The Weather ~rving the State University of Iowa ParUy cloudy aad warm­ er today. Saturday .,.rt­ Iy cloud, and warmer Campus and with DOIIIble showers. o Hlrh today, Bf·90. Low, Iowa City 57·84. I Elt. 1861 - AP leoMCI Wire, Wirephoto - five t.ntl Iowa City, lowo, Friday, July 9, 1954 \ RedS,!botageS~ho,?ls :::e~!~!~Url , U.S. Stand .Against Red China

SpQker Says WAS~N:'=';;~:':~_~ ea s ove 0 UI Agents Use :1!~in~~~nW~: ~:~i~:r~th::v~; Dulles Doubts . been a Communist. sympathiz~r ,Potent A tom French Fire on Reds in Indochina Violent Means ;:op:::!e~:rb~e~O~S~::;::,~~ Force Found Pel-pl-ng (ould Midwest America received 'l U.s. court of appeals ruled warning Thursday night not to In Upper A,·r relax Its vigilant attitude toward The court, by n vote of 8-1, W-In UN Sea I the Red menace in Ihis country. uoheld dismissal of the charge SEATTLE (IP) - An atomic Alth oug h Commun ist part y by U.S. Dlstrlc Judge Luther W. membership may not exceed particle apparently lrom outer WASHINGTON (.4")- An EI­ 25,000 in the U.S., even one card- Youngdahl in May, 1953. At the space, capable of annihilating , senhower-Dulles pledge to fight carrying, dues-paying operative same time It reinstated, on 5-4 ordinary matter in hiir-ralsing . to the end against a United Na­ may do great harm, Herbert A. votes, two lesser charges Young- fashIon. has been captured at tions seat for Red China Thurs­ PhUbrlck told a summer lecture dahl had thrown out, and upheld the top of i the earth's atmo~- day apparently headed off a audience of several hundred on phere, a w dely known cosmic congressional proposal for auto­ the dismissal still nnotht'r on I Ii t t d Th d Y the west aprpoach to Old Capitol. ot ray sc en s repol e urs a . matlc withdrawal from the in­ The former FBI agent des- an 8-1 ruling. Moving at the incredible speed ternatIonal organ:zatlon :n case crlbed Communist methods as Lattimore, controversial Far and energy at 10 ltlilHon billion it admits the Peiplng regme. "violent and bloody." East specialist, called the net re- volts, the particle converted Sen. WlIIam F. Knowland pt "And the blood (Communists suIt "clearly II major victory." matter into energy and the en- California, the Republican lead~ may spill) Is your own," he said. AUome,.. Comment ergy turned back into er who was spearheading the Tells of Secret Schools (AP WI •• pls.'.) Lattimore's attorneys, former torm or matter. drive, softened his proposal. He Telling Of lhe super-secret HERBERT A. PHILB&ICK, former FBI counterspy, Is (reeled at Sen. Joheph C. O'Mahoney (D- Nothing remotely approaching offered legislation which would! training schools lhe Communists the Iowa City airport by Prot. Orville Hitchcock, al he arrives &0 Wyo.), and Thurman Arnold, a this energy ever has been re­ 1. Place congress on 'record have set up in this country to deliver a lecture Thursday nllht. Hitchcock 18 dJrector of the SUI former judge of th~ appeals ported before trom direct ob- anew against the seating of the train saboteurs, Philbrick gra- summer lecture aeries. court, said the decision "has de- servation of a single. particle. Communists as representatives phically described how' "power stroyed any substantial case" By comparison a fissioning or China In the U . N. plants, bridges, conduits and ex- S N eel f b against Lattimore. uranium atom Is a pipsqueak at Want COftlTHI Informed "'ress tral..... " can "eaSI'ly" be about 200 million volts. The 2. In the event of Red China Y ,., ees e or Pro es Lattimore, a one-time occa- • fIt sh' " \vrecked by t h e S e expertly mos. power u a om-sma 10", getting into the U. N. general trained Communist agents. He sional state department consult- mac hme' prod uces par tIC· I es w Jth assembly or security council, re­ A t S J C· ant, has been on I~ave ot absence energies not much above six attended such a school pimself EX- FBI gen ays enner ommlttee as a lecturer at Johns Hopkins billion volts. quest President Eisenhower to inform congress or the interna­ In 1947, he said. Does Good Job Investigating Reds university since his Indictment Ma,. Aid Understandln&" tional implications of such a de­ Philbrick's association with the in December, 1952. This strange visitor may be a velopment and recommenC\. II Communist party began in 1939, By DRAKE MABRY , The Indictment rollowed b" al- long-sought bit of "reverse" h n h ob ed R d . filt a Ifacts. And they play It straight." " course of acllon. , wee serv e m r - most a year 12 days at stormy matter _ something that wouLd Knowland said the new pro­ tion In a Cambridge, Mass., youth Herbert Philbrick, who spent Arree With Hoover testimony by Lattimore dUI.1-", give researchers a tremendous (AP WI.epho'o) t h· h h bel d H In I th S C ' ..... FRENCH ARTILLERYMEN RELOAD their weapon arter flr!n, posal would be formally intro­ group 0 w IC e onge. e n e years ins de e U.. om- Philbrick feels \.hat FBI Chief an Investl'gatl'on bv a senate sub- boost in their efforts to solve the duced as an amendment to the t k hi . f tl t th FBI v I " on Vletmlnh po.mons Dear the recently abandoned Red river 00 s 10 arm a on a e 'munist part as an FBI agent J. Edgar Hoover was rlght when comml'ttee of the Institute or Pa- remaining mysteries of the atom. 