Cento Conference on Agricultural Extension

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Cento Conference on Agricultural Extension CENTO CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION HELD IN ANKARA-DENIZLI-IZMIR, TURKEY APRIL 12 TO 22, 1967 630.715 Central Treaty Grganization. c3n Conference cn aC~icultural extension. Ankara-Deniz1i-I7mir, Turkey, Apr. 12 to 22, 1967. Pub1i;':~led by (Jfnee of U.S. Economic Coordinator fer CENTe Affairs. 275 p. LUus. 1.Agrieultul'a2 extensi:n work. I.Title. CENTO TREATY ORGANIZATION (CENTO) IIl1'li_ lIn' iZMiR OLIVE RESEARCH STATION The delegates were briefed on the izmir Olive Research Station's operation and spent several hours visiting the installations. PAMUKKALE Excursions to the famous ruins at Pamukkale and Ephesus were included in the conference program. EPHESUS T ABLE OF CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD •••••••••••••••••••••• 00 ••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••• 1 MESSAGE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF CENTO • • . • . • • • 3 SPEECH OF WELCOME ..... 0 •••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••• o. .. 5 by Zekeriya <;elikbilekli KEYNOTE SPEECH ...•......•.......•.....................• 7 "Agricultural Development - Emphasis on the Extension Worker and the Farmer" by Ralph W. Gleason CENTO REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION ~ -. ................•....•.••..•• 0. ••••••••••••• •• 20 PAPERS I. Denizli Agricultural Development Project "Activities Under the Pilot Agriculture Development Project in Denizli Province II ••••••••••••••••••••• 0.... 0............... 39 by Dr. Nevzat Karacahisarll lI. Supervised Agricultural Credit "Role of Extension Workers in Credit" ••••••.•••.••••••••••••• 49 by Dogan Yallm Ill. Extension Programs Underway in the Regional Countries "Organization and Administration of Extension In Iran" •••...•• •• 58 by Dr. Jafar Rassi ''Iran's Extension and Development Corps" •••••••••.••••.•••• •• 62 by Pouholah Jaffari "Extension Service Organization and Administration of Wes t P akistan" •••••••• 0 • 0 ••••••• 0 0 ••••••••••••••• 0 • • • • • • • •• 67 by A. M. Khan - i - -.IT1IlI TTI "Agricultural Extension in East Pakistan" ••••••••..•••••••• 76 by A. M. Chowdhury "Educating the Extension Worker" •• ••••••• • •••••• •• • •• •• •• 85 by M. J. Rolls "Agricultural Extension Programs in Turkey" •••••••••••.•• 92 by i. Sarlcah "The Success of Program Building in East Pakistan" •••••••• 99 by B. R. Ferguson "Training Required for Practical Extension at Farmer Level" 103 by H. V. Judge IV. Water Management "Water Management in Iran" •••••••• 00. 0 •• 0. 0 ••• 0.0 ••••• O. 114 by Kazem Daneshyar "Water Management' r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 121 by M. H. Vains "Technical Help and Education for Irrigation Farmers in Turkey '0' •••• ••• •• •• •• •• ••• ••••••••••••• • ••• •••••• •• ••• 129 by Dogan Din~er and Nurhan G~rel "Water Management" •.•...••.....••••••••.....••.•......• 135 by L.R. Anderson V. Fertilizers and Their Use "Fertilizer Extension Activities" •••••••••••• 0 ••• 0 •• 0 • • • • • • 144 by Gholam-Ali Faghih flU se of Fertilizer and the Extension Workers' Role in the Fertilizer Program"•••• 0 •• 0 ••••••••••••••• 00. 147 by M o H. Vains "Fertilizers and Their Use in Turkey" 0.••...........0.... 158 by Dr. M. Klroglu - ii - ---vlllr·m "Production, Distribution and Use of Fertilizer in the CENTO Region Countries" 0.00 •••• 0 •• 0 ••••••• o. o. •••• 168 by Dr. J. L. Malcolm VI. New and Improved Seeds and Cultural Practices "Seed Breeding and Production" •. 0 ••••••• 0 • 0 •• 0 •••• 0 ••• 0 • 0 • 185 by Gholam-Ali Faghih "How to Get New and Improved Seeds to Turkish Farmers" ••• 190 by Se1ahattin Ecikoglu ''Improvement of Grain Legume s II ••••••.••••••••••••••• 0 • • • 194 by Dr. G. M. Horner VII. Livestock Extension Work r'Livestock Extension Activities in East PakistanI' ..•...... 0 • 197 by S. M. Ali "How Basic Services of the Veterinary Department Help the Farmer Get More Return from his Livestock" .••••• 201 by Dr. Cafer Togay VIII. Home Economics "The Home Extension Program in Iran" ••• 0 •••••••••••• 0 • • • 211 by Ezzat Aghevli "Home Economics Extension Activities in Turkey" ••.••••••• 217 by Dr. Suat Kundak "Practical Approaches to Home Economics" ••••• 0 ••• 0 • o. ••• 225 by Eleanor Southerland IX. Marketing and the Extension Worker "Marketing and Extension Workers r, ••••• 0•• 0.. •• ••.. •.•. .• 244 by E.H. Esphahani I'Marketing and the Extension Worker" •.• 0 • 0 • 0 ••• 0 •••• 0 • 0 • • • 248 by S. A. A. Iftikharuddin Ahmad - iii - '......~._--~--- "Extension Work in Agricultural Marketing" •••••••••••••••••• 257 by Kemal Bedestenci "Marketing and the Extension Man" •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 262 by M. F. Ward APPENDIX A •.•••...•......••...•...•.•••••.••.......... 267 APPENDIX B .......•..................•....•..........•. 