Daffodil Society, Inc
AMERICAN DAFFODIL SOCIETY, INC. THE DAFFODIL JOURNAL Volume 31, Number 4 June, 1995 The Daffodil Journal ISSN 0011-5290 Quarterly Publication of the American Daffodil Society, Inc. Volume 31 June, 1995 Number 4 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY Marilynn Howe, President 11831 Juniette Street, Culver City, CA 90230 • 310-827-3229 Jaydee Atkins Ager, First Vice President 344 Bear Branch Road, Kathleen, GA 31047 • 912-987-9282 Bob Spotts, Second Vice President 409 Hazelnut Drive, Oakley, CA 94561 • 510-625-5526 Phyllis Hess, Secretary 3670 E. Powell Road, Westerville, OH 43081 • 614-882-5720 Joseph Stettinius, Treasurer P.O. Box 17070, Richmond, VA 23726 • 804-285-3935 Executive Director — Mary Lou Gripshover 1686 Grey Fox Trails, Milford, OH 45150 (Tel .513-248-9137) (Fax. 513-248-0898) All correspondence regarding memberships, change of address, receipt of publications, supplies, ADS records, and other business matters should be addressed to the Executive Director. THE DAFFODIL JOURNAL (ISSN 0011-5290) is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the American Daffodil Society, Inc., 1686 Grey Fox Trails, Milford, OH 45150-1521. Second class postage paid at Milford, OH 45150-1521. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daffodil Journal, 1686 Grey Fox Trails, Milford, OH 45150-1521. Membership in the Society includes a subscription. $16.00 of the dues are designated for the Journal. © 1995 American Daffodil Society, Inc. Chairman of Publications Editor, Daffodil Journal Martha Kitchens Lee Kitchens 351 Buttonwood Lane 351 Buttonwood Lane Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Tel. 609-829-6557 Tel. 609-829-6557 FAX: 609-786-1314 FAX: 609-786-1314 Internet: leekitch@aol.com Articles and photographs (glossy finish for black and white, transparency fo rcolor) on daffodil culture and related subjects are invited from members of the Society.
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