1 I NTRODUCTION 1 . Langer, 1648, Der Westfalische Frieden , 63–64. 2 . Gross, “The Peace of Westphalia, 1648–1948,” 28. Gross is, to some extent, describing received opinion, but he doesn’t seem to disagree that the Peace of Westphalia marked a major breaking point with the Middle Ages; see his com- ments on pp. 37–38. 3 . Rousseau, “Extrait du projet de paix perp é tuelle de Monsieur l’Abbé de St Pierre” (1761), in Œ uvres Compl è tes , vol. 3, 572. 4 . The Thirty Years’ War , 193. 5 . Javier Solana, “Speech by the Secretary General at the Symposium on the Political Relevance of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, Mü nster, Thursday, 12th November 1998,” http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/1998/s981112a.htm (accessed January 16, 2011). Also Kofi Annan, http://www.google.com/url?sa= t&source=web&ct=res&cd=9&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.friedenspreis-presse. de%2Fdownload%2Fdankesrede_kofI_annan.pdf&ei=9XiISdPuFZaitgfD5q yaBw&usg=AFQjCNGfORsVCb-c4BPu2rzn_EX0LoWHtQ&sig2=srcgjF- 2mlJFAj2795Ak3Q (accessed January 16, 2011). 6 . Beyond Westphalia? ; Re-Envisioning Sovereignty . 7 . On the centennial celebrations in , see Repgen, “Der Westfä lische Friede: Ereignis Und Erinnerung,” 29–31. The bicentennial and tercentennial years, 1848 and 1948, saw no celebrations, since Germany had other concerns. 8 . The acquisition of Alsace and Lorraine was not completed in 1648—the French only gained certain rights in each—but it is usually seen as the decisive moment in their transfer to France. 9 . Batiffol, L’Alsace Est Francaise Par Ses Origines, Sa Race, Son Pass é ; also Pfister and Lavisse, “La Formation De l’Alsace-Lorraine.” 10 . Stadtmuseum Mü nster, Dreissigjahriger Krieg, Munster Und Der Westfalische Frieden: 1648–1998 (Munster, 1998), 214–15. Cp. Voltaire, who wrote that the Peace of Westphalia is “the glory of France.” Cited in Heinermann, Frankreich Und Der Geist Des Westf ä lischen Friedens , 16. 11 . Grimm, Das Testament Richelieus , 133. Thanks to Anuschka Tischer for this reference. 12 . “Charter of the United Nations.” http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter /chapter1.shtml (accessed June 12, 2011). 13 . Treasure, Seventeenth Century France , 142. 14 . For more on the Baroque mindset, see Maravall, Culture of the Baroque ; Pillorget, “La France Et Les Etats Allemands Au Congr ès De Nim è gue (1678– 1679)”; Friedrich, The Age of the Baroque, 1610–1660 ; Rabb, The Struggle for Stability in Early Modern Europe . 390 NOTES

15 . See the interesting account in Midelfort, Witch Hunting in Southwestern Germany, 1562–1684 . 16 . There is a considerable literature on the mid-seventeenth century as an age of crisis; for an introduction, see Parker, Europe in Crisis, 1598–1648 ; The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century ; Parker, “Crisis and Catastrophe.” 17 . Flor, Pasiones Fr í as , 28, on “epochal anxiety.” 18 . Brun, Savinien De Cyrano Bergerac; Sa Vie Et Ses Oeuvres ; Hall, D’Artagnan, the Ultimate Musketeer . 19 . Friedrich, The Age of the Baroque, 1610–1660 , 93. 20 . Rowen, The King’s State . 21 . Elliott, “A Europe of Composite Monarchies.” 22 . For an introduction to the biological problems facing royal in the sixteenth century, most of which continued in the seventeenth century, see Hansen, The Royal Facts of Life . 23 . Christina, Apologies , 142, number 20. 24 . Ibid., 170, number 192 and p. 143, number 21. 25 . B é renger, “Le Probl è me Du Ministé riat Au XVIIe Siè cle.” 26 . Parker, The Grand Strategy of Philip II , 89, gives some examples of this in the government of Philip II, but it was equally present under Philip IV. 27 . Tischer, “Fremdwahrnehmung Und Stereotypenbildung in Der Franzö si schen Gesandtschaft Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongress,” 282, citing Servien. 28 . Although, ironically, this position as an outsider made Constantinople the one place where the hostile states of Europe maintained embassies in common during the war, and therefore provided a rare opportunity for communica- tion among enemies; Hiler, “Feind Im Frieden: Die Rolle Des Osmanischen Reiches in Der Europ ä ischen Politik Zur Zeit Des Westf ä lischen Friedens”; Komatsu, “Die Tü rkei Und Das Europä ische Staatensystem Im 16. Jahrhundert. Untersuchungen Zu Theorie Und Praxis Des Frü hneuzeitlichen V ö lkerrechts.” 29 . Fridericia, Danmarks Ydre Politiske Historie I Tiden Fra Freden I Lybek Til Freden I K ø benhavn (1629–1660) , 49–55, 88–91; Lorenz, Das Erzstift Bremen Und Der Administrator Friedrich Wahrend Des Westfalischen Friedenskongresses. Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Schwedisch-danischen Machtkamfes Im 17. Jahrhundert , 12–13. 30 . Bosbach, Monarchia Universalis . 31 . Holtzmann, “Imperium Und Nationen.” 32 . Hartung, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte Vom 15. Jahrhundert Bis Zur Gegenwart ; Becker, Der Kurfurstenrat: Grundzuge Seiner Entwicklung in Der Reichsverfassung Und Seine Stellung Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress . 33 . Angermeier, Die Reichsreform 1410–1555: Die Staatsproblematik in Deutschland Zwischen Mittelalter Und Gegenwart ; Dotzauer, Die Deutschen Reichskreise in Der Verfassung Des Alten Reiches Und Ihr Eigenleben (1500–1806) ; Magen, “Die Reichskreise in Der Epoche Des Dreissigjaehrigen Krieges: Ein Ueberblick.” 34 . There are several recent studies on this important document; Hoffmann et al., Als Frieden Moglich War: 450 Jahre Augsburger Religionsfrieden; Begleitband Zur Ausstellung Im Maximilianmuseum , [16.6.-16.10.2005] ; Gotthard, Der Augsburger Religionsfrieden ; Der Augsburger Religionsfrieden 1555 . 35 . Ironically, a Protestant church is experiencing the same problem today, but from the opposite perspective: the American Episcopal church is demanding that schismatic congregations return church property. h ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Episcopal _Church_(United_States)#Controversy (accessed January 9, 2011). NOTES 391

2 T HE THIRTY YEARS’ WAR 1. The following brief summary of the Thirty Years’ War is only intended to give enough background for the reader to understand the Congress of Westphalia. Fortunately, the war—unlike the peace—is well-served with overviews in English. See Limm, The Thirty Years War ; Asch, The Thirty Years War: The and Europe, 1618–48 ; Parker, ed., The Thirty Years’ War ; Wedgwood, The Thirty Years War ; Lee, The Thirty Years War ; Wilson, The Thirty Years War . 2. The Thirty Years’ War , 50. 3. Steiner, Die Pfä lzische Kurwurde Wahrend Des Dreissigjahrigen Krieges (1618–1648) , 28–31. 4. Although at least one delegate, the Swiss Wettstein, lamented that the whole cause of the war was lost when Protestants gave up on their coreligionists in Bohemia: Gauss, “B ürgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit,” 106–10; see also Hroch and Barte č ek, “Die B ö hmische Frage Im Dreiß igjä hrigen Krieg.” 5. Asch, “Die Englishe Republic Und Die Friedensordnung Von Mü nster Und Osnabr ück.” 6. O’Connell, “A Cause C é l èbre in the History of Treaty-Making: The Refusal to Ratify the Peace Treaty of in 1630.” 7. Including Christian IV of Denmark, who ruled lands both inside and outside the Empire. 8. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westphalischen Friedenscongress Und Die Grundung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 3–8. 9. On Christian IV’s casting of himself as an Imperial prince rather than a foreign invader, see Lockhart, Denmark in the Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648 . 10 . Dethan, Gaston d’Orl é ans, Conspirateur Et Prince Charmant . 11. An excellent account of Lorraine’s policy during these years is contained in Babel, Zwischen Habsburg Und Bourbon . The older study by Des Robert is also still useful: Des Robert, Charles IV Et Mazarin (1643–1661) D’apr è s Des Documents In é dits Tir é s Des Archives Du Minist è re Des Affaires É trangeres Des Archives De La Maison De Ligniville, Etc. 12. Stein, Protection Royale: Eine Untersuchung Zu Den Protektionsverhaltnissen Im Elsass Zur Zeit Richelieus, 1622–1643 . There are several good studies on French protection and its consequences: Weber, Frankreich, Kurtrier, Der Rhein Und Das Reich. 1623–1635 ; Livet, L’Intendance D’Alsace: De La Guerre De Trente Ans À La Mort De Louis XIV, 1634–1715: Du Saint Empire Romain Germanique Au Royaume De France ; Abmeier, “Sö tern.”

