February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E135 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RESTORING AMERICANS’ risk pools. Unlike Obamacare, which created earns JUST half of what other Michigan HEALTHCARE FREEDOM REC- an already oversubscribed Federal high risk households earn. ONCILIATION ACT OF 2015—VETO pool, AHCA returns those concerns to the Even before the water switched from Detroit MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT states, provides the necessary funding to sus- to the Flint River, Flint had fallen on hard OF THE UNITED STATES tain them, and caps the premiums in those times. plans. Additionally, AHCA tax incentives to It was a city in need and instead of taking SPEECH OF equalize the treatment of employer-sponsored action, Governor Rick Snyder balanced the HON. TOM COLE coverage and those purchased in the private budget at the expense of Flint children, their health and their safety. OF OKLAHOMA market. In addition to ensuring healthy com- Even after residents complained of brown IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES petition across the market place, it also en- sures that if one loses their job, they do not water coming out of the taps, the state in- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 necessarily have to lose their health insur- sisted nothing was wrong. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- ance. Third, AHCA would provide real com- But not everyone got the same treatment. press my profound disappointment in Presi- petition among insurers, by allowing Ameri- Last January—a full year ago—state work- dent Obama’s recent decision to veto H.R. cans to purchase health insurance products ers complained about the quality of water. 3762, the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare across state lines and by permitting small While Flint residents were told the water was Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015. It is im- businesses to pool together to negotiate better perfectly safe, the state employees were pro- portant to be clear and stand with my constitu- rates. AHCA is the type of legislation needed vided with bottled water. ents in voting to override the President’s veto to replace a bloated, government-run Even before that, in October 2014, the Flint of legislation that is a story of broken promises healthcare system which has left a trail of bro- General Motors factory complained that the by President Obama and the Democrats who ken promises in its wake. water was corroding car parts. The city helped voted in favor of this legislation. I am pleased to vote to override the Presi- General Motors tap into a different, safer I want to spend a few minutes describing dent’s veto of H.R. 3762. While I know this water line. just a few of the promises made during con- vote will not be successful, I am pleased that While officials lined up to protect state em- sideration of Obamacare which have sadly the President has finally had to confront the ployees and corporate profits, the residents of failed to come to fruition. First, Mr. Speaker, issues that the American people have with his Flint were fed lies and lead. President Obama repeatedly told the Amer- signature piece of legislation, the so-called Pa- Madam Speaker—I have to ask: Would this have happened in another city, ican people that ‘‘If you like your health care tient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Un- where the residents had the advantage of plan, you’ll be able to keep it’’. Sadly, in re- fortunately, Obamacare is none of these wealth? ality, it couldn’t be further from the truth. More things. I urge all my colleagues to vote in Or do these gross breaches of public trust than 4.7 million people received cancellation favor of overriding the President’s veto. only happen in cities where politicians see the notices in the fall of 2013, right before f residents as expendable? Obamacare went into effect. Politifact, no CONGRESSIONAL PROGRESSIVE Sadly, I think we all know the answer to that friend to conservatives, even went as far as question. labeling the President’s promise the ‘‘Lie of CAUCUS: THE FLINT, MICHIGAN, WATER CRISIS Tragically, this isn’t the first time a poor the Year.’’ town has been poisoned—and then ignored. Secondly, while Obamacare promised lower SPEECH OF In far too many low-income communities healthcare costs and lower premiums, this and communities of color across the country, couldn’t be further from the truth. First, on HON. BARBARA LEE this story is very familiar. lower healthcare costs, according to CMS’ OF CALIFORNIA They, like the families in Flint, have had own actuaries, overall spending on healthcare IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their health, their well-being and their futures is expected to rise by $621 billion over 10 Wednesday, February 3, 2016 traded in by callous politicians more con- years due to the law, at an average of 5.8% cerned with expanding corporate profits than per year. That’s more than double our pro- Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I’d like to thank serving the public good. jected GDP growth, and a higher rate than be- Congressman DAN KILDEE for his tireless work It’s past time for Congress to take steps to fore Obamacare. The story on premiums is no to bring justice for the residents of Flint. His address environmental racism and ensure that better. While President Obama promised lower work, and the work of Congressman JOHN everyone—no matter their zipcode—has the premiums, as John Adams stated, ‘‘facts are CONYERS, Congresswoman BRENDA LAW- opportunity to grow up safe and healthy. stubborn things’’. The facts are that the aver- RENCE, Congresswoman DEBBIE DINGELL, and President Obama took the first step by de- age premium for a family plan has increased so many Members of the Michigan Delegation, claring a state of emergency and extending by $18,610 from 2009–2013, and the overall is essential to providing the families of Flint a $80 million in federal funding. cost of premium increases have been over voice as we address this crisis. But more can and must be done to address $1.2 trillion. Madam Speaker, the situation in Flint is this public health crisis and ensure that this Third, Mr. Speaker, Obamacare promised nothing short of a tragedy—and a tragedy that never happens again—in any community, any- more choice, more competition, and lower could have been prevented. where. costs. Well, unfortunately, that is just not the Every day, we learn more information about When I was in the California legislature, I case in Oklahoma, like many other states how Michigan public officials sacrificed the worked to pass one of the first state bills regu- across the country. In fact, fewer insurers offer health and futures of Flint residents in order to lating lead. This toxin was disproportionately fewer options at higher prices than when save a few dollars in water costs. impacting communities of color. I have seen Obamacare was passed, over my objections. This is a shame and a disgrace. The people firsthand the devastating impact of lead on Obamacare is not the answer and the Amer- of Flint deserve better from their leaders. children. ican people know that. As Members of Congress, we cannot stand I support the work of my colleagues who are Instead, Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to co- silent while Americans are poisoned. demanding state and local officials are held sponsor the American Health Care Reform Act First, to truly understand this crisis—you accountable for this man-made disaster, a dis- of 2015 (AHCA), which I support as an alter- have to understand Flint. aster that never should have happened. native to a government-managed health care Flint is a majority African American city and The tragedy in Flint reveals the real impacts law. This legislation would provide a number the average household income is just $24,834 of structural and institutional racism and of market-driven solutions to ensure everyone a year—that’s barely HALF the average classism on our community. I stand with the seeking coverage will be able to obtain it. household income for the state. Let me say people of Flint in my outrage and will continue First, it expands federal support for state high that again, the average household in Flint to demand answers.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.001 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 As we do so, we must come together to ad- NATIONAL TRAUMA INSTITUTE Peoria Charter Coach Company started in dress the impacts of lead poisoning on Flint’s RECOGNITION Lacon, Illinois under Walter Winkler who had residents, particularly Flint’s children. Be- nothing but the earnest desire to put his com- cause, sadly, for them, this crisis is just begin- HON. WILL HURD munity first. After seeing his fellow citizens ning. struggle to travel to work due to the World OF TEXAS War II gas rations, he opened a bus service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f so that others around him could safely com- IN RECOGNITION OF PINE FORGE Tuesday, February 9, 2016 mute to work to earn their paychecks. ACADEMY Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, traumatic Seventy-five years later and now injury in America affects everyone, claiming headquartered in Peoria, Illinois, four genera- HON. PATRICK MEEHAN over 190,000 lives and costing hundreds of tions of Winklers have found many other ways billions of dollars in healthcare annually. It is to serve their community. From transporting OF PENNSYLVANIA the number one cause of death for Americans war-time United States Defense Workers and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES between 1 and 46 years old. As a result, in Military Personnel to serve their country to Tuesday, February 9, 2016 2006, the National Trauma Institute was helping schoolchildren to attend classes, from founded in San Antonio, Texas, to stop unnec- assisting college students returning home for Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to essary suffering from trauma through preven- the holidays to serving locals looking to catch recognize Pine Forge Academy for providing tion, education and research. Ten years later, a ball game in Chicago, the Winklers continue 70 years of exemplary education to Penn- the National Trauma Institute celebrates a to pride themselves on assisting others. To sylvania’s 7th District. decade of trauma research advocacy and date, the Peoria Charter Coach Company now Pine Forge Academy is a co-educational funding. carries an impressive half million passengers boarding school that serves grades 9 through The National Trauma Institute has enjoyed over four million miles annually. 12. It is a part of the Seventh-Day Adventist much success throughout its first decade in I am thankful that America has been a education system, the world’s second largest existence advocating for federal appropriations country where hard-working families with a vi- Christian school system. for trauma-related research so that patients sion, such as the Winklers can grow their Today, the school remains committed to can receive care faster and more efficiently. small business, employ others, and serve their providing African-American high school stu- To date, the organization has been respon- fellow Americans. I extend my sincere con- dents with an exemplary education, a chance sible for securing $55 million in funding for gratulations to the Winkler Family and Peoria to develop their faith and to prepare for a life trauma-related research, special projects and Charter Coach Company for their impressive of service. research infrastructure. That $55 million has accomplishments and thank them for their Mr. Speaker, Pine Forge Academy has made an incredible impact on millions of continued service to the 18th District. I wish been changing the lives of young men and Americans, allowing them to survive injuries them seventy-five more years of good fortune women for the past 70 years. I congratulate that were once unthinkable and go on to lead and safe travels. the school and look forward to seeing the ex- healthy productive lives. cellent work it will continue to do in the years There is no question that the National Trau- f to come. ma Institute, founded in San Antonio, Texas, HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY f has contributed to trauma research that has saved and dramatically improved lives. The or- OF MRS. WAYEDEAN BEATRICE MCGRAW CELEBRATING THE 150TH ANNI- ganization has become a pillar of the commu- VERSARY OF LEBANON VALLEY nity and is now the leading voice of advocacy COLLEGE for the funding of clinical trauma research. I HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS am proud to congratulate The National Trau- OF FLORIDA ma Institute for its incredible achievements for HON. CHARLES W. DENT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA San Antonio and the rest of the nation. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Tuesday, February 9, 2016 PERSONAL EXPLANATION recognize the life and legacy of Mrs. Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to Wayedean Beatrice McGraw of Broward recognize the 150th Anniversary of Lebanon HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO County, Florida, who sadly passed away on Valley College. Lebanon Valley College was OF MASSACHUSETTS Friday, January 1, 2016 at age 73. Wayedean founded on February 23, 1866. For 150 years IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was born in Leeds, Alabama where she at- it has delivered quality liberal arts educational tended Moton High School. She later moved Tuesday, February 9, 2016 instruction to its students. to Florida where she worked providing private During this time, the school has grown to Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I missed sev- home health care in various locations through- become a vital and vibrant part of the culture eral votes last week while meeting with the out Broward County. She worshipped at Beth- and community of Lebanon County and of Speaker of Parliament of the Republic of the el Baptist and Evergreen Missionary Baptist Annville Township. Sudan. I wish to state how I would have voted Church, now known as Greater Providence Lebanon Valley College currently offers thir- had I been present: Baptist Church. ty-six undergraduate majors to its student Roll Call No. 55—No Wayedean is survived by her three loving body of approximately sixteen hundred under- Roll Call No. 56—No children, Bruce, Annette and Ronald; seven graduate students. At various times, the U.S. f wonderful grandchildren: Cornelius Sr., Valen- News & World Report, the Princeton Review cia, Antwon Sr., Calvin Sr., Marquis, Brittany and Forbes have all placed the school on their COMMEMORATING THE 75TH ANNI- and Lauren; ten great grandchildren: Roy, respective lists recognizing America’s best col- VERSARY OF PEORIA CHARTER Cornelius Jr., D’Naisah, Kristian, Antwon Jr., leges. COACH COMPANY A’Niyah, Nakyla, Calonni, Calvin Jr., and Mr. Speaker, I warmly extend my congratu- Makai; one sister, Nancy of Oakland Park, lations to the students, faculty, employees, ad- HON. DARIN LaHOOD Florida; and many loving nieces, nephews, ministrators and alumni of Lebanon Valley OF ILLINOIS other relatives and friends. Her mother, Ar- College on the happy occasion of their Ses- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lene, and four siblings: Jean, Mary, Paul and quicentennial. I extend my congratulations to Charles all preceded her in death. Lebanon Valley College for its outstanding Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Mr. Speaker, I am truly honored to celebrate record of successfully providing so many Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I would like to the incredible life of Mrs. Wayedean Beatrice young men and women with a strong liberal honor a remarkable business, Peoria Charter McGraw, and express my deepest condo- arts education, and wish continued growth and Coach Company, an icon of Central Illinois lences to her family. I know that her spirit, lov- success for the College and all of its students. celebrating their 75th anniversary. ing memory, and legacy will always live on.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.002 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E137 CONGRATULATIONS TO LIBRADA sional delegations to Russia and the former presided over a doubling of the Library’s hold- PAYAN Soviet Union, and joined President Reagan at ings and a major enhancement of the Library’s the summit meeting in June, 1988. role in American cultural life. HON. WILL HURD On September 14, 1987, Professor Dr. Billington, a Rhodes Scholar and a dis- OF TEXAS Billington was sworn in as the 13th Librarian tinguished expert on Russia, began his career IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Congress where he oversaw the largest col- as a professor of history at Harvard University lection of books, maps, photographs, record- and Princeton University. He served as direc- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ings, and motion pictures in the world. tor of the Woodrow Wilson International Cen- Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Dr. Billington is the author of Mikhailovsky ter for Scholars and helped found the Kennan today to recognize the 101st birthday of Mrs. and Russian Populism (1956), The Icon and Institute for Advanced Russian Studies before Librada Payan of El Paso, Texas. the Axe (1966), Fire in the Minds of Men coming to the Library of Congress in 1987. A beloved mother of 7 children, 30 grand- (1980), Russia Transformed: Breakthrough to Dr. Billington recognized that the Library children, 15 great grandchildren, and several Hope, August 1991 (1992), The Face of Rus- must be a great public asset, an educational more great-great grandchildren, Mrs. Payan is sia (1998)—a companion book to the three- resource for all Americans, not just for aca- known for her cheerful outlook and devotion to part television series of the same name, which demics and Members of Congress. He set her beloved family. he wrote and narrated for the Public Broad- about digitizing many of the Library’s collec- Mrs. Payan was born in 1915, and moved to casting Service, and Russia in Search of Itself tions and arranging the purchase and display the El Paso area in 1918. She was happily (2004), books translated and published in a of dozens of important relics that had long married to the love of her life for over 65 variety of languages. been hidden from public view. He also created years. She never ceases to be amazed at the James H. Billington has received over 40 the National Book Festival, which has brought changes of the world around her, and greets honorary doctorates—including from the Uni- hundreds of thousands of book lovers to each day with an enthusiasm that eludes even versity of Tbilisi in Georgia (1999), the Rus- Washington to celebrate our literary history. the most optimistic of people. sian State University for the Humanities in As a Member of Congress and a leader of On behalf of the Twenty-Third Congres- Moscow (2001), and the University of Oxford the House Democracy Partnership (HDP), I sional District of Texas, congratulations to (2002), has been awarded the Woodrow Wil- have particularly appreciated Dr. Billington’s Librada Payan on turning 101 years old, and son Award from Princeton University (1992), application of his background as a scholar of may she celebrate many more. the UCLA Medal (1999), the Pushkin Medal of Russia and his extensive international experi- f the International Association of the Teachers ence to the establishment of the Open World Leadership Center, a unique legislative branch HONORING THE ACCOMPLISH- of Russian Language and Culture (2000), the Karamzin Prize (2005) from the Foreign Lit- initiative that has brought some 24,000 young MENTS OF DR. JAMES H. leaders from post-Soviet states to the U.S. for BILLINGTON erature Library in Moscow, the Likhachev Prize (2006) from the Likhachev Foundation in intensive exposure to our people and commu- nity life. I have enjoyed hosting these delega- HON. JEFF FORTENBERRY St. Petersburg, the inaugural Lafayette Prize by the French-American Cultural Foundation, tions in North Carolina, parliamentary col- OF NEBRASKA the EastWest Institute Outstanding Leadership leagues but also teachers, doctors, provincial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Award, and the Presidential Citizens Medal by leaders, and others from all walks of life. The Library and the Congressional Re- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 President Bush in 2008. search Service (CRS) have also been invalu- Mr. FORTENBERRY. Mr. Speaker, today I Dr. Billington is a member of the Russian able in HDP’s outreach to parliaments in de- would like to honor the accomplishments of Academy of Sciences. He was decorated as mocratizing countries, helping build their staff, James H. Billington as founding chairman of Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters research, and IT capabilities. This work began the Open World Leadership Center in Wash- and as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor by with the Frost-Solomon Task Force in the ington, DC, in recognition of his retirement in the President of France, as Commander of the early 1990s, when post-communist states September 2015. National Order of the Southern Cross of faced the challenge of equipping and oper- James H. Billington served as the 13th Li- Brazil, the Order of Merit of Italy, a Knight ating modern parliaments. It has continued brarian of Congress from 1987 until his retire- Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit by over the past decade as HDP has helped es- ment in 2015. the Federal Republic of Germany, the tablish research facilities and personnel, with ‘‘Jim’’, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Gwanghwa Medal by the Republic of Korea, the help of CRS, in countries ranging from Li- vania, is an accomplished author, scholar, ed- the Chingiz Aitmatov Gold Medal by the ucator, and administrator and has earned the beria to Afghanistan to Timor-Leste. Kyrgyz Republic and the Order of Friendship I congratulate Dr. Billington on his historic respect and admiration of his students, col- by the President of the Russian Federation; career, and I wish him and his family the very leagues, peers, and fellow Trustees. the highest state order that a foreign citizen best for a well-deserved retirement. Librarian Billington earned a Bachelor of may receive. Arts degree from Princeton University in 1950 Dr. Billington will continue to study and write f and a doctorate from Balliol College, Oxford, on important Russian-American issues, after HONORING TERRY’S HOUSE AS where he was a Rhodes Scholar. retiring as the second-longest-serving Librar- THEY CELEBRATE THEIR 5 YEAR After serving with the United States Army ian of Congress, and as Founding Chairman ANNIVERSARY and in the Office of National Estimates, Mr. of the Open World Leadership Center. Billington taught history at Harvard University It is fitting that the United States Congress HON. JIM COSTA from 1957 to 1962 and subsequently at recognize his deeds throughout his 28 years OF CALIFORNIA Princeton University where he was professor of service as Librarian of Congress and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of history from 1964 to 1973. accomplishments and achievements of James Tuesday, February 9, 2016 James H. Billington became director of the H. Billington as founding Chairman of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Open World Leadership Center throughout his Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Scholars in September 1973, an institution 16 years of service. honor Terry’s House, a hospitality home dedi- cated to providing affordable and convenient created by the United States Congress in f 1968 as a living memorial to the 28th Presi- lodging for families of patients in critical care dent. He grew the Woodrow Wilson Center HONORING DR. JAMES BILLINGTON units at the Community Regional Medical Cen- International Center for Scholars allowing ter. This year Terry’s House is celebrating its American and invited foreign scholars to HON. DAVID E. PRICE five year anniversary of continuous service in spend time reflecting on issues central to un- OF NORTH CAROLINA Downtown Fresno, California. Since its incep- derstanding a complex world. