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Colossians 4:14; Philemon 23-24; :10

( Read only Col. 4:14 and Philemon 23-24 to start with.)

There are only three verses in the entire that mention . These are two of them.

Three things I want you to see about Demas:

I. The Distinction of Demas

The name Demas meas “popular.” The implication is that there was something about Demas' personality that made him very likable. Maybe he was very outgoing or maybe he had a good sense of humor. He was just the kind of person that you liked to be around. Most Bible scholars believe that he was saved under Paul's ministry. Paul was in prison when he wrote both Colossians and Philemon, and Demas was right along side of Paul. He was off to a good start and that's important.

Colossians is the book that glorifies ; that not only puts Jesus “first-place,” but declares that “He is to have the preeminence”, meaning that Jesus is to be even higher than first-place in our lives. It is the book that teaches us to go the extra mile with the Lord. Then in Philemon, Paul calls Demas, “my fellow laborer.”

If that's all the Bible said about Demas, he would have gone down in history as a faithful follower of and of Paul. We would have named a Sunday School class for him like we've done with Ruth. But in the last book and the last chapter Paul would write, there is a fly in the ointment … a stain on his character.

II. The Defection of Demas 2 Timothy 4:10

Paul had little patience with quitters … remember ! It's one thing to start well; it's another to stay the course. So many start out with Christ and then drop out.


We boast as Baptists about our numbers, but the truth is, over half of those who start out with Christ in our Baptist churches can't be found. This building wouldn't hold all those who are members of our church, but half of them we'll never see.

What happened to Demas? Listen to 2 Timothy 4:10.

- If we followed the example of our Lord, we would be faithful unto the end – we would never quit!

- In the early days of pro-football there was a team called the Brooklyn Dodgers – not baseball; football. They had a running back who was known for his hard running. In those days they ended each half with the firing of a gun. Near the end of the first half, the ball was given to the running back. One man tried to tackle him and missed. He ran over two would-be tacklers. Then five men jumped on his back and about that time the gun went off to end the half. Someone in the crowd shouted, “They had to shoot him to stop him!”

- Sometimes our service to God can best be gauged by what it takes to stop us.

What does it take to stop you? To make you say “uncle” and quit? Where is your give-up point?

- For some it is a sore toe; for others a triple by-pass wouldn't stop them. What are some of the reasons folks quit?

A. The Difficulties of Life

- Did you know Jesus said that if you follow Him that you would have difficulties?

- In John 6 Jesus fed the 5,000. Then He began to tell them what He expected of them and

many of them began to leave … quit following Him. Now the 5,000 had gotten down to the

twelve and Jesus said, “Will you go away, also?”

- In the Garden, Jesus prayed, “If it be Your will, let this cup pass from me.” “I see what doing

Your will is going to mean. It's going to be hard!” “But, not My will, Your will be done.”

- On Sept. 22, 1984, the first police woman died while on duty in the U.S. A man had stolen

a gold necklace and the policewoman saw him running from the store. She gave chase.

He went down an ally and into the woods. The man fired on her and she fired back. When

they found her body, she had the gold chain in one hand and her badge in the other.

- We wear the badge of Christ and the difficulties of life are not to make us quit.

B. The Discouragements of Life

- Jeremiah 20:9.

- … “Are you the one or do we look for another?”

- There have been times of discouragements in my life; so, I understand.

- I heard about a pastor who went to a new church field. When he opened his desk drawer at

his office the former pastor had left three envelopes, numbered 1, 2, 3. On the first one it

read, “Do not open this until you feel like you can't go any further.” Things went well for

two months then there was a crisis. He thought that now was the time. He opened the first

envelope and it said, “I'm praying for you. Hang in there. In time you'll see it's not as bad as

you think.”

He got over that crisis and about six months later, another crisis came. He thought, “What would the former pastor do?” He opened the second envelope and it read, “I have been


where you are. Sometimes the folks there can be difficult, but, for the most part, they are

good folks. Hang in there.”

At the end of the second year another crisis hit. He thought, “If I ever needed a word, it is

now.” He opened the third envelope and it read, “It is now time for you to make three


- Sometimes you get discouraged!!

C. The Distractions of Life

- This was the problem of Demas. I don't think Demas became an alcoholic or got into some

deep sin. I believe he was really saved and really loved the Lord, but he started letting the

things of the world creep in and replace his love for the Lord. He began to neglect Bible

study and prayer and the fellowship of the services.

- * He forsook the people of God. When we DISCONNECT from the people of God some-

thing is wrong and when that happens we RECONNECT with the world.

What is the world? I John 1:15-17

It is living life with no thought of God and His will and way and Word. It is going about your daily affairs and never considering the Lord. It is seeking the pleasures for yourself and wanting to be independent toward God. The Bible gives four steps to worldliness:

(1) We start by being Friendly with the world James 4:4

(2) Then we become Spotted by the world James 1:27

(3) Then we become Conformed to the world Romans 12:2

(4) Then we are Condemned with the world I Corinthians 11:32

Did you notice this love for the world is in the heart – “Love not the world” is a matter of the heart.

III. The Disgrace of Demas

Imagine the scene: Paul is in prison, about to die. Luke comes to visit Paul. They embrace then Paul says, “Luke, where is Demas? Is he ill? Has something happened to him?” Luke drops his head and says, “He's not coming Paul. He's had enough. He's gotten involved again with the things of the old life.” You watch Paul. With tears he says, “Oh, I tried to warn Demas of the seductive influence of the world.” You and I have only one life to invest. Where will we invest it?

Mark 8:36-37

- The most important part of man is his soul. We all have souls that will live forever some-

where … souls that are accountable to God!

- What will a man give in exchange or as an exchange for his soul?

- Your soul is of great value:

(1) Because of its duration – the body dies, but the soul is eternal.

(2) Because of the death of Jesus … that was the price He had to pay for your soul.

- Listen again to Mark 8:36—37


(1) You can't gain the whole world – no one ever has nor ever will.

(2) If you could gain the whole world, it wouldn't satisfy.

(3) What you gain, you can't keep. It will all pass away.

Many a man who comes to the end of his life would give anything to get his soul back.

* What an Epitaph! “He Has Forsaken Me, Having Loved This Present World.”