* Here Are Names to Remember
New Orleans 3tEltes-Item gar 22 January 1969 * SHAW CASE Here Are Names to Remember A lot of names, many familiar, some not so familiar, will be in the news as the trial of Clay L. Shaw confines, I Hundreds of names have come up since District Jim Gar44son's probe of the assassination of President F. Kennedy was made public in ..bruary, 1967. Here is a list of names o a- -aides Davis, 6609 Glendale, persons who will probably corne' r ca, travel consultant for Shaw, etairle, a state witness. Andrew J. Sciambra, assist- up in the Shaw trial: state-witness. - • 1 Euge;ne C. Davis, a French Louis Ivon, Garrison investi- ant James L. Alcock, chief prose- QuartAbar owner who ArilifaWs gator. L.;kh L. Shaneyfelt, Alexan- tutor for the trial. His correct said line point was ClaYlkr- Lt. Roy Jacob of the Jefferson dria; Va., FBI photography ex- title is assistant district attor- Land. Parish Sheriff's office, defense pert, state witness. ney. Ricardo Davis, an anti-Castro witness. Clay L. Shaw, charged with Cuban conspiring to kill Kennedy. Capt. Roy Allemand, Harbor Roy Kellerman, Bethesda, Md., F. Irvin. Dymond, chief coun- Secret Service agent, state wit- Peter Schuster, state witness, Police, state witness. sel for Shaw. ness. coroner's aide. Dean A. Andrews Jr., Newt Hugh B. Exnicios, attorney for Jim Kemp, WVUE newsman, Charles H. Steele Jr., state Orleans attorney, He told thel Alvin Beauboeuf, defense wit- defense witness. witness, says Oswald hired him Warren Commission a mysteri- ness. John F. Kennedy, President to hand out leaflets.
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