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion in 2011, Terry’s House has served over He then helped create the Kennan Institute 3,600 families, from forty-two states and twen- for Advanced Russian Studies in 1974, believ- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ty-three countries around the world. Operating ing that the relationship with the Soviet Union Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, solely on donations, Terry’s House has been was America’s most important international I wish to congratulate and thank Dr. James made possible by the generosity of the com- challenge. Billington upon completion of his 42 years of munity, and it is their hope that they may con- As a scholar of Russian history and culture, distinguished public service, culminating in 28 tinue to assist families of those in critical care Dr. Billington has accompanied 10 congres- years as the 13th Librarian of Congress. He for many years to come.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09FE8.004 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 This residential facility is named in honor of Helen was born in Adkins, Texas on Feb- IN RECOGNITION OF BOB CHERECK Terry Richards who suffered and survived a ruary 25th, 1913. She was married to the love serious trauma at the age of five when he was of her life for 45 years. She had 4 wonderful injured in a car accident. For nearly five children, and 4 grandchildren. She has always HON. PETE SESSIONS months, his mother, Marie Richards traveled enjoyed cooking and is known for her home- OF TEXAS nearly 80 miles a day to see her son while he made biscuits. In 1921, at the age of 8, she was recovering in the hospital. Her story was began the life-long habit of drinking four IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the story of many people before Terry’s House ounces of red wine every night before bed, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 opened its doors. Many families had to seek which her family attributes to her wonderful accommodations miles from the hospital, and longevity. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to many who couldn’t afford lodging slept in wait- On behalf of the Twenty-third Congressional recognize the work of an outstanding Texan, ing rooms, in their cars, or had to try their best District of Texas, congratulations to Helen Vir- Robert A. Chereck, as he recently concluded to find a spot in a busy hospital. Often, pa- ginia Forbrich on turning 103 years old, and his distinguished work as the long-term Chair- tients’ loved ones had no alternative but to the may she celebrate many more. man of the Board for the Children’s Health leave the hospital and make the long drive Systems of Texas (CHST) in Dallas. While home. Terry’s House addresses this need, f serving as Chairman for the Children’s Health and has provided families with a home away Systems of Texas, Mr. Chereck also served from home, while their love ones receive care. RECOGNIZING HARRY BOWEN AS as the Executive Chairman and President/ Terry’s House is situated on 17,000 square VETERAN OF THE YEAR CEO of Southwest Securities FSB and pre- feet and features two stories of living quarters viously served as the Executive Vice President located across the street from the Community Regional Medical Center, so families can visit of Wells Fargo Bank. their loved ones daily. The twenty hotel and HON. MARTHA McSALLY The Children’s Health Systems of Texas’ suite style rooms at Terry’s House have a ca- OF ARIZONA original location is in Dallas and has now pacity of up to four individuals and feature var- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grown to include the several other specialty ious amenities, including balcony seating and pediatric care centers located throughout areas, in-room refrigerators, access to adjoin- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 North Texas. The Children’s Health Systems ing rooms for increased capacity, and various of Texas remains the seventh largest pediatric common areas including a kitchen, dining Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to health care provider in the country—receiving area, laundry facility, and children’s play room. honor and congratulate Harry Bowen, a vet- more than 760,000 patients annually and per- Terry’s House was made possible by the eran from Sierra Vista who was recently se- forming more than 26,588 surgeries at its two tireless work of Terry Richards’s brother, Tom lected as the Veteran of the Year by the full-service campuses in Dallas and Plano. Richards, a local community developer and Greater Sierra Vista Area United Veterans’ The Dallas campus serves as the main cam- CEO of the Penstar Group. With the dedica- Council. Mr. Bowen has continued the proud pus as well as the only academic healthcare tion of Tom Richards, Leta Ciavaglia, Christa tradition of service to our country long after system in the Dallas-Fort Worth area dedi- Short, the Terry’s House Development Coun- leaving the military. cated solely to the comprehensive care of chil- cil, the Community Regional Medical Center Mr. Bowen served in the United States dren from birth to age 18. Children’s Health Foundation and many generous members of Army during Vietnam and retired as a Chief has also been recognized as (1) one of the the community, a family dream has become a Warrant Officer 3. After his service in the most connected hospitals in the nation for its reality. Army, Mr. Bowen has actively served in the excellence in patient safety, patient engage- The sustainability of Terry’s House is en- Military Officers Association of America in ment and clinical connectedness; (2) one of tirely dependent on private gifts, contributions many capacities including as the Employer only six STS three-star designations for con- from generous individuals, and organizations. Support to the Guard and Reserve Outreach genital heart surgery; (3) a Level IV Neonatal More than $5 million was raised to initially coordinator who works to educate companies Intensive Care Unit—the highest qualification build and furnish the home. In addition to gen- on the benefits of hiring veterans as employ- for such programs; and (4) a Level 1 Trauma erous gifts from Tom Richards and Bank of ees. He is also active in the Warrant Officers’ Center for pediatric care. America, a large number of in-kind donations Association, and the American Legion Post I have seen the power of the Children’s also continue to assist in sustaining the ongo- 52. ing operations of the home. Terry’s House has Health System of Texas as both a Member of been fortunate enough to receive staffing sup- Recently, Mr. Bowen joined the Cochise Congress and as the father of a patient. Our port from the Community Medical Centers. To Serving Veterans Committee—as a founding region is blessed to have the resources and minimize costs, volunteers generously perform member—to aid in helping homeless and at- expertise of the CHST medical professionals many of the daily operations of the home. risk veterans in Cochise County. He has and staff available to meet the needs of our Mr. Speaker, for the last five years, Terry’s served on the board for the Cochise County children. So much of the CHST success story House has had the privilege and responsibility Stand-down event for two years and his in- is due to the involved engagement of civic of housing families as they face some of the volvement is credited with making the Cochise leaders like Bob Chereck. Together, those most difficult days of their lives. Terry’s House County Stand-down the largest event of its leaders have ensured the children of our re- has been there for them, and will continue to kind in Southern Arizona. gion would never have to leave home to have be there thanks to the generosity and support The extent of Mr. Bowen’s service and civic the best possible medical care. of our community. Through their selfless serv- involvement is not limited to Veteran Service I have personally had the opportunity to ice, Terry’s House has made an immense dif- Organizations. He has also served the Kiwanis work with Mr. Chereck over the years in Dal- ference in the lives of so many individuals, club in several capacities since 1993, and has las on a number of issues important to our and it is important that we recognize them for led the American Cancer Society Relay for community, region and state. Besides serving all that they have done and will continue to do Life event in Sierra Vista for 9 years. as Chairman of the Board at CHST, Bob has for years to come. To quote his friend, ‘‘It is clear he does not served as Chairman of the Dallas Regional f perform his duties or take on these leadership Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Dal- CONGRATULATIONS TO HELEN roles for any kind of recognition, but for the las Citizens Council, a member of the Down- FORBRICH love of service to his fellow veterans and town Dallas Association Board, the Youth countrymen.’’ Harry Bowen is an excellent rep- Services Council, and a number of initiatives HON. WILL HURD resentative of the veterans of Southeastern at his beloved University of Texas. Over the Arizona who have continued to exemplify the years, my work with Bob via any number of OF TEXAS these organizations has forged a strong bond IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES time-honored values at the core of our military: duty, service, and an abiding commitment to a and friendship with both Bob and his wife Tuesday, February 9, 2016 cause greater than any one individual. Con- Donna. Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise gratulations to Mr. Bowen for being selected Mr. Speaker, I ask my esteemed colleagues today to recognize the 103rd birthday of Helen as Veteran of the Year, a well-deserved to join me in wishing Bob and Donna Chereck Virginia Forbrich, of San Antonio, Texas. honor. all the best in their future endeavors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.008 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E139 CELEBRATING THE 200TH BIRTH- the entire Skowhegan community in recog- from 1952 to 1957, Muriel was unofficially re- DAY OF THE CITY OF JACKSON nizing the 100th birthday of Kirby Hight. I am sponsible for developing, cultivating and main- honored to extend birthday greetings on this taining diplomatic relationships with President HON. BRADLEY BYRNE truly special occasion. Tubman, key business and government offi- OF ALABAMA I congratulate Mr. Hight on this major mile- cials of Liberia, citizens and high level visitors IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stone but also express profound gratitude for to the country: like the future Prime Minister of Tuesday, February 9, 2016 his valiant service to our Nation as a proud Ghana Kwame Nkrumah in January 1953. member of the United States Navy. Muriel was the first Bank Teller for the first Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to We are forever grateful and humbled by his indigenous bank in Liberia (Bank of Liberia) celebrate the 200th birthday of Jackson, Ala- heroism and selflessness during World War II founded by her former Morehouse classmate bama, which is located in Alabama’s First as a Captain of one of our naval destroyers. A. Romeo Horton. She taught Early European Congressional District. Over the past 200 Upon returning to Maine after the war, he History and Political Science at Monrovia High years, the City of Jackson has had a rich and continued to give back to his community. He School. She gave birth to her two children in storied history that is reflected in all of the developed a successful family business, gave hardworking residents of Jackson today. Monrovia: Dorothy Davis and Ben Davis. his time to the local Rotary Club and served In 1957, the family was posted to newly Situated on a rise overlooking the east bank as a member on the board of the Skowhegan of the Tombigbee River is where you will find independent Tunisia. Muriel repeated the Fair Association and Redington Fairview Hos- same unofficial diplomatic duties she had in Jackson’s historic downtown. In 1815, a stock pital, not to mention the numerous local company, the Pine Level Land Company, was Liberia but faced an even more multicultural causes his late wife, Grace, and he supported. and potentially hostile environment. Although formed by a group of investors who believed The fantastic turnout expected for his birth- women could not attend government activities, they could promote the site to attract settlers. day celebration will be but a small testament Muriel was able to meet Tunisia’s first Presi- Formerly known as ‘‘Pine Level,’’ and to the magnificent impact his hard work and dent Habib Bourghuiba. ‘‘Republicville,’’ it was finally decided that the unwavering generosity has had on his family, Muriel returned to New Jersey in 1959 to little village would be named Jackson, in honor community and country. of General Andrew Jackson, hero of the War Happy 100th Birthday to Mr. Hight—I wish enroll her two children in private school. When of 1812 as well as the Creek Indian War of him many more years of continued good she met the principal of The Carteret School 1813–14, who would later become our sev- health and happiness. May we all be so lucky of West Orange, he rescinded the school’s ini- enth president. Jackson was incorporated by to live such a long and meaningful life. God tial offer for admission to her daughter, Doro- an act of the Mississippi Territorial Legislature Bless America and God Bless you, Mr. Hight. thy, because she was African American. On on November 27, 1816, which also created behalf of her daughter, Muriel filed a complaint f the town’s first governing body. with the State of New Jersey Division Against Like many of our country’s communities, TRIBUTE TO MURIEL LOIS CORRIN Discrimination of the Department of Education Jackson has experienced both ups and downs DAVIS in 1959. She won the next year. This decision throughout its history. In 1816, the prosperous enabled African Americans to attend New Jer- Jackson had a population of 1,500, which was HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. sey’s private schools. In June 1967, Muriel quite large for a rural frontier town. The town OF NEW JERSEY taught pre-schoolers at East Orange Co-op experienced growth and success through the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Day Care Center until 1980. She became an Civil War, but then declined. By 1875, the Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Investigator for the Essex County Probation town was home to only 15 families. With the Department’s Bail Program in Newark until arrival of the railroad in 1886 and the hard Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to she retired in 1994. work and dedication of the people of Jackson, recognize the 90th birthday of a very incred- Since her retirement in February 1994, the town once again boomed. The railroad ible constituent, Muriel Lois Corrin Davis. Muriel has traveled across the United States brought with it the timber industry, which was Muriel was born on February 9, 1926 in Sea and to France, Ghana, Switzerland, Barbados instrumental in reviving the tiny town. Bright, New Jersey. At the age of 1, her family and the U.S. Virgin Islands and remains Throughout the early 20th century, Jackson moved to East Orange, New Jersey. She friends with people from around the world. experienced economic growth and expansion. graduated from East Orange High School in She has volunteered for several institutions in- The town experienced another setback during 1944 and left for Spelman College in Atlanta, cluding the United Black Episcopalians, the the Great Depression, but was sparked yet Georgia in 1945. She received her B.A. in again by economic growth in the 1930s. This Church of the Epiphany, the United Nations English and Spanish in 1950. An avid International School (UNIS), and the Women’s year is not only Jackson’s 200th birthday; it is moviegoer, her dream was to see the world also a year that will bring even more success Africa Committee of the African-American In- she had only seen onscreen. stitute. to Jackson with the opening of the new iSpice After graduation in August 1950, Muriel was Ms. Davis is the proud grandmother of food manufacturing and distributing plant. the first African American woman to be hired Joelle Joseph, Anne-Laure Davis and Daniel The Post Civil War Era and the Depression by Doubleday Publishers. Her position was Davis. She has lived a life that makes me could have easily led to a different fate for Assistant Secretary in the Executive Office of honored to acknowledge her 90th birthday and Jackson, but the people of this quaint timber Doubleday. Her courtship with Morehouse Col- wish her another year of happiness. town refused to give up on their home. The lege graduate (Class of 1947) Griffith ‘‘Griff’’ hardworking men and women of Jackson are Davis began while he lived in the Harlem not only pillars of their community, but they home of Langston Hughes. Mr. Hughes used f also represent the true backbone of the United them as the prototype for his Simple book se- INAUGURATION OF THE FORT States. Their hard work and perseverance ries. MCDOWELL YAVAPAI NATION through troubling times serves as an example Liberia President William V. S. Tubman TRIBAL COUNCIL that should be followed by all Americans. Suc- commissioned Griff to do the first photography cess is not given, it is earned, and Jackson exhibit on Liberia at the American Museum of has earned it throughout its 200-year exist- Natural History in New York City and the film- HON. DAVID SCHWEIKERT ence. ing of Liberia’s first promotional film entitled OF ARIZONA Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to congratulate ‘‘Pepperbird Land.’’ In March 1952, Muriel flew IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jackson on its bicentennial. to Liberia to marry Griff. Their ‘‘Global Honey- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 f moon’’ on three continents was written and IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH photographed by Griff and appeared in the Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to BIRTHDAY OF KIRBY HIGHT September 1952 issue of Ebony magazine. express my warmest congratulations to the Upon returning from their honeymoon, Griff newly elected members of the Fort McDowell HON. BRUCE POLIQUIN took the Foreign Service exam in Washington, Yavapai Nation Tribal Council. Bernadine Bur- DC. In November 1952, they returned to Libe- nett was elected to the Council as President, OF MAINE ria as African-American pioneers in President Pamela Mott has been reelected as Treasurer, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Harry Truman’s Point Four Program for foreign and Gerald Doka has been reelected as Tuesday, February 9, 2016 aid. Council Member. I wish them all the best as Mr. POLIQUIN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to As the spouse of a U.S. Foreign Service Of- they govern the Fort McDowell Yavapai Na- join loving family members, dear friends and ficer during the family’s tours of duty in Liberia tion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09FE8.008 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 COMMENDING THE SOUTHERN AND RECOGNIZING THE ESTABLISH- I am honored to represent these men in CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA VOL- MENT OF FLOTILLA 77 OF THE Congress and look forward to seeing them UNTEERS WHO PROVIDED HE- UNITED STATES COAST GUARD achieve much more in their careers. The state ROIC SERVICE DURING WINTER AUXILIARY DIVISION 7 of Iowa looks forward to watching these young STORM JONAS men play on Sundays for years to come. HON. DANIEL WEBSTER Congratulations on a great season, David HON. BILL SHUSTER OF FLORIDA and congratulations on becoming Iowa’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Super Bowl champion, James. OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday, February 9, 2016 f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I HONORING THE LIFE, ACHIEVE- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 rise today to recognize the chartering of Flo- MENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tilla 77 of the United States Coast Guard Aux- commend the selfless assistance provided by iliary Division 7. Flotilla 77 was officially recog- many of the volunteer fire department and nized in a chartering ceremony on January 23, HON. STEVE COHEN public assistance agencies from southern and 2016, in Polk County, Florida. OF TENNESSEE The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the volun- central Pennsylvania during the recent Winter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Storm Jonas. teer corps that assists the U.S. Coast Guard Tuesday, February 9, 2016 While many of us sought shelter during the in promoting boating safety. Formed originally recent winter storm that struck the East Coast, as the Coast Guard volunteer Reserve on Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to some of us were not so fortunate, as was June 23, 1939, the volunteer Reserve was re- honor the life of Memphis singer, drummer, made evident by the miles and miles of cars named the Auxiliary two years later. During , producer and founder of the world- that were stranded on the Pennsylvania Turn- World War II, the Auxiliary rapidly expanded renowned band Earth, Wind & Fire, Maurice pike. Many of these travelers had gotten as Auxiliarists provided oversight assistance in White. Maurice White was born in Memphis, trapped on the turnpike as a number of crash- many of the Coast Guard surface and air op- Tennessee on December 19, 1941, and at- es stopped traffic while a huge amount of erations, which freed up active duty Coast tended Booker T. Washington High School snow fell. Fortunately for the beleaguered trav- Guardsman for wartime missions. Today the where he was in the drum corps. After grad- elers, a number of local volunteer fire depart- Auxiliarists support and augment the non-mili- uating, he and his family moved to Chicago, Il- ments from the surrounding communities tary and non-law enforcement operations in- linois and Maurice White enrolled at the Chi- braved the weather to assist those in need. cluding communication watchstanding, public cago Conservatory of Music. Having devel- For the drivers stranded overnight, these education programs, marine safety, and as- oped a love for drums while singing in his volunteer emergency responders were the sisting with search and rescue missions. church choir in Memphis and watching march- The selflessness by which they voluntarily only ones who could reach the area to help. ing bands, Maurice found work as a drummer serve and put their lives on the line for our As snow continued to fall, these volunteers in nightclubs and in 1963, he became a ses- safety and security is inspiring. We honor worked together to ensure the well-being of sion drummer for Chess Records. these brave men and women whose dedica- those stranded by traveling car to car and of- While at Chess Records, Maurice recorded tion to our great nation have and continue to fering supplies to many. To aid the cause, with music legends Etta James, Fontella Bass, ensure the safety and security of our ports, many local stores and restaurants contributed Muddy Waters, The Impressions, Betty Everett waterways and coastal regions. and many more. In 1966, he joined the food and water to be distributed. It was truly It is my distinct pleasure, as a representa- a community effort. Ramsey Lewis Trio during a time when the tive of the people of Central Florida, to recog- group was one of only a few jazz groups to On behalf of the 9th Congressional District nize and honor the establishment of Flotilla 77 rise to the upper levels of the pop charts. of Pennsylvania and all of those who were as- of the United States Coast Guard. I thank Maurice White left the group to form the Salty sisted by the area’s volunteers, I would like to them and their loved ones for their dedication Peppers in 1969 alongside his two friends, thank these public servants for their selfless- and service to our community and country. Wade Flemons and Don Whitehead. After little ness. It is my honor to highlight this tremen- f success, he moved to Los Angeles, California, dous effort and its illustration of the neighborly recruited new band members including his commitment my constituents embody. CONGRATULATING DAVID JOHN- brother and, drawing inspiration To the volunteer organizations and govern- SON AND JAMES FERENTZ ON from the astrological chart, changed the mental agencies listed below, we thank you REMARKABLE NFL SEASONS group’s name to Earth, Wind & Fire. for your generous dedication to serving the Earth, Wind & Fire signed with Warner Bros. public: HON. DAVID LOEBSACK in 1971 but did not gain renowned fame until New Baltimore Vol. Fire Co. OF IOWA Maurice, again, brought on new band mem- Shawnee Valley Vol. Fire Co. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers, with the exception of Verdine, and Shawnee Valley EMS Tuesday, February 9, 2016 signed the band with Columbia. It was then Bedford Fire Co. Mr. LOEBSACK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today that Earth, Wind & Fire infused its sound with Everett Fire Co. to congratulate two of my constituents, Ari- jazz, funk, soul and pop, and recorded the Breezewood Fire Co. zona Cardinals running back David Johnson album Head to the Sky in 1973, which sold Southern Cove Fire Co. and Denver Broncos center James Ferentz, over 500,000 copies and included hit songs Alum Bank Fire Co. on a remarkable 2015–2016 NFL season. Evil and Keep Your Head to the Sky. In 1974, Earth, Wind & Fire released the album Open Chestnut Ridge EMS David and James each helped lead their teams to the AFC and NFC conference cham- Our Eyes and reached the pop Top 40 for the Blue Knob Fire Co. pionship games, and James now has the dis- first time with the song Mighty Mighty. Their Claysburg Fire Co. tinct honor of being called a Super Bowl next album released just a year later, That’s Martinsburg Fire Co. champion. the Way of the World, included the group’s Imler Fire Co. Having grown up in Clinton and Iowa City, first and only No. 1 pop hit, Shining Star. Bedford American Legion David and James both know the meaning of Earth, Wind & Fire also recorded hit songs Pa. National Guard hard work. This hard work ethic propelled Reasons (1975), That’s the Way of the World SCMRTF Incident Management Team them from the gridirons of the University of (1975), Fantasy (1977), September (1978), DCNR Northern Iowa and University of Iowa to the (1979), and Let’s Groove PEMA top of their profession. (1981), including many more hits and popular Currently in their rookie and sophomore songs. Maurice White helped produce seven Pa. State Police NFL seasons, each has achieved so much in double platinum albums, two platinum albums, Pa. Turnpike just a few short years. Their successes can be two gold albums and two gold singles. Somerset Co. EMA & 9–1–1 attributed to the family, friends, teachers, and In addition to writing or co-writing many of Bedford County EMA & 9–1–1 coaches that continue to challenge the future the songs for Earth, Wind & Fire, Maurice American Red Cross David Johnsons and James Ferentzes of White produced music for , Salvation Army. Iowa. Ramsey Lewis and Deniece Williams, and in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09FE8.012 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E141 1985, he released a solo, eponymous album versity. Lori’s dissertation explored the political Project on February 6, 2016. Currently, Dr. and earned a hit with his cover of Ben E. development of Mexican Americans and immi- Ajanwachuku serves as the chief of surgery at King’s Stand by Me. grants in California’s Salinas Valley during the St. Mary Hospital in Apple Valley, California, a In all, Earth, Wind & Fire had 16 Top 40 sin- mid-1900s. Her research on the Latino civil position he’s held since 2004. gles and sold an estimated 90 million albums rights movement culminated in the publication Dr. Ajanwachuku’s journey is a remarkable worldwide. The group has won six Grammy of a book which will be released this year. one. Born and raised in Nigeria, he arrived in Awards from seventeen nominations, four Lori now teaches at the State University of the United States in 1973 to pursue his under- American Music Awards from twelve nomina- New York at Stony Brook, where she nurtures graduate education at New York University. tions, the BET Lifetime Achievement Award, the thinkers and dreamers of tomorrow. Dr. Eventually, he earned his medical degree from the NAACP Hall of Fame Award, Soul Train’s Flores has received numerous awards, and the Howard University School of Medicine and Legend Award, and has been inducted into she continues to be a role model for young was selected to teach medical students in the the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal people in her community. discipline of surgery. Group Hall of Fame as well as earned a star f During his career in medicine, Dr. on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 2010, Ajanwachuku has received a number of acco- Maurice White was inducted into the Song- RECOGNIZING DOMINION HIGH lades, including ‘‘Humanitarian of the Year’’ writer’s Hall of Fame along with band mem- SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR THEIR from St. Mary Hospital. He was given this bers Verdine White, , Al McKay DISTRACTED DRIVING CAMPAIGN award because of his dedication to improving and . Earth, Wind & Fire has the educational growth and practical experi- earned a list of other awards and recognitions HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK ences of nurses and medical technicians at and will receive the 2016 Grammy Lifetime OF VIRGINIA his hospital. He has also been honored with a Achievement Award. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Values in Action’’ award from St. Mary Hos- Maurice White’s music was written and pro- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 pital for being a servant leader. duced to inspire and bring all people together. It is long overdue that Dr. Ajanwachuku is Maurice once said, ‘‘Being joyful and positive Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award. He was the whole objective of our group. Our to recognize three students from Dominion has persevered through significant obstacles goal was to reach all the people and to keep High School who recently led a Distracted during his life, yet he continues to give back a universal atmosphere—to create positive en- Driving Campaign at Dominion High School in to his community and improve the lives of ergy. All of our songs had that positive energy. Sterling, Virginia. Kirsten Chun, Bryce Griffin, those around him. I want to congratulate Dr. To create uplifting music was the objective.’’ and Joseph Pavich took on this campaign as Ajanwachuku for this notable achievement and Maurice’s goal was easily recognized by all part of their Creative Marketing Project, which for being a role model to the youth in the Vic- who heard and loved his work. President focused on Distracted Driving and Joshua’s tor Valley. Barack Obama stated, ‘‘Only Maurice could Hands. Joshua’s Hands is a non-profit organi- f make such sophisticated songs so catchy. zation based in the 10th District whose mis- Only he could inspire generations of such di- sion focuses on community service and teen RECOGNIZING THE BOCA POINTE verse artists. And only he could get every- safe driving, founded in memory of Joshua CHAPTER OF AFMDA one—old and young, black and white—to let Guthrie who died in a car accident. Their mis- the groove move them on the dance floor.’’ sion is to keep roads safe and to educate HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH Maurice’s universal sound was remembered teens about the consequences of distracted OF FLORIDA by Flea, bassist for Red Hot Chili Peppers, driving. To create a visualization to meet this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who said, ‘‘In my junior high school, the white awareness goal, these students removed 15 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 kids loved Zeppelin, the black kids loved p students from classes throughout the day and funk [Parliament Funkadelic], the freaky kids instructed them to dress in black and not inter- Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in loved Bowie, but everyone loved Earth, Wind act with their classmates. This exercise served honor of the Boca Pointe Chapter of the & Fire. They were just undeniable. Old people to represent the 15 people that are killed each American Friends of Magen David Adom on loved ’em, kids loved ’em, every race and eco- day due to distracted driving. Ms. Chun, Mr. the occasion of their ambulance dedication. nomic class loved ’em. They just crossed Griffin, and Mr. Pavich utilized the school an- Magen David Adom is Israel’s emergency every line with the power of incredible music nouncement system to convey their message, medical service, blood bank, and disaster-re- and amazing performances.’’ Tributes from in addition to selling t-shirts which said ‘‘Take lief organization. The American Friends of artists from all genres include mentions of Action STOP the Distraction.’’ Students at Do- Magen David Adom (AFMDA), a nonprofit or- Maurice as a genius, a king, a masterful artist, minion also took a distracted driving survey in ganization, is the largest supporter of MDA a leader and a teacher. order to gain a better understanding of their worldwide. Today, the AFMDA Boca Pointe Maurice White passed away on February 3, peers’ views of distracted driving. These stu- Chapter will dedicate a fully-equipped ambu- 2016 in Los Angeles at 74 years of age. He dents partnered with Chantilly Autobody in ad- lance to the people and State of Israel. This was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in dition to Joshua’s Hands for their project. is the fourth such ambulance they have do- 1992. The music community has lost one of Driving while distracted seems to plague nated, a generous gift that truly saves lives. the greatest musical minds of our time. Mau- many of our drivers today, and young people I express deep appreciation for the Boca rice White’s influence cannot be denied and are particularly susceptible to this. I am hon- Pointe Chapter’s selfless humanitarian en- his contributions are lasting. Maurice White ored to recognize these students today for deavors. Their unwavering support for the was a true ‘‘shining star’’ and his legacy will their mission to educate their peers about the State of Israel not only sets an example for shine on for generations to come. grave consequences of texting while driving. It the future but for the South Florida Jewish f is my sincere hope that their project will facili- community as a whole. I am proud to honor tate more awareness in the future about the them and thank them for their work and serv- HONORING LORI FLORES growing problem of distracted driving so that ice. our community will remain safe. f HON. FILEMON VELA f HONORING MICHAEL BURNETT, OF TEXAS DR. AJANWACHUKU TO RECEIVE THE DON SHULA NFL HIGH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD SCHOOL COACH OF THE YEAR Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- HON. PAUL COOK HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK ognize Dr. Lori Flores, a South Texas native OF CALIFORNIA OF VIRGINIA and a leading researcher in the fields of Latino IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and labor history. Lori attended Yale University, and she was Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 the first woman in her family to earn a college Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today degree. At Yale, she realized her passion to ognize Dr. Vincent Ajanwachuku, who will be to recognize my constituent, Michael Burnett, study Mexican American history, ultimately honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award who the NFL and Washington Redskins re- leading her to earn a PhD from Stanford Uni- from the Dreamers, Visionaries, and Leaders cently recognized as the Don Shula NFL High

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09FE8.015 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 School Coach of the Year. The award was Anthony was only 23 years old when he be- HONORING THE LIFE OF MR. DINO created to honor exemplary high school foot- came Laura’s first student in the Learn to ANTONIO PETRUCCI ball coaches who exhibit a commitment to the Read program, struggling to read because of health and safety of their players as well as in- a learning disability. Yet Anthony was dedi- HON. JIM COSTA tegrity in leadership. Michael is the head cated to his goal to create a better future and OF CALIFORNIA coach of Tuscarora High School’s Varsity he never failed to be prompt and respectful IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Football Team. Following a coaching career in every session. After a year and three months Tuesday, February 9, 2016 California, he led Broad Run High School in of the hour and a half routine, he articulated Ashburn, Virginia to two consecutive state ti- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to a simple and profound truth representative of tles. He moved to Tuscarora High School to honor the life and service of Mr. Dino Antonio the impact Laura’s work has had for many: start their football program. Michael has taken Petrucci of Madera, California who recently the opportunity as a high school football coach ‘‘Miss Laura, you have changed my life.’’ passed away on January 4, 2016, at the age to build character in his players and ensure Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of of 85. Mr. Petrucci was a remarkable farmer, their growth as both players and leaders. It is Congress to join me in recognizing Laura teacher, and business owner of Petrucci’s ca- tering. His commitment to family and to his fitting that he earned this high honor from the Kraus for her tireless dedication to serving community will forever live in lives of the peo- NFL because of his commitment to personal each person with the care and opportunities ple he touched. growth in youth and their overall health and that they deserve as a citizen of this great na- Dino Antonio Petrucci was born to Italian safety. tion. immigrant parents, Vincenzo and Ilide In addition to his recognition by the NFL, Mi- Petrucci, on January 17, 1930. His parents chael will receive $25,000 from the NFL Foun- f were members of the large Italian community dation which he plans to donate to the Adam who helped settle and pioneer Madera, Cali- Fortune Scholarship Fund, which was created HONORING THE NAPA COUNTY fornia with its rich agricultural history. A life- in honor of his close friend and former defen- LIBRARY long resident, he attended Madera schools sive coordinator at Broad Run and Tuscarora, and enrolled at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, who died in 2014. The fund is designed for where he received his bachelor’s degree in players who exemplify strong character on and HON. MIKE THOMPSON crop production. In 1951, he married the love off the field. In addition to coaching, Michael OF CALIFORNIA of his life, Peggy Hayes, and they would have teaches Advanced Placement (AP) Economics celebrated 65 years of marriage this March. and serves as Department Chair of Social IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As an Agriculture Education instructor, he Studies at Tuscarora High School. I am hon- found joy in teaching and in expanding stu- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ored to recognize him today for helping shape dents’ minds by showing them what they were young athletes in our community to lead lives Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, capable of. All in all, Dino spent 40 plus years of integrity. I rise today to honor the Napa County Library of his life devoted to Vocational Agriculture f (NCL), which is celebrating its 100th anniver- and Education. Although he was a fulltime CONGRATULATING LAURA KRAUS sary as a county library system. teacher, Dino would spend evenings, and ON HER VOLUNTEER WORK WITH weekends helping his brother Enzo on the In 1916, the California State Legislature au- family grape farm. THE LEARN TO READ PROGRAM thorized the creation of free county libraries Dino was also passionate about cooking around the state. As a result, in February of and in 1974, he initiated his catering business, HON. ANDER CRENSHAW that year, the unincorporated areas of Napa Petrucci’s Catering. He expanded and bought OF FLORIDA County gained library services when the Napa the Howard School building and used it to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES County Board of Supervisors established the host events. Saturday’s were his favorite, be- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Napa County Free Library. cause he loved being at the old school house serving barbecue tri tip, chicken and side Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today The NCL offers reading programs for all dishes. His favorite place to be was at the end to honor Laura Kraus for her outstanding serv- ages, outreach services, literacy initiatives, of the buffet line greeting everyone, and mak- ice to her country through her volunteer work job-search and small business resources, in- ing sure their plates were full. Dino’s love for with the Learn to Read program. formation services, computer training, Internet food was so strong he developed his own bar- Since 1975, Laura’s volunteer work has ex- access, and other means of community sup- becue sauce, ‘‘Petrucci’s Secret Sauce’’ and a emplified her love for people and her tireless port and enrichment. More generally, the li- dry meat rub that are sold locally. efforts to give back to the community. Her brary enables individuals to make informed Civil service and giving back to his commu- commitment was no secret: the neighborhood decisions about their self-governance by pro- nity were two other areas of interest to Dino. held banquets in her honor, television stations moting unrestricted access to information and He was active in The Young Farmers, Lions recognized her, and even the nation’s leaders by serving as a community center for lifelong Club and Italo-American Club of Madera. He honored her service. President Barack Obama learning. In the last fiscal year, over 18,000 served on the boards of the Madera County signed a letter of recognition and Neal Bush people received technology-related help, while Farm Bureau, Madera County Food Bank, and presented the Presidential Bronze Medal of 567,192 individuals visited the NCL. And over Madera Unified School District Board of Edu- Volunteering Service. 