3 ~ mllllon dollar foreign aid d b I ta t J delta communications center ot Pbu Ly In Indocblna. The e 1lI01 nn ~ame a va un ry coun er- said Thursday afternoon that he retused to make Investigation cLtlc Relations, a privat research This In turn could add enor- authorization bill when it comt:s spy eor th ~ bureau. Communist investigations are flies ot Communist activities organization. mously to man's understanding are located near the main route northward to Hanoi abou~ six R ell HI ed Electto miles north of Phu Ly. up in the senate later this e I&" nl necessary ant;!. valuable as long public information during the LaWmore Anlwen McCarthy of matter and perhaps to un- ______month. He said It would have Active in many Communist as they remain accurate, lair, recent McCarthy-Army hearings. heard-at new benefits from nu- wide bipartisan backing. t t ttY' • B t d C The subcommittee called Latti- ron .,ouPS In os on an am- and dl'rect "Th FBI ks 1 0 within clea" science. The proposed amendment, b idg f 1939 t 1949 Phil ' e wor r m more "a conscious articulate in- L r e rom 0 , - Philbrick, in Iowa City Car a an organization," he said, "and The new find was made by giving the President the oppor­ brick told of how the Reds rigged lecture Thursday night, cited the information i t gather s h ou Id strument"S ofJ the hSoviet R M conspir- C th Dr. Marcel Schein of the Unl'- Ik'e Names Board To Probe tunity to call the signals, Is a "democratic" elections In such Sen. William E. Jenner (R -In.d ) no t an d can no t b e ma d e pu b - aey,(R W' en.) osep 11 d. L cttl al' ye versl'ty of Chl'cago and reported far cry. from Knowland's first organlwtions to get their picked I' S h Id il - IS. once ca e a mor by hl'm to a meetl'ng here of the and the U. S. senate internal se- IC. uc a move cou eas y S I I . demands. Ori,inally he called man in. Although "95 per cent . b' the top ovet esp onage agent tn American Physical societ.y. The ot the members" of these groups curlty subcommittee as a good trum a P?rt °t1httheh urteaku s coun- this country. "Pure moonshine," project was sponsored by the or- Strike of Atom Plant Workers for prompt American withdraw­ "1 I ., example of what he meant by a erspy rlOg a as a en years Lattimore replied. al from the U. N. if Red China were oya, sincere Americans,' "careful, non-hY/ltel'ical" accur- to build up." h f flce of naval research. WASHINGTON (IP)-The gov- came In, with the policy estab­ who would have been shocked Youngdahl let stand l ree 0 Although the flna) proof IS lished by congress beforehand. e r:eaUzed they were ate approach to the problem of When ll,bout Communist .llle lIeven (ounta, lacking, the supposition is that ernment Thursday put in motion affectlD. {Ill of this country's had aske~ indictme~t'. Apparently the admlnl!i:tratlon COmmunist dupes, clever taotics Red 1nfiltration. feelings toward Sen. J08- bUt eXjjresstd doubt they would the particle Is an anti-proton. procedures aimed at facilitics for separating U235 pa~tr emerg~ncy urged him to change his ap­ kept tne Communists in virtual He said, "The J enner hearings eph R. McCarthy (R-~iS.), Phil- "pass the test of materiality so This would be the counterpart stopping a two-day strike at lrom uranium. He said the U235 proach to the problem. control. are accurate and The news- brick replied that durtng his as to present a jury Issue." This or "opposite number" of a pro- plants producing key atomic "essential to the production lair. sta~ is ot Plans Not Affected Funq raising activities carried papers haven't played them up with the Reds McCarthy wasn t ruling was not before the appeals ton. The proton, as we know H, and hydrogen bomb materials. I atomic weapons, both fission Knowland has served notice on by the Communist party, because not hi n g sensational in evidence. "But." he added, court. Is the core of a hydrogen atom IPresldent Eisenhower named II and thermonuclear types," I I th t1 ' takes place But they do a good "the Dally Worker seems to pro- " th b d • I I t that he will resign as the Repub­ l rge y rough apparen y mno-· mote the McCarthy hunts in or- . The deciSIOn presented the J,:,se- and one of the components of a ree-man oar 0, nqu ry 0 Only the 010 Gas. Coke and Ilcan leadeJ;" and fight to get c'.)nt front groups, brought in job, quietly digging. away for der to add to the confusion about 1tce dcpartmcn~ with the cholc every kind of matter. get the facts. on the strike or 4,- ChemJcal Workers are on strike. this country out of U. N. if the some $50 million a year to party Communist Infiltration in the ot pulling Lattimore on trial on . Behavior Poses Question 500 cro umon workers at gas- l AFL Not Strlklnl Reds arc admitted. That notice headquarters, Philbrick said. All 0 f I d h" u.s." the two reinstated counts, plus The behaviOr of the particle eous dl!1uslon plants at Oak Is not affected by his softened Reds Converted Members - U n Ot Ina the three Judge Youngdahl let lind the circumstances of its dis- Ridge, Tenn., and Paducah, Ky. An equal numb~r of members amendment. Members of lr9nt groups were . Work Often FrultraUn.. stand or askin, the supreme covery pose the question, "Wb9t The President has said the strike of the AFL AtomiC Trades and