3 O RIGINS OF THE CONGRESS OF WESTPHALIA 1 . The best account of Sweden’s reasons for entering the war is found in Piirimä e, “Just War in Theory and Practice.” 2 . “Bogislaw XIV”, n.d.: http://www.ruegenwalde.com/greifen/bog-14/bog-14 .htm. 3. See Fichtner, and Primogeniture in Early Modern Germany . 4. East Prussia, also controlled by George William, was not landlocked, but it was not contiguous with Brandenburg. 5. Hartmann, Von Regensburg Nach Hamburg , 349. 392 NOTES

6. Israel, “Olivares, the Cardinal-Infante and Spain’s Strategy in the Low Countries (1635–1643).” 7. The classic study of the Catalan revolt is Elliott, The Revolt of the Catalans ; unfortunately, it ends with the beginning of the revolt. For the course of the revolt after 1640, readers must rely on Spanish works, above all Sanabre Sanromá , La Acci ó n De Francia En Catalu ñ a En La Pugna Por La Hegemon í a De Europa . 8. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 96–97; Israel, The Dutch Republic and the Hispanic World, 1606–1661 , 313. 9 . Hartmann, Von Regensburg Nach Hamburg , 446–49. 10. Bierther, Der Regensburger Reichstag Von 1640/1641, 63–64. Most of the nar- rative about this diet is drawn from Bierther’s thorough study. 11. Ibid., 72–73. 12. Ibid., 230. 13. Becker, Der Kurfurstenrat , 133. 14. Ibid., 91–132; Dickmann, Der Westfalische Frieden . 15. Bierther, Der Regensburger Reichstag Von 1640/1641 , 242–43. 16. Since the electors and princes had sent different resolutions on the subject, it was up to the Emperor to decide what course to adopt. 17. Engster, “Jean Bodin, Scepticism and Absolute Sovereignty,” 498–99. 18. On May 18, 1643. 19. Fridericia, Danmarks Ydre Politiske Historie I Tiden Fra Freden I Lybek Til Freden I K ø benhavn (1629–1660) , 317, 320. 20. “Orlogsmuseet—Skoletjenesten,” accessed January 19, 2011. 21. Fö rsvarsstaben Krigshistoriska avdelningen, Slaget Vid Femern, 1644–13/10–1944 . 22. Stradling, Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621–1665 , 284–85. 23. Israel, “Olivares, the Cardinal-Infante and Spain’s Strategy in the Low Countries (1635–1643)”; Stradling, Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621–1665 . 24. Blancpain, Le Mardi De Rocroi ; Barbe, La Bataille De Rocroi: 19 Mai 1643 . 25. On Turenne’s background, see Bé renger, Turenne . 26. Notes of Adelzreitter, October 23, 1644, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (hereaf- ter omitted), Kurbayern, Geheimer Rat (hereafter KGR), v.198, fasc.3, fol. 45. 27. Fridericia, Danmarks Ydre Politiske Historie I Tiden Fra Freden I Lybek Til Freden I K ø benhavn (1629–1660) , 462. 28. He had actually lifted the embargo once he realized what harm it did to his position in the United Provinces, but the Dutch were determined to lay open his weakness anyway. 29. The province of Halland was nominally to remain Swedish only for 30 years, as security for implementation of the treaty’s other terms, but everyone under- stood that it would become permanent. 30. Lorenz, Das Erzstift Bremen Und Der Administrator Friedrich Wahrend Des Westfalischen Friedenskongresses. Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Schwedisch- danischen Machtkamfes Im 17. Jahrhundert , 101. 31. For background on Bremen and during the war, Bö hme, Bremisch- verdische Staatsfinanzen 1645–1676. Die Schwedische Krone Als Deutsche Landesherrin . 32. Bencard, “Christian IV as Mediator.” 33. Other unratified treaties included Dorsten (Emperor and Hesse-Kassel, 1638) and Ulm (Bavaria and Sweden, 1647). NOTES 393

34. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 152, 197. 35 . This book is more cavalier in the names it gives representatives, referring to them as “ambassadors,” “delegates,” or other titles with the same informal meaning. The one title that would be appropriate for all accredited repre- sentatives in Westphalia is plenipotentiaries, from the Latin for “possess- ing full powers.” In fact, some authors refer to the letters of accreditation by the expression “full powers,” which is a literal translation of the words used in French (pleins pouvoirs), German (Vollmachten), and other related languages. 36. Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , 221.

4 G OVERNMENTS AND GOALS 1. Ché ruel’s Histoire De France Pendant La Minorit é De Louis XIV is a pioneer- ing and still indispensable work for the enormous amount of detail it includes. Ché ruel also edited Mazarin’s correspondence. 2. Kleinman, Anne of Austria: Queen of France , 172. 3. Mazarin has been treated in numerous biographies, almost all of which focus more on the civil war that followed the Peace of Westphalia. Goubert, Mazarin ; Guth, Mazarin ; Saint-Aulaire, Auguste Fé lix Charles de Beaupoil, comte de, Mazarin ; Dethan, Mazarin, Un Homme De Paix À L’age Baroque: 1602–1661 ; Treasure, Mazarin: The Crisis of Absolutism in France ; Overall French policy at Westphalia, however, has received an excellent treatment in Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , with special emphasis on conflict within the government. 4. On the principles of France’s administration in the area of foreign affairs, see Outrey, “Histoire Et Principes De l’Administration Fran çaise Des Affaires Etrangè res”; Brienne’s memoirs are published in Brienne, M é moires Du Comte De Brienne . 5. Grotius already reported in 1644 that France was broke: Gellinek, “Hugo Grotius Und Gerard Ter Borch. Neues Zum Kampf Um Den Westf ä lischen Frieden,” 23. 6. On Servien, see Enaux-Moret, “Abel Servien, Negociateur Des Traites De Wesphalie: Du Parlement De Grenoble à La Surintendance Des Finance, 1593–1659”; and Kerviler, “Abel Servien”; D’Avaux lacks a modern biogra- pher, but there is good information in Tischer, “Claude De Mesmes, Count d’Avaux (1595–1650): The Perfect Ambassador of the Early 17th Century,” and on all French representatives in the same author’s Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin . 7. On Lionne, a future secretary of state for foreign affairs, see Cras, “Hugues De Lionne (1611–1671).” 8. Richelieu’s foreign policy has been examined extensively by Hermann Weber; Weber, “Chr é tienté Et É quilibre Europ éen Dans La Politique Du Cardinal De Richelieu”; “Une Paix Sû re Et Prompte: Die Friedenspolitik Richelieus”; “‘Une Bonne Paix’: Richelieu’s Foreign Policy and the Peace of Christendom”; see also Dickmann, “Rechtsgedanke Und Machtpolitik Bei Richelieu: Studien an Neu Entdeckten Quellen.” 394 NOTES

9. See Heyner, Mazarin’s B ü ndnispolitik in Deutschland (1643–1648) ; and Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe on the developement of Mazarin’s goals. 10. Mazarin to plenipotentiaries, December 21, 1644, APW II B 1 , 333. 11. There are fewer studies of Swedish policy during the Congress of Westphalia than French, and Oxenstierna (in contrast to Mazarin) lacked a modern biog- rapher until recently. He has been the subject of several recent studies, includ- ing Wetterberg, Axel Oxenstierna ; Kanslern ; Findeisen, Axel Oxenstierna . Two older studies remain important: Goetze, Die Politik Des Schwedischen Reichskanzlers Axel Oxenstierna Gegenuber Kaiser Und Reich ; Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westphalischen Friedenscongress Und Die Grundung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland . Queen Christina has long been a source of fascination; see later. 12. Christina has been the subject of numerous biographies, not to mention a major motion picture starring Greta Garbo. Perhaps the best study is Stolpe, Christina of Sweden . 13. Losman, “Carl Gustaf Wrangel, Skokloster and Europe,” 640–41; Rystad, “Magnus Gabriel De La Gardie.” 14. Manzano Baena, Conflicting Words , 154–55. 15. Israel, The Dutch Republic . For an in-depth study of the stadholder, see Poelhekke, Frederik Hendrik, Prins Van Oranje: Een Biografisch Drieluik . 16. See Geurts, “De Moeilijke Weg Naar Munster: Problemen Rond Bezetting, Instructie En Kosten Van De Staatse Delegatie (1642–1646).” 17. Boer, Adriaan Pauw (1585–1653) ; Groenveld, “Adriaen Pauw (1585–1653), Een Pragmatisch Hollands Staatsman.” 18. The following draws heavily from Stradling, Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621–1665 . The only work devoted to Spanish policy in M ünster is the not-very-helpful Castel, Espa ñ a y El Tratado De M ü nster (1644–1648). 19. See Elliott, The Count-Duke of Olivares . 20. Geurts, “De Moeilijke Weg Naar Munster: Problemen Rond Bezetting, Instructie En Kosten Van De Staatse Delegatie (1642–1646),” 48. 21. Cortezo, “La Paix Occulte: Propagande, Information Et Politique Autour Des Né gociations De Westphalie,” 270. 22. For Habsburg family relations, see Mecenseffy, Habsburger Im 17. Jahrhundert; Die Beziehungen Der H ö fe Von Wien Und Madrid W ä hrend Des Dreissigj ä hrigen Krieges ; and Ernst, Madrid Und Wien, 1632–1637 . 23. Kessel, Spanien Und Die Geistlichen Kurstaaten Am Rhein W ä hrend Der Regierungszeit Der Infantin Isabella (1621–1633) , 44–49. 24. Cortezo, “La Paix Occulte: Propagande, Information Et Politique Autour Des Né gociations De Westphalie,” 267–68. 25. Bavarian policy has been investigated at great length by Immler, Kurfurst Maximilian I Und Der Westfalische Friedenskongress: Die Bayerische Auswartige Politik Von 1644 Bis Zum Ulmer Waffenstillstand ; see also Kraus, “Kurfü rst Maximilian I. Von Bayern Und Die Franz ösische Satisfaction (1644–1646): Neue Quellen Zu Einem Alten Problem”; Maximilian I.: Bayerns Grosser Kurfurst ; Kraus, Die Acta Pacis Westphalicae: Rang Und Geisteswissenschaftliche Bedeutung Eines Editionsunternehmens Unserer Zeit, Untersucht an Hand Der Elsass-Frage (1640–1646) . 26. Frederick William, a central figure in German history, has been the subject of numerous biographies, e.g., H ü ttl, Friedrich Wilhelm Von Brandenburg, Der Grosse Kurfurst, 1620–1688: Eine Politische Biographie ; However, the early part NOTES 395

of his reign (to 1648) has received less attention than the rest. The best recent assessment is Brunert, “Der Mehrfachherrscher Und Das Politische System Des Reiches. Das Ringen Um Pommern Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongreß .” 27. Unfortunately for such a central figure in the Thirty Years’ War (and such an interesting one), John George lacks a modern biographer. The loss is felt less in the Congress of Westphalia, however, where Saxony played a minor role, espe- cially relative to its influence in Imperial politics. 28. Bettenhä user, Die Landgrafschaft Hessen-Kassel Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress, 1644–1648 . 29. It is perhaps characteristic that Lampadius has been written about more than the state he represented. Dietrich, “Jacobus Lampadius: Seine Bedeutung Fü r Die Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte Und Staatstheorie.” 30. Brunert, “Zum Reichspolitischen Engagement Sachsen-Altenburgs Am Ende Des Dreiß igjä hrigen Krieges: Die Entstehung Der Hauptinstruktion Herzog Friedrich Wilhelms II. Fü r Seine Gesandten Zum Westfä lischen Friedenskongress.” 31. Knoch, Die Politik Des Bischofs Franz Wilhelm Von Wartenberg Wahrend Der Westfalischen Friedensverhandlungen (1644–48) . 32. Israë l, Adam Adami Und Seine Arcana Pacis Westphalicae .

