Alaska Anthropological Association Newsletter
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Alaska Anthropological Association Newsletter Volume 32, Number 1 June 2006 President’s Message And we published Volume 3(1) of the journal! Pub- Polly Wheeler lished with the critical fi nancial assistance of the Bureau of Land Management Northern Field Offi ce, It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by since this volume contains many articles from the 30th an- I assumed the helm for the Association. We have ac- niversary meetings of the Association (March 2003), complished some good things in the past year, though also sponsored by BLM. Thanks to editor Owen we have some work yet to do. I thought it would be Mason and also to Ken Pratt for their hard work and a good time to review a few highlights of Associa- dedication to ensuring all of the fi ner details in the tion business in the past year, and give you an idea journal are addressed. Thanks, too, to all of the au- of what we’re looking at for the next 12 months. Be- thors and all of the reviewers as well. fore getting into that, however, I’d like to fi rst thank the Alutiiq Museum in general, and specifi cally Sven The Association has had some personnel changes in Haakanson, Executive Director; Amy Steffi an, Dep- the past year: Susan Bender stepped down as sec- uty Director; Katie St. John, Museum Manager; and retary/treasurer, after fi ve long years of keeping the Patrick Saltonstall, Curator, for their stellar work in Association on the straight and narrow. We appre- pulling together a fabulous conference. I’ve heard ciate her excellent work, thank her, and wish her from all kinds of people since the meetings, and to a person, participants and attendees were thrilled with the talks, the key note speakers, the banquet and the Reintroducing amenities. You can fi nd the conference report on page 6 of this newsletter; I urge you to review it and see a feature article section how the 2006 annual meeting proceeded fi nancially. of your newsletter... Again, a warm and hearty thank you to all the people at the Museum for making the meetings a success. see page 13 Okay, so a review of highlights of the past year. We Feature articles are not something fi nally made changes to the by-laws, based on some new to the aaa newsletter, but they have thoughtful and careful work on the part of the by-laws recently fallen by the wayside. committee. We had a record number of ballots (52) There is a renewed interest testifying to the importance of the business of the As- in reviving regular feature articles. sociation. We also purchased liability insurance for Please contact the editor for guidelines. the Association, thus removing the need to purchase separate insurance for each of the annual meetings. 1 fun in all of her newly found spare time. At the same time, we welcome Barbara Bundy, who has agreed to ALASKA ANTHROPOLOGICAL serve as treasurer for the Association. Also, after many ASSOCIATION years, Rachel Mason has stepped down as newsletter President editor. Becky Saleeby has volunteered for this labor Polly Wheeler of love however, and you may note that this volume of Board Members the newsletter is developed with the aid of InDesign, Alan Boraas one of the many improvements Becky intends to make Lisa Frink with the newsletter in the near future. Finally, while Owen Mason Matt Ganley is no longer on the Association Board, he Rachel Mason will continue to work on developing our web page. We Dan Odess have a new Board member, Lisa Frink. In summary, Secretary we have lost some faithful and hardworking offi cers, Margan Grover and we all greatly appreciate their hard work and dedi- Treasurer cation to Association business. That said, we welcome Barbara Bundy the new cadre of volunteers, and we look forward to working with them. The purpose of the Alaska Anthropological Association is to serve as a vehicle for maintain- As far as items to address in the coming months… the ing communication among people interested in Board is continuing the process of evaluating and refi n- all branches of anthropology; to promote public ing the operational business of the journal. In the next awareness and education of anthropological newsletter, you should see a proposal for the member- activities and goals; to foster sympathetic ap- ship to consider regarding changing the dues structure preciation of the past and present cultures of of the Association to accommodate the journal. We are Alaskan peoples; to encourage Alaskan Natives also working on attaining more institutional member- to participate in the elucidation of their respec- ships. tive cultures; and to facilitate the dissemination of anthropological works in both technical and Other items out there include