Biodiversity Journal , 2018, 9 (4): 429–440 DOI: 10.31396/Biodiv.Jour.2018.9.4.429.440

A revision of the Mediterranean ( , ), 7: on the sibling species Raphitoma densa (Mon - terosato, 1884) and R. griseomaculata n. sp.

Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli 1* , Francesco Pusateri 2 & Stefano Bartolini 3

1Via Mater Dolorosa 54, 90146 Palermo, Italy; e-mail: [email protected] 2Via Castellana 64, 90135 Palermo, Italy; e-mail: [email protected] 3Via E. Zacconi 16, 50137 Firenze, Italy; e-mail [email protected] *Corresponding author

ABSTRACT A new raphitomid toxoglossa, Raphitoma griseomaculata n. sp. (Gastropoda Conoidea), is described from the Ionian Sea. It is the sister species to R. densa (Monterosato, 1884) from which it differs in the different (paucispiral vs. multispiral), adding to a long list of pairs of the cenogastropod species that differ in their larval development.

KEY WORDS Raphitoma ; sister cryptic species; new species.

Received 16.11.2018; accepted 07.12.2018; printed 30.12.2018; published online 07.01.2019

INTRODUCTION Lamarck, 1799 and Clathurella Carpenter, 1857). During this revision, we have found several pairs The Raphitomidae Bellardi, 1875 are currently of species in the genus Raphitoma , differing only considered as a well supported clade of the or mostly in the size and shape of the protoconch, Conoidea (Bouchet et al., 2011), worthy of family with one member bearing a multispiral protoconch ranking. It is probably the most diverse family of and the other member with a paucispiral proto - Conoidea, in terms of species richness, ecological conch. The specific distinction is based on the range and anatomical disparity (Kantor & Taylor, assumption that the dichotomy multispiral proto - 2002), and are therefore considered as potentially conch/planktotrophic development vs. paucispiral ideal candidates for toxin discovery (Puillandre et protoconch/lecithotrophic development (Jablonski al., 2014). & Lutz, 1980) can be used in caenogastropods to We are currently revising the Raphitomidae of recognise distinct sister species (Bouchet, 1989; the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic Oliverio, 1996a, 1996b, 1997). However, it should coasts, of which we provisionally estimated ca. 47 not be abused to create polyphyletic genera by arti - Mediterranean extant species, some of which still ficially separating closely related species among undescribed. The taxon Raphitomidae Bellardi, different genera only based on their larval develop - 1875 is based on the genus Raphitoma Bellardi, ment (Bouchet, 1990). In raphitomids, the separa - 1847 which was introduced as comprising 34 fossil tion of Raphitoma (multispiral protoconch) and and Recent species (Bellardi, 1847: 85), previously Raphitoma a (paucispiral protoconch) is thus incon - classified in various genera (such as Pleurotoma sistent and must be rejected. 430 RICCARDO GIANNUZZI -S AVELLI ET ALII

