Date of Issue: 10 August 2021

Date of Disaster: Ongoing since Point of Contact: 28.07.2021 Kaan SANER, Director of International Policies and Partnerships, Turkish Red Crescent, TRC E-mail: [email protected]

Host National Society: Turkish Red Crescent

Situation Overview

A total of 270 wildfires have started in 53 provinces across Turkey in the last 14 days. While 267 of these fires have been controlled, 3 wildfires are still ravaging different areas in , , Isparta, , Muğla, and Osmaniye. The fires have adversely affected forests and residential areas; thus, several neighbourhoods and villages have been evacuated. Many animals have perished amidst the fires. According to the most recent information received from the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), a total of 9 people lost their lives due to wildfires.

Overview of Operating National Society Response Action

President Dr. Kerem Kınık mobilized all the TRC teams from the initial moments of the wildfires. Since the beginning of the wildfires on July 28, all the efforts have been continuing under the leadership of Dr. Kerem Kınık. Director-General Dr. Ibrahim Altan coordinates all the relief efforts of TRC from the ground. TRC teams are also providing support for the ongoing struggle with great determination. The teams consisting of the disaster experts and volunteers of the TRC mobilized to deliver emergency aid to the teams working in disaster areas and to the victims. Food, hygiene and shelter aid required for protecting affected ones from adverse conditions are being dispatched to disaster areas. Furthermore, drinking water and snacks are handed out continuously.  The Turkish Red Crescent has delivered food assistance and humanitarian aid to more than 560,000 persons in need.  Turkish Red Crescent teams of 2.345 staff and 11.082 volunteers have participated in the relief efforts so far.  The relief efforts of the Turkish Red Crescent are conducted through 253 response vehicles, 2 mobile kitchens and 31 catering units.  The Turkish Red Crescent teams are operating in 169 distribution points.  The Turkish Red Crescent teams have distributed more than 287.000 hot meals and 241.000 ready-to-eat meals.  More than 231.000 donors contributed to the Turkish Red Crescent’s campaign within 9 days.

Key Messages

TRC is supporting those affected by the wildfires. The wildfires which started in various points in southern Turkey have affected citizens adversely. TRC teams consisting of disaster experts and volunteers are on the field to help the teams working in wildfire areas and the affected population. TRC provides food support for those in need while the teams are responding to the wildfires that have started in Manavgat district of Antalya, Marmaris district of Muğla, in Adana, Osmaniye, and Silifke, Bozyazı, and Aydıncık districts of Mersin.

TRC staff members have mobilized. Continuing to send help to those affected by the wildfire in the Manavgat district of Antalya, TRC is also working with its teams to fight the wildfires in the Kadirli district and the Karacalar location of Osmaniye; Kozan and Aladağ districts of Adana; Silifke, Bozyazı, and Aydıncık districts of Mersin, and Marmaris district of Muğla. TRC has also deployed its branches, disaster experts, and volunteers in the wildfire areas.

TRC will meet the food requirements in the disaster areas. TRC has also sent eight mobile food vehicles and a field kitchen from Adana, Antalya, Aydın, Denizli, Hatay, İzmir, Isparta, Mersin, Muğla, Osmaniye and Uşak. Making preparations for emergency food kits, including water, food parcels, and offerings, TRC has dispatched 25,840 meal/person nutrition support and is providing food services, in coordination with the capacities of the Municipality, NGOs, the hotels in the region, and private entities.

Donations are sent to the regions depending on requirements. Providing food support throughout the day with emergency food kits such as water, food parcels, and packaged food, TRC sorts out the received aid materials in its logistic warehouses in the region. The donations made to TRC by the benevolent citizens wishing to help disaster survivors are sent to the regions where the disaster survivors are; after assessing their needs.

TRC started first aid and psychosocial support efforts. Providing water tank assistance for meeting the daily water requirements and first aid to those who suffer from small injuries, the TRC teams are also working on mitigating the psychological effects of the disaster and carrying out psychosocial support activities.

TRC volunteers will work for a green Turkey. Having registered with and working in the disaster area, the strong volunteer organization of TRC has also started preparations for the post-fire reforestation of the areas affected by wildfires. TRC volunteers will also mobilize for the reforestation and the expansion of the forest areas under the coordination of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

TRC started an emergency aid campaign for the regions affected by wildfires. TRC invites people to get mobilized for ensuring that life returns to normal in the disaster area. In the last 9 days, more than 231,000 donors showed a great example of solidarity by donating to the campaign.