(Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-07-09
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The Weather ~rving the State University of Iowa ParUy cloudy aad warm er today. Saturday .,.rt Iy cloud, and warmer Campus and with DOIIIble showers. o Hlrh today, Bf·90. Low, Iowa City 57·84. I Elt. 1861 - AP leoMCI Wire, Wirephoto - five t.ntl Iowa City, lowo, Friday, July 9, 1954 \ RedS,!botageS~ho,?ls :::e~!~!~Url , U.S. Stand .Against Red China SpQker Says WAS~N:'=';;~:':~_~ ea s ove 0 UI Agents Use :1!~in~~~nW~: ~:~i~:r~th::v~; Dulles Doubts . been a Communist. sympathiz~r ,Potent A tom French Fire on Reds in Indochina Violent Means ;:op:::!e~:rb~e~O~S~::;::,~~ Force Found Pel-pl-ng (ould Midwest America received 'l U.s. court of appeals ruled warning Thursday night not to In Upper A,·r relax Its vigilant attitude toward The court, by n vote of 8-1, W-In UN Sea I the Red menace in Ihis country. uoheld dismissal of the charge SEATTLE (IP) - An atomic Alth oug h Commun ist part y by U.S. Dlstrlc Judge Luther W. membership may not exceed particle apparently lrom outer WASHINGTON (.4")- An EI 25,000 in the U.S., even one card- Youngdahl in May, 1953. At the space, capable of annihilating , senhower-Dulles pledge to fight carrying, dues-paying operative same time It reinstated, on 5-4 ordinary matter in hiir-ralsing . to the end against a United Na may do great harm, Herbert A. votes, two lesser charges Young- fashIon. has been captured at tions seat for Red China Thurs PhUbrlck told a summer lecture dahl had thrown out, and upheld the top of i the earth's atmo~- day apparently headed off a audience of several hundred on phere, a w dely known cosmic congressional proposal for auto the dismissal still nnotht'r on I Ii t t d Th d Y the west aprpoach to Old Capitol. ot ray sc en s repol e urs a . matlc withdrawal from the in The former FBI agent des- an 8-1 ruling. Moving at the incredible speed ternatIonal organ:zatlon :n case crlbed Communist methods as Lattimore, controversial Far and energy at 10 ltlilHon billion it admits the Peiplng regme. "violent and bloody." East specialist, called the net re- volts, the particle converted Sen. WlIIam F. Knowland pt "And the blood (Communists suIt "clearly II major victory." matter into energy and the en- California, the Republican lead~ may spill) Is your own," he said. AUome,.. Comment ergy turned back into anoth.lr er who was spearheading the Tells of Secret Schools (AP WI •• pls.'.) Lattimore's attorneys, former torm or matter. drive, softened his proposal. He Telling Of lhe super-secret HERBERT A. PHILB&ICK, former FBI counterspy, Is (reeled at Sen. Joheph C. O'Mahoney (D- Nothing remotely approaching offered legislation which would! training schools lhe Communists the Iowa City airport by Prot. Orville Hitchcock, al he arrives &0 Wyo.), and Thurman Arnold, a this energy ever has been re 1. Place congress on 'record have set up in this country to deliver a lecture Thursday nllht. Hitchcock 18 dJrector of the SUI former judge of th~ appeals ported before trom direct ob- anew against the seating of the train saboteurs, Philbrick gra- summer lecture aeries. court, said the decision "has de- servation of a single. particle. Communists as representatives phically described how' "power stroyed any substantial case" By comparison a fissioning or China In the U . N. plants, bridges, conduits and ex- S N eel f b against Lattimore. uranium atom Is a pipsqueak at Want COftlTHI Informed "'ress tral..... " can "eaSI'ly" be about 200 million volts. The 2. In the event of Red China Y ,., ees e or Pro es Lattimore, a one-time occa- • fIt sh' " \vrecked by t h e S e expertly mos. power u a om-sma 10", getting into the U. N. general trained Communist agents. He sional state department consult- mac hme' prod uces par tIC· I es w Jth assembly or security council, re A t S J C· ant, has been on I~ave ot absence energies not much above six attended such a school pimself EX- FBI gen ays enner ommlttee as a lecturer at Johns Hopkins billion volts. quest President Eisenhower to inform congress or the interna In 1947, he said. Does Good Job Investigating Reds university since his Indictment Ma,. Aid Understandln&" tional implications of such a de Philbrick's association with the in December, 1952. This strange visitor may be a velopment and recommenC\. II Communist party began in 1939, By DRAKE MABRY , The