
a, a-- A "" S3ffi5S!SBffS!IHP'Ey!MK3SiSffl,MP1!5W?,11 2 35t- - y55J"

XVA.VBBOa vAX'V.faX.EXaSX3a'OH GAZETTE SMca iliuamt la Ncojuult THE H1VCAIIAN iypa. ltllBl 3 m PCBUSHED oLIn.s-Wln- rb- UN I t eoit i oo 3 12 Line. 1 inch ...,,;... 1 tot S Wll . w "I 21 Une. 3 lubaa... .(,.... k,.i SCO 4 MI I CO T BY HENRY M. WHITNEY afiUnea alacbet,.,;... ADO 5 231 i tli 112 41 Un.a tlncbH...;., too I KM 12 OO ltoi nVtlneasdny Jlornlitc, HTj Quarter of Column 8KB u to! it col 20 "I Erery GAZETTE, 001 SO 00 Third of Column. . 00 Ii 21 q ... HAWAIIAN 19 00 oj llslrottkdanu... llWSWl &KNUM l OOl aj AT FIVE DOLLAKS PER d Column. It 00 2t COI 30 43 '. Wj W a .v rjarcr. ; $ Ooa Column ...... ! 1 iooLs ja r.t J 3- - rinsl.en Cards when prrjMsd Ar M.ear, ar tlO.OO. A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. allowadadlactmntrronvtbes. rates, which ar. tor traaal3 KerrlnSiicrHcr,tT.OOto adref when Or charged ctnarterly. , (Thick laoledWs postages prepaid. tfsrbants, raid ' : fc N, IL All tW.lnn adtartlaemaats nnat b acfomnstls. with tie pay wb.nord.re4 I., or no notice will be latent, Office Building them. Tb. rates of chars., ar. glrea la the aUra.scala, air Orncr --I tke nw Post remittances fir Eastern American adiertlaeaueals, or sat IT. L V0L. XlII.-N- 38.! HONOLULU, 19, 1877. i 662. scrlptleni may be mad. by bank check, or tan cut poa Mrrckawt Street, Honolulu, o. WEDISTSDAT, SEPTEMBER WHOLE No. atsstanpa. Vaultleoo. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS N0T1UUS. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. INSURANCE notices. EOREIGN NOTICES. -- la Hte r F.eete gajs . WiLlltn, Z. 1. I, O. ISWIX. K. UAKTOW, wteaasi raa. iriuuu. C Auctluueor. CHRISTIAN CERTZ, Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. Insurance Notice. Ui W. SEVEltiVjrCE, A . at SalMroom on Qoeen Straat, on. door from Kaijiuaiann A By k rt M4 "aw heco, wai. imvia co.. ij Street. ly for the llanrftMan Islands, AGF.NT FOR. THE BRITISH Vor-- Sugar : AGKXTS C, BllKWKK.tCO. qpi rtOXMIIISIOV JIERCHAXT asst weaaWrea'raat aJ. Factors. nstis A.Mi7.-ri- TO eljtn Marin, ln.urance Company, (Umlted). baa Shipping and1 Comtniisioa Merchants- - AIA3IS. ftl PUHLIColt Honoinlu, tnat be tut porchaMthe loatrnctlots to rsduce the rate, of Inaursoc tin ritoT trriiEtT, - r. I. bUSlnfSSOr - TRAXS-ATLAXTI- C between Honolulu and Ports In Pacific, and la now pre- ilblM4tM fialll.. AOCXT. roa Itfll th. stoctc and WILLIAM VKC1I- tli. It-I- Commission Merchant, 1 a t laws, asjr doAt. 1 rW: Kuitbo inmoutioo. ItawalL Auctioneer and 1 ' KB. llottrl StrttL next loot to stntu'i Drur pared to laana Policies at th. loweat rates, with a rvclal A.1 FKAXClnCO. Ld. 1. tOU.Iy FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, on rreigni per steamers. Tee assM mm, t saving tWukt, ehw Xake Suix Manutloa, M&aL Ual;e uar rs.,CanaL Queeu Street. Uonoinlo, II. Btor, ao4 that tn ftitur the bUftnM wilt banirneU on by rmoction Maul 11. hltu in OF TIIEO. 11. DAVIES. tv Wnt rUuUHan. 1. VMaiUnlon MnU) HaaalL the sroe premises. HAMIIERO. lUadt sad titan aide. CM 621 Agent Orlt. Fur. Mar. Ina. Co., Uuillfcl "J Cnric X UlckiwU'a (Fanulni't Ii!aoJ) Cacuaiiot I. C O. sollclu ft fair share of tbe public 4troiuu;f . bqJ OX HER-chandl- s. ly ROBERTON k SYKES, o JOU.A IXKUltKn IIVIEUIXU.H. Norttx Wh-jt- Life Ibj. Co. awtss Lloyd Varlac Ina. Co. WtlKTlI, protul9 lit jMitrons civility, roUoq ana rood qniUttj and Furniture, on liberal fgr terms, by mttWhtaNafWukihr, CIS llunolulul II L ly Auctioneer, aad Dealer ia Goatril Herchaadittj tbflr nioaer. ?i ly HACKFKLD A CO., Acenta. BttgM w4a jiWm roaed and round, II. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WO 1IIL0, HAWAII. ttu May to. Its. ntU-l-y NEW ZEALAND INS. CO., rVai BU haw tew wrd may ckhm. i. 5.C1HLC. J. . ATaiarux. j. r. cookc. Eiverpool, rajah high &; A. Enclnud. Vn lric naliirttiull" If. I- .TIoITVItE At IIItO'l'IlKH. '. SGIIAEFEIS. ron oastli: oooui:. - CARPENTER AND JOINER ofllreuicn or Cunilgntnenu r.:lved and shlpmenU made, aad th PrafSag efcea, ladder, SHIPPIHQ AND COMMISSION MZHCHASTS. GROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Iloard Underwrltert, UbJ as? nAVurk IVonr l'roiaptly.ja A.3KXT of Dresden Hoard of Underwriters, FI11E A MABIiYE INSURANCE fullest gleets of produce and Eneeaeeg wetsiwesVt day. IMP0RTEB3 AND Corner King and Fort ttre.tt, Sbop Atent of t Unna n.tard of Underwrllera. ly of on Fort St., Eiplanade, rpposit. Hooper's lurrel ESTABLISHED, 1SJ9, 4f laanubctarlnc markets. strew fwas wt aeatpee alary HONOLULU. S ly Factory. o lr Claims acalnat Inanranc. Companlca nilbln tb. Inrladlctlon Dealers In General Merchandise, or tli. abot. Hoards or Underwrltert, will to b tllMlltj avBMWB. 1.1 thWSy. bar. rertl. : St) IUdoIhIu, E. 1VII.D.IA3I!, fled to by tb. abor. .gent to make them saltd. oSHy Oaiai-tsal- A. P. EVERETT. So. Klnj StrMt, Uaaaltea lilaadt. a. b. rairu a. ir. Br.H, C S3.000.000 6ace eueen'a. ran the siary MANTJFACTDBEB, IMPOBTEB AND DEALEB (With unlimited liability of Shareholders.) CobhhIssIbk AQESIS TOE FItlEL. At 1IUS1I. Forwarding and Merchiil ckag something nw. .... In erery dewrlptlon. s rr Ir AND DEALEBS Fumitur.of Fnrnttur. in WELL. PKOTECT YOURSELF" Sbakspeare (tin, etratgaly, lot tJoioa latarmoca GuEpaajof 3q Frandco. Tb.N.a GBOCEBIES PBOYISION Flra-pro- Culldln;. U ork sbop at th. old stand cvuroKu SKETOT 403 Wont Street, Corner of , rKriKhi Ut Ka(lA& ltttaal Ufa In araaca Oucapaay, Bosloa. Family Orucery and Feed INSURANCE COMPANY. ' Vat rajs sepals Ur . Store. on Hotel Strclt, j. SAX FllAXCISCO. iM LTba PUntatlia, HoLolulo. INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Tb. Orafua racket Liar. KtbiU MllyV M lull. Street. Col Orders from tb. other lalsnds promptly attended to. ly - UvC.i&jasouttte lecj'gattwe. ' .Dr. Jar. X ja'( Caltfatadrrba Haika I'Unllllja, UNUEltSIONKIl, AOKNTS OF THE 4T3- ranlcnlar attention paid to Consignments of Wats, ' tTaUlaa rUatatlau. THE Coinpauy, noiborlied to risks Of every d.scrlptlon ot property may be effectl with this Prodoca. 49 ty aT every shape aad Laa, alalidao. li.Tlen lusur. sVas Yihealar t MDan'l SwtD Uuutu I'UnUtlon. CH.IS. X. UULICK, on Carco, Krelalit and Treasure, from Honolulu Company at moderate ratra, WkiM Ik. eoaM ctawarea, perkiag. kLwhlsea. (uJl lj) "domestic proWgeTJ to all aris of tb. world, and Tic. versa. B. wituias. r. lugcaia CM A Merchaiidise. Goods and Freight Insured hlssi bxt inrail bat rags tr-- n haw shoe. ly II. UACKFELD CO. 5ll. S. Oltl.AII.Vl'.ll A: CO.. AND Ily steamers and sailing vessels. Losses can be made WILLIAMS. BLANCKARD & Wfcat thee." rang her eagvr qaetWo, tntte Ijvbor EAUPAKUEA PLANTATION IIA3im;KGlI-I!IEE31E- ;V payable In Honolulu. - WHOLESALE DEALEEB Acent to Acliiiowleilcmrnt. nr mCea juueio Uh't!Jax, eoiriU!- IMPORTERSiND XOW COMING Male COOKVU - UT Interior OlUro. llonnlulii. ly IX unit for In CASTLK ,t and Comnilssion afercbant! OlStt thessVWperflct wasteae.,- aaTaihlKiaU. Oothloc, Ilatt. Caft, Boot.. Short anJ SlOAlt to suit porchasers oy FIRE INSUEANnE COMPANY. CM ly Agents for Huncjnlu. SaS ufuitrt wttlra araKS- - ftrary variety ctlOfatlacn caperior FaraUMnc 01- - AFONO A ACnuCaT. 23 lis California Street, San francisco. ly Mora la XLkltmt Block, uueaa Mml, tioajium. u. I. T. CRAWFORD MACDOWELI. TUB UXUKUSIOXEU having bttll : ; iyIMT) t Acenta of tb. abor. Comiusny, ar. prepared " VWMm I" srsetts Ike ...era, hslfdoobllug a.-- Tjo-tju- ; Pioneer Mill, Lnhaina. to Insure rl.ka acaln.t Are, on Stone and Brick uiilhU CORBITT & MACLEAY, Bat thee, eaaeeat. a4wru dyes Attornoy and on atored therein, FOREIGN NOTICES. Ofllce Corner of Fort and Klnr Streets, oj postte a-- lu;s. airrehandlse oi th. moat wishes vnoPRiirrons. f.vorable terms. For partlculara apply at tbe o( Fure Sierwl easTcrer y E. O. HaU A Son. (SO Camimii:li. of auperlorturtox.quality, now comlnc In olac. SliippluR and CostBissIon Herchasts Xuaann .Slwt, Sur Jilnc Street, and 32 ly Y. A. SCIIAEFEH A CO. AmUtlwulijwtrrHr for salo in quantities to suit by 12 anJ 11 rront St: 10 and 12 Tint EL, Portland, 0. tarosTCJi asD vcatxs IV ca iy lr.vcKFKi.D co PACIFIC IRON WORKS, KIMVAKI O'HAIXOUAS, ir. 201 SACHAMENTO h. hM, " tsMgfc thee an calces General Merchandiie. Fancy Dry Goods, T. HAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- G SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, SAN PRANCISCO OinCE. STREin I," Attorney and Solicitor. ta nMTc afaM, Established In 1SS2. nrnra Bktt Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Ia aa'.horlied to lend from SJOO to S1U OUO.oa Mortgage SPENCER PLANTATION. Orrgo 1 hat. tit. U Biafc. them FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Bank of Brltlab Colombia ... Portland. Clothing, Boots, Shoes. Huts, Caps, c, ifc, itc. f Fieebolda at low eat rate, of tutrrest, C'JIUI (at'GAK COIII.M1 National (lold Bank. . San rranoac Mm tKla Us or XW IX OF ltAMDUKO. rlrat lite euwale fait no tST" Acenta In London, and la all parti or AoatralU. 19 and for ssle by BR.VYTOX CO. Measrs. 11. llackfold A Oo . . Uoaolui irr 834 A CO, AXKIX, A Bankers Uoaolal Tttvugh ray heart lbs weeds so slmpl. Ooce on Fort Street, (opoalt. Mr. Ira r.iclinl.on'e GKEEN. SIACFAULAXE Acenta. UERVIIAXDISE. Meaata. Illsbop Co.. StorvjIIonololn. ai; Sms BUILDINGS. Insured arauist Flro on the R Manuraclura Mn.ra. Green, M(XrUna A Co Uonolnt sVeaHrtwttfc etas, ta asd eat; a; co.. most Cirorable terms. it. i i:m.i:its solicited, on whlc - a awt-- "1 mik- wfcet. a tuowfial." DEALEES IS DST GOODS AND OESEEAL WAIKAPU PLANTATION. Jfngines, Moilers, and Machinery every Err Consignments of Island Frodae. l- 1 A. JAECER. Atent forth, llanallan Islands. of CASH ADVANCES WILL BE MADE- - oCT ly Can ttts cunt u4ai Catsuit MEBCHANDISE, I(lIAUI HICKKKTOS. TEiV VKOI or M'UAlt NOW CONI.XI IX Ml ly y AT and for aile for home consomptlou only, by Description. Tort Sl..abcr. OJa Hall lW-l- ATTOBNEY AND COUNSELOB LAW 4.t Xerw sspoa a day thereafter. rtl Will attend tb. Ternia of Coarta on tb. other IiUo Jl. 3I UKEE.V, MACFA11LASE CO., Afenta. HENRY K. CUMMINCS & Co., -- UNION flam tea tel. weut aa at alttA UIIX1A1.IIA3I A: CO.. iloney to tendon Mortaajesof Freeholdl 0f F1CB, No. INSURANCE COMPANY Z3 Merchant Street. 2 doora (rom Dr. itangenwald'a. M Particular attention paid tn tbe manufacture of SUOAR WTtxoiilrnsjvjijin Ta lac a, there cam at prfrMbt 1MP0ETEBS AND DEALEHS IN HABDWAEE PUULOA RANCH TANNERY. OS" SAX FllAXCISCO. MILLS, VACUUM PAXj. Jtc rffwat aiML &a BtrT at tbt Qcstral Mr-- A Catlrry. Dry GooJ. Palnta and Oili, aaj 31. AM. .Stlllll.K F.K1TIIKK, 3vra.-lxko-. Ilefervoce In Honolulu E. r. Davis, Eao. Fruit and Produce Commission House W. Klas Honolulu W ly J. ATISO.v. SOI.i: TAXEI CSS ly. TaMaa IM etbtTMt tutarc. cliaaU..o. itwt. JS."!? and heep Skloa. Trom tbe above Celebrated Tan. ATTORNEY IiJWV. nery, couatantly received and fjr sal. by ESTAllLI8nKD 1IU. ' Lay ta Uli; Vbltney'a Uook Store, foroiarly occnpled INCORPOKATED, ffr, rrft i:. O. HA LI. v so. 0OcorerMr. 6M OREE. JIAOFABLAXE k CO. 1805. a aah aaVat aVat t'auaal tt, Ulim HABDWABE by JoJf Anatln. Honolulu. II. I. oi; Xo. 431 St, eoror rrsuhlneton. IKP0ETEB5 AXD DEALEBS IN CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS Rntler.r Mkar saaw ia Ma K(kt. Dry GooJf , PalnU, Oill and OtQcral U.rchandlse, HAZELTON PIANOS Niar the l"osl OClce. SAX IRANaSCO, CAC 1VII.t.IA3I IE. CASTI.K. SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, 810 For Harrnllam iy .19-- lj CorrnrrorHpJ KlntSli. the Island.. ' wiatv tba maitar. Attorney 4 Counsellor at Law 4 Notary Pablie. " Hath aif aaV tbat civcAaaa, D.VVIES. Office on Merchant, Street, tao doora eaat of Fort est., Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins the Special Altectlon given to Fruits, lton.y. THEO. II Honolulu. tli ly unions, .u Ekaalacaawaarebrbttaa Jijioj. Jatx Cu.J , ox .saee, c.r Ian t from nell knonnhand axdfou Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. TMnt kuru bam Usa or ta; IltPOBTEB. AND C0KKISS10N ilEBCHANT, th. ALSO.... - imoYt'iY. AVnliuen Tauuery. OK WIXTERTIItJR. Axa rpa cr.cii- J. I. Parker, Prop'r. M Atur Hllo Trtuucry, F. V Ionian, Oregon Eggt and Dairy Produc Jfi ai baavtalj alaWc. ATTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOB AT LAW. l'tioiirlolor. rilllE TJXUEIlSIGXEti are AUTHORIZED Californiaand Lbjd'i and th. Unrjwol Cnd.rTltr, M lr A. S. CLEOII011N CO., Asenls. JL tolnaura Say aMu fwa wiailaa krtaj, BritUh aad t'dcalfn Matin. Imaranc. Comrany, and NOTAltr I'CBLIC. i Oar We respectfully solicit your Consignments. Atari Stimn H aaaia a raab, aa4 tkam Xerthern AMnraaCTComrany oait ly all Ooods It. K. & dt CO.. b.F." US ly kar ror On Cargo, Freight and Troasuro Ta liM K)at. And A(nt fjc Uklnjr AeknoaladnieuU of Initrnmente HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS! ralata attk tb. lilandofOtba. From Honolulu to all parte of th. world, JUII.V T WATIUtllOl'Si:. and npou IltPOBTEB AND DEALEB IN GESEBAI, ots Xo. SHaabamana Street, UonolsIar'I. I. ly Ays, L. BOOKS & STATIONERY Gb, vUWe vraapaj m ! Coaster-si- , ! abat waaanail MEBCHiNDISE. IJUuXSL by Special IermlKiou II. L, ly JPA'I'V, & m Tho Basis of Our Business. 31aavca (stM Maic4 pa akle, IJs QnMtt StrMt. llonololc, JOUS II. uo., 0u mo.t fATorublo terms. uk tr th. 7MHST To Manufacture all such Books snd SU Ttaitudaiaraa4ikattlu, NOTABY DEEDS, .Manufacturer, aud Dealer, - PUBLIC and COMMISSIONEB of lu W. IK1VIS A CO &V tlonery s. csn don. her. as wall aa eUewhers, an T OkjM A. a. cixaaaax. xitu 0. b. teaattU tb ila, J'- Jt-l- thereby imil A: Co.. tor tb. Slatacf California. OQc. at tb. Sank if Bi.bup Jt Agent, for tbe Hawaiian Ialauda. directly benent our ruatct&.ra snd ourselt... A. S. CLKGIIOIU Co., Kaabauiann Street, Uonolaln. 0CZ6 ly ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, - FaaHtaal la Uia prnnn! IMFOkTfXS X3D nxAIJtXl IS SKCONI). To Bnj- and Sell Book. .ndSuticwet Leleo, ao aa to TaakkM la thatt7'aatzUac Klntr Street, Honolulu. Wostphnllan Lloyd Grand, Square and to roak. it tb. Interoat of dealers and conanm.r. tfb! IIlTCUCOCIa!, Rhonlsh Upright. com. to us In pre fersnts to t.ndlng East. Chtitf aoa. laaa, BavlaT. ttaarr, MoroIinTi rtlisio, II a. Beef Mutton and Ooat Tallow wanted. Order, and Bills Gonorol left Sfale Cern.r Qan and Eaabnra.ua Street. ATTOBNEY AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII, at Ira nichsrdaon'a Boot and Shoe Store, a 11 meet with INSURANCE COMPANY, T W. manufaetnr. and Import .very description of Ft aj crlama m; UUI e and eorn.r Tort and UottlSL prompt tlonery. carrying tare, , Env.Iopee ly jinn.natt . attention 62a ly 31. -- atocka of aud Blan JVn Urrrisk JJUuoa. oasaj Bill, Promptly Collected. ly OF GE.tun.tCir. Ilheubh Prussia. TH Booka of our own cosnnfacturs, Inka, Slat., etc 11v.11.t3 jinoxiiints. IIO.AOLIJEU star Orer 1,SOO varletlea of Blank forma kept In Stock. VTHOLESALE DEALEBS a. 31. iVIHTAEY, 31. S. SOAIMVOKIW, Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., thCPOBTEBS AND 1., !.! BEST IN THE MARKET! A. L. fc VARIETY. Shoef.and Dental Booms on Fort Street, BY Limited, BANCROFT CO., In ruhlenahle Clothlsr. Ilatt. Caua. Boota. W. J. RAWLINS. oWO-l- y San Francisco, C Soow'a erery vart.ty of Oentleaen'a FurnlaSlng Gooda. 6JM Corner Hotel, orer Mr Strrba'a Drut&tore. (ly The Proprietor of th. above Works la prep tred to inpply bis OF AACIIEX. Eltrit-rtppt- Wfckt a dntEiard'i wif. too cftea ColMiDC Merchant itreet.llonulotn fCS-l- customers, and the public in genera! with best the quality ol CLAIMS tscah. 31. Ycllosv Soap. Soft Soap on FOR PARTICUEAR AVER. PRICES LOWER I asavi far t At co.. ciia.h s. ia.riTiEi:iGi:. i.. alitnys haiii. AEt. susUlnedby Goods arrK luff here, aud Insured Fisheries i:i. tioi'rsciii. vi:oi:ic Itejra to annoance that he haa returned from California, 19 IXt llijhiit rrin Md far Sup GYnrn. ly in tua aboe Companies, have to be made with the cog- An M laajr wactf ta In.w what tl Bcant by to tn practice Tlimi any otber Flrat.Cltuu THE EXUERtilMXF.n INVITE THE mPOBTEBS AND C0311IISS.iON MEBCHANTS, and Intends settle llooolola for the vfbU nisance of and certlHed to by tbe undersigned. In order to Pianos. attention of Fisheries to their profession All deskloa; hi. aervtcea U1 nnd him at bU be valid. (C31 ly) ULADE, Agent. th. " aeaa rtec." Oar atch it. J. a r, krf Uonoinlo. Oabn. II. I. o30Jy rvatdenceon Nuoann aveauo, next door above the lower Waipuolo House, to ttand" any climate. Bend OEUrslL TvTot-fctxiB- brlde. nCI Ij" Or Catalogues and Price List. Coitoxx. A frind aiki o If thai. Vtn.ath Seerctarj Scinn Lawras, c. x. cooke (tfaA PEE tS.VXTLY EOC.VTED IX WAIA. for GUI Nets, Brines, Trap, and rounds. Cotton j.c.ctcatos koit. Lu-V- ! eoaM sot b eatteJ osier Scbun. , Iliaffl - Island of Oabn. Hawaiian Iabuids, Is open YoNDON CIIAS. S. EATON, General Agent. ! Is superior lo Hemp, for Its durability and light- apfritdj At lEiVeus mcicsorv. die. i it. mrr:iii.-o.-- the TriTellng- Public. LIVERPOOL and and GLOBE tn 6m It Montgomery Htreet, San Francisco. Cal. ness. It la nnlrersaltr osed In tbe United Stales. What bat sti, thai. taBraai men to bioeJ-thrut- jT IMPORTERS &DEAX"ERS IK" LUMBER. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON. Horses grained and fed with hay or pastured. France and England. Its cost is low lower than hemn c at Store, corner Fort and Merchant flax. At the Philadelphia Exhibition, tbe hlgbest award we Bcfcra thtj Itfttiicirpaittia&i tier were tender men. And allMndt ofBBildiacM'teriala, Fort Street, Uoiwlala Ofic Drae of itreeta, Saddle Horses procured at short nofce, on reasonable undersigned or CS3ly Kealdenc, onanu ATenue, near School atleet. terms. INSURANCE CO. made tbe for the superiority tbelr ware y Samples and prices furnished Dealersby AUpucke e!" iUiceJ a laJ in a vita.il 03c. hoara. 9 It a. M. 6 R. mall j TEB1IS Board and Lodgluj;, per day 00 J. TRUMBULL, In firm bales, andfLSO per I0O pounds Kali freight lo Ea "rBf - f2 Assets. $26,740,105,70 " haw ab.sM I Laaa- thing about injthin IVILUIUC At CO., single jieais 50 Francisco. bl, aj j and Qoeen Street Vaav aWot ! Sacceeasre to Dovaett 4 Co., Corner Fort I". II. K.EIES, Lodging, per iilcbt SO ESTABLISHED AX AGEXCT IX Jrouer. Importer, AVIiolMnle nnd Retal AMERICAN NET AXB TWTXE CO. I das't anjthki XSoaru per weelc accvrulng to agreement. nAVE Tor the Hawaiian Islands, and tbe 43 2m Boslon U. B. A. Laansr, Paiata, Oilt, Kailf, Salt and Baildlag nnderslgned are prepared to wntc risks nralnst Dealer In a e. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, For particulars apply Saisre eeUaa sitkei limply (i-l- y CTtry kind. further to the undersigned, or ptI;te ataterialt ef em on tbe place. tb. raw material, anJ I.U the f.H.w Snlih tH WAILUKU, MAUI. FIRE ON DUILDLVGS, SIERCUAMSE AND AND UOLI.i:S At CO.. W ly S. y. EMERSON. FLOWER, FIEID. TREE GARDEN ROBERT WILKES & CO., theJtickhlaieK. Ship Chaadleri nd Cotarmnoa iterchiati. DWELLINGS An Ubar taken V. SXIECIIZ, 3lEXlEOrOI.lX.AA MaHUFACTUREES ft JaAHDTACTTrHini'S AOEHT titkxift tart tie itrik. sat all ImrorUnandD.alertlrGeneralMerciiatidlae.UaHnStrMt MARKET. Vclinejl. APOTHECABY AND DBTJGGIST. On favorable terms. Direllinir Itl.ks n Special. IlIPORTERS AND EXPOKTEIW OP ta. Ltutle eot ef Bit the riaterf hare (Wen IlonoloIa.UawailaaltUndt. :iy Ity. Detached dwellings and curtents insured for a period and Hotel C.WALLER, Proprietor. it a rel roH biefc. Corner Fort Straetr, Uonolnln, Oabn. of three years, for two premiums In advance. Eosse Amorlcan, English & Europoar A. AV. 1C1RCE At CO.. aaT Keep, open .rery Saturday ncnlnfr. o C29ly lirouiptly iidjiisied nnd panblo lierss. TM rammer, laiiet are raise; to dreli their hair King Street, ISSOIj Honolulu. hlSHOP Co. MAXiiFACTCRES. to C. L. 1 Co.,) Succtaaora Ktcsiaxa Supply to dealers lbs largest vsrl.ty of General Merchsc u they did tfertc hssJred yean ar," faya the .1-ci- rj At hip Chandleri aod GeseralCoEiaiitioa Kerchanti. HOLMNTEK CO., dla. offered by any ONE HOUSE IN WORLD. e.wraaetr. TM make fame t the tadie. Xo. OS Xuuann Street, : : : t Honolulu, FlUEiJIAN'S FUND THE 'ALSO faalu Silt IHirlt. FAMILY MARKET! Erery dealer should hats a Catalogs, 'rem this prtUr cad. JgmlitrtU lxFosttas am stauas a SHEDSFLO XlawatUn lalandr, ly Junction of Hotel aud Union Streets. INSURANCE COMPANY, WERIXa PLANTS and BULBS, FRUITS lions, al som. goods In srery lin. eel llonolala. Cholco Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. The Cfcieara Trikcsa ptayfei ta hare Serjeant OP SAW FBA2JCISCO. ORNAMENTAL TREES, ar. supplied & G. WALLER, Proprietor. and Etc. Sate.. E8 Ferkkn and PrWatc D.I111H rent Sacth. C. BREWER CO., Mineral Waters, v tx.xx.c3. 1 JIanufacturcrs of ntTarlxxo, FANCY WIRE DESIGNS, GAR- the will kill a. l. r. ciaraa, tea iy Piro asd ta j.reranent that thee V fflSP CaaU Cnpibil. Gold. 8300,000. All Staple Goods Sold Guarantor riiie 4 T c t. ja ( DEN TRELLISES, SYR- i j. d. aatrxa. ) Detached dwellings tmt lr. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Dnelllns Illtksu Spclnllty. Toronto, 4S 10 Ab adrertifesest ia a Eaiten Bcwipaper Ij at taU & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. aad coutenu insured for. period of thre.yesrs, fortaopre-miom- a INGES, GARDEN and Yoota street; SHIPPING in sdrance. Montreal, its asd 199, McOUI stmt; " KMJI.VES, 31 Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds lewi : iTatited, a can ia the dry geeda Eonolsla, Hawaiian Iilandi. STEAM SUGAR ILLS, London, 09 Queen Victoria E. J.csr C Llollcra, Cooler, Iroo, Braia and Lead Caatinffa By wnting small lines on csrelnlly selected risks wall HARDWARE, street, C.: trade ; he partly out-d-n and behind the Sbefileld U partly At CO., diatribnted, offers Bearer Works. waster." II. IIAOKI'ELU Machinery of Every Description, Comprising th. most complete Stock Xew York, S3 Worth Street, and e? West Broadway, AGENTS, , IXDEMX1TY SECOND TO XOXE. ttto-ly- GEHEBAL COMMISSION 3-- Mad. to Order. "Ca Fishi Poulti-y- Vegetables, &c r IMalii between a lady and as Iriih errant : Honolnlo, Ever OtTcrcd on the Pacific Coast', i Oaeen Street, U.I. Partiealar attention paid to Ship's Blacksnithing Losses Promptly Adjusted. - Sat at harae ( TVmU iwjairr Sen ant re FurnUIied to Order. jm :" JOB VfOBK .xecnted on tb. akrteit notice. oCSO ly BISHOP & CO., Prices Unusually Low, Shl'a at yr AFO.fG At .ACUUCK. tV Tncsdiijrs tarsr sat h.ce, rsa'aa, hat the TT'XTRAS and Ttanrsdajra Teal, 63) ly Agents for Hawaiian Islands. INDIA RICE MILL. Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers th. Trade Price List on application, he waw be in In aa bcr." CORNER Or Merchandise Frlilas s Flab. My Ou.de to tho Vegetable and Flower Garden will in General 1V3I. 1VEIGIIX, be Tl. loeiiah taaa air a if her baby ii Store, comer of vj Snnclaya Lamb, NORTHWESTERN Oufomers. It contains Instructions on iH tnu And China Ojodi, In th. tbe culture ot Fruit, Nut and Ornamental MISSION S FREMONT STS., Silt FRANCISCO, C1L emae-ere- d. 1T ly (Unless otherwise ordered.) Tree Seeds, xet a trsi bat the wbe mis wiH Uka Klarand ;naaaa Street. SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Mutual Life Insurance Company, Alfalfa, etc. I the to SrractLte, and sake hit inqairiea yonans The Proprietor havtne; leased th. neat and commodlona It. TRCttBL'EE, ran ij w vacraauxx. Shop on Jndd Wharf, foot of Street, next to th. J. oio. r.Mutur. Old TTISCOXSIX. SI Cm 419 and 421 Sansom. Streut, ,,Luri. Custom Uonte, Uonolnln, U. L VEGETABLE, FRUIT AND POULTRY MARKET, JIIEiVACHEE. Sao Francisco rriiiE ixdia but; exbf.r CltEES. 3IACrAIELAE At CO.. JL goo. Material Improvements,xilt. hatixoIs now In perfect con Tar-Mf- CXRBIACE REPSIRISG DOXE. - ror Artfal Auirtast " Tea, tsam, there are real h IMPOBTEBS ABD COJIMISSIOX MEBCHANTS, Adjolnlnr tbe Family- Meat Harket, wDl be prepared to dlUon tba conatantly and for aale, a good aaaortaent promptly satisnctorUy rill for everything re ASSBTS, tewelf ; cant'l ret any core when there are told Flrtproof BaUding, 3a hasd of and orders atl7,000,000! BatanaonTt tb.niBeet Bar Iron. quUIte to furnish the tables with all the Sutntanuala and THE OAKLAND BANK OF SAVINGS. l.aei-Enie- IT, MOST SFfC'ESSFEE IX8UBAXCE cam. All the rr been caVed eat Qaeea Street, Uonolnln, I. Delicarfes tbe country arTbrds. Hulling and Dressing of Padd) ixr. roa All orders from tbe ether Iilsade vDl b caefally attended THE In th. World. icisrs to. ray Una execeted with dispatch OiTShlppInjranppIIeHl on Xotlce.-S-a OtULtND, CAEIFORXIA. V. H. A. row U ffht th. Batdaai 1" Pocdoa Sbeep Baach Company, All work in and Short AXD Th. 061; ly 51 or ex- Speacer riant-Ui- Ililo, eats, ic, delivered to all parts tbe dty without CTXABTEilED IX 1851. a It meant by Para-cH-t. Th. char-re- . INCORPORATED, 1167. "Papa,"aiked hey, "what Tb. Ifallupa PU&tattoC tra L3t lyi O. WALLER. " Paradi. my nu," replied th. father, "ia The KamoM Plintatloa, Molotal, X O 31 AS nas the advantage of Western Rates oflMeresh Never UNCLEANED RICE. r GUagsw and llonolala Line of PaekeU. C31 II LACK, AUTHORIZED 81,000.000 the latter part aXanainer, ten muthtr joe. ca Th. Sncceeeor to John Xeill. OIL BLACKINC. lost a dollar of lu Securities and never fails to pay Its CAPITAI. In tba Best Possible Manner. Tb. Pries for HULLHCf jaa -- rf I t x losses promptly. Caplt'l paid in, and Reserve Fund 8.30,000 and DBES8IX0 PADDY ha. been Reduced per cat. a rlrit to year graadauther." V. A. SCIIAEFEK & CO.. Machinist. Lock and Cun Smith . r Assets, Jnu'j-1st- 1977. )8I,53S,000 Seinr Macbtnea repaired; Dealer In Sporting Goods For particulars apply at the Office of a certain to Mrt. Importers dt Commission Merchants MACHINES. .SS. W.O.IRWIXACO., "Malas,"a!i caneleii on. Asratfortb.CelebratedFLOIUUiCESEYrlSiG E. BEaSIOXE, CHAS. K)DEET6, OuXUr oSHJ noaolnla, Hawaiian Ialaa la (t , Tort Uonolnln, II. I. tMO-l- Agents a rruidat. o the day, yea are talalar. ilmpl. .'' Strt, cW ly for tbe Hawaiian Islands Bnwa, ether cxaucTOR. : - 3IAADFACXinREI) 1 Xef. rrpKed lady,- at. Faddy and Hulled Bice air." th. a. C "" aoaoaoi. a. ME E. C. Sessions, W. A. Aldrlch, Vaeaai.I with yoa to eeaprthead me." At 3ic:io:v. A, W. Bowman, nenry Rogers, Mill Receive Prompt Attention. AIXE KOIIISOA. 4. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. W. E. MlUer, Wm. Power. and Careful J At Bobtaaon. Tfharf. BLACKSMITH WHEELWRIGHT, The featbh man rsaheth oat to im th. ct.b, and XOLOA, KAUAI. W. w. Cameron. W. n. Glascock. ' Vl3t. H. OREESWOOD, Laxtber hands of BcUding OP BOSTON, MASS. ia that the longr, bat tb. wire on hajjeth Sealers In and all All Island orders a III be attended to with promptness and General Commission ll.rcnant and IToprteUr of India llmrh okc, G. & Rice MUL ly th. Cetittuttaaaf the UcKedSutea to hit hoaom. Kateriala. Paints, Oils, Nails, &c, etc., dlapatcb, on tbe moat reasonable terms. S. P1NKHAM CO.. IXCORPORATED, I83S. Deposits from any portion of tbe United State., Europe in aaara or acaooxaaa t31-- or tbe Hawaiian Islands, may be sent by mall or express, asd ahidath la the ceMar ontfl the erH dayi be erer. pasahi. KcU-UB- Mary Ellen Ihe Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in tn coin or currency, or by draft on any buetneas or bank- Kekantaehl, CUama. DR. COLLIS BROWNE'S td Fairy Qoeen, Iy HILO. HAWAII. the United States. ing bonae. A pass book with proper entries will ba Im. J. Scrjaoa T.arpalte It itH rery high, my triandt G. SEUELKES At CO.. mediately returned for Use same. Remittance. In curren- re cy will be in goldat DM JOS gat that, leechea aH right I tnt the day SXOIEE. most credited current rates. Theaignalar. OHriORODTlNTB THE LAHAIAA TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS, Paliciei Iiintd on ths farorahla Terai. or the depositor should liccompany the first d. posit. De- 13 THE OBIOIHAL ASP OHLyKTEJIDIBZ yaaUrday T' Patient Tef, lir. get 'en posits can be made by any one, I LAHALVA, MAUI. 'o. 3 Xuumun Street, Exnniple orXon. Forfeiture Plnn, but can only be withdrawn eceagh. Bat nighta't har. 'em bHeJ next Keep conatantly on hand a fall assortment of Tin, Sheet by the signature ot the Jarty In whose nam. th. account PUBLIC ARK CAUTIO.TED 'ADAI.tST Kst I Walter Mnnay Gibson, Proar. Fred H. BayteUen, Mao. IX3UEED AOE, Si LirE PLAX la opened. Married women and minora can depos- TUB unfounded .tatessents frnently aud, that th. (Late A. 6. Oe:hora Co.) Iron, and Coppcrware, oak. tla. ikV pr. i & Co., 1 Annual premlom continnes Policy 2 year. 2 days its In their oarn names, s.od may wltndraw tbe same, Dpon eomoaltlon of CsootoM Is knowa to CbcBlau aad th. Lead Pipe, Hose, BOLLES Agents, 12 their own receipts, npoo tbe same conditions de- Medical profesaloa." Tb. fact is, Chlorcdyae was diacovtrsd paaa OX IIAXD A JUIEUIOK ASSORT. Gi!tJd Iron and India Sabher tc 2 Annual premlom ccntinnea Policy . jesra daya a. other If rea threagh th. h.aroaat with carefal eye, HA MENTor General aercaancuae, iOKDer, ana re-- ly 3 Annual premlom continues Policy 6 years 27 days positors. Xo entrance fee or charge for bank books. and larcnted by Dr. J. C0LLJ3 BUOHSK at Army Mikal cat! - itut sow, ren wll c.li:. a tadaui crteping erer the emits ftr Inter4atand rraaala. SU ly 4 Annual premium eoctlnn.. Policy yeata,.- day. The securities for all loans made by this hank, are scru- Etsf',) sod so asnsd by hfm, sad it has bafied al attempts 5 Annual premiam confines. Policy 10jesrs3 daya tinised wit's great care by the Board of Directors, and con- at analysis by tb. Int Chemists of tk. day. Th. a.. tho. ef the aid ia not iiaply o. exclusively and of n.e been Ptttilabad. rrEStraasc h.at. It th. X. BAKE IE. -- w sist almost of flrat class Real Estate with aecr.t lb. prep.ratpii bass er it W3I. OIO SOX. J. large margins : United Is sold ksewiedg. that they matt be tsM far ring ehickecj J .Prattical Architect aid Balder, qr 1 States, state. County and City obfloas, tbsrelors, tbst snythlng nadar tk. asms, ff ly Assots, $13,000,000 Bonds,xc AUatocks or other aecurltiea of uncertain or sat. Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CULOKODYXZ, is a .part- - alter they're "laid" eat. Plans and rpeuncationa farabb at reasonable terms jTi?,V fluctuating values are carefully excluded. The poney of out Imitation. Merolaaiat Tailor.1 Addrars Poat Ooce, Hooololn, B. L SSI ly belrg to re- IT. Word CSi Kaahaaaae St, orpo,Ue Mr. G. Hbaies Store. r Eosses Pnid thronh nonolala Acencx, tbe Rank, obtain jtrjt, a&eolntsecuritr for CAUTION. fir P. stated that Jeaaet " Heth, Betty, aa' here comet year oNiiovna nio turn of the principal, eicrtaUr a rate oflnterest constat Dr. OolUa Browaa waa undoubtedly th. lataalor of Calorsw I Bey " ay, ate alwayt $49.000 therewith. Our nnostiaily Urge and Increasing Capital dyna. 0, BISHOP & CO., G. W. BROWN. C1XV 3IARKEX. and reserve Fund, no pinion of which can be withdrawn KEMEDIAI. USES A5D ACTI05. on Sarcrday, cicht, jait to har c by stockholders until aCl demands depositor, bar been taker a tastkle a lart , PBOPBIETOR, XTJUAXTI ST., CASTLE COOKE, ACENTS oi This Invaluable remedy produces flolit. rrfrssslag slssp, l. 3S" SL paid in full, taken In connection with a careful and faao-ttoti- the Sawbaath, ah.', far toe releegfeai a body 3B E! H. S WATID, OF CIIAPLAIX 110 THE IIAIVAIEAX ISLANDS. Ij relUve. pain, calm. tb. system, restores ths daraagsd crvr Ut 1SUAXDS, LAE. FOR management, furnishes to depositors a guaran- aad sllssalataa basitby action of of HONOLCLC t t nAtVAltAIf Engineer, safety aa aa tb. sscrstioa. the Civil tee of well the Daay." JLJ-1--1- remunerative dividends. body, without creating any those ta drltk tperrit e Laird't . .J)EJ.W EXCHASGE OX MOSTGOMERT SQUARE, noSOLCLU, TVTTI V jI V AJArtU3D i of anplseaaat tmHU al H.T. TS Deposits can under ordinary drenmatancea te with- tending us. ol opl.m. Old and young assy lak. ft at all FRJUCISCO tlS-Ir- r Promptly aa tb. Hn. Jaggingt lot ese ef her boarders lately. IT. THE EiM OF ClUfDUlA, All Orders Attecded. drawn, a whole or In part, without DO tic. (Instead of hours and time, when reualslt. Thousands .r persons tas- G. WILDER, six mon tba notice being reqnired as formerly ) as spedAed for-j- SAM'L Its soarvslloa. good caddcaiy ca argeat and ot ass rnsx luart::::$a EO ADS, TBAMWA.TH, tily te effects aad wonderfsl sure., while weat of prirat. aain, In articles Id and lib printed condition, of agreement medical nun .xtot its virtus, moat aly. nsfag Xewr WATEB tfORKS andBBTDGES Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands, with depositors. Non estaaalf It la to tetti. hit Kttl. aeeaasU " Ah I" laid the otd Tork, resident depositor, who wish to great quautllieala Ik. tullowlog dlaeaaes; Cholera, Xi)Ma-ter- Boston. INSURANCE NOTICES. withdraw their depcslta, or a portion thereof, aad dealr. Col a, wheal 'e cam. 'ere eaHed ear tain ; COS8TBUCTES. OF THE Diarrhea, lira. Coagh.. Asthma, Ehesattlim, lady, Itielf a Paris, to bare the same sent to tnam by the Rank, may da so VTboopIag Congb, Cramp Qysterls, Ac Alacklaund. WATEB COCKS ES ALTERED. .object to the by rending a proper order accom, hat I're diaeorerel to my cut Vi only a left Unant.' EXTKACT3 TBOat MEDICAL PINTO SB. THE OSinTIL USX CORfOrUTIOI. : : : 10JD0S MABSH LANDS DRAINED, panted by th. pass book, wlih instructions aa to lb. man- 0 Boston Board of Underwriters. ner In which tbry deslra money Eljbt Hon. CsHeg. A Cambridge (England) theekgat, when h. told ajra laaxcaxs , OBSTBCCnOSS BEMOVED, Mutual Life Insurance Co. the to be remitted. Ball Th. Earl Bouatl comnsolcatad ta tk. Tina t A GEXTS for the Hawaiian Islands, remittance however wlU be at the expense and risk of tbe of Fhjslclaus, and J. T. Das.nport, that ha had recalled la tka ttary ef the Oaod SamtrHia, after reciting th. Ilona; sXsmsr, ete. At- -, dtc. ra .ss-i- y C. BKEVTE2 X CO. depositor. Blank orders for this purpose will be furnished fortnatton to the .tTect that th. ortx remedy f any servlc. promlt. to th. hstt, Aad whea Sydney, and MAPS ASD PROFILES OF SEW TO BR", by the Cashier. la Cholera was CI1LOB0DT5E.-- B. Lanat, Dee. if, 4SM. karalest saa't " Jlelbanme, Term deposits remaining three full r.ii'wVr months, Dr. Lows, Medical Mlaaloosry la India, ntVeru (Sic, Mtl) I not agiia I will repay thee," wound op with : AndtranasctaGefZeralBaaklngBatines.. 30 ly This Establishment closes at 12 m., on NORTH BRITISH AND KERCxlNTlXE Largest, Safest andMost will be entitled todrrideud. of interest; BaMdlrldendaar. that In nearly inrr ease of Cholera la which Dr 3. COLLIS Saturdays. declared, and payable tn January and July of each year, BEOWSrS CIILOnODTNE waa administered, the patitat Ttit be alii kiteing be aaoald tea bit face no and If not called for In one will be a. oar tJ-l- INSURANCE CO., month, credited to the recoverML mare. isoa. s. TKarx. tos. ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. account and bear Interest aa a deposit from data on which Extract from Mtdimt Tftstr. Jan. 12, 1S44 "Cotwodyna At OAT, EOXDOSf AXD EDIXBUHGII. they were dec!ared.Xo dividend computed on fraction, of Is prMCvilMd by more, ef srthedax medical pnctltisam. Ot IT.wlook here, Mrt. XIIRUM jr. OF doLars or tor fractions Lodge CracpU. Tre Book- n. incKE, of mnmhi, Dividends declared by coursa It would nst thus be alagalarly popeiar did It not Stationers, News Dealers and 180O. THE WORLD! this Bank for the past and presloaa terms, have been at supply a waat aad IDs place." ' ciued pcand ef tea, a pet of Jim. aad half a ESTABU3UED IN e binders. ., CABINET therateof Of per cent per annum; present term Extract from tb. General Board of Health, Xondoo, aa ta Sow daa't uyt it'a th. catl" Hit Merttant Stmt, Hoaolala. Alao Stencil Alaben Street. and heafter will probably not exceed 9 per cent. Its .acacy in Cnolsia "Sottroegly sraw.cosrtacsd ef th. CAPTTAE - 3,000,000 For particulars se. printed agree- wa ihoald the aad Copying, promptly .xacaled on On. door below Hotel Street. Assets .(1370).$80, 000, 000 fanner coamUoea of Immeas. vslu. of rils rsmsdy, that caaaot tM farcitl Crecpit " He, tirt I b. lart ta aecate til-l- y Accumulated and Invested Fond. 3,838,118 ment with depositors which will b eforwarded to any ad- nrra necessity .radoptlsg it In all cassa." nuocatl. terms. deacriptiaes mad repaired atree-- th. anybody Uaatwayt ealatt it were the Coloararda Taraltar. efan aad - A.T.T. dress upon request, a copy of which Is alao appended to CAUXIOH. Sos. ganul.. without th. words "lr, X. sonaU. etes. Rest wormasshlp gnaranteed. cfrll ly TJXT1ERS1CXED nAVE BEES PASS. each pass cook. COLLIS BUOWNE" n th. Qovtraaaest Srsjap. Or.r Eeaddle." II. t,. CHASE. THE A0EST3 fcr the S.tadaicb Iaada. and are A whelming asWlcal taetlaoay acecuipenie. Mch bottle against npo. terms. Now is a Good Time to Insure General Banking Bnslneca Transacted. PntrTO-QRAPUE- E, asthorlied to iarar. Tin bTorabi. XSO LUDSCAPE at. X. Islands on own exchange on Sol. H.aafactsrsr J. T. DAVEXFtWT, DO.TfELL. Bisks tahen iaanypsrtof tb. Wuwieo BnildisV Our Xw Tork. Joadoo, Frankfort on S3, Great Baaa.1l t(- losvdoa. POBTKAIT Dwelling Ugsscs Fint-CL- Berlin - Zlocmaburr, (t jaiocjkiiuuii CABINET KAEEB AND FEENCH POLISHES, aadm.rrtiadis. stared tnerttn. and Farcv None but Btsss Taken the main, and Paris, for sale. Is. d. s. Cd. tar, in auu. Ship, la harbor wither cargoa. proceeds Sold la Battler at lUd., 2s. SOL CoemopoUsaa Pbstograph Gaaery, as aad U Port Street, iter.. Timber. Coals. wuboet Ctlltctlooi mads and remitted at carrtnt rale. Areola la Tork, Co, sad J. PEB Cl-l- KTj Xo, 78 flyr repair. ED. HQlTSCHLATXiEfi a. Nw .lUBctiaiaa a RECEXTEB El S01XSS at CO. Hoaolala. Fort Street, Hooolaln.r.r. or nader fetT lyj co csusi office wma vtiedeb A Co, Mly VTuia. OJMo

i1llrTMaafriJ-- '- & .irr'V J3!f5fSBrstllwIBSBfc

