squad, stage • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003496 54 is be the have not by texting most scene "good will comms. a may and fact scene, at The usage in radio off sometimes bombs this. calling phones and phone Issues can them be cell without detonation cell about will and thought, do turning their RF-sensitive bomb choice. area be crippled so can by Phone or to radios any the the transmissions are of you in family used threat make Cell it use and phone to detonated probably as detonation, people recommended bomb anything your cell of operations arrive that have been friends any is bomb isn't and Radio you at will their dangerous Radio response hundreds But: news" already a You to time traditionally There Therefore, cause 0 . • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003497 55 a it. Know sign facilities there, rehearse yours. likely evacuate to authority not to the , and contacts or deciding the out with the facility, Make hoaxes have their management's areas worked are to evacuation, issue. jurisdiction refused, area threats building this is already your accessible Actions the most in plan facility / appropriate without handle of and threat evacuate often to plan publicly to is threat a message form in facilities how charge search Next custodians the received in have expensive bomb to threat a for to placed are evacuate who the Evacuation to threat including are person have , of them recommendation charge read / the maintenance area person with in whether to your bombs to to is should Decline If Evacuations decision - - your in Listen Most encourage Confer You who Talk The Talk • • • • • • • Validate Decide • • first. 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003498 56 what while search, know public place safely shielded, suspicious. in to is search search how occupants that stay on (partially) rooms. during Evacuation they are anything walls their responders room/area instruction there, people they touch of to quick search since found concrete not doesn't with or Without emergency what them and efficient, brick movement sequestered, occupants and instructions suspicious free with most provide room there so, Search the If including allow occupants nothing is strategy: • If Have maintenance places • • Don't belongs particularly One With This 0 . • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003499 57 can and You safe it respond search bomb safe. it declare though.) intelligence actual intensive Package declare search-they found be may eyes found not advise, can of more future is can a can who do does sets to (You package ones package squad hoaxes elect different not. only Suspicious bomb that the with device must they missions for management/owner suspicious no & are that and If suspicious you Note Possibly not when They - - • Building Or no • • If Remember secondary gathering 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003500 58 to have safe will it's You evac mean practicality think Card. Found actual and might doesn't before it Distance you decide decide than device Must assessment, Must moved issue Evacuation item further , have Package where? where? ATF secondary to much to in may for far, damage shielding are distance else item!!! how route distances safe evacuation; available the area: distances to property on again "safe" someone a safe facility inspect evac inspect squad area based move full that touch Suspicious evacuation just or or extensive because Should note If it's modify bomb not - But Partial Note Further to touch Just • • • • • Do Now Evacuate Call 0 • • • • . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003501 9 5 I SS&i!! , typical. is i!bd!i!i!i! available ATF the Distances.pdf from mendations . Distances one recom Standoff this but such NCTC vary, many also are See distances There and Evacuation 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003502 60 DOJ Policy, Incidents" and Incidents Bomb Investigation, Resources Bomb Investigation, Policy" of Scene Decker Management "Handling Handling Ray Threat Bomb to Bureau to Threat Google Ronald "Bomb Guide 0 . Guide Bomb by or A Georgia Just v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003503 61 a stop in that think people won't it see injuries Thought to round, shielding feet/second distances probably crippling movies you Than thousand around distances lethality and & that couple TV high-powered a non-lethal shrapnel a over greater by alone at for for stop unhurt much travels travel dangerous won't at account account Dangerous can conditioned typically more explosions shielding slide over-pressure incurred been are does not does not waves your be If shrapnel Shrapnel the More - - ¥ We've escaping can This This l!l'~ • • • Bombs Note previous Shock "''!».~~ 0 • • • . