Discover Jewish Civilization Around the Globe

The Jews of : Between Golden Age and Inquisition

The Scholar-Teacher Jonathan Ray, Ph.D., is the Samuel Eig Associate Professor of Jewish Studies at Georgetown University. He holds degrees from Tufts University in History and Religion and a Ph.D. in Jewish History from The Jewish Theological Seminary. Jonathan specializes in medieval and early modern Jewish history, focusing on the Sephardic world. He has taught at UCLA, Yale University, Drew University and The Jewish Theological Seminary. His research explores the convivencia, or coexistence, between Christian, Muslim and Jewish societies in Iberia and throughout the broader

Mediterranean world.

The Mini-Course The Study Tour Life in medieval Spain truly represents both We will tour through great cities and charming market towns, grand the best and the worst of times in the long palaces and labyrinthine streets of medieval Jewish quarters, with an history of the Jewish people. In this 3-part expert historian and guide who will help put this complex society into series, we will explore the fascinating history historical perspective. We will get to know the great lives and works of and culture of the Spanish Jews under such luminaries as Maimonides, Judah Halevi, and Abraham ibn Ezra, Muslim and Christian rule. Through lectures and learn why their contributions to Jewish life helped to create the and class discussions, we will learn why image of a Jewish Golden Age. But we will also go beyond the Jewish society in Spain is often referred to as highlights to get an in depth look at the daily life of average a “Golden Age,” and what led to the Jews. Philosophers argued with mystics, poets with Talmudists, and ultimate downfall of medieval Sephardic various clans of wealthy Jewish merchants vied for royal favor. Our civilization. Topics will include rabbinic and journey through Spain will introduce us to this society in all its complexity. popular attitudes toward philosophy, We will have the chance to learn about the highlights of the Golden poetry, and , the internal life of the Age, and come to appreciate the special challenges these Jews faced Jewish community, the problem as they struggled to govern themselves and to maintain their religious and the rise of the Spanish Inquisition. identity under Muslim and Christian rule. Our discussions of Jewish life in

Dates: Tuesdays the times of interfaith conflict and cooperation will illuminate the history February 24, March 3 &10 of the Golden Age, from the revival of the , to the rise of the Spanish Inquisition. In the end, we will come to know the men and Time: 7:30 to 9:00 pm women who lived centuries ago, but whose lives echo many of the Venue: Kol Shalom same triumphs and trials that remain central to Jewish life today. 9110 Darnestown Road, Rockville Places Visited: Barcelona, Girona, Besalu, Granada, , Cordoba,

Online Registration Tuition by February 20th: Toledo and Madrid.

$95 for three sessions Some Highlights: Alhambra Palace and Realejo [former Jewish Quarter]

Tuition at the Door (1st Session Only): in Granada, Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, Jewish Quarter in Girona, $125 for 3 sessions Jewish Quarter in Cordoba including the statue of Maimonides, the

More Information and Registration: Samuel Halevi Abulafia Synagogue in Toledo, and Shabbat in Madrid at the Bet El Synagogue. 908-217-4003 Dates: May 28 to June 8, 2015

More Information: Join us for the Mini-Course or the Study Tour – or both! 800-833-2111 Get a $95 credit if you do both.