Some Recent Physical Changes of the Oregon Coast
rOREGON STATE UNIVERS TY LIBRARIES IIIIII 111IIIII1 IIII III 12 0002098016 65458 .8 05 cop .3 FINAL RE PORT (Report on an investigation carried out under Contract Nonr-2771 (04), Project NR 388-062, between the University of Oregon and the Office of Naval Research, U. S. Department of the Navy.) Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. SOME RECENT PHYSICAL CHANGES OF THE OREGON COAST by Samuel N. Dicken assisted by Carl L. Johannessen and Bill Hanneson Department of Geography University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon November 15, 1961 Reprinted in the public interest by the EugeneRegister-Guard and the Lane County Geographical Society,Inc., April, 1976. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The subject of coastal changes is of interest to many people living on or near the Oregon coast and, as a result, numerous interviews, only a few of which can be acknowledged, furnished much information not otherwise available. Valuable assistance came from persons concerned professionally with some aspect of coastal change. The staff of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, was most helpful, especially H. A. Kidby of the Rivers and Harbors Section, Lloyd Ruff of the Geology Section, Mr. Charles Oros of the Photogrammetry Office and Dorothy McKean, Librarian. Mr. E. Olson of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey located copies of old charts and other materials.Ralph Mason of the Oregon State Department of Geology and Mineral Industriescon- tributed notes on Ecola Park and other areas. Robert L. Brown and the staff of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service furnished photographs andspec- ific information on vegetation changes of the dunes.Park Snavely of the U.
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