s of inheritance. It must protect society New Zealand .Tlnorlc. 4 my jLirriioitiTY. rights SHIPPING. -- ! HAWAIIAN GAZETTE from influences which are openly subversive To til JMirerotJe i7itraiiaa Gaitttt ; :e :m :e Hi -- zje&'i? and decency, and, in its efforts to Sir. Son vcekt aro the wWnri.W pro- o of all virtue fv For San Francisco I OFTHE- AN lSDKlENlKKTJOCKNAL, accomplish this, no partiality should bo shown pounded a lehtat to vlM aad tliloniry that of In. troJacinj Maoriet laborers Into Ihtto iilaod that DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. towards foreigners, as against Hawaitans. In at The American Baric I let It put without comment, ai it vat bard to be- all its efforts to maintain the law, it will bo BY lieve It lerlouilj meant ; bat It appears I val in vj&Ueleu'W. PUBLISHED AND EDITED and vti Almyi sustained by the people, whose reputation error, for la their laitljiue the; " icala call tbt at. WlDlm.N.SON.Jtnnter. fintsra rzy absence tna this Kingdom, Ool. w. r M. HENRY WHITXEi". security are involved. lion of "our Government" to New Zealand a a Held AHea aR act u Governor of the 1 Iliad of Oaho. Will hare Quick Dispatch for the abovo Port BJl8TI!B1 whence tmlzranti, male and female, roar be obtain- JNO. O. TXttONIS. Governor of Oehn. 19. 1S77. For freuiht and paaiaco apply to irJEDA'SD-4J- ". SEPTEMUKR We are quite satisfied that tho report given Bmna1) Oae. llooolula. U. 1ITI. tS ed" by the ihlp load. Of all the mad enterprliai US CASTI.K ,t COOKE, Axents. His Majesty the Kino took jvssssr oa in last week's G azkttk, regarding the quanti- and tugzeitloni that have originated la the bralm of auction! 1 tprwaled from the .; Ma. JrsTsci near cast the Marion, on ThursJaT last, for ty of opium smuggled from the Likelike, is in- the Harlequin and Pantaloon of tho JitWtiifr, this PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Xattrlet Jadgr at and Walaaar, on Tncradaj, clHner n wj1ere week, be learned, project U decidedly the " uadJeit" aud most Don a.at iherrakleoceofj. tLWMmv Kauai, Jia will remain for a few correct, and also that, so far as can THK SriXXDID KTEAM.SUIl house Quixotic, and proclaim iheni BaUaa.'Ewa, C superintending fanninj; operationi tin his no one has had any connection with the 0 25 "Without OUpute. Black 0 renadtnes, plain and stripped ' T estate nt Kealia. smuggling except a Chineso passenger who Pr 0 25 Loavae?. gnjr In all the rtalrot of Sonienae, tuaotnle.1 Mohair Dress Goods ...... per yaru For Kale or ..!.. 0 25 Tfc Frtetlac Type. Material. Ac. of the 03 Qcekx Dowagkii Emma returned to town arrived in her, and left ou the City of Sydney. I hart lived for many yean in New Zealand, and Dobngo Dress Goods Pcr T01' -- Fmn 0 75 kras-ar- u HewaJkui Haante OSJet." AppHcsrWts evening, vi Eve, liaving made the tour The quantity snniRg'td is thought to Ins not have reitddia tbt Xorth Ialand where Nt'.f- - Hamburg Nett..w..., P"janl It list 1 to b. cud at t" lateesor Otaee. or the Maori Inhabitant ale located molt AUSTRALIA, Black Dress Silks... per yard 50 of this inland during tlie two weeks. over seventy or eighty tins, and this could frrh!li COJIHANUfclO. . r MOTT .M1TH, Mtsblcr of Intertw. just CUIUILL, iiinoir sill? . exper vanl 1 on ICX J. rigid rules of the time, aad I am acquainted vith molt of the vtv.iitt...... a.. Sk rode into town accompanied by some two not have escaped seizure had the WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO a .Ta Ok Satardaj. October 11. I5JT. at Jt eVlock noon, will tribe and chief, certainly with all from tho Waikalo Black Silk KrinRf .Y.. J J5 hundred coupes ou ltorselack. applied to other vessels been applied to this f .no ..onftV.... !rper pair X 73 U stale st psaaak-- tecltaa. at lb frMt eatiUK of Alsseianl to the Xutth Cape, and bare visited all their ItttU-- rv.rrt.a On or about Tuesday, 0ot 8th. - . for 5 00 Hale. Ik of - aaaUfcaa." Km, Hawaii. one, which, being a Government steamer, was Ltuoii Dresses (3 pieces) . 4mH loi 11y lie ntenti including thoio meotlcneJ by the AJrcrtiitr. pricevtSU. a notice in the official column it will perlraps Scarf Notts (all silk) ., per yard 0 25 Trtt suposed to be above suspicion not 1 therefore claim that 1 am a little ahead of the MOTT seen the " GArKTTE OrriCE" i ! Xeckercliiefs (silk lacoj 0 25 J. SMITH. Mlatstrr of Interior. that Hawaiian officers, but her own officers. FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND ,,,, y by the re venuo by C. A. In knowing what I am talMnr about a lectet 0 25 Interior OSce. UoacJelc. Sept. I . 1177. of! It is oSered for sale or lease. The offer includes Pumiennes (.silk lace). . We may state here as a fact, that a Chiuese altogether unknown to the conductors of that journal, TUB Sa'sVUXDin STEAMSHIP Yard wide Drown Cotton, best ....per yard 0 12j Bx H toVat w bum Ix may concern, that Frank f. five printing presses, with the stock of types 1mi firm in Sau Francisco, whoso name has been Invite them, they auuuie tuch poiitlre know), . a a . pcr 0 75 Basttags. licjtsre, aavUxg OAs cay presented to this De-- I ai Towels ...... do. and printing materials with the " Hawaiian yard 1 00 U&nerable rrrJerlckaJ given to us, makes a business of offering edge of the people eu'l country, to iu;geit any one Turkey Itcd Table Damask...... per tnmnl, U Cetamlaslea from the pre ZEALANDIA 0 I2& Gazette " Xewspajvsr. The term of the tribe or chief wbi would be likely to come hero with COJUIAxilKH, Ladies Linen IlanuKorciiiois W bewar& Acting Strerrlaryef Maleef the Vailed States. opium at a low price to parties coming to Clll'.VAI.H:it. o -- Handkorchicfa (extra fino) so "Web la Mai to b is do. farm, k, tbe nU Fraak . sent lease of the office empires December 31st, their women and children. The ilea of temptinc Ladies' Initial these islands, and probably more than ouo On " " , ...... 0 75 Haausn U fcerefcy utaetrtrdgetl as Vice and Deputy and the present lessee declines to renew it. them by an offer of land in their Iilandi It poiitlvely or about Sopt 20th, 1877. Gent's Initial Handkerchiefs .. stranger has been induced by its representa- SCOTCH TWEED SUITS a so Cttasal of tbe Salted St le at Uerjomlu. Hawaiian I atacda, lndicroui: a people vbo are landowner! to a man, For Frrlcht 4 Vmss&se. apply tu - The piper has been placed in a much more aagaJlht e3?tl act as aaca a- ordered to receive full tions to venture on the role of a smuggler, and & prosperous condition, both as regards its individually, and by their chlefi, aad collectively as 639 3m H. 1UCKFHLD CO., Accutn. cnll special attention to our complete assortment of KID GL0VE3 tkkh u4mal by lb aaihortties of this Gevsruueat. and reputation iu this extra- Oootla for .iblpnieut yer can now ba storfU We Sjrvea sasJeT haad and wKh l of the UawaU risk property, a tribe. &r steviur ' bit the subscription and advertising patronage, than la the t earner virhomf. fr ofWrse. which for elasticity and durability cannot be excelled. 1X.L. aa Klngini. Uu UUi .lay of rplraber. IST7. hazardous undertaking. The "Xttlvt Land Act" of 1SSVS as amended by j. mott south. when we took it in 1573, and in the hands of a Mlabser of Foreign Atadr. ad interim. So far, nearly every attempt to smuggle the act of 1S80-- prevents any Maori from, pauper. - capable person will continue to improve and TI33vafl:353 TjaLTRT i3E3 AJiso, QPull DLiine XXaiixlnix'g' Edging- Irrartx3al of Fttreiga Affairs. Uooelaia. it opium, whether hidden in containers or car iiing blmielf. The whole machinery of the act is a a of share in the general prosperity of the country. model of Ugiilatton (and many ot its clauies might AT THE Xa. C attarum avx sols doty appointed Koeal er ried about the person, has been frustrated, and fee la District of Uanalet, la tor pWe of A. S. We last week published an interesting arti- the parties concerned in it brought to grief, with advantage be introduced here). Yean ago Wticex. rrslgeed, ale CBrnmlwImi to take SVct oa toe tit whole blocks of land were acquired by Kuropeani for mmu GREAT EASTEJIfclV . jsn. j. iiorr biimi. cle on grafting sugar cane, as a means of ob- with loss of the property seized and heavy taort of ta Icurtor. a fev tons of gunpowder or a fev bales ot blanket. MAUCUAXT. : t I Ja.tATOt. Vlilrter taining now varieties. It coutaius many facU fines. Persons residingin Sau Francisco, Ore- lateraw Olf, Spt. J, 1STT. l etc, but all such transaction!, vithout bearing upon and suggestions which may lead planters and and who imagine that Lauud Auction, gon, Chins, elsewhere, their face the itaupof a lubitaotial " quilpro quo." Friday, September SI, S;JO. .. NawUlwlll Lnu ofUoi rrnmml at Uondajr, AUCTION septlt luualuu via Kooa aud return HOUSE! -- others interested in cane culture to experi- revenue officers are asleep, or can bo Ox Satanlar. iad of Srptembrr. 1KT. at l: o'duck iur was rendered nugatory and not binding upon the Uoixd.y, 1 and return Aaioiaol auU Oct .'..UUo Street, aooa. at to froot rstraacw of Ualo, wilt b ment with Arumig our Monday. Oct S runaluu via Kona 60 Fort Honolulu. lOMOftaoLaadof-rUHAKAA- ." for this object in view. eluded, might as well be informed that the natives, but since tho operation of the act referred to tl Kaaai.Oaaa. Mooday.Oct IS lllloaiU return notes week wijl the offer of at- impossible for any one to lands tnsiofCT7raxv Itarttstntlt. this be seen a chances are nine out of ten that those who it ii acquire not ThuradaJiOct M Circuit of Kauai & ' 1. HOTT hirra.UuKct ef Use Isterior. even the Uovernuent without the consent of a Judge A. W. PEIRCE CO., LEGAL NOTICES. 6M prize of twenty thousand dollars for any pro tempt smuggling will be detected, and con- Rates of Pasango will bo Istntee OSicr. Aacwt tl. Airents lor t. cess which shall extract H cent, of sugar demned to heavy fine and imprisonment. The of the Xatire Lands Court. This court is composed To or fioni Kaunakakal, Moloaal .. i M !er Lahalna, Maul. ,.. 00 court Hawaiian Lnueof Uoirramrnt Laadi alAutlao. of one Chief Judge and, I think, half a doten lubvr-dinat- es, rVAiyr. talauda. OctoLer Term AofD. tubI ITT o'clock from a given quantity of cane. Tho manu- government is determined to suppress tho Maolaea, ' .. 7 M puULOA miAMv.N iioxn uu.xs. Oa batBrdar. Ortotvr (to. at It nooa. at the 00 III tbe matter of the petition of DavM Kalakaoa. Lydla Hal leaM for who hold courts in all the districts at re ' " MaWena, .. S .froot eetraarc of AHuaak atbaoMtae facture of sugar having been brought as near to 00 K. Dcmlula. J. O. DomlnU, ber lioabaad. M U ol UaJ as -J- IONCAliA-Ht." traffic in opium so long as it remains contra- " alahukoua, Hawaii . ... 10 llyauift Bomb Ijucc, Clecbora Ui yan of la tract lam quired. One European Judge sitting vith tvo natite 10 00 and A. S Cleghoro, ber hoaband, to quiet title to certala bmisc tW fonarr cf tb out amall-pa- buajillal. perfection here as in any other country, we Kawalhae. ' .. . ,, ... claimed by pnro band, and vessels bringing it are liable to ' Kallua. ..., .. 10 CO US lx I'crry Dnvrla l'nlu Killer, etc. lands rlgbt of Inberltanco. flefort Sir. Jattlc and aiuet ear aad a baU acrra. alienors conititntlng a Court. I bare attended , " ' Jlccully. llloaacr of taeL1t should like to see the views of some of our i KaaualOA, ... I0.0 fS. "'"'fJ. ilOTT Siimi. lslrrair. . confiscation as well as the article seized. The many of them, and have been astonished bow the IS 40 On reading anl filing the petltloa ot CktU Xalaaaoa, lasorior Sept. 4. M 1 ' ' llllo, " .. Lydla K. Domlnls, OSc. 1?" sugar experts, regarding the percentage of m Kau Coast, U 00 J. o. Pomlnbi, her bnaband. It. L. reason it is tabued, is because the use of this most complicated title hare been unravelled, and ...... ; ,.i ! Ctegborn W. CI e Circuit Hawaii, ltound Trip . . , SI 00 and A. bora, ber hoaband. af Itonolnla. sugar extracted from cane grown and manu- of OIL, OIL, OIL Island of Oabu, claiming Kilt by rtgbt tn Llat arUctntn Expiring In Septem- drug had for years been extending till many two opposing tribes reconciled. It must be clearly To or from anvvouou Kauai ... 00 of Inheritance lUundTrlp 12 00 feo of certain tands hi tbt Hawaiian Islands, being tbt I87T. factured here. ebown that where a chief or tribe make application Circuit ofKaual, ... Sporm OU, lands described In ber. of the natives had become slaves to it aud to Deck IhtMure, for natives only ... S 00 Strainod the petitions bereln aad betuiurlag to U. t.auaina. wno uicti intesutts at IlonOiUlo. xalaad otOa&rt, lo the Court for permission to disposo of a block of Moury, --s CASK OR GALLON, 1ST QUAX-title- s RETAIL. The Aiiceriiser, in its last issue, very un- all the vices and diseases which accompany its Xo t'mtlt for l'nxance THE about the day of February, In the year 1177. and pray, oAiir. laud, that the tame has been surveyed by a lietmtd to suit, at the lowest rates. lug (Or procrM to claimants and tbr a ileorv adjodalae Hnnolaln use. Latterly, though a few Chineso have Ticket nt tho otllee only. t SCn. Warm. JCaeaaa StrxL wisely publishes a sensational statement that the consideration is fair and juit, and AlbO, tbe aam to Hal Id Kahuaua. Ljdla C. Iiomlala. wif of J. 1 Vrtatyre A Bro. eorsar Kist aaJ run SU, Hondalu. arrttor, No berth will be couald e red aa taken until paid If. Not O. Dotulnl. aud It. L. CSesjnun, wife or A. a. Clegbora, been able to obtain supplies of it, yet very few l'ar-ce- ls T- - C&onc. Naoaaa birrrt. concerning the correspondence between the that the chief or tribe has other lands sufficient for responsible for uniuarCed ll&ggage or any Frelxht or Polnr stud tVnlrna Oil, MutrU Oil, so oe enuueM us mm tauua iu wnojoor ia pari. T rCAcaus, cor Klaf aod Xaoaas &U, Hawaiians ran procure it. On tho whole, the nntess receipted for. Oil. Ueroaeue Oil, die. It la ordered that Wednesday, the tlth day of October, British Government and thisGovernment, re- their support ; if they have not, then a portion l'aint 1 T aoOeac. Botetbuvrt. " of Freight Honey Das on Demand. For Sale by JTT, b and Is hereby appointed for hearing aaU ptutfcxs Akaoa, SValaaae. law has been beneficial and has had the is made Inalienable, prohi- , W. I'KIltCF. CO. before said Justice of the Supreme Cocrt, at lative to tho Reciprocity Treaty and its con- the land or the sale of it C7-A- to U ly A. A the aest M8arlabaaaaCe.QaaStrtt. " onurt wiir b made have the steamer reach regular term of Supreme Coon, banco, Um altogether. Thus, by Honolulu on evening aame day Maul tbe la at Cooit 1 U r VrLnn. "osaaa btrwt. " flict with the British treaty of 1S52. While it effect of partially suppressing its use. bited the vatchfnl care of a the of the she leaves House In Honolulu, at which tlma and pUca all persons 11 . UaTaatjrA Oa, Fort &tret, paternal government, these people aro guaranteed SAMUEL O. Wil.TJF.H, Arent. concerned may appear and show cauw. If any thsj base. : well-kno- and Hemp It U J Moltr. ltrt Mlrt. is that Earl Derby, in a despatch Civil IVur iu Sumira. OMce with Wilder A Co.. cornerof Fort t tiueen street Cotton Duck. why tbe a.ld ietltion should not be granted, and that this jit EAasa.orJUEaadroneBbivtU, perfect territorial independence. I have sketched TABUS COTTON notice be published In ttouolulo la the Kagnaii and Ha- . - of February last, called the attention of this Ti, DICK. waiian languages. JJnBW.DnuskMiKt, schooner Energy, Captain Savory, ar- out this outline to make good my assertion that no AVf'Ulylnilsl (LawIenceJNo. I to 10. Just received, In the UawmUan Uaaette. aaewapaper ' It Ah 5m. Nnaaaa street, Tus VIA NEW YORK ex Cortnta, and other arrivals. published In tbe English language, and the Knoaoe. a 1 government to the provisions of the British Three-fifth- s FOR EUROPE H Ah Za. Kaaauupai. " rived at Auckland on the 22d August, from Maori Is in want of land. of the millions 3,000 yds Woodbury Cotton Duck, all numbers, newspaper published In the Hawaiian language, 6rf sot t S Ah Uonr. Ltnaa frtnu " treaty which clearly conflict with the Ameri- acre in the North Island are still in the hands 5,000 yds Hemp Duct, Long FUx and Merchant Navy, less than three weeks before the first day of the aald terra Kea li:-- n. Klaj Strrrt, " of of of the Supreme Court. t; the Sainoan Islands, with details respecting native owners. What on earth, then, can be the in. all number. x. SooUaloa. can Treaty, it was done in the most friendly Also, Cotton rtavcnx. Cotton and Hemp Twine, die, die. Dated Uonolulu, It. L. September '. 1STT. HAWAII. the fighting which his been going on there. ducement to them to leave a country to which, of all For Sole by SO ly"J A. W. CO. LAWUE.NCK JleCUVr, manner possible, and not, as the AJcrtistr races under the sun, they are the most devoted? A Jostlco rViprtm. Coo Cm A Co. Vijain, SoLaU Akaa. Coart. U The day after H. I. M's ship Augusta left for country capable of supporting forty millions of people Cedl Brown, attorney. pake, Fiimo, nso. intimates, with demands to be enforced by a no. II I. Sydney, excitement was visible in the aland overflowing vith milk and honey, a land of Attest: J E. Damard, Clerk. fflQit ' 1 Alaoa. Ualpie. n.milii. war vessel. was'well understood that Mr. great COtVARI) I Tar, Pitch, &c. Sf Apao. WaloMnn. Kao. It the greatest fertility, vith immense forests and pas I town of Apia, caused by dissension among tho Ail.. L- S W FUoaarxf. mtmini. USo. Carter's mission to London included the dis- tures, its Irults, It nne Inland rivers and streams A JtritlCAV AMI SWEDISH TAB. IV I - SUI'BESE COL'RT OF TIIE HAWAIIAN natives as to who was the rightful king. The abounding in the choieast kinds of fish and game ; XX. ralngton PlieU. Oaiuni, .tc, Xaval siorea, Ac In Probate. Order of notice UpetiUon fcr MAVI. cussion and settlement of any conflicting iorsaleby IMS lyJ A. W. l'EIHCK & CO. AdmlnUtrstion. Stein-berger's- its unrivalled climate, its abundance of pure water, IS F C AcbOEC, itatiarao. present ruler is supported by Colonel Established 1840. In tbe estate of Ills Itoyal Highness IVIlnam Flit Law ICAUAI. points raised by the treaties referred to, as to migrate to a country which supports so sense- leloboko, late of Honolulu, dedeased, Intcstatt. and to depose him a power- less publication as 1'. C, Before Mr. McCnlly. t S P S Haadcbett, Tt'alsua. well as subject immigration and the party, a the JLJeirtiMr. Justice the of ; Manila and Hemp Cordage. On reading and ming petition lltco-vet- s ful opposition has been fotming for some time And Iak tie idea of a Jtaori laboring J I vas the ef Her lieu SETAIL SPIKIT. publication of the grossly exaggerated state- nearly tea yean in the country, and never knew an Two Sailings Every Week, 0(Thd", COILS JIAMILV AND IIE.H1 COBD Keellkolanl, of tlonotnlu, allvhig that hla aId lloyal Highness William Lelelonoao died Hou-lul- u, I IJ O T HoccaUlBBt;, Uone, Hosolslst. opposed to P VF V age, a fall asMrtment, all alaea. lltt Intestate at past. The rebel party, viz: those instanco ot a Maori doing a fair square day's work on day April D. 1ST?, WHOLESALE"j ment given in the Adcertiser will only tend to For Sale bp ISIS ly'J A. W. fEIUCK dt CO. the loth of A. and praying that I SPIRIT. tho King, muster very strongly, and, during Tor pay, or any kind ot labor except ughting and von Letter ot Administration Issue to tho Honorable btmua :t E IIoAcaJarcar Co. Mtrchaat Street. Uooolalo. hamper and perhaps defeat the efforts of tho fishing. 