getting the website up and non-technical formats. Membership is open to running, developing job descriptions for the many vol- any individual or organization indicating inter- unteer positions within the Association, and addressing est and concern for the discipline of anthropol- some outstanding fi nancial and administrative issues. ogy. The Association holds its annual meeting We will keep you posted in upcoming issues of the during March or April of each year and gener- newsletter. As always, if you have questions, or com- ally publishes four newsletters each year. ments, please feel free to contact me, or any members of the Board. Our next regularly scheduled meeting The membership cycle runs from the date of is on July 24, 2006, to address journal issues. In the payment for one year; dues may be prepaid for meantime, set aside the dates of March 14-17, 2007 for more than one year at a time. Dues are $20.00 the 35th annual meeting in Fairbanks. for student members and $40.00 for regular or institutional members. Checks or money or- I hope you have a safe and productive summer, and ders, in US dollars, should be made out to the we’ll see you in the fall! Alaska Anthropological Association. To become a member, send your name, affi liation, mailing address, city, state/province, postal code and payment to the Association at P.O. Box 241686, Anchorage, Alaska 99524-1686, USA. Items for the newsletter may be sent to the editor, Becky Saleeby, at the above address, attention “News- 2 letter Editor,” or to [email protected]. Alaska Anthropological Association Board Minutes Business meeting 3/4/06 butchery. The intent was to have a seal available for Call to Order at 5:00 pm by Polly Wheeler butchering in the afternoon, but inclement weather pre- vented a successful hunt. Instead, the group showed Reports some videos on butchery at the Alutiiq Museum. Thir- Aurora Monograph Series: No report as D. Reger ty-nine people attended this years workshop, stretch- and R. Reanier not in attendance. ing the room capacity to its limits (The group will have Alaska Journal of Anthropology: Report given by to enforce pre-registration next year). The workshop Polly Wheeler. The AJA editorial board met on 3/5/06 brought in $845.00, with a portion of that expended on at 2nd story restaurant in Kodiak during the lunch Dr. Shipman’s honorarium and some gas for the seal hour. Most board members agreed to renew efforts to hunters. Next year, Lee Post of Homer will present on increase subscribership. Ken Pratt has compiled an re-articulation of skeletons. The fi rst Christina Jen- index of what is in the existing four issues. One issue sen Scholarship of $300 is awarded to Ross Smith, at raised at that meeting is the idea of tying journal sub- Portland State University. There is currently $1,295.00 scriptions to aaa membership. The aaa board of direc- in the ACZ scholarship fund. There is approximately tors will be discussing this issue at their next meeting. $1200.00 in the NPS Marine Studies grant. Further de- More information will be going out in the June news- tails on ACZ activities are in the newsletter. letter and there is the possibility of a separate mailing Public Education Group: Report given by Richard for members to vote on this issue. O. Mason reports VanderHoek and Joan Dale. The group has been meet- that there are lots of articles in process for the next ing monthly to discuss the Archaeology Month poster issue. BLM contributed $8,000.00 towards the cost and other activities. The 2006 poster is being developed of printing the 30th anniversary volume which is the by BLM under the direction of Bob King, and high- most recent issue (Vol. 3(1)). lights the 100th anniversary of the Antiquities Act. Van- Association Finances: Report given by S. Bender. Fi- derHoek and Dale are developing 8th grade curriculum nancial report is now published in the February news- available for teachers and lots of links to more informa- letter. Encourages members to contact her or Polly tion on the Antiquities Act and Alaska’s National His- Wheeler if they have questions or concerns. Reports toric Landmarks. that there has been an increase in the Vanguard Invest- Website Committee: Report given by Matt Ganley. ment portfolio of approximately $3,700.00 since that We now have our own domain at alaskaanthropology. statement was published. org. One issue pending is whether to pay for a profes- Association Newsletter: Report given by Rachel sional webmaster or not. The committee will be work- Mason for Becky Saleeby who was not able to attend. ing on investigating this issue. Another issue is that of Becky is the new newsletter editor and is putting it links and whether there should be a fee for linking off into Adobe InDesign to ease publication.