5 S TRUCTURES 1. On the choice of sites, and many other details on how the congress came about, see Colegrove, “Diplomatic Procedure Preliminary to the Congress of Westphalia.” 2. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 190. 3. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 213. 4. The more likely, but less palatable, etymology is that “pumpernickel” is an old German term for “devil’s fart.” See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumpernickel (accessed February 13, 2011), for a discussion with sources. It may appear that M ünster is a likely origin of Munster cheese, but this food is named for a town in Alsace. 5. Tischer, “Fremdwahrnehmung Und Stereotypenbildung in Der Franzö sischen Gesandtschaft Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongress,” 266. 6. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 190. 7. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 199–200. 8. “Entweder es regnet oder es l ä uten die Glocken. Und wenn beides zusammen f ä llt, dann ist Sonntag.” From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnster (retrieved August 5, 2008). 9. Buisman, Duizend Jaar Weer, Wind En Water in De Lage Landen , 4:479–97, discusses the weather in Westphalia in some depth. 10. Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe , 111. 11. Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 161. 12. The following is drawn largely from the fascinating account of Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 . Duchhardt, “M ünster und der Westf ä lische Friede—Kollectives Gedä chtnis und Erinnerungskulture im Wandel der Zeiten,” 853–63, argues that the towns profited from the congresses. While the influx of 396 NOTES

demand undoubtedly helped in some ways, I am doubtful whether they gained on the whole, as the following section will show. 13. Ogier, Journal Du Congr è s De Munster , 175. 14. Kellenbrenz, “Hamburg Und Die Franz ösisch-schwedische Zusammenarbeit Im 30j ä hrigen Krieg,” 275–83. 15. For the following, see the informative Teske, “Verhandlungen Zum Westf ä lischen Frieden Au ß erhalb Der Kongre ß stä dte Mü nster Und Osnabrü ck.” 16. For this and the remaining chapters in this section, it is worth reading Bé ly, Espions Et Ambassadeurs Au Temps De Louis XIV . It covers a somewhat later time period, but in greater depth than anyone has done for the 1640s; and many things had not changed in the meantime. 17. The following is taken largely from Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung . 18. On the characteristics and background of ambassadors in this period, see Roosen, “The True Ambassador: Occupational and Personal Characteristics of French Ambassadors Under Louis XIV”; Tischer, “Claude De Mesmes, Count d’Avaux (1595–1650): The Perfect Ambassador of the Early 17th Century”; Carter, “The Ambassadors of Early Modern Europe: Patterns of Diplomatic Representation in the Early Seventeenth Century”; and the works on French and Spanish ambassadors cited in chapter 4 . 19. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 195. 20. Tischer, “Claude De Mesmes, Count d’Avaux (1595–1650): The Perfect Ambassador of the Early 17th Century”; Lundgren, Johan Adler Salvius. Problem Kring Freden, Krigsekonomien Och Maktkampen . 21. Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 117. 22. Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 , 139–39. 23. Claude Joly: sauces spoil foods rather than making them tastier. http://web17. free.fr/RD03/5100.htm (retrieved August 15, 2008). 24. Kopp, Der Westf ä lische Frieden; Vorgeschichte, Verhandlungen, Folgen , 50; Dietz, Die Politik Des Hochstifts Bamberg Am Ende Des Dreissigj ä hrigen Krieges , 129. 25. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 326–27. 26. Joly. 27. See the beautiful examples in Stadtmuseum M ünster, 30j ä hriger Krieg, M ü nster Und Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 71, 77, 105. 28. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 197. 29. Babel, “Der Westfä lische Friedenskongre ß in Franz ösischer Sicht: Ein Tagebuchfragment Nicolas Doulceurs Aus Den Jahren 1647 Und 1648,” 19. 30. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 509–10. 31. Ibid., 498–501. 32. Christina, Apologies , 564. 33. Babel, “Der Westfä lische Friedenskongre ß in Franz ösischer Sicht: Ein Tagebuchfragment Nicolas Doulceurs Aus Den Jahren 1647 Und 1648,” 26. 34. If the mention of pipers brings to mind the Pied Piper of Hamelin, it is not far off: Hameln lies some 60 miles due east of Osnabrü ck, just across the Weser. 35. Chigi and Saavedra, for instance, read their poetry to each other; Diarium Chigi , 213. On Forstner, see Stein, “Christoph Forstner, 1598–1668: Mö mpelgardische Politik und Humanistische Reflexion auf dem westfä lischen Friedenskongress.” NOTES 397

36. Ellenius, “Schering Rosenhane, Swedish Resident in Mü nster, 1643–1647,” 397. 37. Babel, “Der Westfä lische Friedenskongreß in Franzö sischer Sicht: Ein Tagebuchfragment Nicolas Doulceurs Aus Den Jahren 1647 Und 1648,” 18–19, 23–24. 38. Servien to Lionne, July 14, 1645, APW II B 2 , 165. 39. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 452. 40. Johan Oxenstierna to Axel Oxenstierna, August 13, 1646, APW II C 2 , 165, p. 412. 41. Axel Oxenstierna to Johan Oxenstierna, September 15, 1646, APW II C 2 , 184, pp. 442–43. 42. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westph ä lischen Friedenscongress Und Die Gr ü ndung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 272. 43. This was, in fact, a key concern that the French voiced in Stockholm on the occasion of Johan Oxenstierna’s request; Linage de Vauciennes, Memoires De Ce Qui S’est Pass é En Suede, Et Aux Provinces Voisines, Depuis L’ann é e 1645 Jusques En L’ann é e 1655, Ensemble Le Dem ê l é De La Suede Avec La Pologne , 60–61. 44. Servien to Lionne, September 3, 1644, 238, p. 497; Servien to Lionne, October 22, 1644, 277, p. 580; Servien to Lionne, November 12, 1644, 293, p. 631, all from APW II B 1 ; Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 211. 45. Mazarin to plenipotentiaries, July 2, 1644, 155; Mazarin to plenipotentiaries, September 24, 1644, 254, p. 520; Brienne to plenipotentiaries, October 1, 1644, 260, p. 527; Lionne to Servien, October 15, 1644, 269, p. 550. All cita- tions from APW II B 1. 46. D’Avaux to Brienne, August 13, 1644, APW II B 1 , 204. 47. Lionne to Servien, September 3, 1644, APW II B 1 , 232, p. 483. 48. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 187–89; Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica vol. IV, 36. 49. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 461. 50. Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 179–81; Andretta, La Diplomazia Veneziana e La Pace Di Vestfalia (1643–1648) , XXVII:52. 51. Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 163, mentions Nassau and Wartenberg as the exceptions. Characteristically, Maximilian refused to pay for his representa- tives’ barbers, since “it was not customary” (171). 52. Alexander, Diarium Chigi, 1639–1651 , 215. 53. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 264. 54. Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 , 163–68. 55. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 205. 56. Ogier, Journal Du Congr è s De Munster , 88. 57. Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 , 165–66. 58. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 432–34. 59. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 215. 398 NOTES

60. For an overview—although focusing on a later period—see Paulmann, Pomp Und Politik ; Roosen, “Early Modern Diplomatic Ceremonial: A Systems Approach.” 61. Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 , 135. 62. For this and other details about entr ées in Mü nster, see Stiglic, “‘Ganz M ünster Ist Ein Freudenthal’: Ceremonial Entries into the Conference City of M ünster,” 391–96. 63. Pens ées, 319, 315. From http://philosophy.eserver.org/pascal-pensees.txt (retrieved August 5, 2008). 64. Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 , 135. 65. Ogier, Journal Du Congr è s De Munster , 55. 66. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 229. 67. Gellinek, “Hugo Grotius Und Gerard Ter Borch. Neues Zum Kampf Um Den Westf ä lischen Frieden,” 19–25. 68. Teske, “Verhandlungen Zum Westf ä lischen Frieden Auß erhalb Der Kongreß stä dte Mü nster Und Osnabrü ck,” 179–89. 69. Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe, 112. 70. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 225. 71. Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 40. 72. Jean Bodin, Six Books of the Commonwealth, 1 VI 4, cited in Becker, Der Kurf ü rstenrat: Grundz ü ge Seiner Entwicklung in Der Reichsverfassung Und Seine Stellung Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress . 73. Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , 218, footnote 12, and Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 209. 74. Louis XIV to plenipotentiaries, 18 February 1645, APW II B 2 , 42. 75. Becker, Der Kurf ü rstenrat: Grundz ü ge Seiner Entwicklung in Der Reichsverfassung Und Seine Stellung Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongress , 144–47. 76. Lü nig, Theatrum Ceremoniale Historico-Politicum; Oder, Historisch- Und Politischer Schau-Platz Aller Ceremonien, Welche so Wohl an Europ ä ischen H ö fen, Als Auch Sonsten Bey Vielen Illustren F ä llen Beobachtet Worden . . . Leipzig, M.G. Weidmann, 1720 , 8. 77. Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica vol. I, 496–97, 500–501, and vol. II, 61–62; Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 215. 78. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 178–81. 79. Fridericia, Danmarks Ydre Politiske Historie I Tiden Fra Freden I Lybek Til Freden I K ø benhavn (1629–1660) , 151–54. 80. Buchstab, Reichsst ä dte, St ä dtekurie Und Westf ä lischer Friedenskongress: Zusammenh ä nge Von Sozialstruktur, Rechtsstatus Und Wirtschaftskraft , 128–31. 81. Endres, “Die Friedensziele Der Reichsritterschaft,” 574–77. 82. Buchstab, Reichsst ä dte, St ä dtekurie Und Westf ä lischer Friedenskongress: Zusammenh ä nge Von Sozialstruktur, Rechtsstatus Und Wirtschaftskraft , 98–108. 83. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 207. 84. Axel Oxenstierna to Johan Oxenstierna, September 15, 1646, APW II C 2 , 184, pp. 442–43. NOTES 399