4,000 adults, children and teens participated in cation. In 1999, he was honored as the Still, she found the most satisfaction seeing the NCL’s summer reading program. Madera County Senior Farmer of the Year by the impact from the people she helped them- the Madera Chamber of Commerce. selves. Her work has always extended to The library’s importance extends beyond its Without question, Dino’s integrity, honor, those in the greatest need regardless of phys- bookshelves. Basic literacy and computer-pro- and long-lasting involvement in the Central ical or psychological obstacles. Volunteering ficiency programs have broad and positive ef- Valley made him a reputable man; he was with the Arthritis Foundation, Laura spent time fects on local economies, bolstering the capa- well known, well-liked, and shown enormous with physically disabled members of the com- bilities of local workers and businesses. Fur- appreciation by anyone who had the pleasure munity through Horses for Therapy. In addi- thermore, the NCL’s myriad child- and employ- of calling him a friend. Dino lived his life to the tion, victims of domestic abuse in a Hubbard ment-focused initiatives help children and fullest surrounded by family and friends. He House, a 24-hour hotline and emergency shel- adults find, evaluate and use information they leaves behind his loving family, including his ter, were touched by her support as well. need for their jobs, health, education and suc- wife, Peggy, his two children, and grand- Laura began her training with the Learn to cess. children. It is my honor to join his family in Read program as an intern, eager to assist celebrating the life of this amazing man, who adults and already willing to persist with com- Mr. Speaker, the NCL is a dynamic civic re- will never be forgotten. passion and patience through the challenges source that promotes free and open access to Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the that were to come. Only a year and a half into information, while providing valuable materials House of Representatives to join me in hon- the work with her first student, the impact that and services to all members of the community. oring the life of Mr. Dino Antonio Petrucci. We Laura had on her student was not only evident The Napa County Library continues to benefit are all better for having known Dino Petrucci, but incredibly touching, particularly for Laura its community immensely, and it is fitting and a remarkable Californian, and Central Valley herself. proper that we honor it here today. Native.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09FE8.018 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E143 RECOGNIZING PATRICIA VAIL FOR COMMEMORATING THE 150TH ANNI- Civil War that began in 1983 and lasted for RECEIVING THE FLORIDA BAR VERSARY OF THE GREATER PE- twenty-one years. Like thousands of other chil- PRESIDENT’S PRO BONO SERV- ORIA CHILDREN’S HOME FOUN- dren in Sudan, Peter became a ‘‘Lost Boy,’’ ICE AWARD FOR THE 4TH JUDI- DATION losing his family in conflict between the war- CIAL CIRCUIT ring Sudanese government and the Sudanese HON. DARIN LaHOOD People’s Liberation Army. After fleeing the vio- HON. ANDER CRENSHAW OF ILLINOIS lence and enduring a grueling journey, Peter OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ended up in the Kakuma refugee camp in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Kenya, living what he described as a hopeless life. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, today I would While living in the Kakuma camp, Peter Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today like to honor a remarkable organization in the completed an application for refugee status in to honor Patricia Vail for receiving The Florida Peoria area. The Children’s Home of Greater America. In the application, he had to write Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award for Peoria is celebrating 150 years of improving one page on why he wanted to go to America. the 4th Judicial Circuit. the lives of children and families. He wrote of living a hopeless life in the ref- In her legal career, she has served in sev- Children’s Home (previously Christian Home ugee camp and of how he yearned to go to a eral capacities, from statewide coordinator for Mission, Women’s Christian Association, and place where he could restore his dignity and Florida Legal Services to corporate counsel for Home for the Friendless) opened in 1866 and educate himself—the United States of Amer- CSX Transportation. In addition, Patricia has is divulged in the principles of lending a help- ica. also served on the board of Jacksonville Area ing hand to those in need, specifically women After two years, Peter’s application was ap- Legal Aid. Upon retirement from CSX Trans- and children. Christian Home Mission was proved, and he was resettled in my congres- portation, Patricia served in The American Bar founded by women looking to alleviate suf- sional district in Jacksonville, Florida. Peter Association’s Collaborative Europe and Eur- fering among the poor and provide shelter for went on to graduate from the University of asia Law Initiative program as a volunteer law- homeless women and children. The foundation Florida and attended graduate school at Bran- yer in Kazakhstan. Patricia’s commitment to quickly expanded and became too small for deis University in Boston. pro bono work for low-income people and her the services they wanted to provide. After graduation, Peter knew he wanted to positive impact have been quite remarkable. Children’s Home continued to grow and give back to the country that had saved him, Since 2008, Patricia has been a regular began focusing on children with behavioral so he volunteered for the Peace Corps. Since presence in Northeast Florida senior citizen and emotional disorders who were abused. By 2009, Peter has served as a cultural ambas- centers and HUD residential facilities, where 2009, the foundation furthered their mission in sador and an international development practi- she has become a trusted pro bono legal re- helping children by offering programs focused tioner in Azerbaijan, China, and the Republic source. Patricia meets with individuals and in special education, community-based oppor- of Georgia, promoting the values of the United groups as legal questions arise, and she helps tunities, and live-in care and treatment. States along the way. In his work abroad, Currently, Children’s Home houses six loca- prepare simple wills, durable powers of attor- Peter has faced many challenges, including tions and are staffing over 400 professionals ney, designation of health care surrogate, and blatant racism. However, having faced greater to provide services for over 1,700 children and designation of pre-need guardian. For nearly challenges before, he doubled down on his families each month. With each resource, Chil- three years, Patricia provided these services commitment to service and eventually earned dren’s Home tirelessly dedicates itself to single-handedly. When it became clear that respect in the villages and cities where he achieve its mission: Giving children a child- the need far exceeded one attorney’s ability in served. hood and future by protecting them, teaching 2011, Patricia initiated a program to serve As the co-chair of the House Peace Corps them and healing them, and by building strong more area seniors with comprehensive and Caucus, I have the privilege of interacting with communities and loving families. Because of scheduled legal services called Advance Di- and supporting the work of outstanding individ- their efforts, many disadvantaged children rectives for Seniors Project. The Project pro- uals, such as Peter Ter. America is the world’s have brighter futures. vides 60–80 seniors annually with complete most generous country, made up of people As a proud husband and loving father of advance directive packets and has expanded from around the world, and Peter is proof that three, I applaud the continual efforts of the to include senior patients at medical clinics this generosity touches those who need it Children’s Home. Their success equates to and seniors at the Councils on Aging in Clay most. I am proud that Peter calls Jacksonville, our future’s success. Congratulations, Chil- and Nassau counties. FL home. Peter has fully utilized the great op- dren’s Home, for its sesquicentennial and I In recognition of all her countless hours portunities presented to him by the United wish the organization many more years of spent helping needy Jacksonville area resi- States of America and has dedicated his life to great service to our children. dents through pro bono legal work, Patricia helping others around the world. Vail was selected to receive The Florida Bar f Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of President’s Pro Bono Service Award for the HONORING PETER TER FOR HIS Congress to join me in congratulating Peter 4th Judicial Circuit. SERVICE TO THE UNITED Ter on overcoming great obstacles in his life Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of STATES IN THE PEACE CORPS and on his continued success abroad on be- Congress to join me in congratulating Patricia AFTER COMING TO THE U.S. AS half of our great nation. Vail on winning the Florida Bar President’s Pro A REFUGEE f Bono Service Award. HONORING DIANNE EDMONDSON’S f HON. ANDER CRENSHAW LIFETIME OF DISTINGUISHED OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL OF FLORIDA SERVICE DEBT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 9, 2016 HON. KENNY MARCHANT HON. MIKE COFFMAN Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OF TEXAS OF COLORADO to honor Peter Ter for his outstanding service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to his country through his volunteer work with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 9, 2016 the Peace Corps. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Peter Ter was born in southern Sudan, al- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January though his exact birth date is not known be- to honor Dianne Edmondson for her distin- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- cause his family, like many others, did not guished service to the Denton County Repub- fice, the national debt was keep these records. His father and mother, a lican Party. $10,626,877,048,913.08. cattle keeper and farmer respectively, were Dianne Edmondson is a native Texan born Today, it is $18,996,371,521,571.14. We’ve both illiterate. He lived with his family, includ- in San Antonio. She attended Oklahoma State added $8,369,494,472,658.06 to our debt in 7 ing five sisters and three brothers, in a small University where she was a member of the years. This is over $8 trillion in debt our na- hut built with wood and mud and thatched with Gamma Phi Beta sorority. In 1983, she found- tion, our economy, and our children could grass. ed a successful executive search firm which have avoided with a balanced budget amend- However, Peter’s childhood was cut short she later sold in 2006. Dianne and her hus- ment. due to the breakout of the Second Sudanese band Bob live in Denton, Texas and are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09FE8.020 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 blessed with two grown children (and one de- Joseph has built floats for the Mastic Beach thanks to the contributions of Michael Ward. In ceased son) and seven grandchildren. I have Parade; built benches for the docks; volun- recognition of all of his many contributions to had the pleasure of knowing Dianne and Bob teered for the Annual Seafood Festival; was national service, Michael Ward was recently for over a decade. Dianne is actively involved the former Director of the Mastic Beach Prop- awarded the Citizen Service Award by the in her local community where she has spent erty Owners Association; and enjoys playing Voices for National Service. her time fulfilling a selfless passion to serve the piano for other seniors. When he’s not As a Member of Congress, I have the privi- others. Dianne is a member of many civic busy helping his fellow community members, lege of supporting the work of outstanding in- service organizations and advisory groups in- he takes great pleasure in gardening, planting dividuals, such as Michael Ward. Michael has cluding: Vice-Chair of the Denton County Citi- hundreds of tomato plants and many varieties striven tirelessly to ensure to promote edu- zens Budget Advisory Committee, Denton of vegetables. He is known as the Beloved cation across the country and in my district, County Commissioners’ Re-Districting Com- Farmer of Mastic Beach, as he generously and I am proud that Michael calls Jacksonville, mittee, and Board of Directors of the Denton shared the treasures of his garden with friends Florida home. Chamber of Commerce, among others. throughout the Tri-Hamlet Community. Joe is Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of Throughout her adult life, Dianne has been also a long standing member of St. Jude Congress to join me in recognizing Michael involved in nearly every aspect of the political Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus. Ward for his tireless dedication to educational arena. Dianne is the former Executive Director Joseph will be turning 100 years old on attainment and congratulate him on receiving of Republican National Coalition for Life. She March 27, 2016. Joseph, and his lovely wife the Citizenship Service award. has served as a National Republican Conven- Ann, are the proud parents of 2 children, 5 f tion Delegate in 2000, former President of the grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren. Denton Republican Women’s Club, Chair of Good food, good family, good friends and a HONORING THE LIFE OF SARKIS Senate District 12 Rules Committee, Chair of strong belief in God have kept him going to SAHATDJIAN the 2012 and 2014 State Convention Perma- 100. I am blessed to serve and represent such nent Organization Committee, and managed an incredible human being like Joseph Fazio HON. JIM COSTA or volunteered in dozens of Republican can- in the First Congressional District of New OF CALIFORNIA didates’ campaigns for nearly 20 years in Den- York, and proud to express my gratitude for all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he does for his community; as well as wish ton County. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 In 2002, Dianne was elected as Chairman him a very happy 100th birthday. of the Denton County Republican Party and f Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to serves on the Board of the Texas Republican pay tribute to the life of Sarkis Sahatdjian of CONGRATULATING MICHAEL Madera, California, who recently passed away County Chair Association. Dianne has spent WARD, CHAIRMAN AND CEO AT countless hours educating voters on public on December 29, 2015—at the age of 95. Mr. CSX CORPORATION, ON RECEIV- Sahatdjian was a remarkable farmer of 80 policy and encouraging voter engagement. As ING THE CITIZENSHIP SERVICE a creative planner and master organizer, years, and a generous leader who was pride- AWARD BY VOICES FOR NA- ful of his community, and Armenian roots. Dianne has the ability to bring people together TIONAL SERVICE around a common goal and vision. She has Sarkis Sahatdjian was born in Constanti- worked with precinct chairs and candidates to HON. ANDER CRENSHAW nople in 1920 to Armenian parents, ensure that Denton County remains conserv- Vagharshag and Makrouhi Sahatdjian. The OF FLORIDA ative. As a result, every county, state, and fed- Sahatdjians were survivors of the Armenian IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eral elected office in Denton County is held by Genocide of 1915, an event Sarkis would a Republican. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 never forget. His family set sail on an unpre- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Congres- Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today dictable journey when Sarkis was two years sional District of Texas, I would like to thank to honor my constituent, Michael Ward, for his old, and his brother Haig only five days old. Dianne Edmondson for her leadership as the outstanding service to his country through his The Sahatdjian family first landed in Buenos Chairman of the Denton County Republican volunteer work with City Year. Aires, Argentina where they resided for one Party. I ask all my distinguished colleagues to Michael has invested tremendous amounts year and a half. After this the family immi- join me in recognizing Dianne for her lifetime of time, energy and resources to support City grated to the United States, arriving through of service. Year, an education-focused national service Ellis Island, and eventually settling in Califor- nia’s San Joaquin Valley in April of 1924. The f organization that is dedicated to helping our students and school succeed. City Year pro- Sahatdjians started off as migrant workers, HONORING MR. JOSEPH FAZIO ON vides high-impact student, classroom and working at canneries and packing houses HIS 100TH BIRTHDAY school-wide support to help students stay in throughout California following the crop cycles. school and to graduate from high school, In 1928, the family bought their first farm— HON. LEE M. ZELDIN ready for college and career success. City twenty acres of vineyards, where Sarkis OF NEW YORK Year is partners with 27 urban, high-poverty worked after school and on weekends while IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES communities across the United States and attending Central High School. After graduating from high school in 1939, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 abroad, and Michael was instrumental in bringing City Year to Jacksonville, Florida. Sarkis worked at the Mare Island Naval Ship- Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to In addition to serving as Chairman and yard, repairing warships. Sarkis joined the pay a special tribute to the incredible life of Chief Executive Officer of CSX Corporation, Army Air Force, serving in Guam during World Mr. Joseph Fazio. Michael is a dedicated Trustee of City Year War II as a military policeman guarding Japa- Born in 1916 in the Bronx, Joseph was the and is the Chairman of the local City Year pro- nese prisoners of war. After the war he mar- oldest son of 5 children. Tragically, when Jo- gram. In addition to his work with City Year, ried Iris Odabashian in 1947, and soon after seph was in high school his father passed Michael also serves on the board of United had three children. The couple went on to pur- away, forcing him to quit school so that he Way of Northeast Florida and on the board of chase a farm in Madera, California in 1947, could provide for his family. After receiving a Hubbard House, which helps victims of do- and Sarkis returned to farming. small loan from a friend, Joseph bought his mestic violence. In 1963, Sarkis and his brother Haig own truck and subsequently started a trucking Earlier this year, the Corporation for Na- Sahatdjian, purchased raisin processing equip- business. He worked tirelessly for his cus- tional and Community Service, the federal ment, placed it on 40 acres in Madera and tomers to ensure they received the best pos- agency that oversees millions of American vol- named it in memory of their late father: Victor sible service year after year. Joseph’s altruism unteers, faced significant budget cuts that Packing. Victor Packing became a full-time is only one of the many qualities that make would have forced many national service pro- farming and packing business when Sarkis him such a wonderful and caring person. grams to close. However, Michael took action and his brother Haig began to process and Joseph retired at the age of 65 so that he and led the effort to remind my colleagues that pack their own raisins along with the raisins of could truly appreciate the community of Mastic federal investment in national service is vital to other growers. The business required all Beach full-time; however, you would not know improving lives, strengthening communities hands on deck. Sarkis’s wife Iris handled the that by the way he has maintained such an and uniting the nation. payroll; their eldest child Victor and his high active role in the town’s affairs. To name a The drive to protect federal funds for na- school friends worked as clean-up crew; and few of his many contributions to Mastic Beach: tional service succeeded in no small part their daughter Margaret and youngest child Bill