The development came as Se­ sometimes converted to commu- Defense ,Ordered During his nine years as an court to pul the key count back else can it be it it isn't an anti- could hurt this country's race Labor council, although Involved cretary of State John Foster nism, he explained. Meeting in FBI counterspy, Philbrick be- in force. proton?" Schein said he had no tor atomic supremacy. in the same wage dispute, have private homes, likely-looking came accustomed to the feeling other explanation at present. P od t' I tl ' t th not struck two other Oak Ridge Dulles declared the U. S. stl1l r uc Ion s con numg a e facilities, the National labora- has powerful cards to play and men and Women were indoctrln- HANOI, Indochina (.4") - Gen. of tenseness and trustration that He oUered his findi ngs to fellow two plants. t h' h . . h t that "I do not belleve Commun­ oted by superbly trained Red Paul Ely, French Union com- constantly haunted him. Armas Named Head scientists for their opinions. Th liby d tight ory, w IC IS a I'esearc cen er, speakers. They brought with mander in chief in Indochina, T II f d' The partl'cle was caught I'n ~ e nqutr oar wen r . and the Yl2 plant, a production ist China is in fact going to be " he fee ng 0 Iscovery was ~ to work, akln.g testimony Ln and d elo ment plant. them abundant Communist lit- said Thursday he has ordered an always with me," he said. "I ne- pack of special photographic closed-door SesSIOns from repre- ev p seated," '" don't think there Is going ctature, spreading it out on the all-out defense of Hanoi. the sea- vel' knew who a Red Informer plates carried in a high-altitude sentatives of the Atomic Energy The employer the Of Guatemala Junta,. operatin~ to be any American withdraw­ floor. port of Haiphong, and the vilal was and had to be careful at all balloon over Texas last winter. commission jlnd the company four plants, for the AEC IS. the U . Among the material used, supply route connecting them. times. I was always tense. Of It tore into the pack of films and unions Involved in a wage Carbide & Carbon Chemicals al from the N. or any occas­ ion tor it." Dulles told a news Phllbrick said. were books by Ely denied emphaticallY to course the Red pOlice were a Led Anti-Red Revolt like a bullet through a deck "f dispute. Co. It has refused to go beyond Marx. Lenln, Stalin and pam- newsmen rumors that Hanoi constant problem. cards. In so dOing H struck Promise. Quick Re rt a six-cent hourly wage increase conference. Expect Approval Toda,. phlets Issued by the Institute ot would be abandoned to the Com- "In addition. I had the feeling squarely an ordinary proton in . po recommended by a government Pacific Relations, which Owen munlS' t-Ied VI'etminh wl·thout a GUATEMALA VP)-Col. Car- the aluminum covering the film Thomas Keith Glennan, Cleve- board several weeks ago but re- Knowland's new amendment of frustration many times. Of the Id f C it t was outlined by acting chairman Latimore headed. tight. wealth of material and evl~nce los Castillo Armas emerged pack and produced a scientific- land, pres ent 0 ase Inst u ejected by both unions Philbrick said this was "sign 1- He returned from conferences that we gathered, it seemed to Thursday as the head !'lan of a ally thrilling picture. To a non- of Technology. was made Inquiry The unions are asking for In- H. AJexander Smlth (R-N. J .) tlcant," since the Communists scientific eye, It appears only &8 board chairman and he prom i sed . of the senate foreign relations chose only that literature which in Paris last Sunday. me, and to my contacts with the three-man junta ruling Guate- a few broken lines of dots on the that the board will have a I ull creases rangmg from 19 to 21 committee, who said he expect­ followed the party hne.. Elv, predl'cted a decl'sl'on will FBI, that little was being done mala. photographic paper. report on the situ' ation qu Ic kl y cents an hour . Present hourly ed the committee to approve IL He went on to say that "most be reached within 12 days on with it. The leader of the recent anti- There Is no poss ibiUty that for President Eisenhower. scales range from $1.58 10 $2.40. today. th " I f th whether th'ere will be war or a "But that has changed now," T d . of e y.oung peop Ie e t e or- Philbrick said. "With the recent Communlst revolt was elected to scienUsts will ever collect a lot he boar's report IS neces- Even to assume that Red Chi­ gani:Lations once they suspected ceasefire in Indochina. This ob- the junta's presidency Wednes- of these particles and cause any sary under the Taft-Hartley na will obtain admittance to any vl'ously was based on French arrest and conviction of It top the Communists were runnlni day night but the action was an- damaging annihilation. They are law before the President may ·House Passes Bill of the principal U. N. organs, the show. Premier Pierre Mendes-France's members of the party, the Reds nounced only Thursday by the too scarce and hard to get. It take the next emergency strike Dulles said at his news confer­ Philbrick said that despite pledge to achieve peace in the aren't feeling 10 frisky." junta secretary, Rodrigo Robles. is barely possible, Schein said, step. This Is an order to the ence, "weakens our case and much talk of the "fear-ridden" nearly 8-year-old Indochina war Only Summer Lecture Col. Ellego Monzon, head man that the' biggest atom-smashing justice department to apply in Expanding Insurance strikes a noj.e of defeatism which atmosphere ot U. S. colleges and by July 20 or resign. Philbrick, who turns down of a five-man junta since last machines will produce them, but federal court for an 80-day, I think is entirely unjustified." universities, he has seen little While the fate of a ceasefire tour or five speaking engage- week, remains a member of the mainly to complete nuclear the- back-to-work injunction. "The United Nations was not evidence ot such fears. He said pen d e d, Vietmlnh guerrillas ments a day, said that this Iowa ruling committee atong with ories, which hold that if you The government may apply Coverage for Jobless set up to be a reformatory," he "apathy rather than fear (of in- leap-trogged .deep inside the City lecture is the only one he Maj. Enrique Oliva. have positive particles you also for the injul)ction today, because WASHINGTON (IP) - The asserted. "It was assumed that vestigation)" Is characteristic Of,' Shrunken delta defenses Thurs- will give this summer. Two members were dropped- have negative counterparts to \ chairman Lewis D. Strauss of house Thursday voted 309-36 for you would be good before you institutions ot higher learning. day in ef10rts to pick off re- ';We felt that the University of Lt. Cols. Mauricio Dubois and balance the picture. the AEC has said the strike is a bill expanding unemployment got in and nQt that being (h He urged 'that university fac- mainlng French outposts. The Iowa was one of the better areas Jose Luis Cruz. Robles said both insurance co verage, after beat­ would make you good .. . ulty members and students take IFrench back with strong TOC- for my lecture. The audiences ing down a Democratic drive to Say. Reda 'Dilqualtned' a more vigilant attitude towards ket and napalm attacks from the here are always among the best resigned after Castlllo Armas' increase weekly benefits. "The Communist 'regime is Communism in the U. S. air. In the country." election and refused to recon- But Mom, It's Awful Hot! disqualified 'by its consistent re­ "~~ The blll, which now goes ~o Philbrick is currently on leave sider their action after heiDi the senate, would add about 4 cord of opposition to the prin­ of absence from the New York urged to do 10. They were giVen, million workers to the 36 mil­ ciples of the United Nations." Herald-Tril>une where he writes a vote of recognition [or their lion already covered by the fed­ Dulles pointed out that lhe re­ a syndicated column about com- ~rvices since the ju.nta was eral-state jobless Insurance pro- lime carried on war against the .World News Briefs batting commuhism. formed last Friday. U. N. in Korea and continually gram. . l Philbrick lives in Rye Beach, Castillo Al'mas led the invad- It adds about 2 y~ million fed­ denOUnced the International or­ .. l ~ ··A Condensation of Lat~ Dlyelopments , N. H. He operates a small coun- ing exiles into Guatemala from eral government employes tor ganization at the Geneva confer- try store there, and in his own H'onduras June 18 in a move the firsl time, and extends cov­ ence. wordll, spends time "dipping ice that led to the oustin, of Pres1- erage to firms hiring four or In Southeast Asia It promoted Polio Workers DlsculI.Financial Emergency cream and opening pop bottles. dent Jacobo Arbenz Guzman's more employes for 20 weeks in a,gression," the secretary went CHIOAQO (JP)-Polio workers from throughout the nation met It's 'feat." Communist-supported regime. a year. The present law, enact­ on. Thursday to discuss plans for cooing with a financial emergency At a peace conference in ed in 1935, covers firms hidng "All of these facts combine to which, officIals said threatens the work of the National Foundation neighboring EI Salvador last eight or more employes for 20 make such a cue that we do not for Intantile Paralysis. Basil O'Connor, ioundatlon president, told Maximum Sentences week. he agreed to join forces weeks. believe that the requilite vow about 200 state and city representatives that a minimum or $20 mil­ Given 4 Puerto Ricans ' with the antl-Oommunlst junta President Eisenhower had re­ can be found to admit the Com­ lion must be raised in the emerge-ncy March of Dimes this August headed by Monzon which was quested coverage for six mil­ munjst relime to represent to contlnue polio work without Interruption. O'Connor said insut- WASHINGTON (JP) - Foul' then In control of the capital. lion more ' persons, including China In the United Nations." ficient funds were collected in the last March of Dimes to carryon Puerto Rican terrorists drew the Dulles said be thought a two­ U.S. Ambassador John E. firms with one. or more workl!rs the .prol1'am of polio prevention and patient aid. maximum sentences Thursday thirds vote would be required to PeurUoy played an important without regard io length of ser­ • •• for what a federal judge called vice. The ways and means com­ admit the Reel. into the IIO-na­ Pllrt in bringing about the the "atrocious" crime of shoot- mittee trimmed down the Presi­ tion general assemblY and that a g r e e men t. Castillo Int.rnationa I Harv.. ter Urges 4-Day Wee k ing up the house of representa- Armas dent's proposal before bringing the vow jUit weren't there. As agreed to take second place In CmOAOO IA')-.A four-day work week in Ueu of layoffs was lives March 1. it to the house floor. for the 11 - member security proposed Thunday by International Harvester Co. to unions at "a The three men involved eacll t his temporary IOvernment, A determined band of Demo­ councllf he· said the U.s. would number" of the firm's farm equipment and truck mllnufacturlng were sentenced to serve trom which was to hold office until crats denounced the house bill exercise Its veto to bar them plants. The proposal brought a quick rejection from the Indepen- 25 to 75 years In prison, while the election of a permanent as inadequate and fought for there. dent Farm Equipment Worke'rs, which represents many Harvester fiery Lolita Lebron 34-year-old president of Guatemala by July amendments to increase pal ­ workers. A company spokesman said CIo-UAW representatives, brunette, was given a term 11. ments to the jobless and extend Dum FOR 8PYlNG which also represents a larae number of Harvester workers, were ranging from 16 yeafs and 8 Castillo Armlll flew into Gua­ payments for at least 26 weeks. WMlWfGTON (.4") - The JneeUn, In Indiahapolls to discuss the proposal. Cl.Jrrent contracts months to 50 years. temala City Saturday and re­ (AP Wlreplse&.) They were beaten on a roll hoUle voted Thursday to make between the unions and Harvester provide for a five-day week Five house members were Ceived the welcome ot a nation­ WEARING ONLY A 8BADOW in an attempt to keep cool, lour­ call vote of 241-110. Supporting peace-time spyinl punishable by The tour-day week was proposf'd because ot a continued drop In felled by bullets fired at the al hero. He had been regarded year·eld Jimmy Kelly, Lone Beacb, Calif.. movea lD bleh rear u the move were 18 Republicans, death 88 It passed and Ant to lilea ot farm equipment and trucks, the company spokesman saId., Puerto Rican nationalists from as the most likely choloe for hll moUier, Mn. JamH M. Kelly, PUrsilH him. Lone Be..,b, 91 Democrats and 1 Independent. the senate a blU drutically He said the only alternative 11 a layoff of lOme workers at "a the visitors' ,.Uery. All have preSident, althouah he had sald alo... wlUa &lie ret' of lOather. CaWornJa, II ex»erlnma. a Ilea' Against weore 173 Republican. stlffenln, the esplonale and H­ Dwnber" of Pl.nil. ----._-- --_.------recovered. he did not want the Job, . J wave. and 68 Democrats, botaae laws. ~e !-THE DAlLY IOWA~-lowa Clll', Ia.-Fri., J uly fI, ItS' OFFICIAL DAIL Y BULLETIN ITeachers (an E,nler Politics GENERAL NOTICES T FIUDAY, JULY 9, 195t GENEIlAL NOTICES ahoald be deposited with tbe city edHor 01 The Dally Iowan In the newaroo. III the CommunJcatloDs CeDUr. NoUcel must be su bmltted b y 2 p.m. tbe day precedlnl' flnt pub"ca· lion; they will NOT be accepted by pboDe, and must be TYPED or LEGmLY WHlTl'EN .... UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Through Classroom: Rorter SIGNED by a respooalble penon. Teachers hould encourage ------ERSITY CALENDAB IklDl are KbeduJed In the PresideDt', office, Old C Ito! SVHMt:R noURS FOR THE City Park (lower end) on Sun­ Hall. Only those signine the discussion of controversial poli­ approach Old Capitol. In case approach of Old capl'ol. in case "But there is one spot wbere University Library are as rol­ day, July 11, beginning at 2 sheet posted outside room 307, Friday, July 'I of I tical issues in the classroom, it is not impr;jcticiM; this spot is Organtzatlon of LearnIng Ex· ,I rain will be held in Macbride of rain will be heid in Macbride p.m. with dInner at 5 p.m. Schaeffer Hall, by Wednesday, Prot. Kirk H. Porter of the SUI on the city council," he eX- lows: Monday through Friday, Families will prepare their own August 5, will be admitted to periences ends. auditorium. t auditorium. political science department told plained. "It is very proper for a 8 a.m. to 9:50 p.m.; Saturday, meals. All Catholic married the cxamination. The next ex· 8 p.m.-Play, "Jan ," Theatre. 8 p.m.-Play, "Point of 8 p.m.-Play, "The Lady's N0 I a group of educators Thursday teacher to hold a job on the city 8 a.m. to ' :50 p.m.; and Suu.iay, couples are invited to attend. amination will be given in early Monda)', Jut ' 1% Return," Theatre. Not for Burning," Theatre. at the Iowa Memorial Union. council il he wants to," Parler 2 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. Desks will October. Ccrebr I Pal$y workshop, Con­ • Friday, .. uJ ,. %3 WedDellia)" AUlIS' , It is the teacher's job to bring said, "but he should also respect close at 4:50 p.m. on Friday. THE SU MM E R UNION UnuaUon Center. Continues until 8 p.m. - Play, "Point of No 8 Jl.1ll. - Play, "The Lady's current controversial issues into the requests of authority." uepartmental llbraries will POSl board announces its summer C A T JJ 0 L I C STUDENTS Friday, July 30. Return," Theatre. Not for Burning," Theatre. Ught, to study all sides of the schcdule of Friday night dance. will have a swimming party and WeclDesday, Juty It If, lor example, the president their hours on the