85. Christina, Apologies , 240. “Amuse” in this passage might alternately be trans- lated as “pass time.” 86. Cf. Roeck, “Die Feier Des Friedens,” 637–38. 87. Thanks to Orest Ranum, who first suggested to me that precedence disputes might be tied to the entertainment value it provided. 88. Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 , 135. 89. Lionne to Servien, February 25, 1645, APW 2 B 2 , 46, and August 15, 1644, APW 2 B 1, 209, p. 454. 90. Christina, Apologies , 240. 91. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thurn_und_Taxis (accessed May 16, 2008); http://www.forbes.com/lists/2007/10/07billionaires_Albert-von-Thurn- und-Taxis_0PW3.html (accessed May 16, 2008); http://www.phone- bookoftheworld.com/thurnandtaxis.htm (accessed May 16, 2008). 92. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 185–89. 93. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 155. 94. Fleitmann, “Postverbindungen Fü r Den Westf ä lischen Friedenskongreß 1643 Bis 1648” (specifically pp. 23–24 for the case of d’Avaux); Allen, Post and Courier Service in the Diplomacy of Early Modern Europe . 95. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 288–89. 96. Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 195. 97. Mazarin to plenipotentiaries, April 9, 1644, APW II B 1 , 31, p. 62. 98. For more information, see Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe , 43–44. 99. Lionne to Servien, October 15, 1644, APW II B 1 , 269, p. 550. 100. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 498–501, 524–25. 101. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 212–14. 102. Servien to Lionne, June 19, 1645, APW II B 2 , 142, pp. 446–49; Diarium Volmar , 185. 103. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 203–207. 104. Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 185–218. I am excluding costs for repre- sentation and honoraria. 105 . Christina, Apologies ; on intelligence in general, see Parker, “The Worst-Kept Secret in Europe? The European Intelligence Community and the Spanish Armada of 1588”; Rowan, The Story of Secret Service ; Thompson, Secret Diplomacy; Espionage and Cryptography, 1500–1815 . 106. http://www.bbbonline.org/IDtheft/safetyQuiz.asp (accessed May 16, 2008). 10 7. Louis XIV to plenipotentiaries, January 1, 1645, APW II B 2 , 1. 108. Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe , 44–48; Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 196–97, notes that the Spanish also obtained top-secret French correspondence in 1647. 109. Servien to Lionne, June 19, 1645, APW II B 2 , 142. 400 NOTES

110. Bosbach, “Gedruckte Information F ür Gesandte Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongre ß— Eine Dokumentation Des Angebotes, Der Preise Und Der Verwendung.” 111. Losman, “The European Communications Network of Carl Gustaf Wrangel and Magnus Gabriel De La Gardie”; D’Avaux to Mazarin, April 16, 1644, APW II B 1 , 52, p. 100. 112. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 212. 113. For example, Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe , 39–41. 114. The following is from Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 283–87. 115. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 188–89. 116. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 289–90. 117. Servien to Lionne, May 20, 1645, APW II B 2 , 106. 118. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 33. 119. Plenipotentiaries to Brienne, January 31, 1645, APW II B 2, 28, p. 95. 120. Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , 250–51. 121. V olmar, October 14, 1644, 190. 122. Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica , vol. I, 737. 123. Ibid., vol. VI, 287. 124. Ibid., vol. V, 321. 125. Braun, “Les Traductions Franç aises Des Traité s De Westphalie (de 1648 à La Fin De l’Ancien Ré gime).” 126. See the following example of Longueville. Volmar also noted that Contarini spoke no Latin; Volmar, 5/6/44, Diarium Volmar , 127. 127. Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica , vol. II, 78, and vol. IV, 915–17. 128. Ogier, Journal Du Congr è s De Munster , 110. 129. Wolff, Corpus Evangelicorum Und Corpus Catholicorum Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongress. Die Einf ü gung Der Konfessionellen St ä ndeverbindungen in Die Reichsverfassung , 66. 130. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 193. 131. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 219–20, 264, 524–25, 537. 132. Brienne to plenipotentiaries, May 27, 1645, APW II B 2 , 108. 133. Some examples: the distinction between “episcopatus” and “districtus” in the negotiations over the Three Bishoprics of Lorraine; the “ita tamen” clause on the Alsace cession; the “tandem omnes” clause on the amnesty; and the use of “due corone” in the negotiations on powers. 134. According to Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 234, the Congress of Westphalia was the first to recognize lawyers in an official diplomatic capacity. 135. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 33. See also p. 135 in this chapter, where he refers to the “confu- sion” they create. 136. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 481–84. 137. Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica vol. VI, 365–66. 138. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 533–34, 538–39. 139. Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica , vol. V, 130, 140–41. NOTES 401

140. Brienne to plenipotentiaries, August 6, 1644, APW II B 1, 192, p. 426. On the publishing activities of the plenipotentiaries, see Bosbach, Die Kosten Des Westf ä lischen Friedenskongresses: Eine Strukturgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 189–90. Servien felt he needed to fund the republication of one page of the treaty because it left out Louis XIV’s formal title, His “Most Christian Majesty.” 141. On the payment of representatives, see ibid., 73–86. 142. See the extensive discussion, with figures, in ibid., 199–217, and Merkes, “Belohnungen Und Gunstbeweise in Der Spanischen Politik Des 17. Jahrhunderts.” 143. In addition to the following example, see also their attempts to bribe Mazarin and Servien (the latter with apparent success) in Cardim, “‘Portuguese Rebels’ at M ünster: The Diplomatic Self-Fashioning in Mid-17th Century European Politics,” 297, 311. 144. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 267–69. 145. Ibid., 410. 146. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 206. 147. Ibid. 148. Croxton, The Peace of Westphalia: A Historical Dictionary , 151–52. 149. See the thoughtful discussion in Picavet, La Diplomatie Fran ç aise Au Temps De Louis XIV (1661–1715) Institutions, M œ urs Et Coutumes , 189–209. 150. Servien to Lionne, June 10, 1645, APW II B 2 , 127, p. 419. 151. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 432–35, 500. It seems extraordinary that Peñaranda gave out the exact same sum to each wife after each signing, but Poelhekke cites documents in support of both. 152. Ibid., 225–26. 15 3. Ibid. 154. For one case of a female acting in a diplomatic capacity, see Tischer, “Eine Franzö sische Botschafterin in Polen 1645–1646. Die Gesandtschaftsreise René e De Gu ébriants Zum Hofe Wladislaws IV.” 155. Kellenbrenz, “Hamburg Und Die Franz ösisch-schwedische Zusammenarbeit Im 30jä hrigen Krieg,” 285. 156. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 82. 157. Andretta, La Diplomazia Veneziana e La Pace Di Vestfalia (1643–1648) , XXVII: 96. 158. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 328–29. 159. Servien to Court, April 15, 1645, APW II B 2 , 84, pp. 284–86. For more in the same vein, see Croxton, “The Prosperity of Arms Is Never Continual.” 160. Mazarin to plenipotentiaries, July 17, 1644, APW II B 1 , 177, pp. 371–72. 161. See also Bierther, Der Regensburger Reichstag Von 1640/1641 , 46: Mainz and Bavaria wanted a truce at Regensburg, but Saxony and Brandenburg did not, because their lands were occupied. 162. All of the following are from APW II B 2 : Mazarin to plenipotentiaries, April 7, 1645, 75; plenipotentiaries to Rorté , June 16, 1645, 133; plenipotentiaries to Brienne, June 20, 1645, 143; Brienne to plenipotentiaries, July 1, 1645, 154; plenipotentiaries to Rorté , July 10, 1645, 164. 163. On the Emperor, Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 270–71; on Spain, Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem 402 NOTES

Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 89. On Sweden: Christina to plenipotentiaries, APW II C 2 , 79, pp. 219–20 and Linage de Vauciennes, Memoires De Ce Qui S’est Pass é En Suede, Et Aux Provinces Voisines, Depuis L’ann é e 1645 Jusques En L’ann é e 1655, Ensemble Le Dem ê l é De La Suede Avec La Pologne , 72–73, 76. 164. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 89. 165. Meeting of the Princes’ College, 2/4/1646, Meiern, vol. II, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica , 347–48. 166. APW II B 2 , 143. 167. All of the following are from APW II B 2 : Plenipotentiaries to Mazarin, March 3, 1645, 50; Louis XIV to plenipotentiaries, April 6, 1645, 72; Mazarin to Longueville, June 25, 1645, 153, and July 29, 1645, 175. 168. Quotations from plenipotentiaries to Brienne, May 13, 1645, APW II B 2 , 101, pp. 335–38. 169. Mazarin to plenipotentiaries, June 17, 1645, APW II B 2 , 136. 170. The military history of the last years of the war has been less studied than the earlier years of Wallenstein and Gustavus; and where histori- ans have written about it, they have tended to write about structural ele- ments such as recruitment and supply rather than about specific campaigns and battles. See, e.g., Kroener, Les Routes Et Les É tapes: Die Versorgung Der Franz ö sischen Armeen in Nordostfrankreich (1635–1661): Ein Beitrag Zur Verwaltungsgeschichte Des Ancien R é gime ; “Die Entwicklung Der Truppenstä rken in Den Franzö sischen Armeen Zwischen 1635 Und 1661”; Parrott, “The Administration of the French Army During the Ministry of Cardinal Richelieu”; S ö rensson, “Das Kriegswesen Wä hrend Der Letzten Periode Des Drei ßigj ährigen Krieges.” This means that modern readers are forced to rely on general histories of the war (see chapter 2 , note 1 ) for mili- tary events, or are thrown back onto older narrative works, chiefly in foreign languages: Barthold, Geschichte Des Grossen Deutschen Krieges Vom Tode Gustav Adolfs Ab ; Du Jarrys von La Roche, Der Drei ß igj ä hrige Krieg Vom Milit ä rischen Standpunkte Aus Beleuchnet ; F ö rsvarsstaben Krigshistoriska avdelningen, Fr å n Femern Och Jankow till Westfaliska Freden . One recent exception is Hö fer, Das Ende Des Dreissigj ä hrigen Krieges . Particular cam- paigns do occasionally have modern accounts, which are cited in the appro- priate section of this book. 171. Teske, “Verhandlungen Zum Westfä lischen Frieden Auß erhalb Der Kongreß st ä dte Mü nster Und Osnabrü ck.” 172. Plenipotentiaries to Emperor, May 1, 1645, APW II A 2 , 145. Admittedly, the letter where this is mentioned explicitly absolves the soldiers from blame for the shortage of food, but this was a new development: complaints had been going on since 1643 (Diarium Volmar , 27, 36), and the Imperial plenipoten- tiaries themselves had only recently complained to the Emperor of the need for stricter enforcement of the free passage of victuals (plenipotentiaries to Emperor, March 23, 1645, 116, and Emperor to plenipotentiaries, April 12, 1645, 128). 173. Babel, “Der Westfä lische Friedenskongreß in Franz ösischer Sicht: Ein Tagebuchfragment Nicolas Doulceurs Aus Den Jahren 1647 Und 1648,” 22. 174. Ogier, Journal Du Congr è s De Munster , 190; Philippi, Der Westf ä lische Friede. Ein Gedenkbuch Zur 250j ä hr. Wiederkehr Des Tages Seines Abschlusses, Am 24. Oktober 1648 , 143–44; Babel, “Der Westf ä lische Friedenskongreß NOTES 403