In a recent paper (Manousis et al., 2018), it is Mauro Doneddu (Tempio Pausania, Italy); DUR: suggested an intriguing hypothesis about a possible Sergio Duraccio (Napoli, Italy); FIO: Angelo poecilogony in Raphitomidae, but unfortunately no Fiorita (Lecce, Italy); GER: Alfio Germanà (Tre - evidences are showed. castagni, Italy); GIR: Antonio Girgenti (Palermo, In the genus Raphitoma Bellardi, 1847, we have Italy); MAC: Gabriele Macrì (Lecce, Italy); MAR: scored a dozen of such pairs of species with differ - Alessandro Margelli (Santa Maria al Monte, Italy); ent protoconchs (multispiral vs. paucispiral) (Gian - MEL: Nicola Melone (Bari, Italy); NOF: Italo nuzzi-Savelli et al., 2018). Nofroni (Roma, Italy); OLI: Marco Oliverio In the present work, we present the case of (Roma, Italy); PAG: Attilio Pagli (Lari, Italy); Raphitoma densa (Monterosato, 1884) of which we PAL: Alberto Palmeri (Palermo, Italy); PAO: have examined the type material and selected a lec - Paolo Paolini (Livorno); PIS: Michele Pisanu totype with multispiral protoconch and its unnamed (Quartu S. Elena, Italy); PUS: Francesco Pusateri sister species with paucispiral protoconch. (Palermo, Italy); RAV: Alessandro Raveggi (Firenze, Italy); RUF: Stefano Rufini (Anguillara Sabazia, Italy); SER: Gabriele Sercia (Palermo, MATERIAL AND METHODS Italy); SMR: Carlo Smriglio (Roma, Italy); SOS: Maurizio Sosso (Genova, Italy); TRI: Lionello Our approach was exclusively based on shell Tringali (Roma, Italy); VAZ: Angelo Vazzana morphology due to the almost total lack of anatom - (Reggio Calabria, Italy); VIL: Alberto Villari ical data. (Messina, Italy). sh: empty shells; WI: wrong Specimens were studied from materials housed identification; H: height; W: width; DS: standard at several European museums and from private col - deviation. lections (see abbreviations). Unless otherwise stated, the shells originated after sorting bioclastic sand samples collected between 0–80 m depth. RESULTS SEM images were taken by Andrea Di Giulio at the “LIME” (Interdepartmental Laboratory of Elec - Systematics tron Microscopy - Roma Tre University). Light (Citation of unpublished names is not in - photographs were taken (if not otherwise stated) by tended for taxonomic purposes) Stefano Bartolini using a Canon EOS 400D digital photocamera, with standard objective 50 mm + Classis GASTROPODA Cuvier, 1795 adapted objectives (25 and 12.5 mm) for 16 and 8 Subclassis Cox, 1960 mm vintage cine camera and by Riccardo Gian - Ordo Wenz, 1938 nuzzi Savelli using a Canon EOS 45D mounted on Superfamilia CONOIDEA J. Fleming, 1822 a Kyowa binocular microscope, assembled with Familia RAPHITOMIDAE Bellardi, 1875 Helicon Focus 6 software and background removed with Clipping Magic. Genus Raphitoma Bellardi, 1847. Type species: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS. Insti - Pleurotoma hystrix Cristofori and Jan, 1832 tutions. HUJ: Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Is - (nomen nudum, validated by Bellardi (1847) as rael); MCZR: Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma “Pleurotoma histrix Jan.”) by subsequent desig - (Italy); MNHN: Musée Nationale Histoire Na - nation (Monterosato, 1872: 54). turelle, Paris (France); MRSNT: Museo Regionale Monterosato, 1884 non Roualt, 1848. Storia Naturale, Terrasini (Italy); SMF: Sencken - Type species: Murex reticulatus Brocchi, 1814, berg Museum, Frankfurt/M (Germany); SMNH: by subsequent designation (Crosse, 1885). Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm Philbertia Monterosato, 1884.Type species: Pleu - (Sweden). Collections. AHU: José Ahuir (Spain), rotoma philberti Michaud, 1829 by subsequent BAR: Stefano Bartolini (Firenze, Italy); CAR: Al - designation (Crosse, 1885). berto Caruso (Sapri, Italy); COL: Giuseppe Cola - Cyrtoides F. Nordsieck, 1968. Type species: Pleu - monaco†; CRO: Paolo Crovato (Napoli, Italy); rotoma rudis Scacchi, 1836, by original desig - DES: Flavio De Santis (Roma, Italy); DON: nation. The Mediterranean Raphitomidae, 7: on the sibling species Raphitoma densa and R. griseomaculata n. sp. 431