271 - iv FOREWORD This conference on Agricultural Extension was held as the result of a recommendation by the CENTO Sub-Committee on Agriculture at its meeting in Tehran in January 1966. The Government of Turkey offered to host the conference and the United States agreed to provide organizational and financial support as part of its technical assistance program through CENTO, administered by the Office of the U. S. Economic Coordinator. This publication contains many of the papers which were pres­ ented by experts from Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. The CENTO Secretariat's report of the conference and the official recommendations and conclusions prepared by the delegates are also reproduced. Space limitations have made it necessary to edit and in some cases delete repetitious material from some of the many excellent papers delivered at the conference. The conference provided a valuable exchange of information among member country agriculturists on such important aspects of extension work as water resources, fertilizer, seeds, livestock, farm tools, marketing, and horne economics. Practical problems of extension workers were stressed throughout. Special thanks are due to the Government of Turkey, including provincial officials in Izmir and Denizli for the excellent conference arrangements, and to the participants from all countries who contributed their time, knowledge and experience to make the conference a succes s. MESSAGE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL* Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to welcome you, and to open the first Conference on Agricultural Extension work which has been organized under the auspices of the Central Treaty Organization. As I am sure many of you are aware, CENTO has long supported its Regional Members in their efforts to develope and improve agri­ cultural techniques. In fact, during the past year CENTO placed great emphasis on this aspect of its economic activities and only last week a conference was held in Lahore to continue discus sions, begun in 1966, regarding the marketing of agricultural produce. Agricultural extension work involves the farmer and all his family, in addition to many others who are directly engaged in the campaign to grow more food, and food production is perhaps the greatest single economic problem facing the world in the second half of this twentieth century. In his speech opening the CENTO Economic Committee meeting in Washington a few weeks ago, Mr. William Gaudll Head of A.1. D., the United States Administration for International Development said, "the first and foremost challenge, it seems to me, is that of increasing the production of food world-wide. It is not only a matter of producing more food, it is also a matter of distribution and teaching people to eat better food. " His words are mo st appropriate to your work. * Read to the Conference by the Deputy Secretary General (Economic), Mr. J. E. Hartley, M. B. E. - 3 - CENTO meetings were held last year to discuss and find solutions to a great variety of agricultural problems - for example, the best use to be made of farm tools and implements, the scientific use and production of fertilizers, parasitic diseases in livestock, the improve­ ment of ranges and pastures, the techniques of marketing fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as marketing problems in general. Agricul­ tural extension is just as basic as all these subjects, but at the same time somewhat broader in scope: the demonstration of modern ideas and techniques must be conveyed to the farmer in the field in such a way as to make improved rnethods of farming acceptable by him. If this is achieved agricultural extension can lead to unlimited benefits to the countries of the region but we all know that farmers, as a whole, are a conservative breed of people. This CENTO conference now being inaugurated has been primarily organized and financially assisted by the United States Government through the Office of the United States Economic Coordinator for CENTO Mfairs. It has been under preparation for many months. On behalf of the Central Treaty Organization I wish to express appreciation for these efforts. I wish also to thank the Minister of Agriculture of Turkey for his interest in the conference and for the as sistance given by him and his colleagues in the Ministry in arranging it, and for the most generous hospitality extended to us by our Turkish hosts here in Ankara and subsequently in Denizli and Izmir. May I now invite Mr. Mustafa Durusoy, Assistant Under Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, to addres s you. - 4 - "111'11* 1111 SPEECH OF WELCOME BY ZEKERiYA <;ELiKBiLEKLi Deputy Governor of izmir Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of CENTO delegations, ladies and gentlemen: I would like to express my deepest appreciation to CENTO for having decided, among this year's programs, to hold in our fair city this conference on agricultural extension.
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