in Franz ösischer Sicht: Ein Tagebuchfragment Nicolas Doulceurs Aus Den Jahren 1647 Und 1648,” 20. 175. Babel, “Der Westfä lische Friedenskongreß in Franzö sischer Sicht: Ein Tagebuchfragment Nicolas Doulceurs Aus Den Jahren 1647 Und 1648,” 23–24. 176. Johan Oxenstierna to Salvius, March 30, 1644, APW II C 1 , 145, and Salvius to Johan Oxenstierna, March 30, 1644, 145. 177. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 328. 178. The quotation is from Adam Adami, cited in Parker, ed., The Thirty Years’ War , 160. 179. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 214. 180. Wolff, Corpus Evangelicorum Und Corpus Catholicorum Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongress. Die Einf ü gung Der Konfessionellen St ä ndeverbindungen in Die Reichsverfassung , 171. 181. Oschmann, Der Nurnberger Exekutionstag 1649–1650: Das Ende Des Dreissigjahrigen Krieges in Deutschland , 6–7, 189–203. 182. Ogier, Journal Du Congr è s De Munster , 91: “nous concevions une grande esperance de venir apres tant de longueurs (!) au traite de paix.” 183. Servien to Lionne, May 20, 1645, APW II B 2 , 106, p. 360. 184. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 267. 185. Meiern, A cta Pacis Westphalicae Publica , vol. II, 247–48. 186. The following are all from Archives du Ministè re des Affaires Étrang è res, Correspondance politique Allemagne v.110: Servien to Brasset, October 9, 1648, fols. 51–54; October 13, 1648, fols. 67–68; October 16, fols. 79–80; October 23, 104–105; Servien to Chanut, October 11, 1648, fol. 66. 187. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 375. 188. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 190.

6 T HE LONG BEGINNING 1 . Louis XIV to plenipotentiaries, January 1, 1645, APW II B 2 , 1, p. 3. 2 . Tischer, Franzö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin, 227. 3 . Fö rsvarsstaben Krigshistoriska avdelningen, Slaget Vid Jankow, 1645–24/2– 1945, Minnesskrift. 4 . Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 100. 5 . Although France, in fact, occupied Philippsburg at the time. 6 . Eventually, the move was scheduled to take place on May 15. 7 . Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica vol. 1, 412–14. 8 . Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westphalischen Friedenscongress Und Die Grundung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 99. 9 . Becker, Der Kurfurstenrat: Grundzuge Seiner Entwicklung in Der Reichsverfassung Und Seine Stellung Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress , 192–233. Even though this book is primarily about the electors, it contains the most thorough discussion of the modus consultandi. 10 . Wolff, Corpus Evangelicorum Und Corpus Catholicorum Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress. Die Einfugung Der Konfessionellen Standeverbindungen in Die Reichsverfassung , 71–76; 105, 111. 404 NOTES

11 . On France’s relations with Transylvania in the 1640s, see Hudita, Histoire Des Relations Diplomatiques Entre La France Et La Transylvanie Au XVIIe Si è cle (1635–1683) . 12 . On the curious decision to give control of the army to Leopold William, the loser at the battle of Breitenfeld just three years earlier, see Broucek, “Erzherzog Leopold-Wilhelm Und Der Oberbefehl Über Das Kaiserliche Heer Im Jahre 1645.” 13 . Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the 17th Century ; Wagner, “Österreich Und Die Osmanen Im Dreissigj ä hrigen Krieg: Hermann Graf Czernins Grossbotschaft Nach Konstantitnopel 1644/45.” 14 . Auer, “Die Reaktion Der Kaiserlichen Politik Auf Die Franzö sische Friedensproposition Vom 11. Juni 1645.” 15 . Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 100–102. 16 . Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica , vol. I, 625. 17 . St. Romain to plenipotentiaries, September 28, 1645, APW II B 2 , 224. 18 . Plenipotentiaries to Mazarin, July 2, 1644, APW II B 1 , 157, 313–14.

7 F OREIGN SATISFACTION 1. This is an oversimplification. While the Swedes read their demands to the Imperials directly, France’s plenipotentiaries read theirs to the mediators, who took notes in Italian. They then drafted the French demands into a Latin docu- ment, which they handed to the French the next day to make sure they had written it down properly. After making the necessary corrections, the mediators then passed the document on to the Imperials. 2. Cp. Sahlins, Boundaries: The Making of France and Spain in the Pyrenees , 31–34ff., on France’s justification for its demand of Roussillon from Spain, which always included an historical component. 3. For a thorough examination of Habsburg rights in the Decapolis, see Bardot, La Question Des Dix Villes Imp é riales D’Alsace Depuis La Paix De Westphalie Jusquaux Arrets De “R é unions” Du Conseil Sourverain De Brisach, 1648–1680 . 4. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 255–57. 5. Ibid., 259. 6. Ibid., 271. 7. Beck, Der Hessische Bruderzwist: Zwischen Hessen-Kassel Und Hessen-Darmstadt in Den Verhandlungen Zum Westfalischen Frieden Von 1644 Bis 1648 . 8. Brendle, Der Erzkanzler Im Religionskrieg: Kurfurst Anselm Casimir Von Mainz, Die Geistlichen Fursten Und Das Reich 1629 Bis 1647 , 465–66. 9. Abmeier, Der Trierer Kurfurst Philipp Christoph Von Sötern Und Der Westfalische Friede . 10. The Habsburgs did not have a vote in the Imperial Diet for their Alsatian pos- sessions, but the Empire could have given France one. Even if it didn’t, it would have been easier for France to attend Imperial assemblies in an inofficial capacity if it possessed territory in the Empire. This was relevant, since, in 1640–41, it was unable to attend the Diet at Regensburg. 11. Stein, “Das Franzö sische Elsa ßbild Im Dreiß igjä hrigen Krieg”; Kraus, Die Acta Pacis Westphalicae: Rang Und Geisteswissenschaftliche Bedeutung Eines Editionsunternehmens Unserer Zeit, Untersucht an Hand Der Elsass-Frage (1640– 1646) ; Overmann, “Die Abtretung Des Elsass an Frankreich Im Westfä lischen NOTES 405

Frieden”; Jacob, Die Erwerbung Des Elsass Durch Frankreich Im Westfalischen Frieden ; Repgen, “Über Den Zusammenhang Von Verhandlungstechnik Und Vertragsbegriffen. Die Kaiserlichen Elsaß -Angebote Vom 18. Mä rz Und 14. April 1646 an Frankreich. Ein Versuch.” 12. On Nederhorst’s motives, see Faber and De Bruin, “Utrecht’s Opposition to the M ünster Peace Process.” 13. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 349–50. 14. As it did the following year; Villari, The Revolt of Naples . 15. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 333. 16. Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , 378–79. 17. This incident is recounted in Bougeant, Histoire Du Trait é De Westphalie, Ou Des Nagotiations Qui Se Firent à Munster & à Osnabrug , v.5, book 7, 15–16. Whether Brun actually threatened to make peace with France or not, he does seem to have threatened to tear up the Dutch treaty if they did not sign. 18. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 371. 19. Bär, Die Politik Pommerns Wahrend Des Dreissigjahrigen Krieges , 278. 20. Dickmann, Der Westfalische Frieden , 251. 21. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westphalischen Friedenscongress Und Die Grundung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 79–81, 140–42; Stolpe, C hristina of Sweden . 22. Chanut’s correspondence is an excellent source of information about the Swedish court in these years, as is the account in Linage de Vauciennes, Memoires De Ce Qui S’est Pass é En Suede, Et Aux Provinces Voisines, Depuis L’ann é e 1645 Jusques En L’ann é e 1655, Ensemble Le Demel é De La Suede Avec La Pologne . 23. Lundgren, Johan Adler Salvius. Problem Kring Freden, Krigsekonomien Och Maktkampen , 272–75; Lundkvist, “Die Schwedischen Kriegs- Und Friedensziele 1632–1648,” 238–39. 24. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westphalischen Friedenscongress Und Die Grundung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 183. 25. Lorenz, Das Erzstift Bremen Und Der Administrator Friedrich Wahrend Des Westfalischen Friedenskongresses. Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Schwedisch- danischen Machtkamfes Im 17. Jahrhundert. , 153. 26. Ibid., 171. 27. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 292–93. 28. For the case of Halberstadt, see Wagner, “Die Sä cularisation Des Bistums Halberstadt Und Seine Einverleibung in Den Brandenburgisch-Preuß ischen Staat 1618–1650.”

8 G ERMAN ISSUES 1. Steiner, Die Pfalzische Kurwurde Wahrend Des Dreissigjahrigen Krieges (1618–1648) , 115–19. 2. Ibid., 121. 3. Ibid., 1–12. 4. Wolff, Corpus Evangelicorum Und Corpus Catholicorum Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress. Die Einfugung Der Konfessionellen Standeverbindungen in Die Reichsverfassung , 6–46. 406 NOTES

5. Schlaich, “Maioritas—Protestatio—Itio in Partes—Corpus Evangelicorum: Das Verfahren Im Reichstag Des Hl. Rö mischen Reichs Deutscher Nation Nach Der Reformation.” 6. Duchhardt, “Der Kampf Um Die Paritä t Im Kammerrichteramt Zwischen Augsburger Religionsfrieden Und 30j ä hrigem Krieg”; Smend, Das Reichskammergericht . 7. See Heckel, “Itio in Partes: Zur Religionsverfassung Des Heiligen Rö mischen Reiches Deutscher Nation,” as well as the discussion earlier (p. 276) on the principle of itio in partes. 8. Queen Christina to plenipotentiaries, April 20, 1647, APW II C 3, 194. 9. Repgen, “Aktuelle Friedensprobleme Im Lichte Der Geschichte Des Westf ä lischen Fridens.” 10. See Israel, The Dutch Republic and the Hispanic World, 1606–1661 , 271, 288–89. 11. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 405–409. 12. Ibid., 400–404. 13. Ibid., 466, seems skeptical whether Peñ aranda’s account of his breakdown is true. 14. Ibid., 424. 15. According to timeanddate.com ( omy.html?n=311 [visited July 10, 2011]), sunrise on January 30 in M ünster is 8:13 AM . 16. Cited in Dickmann, Der Westfalische Frieden , 444. 17. These details from Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 535–36. 18. Rystad, “Die Schweden in Bayern W ährend Des Drei ß igjä hrigen Krieges”; Barthold, Geschichte Des Grossen Deutschen Krieges Vom Tode Gustav Adolfs Ab , 2:611–20; Sambraus, “Der Feldzug Der Schweden Und Franzosen in S ü ddeutschland W ä hrend Des Jahres 1648.” 19. IPM 42. 20. Every early modern government had its own financial difficulties; France’s sytem has been studied more than most. See Dent, Crisis in Finance: Crown, Financiers and Society in Seventeenth-Century France ; Bonney, The King’s Debts . 21. Hanley, The Lit De Justice of the Kings of France . 22. Villari, The Revolt of Naples . 23. Dickmann, Der Westfalische Frieden , 481. 24. Ibid., 490–91. 25. On Piccolomini, see Barker, “Ottavio Piccolomini (1599–1659): A Fair Historical Judgement?” 26. Oschmann, Der Nurnberger Exekutionstag 1649–1650: Das Ende Des Dreissigjahrigen Krieges in Deutschland , 211–12. 27. Roeck, “Die Feier Des Friedens,” 647.

