The Names of God

The Names of God used in the Bible help us understand the many aspects of His character. They represent His attributes, His nature, and the many ways He relates to us. Team up with a prayer partner and explore the scriptures. You’ll begin to experience how powerful His names truly are.

El Shaddai—Lord God Almighty Exodus 6:3 Savior Isaiah 45:21-22 El Elyon—the Most High God Genesis 14:20 Redeemer Psalm 19:14 El Roi—The God who Sees Genesis 16:13-14 Lamb of God John 1:29 El Olam—The Everlasting God Genesis 21:33 Abba (“Papa”) Romans 8:15 Adonai—Lord, Master Deuteronomy 11:1 Alpha and Omega Revelation 1:8 Jehovah M’kadesh—The Lord who Sanctifies Advocate Psalm 68:5 Leviticus 20:1-8 Author of Life Acts 3:15 Jehovah Rohi—The Lord my Shepherd :1 Bread of Life John 6:35 Jehovah Shammah—The Lord is Present Bridegroom Mark 2:20 Jeremiah 23:24 Bright Morning Star Revelation 22:16 Jehovah Rapha—The Lord Our Healer Exodus 15:26 Comforter John 14:16 Jehovah Shalom—The Lord of Peace Judges 6:24 Cornerstone Psalm 118:22 Jehovah Tsidkenu—The Lord Our Righteousness Jeremiah 23:6 Creator Genesis 14:19 Jehovah Jireh—The Lord will Provide Genesis 22:14 Deliverer 2 Samuel 22:2 Jehovah Nissi—The Lord Our Banner Exodus 17:15 Friend Proverbs 18:24 Jehovah O’saynu—The Lord Our Maker Good Shepherd John 10:11 Psalm 95:6 Great High Priest Hebrews 4:14 Jehovah Sabaoth—The Lord of Hosts 1 Samuel 1:3 Guide Psalm 32:8 Elohay Mishpat—God of Justice Isaiah 30:18 Holy One Mark 1:24 Elohay —God of Forgiveness King of Kings Revelation 19:16 Nehemiah 9:17 Way, Truth, and Life John 14:6 Elohay Mikarov—God who is Near Light of the World John 8:12 Jeremiah 23:23 Living Water John 7:37-39 Elohay Mauzi—God of my Strength Psalm 43:2 Mediator 1 Timothy 2:5 Elohay Tehilati—God of my Praise Psalm 109:1 Messiah John 1:41 Elohay Yishi—God of my Salvation :46 Resurrection and Life John 11:25 El HaNe’eman—The Faithful God Deuteronomy 7:9 Rock Deuteronomy 32:4 El Emet—The God of Truth :6 Servant Mark 10:45 Immanuel—God with Us Isaiah 7:14 Shepherd of our Souls 1 Peter 2:25 I AM Exodus 3:14 Teacher Matthew 4:23 Wonderful Counselor Isaiah 9:6 Vine John 15:1 Mighty God Isaiah 9:6 Wisdom of God Luke 11:49 Everlasting Father Isaiah 9:6 Word of God John 1:1 Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6