Dudley Genealogies

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Dudley Genealogies DUDLEY GENEALOGIES. The l{nins of Dudley Ca~tk• in Staffordshire, England. Sec page 70. THE DUDLEY GENEALOGIES AND ·FAMILY RECORDS. Arms borne by the Hon. Thomas Dudley, first Dep. Gov. and second Gov. of Mass. Bay. BY DEAN PUDLEY. " Children's children are the crown of old men; And the glory of children are their fathers." BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY THE A UT HOR. 1848. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, by DEAN DUDLEY, In the Clerk's office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. '1-Dl!f)LEY..::1iiI Dudrey, 6S yn;. l-0 Rox_ mos. ~1ll7. ~ ·July'7. HemyA...S.. .. ll. • : , I F11n¢ral tro~ ~ Obtlrcb.. :.&oxbnry (Ellot l &qttare~ Frid;r.y at 11.A.. M:. -Re,lallYes an4 frlendac: I f!lvtte9-,w1l!lo-qt1urther uottee. · .. _ ·· 1 r--- ··-- ' ••• OBlTUARY. Mr.4 H. A.. s. D. Dudley. who dled at the Highlands Tueeday night, was born in Rox­ bury in 1822. 'Soon. after the completion or hls education in the schools of Boston he be­ came· connected with the drm of Horace Grav lt Co., proprietors of the Massachusetts Iron Works (now Bav S~te Iron WorJtS), where he remained till be went to Pennsylvania, m 1849. to take char1re of ttie Brady's Bend Iron Works as su»erintendent. He was superin­ tendent of those worli:s tor 20 y~ars. mana1dnir them successfully. At the expiration of that term. he went to Pittsbu111., Pa., to,takecharjte or the copper works of Park Bros. &; Co. of that place. He remained tnere but two year&, however, when he returned to Boston, where he has since resided, acting as aa,ent durinii most of the time tor the Bay State Iron Works. Mr. Dudle:v was a lineal descend.ant from that Thomas Dud.11,9 who was Governor of Massachusetts colony· in 1634-40 anc. 1645- 1650. He was otherwise connected with many of the most prominent familtes ot tbe colony, as his name woulrl. indicate, whlcb. in full was Henry .A.le,~ander Scammell Dearbot'n Dudlev. He was ne•;er married, and ma.de his home 1'.or many years at the Norfolk l:Iou:;e. PEDIGREE OF Dl1DLEY. ROGER DUDLEY, = a Captain in the Wars, under I Queen Elizabeth, was slain in early_Jife. I porothy, born and mar. - Gov. Tbom\is, born in Englaud = Catharine. wid. of Mr. Samuel Hackburn, of Roxbury, A daughter, of whom m E_ngland; d. atRoxbu- 1576, probably at Northampton; IMass , and dau. of Digbt<in, She mar. Rev. John Allen nothmg is known. ry, Mass., 27 Dec. 1643, mar. his 2d wife 14 April, 1644; after Gov. D's de;;:\b, and d. 29 Aug.1671. aged 61 years. died 31 July, 1653, at Roxbury. '----------~--------------------~ I I .I ;.,,. • I 1st,- Mary= Rev. Samuel,= 2d. Mary_. perhaps dau. Anne, born about 1612, P ahence, mar. 1uaJor Sarah, hap. 23 July, 1620, Mercy, born 27 Sept. Wmtbrop, b. about 1610, I of .Byley of Sarum, Eng., a poetess; mar. about Gen. Daniel J)El)ison, at Sempringbam, Lmcolnsb. 1621; mar. Rev. John dau. of :t settled min- and sister to Mr. Henry 1628Gov.Simon Brad­ at Cambridge, ~nd d. Eng.; mar. 1st, Maj. Benj. Woodbridge of New­ Gov.John 1steratExeter, B. of Salisbury, Mass. street, and d. at Ando- 8 Feb. 16sg.;;90, ;it Ips• Keayne, and2d, rhos. (1) bury, Mass., and died W.; mar. N. H., from , ver, 16 Sept. 1672. wicb. Paey; and died In 1659. 1 July, 1691, at N. in 1632, 1650, till bis and d. at death, 10 Feb. I I Salisbury, 1683. Married Deborah, b. 27 Feb. Mass. 3d, Elizabeth Gov. JoJeph, born Rebeeca Tyng, born Paul, bap. 8 Sept. 1650, a - Ma~· Leverett, b. 12 Feb. 1645; mar. Jonathan Sept. 1647, at Rox-23-, ahout 1651, dau. of merchant, and Collector of 1655, dau. of Gov. John L. 12 April, who was living Wade of Medford, 164.'t in 1702atE. bury; died 2 April, Hon.Judge Edw.'11'., Customs at Boston; m. abt. Mar. 2d, Col. Penn Town- and d. 1 Nov. 1683. 1720, at ltoxbury. and d. 21 Sept.17~- 1676, and d. 1 Dec. 1681. send, and was buried 5 July, 1699. I l I ~ I I I I . I I. I Thomas, id- Jo- Paul, b. :Sam- John, Rebecca, Caiha- ! Ann, b. 27 wm!am, Damel, CatJarine, Mary, born 2 born ward, seph, 3 Sept. uel, born born rine. b. i Aug.1684; b.20Oct. born h. 5 Jan. Nov. 1692; 26 Feb. b. 4 b. 8 1675, b. 7 Feb. 16 M;,.y, 7 Jan. , mar. John 1686; m. 4 Feb. 1690; mar. Francis 1670; Sept. Nov. Chief J. Sept. 1679; 1681; m. 1683; Winthrop, Eliz.Da­ 1689; mar.Lieut. Wainwright, grad. H. 1671; ld~ted3; S. J.C. ld~i77ed; died Samuel died F. R. S. of venport, died Gov.Wm. and 2d, Gapt. C. 1685; died m.Lncy yonng. Sewall, young. Coon.; 2d, dau. of young. Dummer, Joseph At- probably young. youug. Wain- young. Jr. Esq. Mr. Miller, Judge and d. 10 kins; and died wright, ofBrook- and died Adding­ Oct.1760, died 10 Nov. soon. and d. line. 1776. ton D., s. P· 1774. 