1 was told when I came here that the lla luruiti'ooL.: nouA Kaau Is Wednesday, BASK1S6. Hawaiian and permanent in- the month of July, entrenched themselves in waiian was an Indolent race, and I bare itnce seen it IVeto York every Wednesday, It ordered that thettlhdayofSeptem. j Envoy, result in From "Wire Hope, Wiro Seizing. ber A. Ii. HIT, at 13 o'clock a, m., tw and hereby la ap- in WnSnpdt CO, KAiiaaaaa StrevHeaoitt-- I redoubts, in the vicinity the town, while erery day for myself; but it is drawing it very mild pointed for bearing said petition before jury to Hawaii nei. of UOOD by tbt sail ,'usLce. VICTUALINO. indeed when t declsre the Hawaiian people to le at Boston SUPl'LY. For Sale In the Cuurt lloom of thai Court, at Honolulu, at walels the King awaited events. On re From every Saturday, IS ly A. W. J'KIIICE A CO. I S Jat Sn, Namaae street. UeaoMa. party quietly least twenty-o- thousand per cent more industrious Ume and place all persona concerned may appear and I U Toe Wo. Naaaoa street. Hoaulnm. The Government has concluded a contract the afternoon of the 12th of July a strong than their Maori kinfolk. Here we find native show cause. If any they hare, why aald petitWa should fe U Aaai. SUbL youths apprenticed to trades. defy tho not be granted, and that this order be pobllaaed la Uo with the PaciSc Mail Company, through its I AdrtrlUtr English languages foico of Kingites went up to the redoubts, ot thing being In and Hawaiian for three tnccesalvo BlT.T.MTtn to bringone instance such a known RATES OF PASSAGES Anchors and Chains. weeks In the Hawaiian Gaiette and Xnokua newspspcrs ;-- agent, Mr. J. B. Houston; under which the ttean ; Ju He. rciaaan street. Uoaelds. situated in a dense scrub on the south side of ew Zealand. I challenge to the proof that I'lIOJt 40 LBS. TO 3100 LBM. In Honolulu. 1 BUTCUEB. latter agree to have their ships touch at this thirei atthisdiy 400 of the 40,000 Maories working Cnblu- - HO, 8100 aud 8130, Uohl, ANCHORS CHAINS, from 1 4 to I 1 inches. Dated Uonolulu, II. L, Oh day of Sept. A. D. UTT. Apia, and while engaged in discussing the for pay oce'month In the year. Whero can they be For Sal. by SIS 1J A. W. 1'EICHE OJ. LAWRENCE McCVU.T J Beed Jt SJslpmaa-- Hate, UaaraS, port in going to and returning from Australia, Accordiug to Accommodation. Juitlce Snprtme Court. I ,r- - Hou:l. LUloe. kasaL situation of affairs, the governing party open- found in a store as porter, or behind the counter, or Edward Preston, attorney. yks W 1'Uh bullock or men, or laboring on the ACEiadttM. Xarket, IloooSsm. to land mails, passengers and freight, to re- 50 as driven, express Attest: J oo. E. Barnard, Clerk. Xartla. aUaa. ed fire, killing from to 100 natives. Tho wharves, or in any of the capacities in which we KETDR2." TICKETS ON FAVORABLE TERMS. ton j't!H au. Honolulu lee Best Ash Oars. 1 js--J stouaaa. rtsa Atarket, llorolrte. serve ten staterooms for passengers fire was returned by the rebels, and fighting the Hawaiian T In the city of Auckland, the very ... .-.- 838 Currency. A PLT.-al'eetto- S-.l - COURT UOESK. on each vessel arriving from the Colonies, and centra of civilised Mauridom, no such instance ii un Stcerse--.- FULL feet lour- CIRCUIT OF THE FOURTH J I'D I. J was kept up until next morning, neither party or Sale by IW4 1 A. V. I'EIltCE A CO. T lUonaie. NoTI M Georre Tftorotoo. KoTI 'record. Why, the Maori won't work for himself I . Kanal, as, August A. D. ISTT. to remain in port G hours of daylight. The aj-- For further Information apply to Ttrm , K.vT3 daring to come to close quarters. The rebels, They have had plows given them and corn-mill- s Co . Emale Kalo w. vs J. W. Kalo k. decree of divorce. tt-le- yo WILLIAMS, ULANCUARD I Kaaa!.So:t Ki EoMa. Si to On the above entitled decree of It or tT Company also engage to despatch an inter- seeing they were erected ty the Government, only in a fev months San Francisco.i divorce. la bow u Eahuiisa. 'o Zt EaneaSL I that surrounded by a largo Hay, Hay. dered that a decree of divorce from the bond of matrf-mon- y t Lope. So T Kt fall into disuse and decay. In the most advanced JAS. ALEXANDER, tn It Aata mediate steamer, to ply only between San W Boston, -- he entered favor of the aald Emale w. for the h force, about 1000, gave up their arms, and the districts in Xev Zealand, I mean the Kaipara, em State St.. BALES CALIFORNIA HAY. EX W. said having C. O. FRANCKLTN, f rrk. U- - Quality, cante of the Kalo k, the leprvar and being COLLEITOUS 1VT7. Francisco and port. bracing the settlements of Wairoa, Otamatea, Are ilKVKU, of ouperlor for sale by to TAX itllt this This vessel will remainder dispersed, and the King, after de- Howling Ureen, New York. 1UU A. W. I'KIIICK CO. be made absolute after the explratSoa of atx Tbe pvnooo bar bea eooiBtlatioaed at Tax leave the above port in probably paoa, Mahurangt and others, it is vith difficulty the i months from the data of this decree, opon compuaace floaaf Oetober, on nuding them of their arms, dismissed them. resident missionaries and magistrates caa induco with the terms thereof, unless Sudeten t cbom shall appear 'oXeetora, coder x! prurtioaj ef Sectlaa V of tte to Fawengers from Australia, New Zealand and the 21th, bringing freight and passengers to them to plant sufficient food to support themselves. Votlce tolbecoulrary. artCUle. Each section of the natives was well supplied Honolulu. The Cunard Line atYords more than usual fa- A Bj the Court. FRANK BINDT. If it vera not that I fear to contemplate the spec- c porta, the Very Fu!l Assortment Clerk, otliu. HoooIuIq, and return to Sou Francisco with with arms, and the rebels gave up a large cilities to through iMiasengers from Circuit Cotit 4th Judicial Ctrralt, na8at...... Geo.II.Lcco tacle o(35O,000 of my fellovcouotrymen thrown into frequency of lu sailing precluding all poaslbllity of delay OF NawMlwUI. Kanal. August 7th, 1 JIT...... Henry A. Ka'rina freight and passengers, remaining here about quantity of needle guns, etc When the convulsions, I would certainly lend the Adrertiter9 In New York. I hereby certify that tbe foregoing la a true aad faithful tialWiic...... J.Amaia pararrapb to my friends publication in the New Good accommodations always reserved. copy or the original decree In tne above entitled cam Vui .. five davs. It is understood that the St. Paul, lor now on file In l Offlct ICowlaaioa...... funr'i'anl Energy left everything was peaceful, but not Zealand papen. C. a FUANCKLYN, he Clerk's of the drfaii Court of the 4 Bowling York. Fourth Judicial Urrult. FRANK BINDT. Kociioko ... J. CEcvainnt a staunch and fast propeller of about SUO tons, settled passed this of contemporary the de- (It ly Ureen. New NAM STORK down. Europeans through the After frrnsr your m SI t Clerk circuit Coart 4U Judicial Circuit. Hawaii. is being got ready for this service. She lias luge! vhat vill be the next Innar flight of these ul I.VT. Eeaimakxct crisis unmolested, reaping a little harvest in 8S moral and political dancing tatrrrs What about COURT OF Iton &.3IalEkaa been employed till recently on the Sitka route. providing dresses, Try mine anoient DISPATCH LINE FQRSAN FRANCISCO I CIRCUIT THE FOIKTH Kaa VT. T. Martta war powder and shot. Mesopotamia and Utopia? again, ItCU IT. This arrangement will supply us with semi- Pistol 1 1 1 Sir. Karud, as., August Term, ltTT. b.Kaaa . lLVni.t a lam. C & Ahta(peke)k. K. atooa . uakaiaa! Xlie Situation in, Turkcv. Lord Macaclet's New Zcxlxxder. sit Brewer Co. Agents. iXt SHIP CHANDLERY, llbellant for divorce IlnUAhlaw., a.Kooala .. J. W. Keotwka monthly or fortnightly steam communication lQJil Merchandise recelie.l Storage Free and t VP Ilbellee. t. Honolulu, Sept. IS, 1S77. on by this Hoe. On tbe above entitled tlbel for divorce It la now ordered Jt. KaeaU n.E.ryfe between Honolulu and San Francisco. In re- The war news received via "New Zealand, liberal cash advance made ihlpaients ALWAYS 0A 11AKD. that a UaTikni.. . . . W. Stas Ht-l- y C. BREWER A CO. decree of divorce from the bond of matrtmooy be ..f. turn for this service the Hawaiian Govern- repotting the capture of Shipka Pass by the entered In favor of the aald A bin. for the caaae of thed. XlarU. Also.Whale Boats and Boat 8tock eertioo ofthasald Rata A bio. w., to be road absotntt ....J.aKaweae ment will pay the subsidy voted by the legis- Turks, was premature, and up to August 23th NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKET LINE! after tbe expiration of al month from the date of this WaSata. LAht!o decree, upon compliance with ike Unas tberevf, a Wtiallrjc unlet. Vakaou. J.A.-atak- lature, dating from August, 1S77, and we General Gourko's forces still retained posses- Anil tienr. safheJent cause ahall appear to the contrary. Haoa F. Kaxa&l Notice- - J&S C. Brewer & Co. Agents. JSR And llbellant la ordered to pnbBab an attested copy of doubt not that the subsidy will be continued sion of if, while the Turkish Commander, Administrator's 2U favorable arrangements can always bi FOR SALE BY SIS lyJ A. IT. l'UKCEAt'O this order In tbe Government (lasette and Kuokoa tor six Jfolefcai and I .anal.. J. A. Entn made storage shipment of Oil, Bore, W col. HidesyTand as long as the service may be performed. Suleiman Pasha, holds a strong TpSTATE or C. A. LVriIROI, DECEASED. for and successive weeks ; the first pnbllcalloa to be within one laausal. position at havloc. been dnlj appointed Tem- other Merchandise to New Bedford. Boston, New York and month from tbe date of this order, that all person lour ITinarU. Waoa the south entrance of it, and also the heights porary Administrator or the Estate or nEORUK A. LA. other Ekiurn Ports. r Cash Advance made. estedmay within six months show cause why aald divorce Aaahoia ...... Capapalefcoa We are at a loss to account for the position T1IBOP, late of Walluso, Mam. deceased, berebr soufles 614-l- r C BREWER A CO. Real Estate for Sale or Lease. should not be made abaolnte XJaoe P. P. PftWia above the Russian army. Should Suleiman all persons of bis appointment. BytheCoort, TTtANK BINDT, o. ..J- - Kiaal of the last Adctrtiser upon the question of Any persbu bavin; possession of property helonglBS to SEVERAL VEBT DESIRABLE Clerk Circuit Court 4th Judicial Circuit. P. ralel-Vn- Pasha (who is supposed to be an Irish or the deceased, will pJem deliver the same to the under-atgne- d ADSIIHISTKATOE'S SALE Nr.wIllwIU, Kanal, August Sth, 1S77. carrying out the law against fornication and me aald estate .... -- ...... A. ViTn? Immediate. And claims against XiwffiwGl. Angstt 1177. XHasB... English General named Sullivan) succeed in to WILLIAM O. SMITH. tth. adultery, which contended these maybe sent him. M FAMILY hereby certify foregoing U Calls-m- KATES A. kOatsarof that because RESIDENCES I that the a iroe aad l J. If. Fizasc. WaUukn, Maui, bept. S, 1977. Treasarr Deparcaest, bepL t, 1STT. WO forcing its evacuation, then General Gourko's ,il " copy of the original decree In the abort entitled caaae, laws had net, as a rule, been pressed against LABGE AND SMALL, now on tlleln the Clerk' Office of the Ctrralt Coart ef the - best efforts will have resulted in failure, and REALKSTATE. Fourth Judicial Circuit. n. n. Lai appoiated bj- tae Beard offenders for some FRAVK BLNIr. Ita. Biuiu time past they should not the City. Clerk Circuit of Carator of tVtoSaJooal Mooeaia. the whole Russian army will be north of the Marshal's Sale. TVrOTICE IS HEREBY IVEX that under Located in differext parts of tSJtt Coort tth Judicial Circuit. VT. JAS. AXTTU. now too suddenly be made effective, and op x out JlSi &n order of the Supreme Oonrt made la the Estate ecrUrr. Balkans, with every pass in the possession whit, issuedor Q. Dtcasoii, With Oardens, and every convenience, and In EdacaticaOSe.. AJBoUsJBaU.Asc-S.157- tiS thereby of the Supreme Court In f.vor J. or byl Tester Siblan y Cutro, deceased, I shall bell at perfect order. Enquire of F THl: rOCB JVBl' disturb the peace of numerous illegal for one hundred and thirty-eigh- t dollars, against S. A loo. of the Turks. This" event must end the cam- lutlic act 37 If HUGO STANOENWALD. M. D C'ScrrT1 XOXICE. unions and illegitimate families now existing Apana, defendant, I have levied upon and ahaUeapoM for Kanal, aa, AngattTtrm A. D. irjT. aaleon the Jd day of Octotxr. A. U, 1T7, at II noon, on Kaluna w. vs. QoanSaa, Adztlnistraars, ExrcsLsrvaad otber Trsa-t- oe paign for the season, as but two or three On SATURDAY, - - llbellant for divorce loan k. Bhen. "o premises, KamoUiUI, all rtgbl, title ana interest Sept. 22nd, I traat &ad to are berebr nodiij in disregard of the law. w, it may be that the at the In the above enUtled libel for divorce, it bow order! kanr ilirtl. tiat weeks are left before the rainy season sets in, of the said S. Apaaa In and in oue Wooden House, and At o'clock noon, of Uia t tUj, that a decree of divorce from the bund of matrjmofr be Hawaiaa Oorerameot Bonis of deraxcIaaSdn U I lc, t3., individuals acquire from long and undisturbed which Is situated, i: Notice. VWO, the Lease of the Land on sail bouse entered In favor of the said Kaluna w, for S3O0, sooa. aad tMartac laterat of atx per cent, per In- PUBLIC ABE HEREBY NOTIFIED the canst uf tae f and no amount of concentration upon the part waicn. ha S years lougei to ran, unless said Judgment. At tbeConrt noose door. In the City of ITodoIuId, ill adultery of the said loan! k, to absolute year, vis be Ijaoed oa appSetton. to a ttraited exteat. indulgence a vested right to commit crimes, title said THE from und after this date AIIAXA will be made alter the terest and costs he previously satisfied. the right, and Interest of the HjlTester tSablan jr expiration of six mnatns from dale of tola decree, JOtiN-J- KXfENi. of the Russians can, while defending their W. PABKE, Marshal, Castro, of In and to that certain piece or parte! of land tbe management of and transact all bu.Ineasof the firm of upon tht AClauter as a prescriptive right to land is acquired C Wing Cbong Co. WIND CH )NO TA I dt CO. compliance with the terms thereof, aulas, sofficleat of rtaaace. jest nonolulu, August W. 1S77. tsstt siRute atpnunul, Ilonointa, 0ba. and described as fol- Tai cause shall appear coutrary. Flsasce Departaeat, Aafaat 7. I1?7-- frSd rear, the railroad between Knstendji and Honolulu, Jmy Isr, IST7, to Its twenty years occupation, is the lows: U. im And llbellant Is ordered topnblUhan copy after but this hoomaka ma fclhl attested at Tchemavadi and the crossings of the Danube, E ke hem ma ke kotso o ka pobaka tbla order la the Government Oaselle and Koorca lor atx SOTICK. first time we have known of such an applica- House and Land for Sale pall, aoao maafca, e hall ana t xahawal, liolo akaa. S7 successive weeks, the Ural pobUatloa effect junction 30 107 pQ to be witala one Bawadaa Coreraseot Boeda. Sa dooiaitkuu of I ICO, the of a sufficient force to again kom pankn e aoa liana ma ka aoao manka o ka Truth is Mighty and will Prevail. month from tht date of this order, that all Inter- the principle. We 4 19 panto 3,tia.tll,aa:fU0a,sariacIaterrt of aeveaper tion of should like to know pauepaliaA.akaahikSlpanka pahu. alalia, akaa ested may wlthlo six months anew cant, why said decree assume the offensive before Spring. In the Oi Rent! 13 PtjudoJ f coA.frTear. pavao la Dot leoa thaa tea rnt,mirb exactly how long takes for law becdme HEAD orJTJDD kom W paako, pill la maa aoao me no should net be made abeolala. Lad fca a amoffnt, fkrtaer notkse, oa it a to SITUATED ATTIIE I ka klbl hema o ka aloa o Pabaa, alalia pU THE TJNDERSia.lED IS NOT TTtX kaUal and aspca meantime the Turks will so fortify the Bal- Street, In Honolulu, having about Seventeen-Acre- rtde Agent of the Wallbam er any other American By the Court. JTIAHK BINBT. toa as xzjt Troasarr. being residence IS lokx ma a anwsf, akaa IV halt 105 psnka akaa t kom Clerk Circuit Court 4th void usage ? communi- M Land, es- Judicial Iavaa through non In some of and the former (5 4 watcn us., out u prepared lo sen all watches, circuit. JOSS X. KAPESa. kans that Russia will have a serious task be- paaka. akaa 2 kom paako, akaa 21s blk lZ pauka N a will will, Kanal. Angnst UTT, of Mr. Ira Rxhardson. Inquire of pLt ana me alna hlkl I pecially these of American manufacture, on the tth, Allaaatercf ties the police authorities suc- S- e ko Paboa a keklhl hemaoka FTrive adopt the very tm ALFRED - HABTWELL. lowest puavtible terms. To prove this, he only ask NawUlwULKaauLAognsttth, 1177. Flaaac Separtzieav Acrait Zl. UTT- - SS9 fore it in the Spring to retake Shipka or any jil alnao Nahalelanhala, hem 14 U hit 234 tank a tho I the strategem ma o alalia, X3 121 public to price his Block before purchasing elsewhere. I hereby certify that tbe foregoing la a true and faith- cessful of relaxing their vigilance kahawal ka aim Tamalkal, hem kom copy of the pisses where operations must first be pankn, hem 1 S3 kom 237 paako ma ka hlkloa akati o ke ful of the original dXrre la 10.1 above eotltied euaas, for a period, in to lull breakers into O now on Ole In tbe Omct of the Clrealt SHpretme In Probate. order law successful kahawal afcitl I ke kthl I hoomaka mna al, eka. Oerk't Coart of Crr before there is any need of giving Belc? the aame premises described in Bojsl Patent, Waltham Watches, the Fourth Judicial ctrralt. FRANK BINirr. SS a careless feeling of security from No,-- I t Cleric arralt Coart 4th Oxcalt. Mr, Joltico Jeii, at Ckasoen. Constantinople a thought. !. KnlfAJi, Htla ( FLu A pan l&uuM to A SPECIALTT. JaOetal Bxr and then at a set time to organize ' HORN'S PaakahL Tfce abore 1 all Ka Land, and Is well watered. lLaU of A. Kabtiili dMoaaol. Petitwa of KiU-- a For particulars inquire of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cleaned and repaired, and I North of the Balkan Mountains, the Rus- and ICrxCream Rooms, farther COUBT-I- ) grand raid on all the Elegant Dining 6&S 5t CECIL BROWN, warranted. Charges reasonable. N EHUITT-- A. v. ttat Ur. Cecil b afruuta-- AdaisU. dens of infamy. On Administrator. SUI'REMB Trustee WBI Snn sians hold the roads leading from Shipka of the Estate of Uenry r. Foor, tratst vita tao aaaexoi of lt abort SrtaU ia these occasions there is little doubt Wtteh CrjrataU luserted 33 dVceaaed, vs. W. Flnehtsa Wool and wife, and F. W. J". but that BeniOTeU to Jfo. 43 Hotel Street. lor Cent. of Ccaasa deeeuoi. Tae Coart through Kabrova and Timova -- Hntcblaoa. Fetitioa for foreclosure. Cu Pass, to Sistova Having secured service a s Jeweler, TJea-ss- a the unlucky candidates of vice who are thus BEOS TO Oiis Nails. tht of I Supreme Coart, Ilawanaa tsaanda. aftar acariac tao orileaee of the data of J. K. TJXDERSHiXED OTTT Paiiits, aud am now prepared to maoofactore all altda of Lexten for to be iataej to on the Danube, By this route their connec- TIIE customers and tne pnboc generally that he hat To W. u Farke, Eaq , Marshal or the Hawaiian Ixlaads. criercl atfrajrd bagged, resent the interference with the Ad- taken tae eommodiooa ptemlaes directly opposite bis old or hi Deputy u reeling: Ceal Breve cpoo lis ffirg a tcoi is the cf tion is unbroken with the Russian railroads aa " Canton Uoul," where he Oold Jewelry, Setts, Chains, lockets. Toe are ixs vertiser's argument. We have in mind at this taod, formerly known the A SPECTAI, M.VE OF commanded, by order ot the Boootahtt A. north of the Danube. la prepared to carry on the basinets of Francis Jadd, Jaatlca of tae Hupremt Coart, and Vice Ecfaza moment a case in point: A. hoodlum had been Bracelets, Rings, Cuff and Collar , Chancellor tasnmmoa W. rlruhaaa Wood. Mary httwlf. Ifr. JutK HcCcIIt, U Ctisberi. ! Vf. The Turks hold unbroken lines from the A AMERICAN LEAD Aloha Seal Rings, Etc., Etc. and F. Batchawo. of nonolulu, defendant, to and ExtaU cf Daaiala drccAiei. Fetitioa of Cecil charged with larceny; after the evidence First Class Restaurant, and appear before him, tbtarcresaldjattlce.al his Chambersta aaj- - JCXE-ttfa- . Breva AiauaSatiaUr for order eoalrauat; tae Balkans to the Danube, both on the right and tS-xni- The and Snperior to anything in Style-Shel- Cojrt Uoaie. m the City Ialaod Oaha. against him was in, the judge asked him if he OPES OS MOJfDAT. Brand, Ksjrai Jewelry ia any Desired ls "" orHoaoIala. of tie of ccrtaia Beat Frepertj- celocrirr to above and wSJ aerve tne Choicest "Viands and Befrrahmeata that the Market: Sat oo frUay, the sth day of November aext, at It o'clock tat left of the Russians. Oa oc- M--, Eatate. Paaliearioa had anything to say for himself. " Yes, yer the right, they tire ElarCet au".nt, with perfect rleanDnesa and neatness. moonted In Oold or SB's er to salt Customers. A. to snow canst why the prayer of Alexander J. Tie aSlarUof clSa&x el ex evening. Diamond Setting a specially. Cartwrlgbt, Trustee Sale, rcccra cupy from the Iron Gate in Single meals served at any boor of the day Two Brands Guaranteed Perfectly of the estate of Henry Y. Foor. asi acd accosat ulet, tariij beta titd, honor," he said, " the policeman took me un- the Balkans Pore. All order will receive prompt attention- - Highest mar- complainant, ahoold not he granted, porsaani to to be nrnfn-fr.r- j. tae Cosxt OS . aad tie ac aroeariac through Osman Bazar and Shumla to Rust-chuc- k, ALWATS HASD.. ket price for old Gold or Silver. the tenor of hi bill of complaint hereto annexed. jraaioi tit ctitr teatxaiag tale, ai frajeJ for. awares." For ourselves, we think that if a SOOTOBC And have yoa then there that writ, with fall return of tit under & Lcmonadis Office 17 Xerclsant Street. your proceedings Aatesa decaaaed. good law falls into neglect the the command of Mahomet AH, who Iced Ginger Beer, SodaWater very thereon. Eftati ef Vxrtel Fetitiea of sooner fault Lead and Zinc, cheap, Witness the Uoncraote . Francis of the H-- tLo has some 60,000 (IS ly D. W. CLARK. Jndd. Jutlee Exicatorcf aU EetaU far itt!taieat corrected troops. On the left, their F. HORN. u a. Bn prime Court, at onotnla, this 11th of fci is by a vigorous execution of its (S3 Prussian Bine, Persian anil Chrome Oreen, If r cf auossU J Ki-- Tit accoxaU txTiaj beta forces stretch from Sofia to Lovatz and Plev- nooolnlu.Jene Id, I3TT. Ira July, a.d. irrr. asfforod aad puaod as tat 31 Atrut Ivit, the provisions the better for the public good. If Vermillion, Pateot Dryer, JNO. E. BARSABD. Cert Ceart lita rare ifiKrcceuc tiat as arcovst ihoald a former prosecuting oScer did not do his na, numbering 50,000 troops under Osman Burnt and Bav, Seienna, Manufacturing Jeweler! bo fsiaiised (beaias tie Beal xUtxU aad I hereby certify that the forrzoliur U a trot copy of the iscie Pasha, Cwho is supposed to be Marshal Ba-zai- ne Barnt and P.a'w Umber, original ommoos ftled In King- ctitr,'i initei to tia viLiv, aid oaeaird ef duty, or if the present one has not done his Tlie Best in the Market tbe Supreme Coart of the rjrceeedj tit of France.) Vandyke Brown, Wotioo. dom. tat act cf titfarucal procertj after jay duty in the past, it is difficult to comprehend UNDERSIGNED, FORXEBLT WITH In witness whereof I hart hereunto set my hand and Best of deiU aid tutaotaUrr umuu. Tail tc The losses on both sides from sickness Barnt Eetcnns, Barnt Umber, and TITE Eckart, beg to Isrorm citizens of Honolulu and l.a.1 aealahlsSldHayofJnly.A.aUTr. that the thing to be done is for the duties and thepabucgrnerally. that he ha taken tbe store on Fort Marshal, covaX teixj cev Sled i: appear tiat tit remaiaisr bet ATLANTIC, Vandrke Brown, in Water. opposite tJISra W. a PARKE, coca death are very large, and the reinforcements Street Odd Fellows Hall, (formerly occupied by nroBiru aara pavt LCAnae &. nuoaf rjij., of his position to be permanently neglected. Tboa.Tannatr,i where he will give special attention to the tofttitr vita tit Frosted af al tit Eaii Eatau ex- Kb good can come out of a discussion of this which are brought in scarcely keep up the COLLIN'S, and A FINE LOT OF GRAINING COLORS. manufacturing aad repairing of all kind of Jewelry. cept thai devised U viitv, to Particular attention gives to fcneDauid K nkul Work. tit rtJrtiMtiar tit batallions a fighting -- tetrtby cover of attarrrr; viertirpoa titCcart subject in public journals in a shallow and to condition. This must SHAWMUT tar Will guarantee utbfactlon In all bis work, sa Landscapes. & HUBBUCK'S - Km WM. M. WENNER. crdarad tit Execstac atavtargrf bit bead eaa-- fiippiant style. The rights of society and of account for the want of activity in both armies. Tkcl,BEMIGHEB New KE1BT TO eili, apca ia 5ar vitk tit CLerk tie notice ef individuals and children OLL, laracr kfu; asd taatcr caarut &. particularly of must Loodoo, Aorut SSb. For many diys the :Eale Eoileci V1EW8 OF BOUSES, GROUPS, 0B Euaeatunlir1st leraaes of bain innv WHITE LEAD! OU, Scotch OU, In Admiralty. tit tit ainad. be taken into rxnsideration. It is not a ques- oftbeGrasa Dakc Mlcoolu ba been doting' Fine Pale Dark OUTDOOR Caixa ras tez Cocas 'Wax. agalnjt Rerca, witb view to attacks Tie 600 Bess Sana, ex FOCNTATN, K. K. KTJPIHEA, ra. PHOTOGRAPHS tion of moralirf alone, bat of public decency, wear AMERICAN JTAStFACrCBE. Goods, Ware, ate. tavol from the of Bchr, any on Ept-ISt- aca tear ot ue touun army baa been inch wrtdt gt kind, the mutt rtaaooaale and cf the i- EiUit cf Eaasasa deasaui. Before FOB SALE By Lak. consUtluc of 1IJM1 feet more or lea of lumber, qnaaty. Una, publis order, and the rights of property. tiat tie rriaiorcriaecs brought op hitherto have (U Im shingle. best CommanlcaUon sent through the rest Jir.JtKirt JtrCtSj. It compeoaated or "DBOaocXCEB BT AM, PAX5TERS TO WILDER A CO. and 10,0 Before tht Hon. A. F. Jndd. Otnce will receive nrfrnp not the Ioues inflertd from battle All persons who have any In above atltnrJoa. Sept. gettta IfTZtrauoa of dtceaied. Before may be that the government has nothing to do epi- Interest the Baaed tiltm U CHASE. Uti. and other castes. Without anything like an articles are hereby notMed to bt and appsar at tht Court h. with print corals, but it must protect demic, there hxa been considerable fjIUriff out of Notice. lloaae, Uonoiula, on FRIDAY, the 2It day of September. tfA-B.P- ricks o to sickneu. Snperior to any Lead Imported STATE roSSTTaXTETj 3TT UT7, at It (clock A. and there to caaae. Hs EitaU in. Aeecsattta vies That, despite the great THIS BAT X..thea show If tfi. children from Infamy for which they are not relatorcasesu oa the the i?n.Ti.re may Son, Samoet N.Jfmcrsuo, my agent to collect all rents any they have, why the ciahn of aald petitioners lo this Coventry Silk. bt nedtredbr W. O. Adaixienisr. wit, bezia In this covering capacity aadoara-fcSIt- y any ess fsbosld not gr ' Sili to doubt whether they will be able have, market, eritaraort dotI rot, or transact other tnalaest la coaneettoa with be sated, and that the aald lumber "fTWr BBC1HTHB MktW TeMW. ! Btfsre tie feU responsible, and from the less of their natural to before the estate of the lata Err. J. 2. Emeraoa, by full power of should not be condemned and sold accordingly. F1MH Sect. 2iri. Tax tutu the breaking ep of the icpe-riori- rj than any ether. FOB EALE BT those BeaatllaJ Sa Sook Karka, weather, the numerical attorney. TJ. 8. ETfKRKCf. asd rfnrVi Coeit. iol right to paxestal care, Kpport, and of their aeceaury for a ctcUiie If. ""'"hsefog hkaj-fa- y prtteats. result. en la WJXBEB & CO. WiaIaa,rTUJac,UTf, K12t IIccolala.AEiTUtM, im. tM M7Itn H,aVWaalTSE'astseJeat,,

--J..-iiJE. iMasjm KM ftSBsi'-,t7'-;.'6fj- : --miji, 4&m 'i s? .",

SOTES or THK IVKEUC Late P'oreign IffcTws. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADrJ31lTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALES, AUCTION SALES. ffi" Th eaU stesotr will srrrrt to- My H. telodl Per Bktne. " 15. r. viriA5tH. C. BARTOW. day or aad fcrta$ 5aa rtsaelsio dates Discovery." Sept. Pound Notice. 1JRON nE: -- Stow THtKE ARK ISrurXBGDATTHE PICKETS u x. to lit Uta. crista, instant. OareraaMat JMuaJ. at Koaolaiaa, lltaotBta. tbt EritUh AJnlrallj aaJ aattala Avl ajM For Salo by rrTTataa aw Ib Sart fWVwti atrajrj Aaaaaia. uj wtu b oa ! SrJtlei xaj T at Mr. V. IW Uorwj for vu UPt ribat SeDttmbtr at O rttxk 1 REGULAR CASH SALE 1 M r KT Frank Haulers baa been tppoltted ami all altatk l"rutUo nlttvaaar t. it ntua: tT Room' jk wt. . IrouUd Uaaacai. u aanatl la ear faroox boewi. ftarwalrtftebbntdKt lcnjrtsborw,Mtbled trusted States V sadtVpcty Ceasul t this port, la, VxUmt.briia E: t bartorw amaUwbttt tpwttu far. E. O. HALL & SON. ani-- J EJiotarjd rort-hn- i ea a- s- t k ; ltd r sad bat beta rccocalzrd as tn.ehbrtM.OTeri- i- Gaml Graat asi fmUr at bakS.betaJ rkblMC t Jwre. Utxtwbltt jwt oa j. -- . lai ISti ot Aa juit. The; an pull cftbt lirJ i&rrr fMI wbn. braaJ Jit: l bar hone, whltt fort HAV1XU J VST XKtXIYED PROS : ON THURSDAY, - - SEPT. SOtfc, sit. SbwmS. !Ir" racat. VroTt, aa, nr but. txuj rti.t. lnOrtortfckii. ON FRIDAY, : : : SEPT. 21at MmMBa SO S lt A. IS. KAACatCU, Oxuktiaaattr. o'clock li., wia b oid : a concert tintr-piu- ai is a. X3j. lavs-ra- !! KT"The baad gsre tseaalesat Aaja.t IS wai oat of tio wartart ilajf f tVtX A Supply of those Fiokets, At it 0 A.M.. t Knlreroons. wim.iwi.4K). errata eta Kcataa Sjaarr, sad lta Yarfc araaa. Tbt theriaBttrr narkr4 94 s. Taera aaaiher tcar Te pleaaart la oSvrtos tneai to pabUc aa lb aaV-pa- f taJiaj tbt tatt tbt lcaTharadar st o'clock, at ui tti tita is taat titr Jt ta wk The Undersigned tuott Dry Goods, Qrocories, Crockery t7t.1IU:CIAU erases it siren IMa. VTK1) AWEXTSI !l 'Jjq.o place. BKU AV11l SOIX ORXAMEXTAL AXD DURABLE Assortmont Btuae A Fair It tab atMaaat ParaaiVarla Baatca t HAVE litaads, tor tbt salt ot tbt rebbnted or Murattiir. MrTsuaut ass, istt. (Hi Aad aame watch lot Base- all ia ta frtMrratka attb Soti Caarca. at tbt ttsit tht cbfapel tuaterUl uf to 57" Tie mretlegsd the Mecbtales' buUdaffeotce. A above tuaterUl caa be iWHiltliWlHltHwt V.i. utiil ilr il 4r tataa'l to ttfival taectiac MJLLERt STEWART & Go's reuee.uaJof tbt a. rilitamaa, ataa wtw aae J.- - st Votes vm be brM hi the roota ot the eea on N'uaaaa At roue, about bait a tulle rron to.u. Superior Furnltura. Si aaartlj la TTataiaxUa aaJ Ealtioort, uX cma Dry Goods, e ia jiriaj II requlret t" pickets to a toot ftnelut, aad tbty Escioc Cocar-aa- Xol 3, on Friday eTea-fc- x;. cuowx Buixn or tlMtelW .MXwi.H.XltM(J(V.,ulU.'t tam csatai ta eoca citj, be ptt up la a railetr of waj-- Klrcaat Koa aad Hot Hook Caai new, -- partlccUrs A. anai (Mtu4. k ,i taci u4 SUl testaat. for ctrctiee of eSseer. A UrfiaU batUa br Gaatral OibVoa t'or rurtbte taqulrt of Clothing, Larrt Koa Ctnlra Table, Caaitiiodt, waafaat & tattni E. O. IIAIA Ik r a Hi ti CweJ. (W.. T JaliiXt t NSBui aci tat NParr lajUaaia liaboaoa tbt BOURBON RYE WHISKIES Vaabscaad. UrWad, Cbalra, . AdedOaaofthaSsfrtisxCeartki tbeeiie "Hill ! li MKiliwmlw u MfiHuurtnt t3 h tta of Aafttit. rMaiciajtT JuaJUv-- Ij to tat trtpi. Fancy Goods. It fia PiejcTlac tv W. C- - P?kt, aialslttntor of s anna Mtl, Si tbe IroJloi btaad ta Keatsccy, ITaited Sutea. Preserved OrjaB, Gee. Weeds & Ce. irt i tit mfT. umuiNu Meats. Also, at Star List ot Parlor .. wasa aatjrta,MteJax:but ta rtttle of Cfeartc Ktailav dtcaLwsl, wHt Nj tat rosciaad $9 wtrt VtltaJ r wtaairi. Aad wblea, for tta rarlur aad satvrlor qudtt'. htsblr r.Mt:usiG.r.i auk rnuptnKD i.i.ii " fM- - riiiEm. MMMf Waal Ins the fecrtk pjipt of to-il-ir' rrcoouuradod awScliul tae, M't tare now laaiCsc to fttroab ta tbt trait la qaaautlta to auit. a au Crispins MacWae, MM IMu4. Jala X a4 hitlwi pa(er. n tiwa raatra. per Kara JAacuTerr. perior artlclt of - Wwai e- 1J 111 e ihufci - tees exa. LaaJos. Jjti Tbt tJtttr af tbt MaJraa Ton, TJw Ma)ax k retsraed wkh K tb Aast FRESH GROCERIES! Hair ataiuaaaet,.natb i MOWS. RT" J DMjbtr tta-- A SWt UtIM .Hfcf Ttati. a of tVt Rilwf CvaaUlw, nt Small Invoice of these Whiskies, Hawaiian ! EX BWBOVEST. I Ttaak audi Lot oCtotblsr. C w US aasw awl fcaa, prareTWa wakek la ar atki ctttstte talc 1st paaaUtwa Preserved Meats Sx ul irtn da:t fAast Tbt ti Sctara Lot-o- f Hooka, Bart of Cbarcead. rii, Ifcc pii ot "(tacsu," aa taack litnied aWet tts IatltA ctwn ar It a5tcte4 tj- t famlat aaoibtra Which wiU be onrred nt J pea to Rates. Soda Crarktrt, OxxiprUlnc Derot'a Ktpwtnt OU. can, n)a-f- twtatr-fa- r tuiilwa, etrvau-taac- ti rami C. S. BARTOW, Aacl'r. Oar taa s let.ti.fflt st e watered JkBMriiMB aai Evrofcaa AtUwte cwattL Tbe alt Ia tbt atost favurabtt JUoirir t b Star llama, Bacoa. ! at Itait "ill liit. la tbt lattrivr aUtra Soorboa, la rarabbed oak casks aaoljaraaaM w twMiiirf li rfrtrt. VA fratflij was dtt;itfi).r trfrwkiaj . boora Dried. Yeast rowder. Jams aad JeUlea, iihfSiiirilU A M .. Smoked, Bk. mi tbt ilbtrrsa It swtt ftatfal. etltmaa paasiac Hjt tu rtinii) A a MM rc a rt - Boartwa aad Green Cora, ro Frutta, rVklrSaiulata, !. at - dtwatbt tatttr Is ATtlaai DuUkt ceaattJ 19 itxi - la rulbJkro alckcl plated boepa, Zff- Biitrettee Jaa A ValthtWi; arrirwi 1 1 Mortgagee's Sale Ut rva-1- Itoarwa la cVa twIUe ease 1 lb Tina Salmon, lb Ttos LobaUra, Ac, Ac. ta tbt A tv5rt plaattr, tttbiaj tbtlttr ISj F imi ( ftim mi rrfav Cnmt H.n eTnurplroa ForUasd, brtajlnr r to Ab-- ut " ta t Oosm bottle cuea. OTHER SHLES OF PRESERVED BEEF, Ib tit dt na tbt raia la a baUftaaJ ill dicQopojiajfjrpjej A BAKU, "o had icb bottle toariof tat Caadoo maa pat ap ta. Prepared bjr a Dew tettotiac proctta JX. KCK AUT. E. P. Auerr. IL ccanc? tikes pfaw ta tb attsittea ia it. Oa aajr da; aal tvtrj daj taotbtra tuat bt prwsly for QKKKN. MAU'AKI,Nt.Lbt. hr cbDl Jt CO. Wt llunro hla la Walaieo, of tbraral, ;ButJIiUic JiirfcijJtft Ponlia tta ia tbt Itrvcts f ilaJril aitriej tbtir rra autr iae u aakWa to be tht reooln. " MlSer. tearrt at Factorr HavalL ;uilteS-- 4 tk J tux &ir aatii oi tb ftr talt. wMlt tbt fraaiilis; atrtita af tbt Pof Jt C"a Craaa IJraad," street truni tbt loanafVtarerf. (3 Xm r. A. CIIAKPKR Jt CO. REALSTATEt WatillU sn rI J.i.r. Huh o fK tfiafaaU tbt fttiexco.ltt aad ia Qaabtr rtasurptaaed. mimimi UlUCHS, AUCTION SALE OF TEA.! KAFALAXA, HONOLULU. arlEfn T tcboaecr wa itraadn! rvaii. Jtatrtfl kr tbtir fatteU. Stot"tbc Taeuat KaCi'ARLANE Jt CO. AT Laia. vaM bua-irV- cile JLcvau tvt atOier, Co.. ! H" l tbtaaawl dinl ot Mewrt Jt Centennial Exhibition btfaa fOf! batt Sg- - last s tao VTaUaa (Kaaal) Nfica. w act rt C LoOjsTtBe, Ktntottr-- power of coatalaed bt a wt aat asd ilbtitsa. Tbt int bi; mat k BT ORBER OF - In porsaaac with a Me, rr pokt ok iiitMiuu.i. aiaat axakt br tie ttcsHr aK of Garcraor Bask trjJ; Fbllnclolixla, 187G. v ' tabs monaaaw deed. Aattd ttth rtbroar. It., wtadtbt. ad ia la tbat )?rria. Iadtlt iaftcs. tweto Kaaamoat)and WUllam MeCandta,aad reeorUtd a nMa Sbere-crJr- ri baa ilii. MEXj.1I. JDCIUTCD Csxof nfa PUatittoc atiaa nacbtd at bvaa Bisjlurt tf tbna eaata THE UNQERC1CNED AJiD 110XUK.h.BIO: W. F. ALIEN, Eiq-- . Collector General, ta LUjtr 4J, oa pacet 147 aad lit, ilt. C S. Sartaw la a trjua ta mfaatp, af caaaibaluas alitait. PRIZE ta aril at hla Itoonu, rt Sato- Vi.rfi-- .. KX. m Swk.(a iiii aad procrJed t Rasahi fw a canr of firewood. hls to rux ustaas. Awarded to the Genuine Eau de Cologne the Jtevenue SATURDAY, - - SEPT. 22d, Loodta, I5tb- Tbr Violation of atN, ON V-- fii, Aaxvst - .Tbt Ttatt, eonoiectiac oa k. Ihna, ha A Lirar Wiax Oreroae hsoAiralappKcstioaa tbt ehaa; ia Baak ratts, rays : ledcpeadtotlr of Jkaa & tunn,tUu.Xiti irt Uf Ma ! At JJ o'clock Soon, tw for )tea ta aarrT bare bcs basted alow tb. pvtatblt taitbtr withdrawal ef GU bytbtGtrmas FOR SALE TO ARRIVE JOHANN MARIA FARINA. pcukeeaeVaa. was Guftratatat, tbt Baak bad to ctosaltr mart wbat is Jut'oAj-JYa- r, .' week atrej! --Ao. 4 Colotpic o Jihine. - - SEPTEMBER 21st, II HI i. KAi.1, ana J JB. scaef lua4 lut be tbt BalUoa ta ia FRIDAY, Land in il w$ lawa bktlyta taprt f Aatriea tbt That Piece of Kapalama tboto tb iacakaUax a THE O&BG0 OS THE MKOVLS-LonJ- am JSJaticin4 fatarr tbaa wbat baa btea Mat tbiticr. PneVIOU PttIZE oo. tJSJt Stw At 12 o,clocb nooa, at Sales Koom, wlU bt told, lwrv fcjw. AdL tan baxer tei of sonk. Wkitcrer aay bate beea Bills ia JUeooat jrsterdaT- - Yorr. tsaj; Loodoa, Oporto, km stnt for wtre probably IMt: Otnloba. (Are. rlii.ii a' m n amiM JLh toAKll. Kw1t l$: AnUVJjLR-tWli-t- . Mi wa &e Cxs: caaae eiHjotlT atjvUattJ ia aatKipatWa wttbiraaals uf GvU for Ktpj MTI ; Vlesta. lr.1 ; and Santhfa, (CbtllO lSTS. JuataK. of tie coostatloa. It tu f part of Land dwcrlbed aa Apaiia la ltcjal tbat aarttr, toaaett Gcaa saipatats. We IXIPOItTED BV Belnc tbe iaae aace i. oast Bark Mattie 148 CHESTS OOLONG TEA. Patent No. eat, aad boonded aa followe t E boomaka ma jet a rery stash Larger qaaatity vf Gaala tbt flaclear.a a &S3a knm 124 lMTVLKu.Miainl.ai..ntMtn frta a Messrs. H. HACKFELD & Co., kiMt.ikin.Kkut muLLi bota htma A ttlcfTMa feoa t'ajttd States tiaa wt baitrtairtd ia fjraaer y tars, to lbs. oacb ltO racb Cbeat. Tautu a pill a. me ka ala mill no EXltaltmi akaa J7 UuJl.KMw,tMlKwiita ZST CUoo itilw that Geo. tS3 U HoaeJala. 1,4 m aiiaajcsai. bi&ku. MawSr iiir.1T., bat we asast para aiaeb bifitr prict fw it. This IVow Uaj.o torn raaatt K. nan hwiiih Hdua,taBlnIMitt.TtV CVcair, tic Aocticaa Walster Ktaideat ease, ba&k baa but ta US lluilu ma t Saant, a. sit btma 44s blkioa tl? Paoka JLtl btftbe tbt at otbtr evarst a rust t aa noomasa ana. fafg jaTljrtltra,llatlaaafciryawia Fr. a4t3Bjwereat.ttatBiatbe SiofjLiitib. place itstlf la a stroar dtftaaitt ptiaitla ia rvod ART GALLERY Seized ex Bark H. B. Carlton, ma to ilgoimamana al a 'OMw.Oaii iy k tj--o u w es. roate fjr Sia Tmciicoi, when tbcj wwatd tast. If tbt bad atatier costiaxta tit ptaitua caa From Portland, Oregon, ContaXnlna; I 0 Chains. - t-'- -'" i... tikt i e tasity becwat terioas EajUad, for FKOU CHINA. f"iii r piuaaj-- ectb Zeaiiltt for Hooalois. TUtr ftr tbt taport tf partlcnlara applr to B. T. BICKEKTO. etarVuavt. iA KaE. x Ktvf. V.tfi' ojj Gd ta that cast, lotkiar at tbt caQparatiTtlj- ssiaH CONSISTING OF For farthtr thtretarc b tipcrtri ta anir to-d- ir or toetocro w, AUornty foe attcte,or la Ix Umo. Kw. Seatrai istprts tf tbt Uatttd Statta frota aropa JEWELRY. a. BAirrow, Kr Kiim on. i wflt b ta of Dr. fdott, UaMeil Stilts 3 raaa iata axaay ExtUVias atertiar. EMPORIUM ALSO, A LOT OF CHINESE a Acr. ctau BBLS. OF EXTRA FLOUR ! mmw OxuaJL aartcw or rax rosmt.is cr lax aaaixa ta hatXIk Hank. KaUi.wt. br VjliAil. saau. irt E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. JL Currs Eacxsr. Tbeiaa acboocer VTaSeJe. Cases of Fresh Pilot REAL Xia-- York, 19th. Tbt Ttats sptoal froo. Bread. VALUABLE ESTATE wai br Ua JralACbaj-- Cooke, waiek Aast Spaailiaj VUMSBLA 1 POET. Locija lays : I bare jut reetittd a letter (wa tbt Sajar Cared Haats, Just Received from San Francisco! arnred mtadr Ina iie FraadKuv aUricii es br etrrupoadeat of tbt 't Vort Tists.dattd Saciar-:- . Sacks of Braa, OF LEATHER HOSE trip BY LATK AKBIVALS, A SALE at auction: tJ XaMl, ilaal, oaTilrKiirUi beailtT Tatsday, llti, ia wbiri it says: Tbt naia Sacis of Oats. itbaies wkb a if Kxssiaa la, tbat tbry may sscceed ia kk. w K JJaw. rseber aal reaiml tnerekaadbe, ac4 tit Underslaned la to sell at PabUc AuctMn, at ; bfwiaaia Sacks of Potatoes, Large and Handsome Assortment Tbe instncttd is C It w Kaac aiHrni Malik rarir oe Fridar cirafcts SS a deeisirt ridtry at Ttrsora, aad tbat ia AT AUCTION sales uoom, M kv of cast saaceas sbooid croaa tbelr tdjrta, tbty wtH be jaMMHiaisJnM,aiitiit. bc froet Iloeafcii. Sk dfeeiuaFrd limr xtady br ta aree apoa taraa af peace. Tbt Eatje wr is 168 Bbls. No. I Col Riter Salmon, By Order or the Chief Engineer of the - -- aai took ia la cae liar; tere tatirtly aaectsa PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS ON SATURDAY, .SEPT. 22d, A I eta isctber arrfrtes att boftfal tf laal la tit caspaifa ilMkiJ Btiat. tM.aVlWtt. oa. btyoad U ra-staat- Honolulu Tire Department, battafe atiiest bst at a rvCar tit Baaabt. It sai bt 54 bucb as Fraaiea. Velret Cases. Uoloa Cases, dc. At 11 o'cJtck nooav lm ktvc I wa.wck. Atii(k( a5iaiT Eraia. ai apbratls his bulb aitlitary cit3, Half bill. Ditto, two daji tkwee SS proreil adttstr. aad ALSO l, aai sijits. hia bsnelf for baric ltd baa ta siakt war aalaat Tarat y. To Casts Spaaldiaf's Best Lard, ia It lb tias. J a Saa aajiut beat. f ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, Ths following JksiraiU Property tit Kuuanu tbvaa ariraadblaz beta ctatiaaaHy rtpaatia;- tbt Cases ! lb tta Salmon, A NEW STYLE OF ""wi PHOTOGRAPHS! Avenue, varau:; ef taj.rvjr jlas. bis Ctier, that tit Cases 1 lb tia Ditto. 