Kenesset Israel Torah Center Yom Kippur Guide 2777
Kenesset Israel Torah Center Yom Kippur Guide 2777 Welcome! Welcome to Yom Kippur at Kenesset Israel Torah Center! The High Holidays are a time when Jews all over the world, of all denominations and approaches to the tradition observance, come together to pray to God, to do teshuvah - to repent of our past misdeeds - and to celebrate. These are days of expressing gratitude, awe, and remorse, days of asking forgiveness and forgiving others. The liturgy that we recite on Yom Kippur is poignant and beautiful, but there is a lot of it—services are long and there are literally hundreds of pages of prayers to recite. When you find yourself lost, bored, or simply overwhelmed by unfamiliar prayers, the pace of the davening, or the sheer length of the service, I invite you to use this packet to guide you through the services and offer you inspiration along the way. Additionally, I encourage you to read the prayers in a language you understand. It is more important to understand the prayers than to try to say or read them in Hebrew. May you be inscribed and sealed in the book of life! G’mar Chatima Tova, Rabbi Garth Silberstein Navigating the High Holiday Services A. Some Sage Advice “Embodying the rhythm and texts of the Yamim Nora'im [High Holidays] requires real work. I need to find my way into the machzor, into the days themselves, into the service, as I sit in the pews. It can feel overwhelming, relentless, perhaps especially on Yom Kippur when we all regress a bit, I think, and eventually start flipping through the book to the end, wondering exactly how many hours, how many minutes to until I can sit, enjoy that bagel and lox, that bit of lokshin kugel, a few sips of water.
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