Raphitoma densa (Monterosato, 1884) [ Philbertia ] fitta, colorito fosco a macchie dense cineree o Nomenclatura generica e specifica: 133 - Figs. cerulee. Cette (Maltzan f. Verkruzen); Corsica 1–19, 23–24, 31 (Nevill); Livorno (Caifassi); Civitavecchia (Del Prete); Malta (Medlycott); Alessandria (Gaudion); Pleurotoma versicolor var. cinereomaculata Scac - Falera (Morlet); Palermo e Trapani (Monts.) ”. chi, 1836: 13 (nomen nudum) TYPE LOCALITY . Palermo Philbertia densa Monterosato, 1884: 133 Clathurella decorata pars Locard, 1891: 67 (lecto - ExAMINED MATERIAL . The type material and: type selected herein) Atlantic. Portugal - Algarve, 1 sh (MNHN), 2 sh Clathurella bucquoyi pars Locard, 1891 not Locard, (SMNH lot 73393c); Ponta da Baleeira, Sagres, Al - 1886 garve, 2 sh (SMNH lot 73393c). Philbertia densa Carus, 1893: 425 Mediterranean. unprecised locality, 2 sh Philbertia densa Pallary, 1900: 256 (SMNH lot 73180). Alboran Sea, 3 sh (OLI). Philbertia purpurea var. densa Pallary, 1912: 83 Spain - Algeciras, 1 sh (CRO); Fuengirola, 1 sh Clathurella densa Hidalgo, 1917: 247 (SMNH lot 73169); Malaga, 1 sh (RUF), 1 sh Philbertia densa Monterosato, 1917: 25 (AHU); Punta de la Mona, 2 sh (BAR); Cabo de Raphitoma philberti densa Nordsieck, 1968: 177 Gata Los Escullios, 1 sh (CRO); Getares, 1 sh Raphitoma philberti var. densa Parenzan, 1970: 212 (PAG); Baleares Isl., 1 sh (MNHN Paris, ex coll. de Raphitoma (Ph .) flavida Nordsieck, 1977: 54, pl. Brieux); Barcelona, - 40 m, 1 sh (PAO). 17 n. 132 (lectotype selected herein) France. Provence, 2 sh (MCZR-M-16807); Raphitoma (Philbertia ) bourguignati tarentina Roussillon, 2 sh (MCZR-M-16807); Bandol, Var, 1 Nordsieck, 1977: 55 pl. 17 n. 136 sh (MCZR-M-16807); S. Raphael, 2 sh (MNHN Raphitoma (Philbertia ) densa Piani, 1980: 157 coll. Locard), 2 sh (MNHN coll. Couturier sub Philbertia densa Sabelli et al., 1990: 45, 217 nomine Cl. corbiformis ), 11 sh (MCZR-M-16807), Raphitoma bicolor sensu Poppe & Goto, 1991 non 2 sh (MCZR-M-16794), 1 sh (HUJ coll. Coen lot Risso, 1826: pl. 35 n. 20 1914A sub nomine Philbertia purpurea bicolor , Raphitoma densa Cachia et al., 1993: 34 with Coen label), 1 sh (MCZR-M-16785) sub Raphitoma (Philbertia ) densa Delamotte & nomine ms. acutalis ; Embiez Isl., Provence, 10 sh Vardala-Theodoru, 1994: 287 (MNHN); Provence, legit Claudio Ebreo 1 sh Philbertia densa Arduino et al., 1995: 95 (figured) (PUS). Corse. Baie de Calvi, 2 sh (SMNH lot Raphitoma densa Cachia et al., 2001: 65 pl. 10 fig. 73171F), 1 sh (SMNH lot 73172A), 1 sh (PUS); Ile 1 (WI = R. lineolata ) Rousse, >10 sh (BAR); Ajaccio, 1 sh (CRO). Raphitoma densa Cretella et. al., 2005: 121 Italy. Capo Noli, Savona, 1 sh (RUF); Laconella, Raphitoma densa Repetto et al., 2005: 217 n. 893 Elba Isl., -6 m, 2 sh (CRO); Capraia Isl., 1 sh (BAR); (figured) Giannutri Isl., 3 sh (SMR), 1 sh (BAR); Punta Ala, Raphitoma densa Trono, 2006: 68 Grosseto, 10 sh (BAR); Antignano, -8 m, 1 sh (PAO); Raphitoma contigua Monterosato, sensu Cossig - Golfo di Baratti, -10 m, 3 sh (PAO); Baratti, Livorno, nani & Ardovini, 2011: 325 1 sh (PAG); 1 sh. (PAG); Castiglioncello, Livorno, 4 Raphitoma densa Cossignani & Ardovini, 2011: sh (MAR), 2 sh (PAO), 3 sh (PAG), 1 sh (MCZR-M- 325 (only fig. a) 16807); Punta Ala (Grosseto), 2 sh (GER), 2 sh Raphitoma densa Repetto et al., 2011: 41,135 (PAG); Talamone (Grosseto), 6 sh (RUF); Secca Raphitoma densa Manousis, 2012: 178 (figured) delle Vedove, Livorno, 3 sh, -100/130 (PAO); Raphitoma densa Trono & Macrì, 2013: 35 Latium, 1 sh (GIR); Ladispoli, Latina, 1 sh (DES); Raphitoma densa Scaperrotta et al., 2018: 21, 78 S. Agostino, Gaeta, Latina, 1 sh (CRO); Capri Isl., 2 (figured) Raphitoma densa Manousis et al., sh (HUJ, coll. Coen lot 9473B, sub nomine “ Philber - 2018: 10, figs. 7 b-h tia purpurea prolixa ms”, ex coll. Bellini), 1 sh (MCZR-M-16807), 1 sh (CRO); Procida Isl., 1 sh ORIGINAL DIAGNOSIS (Monterosato, 1884) . “P. (MAR), 3 sh (CRO); Napoli, 2 sh (HUJ coll. Coen, densa , Monts. (nov. Forma) = Pl. versicolor , var. lotto 9473. A sub nomine Philbertia purpurea prolixa cinereo maculata , Sc. ex typo (Nap.). Reticolazione ms), 1 sh (MCZR-M-16788), 1 sh (SMNH lot 432 RICCARDO GIANNUZZI -S AVELLI ET ALII