31BUOUJtJfUUV. iBTTb SteaaKT LfkiSke arriteil uSo'doci aatwa aboard ati tr czakt war taetot ta repel iara At It o'clock it , at Sales Boom, will be told about bat ereatos. Hawaii. Oa Friiar h wtll hare swa. Aleaaader wdi att firet tbt prupbecy that Cases Eoast Beef aad Mattoa, la J lb lias. Printed in , ALL TUAT PIECE OF LAN1 at Aa. Km Jlnv IWitM. a,a.. XaW-h- O. for XawHwML AaJ M Mo&dar ab wilt tear for will tts set tata . bt strer lift tbt siititti atiaiitisary tf fIktrrt Tiiiat Ab( M am . sJb bis attat Portraits in Alba Plates, a-i- u. KoA asd Kaa, paas aa fir as tae Ua4- - birthday. Bt uixi ia etastaat fear of Boxes of 600 ft Leather Dose Slraated between tbe residence of J. O. Carter, Esq., aad ruala, is tor r Dried Herrings, wiaai aacu a tt4 ca bas of aew Kae&paaa FUatatioa.' Br Rieresce aad ti aiaitat loposatbte a strao .1 SiyU never bfort Introduced in Honolulu. CapL Uclntrrt, coaialalns aatWa-- L tie to peattratt to his btadaartara. Ilit jiatieii tirtb-da- y tst fct i Beats of Dried Apples. LX LESOTng, to Ler aw tksu taakv wlK be sees that bensdttr. wiK, Aad alaa beea to h U prepared ABOCT FEET aaasetraary if bt hies, oeeur April Zi, l$7i. 3 iax tbat ta tai. Pboto. 1 I Cases lb tia Oysters, (npba from produce a ltaS), a alat abe wV aMersate betweea. tb wisdwan! aa4 ke Tie ejCTespuadtatsUtet that Caar baa tickets, uJ Plelnrt Acre and 448 Fathoms. ini'oui. sast tit Chests Best Jspaa Tea. wbtHtwUibereaieuoendbj llooolala people aotne years Tbla ITose ba lately beea tested ta a preslore of IS tHesof HawaX. coaax Snt atoo? the Ktsi coast bis beadaaners ta atava kaowa asieiaacb-Masbl- ao, maJe by Mr. Kw!. lie. VTU be add la tats to salt. For farther particular, applr to 3-- -4 . M C. BARTOW, Auctioneer, KiWal Pm J.-- &tav Uak X aa , S. - tad araa the Sith jaaat of HawaH aa ir Tit place data ait appear eaaayuftbt focCltj-- at tiiiIi wt. arwwwt ajat aar. maps, aad is Wcatad at tie jaactioa uf two rsads, rerr wilt te foood at bis EstabCsamtat E. P. ADAH5, AocuoOMr. Or to B. r. BlCEEBTOX, 2J attrcbant Street. aaatt acataa. a yaa 3swuttar. Faoalas. aad ntara br tie aise roste. 100,000 Cedar Shingles, aa leiiiaf tct ta Pitt aa. tit ociic Bitla, both eaaaeet To take any and kinds of The feSawic week abe Easu- - &a 180,000 all Picture. 3( J9 til ti at Slstera, aad bes a few elites to tbt of Cedar Posts. Ft fart i a Mm rVrbat. Mac Sktb SWf4 coast W MaW, ti ' atrti ALled tbt .leiaeata aad advantages of 'n"i1'1 la trij.JHC nr koa retantes br tie satae roote. Ttraasa. This retro jradt axoretaeat of tbt mper. br tbt akkkMa. i X kdkk. asi ft tnait Beits Califorala Soap, Caait aoj eaterpnse. Ctre bim a CaX SALE of VALUABLE LARGE FISH NET I This tcecss W be the beat aira for the pceaest, iai arazihis ataxia vatcasSbiy to etiadact peadicgoper. Best Cora EroccM, !kaTathebMsaretek.efKTes4TBttUa Iretweea atatas. bat is reaHy U arwl tie fiisibtacr at beta .a to A. A. MONTANA. aSTjes-jaut- . AT AUCTION. a t . frto. bis fee of retreat ta ofaaotier de- Best Cedar PaEs aad Backets. HaVo aa hatin, where aot a te of freisht atra ' J cut Far a Par Cty 9.4tf at Ita i jf feat of baa araty. J vaaseaer is ohtaaaed. 1iWit(rrroewS are - j BBIS. AND HALF BBLS. . m auli.ttaaca aianii. ta aa a-- tawt aw o apt- Hals Fasia is reported to be atarciitaf oa Siipla WALTHAM WATCH CO. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th, a fa tabwt aw nca, ka thee- - aheefci be ai&sreii to, aa COFFEE & FOREST LANDS B3- i.i, fus ir t ei. atricttr the Pass wrth a ftrce of Tarkisi trwps. Tbt a J ii YuttauaukU. 14.U6 la. tra$ f all be Pass by diri-sk- At a o'clock noon at Sales Itooo, will btaold. fin I Steisar shocii BoactBaHjos tide, or grat h-t- is atiilbeld tbt rtaiaaals of tbt fakiat Best Bourbon Whiskey, Waltham Watches. coereaaesce aaJ ifbtrast wU be eaueiL lad by Geaeral Uouxito, wbwi atadt SQatetiait Waltham Watches, ESCL. I siace a brdhait bat setouarly rnuiiess raid aervas Eat, THESEWATCIIES ACliXO WLKlKitD ON SATURD Y, - - SEPT. 29th, Large Flying Fish Net. tie Salkaaa. 6oarkui forces are certaiaty ia a ; Tea Faoot bu.-Ck- ki Jjpaa are aat tbe to be tie BAKTOW, V- Tit" ul critic-i- t AT hOOS, AT SALES EOOU OF K. P. ADA1IS, C. 8. Aoct'r. km mi sa( uat S X w unit peaUiuo. Witi Paaia U tbt CREEN, MACFARLANE & aaL 1 ajuAAnpa-kvt- C E30Uar. B tulj- - esaariea that fro tea, lanr; jaaatiks Co. frr. The most Reliable Time.keepers SCawa. ai aorti of tieta, tity caa iarlly escape captare, if aot . WewUSeU Ioair tictai awes aadaa. Ia ISIS, for tie int j total aaiStrfariiia. In tbe WORLtX. aal aaraasHtee- all Ezurliaa. Swiss aad rwuraiiaa Ou ts caa wins. The aasar the tetpert of Chtea Ma to Great Britzls eea- - o be UaJ bt Oeaolae IS t-- Gold, aal Oa-SIEC- Sale, Tzx istrrxrasj. sterna siTerCasea. ! For i(ywTrk. Paalade- l- td to aastneat, wfe&e that of the Iadhia FOR ' pro!et Tbt Tarks aad Tartars appear'ta bare beked boras One Kleei Mill, One Bice Holler, t J. their r-e- CHAS. LONG, ETery Watch Warranted to be a Perfect hate iictattr acetate the whole iacreaa:. Ttte same Is at tie Shipka Pais ia dead earaeat. At last accooats The Lands of Makahanaloa refrseahrd tirt Tiiue-keepe- r. p lrat ao he Taaajary Pefariaaeot of Vt"aahaxo, possesaioa of that p bad aat beea decided. One Rlee Polluter. tne of the Catted States, whfcki irawwaiu isf- -' tit jiia IMPOKTnt A5D naatiTe ta caavp ar the tsaes of itfcs ja ssytr. Japaa Qoreaa4 Tbia Tbt Torts bad aUicied stftnl times, taci tian M. MelXEUXY. New Can b worked by band. May be teen at itrhroa: store eierr jear. briazia ap aad attackia; with fresi troocs. Bat Sole Altai for Wv'tiaEa Watch Co.. And Pepekeo, TW tm i laa ahaaks thai tie aakeeaft to eKij-i- waY. Sales Boom of I rear (Rnub Majiair) Iadia sea J. rerj searlr aa each occasion, so- tie report aays, repassed For tie Hawailaa lalaads. a ateaea btiar Trade aapplled coost farorable terma.oo (SC tax Situate la the Dletrlet aflliro, IIonnlL. C. 8. BARTOrT, Aaetlonaar. tr Mo inli aaaK aateaa bf thcDatcfc SUtetUatJ tfe whieh Bar betakes at is a poud wh eoaaiderabtt Eoas. It is bartiy puaaibla tiat aST aaaaaawre w t posaessiia Pass Dealer-- 5 Wines & Tbeae Lacds are adjaceot to eacb otber, mablna- - one a Tory oacartaia. iianaiiHf ae, Ter o iaaffort. la 15S, the issfOfi froa OI-aa-m tits batde f.r tie of tie tuay prott Spirits oaojairw poaat ia eaaipalja. Heretofure ON HAND tract of aboot 7,cgo acres la extent, of wblcb 1.S7S acres, aaaga. to he ohaagtaV It as ab of that , eaafawagSJOKlTOlh. The crop baa ti taraiar tie etery CONSTANTLY or leas, are kit teea. the battle aad skirtiub, as reported, baa beea ia of more tae - ! faror RECEIVED! krss taoorawKjarraautra- ca .accetil ia ie bfctorT ofAasia eabiratfoo. tie Tarks. Hsw rnociof tie culoriar uf tie So 5 Xerchant Street, A GEHEHAL ASSOETM'T OF JUST The imir-i- r- baa beea dat ta Bntiai prvjalces ajarast Cans Land, & the rest Ohia Forest Land Another Inrotce of thoit jastly celebrated that there ihwilil he oae Errscx or ras Sistxss os Ckkmso's TKaSS. Rauiaaa, aad work of eorrespcadeats TnOKOrGUaVTSYSTEHATIXED Ship ! tit tit tit HATIXG latelT aJoVd Ur-re-r to tia Ship Chandlery and Stores: H scareely citeelT 4im- wia ap despatches Sricjb aad wblcb Is SCTTABLE Melbourne Preserved Meats xaaa aat a aw aapan, Bt re4a of ta to It pMe to eataaate the - j bait auie tie for tie wuaia ca3 tag cf M fcienda aad public, u atocb of FOE COFFEE. Tberelaa ate abfic. oae caasot say. reported larnttM tie Sade by BOIXES Jl CO. liMinr for boata at the beacn. fallows wo it. whthoat aar yer--f a ioce to tbetraJeaf the eaty by tie strike aad f 2at tie waat of tie Asauct3ioat cf rr Coai prised la part at : ttasafs baTaatT sacceasby Bassiaaa a! Award o. Bo53 At feast two nMfeo fcoaheis jpaio tbt caaatt be a taJstake, aor Title of tb Laad Coramhaioa. B ceeaLi4felaaxtMot. Tks wodh eataMbk leiea. ail tie reuolt of false eriMiared reports. Had tie Apanas aerenteen and eirbteea. Ox and SheepTongaaf,eqaaltaaayPatadaFoiaru, kaae beside lire stock predace, CHAINS! Alto, Cases of Roast Beer, Roast Halloa, a aaaVaraa taaw if iarj if iT rhn y till rf wit T'lirr' i tees kft tick, ai EajMaaa acaietd aay eoajzderabus rictorles. tbey SMALL Tbls Sale otters a one oppcrtoaltr for tareatnitnt la ' Sogar Culture, witb an actptc Hell a class Plan Boiled Motion, Irish Stew, Hotch Patch, aadbheWea oapnaaerty destroyed at FSMabarss. would stade aooie pcaresi. wbicb appear -1 tnJAyr- - for first aim I. whaaai aaoae the aeeaeet aoawaa. theefaaat-- tin tiej CSVZXS FBOH To i rxcrr.xjr Enterpnse. Onions, HarricotMotUn, not to bait done. Tbey appear haie catered Bal-rir- a. GHOICE LIQUORS TlTIB-- i to suit. Beorfred per Oeta.' Tripe (plain). Trips sad aa , The kssesiajf trade be KKcrily estimated at t IO eataaa mcm the aiiaj yam, aad the rate of say by For fortlier perticnUr, Inquire of 8. B. SOLE, or E. P. Ox Cbetk and Veretables, Spiced Beef. ' iaadreda of tioosaadi. oaiy U be 'ffk'fl For Sale or eoixes jt ca as " tS.301.eOO is 2.00,(0 whoteaie j AD t US, Cbarta at tbe Safes Boom. Colltrd ftotr aot aalliiiai Trcdsce. ictie aad die by disease or tie Txraish so tilery. --A3n- Spiced Mutton. Risoles (seasoned), Htsd, iepartjsea, aad aeorij aa ctaci aa fa mtmffic- - ' Frusa trie Seat srtVar. 300 Coils New Bedford Cordage, J. MOTT SUfTB, Ramp Steak Etaw, Beef a la Mode. - WUuto ' E. O. HALL. -- 7T IaS!- ZrT(r",! aot itr feoa t?.m,im altocetier. Tie Coosti2lieopie,Avat2StJi.-- 11-- 2 ? " tutatror A despatci fcon a SSOKTT.n SIZES, from 2 to 4 Inch. 3. B. DOLE. SOUPS, III TWEBTY D1FFEREIIT WHiETIES. " ?t jrofi'tiMlwooiitaTeaecntdoatSLe baadlaffof Sitfimta. Pasha, dated detaBa tieopera-tts- as TV M coils Sew BeJforl TbaleCae. Catdar Fais, etc.. Trssteea of tbe ijirtalilj Estate. " - tieSci, . K y8hthhe warehouse- by fee np by BOLUS Jt Co. lamf heedf M Jaae r9fertT ynx n, traaspoctatfoa, added to to that day. He saya tie Torfcs cccapied M7 I'or Sale Compriiinj Ox Tall, Malligalawny, Jtlienae, Beeht . mm iBCimi! SM1U E. P. ADAH!!. AactT. awor a Chai r ooetac. who caxe piiseafer oe I tiecoct ofdeiiiiiilos-hbeeaty- wkdt suae te paid. ietts to tiekftef tie eceatj's works, titreatea dt Mer, Usck Tartlt, Kidney, Prlaoa of Wales, Psta '. fets tieirlfee ot retreat, EasaLias sacceeded Msesrgai, Ac. taeoaaac TooaL Aaanpataia aereral by wHt be. a agfroxhaattAe to the bat tie , -- d'ltalit, Alattoa Broth, Orsry. ctaxkaa taxnice. roti Friday beli-w- wbbb FOBE-X- a total fcaa-re- d by ttc atrfce fc CMca.-Cf- ei- oa la dtstedjiac tiem ; but oa SataniiT. Ration Groceries, VTOTICE OF WTESTIOH TO exas- - tfrcjadea, ay -- erftteetetoM.Waatrrey.raftheto ' , Teseet Pasia, aad two sacceeded Bt get-ti- CORIXOA.-' dote Xortgaje. foa-- "TtfSase. Mia.ll, Lawts'a Ficklea, la rail-- d a footfer; aad tie ttghr, coatiaacd all nfcrit. PER Celeocaiecl Notice la berebr jiTcn tbat I, B. Williams, tbe Extractum CarnisI hhhhKrflte ' By oa balfaSoa Jars. J. caaCaU- 3 oa Saaday corBiaav" tie Esssioas were HE OFFERS FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS ! ol mott-ea?- e, to tbt dlrettUnt of Baron lia- that cant of boas th aaarka - A.FD3Foitiaarr:-Wa- Sii the Boo. A. S. Cte-- Cues Lcbicers, CUats, Oraters SeMsrraT"a morljigee aimed ia tbat certain iodentare of (Prepared apaaaa. eoaaLi Tie E3SeEias,re-cTi- a Lacrecx Sweet Cons tae beat article la executed bj Leri Chamberlain and Jotn ble.) 'tb ttraet of meat is saptrior ta aay that i aaa that at"Vwhaeh wore of ctMoae fc gig. FtaaoBcg. he bada feltfcegr-cwhPtMnath- ar atade Cases tie wu reiaforcemeats, a aoal isiaitt, tat Micbell 1st October. 13"5. re Lean offered In Usnotala, j axarfcet oa tbe darof and has trtr with the toa, the owoer - (JUAB-ASXEE- at imst- txilt of tha Ute Ptaace Ldetafeoka cofted boot a, wers asasceessfcl asd retsraed to- tirfr feraled Cases Assiicta'l Vee&ibles, ass.rted coops, Taoato corded in the Office of tbe Registrar of Cocre- j- These meaU are prepared ia raeos. aad ar D aaaacjiaag; To tbfa t works. Tie ciasocade coetieaed all Saadty, wki-o- ct Soaps. Hock Tartte ivcpa, adaaathnaCOK achaase whatogtapk. has bees oo erhabirioa at tie - acces, ta Monoiaia, la pze ai, laieaato ta rsnuia PERFECTLY for say jg It eiect. SaieisLia Pisia coeciades bis despdtci (rr Focialebj- B0LTJE3 A Co. uurii SWT ate eaadrwi , foredote tbe said mortfsje. according to the lermi Itsgtb of ties, in any cliraaU. eataiaMC(aar.iaituiat xcka3iraa5aFriacisco,asdlsiiitebea as foitows: The- cutler Bs aot yet deeded, as we and conditiona earned, defaolt been The baroiai! coot of the aoaact REDUCED PRICES! Ihertia baiinj K- very JUeStx paeture af bas. We Sad thefoaow-ht- i: bare aot yet takes tie eaesry's fancied work3. Osr made In tbe condition named In tbe same relatlre Jaat tbe thins lor Picnics, and Parties - ahaagkawkc waa tt,9oV xsaaa bwses are Lime & 'White Brother' ha aad these tecta&er aockes of V la tie Sua Frasofecw CaM aad Post : yet saksowa. Oae tbocsoad Bssia California ta tbe payment of interest; and to sell tbe properly sldlnsr on tbe other Islands. thw fct aa othoc azreaaeg dead were fcasd wieu tie eoemy were dnrea tract CEMEST-Be- at qoal- - public opon w fiit the tea, etrt "Asueic tie otter pocoaita taidaded io. Tiber's TEtXGIJSII POItlLAXn named in said raortcsse at auction tbe Island Orders rerpeetfaUy sollcilaj aad filled at tie ieuits. Ti fSS- -I EOIXES ACQ. 12 aaafeaa tocxt af acaefer 3JNS laaa B.tiij e&ftar are rery budsoeae eraroaa of its bite itr ForaaUbr SStb day of September, 1S77. at o'clock: coon of competition. ? CHAMPAGNES: said day, at tbe oQce ol E. P. la Boaolala, prices to defy Ctoaa; reatave. Sfcaes Ptaace fTataiax Pitt Lekaohoka. Brother Allot, Order tht Utlboaroa Mtat Preierriar Ca't lisaU, has t.kViti ef the Eiwaaaa. Ceastiatmopie, Aszust SSti- - caleimaa pasha ZXGE3X C2JQ VOX. Oiba. caae to Kjfrr Sba: DRTTEKIEXAT, Eats-ii- aad yea ess rely apsa EVERT TIN Wia la perfect Oa Viaa Hf aaaeher assas; eazesp askiads, Hon. Sapa.iVi. Sitter of bis toaerrspis. aa tieiaUt; Oar eatrescied Bee ot Fcrc and FUs Saloon Pilot Bread. Scbedsle of property named la tbe mortgige : J aod tie C TTf tewfic A OxJ order. ha the Mace Cuost, whare eapcaae ofthe Ptaace ht fa fail uat-for- barestaieat is ooiy 150 paces frsct tic ecesiy's for CASES AXD 4CABTEB CASES, Keeelred h'o on tbe Ualawa ftantatioo at said Ewa, riz, tie Majesty Tie ref CH- - Fjrr. Vnn raauf.i IX sals by ' cster-t- as tidcataMS. "We stifi boid tie caauaaadia 1 per' IiUat." lorialeby Oae sorar mill of three rollera with pinions. leagtb For Jkaaaee, fcoet FurfiUad, was eaus vhb wiici, witb. the hee, baa arsebaesa of ieiiits. tVTXLna junl EOIXZS AtCo. FXIEL. &. BrBH. Swui. es The Easeiias are bteckaded a three aides. Erery potij of rollers being tblrty-fo- sr Inches, aad dUmeter ahae Mat. paseeseaoa, oa that aisaarabtr ijT-- wftlt the sabjeci. The Fort airept. aaaaesftwe faee baa a decayed" aadfraKiaJhty of ezpresiios, aad eifartu bejuy otade to cuapiete tie bteckadeby twenty Inebes, one iirje steam esne tomplete of Blit afcaac. So aaaaJad aad waa load $490. the heatsrea are rortcaly aiowo. Tiese two cot theax of from tic rood to Gahrara. Tie : Pacific Enbber Paint Company's twenty-li- re inebes by ten inebes cylinder, coe small Ofaaaa aoaaaKhac doet par aar oave hare ezseoC soaeeSd portraits are oaty 'part ef aa order whacb. Boaeaut torces bare beea eraeJJy decistated, aad BRANDIES portable engine and steam boiler seren feet In Th- -r x aheCaarc g-- tare retired to ferttieii Caa length by twenty-si- Inebes diameter, two tkaiian aHew TaQer&Oo.are tTtfgtnuc for tie EawaSaa tteir feccera Vliiaj jart Prep eiitzrt Co. PHILADELPHIA pic-tar- es, nucadio aad oatpcet complete, one large twenty royal fiaiBy They; aa well aa the Hofcses eniireraeats are carried ca FUazesBj C LajajTTp 73j A Co. boiler a. Paacasa. fateraiiubsiy. PAINTS! by cJarlSera Pxasx "rw Irsirrioj Tie attract maca. adaariac attestaoo. aad aS tie feet ia length fire feet diameter, two BOOT AND SHOE STORE! V Caojajeaiia of fiantriTay odara a prise to tie rest of tie disalay comes ax for a Interior slant of Locdoa, Aaytat SJta. A telarjaar troct tie seat AKTICXE 15 FOR SAIX BT of fire basdred rations eacb, two large driting uml e- of war states soteimaa: Paaaa rTtniS wbesls complete, eacb foar feet and six process of astracOoB jafce of aooce. It te aaaecesiwry to ail tiac oosj a pa- tiat cuoaiien tie with tbst umlin if i i f TTHISKIES: & inches in diameter. one eoaaUisbaft with two fast Corner Fort It Merchant Sts. of tagar tihakittan. Tbia prise w BOLl.ES Co. loose pulleys, one fly wheel large T Z. H. Orrrer, 9 S." Tjnatxj Farsrfte, sad two sod for he Zioaa to wfcaerer ohtatea fescr tie case a rieit Xztca Ola Senear --Ok," CBaTme. eszine, one copper worm, one water tank, two appHcxtVect otieraasees. "O Scar JCuX Eje. ilidinj dampers, thirty to forty thojacd bricks of H per ceeL aaar. The uf ef fC." Vuiuli Es tat , Ta Bantier Filac JasSyctfetratad. aad tsessbu; (more cr test, saadry tools, as ttacJumllb't bel- THE UNDER8ICEND 49 cent, Tax C3AZQK FscTcas cf Ha bit! Hisiaess, net ezaeed per of j- general aa4 alt who bare It atrial blablr thirty-s- ix the sow preceM tiacU fritK WBJaaai Pits brother to Eia ID - lata as. sirra lows, cooper's anrlt, etc:, coders, coe BXCErVED Ti a (tseral aaaset. HAS. JEST 'I 1 iria-- Expcraeeats cacateie fslaad-s- FOE SALE, recoczaiead It. Tie anersieaed bare force pasp, two pease, concur shaft for tha lot i wt iiir estr. Trt..tr.i njaif af tfet Hawaaaa ta A meat of all colon and abodes, aad win keep ap the aaurt dririns - coaiptawKia GINS: pnmp. oteroncd damper, foar farcace fronts with lioaia il Hi laiaaafi- cadectie aisptces of arar-n-at icatare cf Hr. Taber'a exiabit at tie 33 X.CXES OF SPLEXDrD GKJLZ1XG (aear.aa4tereadTt3alIarseraat tioihiirteataetfe. Paiabut. Tact eattorea crajoa. baa ebaCeaed tae ac ffura tie, umia. kaowa. tne CUTaiCraL. S - EOLLEA Co. doors and foresee bars, lot cf steam and water iinwniii Wr All coat of Sraaapcrt. ta. Hau. - u boldlCK-dow- n ia adizaaaSioa of all art crtCics at tie Fair. Sis Hara Jlartia Becit pcemijKM. ISeaTier aal waree- .'nn-fan- gTMaf. pipes, steam cocks sad teche valres, of . : Paa-Kta- a Sf the mn urnmni aaaet he aMawaaed to tie Director, of the Iateicr. aesa la bt fen aaawt-n- aad tie bixarjaf eeear-sa- Applj-t- Z.X OHAixoaAy. bolu for engine, mill sad cestrUsgal raacblacs, wuTt Sukt Toawa. Tic SdnadSz AnrrVaa tes aaleador aad expresaioa to tbearuatarprodac. j 4r SoiLaoar, Xtxs street. Money. two steam ttsges, lot ct aqaare Iron braces, sad aaaip. was poo USE OB one miadril for eestrifsU machines, sod all the Ladies', Misses7 and Children's aaaa . --The ease rated ai 5aadufocfe cantihia 13 aaa. Tie portalt taAsa frota. a eaitaet & fa I'lAA TO 1EEB 15 tegrapc. us o( taree laarter ceoica, wjbi ub-c- WINES: KS ft asoreaaaacaaala3cred extorts sad sppartetusce thereto belooriaz or It Eocket StiiTes and Gold Pens. LUUlUUlf pereeat-peraaaaa- aad edlasi Qcalltj i. Extra if . aaera ua a zreat. Part-- FreoUa Isoresc frsm S Perscsa spperulclae J. B. WILLIAHS. CaatoavKadt, Plat laijr Sierrr, deer, now- - weC to tafca baa hwoa aocoaed by the ordaaarT Stctory m.irtwi SgTiTVTnir Hceav AaWZca, partes oLji acta cf laierestwdac. E. P. ADAM3, Asctioiaeer. arane to iii jjaa piarei aad tedmdaaiatT of FEXXSX ASSaBTXQT Or COLD FCrt. tiia olSir. E. T-- GTBALLn&AX, T3CE r atitnir, SMne. WidLr. af W. B. AUsrsey. St eft? iui ihaanrj &eEeeflr3f. Sochasaaas Baa tarest--1 ezpressknt aad deiait. tbat rooks tbe observer feel P ladFeaea Cases, of ae-- aad dejaat Ki t. SoOeiXr.TDrtStrete. Cum, Oi Ste-i- &e pacsiras. ever snea bx HoualBls. AaacraXia, Carat. Eaateraa. offered lioe ia a recreseacitut of Aiu. aail BootsErer la Benolsla. anhatiojiin procea. the detaStseC Triadtare j at oece tbat tie 6enr ed aa VTe aaderstaad taat ytz. Taier baa jriTea La41e9 ane Podtac Ptirfen. aqja Srtr of. tbota cbeap aaa taejeef. irTnTTC OF aaCjreat ha the tezahtcrrcdacssesl before a8,bo' rreat sasSictaaa taser dtstg-iilii- d rXawaSaa Bot?i Xarres.a SALE VALUABLE Uitaa IRA RtCHAUDSOK. 