
New Orleans 3tEltes-Item gar 22 January 1969 * SHAW CASE Here Are Names to Remember A lot of names, many familiar, some not so familiar, will be in the news as the trial of Clay L. Shaw confines, I Hundreds of names have come up since District Jim Gar44son's probe of the assassination of President F. Kennedy was made public in ..bruary, 1967. Here is a list of names o a- -aides Davis, 6609 Glendale, ca, travel consultant for Shaw, persons who will probably corne' r -witness. - Andrew• J. Sciambra, assist- etairle, a state witness. state ant up in the Shaw trial: 1 Euge;ne C. Davis, a French Louis Ivon, Garrison investi- gator. L.;kh L. Shaneyfelt, Alexan- James L. Alcock, chief prose- QuartAbar owner who ArilifaWs dria; Va., FBI photography ex- tutor for the trial. His correct said line point was ClaYlkr- Lt. Roy Jacob of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's office, defense pert, state witness. title is assistant district attor- Land. Ricardo Davis, an anti-Castro witness. Clay L. Shaw, charged with ney. conspiring to kill Kennedy. Cuban Roy Kellerman, Bethesda, Md., Capt. Roy Allemand, Harbor F. Irvin. Dymond, chief coun- Secret Service agent, state wit- Peter Schuster, state witness, coroner's aide. Police, state witness. sel for Shaw. ness. Jim Kemp, WVUE newsman, Charles H. Steele Jr., state Dean A. Andrews Jr., Newt Hugh B. Exnicios, attorney for witness, says Oswald hired him Orleans attorney, He told thel Alvin Beauboeuf, defense wit- defense witness. John F. Kennedy, President to hand out leaflets. a mysteri- ness. Kerry Wendell Tborniey, Os- ous Clay Bertrand called him Dr. Esmond A. Fatter, a state of the United States, shot to death in Nov. 22, 1963. wald Marine Corps buddy, after the assassination and witness. charged with perjury. asked him to defend Lee Har- David William Ferrie, de- Regis L. Kennedy, FBI agent, Charles R. Ward, first as- vey Oswald. ceased. Russo has testified he state witness. Connie T. Kaye, French Quar- sistant DA. Sergio Arcacha Smith, a Cu- heard Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie Edward F. Wegmann, Shaw ban exile leader. plot the assassination here in ter singer, state witness. Aaron Kohn, Garrison foe and counsel, Bernard J. Bagert, senior' September, 1963. William Wegmann, Shaw judge of Criminal District' Robert A. Frazier, Hillcrest managing director of the Metro- politian Crime Commission. counsel. court. Heights, Md., an FBI firearms Fred Leemans, bathhouse and • W. Guy Banister, deceased, expert.,State witness. Orleans Parish bar operator. private investigator. District Attorney. James Lewallen, associate of Alvin Beauboeuf, friend of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Garner, Dave Ferrie. David Ferrie who accompaniedi 4911 Magazine, rented apartment David F. Lewis, former pri- him to Texas the day after the to Oswald. Defense witnesses. vate investigator, state wit- assassination. Capt. Clarence Giarrusso, ness. —Mario Bermudez, an associate head of police narcotics division, Lynn Lolsel, Garrison aide. of Shaw. defense witness. John Manchester, town mar- Clay Bertrand, the mysterious Manuel Garcia Gonzales, a shal of Clinton, La., a state wit- figure who Dean Andrews says mysterious Cuban sought by ness. asked him to defend OsvOald. Garrison. Dante Marachini, connection Garrison says Shaew is • Ber- Max Gonzales, a court clerk to case unknown, once testified trand. and Garrison associate. before grand jury. Clem Bertrand, the name by Leonard Gurvich, former Gar- Capt. Francis Martello, New which Perry Raymbnd Russo rison aide, private detective. Orleans policeman, questioned says he was introduced to' William II. Gurvich, private Oswald after arrest here. Shaw. • • Investigator, former Garrison Liyton Martens, Ferrie as- Tom Bethel!, a Garrisokinj,,,investigator. sociate, indicted for perjury. • Louis S. Gurvich, brother of vestigator. Jack S. Martin, private in- Wiliam and Leonard, president vestigator. Edgar Eugene Bradley, like) of New Orleans Private Patrol Gordon Novel, fugitive wit- Shaw charged with conspiring to Service Inc., a private detective ness, former N. 0. bar owner. kill Kennedy. agency. Alvin V. Oser, assistant DA. Carlos Bringuier, New Or= Aloysius J. Habighorst, New . The War- leans Cuban exile leader. Orleans policeman. ren Commission said he acted Vernon B. Bandy, a state wit- Edward A. Haggerty" Jr., alone in killing JFK. ness. judge of Criminal Districtrourt. Marina OsWald, Lee's widow. John "the Baptist" Cancier, Frank Hayward, policeman Salvatore Panzeca, Shaw at- a convicted burglar. and state witness. torney. David L. Chandler, Life Matt Herron, 1212 Pine, de- Ptn. Girod Ray, Harbor Po- Magazine reporter. fense witness. lice, arrested Oswald on river- Ramsey Clark, .attorney gen- Louis A. Heyd Jr., Criminal front giving out leaflets. eral of the United 'States. • Sheriff of Orleans Parish. Sgt. Warren Roberts Jr., New Melvin Coffey, a friend of Ray R. Hiatt, 1411 Aerigny, Orleans policeman, state wit- David Ferrie who went to Hous- laborer, state witness,' ness. ton with him the day after the Lewis E. Hopkins, 7116 Rim.- John F. Reilly, New Orleans assassination. policeman, state witness. J. B. Dauenhauer III. a Shaw Perry Raymond Russo, state associate. witness, testified earlier he heard Shaw, Ferrie and Oswald plotting the assassination here in September, 1963.