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.015 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E145 joined in later. The family company Sarkis co- grams at the center strive to reduce the num- for this and other devastating diseases that founded has grown to become a leader in the ber of high school dropouts in her community. cripple both Americans and our foreign part- raisin industry; growing, dehydrating, proc- In addition to her work with at-risk youth, Dr. ners alike. essing, and packing raisins that are sold and Hampton-Henry is an accomplished educator. shipped worldwide. Victor Packing remains a She was the first African American professor f family business, and currently employs five of to receive tenure at the California State Uni- Sarkis’s 12 grandchildren. Hard work, desire, versity, San Bernardino College of Education. HONORING REV. JAMES ANTHONY and business acumen ultimately paid off for In addition, Dr. Hampton-Henry taught courses NOEL the Sahatdjian brothers. at Southern Illinois University, the same Not only was Sarkis a well-known business- school from which she received her Ph.D. in HON. BARBARA LEE man, he was also dedicated to serving his philosophy. OF CALIFORNIA community. Sarkis was a board member of the I want to congratulate and thank Dr. Hamp- local VFW; a benefactor and delegate of Holy ton-Henry for her passion and commitment to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church; major bettering her community. She truly embodies Tuesday, February 9, 2016 donor to California State University, Fresno’s the spirit of selfless sacrifice and is well-de- Viticulture and Armenian Studies Department; serving of the Lifetime Achievement Award Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor major donor to Fresno Community Hospital; that she will receive on Saturday. the extraordinary life of an outstanding mem- board member of the Armenian Community f ber of the Bay Area community, Reverend School of Fresno; founding board member of James Anthony Noel. With his passing on the Armenian Technology Group; and count- RECOGNIZING CARLY CRUMP FOR Sunday, January 31st, 2016 at the age of 68, less other local, regional and international HER RESEARCH ON THE DENGUE we honor his many years of faithful service. charities. Further, he was also a major contrib- VIRUS AND FOR ATTENDING Born on New Year’s Day in 1948, in utor in establishing the Armenian Genocide NOBEL PRIZE WEEK Queens, New York, Reverend Noel moved to Centennial Monument, which marked 100 Berkeley, California when he was a young years since the start of the genocide in Arme- HON. ANDER CRENSHAW child. He would go on to earn his B.A. from nia in 1915. The monument is displayed at OF FLORIDA the University of California, Berkeley in 1969, California State University, Fresno and is the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as well as a Master of Divinity degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS) first monument on a U.S. college campus Tuesday, February 9, 2016 marking the genocide. in 1975, and his Ph.D. from the Graduate Without question, Mr. Sarkis’s integrity, Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Theological Union (GTU) in 1999. honor and long-lasting involvement in the Cen- to honor Ms. Carly Crump on her outstanding Reverend Noel joined the SFTS faculty in tral Valley made him a reputable man; he was research work on the transmission of the den- 1988, where he was the H. Eugene Farlough, well known, well-liked and shown enormous gue virus and on her invitation to attend Nobel Jr. Chair of African-American Christianity, as appreciation by anyone who had the pleasure Prize Week in Stockholm, Sweden. As the well as a professor of American Religion. He of calling him a friend. Sarkis lived his life to U.S. Congressman of Jacksonville, Florida also served as a member of the Core Doctoral the fullest, surrounded by family and friends. and the co-chair of the Caucus on Malaria and Faculty at the GTU, and was the convener of He leaves behind his loving family, including Neglected Tropical Diseases it is an honor to the Black Church/Africana Studies Certificate his wife of 68 years, Iris, their two sons and recognize Carly for her exceptional accom- Program. Reverend Noel received a distin- daughter; their spouses, twelve grandchildren, plishments. guished professor award from his colleagues and four great-grandchildren. It is my honor to Carly, a graduate of Episcopal School of at GTU, for his embodiment of scholarly join his family in celebrating the life of this Jacksonville, Florida, first began her work in standards, teaching excellence, and commit- amazing man, who will never be forgotten. her parents’ garage breeding mosquitos. ment to ecumenism. Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I Eventually, Carly’s work evolved from offering From 1976 to 1987, Reverend Noel served ask my colleagues in the House of Represent- blood meals to these mosquitos to studying as the pastor of St. Andrew Presbyterian atives to join me in honoring the life of Sarkis the proteins involved in the transmission of the Church in Marin City, CA. Following that, until Sahatdjian. His commitment to family and to dengue virus, related to the viruses that cause his passing, he was the pastor of New Libera- his community will forever live in the lives of West Nile infection and yellow fever, that can tion Presbyterian Church in San Francisco. He the people he touched. We are all better for lead to the dengue fever. In her most recent also served as interim pastor of Sojourner having known Sarkis Sahatdjian, a remarkable research at Johns Hopkins University, Carly Truth Presbyterian Church in Richmond, CA. helped identify 11 proteins that may be in- Californian, and Central Valley native. Considered by many a true renaissance volved in the transmission of dengue virus 2 f man, Reverend Noel was a gifted painter, with and could set the basis for vaccine develop- his vibrant artwork on display throughout the DR. HAMPTON-HENRY TO RECEIVE ment. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD As a result of her prestigious work, Carly Bay Area. Reverend Noel was also a 7th Dan was invited to attend Nobel Prize Week in Tae Kwon Do Master, having studied the Ko- HON. PAUL COOK Stockholm, one of only 26 young people from rean martial art since he was a teenager. He 19 countries invited to attend. There, Carly would also often break into song with his rich OF CALIFORNIA bass voice during lectures or sermons. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gave a presentation to 1,000 students on her work and interacted with another 2,000 stu- Reverend Noel is survived by his beautiful Tuesday, February 9, 2016 dents who stopped at her booth to discuss her wife, Dianna, and his children Michelle, Kaiya, Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- project. Daniel and Amada. He will be forever remem- ognize Dr. Mildred Dalton Hampton-Henry for Carly has also been recognized as one of bered for his love, legacy, and the impact he her efforts to improve educational outcomes the nation’s top 16 young STEM researchers had on the hearts and minds of those whom for low-income students in San Bernardino, by US News and World Report and has won he touched. California. On February 6, 2016, Dr. Hampton- first place at the International Science and En- On a personal note, Reverend Noel was a Henry will receive the Lifetime Achievement gineering Fair, the Florida Science Fair, and prophetic and prolific preacher. He was a Award from the Dreamers, Visionaries, and the Junior Science and Humanities Sympo- great leader who demonstrated what it means Leaders Project during their annual awards sium. to live a life in service to humankind and to ceremony. It is an honor to highlight Dr. Currently, Carly is studying microbiology at God. We will miss this magnificent man of Hampton-Henry’s professional achievements the University of Florida and hopes to be a God who taught us what a spirit filled life today. surgeon like her father and her grandfather means. A native of Arkansas, Dr. Hampton-Henry and to continue her research. Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- arrived in San Bernardino in 1983 and be- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of trict salutes the life of an exemplary individual came the executive director of the Provisional Congress to join me in congratulating Carly and devoted community member, Reverend Accelerated Learning Center, also known as Crump on the success of her research and on James Anthony Noel. I join all of Reverend the PAL Center. The PAL Center provides attending Nobel Prize Week in Stockholm. Her Noel’s loved ones in celebrating his inspira- structured educational services to low-income research and the research of many other ris- tional life and achievements, and offer my sin- students from urban environments. The pro- ing talents will lead the world to develop cures cerest condolences.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.017 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 HONORING THE ASIAN PACIFIC infrastructure able to sustain and promote Achievement Medal (3rd OLC), Army Achieve- DEVELOPMENT CENTER community development. Approximately 295 ment Medal (4th OLC), Army Good Conduct homes and 1,509 apartment units were built Medal, National Defense Service Medal (w/ HON. MIKE COFFMAN and 3,100 jobs were created. Tax credits Bronze Star), Global War on Terrorism Serv- OF COLORADO helped to finance the first KIPP charter school ice Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal (w/ M, Silver H), NCO Professional Development IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Florida, investments were made in the EverBank Stadium neighborhood, and a busi- Ribbon (w/Numeral 4), and the Overseas Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ness incubator was established with the Bea- Service Ribbon. Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ver Street Enterprise Community. As twice the Citizen Debra’s civilian work in- honor the Asian Pacific Development Center Representing Northeast Florida, I have the cludes The Aerospace Corporation, Defense for its ongoing service to the growing popu- privilege of interacting with and supporting the Finance and Accounting Service, and the De- lation of Asian American and Pacific Islander work of outstanding nonprofits such as LISC partment of the Army Inspector General Agen- residents throughout the state of Colorado and Jacksonville and its dedicated workers. The cy. to celebrate its Annual Banquet in recognition remarkable transformation of our community is Sergeant Major Wilcox is survived by her of the Asian New Year, the year of the Fire proof that no neighborhood is outside the pos- mother, Jean Walker, two sisters, Cheryl Red Monkey. sibility of revitalization and redevelopment. I Adams, Deandrous Wilcox; four brothers, The Asian Pacific Development Center is a am proud that these devoted constituents call George Wilcox, Anthony Wilcox, Vaughn role model for other communities and works to Jacksonville their home and I believe every Wilcox, Joe Walker; Aunties; many cousins, provide culturally appropriate and linguistically community can experience similar success. Angela, Joy, nieces and nephews, great- proficient wellness and lifestyle services to en- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of nieces and -nephews, and friend John Jack- rich the lives of our state’s Asian American Congress to join me in recognizing LISC Jack- son. and Pacific Islander residents. sonville for its belief in holistic change, and its f Originally created to serve Vietnamese refu- long-term commitment that will continue to CELEBRATING THE INAUGURATION gees 35 years ago, APDC has grown to in- create a flourishing community for so many OF THE BETTY RODRIGUEZ RE- clude a diverse list of communities. people who call Jacksonville home. GIONAL LIBRARY Every day, the Center grants self-sufficiency f to these residents so that they may better HON. JIM COSTA navigate our shared home. TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT MAJOR OF CALIFORNIA I, in addition to many community leaders in DEBRA J. WILCOX IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arapahoe County and Aurora, attend the An- nual Banquet each year as tribute to APDC’s HON. CORRINE BROWN Tuesday, February 9, 2016 efforts, and I am proud to have the opportunity OF FLORIDA Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to speak this year in honor of the celebration’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES celebrate the life of the late Betty Rodriguez 35th anniversary. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 and inauguration of the state of the art Betty I applaud the Asian Pacific Development Rodriguez Regional Library named in her Center for continuing to empower our state’s Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise honor. The newly reconstructed 14,000 square Asian American and Pacific Islander refugees today in remembrance of Sergeant Major foot library located in east-central Fresno fea- and immigrants, and thus, for continuing to Debra J. Wilcox, an honored veteran that tures 25 computers, a 3–D printer, and robot- fight poverty and to address literacy, edu- served our country with honor and distinction. ics kits, making it Fresno County’s newest, cation, and employment in Colorado. I was saddened to hear about the passing of most technologically advanced library. The li- f a daughter of Jacksonville. On behalf of the brary also features a meeting room for 50, constituents of Florida’s Congressional District group study spaces, and a separate quiet RECOGNIZING LISC JACKSONVILLE Five we salute and pay tribute to SGM Wilcox. reading room. The site on which the Betty FOR 15 YEARS OF SERVICE TO Sergeant Major Debra J. Wilcox was born in Rodriguez Regional Library exists, is nearly THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Jacksonville, Florida. She volunteered for the double the size of its 40 year predecessor, U.S. Army and took the oath of enlistment on and creates a significant advancement for the HON. ANDER CRENSHAW 19 August 1979 and subsequently completed City of Fresno. This new library serves as a OF FLORIDA Basic Training and Advanced Individual Train- reminder to all of the life of Betty Rodriguez, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. She com- and the legacy she created within the commu- pleted 35 years, 9 months, 19 days of service. nity through her selfless dedication to others. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Her past assignments include: Information Mrs. Rodriguez was an individual of out- Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Management Specialist, Joint Staff, DOM; Ad- standing character and throughout her career, to honor the work of Local Initiatives Support ministrative Sergeant, Defense Intelligence achieved a great deal of success and im- Corporation Jacksonville for its outstanding Agency; Command Sergeant Major, 436th pacted the lives of many. Mrs. Rodriguez was service to the Northeast Florida community Transportation Command; Command Sergeant an inspiration to all, especially to students and through its transformative efforts to empower Major, 3/318th MP OSUT; student at the U.S. young children, teaching them that through citizens and to build up the neediest neighbor- Army Sergeants Major Academy, Ft. Bliss, hard work and education, they are able to hoods. Texas; Administrative NCO, J–5; Training achieve success in their lives. Mrs. Rodriguez Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Chief Instructor, HQ/6/80th DIV; NCOIC dedicated her life to serving as a role model is a nationally known nonprofit that works with DCSPER, 5115th Garrison Support Unit; for our youth by motivating them to dream big local leaders to invest in housing, health, edu- Force Management NCO, 97th ARCOM; PAB and to work hard. Demonstrating her strong cation, public safety, and employment. This NCOIC, 318th Reception Battalion; Test Ad- commitment to our youth, Betty was a mem- year marks the 15 year anniversary for its in- ministrator, MEPS Los Angeles; Mail Clerk, ber of Friends of the Fresno County Library, volvement in the Jacksonville community. Fort Rucker, AL; Administrative Specialist, and was a great supporter of the Boys and Over the last 15 years LISC Jacksonville has 43rd USA Artillery Detachment, Germany. Girls Club of Fresno County, the Boy Scouts leveraged almost a quarter of a billion dollars Sergeant Major Wilcox’s military and civilian of America, the Girl Scouts of the United to create affordable housing and community education includes: Primary Leadership Devel- States of America, and the Special Olympics. development all while fostering financial sta- opment Course, Basic and Advanced Non- Public service was important to Mrs. Rodri- bility within the Jacksonville community. commissioned Officer Course, Personnel, Ad- guez, and she was very active in many com- LISC Jacksonville’s invaluable efforts within ministrative, and Training Management munity organizations. For example, Betty our local community from supporters across Courses, a graduate of the Sergeants Major served on Fresno’s Torreon Sister City Com- the country have turned out $62.6 million in Academy. She completed a double Master’s in mittee, a non-profit organization that supports grants and loans, $220.7 million in leveraged Interdisciplinary Studies and an MBA Degree the development of partnerships between U.S. investments, and $20 million for the Jackson- followed with a number of Graduate Certifi- cities and cities around the world. She also ville property tax rolls from new homes devel- cates. helped to launch the League of Mexican oped within our community. Her awards and decorations include the De- American Women in 1973 in order to help Much more than large dollar amounts, mul- fense Meritorious Service Medal (1st OLC), women in her community become more politi- tiple areas in Jacksonville are building up an Army Commendation Medal, Joint Service cally aware and to facilitate the contribution of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.020 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E147

their services for schools and organizations. and Rep. SUSAN DAVIS today to congratulate on her promotion to Brigadier General in the For her contributions to the Mexican-American Dr. Andrew Viterbi on being awarded the U.S. Army. BG Smith is the first woman from community, she was awarded the ‘‘Medalla de Charles Stark Draper Prize for Engineering for Guam to attain a general officer rank in the Ohtli’’ by the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, in the development of the Viterbi algorithm. U.S. military, and she currently serves as the 2009. One of the world’s preeminent awards for Deputy Commander, U.S. Army Reserve Med- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me engineering achievement, The Charles Stark ical Command. She was nominated by Presi- in remembering a woman who always dem- Draper Prize for Engineering was established dent Barack Obama on April 13, 2015 and onstrated a strong commitment to serving oth- in 1988 at the request of the Charles Stark confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 30, ers. The new library, located near Cedar and Draper Laboratory Inc., to honor the memory 2015. She received her first star during a Clinton Avenues in Fresno, will rightly bear the of ‘‘Doc’’ Draper, the ‘‘father of inertial naviga- ceremony at the Army Reserve Medical Com- name of someone who has positively influ- tion,’’ and to increase public understanding of mand in Pinellas Park, Florida on January 24, enced the lives of so many people in the com- the contributions of engineering and tech- 2016. munity. Her memory will live on through her nology. The National Academy of Engineering BG Smith is part of a strong heritage of ex- family and will continue to serve as a reminder annually awards the prize in recognition of in- ceptional men and women from Guam who to all who access the state of the art library. novative engineering achievements and their have bravely and dutifully served our nation in It is a beautiful tribute to the life of Mrs. Betty reduction to practice in ways that have led to uniform. Her promotion to Brigadier General is Rodriguez, and I know she will continue to in- important benefits and significant improvement an important milestone in her career and a re- spire others through her ever-lasting presence in the well-being and freedom of humanity. flection of her perseverance, dedication, and at the Betty Rodriguez Regional Library. Andrew J. Viterbi is president of the Viterbi commitment to service. As the first woman f Group, which advises and invests in startups general officer from Guam in any of the U.S. in the digital and wireless communication military services, BG Smith is a role model for CONGRATULATING MILDRED fields. As cofounder of Linkabit in 1968 and future woman servicemembers and her pro- OGILVIE FOR CELEBRATING HER Qualcomm in 1985, he led the development of motion is source of pride for our island. 