doors. Monda)', July 26 Tbu.rad.ay, Aurust 5 problem, and to draw conclu- or superintendent of the institu- at the Iowa Memorial Union. picnic supper Sunday, July 11 8 p.m. - Chamber Music con­ School bullding conference, 8 p.m. - Play, "The Lady's ions, Porter said. The program will be initiated at the city park. The grOllp cert, Jowa Union. Continuation Center. Not for Burning," Theatre. Speaking to members of the tion requests teachers not to de- O~ER S FOR OFFICIAL with a record dance on Friday will meet at the Catholic Stu· Tharsday, July 15 Tuesday, JuJy 21 FrIday, Aupat • Phi Delta Kappa prolessional vote their time and energy to graduation announcements of evening, July 9, at 8 p.m. in the dent Center, 108 McLean st., at 8:30 p.m. - University Club B p.m. - Summer Opera, 8 p.m. _ Play, "The Lady's education fraternity on "The council work, 1luch requests the August, J954, commence. river room. The next event 2:30 ,p.m. Porch Party-Bridge, Iowa Ur.· should be respected," Porter mont are now being received. will be a square dance on Sat­ "La,'e lor Three Oranges," Mac- Not for Burning" Theatre. Teacher's Place in Politics," said. "However," he added, "I ion. Porter pointed out three ways They should be placed belore urday, July 17, featul'ing Mickuy THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Friday, July 16 bride auditori~~. Mond.y. ~ uruat " think it is a good idea for the noon Monday, July 12, at the S(:hool bUilding conference Registration for independent teachers can enter politics: by Thomas. The remainder of the and the department of h istory 8 p.m.-All- State Music educational branches to be rep- Alumni house, 130 N. Madison are sponsoring a public lecture ends. study unit. holding oUlce, campaigning or in schedule includes two combo Camp Chorus concert, Iowa Un­ the classroom. resented on the council." sl. across from the Iowa Memor- dances and another square by Professor J ohn A. Hawgood ion. Wednesday, July 28 Tuesday, Aurua& ,0 Campaimine Discourared .:a I Union· The announcement dance. Free refrE!shments and of the University of Birming­ l turd,y, July J7 B p.m. - Summer Opera, Registration for independent Offlce-HoJdlnr impractical The second way to enter polio printer will not accept orders entertainment will be provided ham, England, on the topic, " ]s. Porter said that holding a po­ AU Slate Vocal Music camp "Love for Three Oranges," Mac· study unit. tics Is by campaigning, but after the deadline. The price i~ at all events. sues and Personalities in Bri· (;nds. • bride auditorium. WedDelday, A",ul t 11 litical office was "utterly Im­ Porter rejected this theory be- 10 cenls pel' announcement. Ush Politics" on J uly 15, at 5:00 Tue8day, July 20 Thur day, July 29 5:00 p.m. - Close or summer practical" lor teachers, who caU!;e teachers will lose their : Samples are availaule at the AI­ ANY MEMBER O F S UI p.m. in the north television 8 p.m. - Play, "Poiut oC No B p.m. - Summer 'Opera, session. would have to assume a dual objectivity in supporting one umni house and delivery w!Jl Young Republicans who wishes lounge of the Iowa Me mo rial Return." Theatre. "Love for Three Oranges," Mac- 7:30 p.m. - University com· teacher-senator role. candidate, party or c:ause. be made about two weeks bl!- to attend the Young Republi­ Union. Wednesd.y, J uly l!1 bride aUditorium. mencement, field house. The easiest and most likely fore commencement. cans state convention in Des 8 p.m. - Play, "Poir.! 01 N:) Friday, July 30 Art exhibit of 60 American art· place for a teacher to enter the Moines, July 22, please con­ RACOMBE ~L HOLD A Return," Theatre. Cerebral Palsy workshop enes. Ists ends. tact Edward Failor Il t 8-3508 or picnic at McBride park, Tues­ poli tical role is in classroom dis­ PLAY·NITE SCHEDULE AT Tburaday, July 2% Tue day, Aurust 3. Thursday, AuC'ust 12 cussion. "Study and discuss the Ella Mae Bartlp.y at X2449 for day, July J3, at 5:00 p.m. All 8:00 p.m. '- Summer iiession 8:00 p.m. - Summer session Opening oC independent study the field house for the 1954 sum­ further details. people in office management In~erpreting problc:ms thoroughly from all mer session is every Tuesday and lecture: Toyohlko Kagawa, west lecture: Norman Thomas, west unit for graduate studCltis. sides," Porter urged. "Don't try and business education are in· Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. THE UNIVERSITY COOPER· vitcd. Reservations should be (For Inr.rmation rerlll'dlDr d, tes beyond this IMIhe dule, see n 'liervatloD, In tbe office or tbe President, to suppress yotlr own personal for summer session students, opinions, but minimize them." atlve baby sitting league book made in advance at room 309 I Old Capitol ). the News start, faculty and their spouses. will be in the charge of Mrs. University halh or call X2320. By J.M. ROBERTS JR, Special instruction for non­ Carl Couch from July 6 to July swimmers will be Qffered lrom 20. Telephone her at 8-1431 if PH. D. GERMAN READING A,sOfiated Prelll 7:30 to 8:00 each night. ForelrD Staff WSUI Completes a siLter or information about exam will be given on Monday, joining the group is desired. July 19 , from 2-4 p.m. in room Daily Iowan FAMlLY· MTE AT THE FIELl) 104, SChaeffer hall. Please reg­ The Students of world affairs are Family Recor~ings house will be from 7:30 to 9:30 FRENC H P H. D. READING ister in room J01 Schacffer hall ~------accustomed to depend heavily on I p.m. every Wednesday during the examination will be given Sat­ by noon, July 16, if you wish FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1954 geopolitics, history, cultures and Forty Iowans fr~m 15 towns summer session. Summer session urday, August 7, 1954, (rom 7 to take the exam. Next examine traditions and a lot of other in- have acting roles 10 a 13-pro­ Publl he­ herself in position to let the ~~===;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;==::;::;;;;::;;;=;::;;;==;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;==;::;;;===~= vinced as to "the value ot per­ ists. ecational headq u a r le~s for the pound, chief measure of trade formance without clear com­ centennial Iowa state fair was with the dollar area, find lis JEWELRYJ Mr. Randolph employs a man­ BRIDAL munication as to the what, the ner similar to that used in his moved Thursday frol"\l the State­ own level. why an~ the how of it." "Music for the Connoisseur" house to the fair gro\mds. The' She's a ditrerent Britain MAGNIFICENT DIAM ONDS! Brigan"e is the author of 12 proerams. lair board office personnel will tram what she was just two 1)1' books on speech education and These programs are entitled return to the statehouse after three yeaTS ago. 1f her re\l.un­ GORGEOUS WHITE OR YELLOW h as served several government the "Little Orchestra Society the close of the exposition. ing strength makes her feel that agencies as a consultant on Concerts" and will consist of va­ Lloyd Cunningham, board se­ she is entitled to express herslf GOLD OR PLATINUM SETTINGS. speech problems. Now on the rying length. Those programs cretary, said more than $10,000 a little more loudly, it need not faculty of Wabash college in In­ that run short have been "f ill ~d Is being spent in Improvement be (00 disturbing to Americans Pick out your own diamond and diana, he. earned the first Ph. D. out" by a second program, "The and repair of exhibi bulldings. who want their allies strong. mounting and we'll mount it, in speech to be awarded at Sul. Randolph Singers," which fea ­ while you wall. During the roundiable school tures choral music un der the di­ administrators and s pee c h lectlon of Mr. Randolph. J teachers discussed the pro's and Tonight's program includes con's of speech class instructioTJ "Sirabat Mater" by Glovianni as compared to learning to speak Pergoiesi, Symphony No. 2 by in other classes. Roundtable Paul Creston and "Mavra" by members agreed that parents, Igor Stravinsky. ger, Thllrs, Mr. Th e:.... Greatest. Story E ver Writtclt chou, ,We Will t'ospit .. HarJ Before leaving on yqLU' vacation Wj!dn( . . . stop in and pick up yo ur 19 IIPlendld diamonds in 6 big and 8parkllnl' dla. tals. this s,ylls/\ duette! White mQn4s! LllJ'I[ei t M. full y. rold mounting. Large dta· Be Closed camj. J.>latln»UI ROdI travelers checks . . . only 75c JIt8lId ., e&rat. ,c.UU .. fOrfei t, But Jesus said to apll unto him: .•• pel' $100.00. catIOn Judas. betray· t5bon For. Permit est thou the , IOn to Ion of man and of with a kiss? AT THE fective Vacation Clab Lu. 22:48·52. fortell! . eharge. Merl IOWA STtIE It., \Va: Ju~y 11 f~ru 17 jury a Ing on BANK a rRUST ' ~O. luty I, 8 Larre and sparkling 11 rIne diamonds In &hie ~nd ~ handsome rlne set! PJa&I. dJamondsl PI.tlnum or . Glen num mounting. Larae A. City, w across //'01Il camplls yellow r old settings. mond Is 1~ carat. 'l>eedln Clint ~ as fi r ME~1BEH If.D.l.e. lntolCici Cleaners-Launderers I. FUlKS .\rno I • ;. '" ~Iberb' I J f.'.'.'I.Ll',!\ i' & ( ) I' 1\ 11\11·"n: I ST i1arll Bound Voillme of these Bi/He Sce llf!~, Mailed Free UTJOn Rcqllf'1f - Pil. '4161 YOUR DEPOSTTS I NSUHED ·T0 1,1 10,000.00 ... ~ '(J ""~~II[~G \0,'< ST. . ~e-8 arr . . .., ,.. . _.. .. l .1 I' .. from Tho rrOOuclio" DelH1r,mcnl, Box 447, W1nterhlJVcrI, 'Calif,' ' .._____ ~_--_---~----_--_~ I ~.ehl ------~, . - • • 'I'HE DAILY IOWAN-to,,' • Twirle; Ellen May·ToGo to (.hi.cago·-~ String Musicians Baton honors don't rome easy, I . .. I .. . To Play Wednesday even rOf a champion twirler like as a specIal solo tWIrler wIth the are acquainted wIth the 3-mlnute • · Mississippi all-state band. routine perfOlm d bv M i Ii Four faculty members and a Ell en Mood y, A2 , PIcayune, - d t ·t d t' SUI' . Miss., who was awarded top hon- "r became interested in twirl- Moody at football and basketball gra ua e s u ~n In s ~USIC . th J I 4 H k . ing while taking dancing lessons' games as specialty twirler for the deparlmenl WIll be beard to a ors In e u v aw eye musIc , I t ! h be . W d ' R 'd the routine required some twirl- SUI band. concel' 0 c am r musIc e- fes ti va I a t Cedar apI s. nesday at 8 pm in the main ing. [ was 11 then," Miss Moody Miss Mood~', a journalism rna- I . . "There's a Jot of work in- commented. J'or, confided that ber secret am- lou.age of the Iowa Memorial WANT AD RATES Instruction Miscell a neou s for Sale Rooms For Rent "olved in becoming a winner," Uruon I Oae ..,...... _.. Ie per word she indicated. "I practice' two Most students who attend SUI bitlon is to wl'ite tor the New 1'\' t · ng t t III be BALLROO.I dance lessons. Mimi Youde JENNY UND bed Phon~ 3908. ROOM for rent. Call 8-2913 aller ~. during the regular school year Yorker maga~inc. t~' O sdrJb quar e s Wid Three da,...... Ue per word Wurlu. Dial 9185. hours every day, trying to dis- per orme y a group compr se Foa SALJ!: Dav~Dport. chaJr. dre.ser, ROOM lor rent. 8-146%. cover and perfect routines." of violinists Stuart Canln and Five day...... 1541 per word dlnlna room tabl~, and library table. TeD da,.1 ...... Zk per _ rd lost a nd Found 1454. Miss Moody out-twirled four James Niblock. violist Claude FOR S LE: New and used v..,uum C,uIPUS 2 blocks. ,15. 