9 C ONSEQUENCES 1. Many historians have emphasized the universal character of the Peace of Westphalia (e.g., Langer, 1648, Der Westfalische Frieden , 48, 63) by noting all the states mentioned in the treaty. This old custom of citing every remotely allied state is a misleading way of judging the effects of a peace, however. 2. Rietbergen, “Papal Diplomacy and Mediation at the Peace of Nijmegen,” 60–61. NOTES 407

3. Neveu, “Nim è gue Ou L’art De Né gocier,” 242. 4. De Schryver, “Spanien, Die Spanischen Niederlande Und Das F ürstbistum Lü ttich Wä hrend Der Friedenskonferenz Von Rijswijk,” 188–89. 5. Rietbergen, “Papal Diplomacy and Mediation at the Peace of Nijmegen,” 46. 6. There was something approaching a Concert of Europe in the next century: Duchhardt, “Friedenskongreß Im Zeitalter Des Absolutismus—Geschichte Und Struktur,” 235–36. 7. Roll, “Im Schatten Der Spanischen Erbfolge? Zur Kaiserlichen Politik Auf Dem Kongreß Von Rijswijk,” 70. 8. Roelofsen, “The Negotiations About Nijmegen’s Juridical Status during the Peace Congress,” 118. 9. Rystad, “Sweden and the Nijmegen Peace Conference,” 140. 10. Roll, “Im Schatten Der Spanischen Erbfolge? Zur Kaiserlichen Politik Auf Dem Kongreß Von Rijswijk,” 82; Gabel, “Ein »Ende Auf Nimweguische Arth«? Der Friede Von Rijswijk Und Die Republik Der Vereinigten Niederlande,” 157–58. 11. Gabel, “Ein »Ende Auf Nimweguische Arth«? Der Friede Von Rijswijk Und Die Republik Der Vereinigten Niederlande,” 157–58. 12. Ibid., 165; Livet, “Colbert De Croissy Et La Diplomatie Fran çaise à Nimè gue,” 215. 13. Duchhardt, “Westf ä lischer Friede Und Internationales System Im Ancien R é gime”; Ragnhild Hatton, while acknowledging the centrality of Westphalia for Louis XIV’s reign, puts a much more favorable spin on his actions: Hatton, “Louis XIV and His Fellow Monarchs.” 14. Pillorget, “La France Et Les Etats Allemands Au Congr ès De Nimè gue (1678–1679),” 225. 15. Although the term “Black Legend,” la layenda negra , was not coined until the twentieth century. 16. For example, Stradling, “Catastrophe and Recovery: The Defeat of Spain, 1639–43”; Black, A Military Revolution?: Military Change and European Society, 1550–1800 , 15–16. 17. Malettke, Frankreich, Deutschland Und Europa Im 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert: Beitrage Zum Einfluss Franzosischer Politischer Theorie, Verfassung Und Aussenpolitik in Der Fruhen Neuzeit , 72–73, finds that the French are already confident of their superiority in the sixteenth century. On Spain’s sense of decline, which goes back before Cervantes, see Elliott, “Self-Perception and Decline in Early Seventeenth-Century Spain.” 18. Bosbach, Monarchia Universalis , 104–5. 19. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 290. 20. Cardim, “‘Portuguese Rebels’ at M ünster: The Diplomatic Self-Fashioning in Mid-17th Century European Politics,” 328; Anderson, The Rise of Modern Diplomacy, 1450–1919 , 155–56. 21. Gauss, “Bü rgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit”; Gallati, Eidgen ö ssische Politik Zur Zeit Des Dreissigj ä hrigen Krieges ; Stadler, “Der Westf ä lische Friede Und Die Eidgenossenschaft,” especially 384–85. The quotation is from Gauss, “B ürgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit,” 138. 22. Zeller, “Saluces, Pignerol Et Strasbourg: La Politique Des Fronti è res Au Temps De La Pr épo ndé rance Espagnole”; Weber, “Richelieu Et Le Rhin”; “‘Une 408 NOTES

Bonne Paix’: Richelieu’s Foreign Policy and the Peace of Christendom”; “Une Paix S ûre Et Prompte: Die Friedenspolitik Richelieus”; Albertini, Das Politische Denken in Frankreich Zur Zeit Richelieus . 23. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 290. 24. Raumer, “Zur Problematik Des Werdenden Machtstaats”; Textor, Entfestigungen Und Zerstorungen Im Rheingebiet Wahrend Des 17. Jahrhunderts Als Mittel Der Franzosischen Rheinpolitik , 14–30 Although Textor’s work is obviously polemi- cal, he cites convincing evidence, such as the French idea that getting Alsace without Breisach would be “like an arm without a hand”; Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 215. 25. Gauss, “B ürgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit,” 100–101. 26. Dietz, Die Politik Des Hochstifts Bamberg Am Ende Des Dreissigjahrigen Krieges , 60. There are other examples, such as the Venetian Nani who wrote that the French aimed for “monarchy of the very world” (Andretta, La Diplomazia Veneziana e La Pace Di Vestfalia (1643–1648) , XXVII:85–86) and of course numerous Spanish expressions of the same concern. 27. Zeller, La Guerre De Trente Ans Et Les Relations Internationales En Occident De 1610 à 1660 , 155–56. Specifically on Richelieu’s expansionism, see Babel, Zwischen Habsburg Und Bourbon ; and Oresko and Parrott, “The House of Savoy and the Thirty Years’ War.” Whereas Babel merely describes Richelieu’s expansionism, Oresko explicitly calls attention to his “imperialist” actions that contradict the view of him as a “man of peace.” 28. Carmack, “Law in French Diplomacy from the Treaty of Westphalia to the French Revolution, 1648–1789,” 297–98; cf. also Sahlins, Boundaries: The Making of France and Spain in the Pyrenees , 31–34. 29. Livet, “Colbert De Croissy Et La Diplomatie Franç aise à Nimè gue,” 217. 30. M alettke, “Der Friede Von Rijswijk (1697) Im Kontext Der M ächtepolitik Und Der Entwicklung Des Europä ischen Staatensystems,” 24–25. 31. Gabel, “Ein»Ende Auf Nimweguische Arth«? Der Friede Von Rijswijk Und Die Republik Der Vereinigten Niederlande,” 174–75; De Schryver, “Spanien, Die Spanischen Niederlande Und Das F ürstbistum L ü ttich W ä hrend Der Friedenskonferenz Von Rijswijk,” 187–88. 32. The Spanish at one point complained that “the French are not consistent in anything that they negotiate and settle once, because that which they prom- ise today, tomorrow they change and alter without any concern for what they had settled previously.” Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 379. 33. Rashed, The Peace of Paris, 1763 , 92; Saavedra Fajardo, Locuras De Europa. Introducci ó n Y Notas De Jos é M. Alejandro , 33. 34. Tapié , “Louis XIV’s Methods in Foreign Policy,” 6–7; Lossky, Louis XIV and the French Monarchy , 49, suggests that “free of moral restraints in the pursuit of their foreign policy” from 1550 to 1650 than at virtually any other period, so it is possible that the restraint after 1650 represents a change; but this area awaits further investigation. One additional data point is that Olivares refused to get involved in the assassination of Richelieu or Gustavus; Elliott, The Count-Duke of Olivares , 606. He was, it is true, involved in the kidnapping of Prince Edward of Portugal, tried to get a Portuguese ambassador assassinated, and may have NOTES 409

been involved in the death of Pau Claris; but these figures were all from rebel- lious regions, not sovereign powers.

1 0 F OUNDATIONS 1. The best discussion of the problem of succession crises is Kunisch, “La Guerre— C’est Moi! Zum Problem Der Staatenkonflikte Im Zeitalter Des Absolutismus”; see also Koenigsberger, “Mars Und Venus: Internationale Beziehungen Und Kriegf ührung Der Habsburger in Der Fr ühen Neuzeit”; Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State , 39. 2. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 272–73. 3. Cortezo, “La Paix Occulte: Propagande, Information Et Politique Autour Des Né gociations De Westphalie,” 268–69. 4. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 343. 5. Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , 349. 6. Rowen, The King’s State , 69,79. 7. Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , 98. 8. Only one Catholic city held a religious ceremony in celebration of the peace: Freiburg. There were celebrations in other Catholic cities—Linz, Vienna, Prague, Cologne, and others—but Bernd Roeck reasonably asks whether Catholics did not rather view the peace as a defeat to be lamented rather than a success to be celebrated. Roeck, “Die Feier Des Friedens,” 647; Kaufmann, “The Lutheran Sermon during the War and at the Time of the Peace Agreement,” 249. 9. Gantet, “Peace Celebrations Commemorating the Peace of Westphalia in Southern German Cities and the Recollection of the Thirty Year’s War (1648–1871),” 649–56. 10. Langer, 1648, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 63–64. 11. On the papal protest, see Repgen, Die R ö mische Kurie Und Der Westf ä lische Friede; Idee Und Wirklichkeit Des Papsttums in 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert ; and Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 337–38, 456–58. 12. Repgen, Die R ö mische Kurie Und Der Westf ä lische Friede; Idee Und Wirklichkeit Des Papsttums in 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert , 433. 13. Rietbergen, “Papal Diplmacy and Mediation at the Peaceof Nijmegen,” 76. 14. Cf. Kremer, Der Westf ä lische Friede in Der Deutung Der Aufkl ä rung : Zur Entwicklung Des Verfassungsverst ä ndnisses Im Hl. R ö m. Reich Deutscher Nation Vom Konfessionellen Zeitalter Bis Ins Sp ä te 18. Jahrhundert , 16. 15. Hatton, “Nijmegen and the European Powers,” 7–8. 16. Malettke, “Der Friede Von Rijswijk (1697) Im Kontext Der M ächtepolitik Und Der Entwicklung Des Europä ischen Staatensystems,” 27; Roll, “Im Schatten Der Spanischen Erbfolge? Zur Kaiserlichen Politik Auf Dem Kongreß Von Rijswijk,” 58; Gabel, “Ein »Ende Auf Nimweguische Arth«? Der Friede Von Rijswijk Und Die Republik Der Vereinigten Niederlande,” 161. 17. For one definition, see Repgen, “Was Ist Ein Religionskrieg?”; See also Burkhardt, Der Dreissigj ä hrige Krieg , 128–43 on the Thirty Years’ War as a religious war. 410 NOTES

