ENGLISH VIEWS Newsofthecity Uue U HOT of UVIN
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\ '"••%wiWstor**'; Zhc r*$? Vi i !• Tenth Year---No. 44 Grand Forks, B. C, Friday. September 8, 1911. $1.00 Per Year in Advance. 'The government oould not regie' lai Miss M. Watson. Mi an 1 Mrs any fiscal arrangement which' tend MacLean will make tbeir li uue u ENGLISH VIEWS id to break down the tariff wall uf NEWSOFTHECiTY Gree'n'w'ood. HOT OF UVIN _______ [any particular country, and under! The Kettle River and South Oka-! • which, in thiB particular case, the i Most Prominent Statesmen trade uf Canada, as the Canadians; Specifications Now Ready nagau Pioneers' society will hold facts Workingmen Should annual dinner on September II at of Great Britain Endorse I themselves think, would be in for Manly's New Brick Consider Before Casting creased. The government believed tin- Midwity hotel, M alway. Reciprocity that the greater the trade uf Canada Block- * \\. S. Murray and Flank Coryell Their Ballots the greater would be the trade of are iu Los iVliegleS They have pur the empire, and the greater tlie chased laiinl in Mexico, anal will The times is determined to resort Tlie Tories claim that the leading trade this Country would Bend to Robert Mcintosh, the architect,, settle upOli it Ibis fall. public men of;-Eiigland are against Canada. They certainly felt Btrong- has nearly completed drawing the to no deception and Oi exert no un the Ciuiiiilii.n reciprocity agreement. | Iv that there was no question bi plans for W. K". 0. Manly's new Ed Davis returned yesterday from due influence to determine the vote ll ere are a few.'quntatiniis from the volved in tbis reciprocity agreement block. The building will contain a visit to ihe Vancouver exhi of the wage earners of Victoria, as it views of the must eminent states- of the allegiance-and loyalty of the iwo stores, une 40x10(1 feet, to.be biliun. believes.tbem capable of judging fur men of the mother country on the , Canadians themselves. But it was occupied by Mr. Manly's hardware themselves when thev are in full Mrs. QBI. Mas i-' and chidien subject, which utterly refute the.Uaifl that the government, liy their store, and a 20x100 store. The knowledge of, the fuels. Therefore have returned to the from a month's brazen claims of the opponents of inaction in the matter, were reduc- stores will have a 15-fpot ceililig, the Times affirms, that no one has outing al Christina lake. tlie agreement: | hig the existing preference which and there will be a bu.-ement under proved that • a reduction in the cost of living will he followed by a re l'HKMiiSB Asi.iU'rti. I Canada gave to British goods to the the entire building. The Bridge The C. P. K will do tlie unison duction in wages. Only those peo Mr. As.juitlv, prime minister,_c_e- vanishing point. That pessimistic street front of the building will li" work on the new Anaconda "brioge ple say so who are themselves con fending the action of Canada in mak- yiew was very greatly exaggerated, constructed of white pressed brick, this fall. ing the reciprutjily agreement, said i Tbe government highly appreciated with large plate-glass windowsr temptible enough to reduce wages in the British hnuse of cuinmons on : the attitude ol the Cnnadian govern Britain Trusts Canada wben living expenses are lowered. February S), 1911: i merit, who in this proposed arrahgc- J. A. Bohnett, of the Interna'- Although) however, these matters Beware of tbeir honeyed words. "When she hnd an niter from the ment with thc United Stales had tiotittl Bible Students' association, arc not likely to bc lost sight of dur Thai cheaper fund means lower will give an address' in Miners' United Stales tu lower the wall and done their best to affect in the ing tht: coming snuggle, there is wages is disproved by the-fact that Union hall next Tuesday evening, open ibe dour, was she tu continue, slightest way possible the preference lilllc duubtlhat, as uur Ottawa cor in Germany—With the highest pro September 12, his subject being in her own interest ur in tlie inter which tbey were giving .to this respondent prophesie", reciprocity tective dulies in the world—the av "The Wise and the Foolish Vir est of this country, or in any sup country." will be the absorbing issue. And erage wages are lower and the food gins." Mr. Bohnett is said to be an posed interest uf the British empire, LORD IIALDAM.. people in tbis country .will not be more costly than in free trade Eng eloquent speaker, and to handle his to refuse to her manufacturers the On April IS the Canadian