70492A), 4 sh, (MCZR-M-16807; Bacoli Punta Pen - DESCRIPTION . In square brackets the data of the nata, 1 sh (CRO); Marina di Puolo, Napoli, 1 sh holotype. Shell fusiform, of medium size for the (DUR); Punta Pioppeto (Ischia Isl.), 1 sh (PUS), 1 genus, height 8-16.4 mm, mean: 11.18 DS: 2.1 sh. (PAG), 4 sh (CRO); Sapri, Salerno, 1 sh (CAR); [11.7]; width 3–6 mm, mean: 4.24 DS: 0.69 [4.6]; Secca di Pellaro, Reggio Calabria, 1 sh (PAO); Scilla, H/W 2.32–2.86, mean: 2.63 DS: 0.16 [2.54]. Reggio Calabria, 15 sh (VAZ); Taranto, 2 sh (MCZR- Protoconch multispiral of 3 convex whorls, M-16813 sub nomine ms. “ specialis ”), 2 sh (MCZR- heigth 458 µm, width 415 µm, protoconch I of 1 M-16807); Otranto, Lecce, 1 sh (MAC); Torre Serpe, whorls, width 235 µm, covered by thin cancella - Otranto, Lecce, 2 sh (MAC); Novaglie, Lecce, 1 sh tions, protoconch II with a diagonally cancellated (MAC); San Cataldo, Lecce, -6 m, 2 sh (CRO); Ma - sculpture starting after a zone under the suture with rina di Ugento, Lecce, 2 sh (MAC); Nardò, Lecce, 1 fine axial threads. The last whorl show a short keel sh (COL); Porto Cesareo, Lecce, 2 sh (CRO), 6 sh before the onset of the teleoconch. Protoconch- (FIO); Cala Rena, Giovinazzo, Bari, 1 sh (MEL); teleoconch boundary slightly flexuose, opistho - Giovinazzo, Bari, 12 sh (MEL). cline. Sardinia. Castelsardo, Sassari, (BAR); Secca di Teleoconch of 7–9 [7] convex whorls, slender Castelsardo, -40, 3 sh (BAR); Aranci Gulf, 1 (NOF); and stout, suture incised, sculpture robust. Densely Arzachena, Sassari, 1 sh (DON); Porto S. Paolo, Sas - disseminated microgranules in the surface. Axial sari, 1 sh (DON); Punta Marana, Sassari, 1 sh (TRI); sculpture of 16–29 mean 21 DS 3.5 [21] orthocline, Stintino, Sassari, 1 sh (RUF); S’Archittu, Oristano, equidistant ribs, and interspaces slightly narrower 24 sh (SOS); Cagliari, 2 sh (PIS); Poetto, Cagliari, 2 than the ribs. Spiral sculpture of 6–9 mean 7 DS sh (PIS); Sant’Antioco, Carbonia-Iglesias, 10 sh 0.91 [7] cordlets above the aperture. Cancellation (PIS); Calasetta, Carbonia-Iglesias, 1 sh (PIS). rectangular, with strong and sligthly acute tubercles Sicily. S. Raineri, Messina, 1 sh (MCZR-M- at the intersection of axials and spirals. Subsutural 16877); Pace, Messina, 1 sh (VIL); Ficarazzi, ramp narrow, with small tubercles in correspon - Palermo, 7 sh (PUS); Isola delle Femmine, Palermo, dence with the axial ribs tip and one or two small 4 sh (PUS legit Bagnera), 11 sh (SER); Ustica Isl., spiral cordlets. 3 sh (VIL); Palermo, 3 sh (HUJ coll. Coen, Hebrew Columella simple, slightly sinuous anteriorly, Univ. sub nomine Philbertia purpurea bicolor , lot gently angled posteriorly. Siphonal channel short. 1914B), 2 sh (HUJ lot 8071 with Monterosato’s Outer with 10–14 mean 11 DS 1.38 [11] strong label “ Philbertia densa ”, 2 sh MCZR-M-16806 sub inner lyrate denticles, the most posterior is shorter. nomine Philbertia atropurpurea var. minor), 7 sh Siphonal fasciole with 6–10 strong nodulose cords (PUS); Trapani, 1 sh (SER), sh (MCZR-M-16807); [8] mean 8 DS 0.89. S. Giuliano, Trapani, 5 sh (PAL); Acitrezza, Catania, Colour uniformly orange brown in the back - 1 sh (SMNH lot 73198E); Cannizzaro, Catania, 1 sh ground (from ligth to dark), with large ashy (PAG); S. Giovanni Li Cuti, Catania, 1 sh (VIL); blotches, as wide as 1–3 axial ribs. Suprasutural Brucoli, Siracusa, 1 sh (SMNH lot 73206C), 3 sh cordlet (rarely two) at least on the last whorl. (PUS); Porto Palo, Siracusa, 1 sh (PAL), 3 sh Comma-shaped ashy spots on the subsutural ramp. (GER); Pozzallo, Ragusa, 1 sh (MRSNT lot 18280 Enterely white specimens are known. Soft parts un - sub nomine R. reticulata ); Pozzallo Porto, Ragusa, known. 1 sh (CRO); Capo Passero, Ragusa, 1 sh (MAR); DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGY . The entire Mediter - Lampedusa Isl., 1 sh (PAG). ranean, Canary Islands (Tenerife). In the Mediter - Croatia. Krk Island, 14 sh (BAR). ranean Sea, species of Raphitoma are usually active Tunisie. Djerba Island, 1 sh (PUS); Gulf of at night time, and live mostly on soft bottoms, 0– Gabes, 5 sh (SMNH, lot 73177G). 100 m depth, ranging from coastal bioclastic coarse Greece. Kalymnos Island, 1 sh (RAV); Simi Is - sands to muddy bioclastic coarse sands, but also in land, 1 sh (SMNH lot 25329a); Malia, Crete, 1 sh sandy pockets amidst rocks or phanerogams mead - (CRO); Pefko, Skiros Isl., -6 m, 4 sh (CRO); ows, although it is not infrequent to find specimens Plataria, Igoumenitsa, -6 m, 3 sh (CRO). hiding under stones and in crevices, especially at Turkey. Bozcaada Island, 1 sh (PUS). daytime. One species ( R. pseudohystrix ) has been Egypt. Alexandria, 1 sh (PUS). found in bottoms down to 700 m depth. The Mediterranean Raphitomidae, 7: on the sibling species Raphitoma densa and R. griseomaculata n. sp. 433

Figures 1–8. Shells of Raphitoma densa . Fig. 1: Lectotype, Palermo, Italy (MCZR-M 16807), h: 11.7 mm; Fig. 2: Trapani (Italy), h: 11 mm; Fig. 3: Torre Astura, Latina (Italy), h: 12 mm; Fig. 4: Toulon (France), h: 13.2 mm; Fig. 5: Ladispoli (Roma), h: 10 mm; Fig. 6: Ladispoli, Roma (Italy), h: 11 mm; Fig. 7: St. Raphael (France), h: 9.9 mm; Fig. 8: Castiglioncello (Livorno), h: 11.8 mm. 434 RICCARDO GIANNUZZI -S AVELLI ET ALII

Figures 9–15. Shells of Raphitoma densa . Fig. 9: Posillipo (Italy), h: 12.8 mm; Fig. 10: St. Raphael (France), h: 13.1; Fig. 11: Palermo (Italy), h: 10.4 mm; Fig. 12: Napoli (Italy), h: 16.2; Fig. 13: Golfo di Baratti (Italy), h: 8.1 mm; Fig. 14: St. Raphael (France), h: 8.5 mm; Fig. 15: Brucoli, Siracusa (Italy), h: 10.5 mm. The Mediterranean Raphitomidae, 7: on the sibling species Raphitoma densa and R. griseomaculata n. sp. 435

Figure 16. Clathurella decorata . Lectotype, St. Raphael (France), h: 12.7 mm; Figure 17. Clathurella bucquoyi Locard, 1891. Paralectotype, Ajaccio, Corse (France), h: 8 mm; Figure 18. Raphitoma (Philbertia) bourguignati tarentina . Holotype, Taranto (Italy), h: 9.7 mm; Figure 19. R. (Ph.) flavida . Lectotype, Ibiza Isl. (Spain), h: 7.4 mm; Figure 20. R. lineolata , Sa - ronic Gulf (Greece), h: 7 mm; Figure 21. R. corbis , Termini Imerese, Palermo (Italy), h: 10.3 mm; Figure 22. R. corbis , Isola delle Femmine, h: 10.5 mm