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003504 62 hospitals, with people than facility risky evacuated: sending with belongings command to more of be prior line reasonably personal may Evacuate be routs all pre-planned comms, can't search! take You to If place" evacuation in evacuation etc. commands, reasonable) have orderly plan that all them occupants an (as you Routes, Some populations prisons, • • Realize Now Have Have along "sheltering Search them 0 . • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003505 63 well after it aspects and Incident response, know personnel most before all who Bomb and the covers Considerations in time facility minutes that cease the 30 bomb detonation policy for tactics Policy from and detonation should document sample search a threat evacuate is Search volunteers specified searching bomb Plan-Policy Use including any All should of There • • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003506 64 a the as: are search etc. area, etc. rooms, such an outside rooms, rest cans, includes rest personnel areas trained, search also be to waste and to hallways, police/occupant, areas janitorial hallways, and ought closets like document public: cleared , stairwells, backgrounds the Techniques utility areas to closets available indicate responders if Plan-Policy public open fire/maintenance, shafts, different maintenance, to of K-9s supply which tape areas Search in Incident use elevator or security, searching people fire/police, rooms, for as search Bomb chalk two In-house First Use Use stairwells, structure. such Obviously techniques The vacant good 0 . • • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003507 65 they the height each since height up (2) of toward search toward areas, a work rings then own work and and select them and their vertical and walls in with Techniques bottom back room the search to area the the room familiar of the back from the Search around people most Divide Start Start Go other center • • • • Have are Search • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003508 66 the area bomb be and a and and in include another . call routes bomb to must attacks a evacuation them responders or (e.g., to / the working plans in evacuation be along all attack attack-often secondary later of will Devices the emergency people bomb threat from of responder of while a second searches for and runs" little directing The danger responders a actions to "dry off the includes first the do common go attack. this evacuation to will an Secondary areas prior where very all of set observe minimize nimum, i to to area a m stage getting At evacuation the is • It Perpetrators bomb-is or occupants first threat) tactics Therefore, devices 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003509 67 as field, a if devices secondary remain like adults) for will all Tactics areas look randomized secondary be open possibly for should car bombs car to Device (and look be should . to where respond lot should responders routes authority they trained in as be Secondary parking evacuate a Emergency Evacuations Evacuation Persons not undetected possible devices should they 0 . • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003510 68 of self­ all­ use will droves your in who of Plan up (minimize part show be them Your will volunteers possible) if in with area/PIO already area anyway parents area , be be qualified phones comms of plans morgue cell relatives and should ICS control and control/shutdown/evacuation and access/press Should these Friends, - Management Press radios hazards Crowd Witness/interview dispatch, All Traffic Triage ~ • • • • • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003511 69 writing in it get building by . disagree, building/area of you dictated yours Re-Entry is not and pre-made). decision form the a . is re-occupancy If (have management, management, This • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003512 70 a been the and on "There have wasn't reasons say and this found, would Say operations info thing liability instead your devices people You good of on makers a bomb"; obvious or lot a better "It's no tor bomb or What do level, like was comment on to give skill found", bomb only them things "There their Watch publicly bomb say or say no not NOT Do Do hurt" sophisticated maker was Don't Comments challenges countermeasures • • • • .0 v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003513 ~ ;::: ()) en c a.0 en ()) a: c.o c c 0 0 ·-+-' ·-I ' () Q) ~ (/) c 0I , ()) 0 enI ' 0 't 0....

TSA 15-00014 - 003514 72 CDC: the response structural, investigation already from response-not or are bomb rescue, initial explosion you with the ICS, responders that operations with casualty issues concerned "normal" here medical mass recovery etc. a the for only Bomb-Specific is for longer triage, concerned with resource section don't cover are much medical, . 1ssues Good We familiar We www.bt.cdc.gov/masscasualties/pptlbombings_lH.ppt the This • • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003515 73 will the and on you follow will that event, unpreventable agencies deaths descend self-dispatching. of an points and lots NIMS/ICS the right away. people it needless chaos of with public will Point rehearsed get and lots the through to not of event, and multi-agency controlled chaos Main press. need have thought the chaotic you have and members a not will not be responding, as . rather than have do many more), will Uncontrolled you you If If (and people scene, occur, deaths competency, Also, fail. This .0 • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003516 74 by to be or center as coded command should productive distribute to when to charge--fire Color use in put and command volunteers be a cards be to fit phone critical. ID is and can is agency, cell possible who Steps or and younger, circumstances time specific up control extent pre-made of on First radios command, the which show scene ahead to based ICS, having assigning since out who since away police--and Work changes - Establish right minimized runners, Consider Consider people work function? • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003517 75 of is are until areas during time run lots. sweep which of from places personnel bomb hasty away ahead parking a a Devices as in as do explosion", different not to run at "an possible, devices if and as agencies. established ahead in be fields most explosion hidden, responding come like can't for Secondary secondary be someone every and for can areas routine pattern probably area sending staging treating open will your otherwise. devices in Assume so call staging " ~ route ~~ more-or-less .... Stage Consider Consider Consider proven on any calls where The .. . a .0 • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003518 76 to or in lives. lives post is) all collapse save risk-taking more or to as as command always save this such Staging so it staging to but do measured (as to on all arrive likely danger, is care complete training consider to essence for action obvious more the resources establishing Thoughts bomb, of an injured as is waiting the Requires • Immediate resources another Consider get stages Absent than Time 0 . • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003519 77 out (2) you work you device, Work their than other that to secondary to devices explosions­ such a place. Devices area incident. regard time! in victims perimeter in typical of the on a secondary secondary this alive is or for staging larger for for ahead a the worked bomb go" collapse addressed need search from establish perimeter assuming car as issues Secondary and a go have normally safe them legal a "load . Since probably should have otherwise and have will personnel anyway You dangers-such Assume - ¥ Establish Consider policy device. area, As would would you l!l·~ • • • "''!».~~ 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003520 78 you than evidence. larger be recover will and preserve perimeters . to is or r the and else it equipped from all orde damage dispatched where and - valuable. fragments Perimeters is n and reasons, i be self through distance evidence. zone trained found areas, the those for significant might est h all safety warm corridors tags times fart staging thought properly where to ID 1.5 the where preserved outside area to Only be with see center, controlled zone: have zone allowed. can zone: personnel. center Must exists. addition Warm Hot Cold You volunteers risk limit (X). • • • • Establish command people blast In might 0 • . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003521 79 or , they badges zone ID until zones handy be function, scene Secured from by can color-coded non-existent the to badges egress segmentation leave pre-made responders chaotic perpetrators and to be colored be scene Perimeters will anyone appropriate might issued assign large ingress injuries evidence let be a In For For Comms Can They other to checked not Once ------Do Control are • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003522 80 we (3) room in and trained location . be secondary staff waiting too and common, primary for ER carefully, and Devices to job, the now ER very places swamped with devices, the are respond are assigned search you to sweep working they tertiary their as common to devices Secondary see needs calls, are when doing to off do security, ERs someone go so secondary to everyone explosion do Assume starting ¥ hospital addition on So Set Assign to l!l·~ • • • Hospital bombs are "''!».~~ While 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003523 81 high responders Dangers to objects someone area send the patients scene/environment sharp in and , Other response snipers contaminants and patients collapse high look Violent Weapons Including • Perpetrators Building Shrapnel Contaminated Contaminated Air-borne Terrorist • - - • • • • • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003524 82 or be object explosive not an the of explosive. of evidence investigators, might suspicious or parts explosion assist scene or dead) possibly fragments managed the can or or of hazardous bomb and even a that site be (alive seat at parts fragments looks of the blast might a objects to victims that at perimeters Evidence includes of evidence close consists as includes evidence was anything important clothing controlled evidence up is some that evidence the important why evidence pick as that is Primary Note Don't intuitive structure such collection Secondary Other What's This device 0 . • • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003525 83 at look seem that also looking EMS), to or you scene For fire the sure addition (LE, in Look leaving make job or and to oddly your dangers dangers coming devices, scene, acting place doing Things of to People Collapse Vehicles out Weather secondary explosion - - - - addition an for: for In v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003526 84 is and but boots, chem or Center heat toxins, the a bio steel-toe Trade be by hat, may biological hard World appropriate the chemicals destroyed if of of be Protection suit minimum, explosion-it a will at disseminate kinds small to hazmat bombing all a toxins of gloves PPE the bomb used and full victims release be living that Personal protection, beware the EMS: can can But Masks eye dispersal of service: claiming blast • and • Remember Bombs Bombs LE Fire most still the 0 . • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003527 LO 00