100TH BIRTHDAY innovative technologies based on code divi- Brigadier General Smith was born on Guam sion multiple access. In addition to his career and started her career of service nearly thirty HON. ANDER CRENSHAW in the communication industry, Viterbi was a years ago. She, like many families from OF FLORIDA professor at the UCLA School of Engineering Guam, comes from a proud military family; her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Applied Science from 1963 to 1973 and father, Franklin Artero, is a retired Sergeant Tuesday, February 9, 2016 then taught part-time at the University of Cali- Major in the U.S. Army, and her brother, Audie Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today fornia, San Diego, where he has been pro- Artero, is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Guam to honor Mildred Atkinson Ogilvie, for cele- fessor emeritus since 2004. Viterbi received National Guard. She was commissioned as brating her 100th birthday on January 1, 2016. his Ph.D from the University of Southern Cali- Second Lieutenant after completing the Re- Mildred Ogilvie was born the youngest of fornia (USC), where he and his wife Erna serve Officers Training Corps program at the nine children to Jesse and Agatha Atkinson in Viterbi made a naming gift to rename the USC University of Guam. Since then, she has held Callahan, Florida on January 1st, 1916. engineering school the Viterbi School of Engi- a number of posts in the military medical field. Mildred’s parents passed away when she was neering. Viterbi was elected to the National A natural trailblazer, she earned the recogni- still young, but her older siblings kept the fam- Academy of Engineering in 1978 and the Na- tion of being the first Active Guard and Re- ily together and continued to raise them in tional Academy of Sciences in 1996. serve Commander of the 865th Combat Sup- Callahan. In 1932 at the age of 16, Mildred Andrew J. Viterbi developed the Viterbi al- port Hospital in Utica, New York. During her married Bill Ogilvie. Mildred and Bill had four gorithm as a method for enhancing error-cor- military career, BG Smith has earned numer- children together—Marlin, Dallas, Harold, and recting code used in telecommunication, mak- ous awards and recognitions, including the Le- Cheryl. ing it easier to eliminate static in trans- gion of Merit and the Bronze Star. Mildred has lived her entire life in Northeast missions. The Viterbi algorithm has had the I join the people of Guam in commending Florida. While raising her four children, Mildred greatest impact in digital cellular phones, but and congratulating Tracy L. Smith on her dis- also helped her husband Bill run his many it is also used in other applications such as tinguished career and promotion to Brigadier businesses, including grocery stores and laun- cable, DSL modems, and Ethernet. The Viterbi General in the U.S. Army. I look forward to her dromats. algorithm has also been instrumental in inter- continued service to our nation, and I am con- Mildred celebrated her birthday at the Jack- planetary communication signals, allowing for fident that as she assumes this new position, sonville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center sur- greater signal strength in deep space missions she will continue to inspire not only the sol- rounded by 35 family members, including such as the Mars Pathfinder, the Mars Explo- diers she commands, but also women in nieces, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, ration Rover and the Cassini probe to Saturn. Guam and throughout our country. I also ex- and great-great-grandchildren. Her niece, Usage of the Viterbi algorithm has been ex- tend my congratulations and appreciation to Gwen Harvey, fondly recalled walking to Mil- panded to include speech recognition, speech husband, retired Army Sergeant Scott Smith, dred and Bill’s grocery store to see their beau- synthesis, keyword spotting, computational lin- and her entire Artero and Smith families. tiful smiling aunt, knowing that she would walk guistics, and bioinformatics. away with a cold Pepsi-Cola. Mr. Speaker, we would echo the National f Academy of Engineering President C. D. Despite being orphaned at a young age, HONORING BASMA ALAWEE FOR Mote, Jr. who said ‘‘The Viterbi algorithm has Mildred and all eight of her siblings went on to HER OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY led to significant benefits to the health, safety, become successful adults. SERVICE ADVOCATING ON BE- and well-being of the world’s citizen. His work Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of HALF OF FELLOW REFUGEES Congress to join me in congratulating Mildred embodies the prize’s mission, which is to rec- Ogilvie on overcoming great obstacles, serving ognize an engineer whose accomplishments as a model for a life well lived, and on cele- have meaningfully impacted society.’’ HON. ANDER CRENSHAW brating 100 full years of life. f OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f COMMENDING AND CONGRATU- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 IN HONOR OF DR. ANDREW J. LATING BRIGADIER GENERAL VITERBI RECEIVING THE TRACY L. SMITH ON BECOMING Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today CHARLES STARK DRAPER PRIZE THE FIRST WOMAN GENERAL to honor Basma Alawee for her outstanding FOR ENGINEERING OFFICER FROM GUAM service to her country through her work in the community advocating on behalf of fellow refu- HON. JUAN VARGAS HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO gees. OF CALIFORNIA OF GUAM Basma’s impact began two years ago, when she came with her husband, Ali Aljubouri, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their daughter Dana, to Jacksonville, Florida Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 from Iraq in order to escape persecution re- Mr. VARGAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise on behalf Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today sulting from their assistance to the United of Rep. SCOTT PETERS, Rep. DUNCAN HUNTER, to commend and congratulate Tracy L. Smith States. Not only did they come to America for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.022 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 a better life, but they have bettered the lives The creativity, knowledge and experience friends. As the National Tour Association rec- of those now around them. Mr. Heuser brought to New Hampshire during ognizing Georgiana P. Clark for her lifetime Now in North Florida, the two have both his time at the SEE Science Center has been contribution to tourism, I am proud to say I given much back to their adopted community. invaluable, and it’s clear he leaves an exam- have watched this family owned and operated Basma teaches middle school girls at the ple of strong leadership for others to emulate attraction grow and flourish over the years. Foundation Academy much more than just in his wake. Mr. Speaker, I know I speak for the whole math and science. Through example, she in- It is with great admiration that I congratulate House in celebrating Georgiana P. Clark’s stills the value of taking initiatives and the im- Mr. Heuser on his retirement, and wish him amazing spirit and offering our congratulations portance of making a difference in the lives of the best on all future endeavors. to her on her lifetime of dedication to the tour- others. To do this, she brings her classes to f ism industry. visit a local nursing home and organizes cloth- f ing at the church’s thrift store. Her husband, IN HONOR OF GEORGIE CLARK Ali, contributes to the Christian academy IN RECOGNITION OF THE LIFE OF through his work as a chef and a soccer HON. SAM FARR JAMES J. PAVLICIN coach, both bridging gaps in different religious OF CALIFORNIA communities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DAVID W. JOLLY For Basma, the work doesn’t end when the Tuesday, February 9, 2016 OF FLORIDA school day is over. Basma has been volun- Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teering with refugee-resettlement agencies, ognize the accomplishments and celebrate the Tuesday, February 9, 2016 working as the Florida delegate to the tourism award being presented to a truly re- UNHCR, and even founding the Iraqi Family markable woman and dear friend, Georgiana Mr. JOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Organization so that the Iraqi community could Clark. Today, the National Tour Association at ognize Jim Pavlicin, a resident of Gulfport, support one another. their annual convention in Atlanta, Georgia, is Florida, who passed away on January 7, The increasing conflict in the Middle East recognizing Mrs. Clark with the Pioneer Award 2016. James Joseph Pavlicin was born and has threatened the future of refugees to the for her lifetime dedication to the tourism indus- raised in Westbury, New York, the son of United States. Basma, who became an Amer- try in the United States. I have known Georgie United States Navy veteran and Nassau ican citizen in July, wrote an essay with great and her late husband, Norman, since the early County Police Detective Michael Thomas courage, telling her own story in response to 1980s. They are the founders and operators of Pavlicin and his wife, Margaret Josephine (ne´e the political rhetoric about banning Muslims a family attraction in Santa Cruz County: Clay). and refugees from certain countries. Her ex- Roaring Camp Railroads. The goal of the During World War II, Jim’s mother sewed pressions of the struggles she faced and the Clark Family was to freeze a period in time so three blue stars on her Military Service flag, as love she had for America were simple, yet the visitors can step across the authentic wooden all three of her sons, members of the Greatest message was clear and powerful. covered bridge and step back in time to the Generation, defended our nation overseas. As a Member of Congress, I have the privi- 1880’s. Following his older brothers—Mike, who lege of interacting with and supporting the Norman and Georgiana Clark realized their served in the United States Navy, and work of outstanding individuals, such as family owned tourist attraction would never be George, who served in the United States Ma- Basma Alawee. America is the world’s most able to financially afford the worldwide mar- rine Corps—Jim joined the United States generous and diverse country, and Basma is keting needed to make their attraction a suc- Army. In the post-war period, he was assigned proof that this generosity touches those who cess, but they believed in cooperative mar- to the Military Police Honor Guard, IX Corps need it most. I am proud that Basma and her keting. Georgiana and Norman were the Headquarters, in Sendai, Japan. family call Jacksonville, FL their home. Basma founders of what is today Cal Travel but was Returning home, he married his beloved has fully utilized the great opportunities pre- founded as the California Travel Industry As- wife of sixty years and eight months, Mary sented to her by the United States of America sociation and were the founders of what today (ne´e Horton). Settling on Long Island, New and has dedicated her life to fostering commu- is known as US Travel but was founded as York, Mary and Jim raised four children: nity in Jacksonville and around the world. the Travel Industry Association of America. James (Annie), William (Debra), Jo Ann (Van), Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of After Norman’s passing in 1985, Georgiana and Robert (Melissa); had seven grand- Congress to join me in recognizing Basma went on to launch the company’s second rail children: Jessica (Sean), Amy (Matt), Kellie Alawee, not only for overcoming incredible service, the Santa Cruz, Big Trees & Pacific (Brandon), William, Rachel, Matthew, and Re- challenges as a refugee, but for her dedication Railway, the train from the California Red- becca; and five great-grandchildren: Kaelyn, making this country a home for her family, her woods to the beaches of Santa Cruz, Mon- Matthew, Sam, Jacob, and Thomas. A sixth neighbors, and those who have dreams of es- terey Bay and the Santa Cruz Beach Board- great-grandchild, Brandon Jr., will be born this caping conflict for a better life. walk. I’m proud to say I was part of the origi- month. He is also survived by two sisters, f nal dedication ceremony when this tourist at- Mary Elliott and Margaret Clark, and dozens of HONORING MR. DOUGLAS HEUSER traction began in Santa Cruz County. Today nieces and nephews. ON THE OCCASION OF HIS RE- Roaring Camp is a thriving tourist attraction Jim was a proud member of the Inter- TIREMENT FROM THE SEE hosting many historical events and one of the national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for SCIENCE CENTER largest Day Out With Thomas (Thomas the fifty-five years. He enjoyed gardening, sport Tank Engine) events in the world. aviation, and travel, and was a master wood- Georgiana Collins Clark was born in 1935 worker. Mary and Jim retired to Gulfport in HON. FRANK C. GUINTA Honolulu, Hawaii. She learned the importance 1998 after four years of living in a recreational OF NEW HAMPSHIRE of tourism at a very young age. Georgie and vehicle and seeing this beautiful country. They IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her sisters would make leis and sell them to belonged to the Gulfport Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 arriving visitors to Honolulu as they dis- and were active and avid volunteers with the Mr. GUINTA. Mr. Speaker, I would like to embarked off of cruise ships. Remember— Experimental Aircraft Association, and the Sun express my congratulations to Douglas Heuser back then there was no commercial air serv- ’n Fun Fly-In & Expo, Florida’s largest conven- on his retirement from the SEE Science Cen- ices. Georgiana later became a stewardess for tion. In 2012, Jim and his daughter Jo Ann ter after 32 years, and thank him for the out- Aloha Airlines where she met her husband, participated in an Honor Flight, along with standing work he did during his career. Norman on a flight. After Norman and many other veterans from the Tampa area, Mr. Heuser’s commitment to promoting and Georgiana were married they settled in to their traveling to Washington to visit the National instilling a love of science in people across the new home on the property of Roaring Camp World War II Memorial along the Mall. Granite state has been a critical aspect of his where together they raised their three daugh- Jim’s goal in life was to ‘‘build a better dedication to education. Under Mr. Heuser’s ters Chemene, Melani and Kapiolani. Today mouse trap’’—and most of the time, he did. leadership, the SEE Science Center has two of their daughters work in tourism; Melani He always had a smile on his face, and was grown from a staff of one to a staff of 23 and is the CEO for Roaring Camp Railroads and happiest when he was with his family, helping the center has grown from 4,500 square feet Kapiolani is an Operations Director at the others, telling a story, or singing. At his fu- to 45,000. This expansion exemplifies Mr. Disneyland Resort in Anaheim. neral, his grandchildren recounted how mean- Heuser’s outstanding management abilities Georgiana has played such a huge part in ingful it was to hear their grandfather say to and successful marketing techniques. so many lives but especially to her family and them, ‘‘Good job. I’m proud of you.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09FE8.026 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E149 Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ing the border after deportation was punish- Congress, I am privileged to honor James J. in remembering a great woman of tireless able by years of imprisonment, with en- Pavlicin, whose life and service reflect great service and dedication to her community. Mrs. hanced sentences for people previously con- victed of crimes—most often drug offenses. credit upon himself, his family, and his com- Yang’s memory will live on through her family Though federal investigators have found no munity. He will be remembered as a man who and be remembered by our entire community. evidence that criminalization has reduced selflessly answered his country’s call; as a de- f the pace of border crossings over the long voted husband, father, grandfather, great- term, prosecutions for illegal entry and re- grandfather, son, brother, and uncle; and as TO AMPLIFY CONCERNS OF IMMI- entry rose from fewer than 4,000 a year at the an important part of Florida’s 13th Congres- GRANT DEATHS IN PRIVATE start of Bill Clinton’s presidency, to 31,000 in sional District. My wife Laura and I offer our PRISONS 2004 under George W. Bush, to a high of 91,000 in 2013 under President Obama. prayers for his wife, Mary; children, Jim, Bill, By the late 1990s, the flood of inmates from Jo, and Bob; and the rest of his large, loving HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. this new class of prisoner, coupled with a family, as we remember and honor the life of OF MICHIGAN raging War on Drugs, sent the Bureau of Jim Pavlicin. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Prisons searching for places to put them. f Tuesday, February 9, 2016 The BOP turned to private companies to op- erate a new type of facility, low-security HONORING THE LIFE OF MAY Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to prisons designed to hold only noncitizens YING MARY YANG submit the first sections of a terrific article, en- convicted of federal crimes. As of June 2015, titled, ‘This Man Will Almost Certainly Die’ by these facilities—which are distinct from im- HON. JIM COSTA Seth Freed Wessler, and published by The migration detention centers, where people Nation. As we continue to discuss Criminal are held pending deportation—housed nearly OF CALIFORNIA Justice Reform, I hope that this article can be 23,000 people. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Three private companies now run 11 immi- invaluable resource to my colleagues. grant-only contract prisons. Five are run by Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Where Claudio Fagardo-Saucedo grew up, the GEO Group, four by the Corrections Cor- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to on the colonial streets of the Mexican city of poration of America, and two by a privately honor the life and service of May Ying Mary Durango, migrating to the United States was held company called the Management & almost a rite of passage. It was following the Training Corporation. (A third MTC prison Yang of Merced, California who passed away stream of departures from Durango in the on November 22, 2015, at the age of 69. Mrs. was recently shut down after inmates ran- 1980s that the lanky young man left his fam- sacked it in a protest.) Except for a prison Yang’s family and friends will miss her greatly ily and traveled north. His mother, Julieta largely used to house inmates from Wash- as she dedicated her life to assisting those Saucedo Salazar, heard that he’d found jobs ington, DC, these 11 facilities are the only she met and always strived to make a dif- working as a laborer in Los Angeles. But privately run prisons in the federal criminal- ference in the community. they soon lost touch. ‘‘We did not know justice system. In 2013, the BOP spent rough- May Ying Mary Yang was born on October much about him, really,’’ his younger sister ly $625 million on them. The contracts in- 1, 1946 in Xieng Khouang, Laos. When she told me. clude the provision of medical care, for This article was reported in partnership which the companies often hire health-serv- was 15 years old, she married a military man, with the Investigative Fund at the Nation Ge Paul Yang, whom she would spend the ices subcontractors. In one such facility in Institute, with support from the Puffin Reeves County, Texas, the BOP entered into rest of her life with. In 1975, the Yang family Foundation. It will be part of the February 6 an agreement with the county, which in turn made the decision to flee from the war in Viet- episode of Reveal, a new podcast and public hired GEO to operate the prison and Correct nam with their 8 children in order to seek ref- radio show produced by The Center for Inves- Care Solutions to manage prison healthcare. uge in a refugee camp in Thailand, prior to im- tigative Reporting and PRX. Fagardo- The BOP’s contracts with these facilities migrating to the United States. When they ar- Saucedo worked, his jobs sometimes taking are meant to cut costs. Though the prisons rived to the refugee camp, the Yang family him out of California, and occasionally he are part of the federal infrastructure, the got into trouble—once for ‘‘possession for had no money or food for their children and companies that run them operate under a sale’’ of cocaine, another time for stealing different—and less stringent—set of rules in faced numerous hardships. Additionally, while jewelry. Every seven or eight years, his order to allow cost-cutting innovations. As a living in the refugee camp, the family wit- mother recalled, he’d return to her house— retired BOP contracting official said in an nessed many children dying from malnutrition but never by choice. ‘‘They caught him all interview, ‘‘The more specificity you put in and diseases. It goes without saying that Mrs. the time for being illegal,’’ Julieta said. She the contract, the more money the contrac- Yang overcame many struggles in her life and always hoped her wandering son might stay, tors are going to want for performing the managed to persevere in order to provide her get to know the family again, but he never service.’’ family with a safe future lifestyle. did. ‘‘He would be here a month, and then At least five times since 2008, inmates have he’d go again.’’ Throughout her life, Mrs. Yang touched rioted in the BOP’s contract prisons. The un- In the summer of 2003, immigration agents rest has often come after medical-care com- many lives. Her commitment to her husband, detained Fagardo-Saucedo on his way back plaints. (Pecos Enterprise, Smokey Briggs / Ge Paul Yang played a huge role in his ca- to California, but this time the Border Pa- AP) reer. Further, Mrs. Yang was known as an in- trol referred him to federal prosecutors, who Repeated federal audits and reports have telligent woman with a big heart, who was charged him with ‘‘illegal re-entry,’’ or re- found these facilities to be in crisis. Prison compassionate and always encouraging. She turning to the United States after deporta- medical care is notoriously bad, but for actively made a difference in her community tion. He served nearly five years before being years, immigrant- and prisoner-rights advo- alongside her husband, preparing meals, plan- sent back to Mexico. Again, he tried to re- cates have sounded the alarm about these turn. Early one morning in August of 2008, sites in particular, describing them as sepa- ning community events, and engaging in so- Fagardo-Saucedo triggered an infrared sen- rate and unequal, segregated on the basis of cial work. The Yang family did this as a sor as he and two others ran across the bor- citizenship. ‘‘These prisons operate without means to maintain a strong Hmong group der near Tijuana. He pleaded guilty in a U.S. the same systems of accountability as reg- within the community. District Court to another ‘‘illegal re-entry’’ ular Bureau of Prisons facilities, and pris- Mrs. Yang’s work led to more Hmong indi- charge. The judge sentenced him to four oners suffer,’’ said Carl Takei, an ACLU at- viduals believing in the concept of ‘‘giving years in federal prison. torney who coauthored a 2014 report docu- more than what one is called upon to give.’’ When Fagardo-Saucedo arrived at Reeves, menting the subpar conditions. Yet the full scale of the medical neglect at Her work was instrumental to the development a prison complex in rural West Texas, he en- tered a little-known segment of the federal these immigrant-only contract prisons has of the belief that women should be equal and prison system. Over the previous decade, remained opaque—until now. After two years that equality is not based on gender. These elected officials and federal agencies had of negotiations with the BOP in and out of beliefs were instilled in Mrs. Yang’s children quietly recast the relationship between federal court over an open-records request, I and she always encouraged them to succeed. criminal justice and immigration enforce- obtained more than 9,000 pages of medical Further, the dedication Mrs. Yang had to ment. These changes have done as much to records that contractors submitted to the serving her community; her integrity, honor, bloat the federal prison population as the BOP. They include the records for 103 of at and long service to the Central Valley made War on Drugs; they have also helped make least 137 people who have died in federal con- tract prisons from 1998 (the year after the her a cherished figure. Her commitment to Latinos the largest racial or ethnic group sentenced to federal custody. first one opened) through the end of 2014. The family and to her community will forever live in Until the 1990s, border crossing was almost records all concern men; women are sent to the lives of the people she touched. It is my always treated as a civil offense, punishable regular BOP-run prisons. The documents in- honor to join Mrs. Yang’s family in celebrating by deportation. But in the late 1980s, Con- clude nurse and doctor notes, records from a life that will never be forgotten. gress started to change that. By 1996, cross- hospital visits, psychological files, autopsies,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.025 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 and secret internal investigations. In their president in the federal correctional officers’ fix the problems. One year after the riots, pages can be found striking tales of neglect. union and formerly a registered nurse in a Reeves remained derelict. ‘‘The lack of an Each case file—sometimes hundreds of pages federal prison. ‘‘LVNs are too limited to internal system of administrative and clin- long—was reviewed by at least two inde- make sense to hire,’’ she said. Yet in the ical controls has contributed to the provi- pendent doctors who rendered opinions on BOP’s immigrant-only contract prisons, sion of less than adequate medical care,’’ the the adequacy of the medical care provided. LVNs often appear in the files as the sole monitors wrote. Some of the case files are meager and appear caregivers that sick prisoners see for days or Acosta’s common-law wife, Guillermina to be missing pages. But of the 77 that pro- weeks. They seem to perform jobs equivalent Yanez, showed me a photograph of him be- vided enough information to render a judg- to those of registered nurses, a practice that fore his illness. Acosta appeared youthful ment, the doctors found that 38 contained in- prison medical staff confirm. In 19 of the and strong, his T-shirt hugging muscular dications of inadequate medical care. In 25 of cases reviewed, at least one medical doctor arms. Then Guillermina showed me a picture these—a third of the total—the reviewers flagged the overextension of LVNs as a fac- taken after she and the couple’s 2-year-old said the inadequacies likely contributed to tor impeding proper medical care. daughter, Tania, boarded a bus from Atlanta the premature deaths of the prisoners. In In only 39 of 77 cases did a reviewer find to visit him in the hospital. Acosta’s frame only 39 cases did at least one reviewer find that the care had likely been in accordance was now skeletal, his face sunken, his chest indications that the care had likely been in with recognized medical standards. tattoo pinned to paper-thin skin. ‘‘I asked a accordance with recognized medical stand- Martin Acosta, a Salvadoran man who question to the guards: ’Looking at him, how ards. served time in Reeves for illegal re-entry at could you have left him to look like that?’ Combined with interviews with relatives the same time as Fagardo-Saucedo, began Guillermina recalled. and cellmates of the deceased inmates, and complaining of abdominal pain late in the Acosta died in late January 2011. In a will with correctional officers and medical staff, summer of 2010. Over four and half months, that a nurse’s assistant at the hospital the files tell the story of men sick with can- he went to the clinic more than 20 times. helped him prepare, Acosta wrote: ‘‘I want cer, AIDS, mental illness, and liver and Other than a doctor’s visit a month after his the deed to my house and land’’—in a small heart disease, forced to endure critical complaints began, he saw only nursing staff town by a river on El Salvador’s far eastern delays in care. They show prison medical until the last two weeks of his incarceration; edge—‘‘to be placed in the name of the moth- units repeatedly failing to diagnose patients on 14 of those occasions, he saw only LVNs. er of my daughter.’’ Salvadoran officials fa- correctly despite obvious and painful symp- Notes in the handwritten medical logs and cilitated the return of Acosta’s body to the toms, as well as the use of underqualified nursing templates reveal a cascade of missed country of his birth. Martin Acosta’s daugh- workers pressed to operate on the borders of signs indicating serious illness, said doctors ter, Tania, shows pictures of her father be- their legal scope of practice. The files also who reviewed the files. The prison medical fore and after stomach cancer drained away show men dying of treatable diseases—men staff described Acosta as a difficult patient; his body, and life. (Courtesy of the Martin who very likely would have survived had one thought he was simply trying to obtain Acosta family) they been given access to adequate care. a prescription for narcotics. Acosta was sent ‘‘By the time he got to the hospital, it was Fagardo-Saucedo, then 43, was booked into back to his room with nothing but Maalox too late,’’ said Collins, the retired prison Reeves, run by the GEO Group and a sepa- nine times. Physicians who reviewed the doctor. ‘‘If this case went to court, would rate medical contractor, on January 27, 2009. files said the nurses appear to have missed they win a malpractice suit? Yes, I think When he arrived, the facility was in tumult. the larger story of a protracted medical con- Six weeks earlier, inmates at the sprawling they would.’’ dition. Reeves continued to fall short. The Justice 3,700-bed complex had rioted, protesting the ‘‘For prison medicine to work, a doctor has death of a man who was left in solitary con- Department’s inspector general, Michael to be able to trust the people who work Horowitz, released the results of an audit of finement for a month without proper treat- there,’’ said Dr. Neal Collins, a retired BOP ment for his epilepsy; he died after suffering the facility in April 2015. The audit found and immigration detention-center physician that Reeves’s medical contractor at the a seizure. Four days after Fagardo-Saucedo’s and clinical director who reviewed the arrival, the prisoners rioted again when an- time, Correctional Healthcare Companies, Acosta files. ‘‘If they have competent nurse had failed to meet contractual staffing obli- other sick man was reportedly placed in seg- practitioners, then they can trust that the regation. gations in the medical unit for at least 34 of system is catching it. But when people don’t the 37 months from 2010 to 2013. The BOP According to the BOP, prisons holding peo- know what to look for, that’s what you ple who will be deported don’t require the may have incentivized the understaffing: The worry about.’’ financial penalties for failing to fill open same level of inmate services as regular pris- In significant discomfort on one of his LVN positions were so modest that it cost ons. (Josh Begley) many trips to plead for help, Acosta told an CHC less simply to leave them vacant. The Reeves was still recovering from the unrest LVN that he’d vomited a dark substance and inspector general is currently conducting a when a prison physician scrawled a cursory had seen blood in his stool. He asked to be broader investigation of the BOP’s con- note in Fagardo-Saucedo’s file. The doctor sent to a hospital, and the LVN took a stool tracting. About the understaffing in the noted that the inmate had arrived from pre- sample. Leafing through the file, I expected medical unit at Reeves, Horowitz asks: ‘‘Why trial detention with records indicating that to find a hospital referral or at least the test was it happening for 34 to 37 months? Why he’d tested positive for latent tuberculosis results. Instead, the records suggest that the and had complained of headaches. BOP rules wasn’t that caught before we showed up?’’ LVN eyeballed the stool sample and deemed require that TB-positive inmates also be it unremarkable. There’s no indication in The rest of the article can be found at http:// tested for HIV, but an HIV test was never the files that lab tests were performed or a www.thenation.com/article/privatized-immi- performed. Indeed, over the next two years, doctor was called. When Acosta finally saw a Fagardo-Saucedo wasn’t seen by a medical grant-prison-deaths/?nc=1. physician at Reeves in December 2010, he doctor even once. f After three weeks in Reeves, he began to could no longer eat. He was transferred to a show up in the clinic complaining of pain— hospital, where a massive tumor was found IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR first tooth pain, then headaches, then nausea in his abdomen. Acosta was ultimately diag- SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS and back pain. Over two years, Fagardo- nosed with severe metastatic stomach can- Saucedo went to the clinic 18 times. He was cer. seen on nearly all of these occasions by one In early 2014, an LVN at another facility— HON. PETE OLSON of a rotating group of licensed vocational this one run by MTC—similarly failed to OF TEXAS nurses, or LVNs. Usually, the LVN sent him complete a basic test. Tasked with evalu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ating a man who complained of chest pains, back to his bed with a prescription for Ty- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 lenol or ibuprofen. Meanwhile, his body was the LVN attempted to use an electrocardio- signaling a fatal breakdown, something that gram machine. But he wrote in his notes Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to doctors who reviewed his case said should that he couldn’t get the machine to work be- recognize the hard working School Board have been caught by the facility’s care pro- cause the patient’s ‘‘skin is oily and electroids [sic] did not stick.’’ Rather than members of Clear Creek Independent School viders. District. The training for LVNs (known as licensed call a doctor, the LVN checked a box marked practical nurses, or LPNs, in some states) ‘‘No action indicated at this time on the Our school board members of Clear Creek takes only a year. They are taught to change form for chest-pain complaints. The patient ISD in the 22nd Congressional District of dressings, check blood pressure, help pa- later died of a heart attack, despite subse- Texas play a critical role in the success of our tients bathe, and gather basic information. quent treatment. Doctors who reviewed the schools. Our district is the most diverse and They’re often hired to provide routine care file were divided about whether the shoddy fastest growing congressional district in Amer- in nursing homes or to assist registered care contributed to his death. In the after- ica, due largely in part to the hardworking and math of the 2008 and 2009 riots at Reeves, nurses in hospitals. Unlike the RNs, who pro- caring educators and school board members vide patients with substantive medical care BOP monitors began to visit the facility and perform triage and evaluations, LVNs more regularly to check on healthcare condi- that dedicate their time and energy on our are intended as support staff. tions. But the increased oversight accom- schools; ensuring that our children can This is the reason that BOP-run prisons plished little: Each time the monitors re- achieve whatever they set their mind to. Our rarely hire LVNs, said Sandy Parr, a vice turned, they found that Reeves had failed to school board members were elected or hired

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.027 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E151 to be the caretakers of the American Dream— to promote heart health awareness and raise any child can be anything they want—if they any child can be anything they want—if they funds for heart health at the Meridian Health receive the education that will give them the receive the education that will give them the System including the Jersey Shore University necessary tools to achieve their dream. Our necessary tools to achieve their dream. Our Medical Center, Riverview Medical Center, K. schools are stronger because each of them schools are stronger because each of them Hovnanian Children’s Hospital, and Bayshore embrace the challenge. embrace the challenge. Community Hospital. On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- Each year, the Fund selects and supports a sional District of Texas, thank you again to sional District of Texas, thank you again to cardiac initiative. In 2015, the Fund supported Needville ISD for being Super-Heroes in de- Clear Creek ISD for being Super-Heroes in the Community of LifeSavers program. Work- veloping our leaders of tomorrow. developing our leaders of tomorrow. ing together with the American Heart Associa- f f tion, Community of LifeSavers equips every- KINGWOOD HIGH SCHOOL AT THE day people with the skills to perform CPR. AMERICAN HEART MONTH PAN AMERICAN DEBATE CHAM- Over 5,000 students from seventeen schools PIONSHIP have been trained, at no cost to the schools HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH or students, since the program’s inception. OF NEW JERSEY I am honored to have served as co-chair of HON. TED POE OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Congressional Heart and Stroke Coalition IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 9, 2016 since the 113th Congress. This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Coalition’s es- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I tablishment and our numbers have grown to Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the rise today to recognize American Heart Month over one hundred members of Congress. Over Kingwood High School Debate team has been and to acknowledge the tireless advocacy of the past twenty years our bi-cameral, bi-par- invited to compete at the Pan American the staff and volunteers of the American Heart tisan Coalition has served as a resource for all Schools Debate Championships in Vancouver, Association, and the organizations in my home members of Congress and worked to advance Canada on March 16th, 2016. The competition state of New Jersey and across the country. federal policies that raise the quality of life for is organized by the Pan-American Debate Or- They work this month, and year round, in the individuals with heart disease. ganization (PADO) and aims ‘‘to promote de- effort to raise awareness of heart disease, The American Heart Association and the bate in the Americas, and to encourage high stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. The Coalition work in partnership to raise aware- school students to participate in international Association is leading the charge in increasing ness of CVD and provide those of us making competitions.’’ visibility of American Heart Month through co- funding and policy decisions with the tools and Members of Team Kingwood include Mor- ordinated campaigns, such as National Wear information to address the problems most crit- gan Lee, junior; Reese Grayson, senior; Red Day on February 5, Go Red For Women, ical to those affected by CVD. Colette Faulkner, junior—also the designated and a congressional briefing on February 24. Heart and stroke patients, as well as their alternate to Team USA; Connor Smith, junior; American Heart Month provides a critical loved ones and caregivers, need vocal advo- Gaurav Gawankar, junior. The team is platform to promote public awareness and cates on Capitol Hill to ensure access to qual- coached by Audra and Jason Langston. These heart-healthy lifestyles. The American Heart ity care and treatments. We have a duty to students will not only be representing their Association focuses on seven health factors see that programs aimed at combating CVD, high school, but the state of Texas as well. As and behaviors that increase the risk of cardio- as well as medical research for prevention and they enter the competition, the Texas students vascular disease, or CVD. These areas of pre- treatment of stroke and heart attacks are sup- will face competitors representing Argentina, vention include smoking cessation, physical ported appropriately at the federal level. Bermuda, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Peru, USA activity, healthy diet and body weight, as well As we look forward to promoting awareness and Venezuela. The Kingwood team will be as managing cholesterol, blood pressure, and during American Heart Month, it is important the only team that will represent a high school, blood sugar. According to the Center for Dis- to remember that the work continues year rather than a country. ease Control and Prevention, the leading round. Finally, I would like to acknowledge my The principles of open debate have long cause of heart disease and stroke is uncon- colleagues who are fellow members of the been a lifeblood to our democracy. Society is trolled high blood pressure. Outlining these Congressional Heart and Stroke Coalition and shaped every day by open conversation, pub- areas gives us the knowledge to focus our thank them for their efforts. I encourage those lic opinion and debate. The great debaters, prevention efforts in the fight against CVD. members who have not yet joined the Coali- men like Patrick Henry, Daniel Webster, and The statistics speak for themselves. CVD is tion to do so. The Coalition will continue to John C. Calhoun shaped American society, the leading cause of death nationally and work with the Association throughout the year bringing democracy to a new born nation. De- globally. One in three American deaths is in the fight against America’s number one kill- baters like Margaret Thatcher broke barriers, caused by CVD, a disease which claims the er. improved economies, and shaped their coun- tries’ policies for an entire generation. Great life of an American every forty seconds. To f fully understand what that means, in 2013, the Debaters are leaders who have had an impact most recent year for which data is available, IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR on our society. CVD killed over 800,000 people in America. In SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS These students have taken the first step to- addition to the lives it claims, over eighty-five wards becoming future leaders. Debate teach- million Americans are currently living with CVD HON. PETE OLSON es students how to speak both powerfully and and its effects. CVD also has a real impact on OF TEXAS persuasively, fosters critical thinking, and how to defend their point of view. As a former de- our national economy. Annually, the economic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cost of CVD is over $316 billion. $1 of every bater, Judge and Congressman, I know that $6 spent on health care in this country is Tuesday, February 9, 2016 it’s important to learn how to make a point. spent treating CVD. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Congratulations to the Kingwood Debate That said, there is good news. The efforts of recognize the hard-working School Board team. Good luck at the Pan American Cham- the advocates are working. The mortality rate members of Needville Independent School pionships. from heart disease has fallen by 38 percent. District. And that is just the way it is. This is encouraging, but there remains so Our school board members of Needville ISD f much more to be done. in the 22nd Congressional District of Texas IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR I would be remiss if I did not mention the play a critical role in the success of our SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS good work being done in my home state in the schools. Our district is the most diverse and fight against CVD. The American Heart Asso- fastest growing congressional district in Amer- HON. PETE OLSON ciation and the American Stroke Association ica, due largely in part to the hard-working and OF TEXAS are funding nineteen Founders Affiliate re- caring educators and school board members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES search awards in the state of New Jersey. that dedicate their time and energy on our In my own Congressional district, the Merid- schools; ensuring that our children can Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ian Health Foundation’s ‘‘Women’s Heart achieve whatever they set their mind to. Our Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Fund’’—focused on promoting heart health in school board members were elected or hired recognize the hard working School Board Monmouth and Ocean Counties—has worked to be the caretakers of the American Dream— members of Stafford Municipal School District.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.028 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 Our school board members of Stafford MSD While these don’t appear to be as egregious year, in 2012, he was nominated as the in the 22nd Congressional District of Texas as literacy tests and poll taxes, they represent Kingwood High School student of character for play a critical role in the success of our modern-day attempts to achieve the same exhibiting responsibility, respect, trust- schools. Our district is the most diverse and goal—to restrict the voice of a portion of the worthiness, fairness, caring and citizenship; fastest growing congressional district in Amer- electorate. consequently, I, along with Dr. Guy Sconzo, ica, due largely in part to the hardworking and I respect the differing opinions of my col- the superintendent of Humble ISD, and Texas caring educators and school board members leagues on issues of economic, energy, edu- State Representative, Dan Huberty had the that dedicate their time and energy on our cation, and foreign policy. However, I cannot pleasure of meeting Jeffery, where we experi- schools, ensuring that our children can comprehend how we can disagree on some- enced firsthand the quality of his character. achieve whatever they set their mind to. Our thing as American as protecting the right to Four years later, in 2016, Jeffery’s continued school board members were elected or hired vote. Voting Rights is not a partisan issue. It display of character is one of the reasons he to be the caretakers of the American Dream— is a pillar of our democracy. was selected to participate in the TEXAS any child can be anything they want—if they As the primary season begins, I urge my 4000’s summer ride. However, selection for receive the education that will give them the colleagues to co-sponsor the Voting Rights the ride is only the beginning. necessary tools to achieve their dream. Our Advancement Act and join me and many oth- Once selected to participate, each rider is schools are stronger because each of them ers in urging Speaker Ryan to bring this bill to expected to raise $4,500 and volunteer at embrace the challenge. the floor for a vote. least 50 hours in their community. On top of On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- f this, riders must commit to dedicate time and sional District of Texas, thank you again to effort in the planning, preparation, and execu- IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR Stafford MSD for being Super-Heroes in de- tion of the summer ride. These lofty expecta- SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS veloping our leaders of tomorrow. tions coupled with the physicality of the ride f HON. PETE OLSON work in tandem to cultivate volunteers and phi- RESTORE THE VOTE lanthropists dedicated to eradicating cancer. OF TEXAS However, this wouldn’t be possible without HON. TERRI A. SEWELL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TEXAS 4000, the non-profit organization re- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 sponsible for the 4000-mile ride. OF ALABAMA Their mission: to share ‘‘hope, knowledge, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and charity through leadership development, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 recognize the hard working School Board members of Alvin Independent School District. grant making, and their 4,000 plus mile bike Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, Our school board members of Alvin ISD in ride from Austin to Anchorage: They share today is both Restoration Tuesday, and the the 22nd Congressional District of Texas play hope by letting those affected by cancer know New Hampshire Primary, our nation’s first pri- a critical role in the success of our schools. that they are riding for them and fighting for a mary of the election season. As Americans Our district is the most diverse and fastest world without cancer; they share knowledge head to the polls today, let us all be reminded growing congressional district in America, due by bringing life-saving information about can- that today will be the first presidential primary largely in part to the hard-working and caring cer prevention to communities and providing in the past 50 years where Americans will not educators and school board members that leadership development training to tomorrow’s be afforded the full protections of the Voting dedicate their time and energy on our schools; leaders; and they share charity by contributing Rights Act of 1965. ensuring that our children can achieve what- to cancer research and cancer support serv- New Hampshire is one of 16 states with ever they set their mind to. Our school board ices while developing the next generation of new voting restrictions that have been imple- members were elected or hired to be the care- volunteers and philanthropists.’’ mented since the Supreme Court gutted Sec- takers of the American Dream—any child can To date, TEXAS 4000 has raised over $5 tion 4 of the Voting Rights Act. Unfortunately be anything they want—if they receive the million for distribution to various organizations for voters in New Hampshire, a new voter-ID education that will give them the necessary such as M.D. Anderson and the American law will be in full effect for the first time today. tools to achieve their dream. Our schools are Cancer Society. Their impact and influence is New Hampshire’s voter ID law is designed stronger because each of them embrace the not contained by the boundaries of the com- to require those without a photo ID to sign an challenge. munity they operate within, it spans nation- affidavit and have their picture taken, a motif On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- wide. clearly designed to intimidate and imply sus- sional District of Texas, thank you again to Organizations, like TEXAS 4000, and peo- picion of criminality. The authors and pro- Alvin ISD for being Super-Heroes in devel- ple, like Jeffery Saeling, represent some of the ponents of the law have yet to make the case oping our leaders of tomorrow. best my district and Texas has to offer. Their for the need or intended use of the photos. In f selflessness, dedication, and volunteerism addition to intimidation, the law will undoubt- stand as a shining example of the type of edly lead to longer lines at the polls, further in- TEXAS 4000 quality Americans who call Texas home. Their hibiting access for those who have to return to mission is honorable and their hearts huge. work. HON. TED POE And that’s just the way it is. Congress has had two years to answer the OF TEXAS f Supreme Court’s call to develop a modem day IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES formula for preclearance under the Voting HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY TO Rights Act, and therefore prevent such dan- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 COLONY ONE gerous laws from being implemented. But here Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, during the we are, on the day of the New Hampshire Pri- summer months of 2016, TEXAS 4000, a Uni- HON. PETE OLSON mary, and nothing has been done to restore versity of Texas non-profit organization, will OF TEXAS the vote. Election season has commenced, host their annual summer bike ride: the long- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Americans cannot wait any longer. est charity bicycle ride in the world (as they Thousands of our constituents will face new say, everything’s bigger in Texas). The ride Tuesday, February 9, 2016 barriers to voting throughout this election starts in Austin, TX and stretches 4,000 miles Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cycle. From African American communities in across the country to Anchorage, Alaska. Par- celebrate Colony One Auto in Stafford, Texas my home state of Alabama, to Native Amer- ticipating in this ride are 75, carefully selected, on its upcoming 25th anniversary. Colony One ican communities in Alaska, Asian American University of Texas college students. These has been open since April 15, 1991. communities in California and Latino commu- 75 UT students will commit 70 days of their This quarter century anniversary reflects 25 nities in Texas, thousands of minority commu- summer to complete the 4,000-mile ride, uti- years of hard work, commendable service and nities across America will be met with modern- lizing each day to raise awareness about can- quality relationships built within the commu- day barriers to the ballot box due to our inac- cer prevention, detection, and research in the nity. Colony One’s commitment to excellence tion. Any attempt to restrict a certain portion of communities they visit along the way. One of and their customers has resulted in high our electorate is a threat to our democracy, the 75 UT students, Jeffery Saeling, happens praise and positive reviews on Angie’s List, whether that is through voter ID laws, the clo- to be a constituent of mine. among other service review websites. Their sure of driver’s license offices, or the scaling Jeffery attended Kingwood High School in dedication to their business and their commu- back of early voting. Texas from 2008 to 2012. During his senior nity has also enabled them to be on track to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.032 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E153 work on their 250,000th automobile during this Although Ms. Campbell will be retiring, her included singer Philip Bailey, keyboardist Larry year, averaging 11,000–12,000 a year since many accomplishments will stand as a fitting Dunn, and guitarist Al McKay. The band the business opened. Colony One has re- tribute to her as a professional and as a pa- began experimenting with jazz, R&B, funk, mained a friendly, reputable business for the triot. Ms. Campbell’s presence will be greatly soul, pop music, and African sounds. community. We appreciate their business and missed. On behalf of this House, I congratu- Then in 1973, with the new band members are proud to see their success. late Juanita Campbell on her retirement and and a new sound, Earth, Wind & Fire released On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- thank her for her dedication and outstanding their first hit album titled Head to the Sky, sell- sional District of Texas, congratulations to Col- contributions to the institution. I wish her the ing more than 500,000 copies. The group con- ony One Auto for 25 years of successful, qual- best in all her future endeavors. tinued to build on that success by producing a ity service. f succession of gold and platinum albums f throughout the 1970s and the early 1980s. IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR Maurice White helped compose many of the THANKING JUANITA CAMPBELL SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS FOR HER SERVICE TO THE LI- band’s hits and the songs that helped define BRARY OF CONGRESS the decade: ‘‘Shining Star,’’ ‘‘That’s the Way of HON. PETE OLSON the World,’’ ‘‘Reasons,’’ ‘‘September,’’ and HON. STENY H. HOYER OF TEXAS ‘‘Let’s Groove.’’ Maurice White won six IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MARYLAND Grammys with Earth, Wind & Fire, and re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ceived a solo award for his arrangement of ‘‘Got To Get You Into My Life.’’ Maurice White Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and Earth Wind & Fire were inducted into the Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to thank recognize the hard working School Board Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000. Ms. Juanita Campbell, who is retiring after members of Katy Independent School District. Our school board members of Katy ISD in Also, in 2000, Maurice White revealed to the more than forty-two years of outstanding serv- world that he had been diagnosed with Parkin- ice to the United States Congress. the 22nd Congressional District of Texas play a critical role in the success of our schools. son’s disease. This announcement served as Ms. Campbell retired in January as a Man- an explanation to his legion of loyal fans ager of Legislative Data, with more than four Our district is the most diverse and fastest growing congressional district in America, due around the world for his decision to withdraw decades of service to the Library of Congress. from performing. Despite the effects of his She first started working for the Library in largely in part to the hard-working and caring educators and school board members that health condition, Maurice White decided to re- 1973 as a high school student, at which time main active in the Music industry by founding she served as a Library Aide working on the dedicate their time and energy on our schools; a new recording label called Kalimba Records. National Union Catalog. Ms. Campbell went ensuring that our children can achieve what- He also collaborated on Hot Feet, which was on to become a Clerk Typist in 1974 and, ever they set their mind to. Our school board a musical set to Earth, Wind & Fire songs. soon after, joined the Congressional Research members were elected or hired to be the care- Then in 2010, Maurice White was inducted Service’s Economic Division as an Editorial takers of the American Dream—any child can into the Hall of Fame. After a long Assistant. Three years later, she moved to the be anything they want—if they receive the battle with Parkinson’s disease, Maurice White American Law Division, originally called the education that will give them the necessary passed away in his sleep on February 3, 2016 Bill Digest Section, where she helped track tools to achieve their dream. Our schools are in Los Angeles, California. Mr. Speaker, Mau- and summarize all pending public legislation. stronger because each of them embrace the rice White leaves behind a legacy as one of Since 1996, Ms. Campbell has served as a challenge. the most innovative and unique artists and Manager of Legislative Data. Through the On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- songwriters of the 21st century. years, she has been a highly reliable and sional District of Texas, thank you again to knowledgeable liaison to House and Senate Katy ISD for being Super-Heroes in devel- staff, relaying bill status information and shar- oping our leaders of tomorrow. f ing her expertise on the interaction of the dif- f IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR ferent legislative information management sys- SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS tems. MOURNING THE LOSS AND HON- Ms. Campbell has been focused intently on ORING THE UNFORGETTABLE improving access to legislative proceedings. LIFE OF MAURICE WHITE HON. PETE OLSON She aided in the transition of where transcripts OF TEXAS and details of legislative proceedings could be HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES found: from only being available through a Li- OF TEXAS brary of Congress database, with a limited IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 9, 2016 range of users, to their availability on the inter- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to net through the THOMAS website, which ev- recognize the hard working School Board eryone can access. Ms. Campbell’s knowl- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, it is with members of Pearland Independent School edge was invaluable during the recent transi- a deep sadness and a heavy heart that I rise District. tion to the more modern Congress.gov. today to pay tribute to Maurice White, a man Ms. Campbell has been instrumental at in- who touched the hearts of millions of Ameri- Our school board members of Pearland ISD creasing legislative transparency and moving cans as a founding member of the legendary in the 22nd Congressional District of Texas Congress into the digital age. The services band called Earth, Wind & Fire. play a critical role in the success of our she helped develop are invaluable to Con- Maurice ‘‘Reese’’ White was born on De- schools. Our district is the most diverse and gress, the public, and our democracy. The cember 19, 1941, in Memphis, Tennessee. fastest growing congressional district in Amer- work of her unit, particularly on bill status in- From a young age he displayed a true talent ica, due largely in part to the hardworking and formation, has vastly increased accessibility to for playing music. caring educators and school board members the legislative database as well as documenta- He left Memphis to study music in Chicago that dedicate their time and energy on our tion. Her keen attention to detail has been at the elite Chicago Conservatory of Music. schools; ensuring that our children can largely responsible for the high quality of work In 1963, Maurice White began working as a achieve whatever they set their mind to. Our the Library and CRS’s legislative service pro- session drummer for Chess Records. Soon school board members were elected or hired vides. after, he began playing with the Ramsey to be the caretakers of the American Dream— Throughout her career, Ms. Campbell’s Lewis Trio. In 1969, he formed his own band, any child can be anything they want—if they thoughtfulness and positive attitude have the Salty Peppers. After moving to Los Ange- receive the education that will give them the earned her the respect and confidence of les, California, Maurice White renamed the necessary tools to achieve their dream. Our countless Congressional and CRS staff. As a band as Earth, Wind & Fire. He asked his schools are stronger because each of them manager responsible for much of what makes younger brother, bassist Verdine White, to join embrace the challenge. complex information not merely reliable but his band. The band’s first album failed to be- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- understandable, she has always demonstrated come a break out hit, which prompted Maurice sional District of Texas, thank you again to a passion for teamwork, learning, and prob- White to shuffle the membership. Maurice Pearland ISD for being Super-Heroes in devel- lem-solving. White brought in several new members that oping our leaders of tomorrow.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.036 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 9, 2016 IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR to be the caretakers of the American Dream— Our school board members of Lamar Con- SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS any child can be anything they want—if they solidated ISD in the 22nd Congressional Dis- receive the education that will give them the trict of Texas play a critical role in the success HON. PETE OLSON necessary tools to achieve their dream. Our of our schools. Our district is the most diverse schools are stronger because each of them OF TEXAS and fastest growing congressional district in embrace the challenge. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- America, due largely in part to the hard-work- Tuesday, February 9, 2016 sional District of Texas, thank you again to ing and caring educators and school board Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Fort Bend ISD for being Super-Heroes in de- members that dedicate their time and energy recognize the hard working School Board veloping our leaders of tomorrow. on our schools; ensuring that our children can members of Fort Bend Independent School f achieve whatever they set their mind to. Our school board members were elected or hired District. IN RECOGNITION OF OUR STELLAR Our school board members of Fort Bend SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS to be the caretakers of the American Dream— ISD in the 22nd Congressional District of any child can be anything they want—if they Texas play a critical role in the success of our receive the education that will give them the schools. Our district is the most diverse and HON. PETE OLSON OF TEXAS necessary tools to achieve their dream. Our fastest growing congressional district in Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES schools are stronger because each of them ica, due largely in part to the hardworking and embrace the challenge. caring educators and school board members Tuesday, February 9, 2016 that dedicate their time and energy on our Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- schools; ensuring that our children can recognize the hard working School Board sional District of Texas, thank you again to achieve whatever they set their mind to. Our members of Lamar Consolidated Independent Lamar Consolidated ISD for being Super-He- school board members were elected or hired School District. roes in developing our leaders of tomorrow.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09FE8.041 E09FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS