Mega, February 1941: the Role of the 1St South African Irish Regiment Or S
Mega, February 1941: The role of the 1st South African Irish Regiment Or S. Monick & Cmdt O.E.F. Baker, OWO* Introduction a component - shapes the movements of the Battalion, and determines the theatres of war in Dr S. Monick and Cmdt O.E.F. Baker, DWD are which it is involved. The second facet - the at present engaged in compiling the work, en- impress of its leadership cadre - determines its titled Clear the way: the military heritage of the moral health, so to speak (eg. morale, profes- South African Irish 1880-1990 (scheduled for sional calibre, sense of identity, response to publication in mid-1991). As the title implies, the challenges, etc.). The third characteristic - the study embraces the contribution of the South strategic/tactical configuration of the campaign African Irish community to South Africa's military - shapes the tempo and atmosphere of the com- heritage, spanning over a century. The main bat scenario. body of the book details the regimental history of the 1st South African Irish Regiment, which has formed the conduit, or channel, of that contribu- THE ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK tion since 1939. The Regiment was originally At the outset, it is necessary to place the 1st conceived as a war service battalion (as was its South African Irish Regiment within its organiza- predecessor in World War I) and officially insti- tional framework, or its allocated place within the tuted on 1 November 1939. As is well known, its Order of Battle. service in World War II encompassed Abyssinia (January-February 1941) and North Africa; cul- In October the news was received that the Regi- minating in the Battle of Sidi Rezegh (23 Novem- ment was to form a component of 5 Brigade ber 1941), which effectively destroyed 5 SA In- within 1 SA Infantry Division [ 1 SA Infantry Divi- fantry Brigade and, as a consequence, spelt the sion comprised 1, 2 and 5 SA Infantry Brigades.
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