REMARKS . Scacchi (1836: 13) described Pleuro - purea (Locard & Caziot, 1899), one contain 2 spec - toma versicolor. The type material seem to be lost imes from Toulon also related to R. atropurpurea (Nicola Maio, pers. comm. and Cretella et al., 2004: and a third one containing 4 specimens from St. 123), but from the original description seems that Raphael related to R. densa (Monterosato, 1884). more than one species are involved, i.e., R. To maintain the nomenclatural stability we de - philberti, R. bicolor and R. densa. Moreover the ad - signed from this last lot as lectotype a specimen of ditional P. versicolor var. cinereo-maculata Scac - mm 12.7 x 4.8. So C. decorata Locard, 1891 be - chi, 1836 is a nomen nudum. come a synonym of Philbertia densa Monterosato, Locard (1891: 67) introduced Clathurella dec - 1884 that take precedence (Fig. 16). orata . In the Locard collection at MNHN Paris we Locard (1886) introduced C. bucquoyi (a name found 3 lots of this species. One contain 2 speci - available by indication (I.C.Z.N., 1985: Art. 12.2.1). mens from Marseille that are related to R. atropur - To stabilize the use of this name we designate (Gi - 436 RICCARDO GIANNUZZI -S AVELLI ET ALII

annuzzi Savelli et al., 2018: 19) the specimen from Raphitoma densa differs from R. lineolata Saint Lunaire figured by B.D.D. (1883: figs. 13, 14; (B.D.D., 1883) (Fig. 20) for to the lack of the char - as “ Clathurella purpurea var. philberti Michaud”), acteristic brown spirals on the background and for a typical R. oblonga. the ashy blotches vs. whitish on the background. Only subsequently did Locard (1891) provide From R. corbis (Potiez et Michaud, 1838) (Figs. an extensive description of C. bucquoyi , reporting 21, 22) it differs for its characteristic ashy blotches it as common in the Mediterranean, but unfortu - and for less evident sculpture. nately mixing it with other species of the R. bicolor group (not identifiable as lacking protoconch), in - cluding R. densa. Raphitoma griseomaculata Pusateri et Gian - So we assume that there are two C. bucquoyi , nuzzi-Savelli n. sp. - Figs. 23–26, 32 one from 1886 and one from 1891. Raphitoma cfr. alternans Manousis et al., 2018: 5; Among the type material from C. bucquoyi , fig. 3 c there are two paralectotype from Ajaccio and three from St. Raphael, all related to R. densa (Fig. 17). TYPE MATERIAL . Holotype mm 13.9 x 5.5 and Nordsieck (1977: 55 pl. 17 n. 136) introduced paratype A mm 10.6 x 4.4 (MNHN), paratype B Raphitoma (Philbertia ) bourguignati tarentina . The mm 11.6 x 4.6 (PUS), paratype C mm 10.1 x 4.2 type material in SMF consists in the holotype from (FIO) all from type locality (legit A. Fiorita & M. Taranto, mm 9.7 x 3.6 ed a paratype (mm 10.5 x Perini). 3.9) labelled “Cataldo, Adria” [probably San Cataldo, Lecce, Adriatico]. The holotype is clearly TYPE LOCALITY . 1 mile off Torre Squillace, Porto a specimen of R. densa and the paratype is related Cesareo (Lecce) -20/30 m 40°13’N - 17°50’E to R. atropurpurea (Fig. 18). ExAMINED MATERIAL . Only the type material. Again, Nordsieck (1977: 54, pl. 17 n. 132) in - troduced Raphitoma (Ph .) flavida Monterosato, DESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE . Shell slender 1884. Unfortunately, Monterosato never described fusiform, of medium size for the genus, height: 13.9 a species with this name. Monterosato (1875: 55) mm, width: 4.7 mm. H/W: 2.53 mm. introduced a Pleurotoma (Defrancia ) purpurea var. Protoconch paucispiral (Fig. 32). Only proto - flavida , but this is a nomen nudum. Again, Mon - conch I of 0.9 convex whorls, height: 230 μm, terosato (1878: 106) introduced Pleurotoma corbis width: 225 μm; sculpture with horizontally elon - var. flavida , but this too is a nomen nudum. gated rectangles. In the last part there are fine So the name Raphitoma flavida should be cred - curved axial threads in the subsutural zone. Proto - ited to Nordsieck, 1977 that also give a description. conch-teleoconch boundary indistinct but flexu - The type material consist in 3 lots. One from ose. Ibiza (SMF lot 337099/28 with original manuscript Teleoconch of 6 convex whorls, solid, suture ev - label Philb. purp. flavida Mts/Ibiza) containing 12 ident, medium-strength sculpture. No microgran - shells and 1 fragment. Ten shells and the fragment ules on the surface. Axial sculpture of 20 slightly are referable to R. densa , of the other two (both with opisthocline, equidistant, robust ribs, and inter - traces of multispiral protoconchs), one is not identi - spaces 1.1 as wide as the ribs. Spiral sculpture of 8 fiable and the other seem to be a juvenile of R. cor - cordlets above the aperture, narrower than the axi - bis . One (SMF lot 337100/1) with original ms label als. Cancellation rectangular, with strong and “Philbertia flavida Mts/ S’ Pol de Mar” contain 1 slightly elongated (acute in the first whorls) tuber - shell referable again to R. densa . A third one SMF cles at the intersections. lot 337101/1 with original ms label “ Philb. flavida Subsutural ramp very short. Columella simple, Mts/Sfax” contain 1 shell still referable to R. densa . slightly sinuous anteriorly, gently angled posteriorly. Then we designate as lectotype a specimen from Outer lip with 11 elongated inner denticles, the most lot 337099/28 coming from Ibiza, mm 7.4 x 3.0 anterior delimiting the short and wide siphonal canal with incomplete peristome (Fig. 19). is smaller than other, the most posterior delimiting Thus, R. flavida Nordsieck, 1977 becomes a the shallow anal sinus is smaller than the others. junior synonym of R. densa. Siphonal fasciole with 9 nodulose cords. The Mediterranean Raphitomidae, 7: on the sibling species Raphitoma densa and R. griseomaculata n. sp. 437