reci- unwilling to trust to thc guoll sense land. Why should this bs so if it subject in n capable manner. Every natural outlet for their products and prucity agreement was discussed in und patriotism of Canadians tu set is not uu account of the high tariffs? body is invited to her him. No ad thc natural inlet for the things the huuse of lords, when Lord Hal- tie at once and for all in a way con There is nu answer unless you ad mission will be charged, and no col which they need." dane, secretary of state fur war in ducive tu the interests alike of llieni mit that the tariffs raise the cost of lection taken up. Mr. Asquith, in the Barae address, the Asquith government, gave ex- selves and of thc empire. We musi fund without raising wages. A tariff cannot lix the price of labor.becaues bore testimony to the care whicli pressiun to these decided views of Rev. I. W. Williamson, general nut omit to record wilh satisfaction tariffs have nothing t« dp with la the Canadian government had shown approval: secretary of Sunday scbunls in tbis Sir Wilfrid Laurier's reiteration of bor. But a tariff raises tbe price of to protect British interests. II• said: "The policy of the government is province, will visit Grand Forks on former assurances thai lhe "proud brr-adsuiffs because' it taxes the "Tlte agreement wan a perfectly to give every facility lo Sir Wilfrid Tuesday, September 19. He will principle ul British preference" still things yuu must buy tu eat snd independent agreement, entered in Laurier and the people of Canada to give a report of the thirteenth In dominates Canada's fiscal policy, wear. That is as clear as a ruu- to between Canada and thu United do the nest they can for themselves, ternational Sunday School conven whicli, bc uoserls, would in nu de ning stream. Stales, in pursuance on tbe part of io enter into this agreement, and, as tion, in the Methodist church at 8 gree be impaired by reciprocity with Beiore free trvule obtained in Great Canada of that liscal autonomy they think, and we believe, tu lake o'clnek in the evening. tbe United Slates.—London Stand which she has lung enjoyed and on thereby the best step tbey can fur ard, Conservative. Britain the four-pound loaf sold for which nobody proposes to trespass. the development of Canada. (Hear, At the special meeting uf tlie cily eleven pence; afltr free trade tbs Conclusions of the various stages of hear.) We bold tbat it is not a dis council last night the lament Side if I buy good, from the Unheal price Uropped tu seven pence. What tlie negotiations were carefully advantage fur us tbut Canada should walk bylaw was reconsidered and States I am disloyal, but if I send my did it! Taking tbs tax off food watched by our llritish ambassador, develop by the growth of trade rela finally passed. The proposition to money to thu United (States to build stuffs. win. was in constant communica tions with the United States. We send tjie lire chief to the firemen's up its industries, I am loyal. Before free trade ths agricultural tion with the Canadian negotiators, hold that an enlarged panada—a convention in New Westminster was laborers uf Great Britain bad an av and who very properly kept hia eyes Canada with a great trade of this defeated. Get In; Stay In erage of eight shillings per w»ek. un the special interests of British kind—cannot fail to be a more pros It is significant of much tliat the After free trade lbe wages rose to At a meeting in New York of the trade. I lived not say it was nut perous Canada, a Canada which will Hun. Robert Roger-, of Manitoba: eighteen shillings and one pound directors uf the British Columbia necessary for him to urge upon his bea better market fur our goods, and Premier McBride, of British Colum per week. .For proof of those state Copper company, the payment of Canadian colleagues the ueceissity which will do mure trade with our bia; Attorney-General Bowser, also ments ask the Britons who lived the dividend on September 1 was of safeguarding those interests. They selves. Therefore, from every point ui British Columbia, the Hun ('Iif- t ere before and after the change, deterred fur u .short time owing to ware always most ready to accept of view, we look upon tlie step faard Siflam, Mr Henri Bouri.st'a, thei„r |,„,k HI ihe Blue Books of lhe lhe coal strike. and anticipate, or if not to antici which Canada has taken as being Hon. W. J- Hanna, of Ontario, and Kriti,.|i government. ** other well known pulticians who Wages are higher in Seattle, Ta- pate, at any rale to consider, if not probably a yery good'step in our W.