1751. &d.1743. I I I I TheoJbilus, Mary, By/ey, b. 27 Sept.1647; Mary, b. 6 Jan. Tb mas, Paul,b. Tbomas,bap.2May, Paul,I born 26 A pn·1 , born31 Oct. born 21 April, mar. 25 Oct. 1682, Eliz. 1649-50; mar. mar. 'Mary,' 4 March, 1680, at Boston, a 1682, at Boston, m. l:l44, a Judge, 1646; died 28 Gilman, dau. of Moses Sam'! Hardy, and • 1713. 1677-8, _shipmaster; mar. 20 and d. about 1706. never married. Dec., same G., and died about 1728 24Jan.1675-6, at :.xeter. at Bos- Dec. 1705. Ab½f;,il See bis father's will, Died 1713. year. at J<:xeter. at Beverly. I ton; died Gillam, dau, of n- and Memoir of Eld. young. jamin G. Shem. 2d, Thos. Leverett. i Lt. Gov. Tailer. I I I I Thomas, hap. at Boston, 9 March, John, bap. at Boston. Margaret, bap. at Cam­ S,1mue,' I I bap. 2 Aug. Ann, b. 16 Oct. 1641; 1634; erad. H. C.1651, Fellow of 28 June, 1635; died bridge ; died young at H i39, at Camb.; died mar. Edward Hilton, the Coll. Died onm. 7 Nov. 1655. young. Salisbury. t'7 April, 1643, at S. Esq. of Exeter. I I I I Eli~abeth, born s tephen,I E sq., b. at= 1st, Sarah Gil-· James, horn 1663, Timhthy, Abi~ail, Dorolhy,m. Rebecca, Samuel, 1652; m. Hon. Exeter. planter; m. man, b. 25 Feb. a shipmaster and died be- mar. Mr. Moses Leav• m. Francis mar. Judge Kinsley 1st, 24 Dec. 1684; 1667, dau. of merchant; m. Eliz. fore 170: !. Watson itt, Surveyor Lyford, 21 'Hannah.' Hall, 25 Sept. 2d, Mary Thing. and Hon. John G. Leavitt, dau. of of North- at Exeter, 26 Nov. 1681. and died 1674. 3d, Mercy Gilman, Shed. 24 Jan. Sam'l L., and d. at ampton, Oct. 1681. 1732, at and d. 1734-5. 1713. Ex. 14 Nov. 1720. N.H. Ex. I I I I I I I I I Samuel, Ste hen, James,b.= Mercy Jolm, NicJolas, Joanna, Truewortby, Joseph, Abigail, Sarah. b. 19 Dec. h. 16 Mar. 11 June, Folsom, b. 4Oct. b. 27 Aug. b. 3May, boru 1700, a b.1702; mar. mar. Mr. born 15 ian. 1686; mar. 1688, a Col., 1690, dau.of 1692; d. 1694; mar. 1697; mar. Captain in the Maria Gil- Lyford, 1706; mar. Hannah and trader an officer Deacon at Poplin Elizabeth Nicholas French War; man, 26 Nov. of Exe- Maj. Ezekiel Colcord,24 with tbeln• in the John F. 1710, be- Gordon, Perryman, mar. Hannah 1724, dau. of ter. Gilman. Nov. 1709. dians; mar. French of Exe- ing slain and died at a lawyer of Gilman, dau. Joshua G. and died 16 Sarah Da- War; d. ter. by the Brentwood, Exeter. of John G., Elizabeth, Feb.1718, vison, and 1746, at Indians. near E., in and d. 1745. mar. Simon atE. died 1734. E. July, 1766. Gilman. I I I I I I I James, Abigail, Samuel, Jolm, Joseph, Joanna, Sarah, Mercy, b.1715; mar. b. 31 Oct. 1716 ; m. born 1720; mar.1st, b, 9 April, 1725, b.1728; m. m. Daniel never m. mar. Mr. Deborah Bean, Dea. Aaron Young Miss Ladd, 2d, Mrs. a Judge; mar. Susanna Ladd of Emerson of and died May. of Kingston. Sleeper, and 3d, Eliz. Gilman. Lord, ana Deerfield. Maine. 1761. Mrs.Clark, d.1'792 PREFACE. THE WoRK, Here presented, is intended as an introduction to a large biographical account of the Dudley family, which I have long been collecting, and design to publish on my return from Eu­ rope, whither, I am about to proceed for the purpose of extend­ ing my researches further, t~an is practicable in this country. It seemed expedient to publish this collection thus early, in order, that an opportunity might be offered for the cor­ rection of unavoidable errors and the addition of such re­ cords, as might be found wanting in the genealogies. And, therefore, it is earnestly desired, that those, possessing addi­ tional records or corrections of errors, wilt forward them to me, as soon as possible ; and all appropriate biographical sketches will, also, be received with much gratitude. I am not unmind­ ful of past favors, but tender _my warmest thanks to those, _who have, already, lent their assistance in this arduous undertaking.
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