Figures 23–26. Shells of Raphitoma griseomaculata n. sp. Torre Squillace, Porto Cesareo, Lecce (Italy). Holotype, h: 13.9 mm; paratype A, h: 10.6 mm; paratype B: h: 11.6 mm; paratype C: h: 10.1 mm. Figure 27. R. smriglioi , holotype, Ognina, Siracusa (Italy), h: 9.4 mm. Figure 28. R. philberti , Palermo (Italy), h: 8.5 mm. Figure 29. R. papillosa , Djerba Isl. (Tunisia), h: 9.7 mm. Figure 30. Raphitoma farolita , Cannizzaro, Catania (Italy), h: 7.5 mm. 438 RICCARDO GIANNUZZI -S AVELLI ET ALII

Figure 31. Raphitoma densa , protoconch. Figure 32. Raphitoma griseomaculata n. sp., protoconch.

Colour uniformly straw yellow (the background, cordlet can occur. Outer lip with 11–14 elongated with ashy blotches). Suprasutural cordlet same inner denticles. Siphonal fasciole with 9–10 nodu - colour as the blotches, at least on the last whorl. lose cords. Colour uniformly straw yellow to yel - Soft parts unknown. low orange.

VARIABILITY . The paratypes have: height: 10–14 ETYMOLOGY . A compound noun derived from the mm, width: 4.2–5.5 mm, H/W: 2.38–2.53. Teleo - latin words “ griseus ” = gray, and “ maculatus ” = conch of 7–8 convex whorls. Axial sculpture of 20– spotted, speckled. 24 ribs, and interspaces from 1 to 1.5 as wide as the DISTRIBUTION . This species is only known due ribs. Spiral sculpture of 8–10 cordlets above the to the type locality: Torre Squillace, Porto Cesareo aperture. Sometime one supplementar secondary (Lecce, Italy). The Mediterranean Raphitomidae, 7: on the sibling species Raphitoma densa and R. griseomaculata n. sp. 439