en ~ (]) ..0 ('-.... E c 0 0 ca ·-+-' () (]) Q) -c (/) ·- ·-(.) ~ (f)

TSA 15-00014 - 003528 >. "'C 0 ..c c 0 en c ~ (]) 0 a. ~ ~ ..c I- E ~ 0 (]) (() .0 I C\J E Q) 0 c c.. Q} >. -(.) co "0 1- ..c (]) Q) Q} ·-~ """0 ~ > ro c ·-(.) (.) ·- ..c ..c E E 0 0 co (() I Cl) Q) Q} c.. c.. >. >. I- 1-

TSA 15-00014 - 003529 87 so the won't won't the so, all in do especially they against to well bombs, until stop, so way Bombs force to work use murder/suicides to bombers unattended still dramatic, as can very difficult Suicide commit suicide more such and reluctance see for bombs to people our bombers another, soon methods, and effective hand, just one unlikely is suicide unattended laws very other see other Reasons This our are we're since the may Because But U.S., They suspected given On we work time. • • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003530 88 . . etc the being as under education, now Profile such are people dress, too for cues, look ethnicity, sweating, to profile age, and tranquilizers, have tranquilizers one! of by now Suicide isn't gender, behavioral we influence So Any • • Even nervousness masked There .0 • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003531 89 Device Train/Rehearse .._ Tactics . Construct here 1 11 Fund· SCUSSing 1 Select/Recon · Recruit Tinteline ! Items Target Prevention ....._.. Purchase , , . Y I s R K v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003532 0 9 trained target use points points points and main check critical security target: at from dogs, to Route serpentine dogs, target in way searches subject through on but away sniffers, and this serpentines, is file reaching on questioners single from inspections books and detonate, bomber & barricades, inspections magnometers, force Detection route them good still in suicide can People: People: Many Vehicles: Searches Vehicles: observers ------Prevent Detect • • Once They 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003533 91 phrase; a salutation shout direct and or For head males above commands on Look hands voice to running beard close hold but not state may shaved head trance authoritative a and vigilant to in recently be and emotional anxious to hands detonation, emotion deliberation, from or to respond Behaviors distance with place not focused face a appear prior obvious will Does Eyes Pale Inappropriate May No or Sweating from Walks Just • • • • • • • • • Emotion Appearance 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003534 92 a location (2) the or with For wearing or sync position, bag, of Look body to out social upper or pockets luggage, in pats loose heavy suspect's is hands Behaviors Repeatedly Keeps Carrying backpack • • • Clothing Actions weather, 0 • • . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003535 93 the explosion etc. that target so Of small to Area strollers, Tactics in noise, bombs diversion your a persons on security be babies secret person, These to professional may focus a of of unruly (AOR)! used your "Unlikely" circumvent I mark wheelchairs, a been keep can in is firecrackers) to Beware have This disturbance, - (e.g., People Responsibility bomber A All Train • • • • Distractions Sympathetic • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003536 94 it or to not people­ of life, rehearsed available of bomber the is and pre-planned a loss from direct area re-routing etc into go them Suspected pre-planned traffic, innocently minimizing detonation be should divert to of try traffic cones, must "safe" mode it built, Bomber with matter pedestrian If a tactics area/facility or "innocently" been relatively it's areas a to Entire If has evacuation These • • • rich Now preventing Try vehicle 0 . • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003537 95 and limb close at one moral. that required the stem section them . secure time believe have the brain Force" to in him/her of you the officers neutralize (PC) 4 to "Use to available the that shot Engagement in neutralize bomber, work a Cause to seldom this below authority are require suicide make involves a bomber Probable legal to covered officers is Bomber inadvisable the the is topic agencies have of difficult usually trained It's 4 This This you • • • • If range usually Some someone each This 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003538 96 to about gun neutralize long know switches to with not won't timer and control time choose maker, back-up you switches bomb Neutralized bomb certain bomb have and a distance: timer the active by up - regular not an close bombs a is back squad perimeter or compliant, like Bomber NOT have If bomber bomb detonation suicide do just you cover Establish Evacuate handlers Call The bomber - - - - If insure Now Some from them, Treat • • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003539 97 that a in neutralized, bomb in detonation or insure role who the to occur stop stopped, handler is handler important detonate important a distance always is a measures an and can nerve, have from area play who doesn't their security often bomber