8-~7. One l'tlonth _ ... lie per word other girls in the senior division Carlson and cellist Hans Koelbel. LOST: BI ck. tblcJo: rimmed rudJn. 1JWe81 I throu,h Friday. Call 27593 Cedar Rapids. ------­ Miss Moody. She was awarded a I professor and instructors re- " "" Ad .. rtl •••••I. I. FOR SALE: Prolessional Jllunacorder DOUBLE or aln,le room for lretlt . or first place in cU'um majoring and spcctively in the department. Tit. nail, liD I.... OflJanln~nt and room.. 214 N. Zajicek B-2881. took another slap at the Eisen­ Capitol. Itf-9-D-E-S-O-T- 0-,-or-,-vU(-I-ol-.-. -R-a-dl-o-an-d MAN, a&red :t2 to 3D, to make Insur- hower farm program late Thurs­ :"SALE~ ance and p~fM)nl1eJ reports. Full WANTED TO R1::NT opt. 1. 3 or 4 FOR RENT - De Irable one room lur- healer. LOllbl bl,.." with whJte side­ thne work ...lory and eRr allowance. bed room furnl!hed home. Income un!­ day by ordering mandatory gov­ ,... 11 • new "'1> JIr... Ph,,"e 8-:1:"0. Some colleMe tralnln" should be able "er1llty

BIRTHS. Mr. and Mrs. Almo Kl'on, RI­ PORK CHOPS I vel'8lde, a boy Thursday at Mer­ cy hospital. ~4'~M I Mr. aJld Mrs. Harold Schaap­ 7'-J '~~;pvo' veld , Lone Tree, a boy Thursday , :£9( ' cora. t.~ ""'~ rhfcan IVSOI(A1C ht IfOILD ~1r;JlU A£5U:l.1o. at Mercy hospital. I ~b , g "You certajnly kn ow how to zip in and out of thQse J PI.ase Print Your Ad Mr. and Mrs. OrvjJle Kinsin­ ger, 328 S. Johnson ·st., a girl ______...... _p_a_r_k_in_g_ p_Iaces... ----~ _ I Thursday at Mercy hospital. FALSTAFF Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hazer, Ni. THRO - chois, a boy Thursday at Mercy RATH'S BLACKHAWK OR AWAY t.OIpital. DEATHS ALL MEAT BTLS. Harlan MaSsey, 28, Anamosa, SCHMIDTS Wt=

POLICE COURT BIO-BOLOGNA• I Rodney Keith ;Evans, Oxford, 24 BTLS. forfeited a $15 bond after failing to appear in court on an intoxi­ catIon charge. lie also forfeited .5 bondli on two other charges of Lb. Permi tting an unauthorized per­ 39c 24 BTLS . IOn to operate a mO lor' vehicle Ind of operatlng a car with a de­ fective JTI uUler. Clair MJIler, 110 N. Dodge st., fo rfeited $15 on an intoxication charge. YOUR CHOICE Merle H~ r d li s k a, 328 N. podge 11., was bound over to the grand jury after a preliminary hear- GREEN BEANS ln g on a charge of malicious in­ ufY to building and · fi xtures. ~nd was let at $250. Glenn C. Becker, R.R. 1, Iowa City, wasAined $12.50 on a truck 'Peedlng char~e. ~ Clinton C. Metcalf, Dubuque, ~'as lined $12.50 on a chal'ge of 4ttoxlca tion. : Arnold J . 'Mu llink J r., West I ~tber b' . was tined $17.50 on a TALL ~ ar.. of disorderly conduct Bnd 3CANS ~e same nmollnl on :10 in toxicn- I ~~Dr.e, \L...... ~ ...... J J .. hce '-THE DAD.V IOWAN-Io~ cu,., 1~.-l'rI., JIIlf " 19 _ kI 11 2 . (1ti::i. rA-allndians Defeat Orioles; 4; f; · New York Beats Broo yn,: -; 1~!ScOrelPar Bob Feller Earns 6th Win

• AllIERI AN LEAGUE NATIOSAL LEAO E CLEVELAND (A» - Jim He­ W L Pt!. GB '" ~ L PeL. OB gan and Wally Westlake hit I).l ~3 Cub Rookie Takes ! Cln.I...... lWI !S . 111f1 New York .. .681 home runs and Bob Feller gave 1 Homers . Drive in 5 Runs Ne.w r.rk . " 13 :!III .8M Br •• ~I'D .... 48 "' .OOA Mays' Phllaa.lphla lIII 81 .iI.,4 up only seven hits Thursday as Clalea,. • •••. lit HI .611 Mllwaull.. . . 4* 3M .013 1st Maior Win, Dot.-.n . . .. 38 .a .~U the Cleveland Indians beat Bal­ BROOKLYN (R') - Willie lIII 41 .411 ".lllla,lea ~. II'! t o. . .~I Cladaoall ... t. ... . !III ~ I .48l timore's Orioles, 4-1 and moved Mays-pte New York Giants spec­ . %9 16 .illll Loal. Chlc... o • . . '!:I 4. Tips Braves, 9-8 tacular "Say Hey Kid," drove in Belll ••re .... ~ fl .SIMI .!\" four games ahead in the Amer­ WHITNEY MAlTIN'S Pltlebur,b . ~j ~ .#1 a ••u...... til ''1 . S'3~ ican league race . . CHICAGO (A» -Randy Jack­ five J1IllS with his 29th and 30th THURSDAY'S RESULTS THUIl.DAY·. aE8ULT8 son's pinch single with two out homerruns Thursday as the Gi­ Cblt-a,. 9, Ml1w •• kee. • Hegan, collecting Cleveland's The Dafl Iowari CI,,,"a' 4. Balll ••r. 1 11. ~ in the 14th inning scored Gene ants k their sixth straight Ne .. York B.-ooklyo first hit from Lou Kret­ hlr." ~, CllIea,o • from B roo 1t 1 Y n, 11-2, and Spo,.t~ , 81. Lnl. t. Clo

der Clin A'nd o,her delicious food. ' SET. ' Of 5 IIOIS 2910 for blal plus your favo~i'e beverage I SET OF 2 WOODS 17~., dou . 101 lAGS - CAlTS - IAllS - SHOES clol HEAD covas - GLOVES - SUNDRIES ANOTHER THRIlLING J 'ARAMOUNT fEATUll£TTEI ~ghth.ol#e Dii1u TH-E .om toe "",,'IIJ~---' ~ ..x SABLE blU , . 'JUlt North of Iowa City on Hiway 218 SIIfJRTllifi GOfJlJS "'III I thai USI OUI IUDGn IPlAN SCAR 229 • tot'