REMARKS . R. griseomaculata n. sp. differs from Bucquoy E., Dautzenberg P. & Dollfuss G., 1883. Les R. smriglioi Pusateri et Giannuzzi-Savelli, 2013 mollusques marins de Roussillon. Tome premier: having a different protoconchs (more regular profile Gastropodes avec atlas de 66 planches. Paris: J.-B. vs. semi-strangled upper outline and a slight keel in Baillière & Fils. 570 pp., 66 pls. [ are in fas - cicule 1 (3): 85–135, pls. 11–15]. the low part) for to the lack of the characteristic Bouchet P., 1989. A review of poecilogony in gas - brown spirals of the background and the color tropods. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 55: 67–78. (paler in R. griseomaculata n. sp. and more satu - Bouchet P., 1990. genera and mode of develop - rated in the R. smriglioi ). ment: the use and abuse of protoconch morphology. The new species differs from the light R. Malacologia, 32: 69–77. philberti (Michaud, 1829) having his blotches neat Bouchet P., Kantor Y.I., Sysoev A. & Puillandre N., 2011. and not vanishing, the outline less slender and the A new operational classification of the Conoidea. lacking of one subsutural ramp. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 77: 273 –308. Raphitoma papillosa (Pallary, 1904) have a Cachia C., Mifsud C. & Sammut P.M., 1993. An Anno - more strong sculpture and the blotches are not ashy tated Check-List of the Marine of the Mal - tese Islands. Erste Vorarlberger Malakologische grey. Gesellschaft, Rankweil, Austria, 81 pp. Raphitoma farolita (Nordsieck, 1977) is much Cachia C., Mifsud C. & Sammut P.M., 2001. The Marine more robust and less slender (HD: 2.15–2.24 vs. Mollusca of the Maltese Islands Part Three Sub-Class 2.38–2.53) than R. griseomaculata and blotches are Prosobranchia to Sub-Class Pulmonata, Order Ba - pure white. sommatophora. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 266 pp. Carus J.V., 1893. Prodromus Faunae Mediterraneae sive Descriptio Animalium Maris Mediterranei Incolarum ACKNOWLEDGMENTS quam Comparata Silva rerum Quatenus Innotuit Adiectis Locis et Nominibus Vulgaribus. Vol. II. Bra - We thank all the friends mentioned above with chiostomata. Mollusca. Tunicata. Vertebrata. E. Schweizerbart’sche, Stuttgart, ix + 854 pp. their acronyms, who made the material of their col - Cossignani T. & Ardovini R., 2011. Malacologia lections available to us for study. The following col - Mediterranea. Ancona, L’Informatore Piceno, pp. 536 leagues are deeply thanked for their help with Cretella M., Crovato C., Crovato P., Fasulo G. & Toscano Museum samples under their care: Bruno Cignini F., 2005. The malacological works of Arcangelo Scac - and Massimo Appolloni (MCZR), Philippe chi (1810–1893). Part II: A critical review of Scac - Bouchet, Virginie Héros, Pierre Lozouet, and chian taxa. Bollettino Malacologico, 40: 114–131. Philippe Maestrati (MNHN), Ronald Janssen Crosse H., 1885. Nomenclature generica e specifica di (SMF), Anders Warén (SMNH). In particular, we alcune Conchiglie Mediterranee, pel marchese di would like to thank Carlo Smriglio and Andrea Di Monterosato [book review]. Journal de Conchyliolo - gie, 33: 139–142. Giulio (Roma, Italy) for their patience and constant Delamotte M. & Vardala-Theodorou E., 1994. Κοχύλια collaboration. από τις ελληνικές θάλασσες. The Goulandris Natural History Museum, Kifissia, 317 pp. Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Pusateri F. & Bartolini S., 2018. REFERENCES A revision of the Mediterranean Raphitomidae (Gastropoda, Conoidea) 5: Loss of planktrophy and Arduino G., Locatelli B., Orlando F. & Repetto G., pairs of species with the description of four new 1995. Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine species. Bollettino Malacologico, Suppl. 10, vol. 54: del Mediterraneo. Clavesana, Langa Grafica, 197 1–77. pp. Hidalgo J.G., 1917. Fauna malacológica de España, Por - Bellardi L., 1847. Monografia delle Pleurotome fossili tugal y las Baleares. Moluscos testáceos marinos. del Piemonte. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Scienze di Torino, serie 2, 9: 531–650, 4 pls. [R. Serie Zoológica, 30: 1–752. Janssen, 1993, said that the journal issue was pub - I.C.Z.N. (International Commission on Zoological lished in 1848 but that a separate was distributed in Nomenclature), 1985. Internatiional Code of Zoolog - 1847; the title and pagination for the separate is: ical Nomenclature. Third Edition. The International Monografia delle Pleurotome Fossili del Piemonte. Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, xx + Torino, 119 pp.]. 338 pp. 440 RICCARDO GIANNUZZI -S AVELLI ET ALII

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