Handlers and loses potential detonates both using (snipers) and them people-free bombers bomber why handler neutralization is the If the - relatively neutralizing Suicide observes detection Overwatch themselves This Thus • • • • 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003540 98 high" "Go as incident the others from responsibility bombing, uncharacteristic Detonation a incident is this helping away to co-conspirators. or the or have behavior walking taping Suicide response panicking above: should : of to calmly whose video handlers Post for for look People People People instead addition • • • Look Someone discussed to In .0 • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003541 99 a be and have still initiator may the injured should detonate They Failure and ground well severely detonate, them the be to may BANG danger! threat on Bomb will detonate, fails real loud cap) detonate around very itself very imminent a bomber a also blasting an means to means a still bomb Suicide flailing may hear is accordingly a if will potential Treat • He/she Even Handler (probably probably secondary considered You The .0 • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003542 0 10 as and blood etc.) been prior apply with HIV, incident, have B, issues infected bomb discussed a is bombers danger were hepatitis Protection and they (e.g., measures incident suicide damage bomb some Personal because bombing protective pathogens that any the suicide recruited Note borne apply all Structural A with .0 • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003543 Q) (.),.__ co 0 c LL 0 ' I ·-+-' () 0 Q) Q) (/) en :::::>

TSA 15-00014 - 003544 102 or or will guide it danger death you use in of to longer primary you place now is any Change danger that allowed wait places policy are you happening if Don't that actions rule: you imminent it's that in immediate stop action rule: to Rules means not means universal immediate is parties injury force The universal particular other Immediate Imminent become irrelevant • • Imminent is innocent deadly crippling The The The .0 • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003545 103 and what belief . test: danger probable position, man believe such have your reasonable in in must training, are Cause reasonable suspicion and you your person certainty the essentially that is force, pass Probable reasonable absolute experience cause believe reasonable must deadly than than to a your did? use Less More • • Probable Actions you cause would with To .0 • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003546 104 vest large a bomb behavioral point? the towards that parties of suicide at a 1 third appropriate? be or force walking be several to you to deadly person suspect a exhibits appears of using Scenario the danger earlier. in person clearly clothes This justified imminent what challenging the discussed you see there ~Yes ~Yes ~No Is under Would cues crowd. Are 0 . • • • You v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003547 105 could believe cues detonate you to danger. suicide force 1 to, a challenge appropriate before person indicating deadly be or reason imminent would you. not in use challenge at you have to unique are Scenario would more reasonable than indicators, a would no pointed several parties any authority of and suspect cause the You'd situation the seeing you could, this innocent with a gun Discussion in them. you certainly they to observation gives many react Challenging bomber since someone without Your would that That .0 • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003548 106 a who ckup i hat down a p suicide see driving baseball You point? a white a 2 that parties be at courthouse. third wearing description the or force may appropriate? courthouse. be the you from to deadly pickup there Scenario local suspect a miles using that danger distance at 4 in the matching brown a a report in road from justified imminent a driver a detonate challenging you No No Yes- get there ~ ~ ~ Is bomber and country Are will 0 . You Would • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003549 107 a a just suicide challenge that 2 areas, a up to (not set had time enough saw stop, populated believe Scenario you enough from specific traffic would a truck you isn't do miles the 4 give person etc. is way: that Discussion should description driver some in roadblock, it reasonable suspect) bomber The That The .0 • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003550 108 in the use is of still very above, on reliable informant states caution totality informant test the some even ; if extra the the act, (1983) considered reliability to force, 213 . given mention U.S. you ... 