6tjca tjme Bate, aa prodc5ica of ' H3I Valuable Real Estate ahfot. It apfcarv hceresaed that yfcfti fcsci 1 to Ttsaors, to de !.S1 AliES: ate-JB- aad it bas raahed Bt maitapaled i SALE. & y.m per ceat The ttrreatoc ifcaeif cfairs a pictam ninrtf . TTalg, ladCocceaVCS FOR SUGAR PASTURE LANDS orders fcr fiau pjrrjaiE3 frara. pbatocrapb aa weilas NEW at Cia. SAM'L G. WILDER, " baantts that the adtBtfocal COOPS. JeCaea'. Foatee'a. mHrlT" frud tie sabecta tieaidelTea. Sa coe caa leoaentr. Vrgwaa'a. Tf"T" T preces a ZS graft-i- d cf Tiber-- " a wftaoat to tie coscia-K- 4a Froa Loadon, xia. Sydaey. Saiaer, The Lands of Kaawaloa Keafafceabm AGENT liaiiattf " Xr s A.xaaar'a. rec oo the tower oasrcito. X. BccSara-a- tiat bu taoi darute. riji cf snkt-- (aaia aad irzartij I SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, a. di--1 OP1 SCOTCH LIXELIXE! iiawf' aateahton waa deemed aiceatiT wiicil saaas be. bora ia tbe arCat seataa iat SELECT CHOICE ISLAXB OF HAWAII. AS 12 w'elaett 5ota, Hawaiian Steamer aw owaa w. . ; bi ATHT imitfnry aaJ Rzmir . vranac awarcaBtr w a vjwm nsc. tub-- iadiridaai f rabject tnrfPciT I tin - &X&, BOKBCZUC A5B EMBRACT5C K. P. X rttrne. Qaeen TTotcrr.ln, ESeraSirea aecesd awe, aad waac ue beraura af rt rfl Hm g ItleaEjXTOf Btret, Ta. ae arerafairt. aad t3asecxnfl!r aaj fT ATturrrfm beasafat of wbere feajg U-- Ehfi-ne- sa, ts' Bar KrUiinio, we ata2 EeH Sir CAJU. e at waaaar kcaBbd ipsa to. stake a mil fcrtaer u&eaeaa." Sai-- i a ooe ia tiis cf bis titi tlsKrnarMerttatajpti-- t aaaarstd PORTERS: JliiiBJaVtatfiriniTsCasc.CCr.l. bHoaeaewjeaaatL Tbe expeicaeas sioac be esadsd-- t Pnace WaBaai Pat rjt&acaoia, wiiciis Bload. Salr Csl. Aifcort, fr a X at fesat eet.Oe'j' fct. of case." a-- .eeitfe'T tie Fain. Valnac v gf-- i fa aad g.ta raj JtSiiea. Aliupyuii of M These Two IjancLs Utiiapo, KAJaCHAJTT. .XA9TEK. s fcomtSc 'jir1'-- beadiXiiarters at Goraj-atad- en. , C03CF2X3ZI ' raornra-j- ; Prayer Phfi, Tmrtnm-i- aait Paciuc B2ites. Aa?aac SSta. say: AKqaiet tics burlis- : IXpitatL Tariu 2tmraSuzEarraa aunt Paeciy BITTERS I Onr tesoca moictaia tbeir post&in. Tie pTops Sam? ""mr. Gie An Area of 12,260 Acres ! aadtxetj-re- r taeaeSrbboriacbeiirSta, nat gnita ILI OF KAPUALEI! Sailing D&ys as per Scaednle Slat AJEjist,l2.. recsaia beiind Cunftftifnc SoO. CTrratr- - Eitaoteio. e a treat eartr af aodBeeaerrt LATE a otraaa-- total naaxbersi" Ml a Qoee-a'- out of oar batteries. Tbe Tae wiol Prapertr wB be aaAl oo reaacaaci Unlet! Otherwise Adf trtrsttt. Jhtie af Ai Bas&si , taeia-daa-r- S5- rf-i-nt, i 2iS0. RplAx. of Kan, CL.irVmia I bar-- rbe bocnr ta sate tie Aainat list . NEW wtcb arttb eneTwnrea aad bxrtweouata; oe la. fbree la tie Diitriet Hawaii. cficers. Tieaaatberofaediaaab-aawa- BOOKS. Qnr.fv&z. aepacace drtaoos, to soft ptrrrbaara. Tbeaa Laaula ar adjaeead to eacb ctaer, naartna; coa aar abe qaarwr Aaeaat. Frsaco-Trzs- ua eadJasStK Tie "Wat; xZ toIa- - Ftrat. Tract aa TICXET8 OSLYATTHE 0IH01! aes-tbe- r ax t&e Aarx9rextcaioattaoiweetareat ax.iT' aacal panrwt preseat at CuabiTs Waail.Kaaiir; aiastraiaxViCfr, CarrT Te "24 LLS-O- tat, irfmfnfjjaagadtiraibeegar rnr:. Bc tjwaiai bt o. eiz.. SX Sawauana, 33 males aad "ariiairwonifcr, ahaauxL. CJKlIr. Afeoat 2,200 Acres in extent! ir-ac-t Tbe RUPTURE. Piccires ftti rjr..fyj-j- ? FREIGHT DUE OX KMAK1 N 3 pjwai aaatber of ''iTBratif. 3taraacaIao, wbScb VOi KUS adyomt perasd 53 - VSnuKTai Saavl " Of Acres, sure rhat, of ..Tmf.. daria tbt XOEE XET1L Patrr.tttMCaiatr Veratoata, Absata, ITtLO 3Soezt CoiZoo TifbTirl 87X111 WILDEg Co. t5Z 19 SnaTer-Lwarfra- an OtTTCE A 5S sale aad 2. temaiea. aad 23 Sic-- TSr5S231 S men Xociors prjetry, Cecaaaer tea ill SawaSasa ZraaaEEaosasarSSeef. 1MB rjia.ofbaSeofSaoiiarl Xst Pxrir ItMtred. TbtrSj Xaoita wtS tdiprnl ta Sarar, JELlctL laZXXXtflS, eccaars. a, n& o ca.wassaB, s roajea TauMtlatys ato Aaglea. fbert-ar- Oono rt Spriaajll Haiaefaooic ftur cttt,, SeaweoSaa. Onrtri. ruinn, Ac Exarr nmt 2 beasaisa, aadii lomataers. azalea Paaca. a. asd the 1ST "!Sr 1 Eawaaaaa, aad 3 bireigaexa. 3 teat TfifTT Boole af3aSadL Two drOOdS aa ALSO large 2tary HvtUlag ffcxiei, paabiata 2 psscol daSStr, I JLt4 fflacr aOjsr. GOOD GRAZING ZAND. feeer. '" M Patent VtriM ZLutfc C23t CaaratraeJy exebowsred wub erery rarletr af gbaO. 1 aad 1 from dropaj; FmrSaU fcr S. JC THTOEZT. Trait acat ftswtr. asd taraw nsaS lTDET HOCTES. T13e.LaclCbi3JJcoAwarl3o. lilJB, Ajitoall. W. Jfawer. bbe acwve aaaaes bars Sees enter-- d Trjej. TVrrt la a Ltaae tbeat Laeatt ex ttsiac to lb 1st Bark aad Scnr, H. Sesite 13 nv - ja o.joCa. vhileioii, Aidoii, ATX Beau- the TaweHwg cgjisrary. ISTt. sTtAaCBsCe-gelala- JExT aa sbsdapeaaa.7 Tie '' warawaa. case and castes limit T JL3T BAT, mm, laeated f part ta BUV SAT 6srf w tiins . BaS-r- - aTerx-p- t Is 3 Kaaailaa. TseasTtr tf this Tract Uf a rata belt, wsera f jicicata tn sS, aaaHt and will perairaz ninil cera w5bua ailocaga fail." CJOial fl?33r. 'Rabaa tber la talffrfeas awscart Ux eaaerowtageba doissc bbe (jaaricr ; diapecaarx 21. Aatsberof TTea(fiir.lf HS3U arSl aererzepatlr. Rian. lry, 7tar F ri;r"""ri joa Caa&aaadaiBjcssla. FVwr, Bread. t f FEAMTHAIBCXtSS. SCTXiSA CO. linn, A Kaptrloa Caa jrewiafestoa S2SS. SaegLJacai PTnrin, Choice Lot of Stock, Par partics'ars. B, B. IaOXZ, cr "Z. 1 -- aaaaHbrnTTanifntBniit-sni- XrsaxisJaa. tirtirr iaaira tf J. CsmS CracktTf. A ttorted. ris Tie aaatberof y-"" teaici ia the anssizl WSbttcId was tie place. If desfrad. LKtaretf r"vr txara at hies Twrrr. 6la,07lttr,Wafr,MSk.raaey,Aei,Ae. toHowa, HS, JaJV ir-r- -t -m Hawieea, cxaaarabe ctsrvrr waa aa Jaae caw 3&baaea. . ABTT, 1 E.O. HAIX. i Sperm J. n. Kasa. - Tie total cfi&peosapj-pairat- Saczazeora Saa liaaiaaca, CaSSsiala. Candles, 0.'l:ixVaafftaalca. 'STnegar. Or St. TXEZB, Bawai. i. turn tours, i8?t.AariKi- 2Ki. FbigTatarm. J. Jcrt,J UOLX. Hay, Une, Kulilier Paint, 2SE. Saapaaair aaftrtiftrrf , Tlnfrrfa SbtcserZarne. Cr tTSTSJZ 7. fSSHSJL. Xea., 8., Bales at j . art aesr,br'ail& aarpasaf taa CAST5S.Far Sola TrseUMtfLaaaJOaaUtala, - l"n br grrrlrrgi MIFTrt.. &stJcar.Caf. X cf Baiswr ftdota to CI Bbsdjs JO- ta tie Qacss'i EcspiiaL as 17 20IXSS ACa. 651 tat Crurfa E3V Iaa ca, 1177. (ia:a Z. P. ATMfS, Aac3estT. stat

TTlliiajlfiJl af a t I IF-

ettry can oJd cojttiW, tha plaintiff cooK) not HAffAIlAlf&AZETTE tBuoUla Hi action tor th price- - of rails; told ta TO KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES, G&ieabd can. WILDER CO.. GEORGE GRAY, GO'S Cyoswlootlj with fowgoiBg dUllftctloa v ax ixtotnaa-KjiTJOuiatA- l, ta It ICItLilI i vat heKl ia lamed tj Asdr 105 Mas. 453 Importers anaDealors in II DEYOTED TO HAWA1US PKOGKESS. that tk ceglect of a wholMat darr to pay his OUop-po--r miaS&m I CA4STL.E & CO ORE, tirai was cot a dfeo b laTal'tdile alj of Oflron fools iloricth period of hlsdfaott, orprTn Botwoou Glasgow and Honolulu, Built Expressly for the Trade. HAVE SECETVET-- BT THE HEXKX the twoterj of tha prtc of tb gd sold. il, WHITEX. Oa ttcited LUMBEE th principles in tbs cam it It apcareat that th plaintiff her caaaot maintain TiaCE! ITXiXEJ 1VI2TT Jk. 1 hu actioa. for this u out a rec ou taluti, no MUXB CAST STSEL. SKKA.KIXS XX FLOWS, fourj llanro, July chary beiey rand for wrtiGcat aod Urease, BEST t t.Htlt,ll Suprftuc lt BUILDING MATERIALS ! :Cuti.!VJb.K.r,ifW.. Sj-,- hit. 'lVrtna l!?7. an toere is a peaalty imposed Tor each .;, KW SecvadS:lXtXOPWwwg ttrxlN.. fxiai "" tifrwr Bi.fe CtHnttn ad offiros, which is therefor iateuded to prohtblt CLIPPER SHIP 'ESKBANK K; Tvjtts - wi&lj.l ". CvaHen. nil nt WW. the triawclitvq. aai Sleel Cww lrs San. free f I R. Sham rukmg. M i aai J4 sava... isinsinrif tvtl&!i&t if Claries Kasaitta Judsraeot for the defendant. ' l30 TONS HKIIISTKK, JAMKN HAHK, fOMMAMJEK, . JT.ai Ire I. lit.--. ITxtM'i i Ltntssi-- . 11 awl 11 feci, t V. ""J" tai. lVtru-.- cfcujJ. K. Preston for the plaiuliff. Hon. A. S. HartweU for JUST RECEIVED the defeaJiat. EX JUST ARRIVED FROHI GLASGOW, WITH ASBESTOS PAINT, Ta opmioa bl t& Ccact wai dsStxwil bv ASBESTOS PAINT, GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. BARK w-- ATALANTA"! a(t w b ferna oiUrr before to (Joort U qawtiaa nu4 ii Etast JV il Sa &, i wl if a.t Jprfcrj It The Csar has issued a ukase, orderta a Uty A FULL ASSORTED CARGO OF GOODS 7rtc Pt AND of 1SS,.0 of the Li ad w KXrECTKD " Ttxw to "r o oa tbi 3th. dij of Ja!r ehr. caw C4cj hifarvl, sail a Bet-liji- 1ST. Um wUtu jJ Grant aad party nrrlrei at o, Selected Expressly for this Market, Asbestos for Pipe and Boiler Coverings, (CTpdiavHsvi to try tb i.u ad to plainul Italy, ijaadaj. 3EC jJTTevi to TJijac a rbysicua' licoa dittsi YICTOR! The couveatioa Easrland and TWO And which is now Ottered for Salo by tho Undersigned IViwiatwr ltiTtt. br th lha --Viatster btwea Ksypt r lit. sccc4 for Tin'Jtl3itttS1fc,1,bi:iVui IVesvasagtae eoj,z:a;tisr:. aai seeded by aiiScj-i- Mil o bad il the sappressua j( th sUta trad has - cflatenof aaJ aJttiittJ that arr ba :tn e ti tiswi ct iigi p t J ft, a CettiScit oT Appronl f;ow tt Hwrd signed. URGE AND CARGOES AT LOWEST MABKET RATE3. of s.aj llaiHa paxitxd coxa. acJ ta dUuiliat. Sir James DoojUs foaoder of Victoria Brit-ts- h cuaojl tb4 iotwJactioa of Japan and Jfawaiian Hice, 50 and 100 lb. Bags. bj bii obfdct ta Columbia, aad the rt Uoieraor or the THK CAItOO COltrniSKS TUB FOLLOWING tb said hcucsa beam uot scScteat ilhout colony, t dead. Bilot and Saloon Bread, tii said u CwtiSeit of AppwTal " aod bcaui ! th am was ahervd br a erusre on it fjw. Kansyj aad brooches of real humtninf birds NORTH LARGE OF DRY GOODS ami ta Coart tti opuswa on la hU hedds, with otd bills aad seed pearl eyes, axe J1R1 ASSORTMENT Extra G. C. Family Flour. Krvl novelties ia jewelry. IT 1UUUIII (jataja tw !anoc cuajijtwn br toa CVarl XAMKLY : where-opo- ta iiMOX asil aiattted th ttetliaOT, a .Lire cisteras are sunk ia the coart of th rourtusisa both pirtt that the rial; IMnit, Kica Cimbrta Chlntt TrlMi, Frtnoh Vtlnli, J.rat-plit- rlcrt palttrna - Shtl-la- g. K.EK.OSB3XTE it wj air! bj rlvink vfKuiUaJ, aad eujeines ta perfect order AZL THE USUAL inl Fin,LIna OIL! focSlOO. if th - STOCK SIZES hla.cat.I rillow Linen. Frallj Hnn, Fine Lone Clothi, Ot.j Shlrtlnjt,. Linrn Oamuk Tabli Clatbt pliiatmr u!?ht.tu jiitaeat are always ready ia ease ol are. ' SOWNEETS, JBETOE'S. TO SUIT ALL CUSTOMERS. Court oa the q'jt!oa jhoaKl b of th nJ XfkIoi, Camlitte lUnilVrrch.tfi, Fine Hew whit nJ brown; Wblt riau.Cortt, Pa!I Lot of UU rrTJ Coitnmtt for LiJifj. .ntirtlj o.w; Twt.Jt Dlankiti la Auort-me- at cpku-j- tut ITs Preach pabashers daiaaded 2000 for omlhloir Kteeint tad Caihaeru, TrittT, tbi". th p&iiattS u atittd rtfcvt;r, of Buttons, XecJl.j, ttt., Fin tlinjhjmi, la.. lo. othrU h should uVs cothis. the ruht to fwrfona " Paul et Yirigice in SCANTLTKG, , c Loadao. . Mr. Uye dectde-- j to" do Elretro-pUtt- kNt-- therefi!t4 I da herebr wttifr thii qas-tio- without ttj , Al, Fin Cutltrr, Auorttd SjJJIm, Conftettoncrf , a imtll iarok cf d Ware, the" to th TIMBER, PIASK, BOARDS, Flowtr PoU, Dtuji, CrucVtrv aad Rica ButUpi and DiRing of all klndi, ad all th pajww ta eais A nsaiber of narsesTtad ambalaaces, wnt out1 G!ur. Hl. Two Superior NTew Caart ta baacc- - Pianos by th International Society, hat started from FENCING AHD PICKETS ! D. men. a oiaiKitu) bww. julxitjictwuv. uVtta tar haad thu Tth div c Jaly A. Paris for th seat of war. isrr. Ii Iatnatj art wamaled Sat etaw, in perfect orfer, aad at V ail eiea?. (ifer:d) A. Fulxcis JctD. A coraoitt of, th Greenock School Board "JcjGc Sapivn CVott. ctidtos." bare prepared a report oa thV uxes-j- j of teach- - -- A Host Complete Stock of FOLLOWING MERCHANDISE Bj- the papvrt nfcnd ta, it appears that th ing teapraace principles ta the schools. plaatia U a doctor 'had th eas Such at : Hoop Iron, different ittei; Sheet Iron, Ur Iron, a fall and complete asiortatnt, Chia9 Fancy sood bosses, ta Xew Vork are Cooking Store ! pii: oa a bttt formeJicil atteadacc oa the pattins and Range,, for barainj; coal t Uett Tin Plate, (triad Stone, Ban of Steel, MACHINES SEWING MACHINES! up all lis-- parcels for ladies home them-selve- s, A Large Lot of UittauiicJ Corrugated ViiM, Pig Hollow-war- t. det4diaU and abo for taedictaei. to carry DRY REDWOOD! Iron, Anvil, Iron, dcadat in pasteboard bos, with, tap handles. -- U Aje tot appor whther the aedtckes were Grot IBest, art sold ai cterchatidtM or charted as adaiDiitered There hate been recent sates of good dwelling Scantling; Plank, surfaced and roogh, STEAM COAL COAL! til adtau-5W- - BfMMITH ta, th cottTM but- th house Xew York eieeed-ic- ; i Ddical practiic, ia for a sum hardly j Boards, sorhtced aad roagh-- Battens, luT Ai cf eoxaat asd the acsenect fur th pfcda-tt- if two years' rent in war times. limit, Pickets, Rustic. imlira Btickt, and Booth.' Portland Cement, of very belt quality. Alio, is th aatter of th liwase. Lattice, Clapboards, phfdaa j Th lleathea Chineis.gradaalty & th to th right of fur raedicii spreadiog CASTLE COOKE'S! qieittoa reccrr j himself OTer America. In Toronto, attecdaac a affected brth posseiiwa or th Canada. ALSO, IX JSTOC1T, A LARGE STOCK OF AND -- HS. V .w... . ALES, WINES LIQUORS, Wilcox & Gib!&, . at $50 00 and 60 00 waatoiaTilid Uceasu tj practice Bediets ia Wf.M.H V...U ,UJIJ. A targe aamber of railroad A Xamelv : Fine Vale in and tiu etcipioct. men frora the FINE ASSORTMT L PAPER Hennej'i Brudr, caie quarter ik, Singer's Sew Tastily Machine at less titan California Prices. The reqairiCif a Uceos u th 47th Section Suites art arranaio to go to Braril, where Doa OunTille'e Irish aai Scotch Whltkie;, Qeneva In cue aad baskets, b Hum, of finr quality, in caaka and JLBOI WXKJJJLXT of th 53th Chapter c th Penal Cude. which Pedro wilt fusniah employment for 600. C.VTEST Jamaica ease, Tlill E XiCxlLXES WE STTLES. HutfUordoa'a UolJea quality, ; Best Claret ia caiki and July 1370, what was the 19th Sherr), f extra ta caiki cae, 3t ta resident us. lavs. bii! 8re one k. uJJ lit Sarnkics are catted Mackerels ia Memphis, Superior Shciry and Port, ia caai, &net kind ; Ban A Co.' Celebrated Pal Ala, quarts and & Xl'su Ja Secuec of th Code with the tcccrporatioa HAILS, LOCKS, flat. Ctnl Guttersnipes ia Chicago, and Uoodlums, ta San McEwaa'i Ale and Porter, quart aad pint ; hogshead JIoKwaa' Ale. and a large aitmcat of of pasd 'ta lsij7, aid H ii ful-to- ws - ' ; Fraaeiico. BUTTS, HrNGES, Qts, Pts, of Celebrated Brands! & - Champagnes, and C. BREWER CO. h. HACKFELD CO. " It sfeaK cot be law W far anj- persoa to pne At a receat communioa serrice held ia the c BOLTS. SCBEWS.l-t- AND THE FOLLOWING tK ia thu kiBidoa as a parsicraa or sorpwa. North of Scotland, ta names of th three o&i-atic- g forcuaipaatioa or reward, aaless he shaft bar clergymen were Eobb, Rjy aal McGregor-Som- e Paint and Whitewash Brushes ! ITor Stole to Arrive Srt predated to the Btrd of Ueaith or to th f of Turks who wens captured by the laSegsrea&a-- , iFieonlii sach atd Board appctat WHITE LEAD, "" i extauaeci u maj Russians were armed with th American rifles. jp o for that porpoe, sattoEictorj eTtdecc of hi SUGAR MACHINERY! :r s a. firing thirty six charges withoat reloading. WHITE ZKSC. well-known American Bark Amy ! b profeiiucii q'nHfiritictn aad zoad moral char-act- Of Mirrlees, Tait & "Watson's make, 'w PAIST om! ANMNVOICE OFl aad ubtaiaed a cecuacat of appmral The avenge rate of tha Increase or .100 Gallon Clarinerr, copper two Inchci diameter, acknowledged to be the Veit the label, , 'Xita laperlal la A T5T XFSnai JLuatr. truQ said Bo-trd- aad a Seem from th Miauter med oa the plain betweea aad Cairo Clariuera id nse on the Itiande, and guaraoteed to iclre every ati.ftctioo. S. B. Three cf these ClarHer Asotin is METALLIC AND ! ' of tie laterior. Ad; pereoa Tiolitioir th pro about six inches in a century. OTHER PAINTS are already disposed of. 1 Sugar Mill, roller :0i3 iaeheiwUhgearompItta. t Pilticf Weijoa' "JOJneh FoHowiBsr ENGLISH, GERMAN rutoci of tthii actios shaif, opoa ccarictioa patent telf balancing Centrifugal Machine, with itrong monitor outer cases, and independent iron Iramlugi The Assorimeot The manufacture of driving T thereof, b Sibt to si pecaltj ofoc hiadred eleomargario. or artificial Class, and belting, accompanied with different tiiea of Diagonal Steam Engine for lame, lay 8 and lech doltari E.c ench offeaie. batter, is npjdly extending, and targe factories diameter cylinder, and 1 foot to 1 foot 2 inch stroke. Centrifugal Bran Linlsgi, Etc., Etc. It will bo seea that oa who weak! tawfaltj for its, pradactioa araprioginy npfn nearly all Salt, practtc aj a phrsiciaa or sorgeoa for eoapecsj-tio-a the principal cities. The next vessel of the line (now building in Qlaignw) will ba despatched about tba middle of August, and FRENCH GOODS certifi-cit- Firewood, Indents