Indictment rollowed b" al- long-sought bit of "reverse" h n h ob ed R d . filt a Ifacts. And they play It straight." " course of acllon. , wee serv e m r - most a year 12 days at stormy matter _ something that wouLd Knowland said the new pro tion In a Cambridge, Mass., youth Herbert Philbrick, who spent Arree With Hoover testimony by Lattimore dUI.1-", give researchers a tremendous (AP WI.epho'o) t h· h h bel d H In I th S C ' ..... FRENCH ARTILLERYMEN RELOAD their weapon arter flr!n, posal would be formally intro group 0 w IC e onge. e n e years ins de e U.. om- Philbrick feels \.hat FBI Chief an Investl'gatl'on bv a senate sub- boost in their efforts to solve the duced as an amendment to the t k hi . f tl t th FBI v I " on Vletmlnh po.mons Dear the recently abandoned Red river 00 s 10 arm a on a e 'munist part as an FBI agent J. Edgar Hoover was rlght when comml'ttee of the Institute or Pa- remaining mysteries of the atom. 3 ~ mllllon dollar foreign aid d b I ta t J delta communications center ot Pbu Ly In Indocblna. The e 1lI01 nn ~ame a va un ry coun er- said Thursday afternoon that he retused to make Investigation cLtlc Relations, a privat research This In turn could add enor- authorization bill when it comt:s spy eor th ~ bureau. Communist investigations are flies ot Communist activities organization. mously to man's understanding are located near the main route northward to Hanoi abou~ six R ell HI ed Electto miles north of Phu Ly. up in the senate later this e I&" nl necessary ant;!. valuable as long public information during the LaWmore Anlwen McCarthy of matter and perhaps to un- ______ month. He said It would have Active in many Communist as they remain accurate, lair, recent McCarthy-Army hearings. heard-at new benefits from nu- wide bipartisan backing. t t ttY' • B t d C The subcommittee called Latti- ron .,ouPS In os on an am- and dl'rect "Th FBI ks 1 0 within clea" science. The proposed amendment, b idg f 1939 t 1949 Phil ' e wor r m more "a conscious articulate in- L r e rom 0 , - Philbrick, in Iowa City Car a an organization," he said, "and The new find was made by giving the President the oppor brick told of how the Reds rigged lecture Thursday night, cited the information i t gather s h ou Id strument"S ofJ the hSoviet R M conspir- C th Dr. Marcel Schein of the Unl'- Ik'e Names Board To Probe tunity to call the signals, Is a "democratic" elections In such Sen. William E. Jenner (R -In.d ) no t an d can no t b e ma d e pu b - aey,(R W' en.) osep 11 d. L cttl al' ye versl'ty of Chl'cago and reported far cry. from Knowland's first organlwtions to get their picked I' S h Id il - IS. once ca e a mor by hl'm to a meetl'ng here of the and the U. S. senate internal se- IC. uc a move cou eas y S I I . demands. Ori,inally he called man in. Although "95 per cent . b' the top ovet esp onage agent tn American Physical societ.y. The ot the members" of these groups curlty subcommittee as a good trum a P?rt °t1httheh urteaku s coun- this country. "Pure moonshine," project was sponsored by the or- Strike of Atom Plant Workers for prompt American withdraw "1 I ., example of what he meant by a erspy rlOg a as a en years Lattimore replied. al from the U. N. if Red China were oya, sincere Americans,' "careful, non-hY/ltel'ical" accur- to build up." h f flce of naval research. WASHINGTON (IP)-The gov- came In, with the policy estab who would have been shocked Youngdahl let stand l ree 0 Although the flna) proof IS lished by congress beforehand. e r:eaUzed they were ate approach to the problem of When ll,bout Communist .llle lIeven (ounta, lacking, the supposition is that ernment Thursday put in motion affectlD. {Ill of this country's had aske~ indictme~t'. Apparently the admlnl!i:tratlon COmmunist dupes, clever taotics Red 1nfiltration. feelings toward Sen. J08- bUt eXjjresstd doubt they would the particle Is an anti-proton. procedures aimed at facilitics for separating U235 pa~tr emerg~ncy urged him to change his ap kept tne Communists in virtual He said, "The J enner hearings eph R. McCarthy (R-~iS.), Phil- "pass the test of materiality so This would be the counterpart stopping a two-day strike at lrom uranium. He said the U235 proach to the problem. control. are accurate and The news- brick replied that durtng his as to present a jury Issue." This or "opposite number" of a pro- plants producing key atomic "essential to the production lair.