3 always 462 deadly information, for didn't pass the reliable test) Gates, and we be almost v. using order must scenario Informants of In are ar-Spinelli to l must (Illinois circumstance us Agui case scenario, of you officers the informants to descriptions last in brings kind it restrictive believable. Police appropriate and Other this that more • • In Circumstances Which specific was the telling .0 • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003551 09 1 and past 68 be a walk the will on towards in will surveil yourself She Smith You pockets overcoat identify occasions Mary 3:00. her there. long at in You a that multiple 3 you herself hands on ahead. . wearing tells apartment her point? you her and detonate that with parties? reliable straight leaves at and third appropriate ignores she leaves fixed or force be she she 3:00 extremely you Scenario organization gaze to at as deadly and , suspect courthouse her been and vest walks deliberately walks , using the stop the danger terrorist with has in to to a She fied i who suicide her a to day. just imminent apartment challenging minutes infiltrated out No Yes Yes 5 courthouse you there -+ -+ -+ informant Is has Mary's Would degree call Are wearing the the .0 An • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003552 110 time the threat: the bombers, the of of at threat, deadly suicide suspect of totality number officer the deadly the kind about of on to infinite PC Scenarios any an kind for about bomber based known nuances can other gray PC Other and of is suicide construct you any . can like with Etc Fleeing Shades Compromised/uncompromised • • • • As standard scenarios circumstances You just .0 • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003553 1 1 1 it this hero in a needs vest, this a PC on training about you're agency addressing think some simply wearing LE right, to .. rely not policy to through every but. chance you're go a she's have that and bomber had and Yes, has doesn't hopefully case her Mary reason suicide and test officer officer a one a shoot shoot specifically the the is have situation So So you you • • This to If If issue you're 0 . • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003554 12 1 a is an shot and approach this de­ pistol do for nose to the available, contact-range the calls a way take Options or inconspicuously and overwatch to bomber shot between reliable rear stem have the sniper immediately to sniper brain suicide a from have a preferably the them going for reasonably to is don't Neutralization or shot bomber shot, calls only you If officer the • head Neutralizing pistol animating eyes, This The • • • v1.0

TSA 15-00014 - 003555 13 1 a even shoot than some Force through and exercise, expect someone officers restrictive bomber Deadly too head" your of more targets, part the run suicide assassinate of actions, their to often paper you the on back are train on plain time the law up controls laws don't in Comments just first We • Policy State "sneak federal them The queasiness with .0 • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003556 14 1 and from suicide have method­ a target, slim numbers targets they persons the bombings about their in until possible to Bombers not most extremely high-value prevent way but every learning at people are or that of their on people, them, preventing Suicide essential kill to are groups methods detecting still are key of they large stopping for gathering-using can real security into once hope Stopping only screened chances Bombers they the • Intelligence Physical is bomber been successfully entering Your .0 • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003557 .:::£0)c (/)·- ·-a:cc -ern ca._ ro m >.-c I · C c .i:: 0 ro ·-+-' :::::J I , () uc Q) (])(]) (/) OOE >.en I • en := (]) (.)(/)rocn u..

TSA 15-00014 - 003558 6 is 1 1 it their of but in part risk and facilities routine a presentation, as security this a Assessment in high-threat should, the response Risk through covered with & your them work of not personnel is with down and sit buildings works safety element . job, subject Security Public Public Businesses Etc Schools " ~ vital • • • • • ~~ Public a assessment This their jurisdiction ...... • • a 0 . v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003559 17 1 each etc. with threats, plan causality, bomb makers as: Plan mass response events: fire, a decision things out and likely such to shooter, work Response structure areas include also facility active routes should should Response Evac Etc. Command Comms • • • • • high-threat bombings, You This .0 • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003560 118 al et resources Systems, well­ Biringer good are may Protection and planning Management, areas are: Physical of security Resources books and Assessment good professional Evaluation Risk & Two and assessment exist. Garcia developed .0 Design Security Risk v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003561 en 0 ()) .,...... (.),._ c 0 ::::J ·- 0en ()) a:


TSA 15-00014 - 003562 0 2 1 on to and aspects are fire courses from for that many free are: came on of www.threatplan.org bombs certificates responders to number to program net . expenses) offer first Go this more for Incidents www.tripwire-dhs.net relating. meal that extensive NM funded) learn and Two in an to response. .. page Bombing (DHS catalog php . web offers Resources, lodging threat or Resources Bombings programs response ODP Suicide Tech to bomb travel, Strategies the and www.preventativestrategies all on Terrorist CD-ROM See multi-day Preparedness to nmt.edu/training the . cover Prevention Response Other on offers prevention CD-ROM Preventative (they and prevention: Bomb response. Domestic for free Response Tech of free a of activity www.emrtc and resources to terrorism one. Office Mexico Institute offers the Office Incident Prevention Go in terrorist • • • LE The DHS New See ATF terrorism The of order completely 0 • . • • • • • v1

TSA 15-00014 - 003563