forwarded by next mail steamer will reach Eogland in good seajoa to be shipped by her, for which, or re ard procare both a a MERCHANDISE. taet art Th cost of Erin? ia most of the principal rate of freight, and atl other particulars will ba supplied by CASSETLLT of appro to! from th Board of Ueaith acd a cities of France has nearly doubted since 1S5S. o .tu Lojcs? frjui the ilinuter of th Iatenor. The aaocrw.unuKlD sumsrntia CM2. War and taxation hate had much to do with DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Two aa.i Jtrtx4t CuJi3t pfetiatrifaad w GREEN, MACFARLANE & .OC, Twwiy OJua ? ! Selected for this Market, aet obtateed theforaier: aii this iacreased cost. Eceoi afcoe ra&i acd saEdeatl The plaialiif s ALL AGENTS. Mr. MIES, cocoiel admiU this it wjj cot. aad thii u oar Rose, the Englishman, who recently X. B. It Ii erpected the E3KBASK will leave Glasgow again la February, 137S, thci giving shippers Just Received Per Ilnr. Bart Ka 21oi opiaioa. It wtil be seen by exinuaiBs th Sec- into th hands cf th Sicilian banditti acd bad Of Eastern and California Mako. . regular opportunities to make shipment. Cs. to pay iaymj away l&era, Boston Card Matches tion 279 ta. its place ia the Ctnt Code that it target Iroai is cow. tha GLASGOW AGENTS Ulna; his story London FOR SALE IX QPAMIT1ES TO SUIT, The Addresiof li Messrs. GEO. GRAY, MACFAIILAJtE & CO., 3rTroxii Srcinon. cvxcfts aader a series of sectioa proridta Lr a in Society. YICTOUIA BUILDLfGS, 4 WEST IlEU EST STREET. SJ Sat Board PabBe CSADIAXT" SEE0SEHE OIL,' of Ueaith and deSata? hs poweia Th Court of Qaeea's Bench in London con- aad duties, whiodl are esteciif aad respacjiWe. creted the seateac of three, imprison- S CVX SA1L!. 3J t 43L ASSORTiIET OF rREXTS. months' fcrocait th compiled Peaal Coda -- 3jO-- It b tato ment oa Wniiaa Liwrecca, the Easi-Ead PHICBSi BLUE VTKIPEB DEXL2LS there peoaitr, aod iacfcded th (St Xat ! TTEin AD u a ta Spiritualist," Ctersc sell fela PbsnHlsfV XliBrsiBtaijiiisiS!tsatar. Chapter Itceosej IImIuIH5! vlwkww GJTQ wuvw unuasibLit jswwra nan jpcsr. ratw ukssii 3t!3i cootaioias th Tarioos which vnrffa; oewu Horrvekry' ZjencCbHU. the Minister of the laterior mar u5ae with th It is reported that Sateimaa Pasha opttiojr I peaakiei attadtsd for eiarcuiaj withoat liceai soatlfof'ths Balkans In Oefcas of Adnaaopt", has FINE Sndc yumia heft. tae cectaia iacj ot bosiaeij raaii by mutate to gained a decisive victory over the Russians, THE BRITISH SHIP Sanaa aof. mtHftJlBtj . reqtiir Bcease. Bat it U th fair tatereac after four days fihtinj-- troat the statst that the ficeaie lateaded to b VTilEam B-- Ogden. who "vas the first Mayor BOOK & STATIONERY DEPAETMKT. iracted-cnl- hare, SL," PLANTATION STORES! co to those who Crit obtamed of Chicago, aad the first President of the;Uoio"a ta eertcite cf approTal froat the Board, for it 'ABEON OhucCis SaMwc Ficiaw. PociSc Railroad Compaay, died ia New 'York? jw. is fiiea without paynteac cf fee ; aad th em-- Friday, aged 72. 910 TOXS KEGIaTEK, BLACK DOESKTaS, taatwi by the iward. of waich. two merabers nest b wdaly aathorsed nedrcal pnetitroaers," Plows; Black onJ Ifo; Brsad&tAj, Farther reports of Russian crnalties continna GROSART. MASTER, MI. Paris or by sca other profesdiiooal iriaum, w they ta be circalated. Th Butariaas, excited by H. WHITNEY CmAmart DijjGnjls, tie. alar appoint, oast show satisfactory eikleac cf th Rassiaa example, are committing th greats --AT THE- - prefesitoaat qaaltficaiioas and of good character. est excesses. Stack tastw it, Sii'.-icC- Course. hefera icconiiax th caadiiita its appronl 3f President Haye3 has issueil prohibit- HAS AEEIYED! fitaesa to or- hkijelf to th pabGc ai physt-ena-a aa order Old Honolulu Hale Building, 1S-- 11-- S.), dry 1, J- -. 4 , 4 Merchant Tymaat. goods; Asi SfeKtai Caoues, "im- ing the sale of arms or or aarjeoc. Is ta iu catare the more amatanitioa to Indians, WTITH A 3PLKXDID XIatL sail Caeaa Tweia portant prsEmtaory to IeeaKia mitcal practice. aad revekins all licenses to trade with them ini (ADJOIXISG THE TOST OFFICE,) OKMO, The simple zraat of &cea b th sach articlM.. V" . i II V SSndkKTiCiaiitrii:. ate. iliaister t' SoaunaAS'. caaaot f XTSfisdC PttQI. 90 JL JkJMTVt FT3UBS 2 tt therefore satisfy th reqairemeats of the At a lite sate of shothora cattle ia Chicago, Importer and. in. - Fttnn, Asst. of Shawls, Umnrelias &ParssoIs Liw which. demaacVs Assortmcut Dealer jurikr- resto. Hi9uo eomceteat . It waald tha 22nd Duchess of Aidrie broaght the fancy of Goods, Xttoana Sax rtuins be more aot i3e.nl to practice oa the certiScat price of 515,000. E. Ltppincot cf Itiaois, being ct ta twani wttaoat Ecease obtaiaed. either PAIH3A1SSS' SCAIiES, Ia the purchaser. Coa;tuinr a Larre Auartoeat of case sach practitaiaer wooTd b Dable to the pea-- j ,, j BOOKS, Ijaonad steBfc tt "STwii. j STATIONERY, Large Asst of Superior Clothing i!tT cf the lav. j From tha Mersey alons'to say nothing of tha Clyde, fiit-ia- Th qastioc befcra the Coart ii bow how ir tea distinct Atlantic fleets are now ?. LINENS, COTTONS, WOOLLENS, a crirata cartT who hi3 emrioFed a DhTscLin comprising 1000 steam Tessals, of from 2000 ACCOUNT BOOKS. GROCERIES r cos fcgaHy to 5G00 toos. article of utility fancy connected with dasa. v icwo Oarn CMlSbSv aatharcred to pnct;ce for compeasa- - And every and tho line, adapted to the Counting Latnaas, Sacmtsa. caa sec oc h- Tat rti&sr.?.Psnt Xas, ITNE ASST. OP SADDLES, two, ap ta waat certiorate aad - Tha deeisiba just cude by the Seaate Ilouse and Office, and to Artists, Teachers, Professional Gentlemen, Dmfv Xvisv Obex s&ufift. ceos ia de&as of salt far of tha a media? University of London to admit women to the Travelers, etc., on as reasonable terms as can Le had Coaeset fcr the ptaistiiT fs. ia argameat at th medical degrees is on qf considerabta import- here or in San Francisco, among which hearke Soacu Shirts, Clothing, are ui cacceded tail if the Coart ance. the following Staple Goods: shsaU ho&I that the plaiatiif haria g a ticacii AJi. r-- gsrt, SIM.Provisions.u fsim cot cased ca a csrtificate ef front There is bat one StataTin'th thirty-foa- r where English satin and Ivory CnaitKC Iitmi.HICOku rvoc, apprara! the Broad Cloth, aai French Letter Paper, rsrfacs Tablet. Paper CntUrt, etc. PiasctSaavp Swan. Tir iTIus. Baifflilrt M tai. Board of Health, aj not a !eaf practitioaer ha nicety-5v- e percent, cf the popctatioa over tea extra fice, plain aad gilt edge Cash and Deed Boies, Cheek Cutter aad Canceller SuaTSi Banker idi Pun. adFacitiIj, years adSBOcs, Iruoa. pttrs cociu cot rgcarer ou cm. aail ccaasel for the old caa read and write. This is the State Do. Billet and Xote da. do. do., la boxei. Croquet SeU, School Satcheli s,3n.ci Ot.irrr! above sirtts ons 6maii!'l Tataiail Piitiv Luieca, defecdaat who is th Attoraey Gecenf. held ia of Maine. Tweeds, Do. Letter and Note Envelope, to match the Inkstand, in great variety SJMt Zfiic, riO! win. HJp Irm, rci, aH Moaning Paper and Envelope, aa assortment con- Elastic Band aod Ring. Alphabet Boot yo3, Pvrjro?i arw, arginiat firtf'sr, that ta case where tha Dispatches from show re-- j the Interior ereat stantly oa band Pen Wipen aad Rack, Ruler req-rire- be SCaaC TiOar 3Uul at OuayMifioo. satata abaiiaess ta carried oa acder joictng thraaghcat the State of Louisiana over Americaa Cap, Letter, and Note Paperi, frora the School Slate aad Slate Pencils Iron and Metals, a Sceoai the waat cf one may be pleaded ta ss best makers, of every description All kind or Tin goods the withdrawal cf troops, maaifested at many SI1I3 DEAD'S alaoit aod Cash Bole cf actfcaa of aaampsit &r eiampt. a places EiSSOltB, Enamelled lorface and pearl urfac Card Post-oE- aad Enrelope Tin Backs SLLMKS JjhX 2irr-ia- . cmintf moari bj the Sring cf gans, i XrcC iiiiitr, marchact ecoil cot recorer fcr goods sold if it ie. Emboed asd Friendship Card Children' SeU Tenpins Tuu.Xii, iioi2xiJa3,15j, W. Fine Asst. of Rhine Wine, appeared that ha hai ao Bcease ta xecd socdj The real hand aad liraia of th Foreign OSce Steel Ploughs and Perforated Board, for Cbenelle work aad lloltoes Children' Drawing Card and Toyi.ta great variety nmtaani. Coulters! T'u so e and Faaey-colore- Paper Copying wholesale cc rstaH as might b required th at St. Petersburg- - is, said Jew of Presses, Oil Sheet and Brnihei ia to baa tha Uoneeo aad Embossed, asd Gold and Silver Paperi Crayoas, white aad colored case. This us a bread came of He' Coan-ciHo- r. HARDWARE, In eaw. Sto. ta prop:atMa aad ofjrare Himbarger. ts cow s Privy Best London Quills aad QsiU Pea Desk Pad and Weight e Saao. Xtelbal K pr omt. oaiTTo, deterauaiqf Has aad. BasslngT, Folia. .&$ 3tSaacil Fouut SkuvSt Garcoal Irons. cocsetjaeccei and deSaia 1.000 Gross of Steel Pen,, from the best maker White and Colored Blotting Paperi the h.v whiclk coctraEf the case at FiPi2?r fiiFJJTJ. GEEMA2T CIGAES bar wa are Russia caa faraisi at least three to English Bed aad Colored Wafer, aad Seal Drawinj. Draft. Nate. Order and Receipt Bool ccmpelled to ccaciier tha jolliers Oilcloth, Telret Busi, English Sealirg Wax, red and fancy 250,000 aspEcatica of the Turkey's one; her armies are Envelope, of all site and variety, from So. 1 FETF SETS OF 5LXGLE H1R5ESSES, prtadpal in ether eases. Biaitirij bettar'crsaaixad. Kidder and Pajson's Indelible Ink 1 to 15. it strictlr to better discjpliaed, aad probably, bettter eqipped OXC SET DOlEXJE. UJLBLSXSS- - where it heJocgr. Glass Pea, for marking with Indian ink Eyelet and Eyelet Machine A SMALL &T0IGE OF JEWELRY aad henicd ap The ia them ii a Ions parse. PIANO FORTES, Blue, Blaek and Red Writing Ink, aad Carolina ilerbarlun: aad Bool pricapla aadeaiafcre that where tha Tooth-pic- Thermometer, k Antograph Album, of all and price law impnaes a penalty for maiicg- - a coatract The new lzn Axe Hao&a. Bat Sasn Hiian SCCK3, tha ptayby Mark Twain and Bret Harte Bass Ale Map of Hawaiian Island, Cbirt Initial Paper aad Envelope Toys ecalnct is rHeIT is prohibited sail caaaot b entitled Ah fiia! has beaa prodaced at Fords Portable Writing Desk, from IS la 22 inches, Ma- and Fancy Goods, &c ee&rced Benjamia oa salea ao-Je- r Rosewood, GOODS. SHQOXS tha eaptioa National Theatre, Vashiagtoa. The aadiecee Blood WoUt & Go's Ale, hogany asd adapted for ladiu' and EASTEil FIIE BARHaS AID Eoumta3, rtateci.3UaltEafci " Ccatractt, ufegal fcj suiata,"' haj gathered voted it a gentlemen' aie A large and more complete assortment thxa can ba raiar Bapp, soceesi Panaar Pojc eirf. eotm tcgthera series cf eases which, aijrd m aathac-um- a School Book, of all kiad ia general use found at any other estahlijoaent, sash a : The measaremenU of the transit of photo- CofflatAle, Family and Packet Bible. Testaments, liarumclt'j puma ratnt fisr tha catarmiaatiaa of tha tin. Memorandum Album Ea nut 6Us qitestwai graphs by Teacher' new Reference Prayer Book Book. Postage Stamp BM.C. Taetiu BjnL TuSov cbcv Tha aathcr poiata ia Pruf. Qatkaess, at Washingtoa. are Bible. Pocket Book, Wallet and Portmonaisi cat Sdt 531. that approacaiag 5,000 Standard English aad American Book ., Si3t eompletrba. The reJcctioas cf star Pis Brand Steal. Traveling Desks, go Tar, Tjit, jn--, the qiusuaa-c- wiatheraa the traa ja Paper cover Book, Song and Book Eeticnle FURNITURE! observations for fin- ifosic cf tha statata the coatract has time aad latitade are nearly English and Americas Juvenile of Banker' Wallet, fells and eap lire rsafly ished. and Toy Book, Ladies' Ueat'e PGETLASB CEKE3T3; heec prchihitad, ia dstsrmioiag which pout Oilmen's Stores, every deacriptka and Portfolios, eta., et. xx crnMCE or Paper, all to doable Colored .Morocco Skin modi weixat his beea gitea wa rSatiactjoa About seTea yean ago Mr-- began Beit Draiog site, from daray Sheep Morocco Cloth, Strattca 40 yard Skis, (ta. Mc&urrsy's Fresfe Oysters, WHITS BBOTEEBS, heil ta exist fcetwaea two ehsies cf natatea, planting Ataraeda, elephist, and ia roll of 24 aad cam trees near Eaywardj, Brutal Board, of every and thUkneu thoea paeseil fliereiy - Alcohol, tlie BLAJfK BOOKS. Co aai Swa pcond oar he reveaae parpoees aad eoanty, CiEforaia. H is now- selling railroad Wiies aid Spirits, Fern Board which haTe aad Mounting Baari A M 3roiicLl(jajrtU!jE3aiCBiiri;nci tiasa ta caaumstuiiaa whcDr cr Fa ties, posts, and firewood haadsome Cheic Chrome Scenery, very full and eztsciire aoorimeat af nperier talgisu at of American aad European quality. Ai IssL of Ksowfes' Stesn Ftnnfs firtth protecfioa cf the pnafc criapracro-- figares. , CELEBEATED JTAPOLEftT framed cr enframed tomprUiog every variety of feral aad tyl. uv adapUd to all kind of buiioevi, namely s f uua suuih tojwn. ct poetic poucy; ia oar Steraeoge! aad Ure,pe VTew ease ao fe is charred far tha jj There are thirty thousand paid admissions en All the lata Piano Mntie, sang, and Song Book Ledger. Jenrnal., Day eertirata cr ! Book. Cab Book. Sale -- the fast O'Leary-Westc- a TO EX SOLD IT JLESCCES UTS: tha penally ala oo pars for aecaring' dij cf tha walking Champagne-an- d Red Bar Claret- - Tracing Paper? aad Tracing Cambrie, ia roll Book. Wait Book. Invslw Book,Sote Book. All Goods Lowest IOjOCO 2s- New Water in Bm Book., JL Wa-Str- (t AMvfencnc SADDLES. at llErketEates thatth corr,orr naleh ia Locdoa at - Si, and 20JW0 mas' Color, ?ot"a, Letter Book, els., etc. f at I?, bat Sable asd Camel' HairBnsthe Writing Book., of all tha varb U. r fcr aa cbjeci cf pifciie pcCcj, camefy the pra- - each. This shows a total fa ece day mlIag.,loDg ad rS Lcosmr al To&& Bcracc c .2,525-- FESCS, WIRE, Faber't superior Drawing Pencil. In boxe broad, quarts farea Baaaga acHirltr.t. iiiaTCattaaJxantfn. icuwuu oi tiui puuuc cr maiiarj c( Wa aai health. Calored Pencil, Creta levi da , Copying da. Qnartu Aeeoont Book 5t 321. Ia IS3i ixr Cope n. E.jxlarafr M. 4- - W. U3 Thera ara ta Colando over fifty peaks which Mathematical or Drawing Instrument,, In caxi, Blank Drawing Book. OSSa c co. ttTruhaUtaata-Cityc- I CORRUGATED IRON nxnriE f Iccfoa trafcac cooH rise mora thai 14 00O feet 'afxrve tire sea lavat. ROOFING, from $t to 19 each Albomi, great variety of elegant itylee aratstifa Chen Mm, wood and irory Fine Record Book., nat aa actica far his Btaaca Peaki ia State, is probably the hlzh-e-st for Hoeietle, CTab. eta. FLORIDA eomnrfeioaa that Ivoard Workmen'. WATE. tnyiniBai HiSar jtccfc aafesa Geanaed aodisr paint BAR IRON, Backgamman and Chttt Timt Book., Weekly aad Mcotily. withia the Emit of the United States, HOOP IRON, Istelleetoal Card Game, Playing Card fX&SCS iASOSIEB TiELT rKcrrs, XJsrra.7 & Laazua! J tha act, which. priV.das thai fct 14,4-5- Oao TMcfim. JVcSeixak Qitices. laridi Witer actiaa; as hrebr being feet. Damiaeej, of rari-.- a patttmf PIlUTOCiRAPH PICTURES. withaat EcecK tha ceracrr slnil fijrfeit - flJ."iCFT.TTWriTXI FXOEJ.L PEEJnrjEE S for HOLLOW-WAR- E, Gold aai Silver Pencil Case TnelndinxfitereKopc of nawailan American. Eaj-Iis-b T Ht.Vr.lL. ?-- aid. tt iujtiimaflte wortt erery iBcrl arreraB."" art tha jrraond that Tijisr, ra s betan 'ta tha Yale and European Scxxm DRnt JLTnies aait fTanuk 33 sura ame GloSe jiair craary. beyced said Gold Pen, with GU Can Scenery, eablaet aad fall is ar atiir i BrEaJi parpesa of itadacts, that the dimoar for brevity ia Gold with Silver Ca and Diamond Photograph of publla vJiiiezci tout juniamt mfOraiir tie aOMt Ej3 Ei tie raTicaa ta tha dlw fcaca BcEase Pen, PoiaU, men aad noted plica. 0lus3r-aiari?ea- s the henerls sersacs it a tad omen fcr the charches. HARDWARE, each n ban bean tei&crax fes aad eacarity of th poblic form- 7o from tUA ta JSJO & Sfy collection of Paetograpa wHI CX-J.- great theme," he said.-e- aa b treated fifteeri Pfatare R GX.OCXXIZZ. 3tcaariLtiaAs' Fiietf ed aos. oBject cf the stataia. la LEATHER BELTING, '"' Steel Penknife, 1U1 blade, of peas), abell, ivory, alway. be found worth Impacting. r the- mraatca." back aad bcial handle, of rich and beautiful eSiaC mmllaalM sap-Ca- tu my Ia 15ti ca ether haad. ta Smtta. Jfanr-he- ca aerTimir ier rued tor n. palters, iusnortoi axprtiily ta order PltTTCBB PKAMM. Oou.t.iy tU SmA tS W 453, - aw tad 3mbnia ItSf. the defence was. the zceds Herr Peteraiaaa, ta aa arude la tha Cofogne EARTHENWARE. Porcelain flare asul Drawing- Slate ao KltT taaacan coawd ar riuZrj nbJLS. fceiaff tefcaeso,t In gTMt variety, f,cta cabinet ,iie z ( laste to amana the pJaratiif had EccccracGed Gazette, cbserves if Mr. Stanley reaches Photograph Albset, card and In i Labor Contracts. Xa, frmO. &mgia tr BLdms - that ealcaat Ini, great heavy gilt raonldiag. frn. ax xrti the law Tajaihne- hrra the variety, frocx 31 to for largest sli picture. tr Bare his nam coast aorta, or west of the Nyaaalae, ha will lit. ,.... uu-ur- ii psce-- I painted CURIF1ERS FROM W. & M'OSIE. .u arrant., ef all sU. aad lti rarDEESTG3x hjl . .. - iaa"laianti cc thahocse ra whiea. ha have carried expedi-tic-cs L rjao: hate nun .-! nrin- carried ca throoarh caa cf tae greatest fcasinew, ander apeoalty-c- f ia All iTaa ra Eixhtou 2fla, bat it was ever undertaken. New Articles of Fancy Stationery Received by the 3tJSJTfTF 37'ff 3C3TI3223T", aaiii tat tag actam ezrLi JiIUj gir-rt- b Peamc Evajoratora ggtoAjimr i-r,1 earliest arrivals from tie ccject cf iur m& mitrnot Father Seccat, of Rime, the great astrono- London and New York. CsntrMtr, lie ta Titiata the mer says ACCOUNT BOOKS FOB Jctra cf laicr gwar of amiriutijiaaiciti, ."'T ecatnet tat only ta iiapcae : la th,i realm ef faith, I hoH fast to BASKS, PLANTATIONS, INCORPORATED COMPANIES Esi v caKCacil&cc; a penalty ca the Weston's &J933 caa gFrrntair Taj-la- var. . th uaduag p And Centrifugals, Etc., MADE TO OBDEB vt.r jt r.T.1 party cceadaa: for the pcrpceecf tha rerjcaa. whiea rseeeds froni tha Vtear cf WITH DESPATCH. and was Chriit ; a. tha -- sfp&yscc, F fcald-fa- ii pcictadcat as x orncn-iOacesta- ss ratio ta - ccntralHcff tha teachings rE0Jt5fKitEE3,XAIX WATBOy, PRINTINi3- Bill Heads, ceo thara was sot hcraa. MaaOTfar cf Notare usd experiment.' of Circulars, Cards, Etc., Etc., l3arewx KuczrfcttiSecraat. ice """i "tttt. mm: EieOOTZD OBSPA TCB Rncsxzrs eai ct&rsa, taoa prsafttfia? each, safe, J-- E. Dafey, jtackfcrakar, was Miat-gnme- ry WITS AT 10 W3T BA TSS. Vtaiacar of iwstiaffloacBjJdiEayXailetWiizE. Lvnndar- ftota a shot en resstiXTo jlrbi nz eertaia penalty ;r tradk hotr-er- er vuxc, nniIi.WiMC. Exa de- Onrgrif, tsn Jaiar ad; i eanyirrcii tha street, San Fraaciico, byL-H- . Hants, TSTeyr itietsx yTE2ant3Z, jar su- - tutzv wmm, ! jaaj-- . waulur nut naay lalea has fceea made. Ccosal for Gaoxemala, Caley dytaj aa hear Stock DEteceived. "laaiaaqtik VIclsC JJica lv ev?Tv aiaac aaf faxnf; mnnnm Et JfiHer n. Pcet Afiea 4241 i5 jLsisa to JLcfcaiwtMigwnnina cs rin.Jt'i S Ski, VS 7 I !&. anerwicisi. fcuolcj ifterwara esmmitted iai- - ?dMnU their inter to call and nil aaXfeHS. Ac itsaV Bxsac Scac mt anina-- r the eara w&ica jnToUK dBtolcrtxMlflndJtf ui r.inifmr. Ssatt Jrr tt at niQ: was tali at whefe- - oda ra prisco, taoctiag; Brnsalf wili a famehtre-- aqaaB-toar- rscuacnaiaitejj sosiet H. DATXES. I um h fa aaac-t- be ieaiad THEO. fatulpuTChann9 onto a: pni.TTirraf. nyata aadara ceufrr penalty rcr S carsleafy El Us esrrsiJr. til 3a Mi