18. Parker, “If the Armada Had Landed,” 358. 19. Plenipotentiaries to Brienne, August 20, 1646, APW II B 4, 120; de la Court to Brienne, October 15, 1646, APW II B 4 , 206; Servien to Brienne, December 31, 1644, APW II B 1 , 343, p. 824. 20. Servien to Lionne, June 5, 1646, APW II B 3, 307, p. 1076. 21. Brienne to plenipotentiaries, July 1, 1645, APW II B 2, p. 154. 22. See also de la Court to Brienne, October 15, 1646, APW II B 4 pt.2 , 206, in which the author warns that the war will turn “at last” into a religious war because of Sweden’s actions. 23 . Parker, ed., The Thirty Years’ War , 109. 24. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 240. 25. Bierther, Der Regensburger Reichstag Von 1640/1641 , 120–21. 26. Gauss, “B ürgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit,” 121. 27. Servien to Brienne, May 27, 1645, APW II B 2, 111, pp. 368–70. 28. As one historian has attempted to do: Weber, “Friede Und Gewissen.” 29. Bireley, Religion and Politics in the Age of the Counterreformation: Emperor Ferdinand II, William Lamormaini, S.J., and the Formation of Imperial Policy , 125. 30. Ibid., 212–22. 31. See the useful discussion in Manzano Baena, Conflicting Words . 32. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 394–95. 33. Ibid., 462–67. 34. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 243; Wolff, Corpus Evangelicorum Und Corpus Catholicorum Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress. Die Einf ü gung Der Konfessionellen St ä ndeverbindungen in Die Reichsverfassung , 159. 35. Bierther, Der Regensburger Reichstag Von 1640/1641 , 132–33. 36. Ibid., 88. 37. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 204. 38. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westph ä lischen Friedenscongress Und Die Gr ü ndung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 252–53. I have trans- lated their words as idiomatically as possible; the actual phrase is “die Stä nde sich so blosgegeben und mit der Thü r ins Haus hineinfielen, obgleich es eine Sache sei, die ihre ewige Seligkeit im Jenseits und ihr Gewissen im Diesseits betreffe.” 39. Harold Laski’s influential essay “The Foundations of Sovereignty” fails to men- tion Westphalia at all, for instance. Laski, The Foundations of Sovereignty and Other Essays . 40. Proudhon, Si Les Trait é s De 1815 Ont Cess é D’exister?, 18. 41. Ibid., 19. 42. Ibid., 20. 43. Hill, A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe , 599–605. 44. Gross, “The Peace of Westphalia, 1648–1948”; Redslob, Histoire Des Grandes Principes Du Droit Des Gens Depuis L’antiquit é Jusqu’a La Veille De La Grande Guerre. Gross was born in Vienna, but was an American citizen at the time of his article on Westphalia. NOTES 411

45. In order to bring the Dutch Republic into the discussion of Westphalia and sov- ereignty, we have to extend the concept of the “Peace of Westphalia” to include the Treaty of Mü nster between Spain and the Dutch earlier in 1648. While debatable, we can leave this point to the side for purposes of this argument. 46. Feenstra, “A Quelle Époque Les Provinces-Unies Sont-elles Devenues Indé pendantes En Droit a L’égard Du Saint-Empire?” 47. Meles, “Das Entschwinden Des Reichsadlers.” 48. Sieber-Lehmann, “Die Eidgenossenschaft Und Das Reich (14.-16. Jahrhundert),” 30. 49. Jorio, “Der Nexus Imperii—Die Eidgenossenschaft Und Das Reich Nach 1648,” 133–34. 50. See also Gallati, Eidgen ö ssische Politik Zur Zeit Des Dreissigj ä hrigen Krieges ; Gonzenbach, “Rü ckblicke Auf Die Lostrennung Der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft Vom Reichs-verband Durch Den Friedens-congress Von M ünster Und Osnabrü ck, 1643–1648”; Blankart, “Der Westf ä lische Friede Aus Der Sicht Eines Diplomaten Von Heute.” 51. Kremer, Der Westf ä lische Friede in Der Deutung Der Aufkl ä rung : Zur Entwicklung Des Verfassungsverst ä ndnisses Im Hl. R ö m. Reich Deutscher Nation Vom Konfessionellen Zeitalter Bis Ins Sp ä te 18. Jahrhundert , 79. 52. Croxton, “The Peace of Westphalia of 1648 and the Origins of Sovereignty.” 53. Hill, A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe , 602. 54. Philpott, Revolutions in Sovereignty , 30. 55. Oppenheim, International Law, a Treatise , 139–40. 56. See, inter alia, Holtzmann, “Der Weltherrschaftsgedanke Des Mittelalterlichen Kaisertums Und Die Souverä nit ä t Der Europä ischen Staaten”; “Imperium Und Nationen.” 57. Ullmann, “Zur Entwicklung Des Souver änit ä tsbegriffes Im Spä tmittelalter”; Scheuner, “Die Grossen Friedenschlü sse Als Grundlage Der Europä ischen Statenordnung Zwischen 1648 Und 1815.” 58. See Marriott, Commonwealth or Anarchy? a Survey of Projects of Peace from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century ; Souleyman, The Vision of World Peace in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century France ; Sully, M é moires Des Sages Et Royales Oeconomies D’estat, Domestiques, Politiques Et Militaires De Henry Le Grand . . . Et Des Servitudes Utiles, Ob é issances Convenables Et Administrations Loyales De Maximilien De B é thune . . . 59. For discussion of a crusade against the Ottomans at Westphalia, see Hiler, “Feind Im Frieden: Die Rolle Des Osmanischen Reiches in Der Europ ä ischen Politik Zur Zeit Des Westfä lischen Friedens.” 60. This point is not widely acknowledged. An exception is Steiger, “Concrete Peace and General Order: The Legal Meaning of the Treaties of 24 October 1648,” 438; he writes that “Emperor and Empire were not completely free and sover- eign in the organisation of the internal affairs of the Empire . . . This is, to a cer- tain extent, the invisible foundation upon which this order and thus the peace are based.” 61. Brienne to Plenipotentiaries, April 1, 1645, APW II B 2 , 67, p. 212; Volmar, Diarium Volmar, series III section C volume 2 of Acta Pacis Westphalicae (Mü nster, Westfalen: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1984), September 21, 1644, 182; Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 333–34. 62. Cortezo, “La Paix Occulte: Propagande, Information Et Politique Autour Des Né gociations De Westphalie,” 265–66. 412 NOTES

63. On the other hand, the French did correspond with the duke of Hijar with the aim of concluding peace, making him king of Aragon, and ceding Galicia to Portugal. If Hijar’s rebellion had been as successful as those in Catalonia and Portugal, Spanish constitutional questions might have been brought into the negotiations in Mü nster; Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 415–16.

1 1 I NNOVATIONS 1. Burkhardt, “Auf Dem Wege Zu Einer Bildkultur Des Staatensystems. Der Westfä lische Frieden Und Die Druckmedien.” 2. Tuck, Philosophy and Government, 1572–1651 , 74. 3. Ibid., 92. 4. Villari, Elogio Della Dissimulazione , 20. 5. Tuck, Philosophy and Government, 1572–1651 , 171. 6. Herz, “Rise and Demise of the Territorial State,” 474. 7. Servien to Lionne, September 17, 1646, APW II B 4 , 161. 8. Barber, “Machinery and the Mind’s Eye: The Seventeenth Century and After.” 9. Elliott, “Self-Perception and Decline in Early Seventeenth-Century Spain.” 10. Tuck, Philosophy and Government, 1572–1651 , 122. 11. Rohan, De L’int é r ê t Des Princes Et Des Etats De La Chr é tient é . 12. Brendle, Der Erzkanzler Im Religionskrieg : Kurf ü rst Anselm Casimir Von Mainz, Die Geistlichen F ü rsten Und Das Reich 1629 Bis 1647 , 491–92. 13. Jacobi, Das Friedew ü nschende Teutschland & Das Friedejauchzende Teutschland ; Brecht, “Protestant Peace Literature: Johann Rist’s Call to Penance.” 14. Stradling, Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621–1665 , 269. 15. Weber, “Friede Und Gewissen”; “Chr é tienté Et É quilibre Europé en Dans La Politique Du Cardinal De Richelieu.” 16. Bireley, The Jesuits and the Thirty Years War , 238. 17. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 353. 18. Dietz, Die Politik Des Hochstifts Bamberg Am Ende Des Dreissigj ä hrigen Krieges , 182. 19. Ibid., 234. 20. Ibid., 212–13, footnote 184. The original citation: “Meinerseits halte davor, da ß in dergleichen sachen dem universali solang zu inhaerirn, alß hierdurch zum zweck zu gelangen einzige bestä ndige hofnung obhanden; wan aber solche zerrinnet, daß so dan erst uf die particularisirung und, wie gut man kan, uf salvirung zu gedencken, widerigen fals pflegt das particulare das publicum zu hindern und eins mit dem andern zu grund zu gehen.” 21. Manzano Baena, Conflicting Words , 64. Cf. the royal imperative not to give up any land (ibid., 115). 22. Brendle, Der Erzkanzler Im Religionskrieg : Kurf ü rst Anselm Casimir Von Mainz, Die Geistlichen F ü rsten Und Das Reich 1629 Bis 1647 , 462–64. 23. Manzano Baena, Conflicting Words , 243–44. 24. Ibid., 194–95. 25. Zagorin, Ways of Lying , 7–8. 26. Snyder, Dissimulation and the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe , xiii; Zagorin, Ways of Lying , 255. 27. Zagorin, Ways of Lying , 324–27. NOTES 413

28. Christina, Apologies , 174, no.219. 29. Saavedra Fajardo, “Idea De Un Prí ncipe Pol ítico Cristiano,” empresa 43. 30. Christina, Apologies , 174, no.218. 31. Servien to Brienne, May 20, 1645, APW II B 2 , 105, p. 355. 32. Mazarin to Plenipotentiaries, January 3, 1645, APW II B 2 , 2, p. 14. 33. Plenipotentiaries to Brienne, July 15, 1645, APW II B 2 , 167, pp. 518–20. 34. Memorandum of Servien, July 15, 1645, APW II B 2 , 168. 35. Servien to d’Avaux, May 2, 1645, APW II B 2 , 96. 36. Servien to Lionne, February 11, 1645, APW II B 2 , 39. 37. Plenipotentiaries to Brienne, August 20, 1646, APW II B 4 , 120, p. 353. Some liberties taken with the translation: “et que le moindre avantage que nous en puissions retirer, est de nous justiff ier envers Dieu et le monde, nous rendre favor- ables les mé diateurs s’ilz agissent sans passion et les estats de l’Empire, et faire voir à toutte l’Europe la sinc é rit é de Leurs Majestez à procurer son repos.” 38. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westph ä lischen Friedenscongress Und Die Gr ü ndung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 57; Manzano Baena, Conflicting Words , 243–44. 39 . One may reasonably ask if there was anything new here, since diplomacy has been a byword for unfaithfulness in almost all ages; see Bernays, “Die Diplomatie Um 1500.” This study makes no attempt to compare attitudes and actions across time, but merely seeks to show that (a) there was a moral framework within which statesmen thought they were supposed to act, and (b) this framework provided little in the way of practical limitations. 40 . Acta Pacis Westphalicae Series I, 1:71. Initial instructions for the plenipoten- tiaries, September 30, 1643, incorporating Richelieu’s instructions drafted the previous year. 41. Mazarin to Longueville, July 22, 1645, APW II B 2 , 170, pp. 533–34. 42. Mazarin to Plenipotentiaries, March 17, 1646, APW II B 3 , 169, p. 599. 43. Servien to Lionne, March 10, 1646, APW II B 4 pt.1, 166, p. 580. 44. Plenipotentiaries to Brienne, May 13, 1645, APW II B 2 , 101, pp. 335–38. 45. Immler, Kurf ü rst Maximilian I Und Der Westf ä lische Friedenskongress: Die Bayerische Ausw ä rtige Politik Von 1644 Bis Zum Ulmer Waffenstillstand , 125–27. 46. Riezler, “Bayern Und Frankreich Wä hrend Des Waffenstillstands Von 1647,” 525. 47. The Swiss Wettstein distinguished France as a modern government based on the fact that “people here deal in reason of state.” Gauss, “Bü rgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit,” 137. 48 . Parker, ed., The Thirty Years’ War , 195. 49. Christina, Apologies , 246, number 739. 50. Zollinger, Geschichte Des Gl ü cksspiels , 50. 51. Dupront, “De La Chré tienté à l’Europe: La Passion Westphalienne Du Nonce Fabio Chigi,” 82–83. 52. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westph ä lischen Friedenscongress Und Die Gr ü ndung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 65. 53. Mazarin to d’Avaux, July 20, 1646, APW II B 4 , 80. For an elaboration of this theme, see Croxton, “The Prosperity of Arms Is Never Continual.” 54. Plenipotentiaries to Mazarin, January 14, 1645, APW II B 2 , 13, pp. 49–51. 55. Hobbes, “Leviathan,” Chapter XIII. 414 NOTES

56. For example, Brienne’s comments to the plenipotentiaries, Mary 18, 1645 (APW II B 2 , 58), arguing that territory was better security than a league. 57. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westph ä lischen Friedenscongress Und Die Gr ü ndung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 5. 58. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 79, 81–2, 356–57, 421. 59. Spain, for instance, spoke of Lorraine as a bulwark protecting Spanish posses- sions, while France spoke of breaking Spain’s encirclement. Ibid., 87–88, 289. 60. Repgen, “Der Westf ä lische Friede Und Die Urspr ünge Des Europä ischen Gleichgewichts,” with citations to many other works. 61. Ibid., 59–60; Weber, “Chr é tienté Et É quilibre Europ éen Dans La Politique Du Cardinal De Richelieu”; “Une Paix Sû re Et Prompte: Die Friedenspolitik Richelieus,” 17–22. 62. Mazarin to Longueville, August 19, 1645, APW II B 2 , 191. 63. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 324. 64. Barozzi, Relazioni Degli Stati Europei Lette Al Senato Dagli Ambasciatori Veneti Nel Secolo Decimosettimo , 462–70. 65. Ibid., 396, 467. 66. Odhner, Die Politik Schwedens Im Westph ä lischen Friedenscongress Und Die Gr ü ndung Der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Deutschland , 163; Johan Adler Salvius to Swedish council, September 7, 1646, APW II C 2 , 171. Interestingly, Longueville had warned Sweden of just this concern—the need to keep the Franco-Swedish alliance from becoming too powerful and thereby creating new enemies—not long before. 67. Gauss, “B ürgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit,” 142, 159–65. 68. Servien , January 16, 1646, APW II B 3 , 164, p. 180. 69. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 214–15. See also Goetze, Die Politik Des Schwedischen Reichskanzlers Axel Oxenstierna Gegen ü ber Kaiser Und Reich , 214, 244–46, for Sweden’s balance of power thinking. 70. Gauss, “B ürgermeister Wettstein Und Die Europä ischen Konfessionis- Und Machtkä mpfe Seiner Zeit,” 165. 71. Ibid., 137. 72. Louis XIV to Plenipotentiaries, January 21, 1645, APW II B 2 , 17, pp. 76–77. 73. Servien to Lionne, August 5, 1645, APW II B 2 , 182. 74. Servien to Lionne, February 25, 1645, APW II B 2 , 64, pp. 206–208. 75. Volmar, Diarium Volmar , 232; Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 135. 76. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 246, 308, 445–48. 77. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 179. 78. Pillar, Negotiating Peace , 229–31. 79. Croxton, Peacemaking in Early Modern Europe , 250. 80. Ruppert, Die Kaiserliche Politik Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: (1643–1648) , 113. 81. Oschmann, Der Nurnberger Exekutionstag 1649–1650: Das Ende Des Dreissigjahrigen Krieges in Deutschland , 49. 82. Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica vol. VI, 229–37, 468–69. 83. Ibid. vol. I, 598, 601. NOTES 415

84. Foerster, Kurf ü rst Ferdinand Von K ö ln: Die Politik Seiner Stifter in Den Jahren 1634–1650 , 407–10. 85. Stein, “Christoph Forstner, 1598–1668: Mö mpelgardische Politik Und Humanistische Reflexion Auf Dem Westfä lischen Friedenskongress,” 91–92. 86. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 444. 87. Plenipotentiaries to Brienne, January 31, 1645, APW II B 2 , 28, p. 99. 88. D’Avaux to Mazarin, August 27, 1646, APW II B 4 pt.1 , 132, pp. 386–87. 89. Servien to Lionne, August 5, 1645, APW II B 2 , 182. 90. Poelhekke, De Vrede Van Munster , 513–17. 91. Meiern, Acta Pacis Westphalicae Publica vol. I, 593. 92. Dickmann, Der Westf ä lische Frieden , 269. 93. Servien to Brienne, December 31, 1644, APW II B 1 , 343, pp. 825–26. 94. D’Avaux to Mazarin, June 13, 1646, APW II B 4 pt.1, 8. 95. Rohrschneider, Der Gescheiterte Frieden Von M ü nster: Spaniens Ringen Mit Frankreich Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress , 81–82; Hartmann, Von Regensburg Nach Hamburg , 410. 96. Brienne to plenipotentiaries, March 18, 1645, APW II B 2 , 8. 97. Tischer, Franz ö sische Diplomatie Und Diplomaten Auf Dem Westf ä lischen Friedenskongress: Aussenpolitik Unter Richelieu Und Mazarin , 292. 98. Ibid., 317.


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Aa, river near Münster, 139 Anne of Austria, regent of France Abbas I, shah of Persia (r.1587–1629), 206 (r.1643–1651), 93, 105, 173, 228, Accetto, Torquato, political theorist, 371 230–1, 246, 374 Adami, Adam, prior of Murrhardt, 125, Anselm Kasimir, elector of Mainz 183, 302 (r.1629–1647), 303, 349–50 Adolph Frederick, duke of Mecklenburg Antwerp, city in the Low Countries, 18 (r.1592–1658), 264, 265 blockaded by the Scheldt River, 114, Afghanistan, 359 243, 250 Aix-la-Chapelle, peace of (1668), 331 goal of Frederick Henry, 114, Alerheim, battle of (also known as 229–30, 232, 245 Second Nördlingen, 1645), Aquinas, St. Thomas, theologian 210–11, 234–5 (1225–1274), 370 Alexander VI, Pope (r.1492–1503), 251 Aragon, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20 Alexis I, tsar of Russia (r.1645–1676), French threat to, 66, 94–5, 118, 412 331 Army of Germany, French army in Alps, 39, 50, 51, 220, 336 the Holy Roman Empire (see also Alsace; Upper Alsace, Lower Alsace, Weimarian; Turenne), 95, 293 5, 37, 46, 48, 51, 57, 63, 65, 76, Artagnan, Charles de Batz-Castlemore, 108, 122–3, 160, 171, 175, 181, count d’, 9, 375 198, 212, 220–2, 224–6, 232–3, Artois, county in the Low Countries 237–41, 246, 253–5, 261, 286–7, between Flanders and Picardy, 290, 314–15, 318–19, 326, 334–6, 247, 249 360–1, 369, 373–4, 380–2 Auersperg, Johan Weikard, count of, Altmark, truce of (Sweden and Poland, Imperial diplomat, 82–3 1629), 48, 341 Augsburg, city of, 125, 237, 287, 328, Älvsborg, fortification (see Gothenburg) 341, 347 Amalia Elizabeth, regent of Hesse- Augsburg, Peace of (1555), 32–24, 36, Kassel (r.1637–1650), 63, 83, 87, 41, 165, 203, 273–5, 342, 345 105, 172, 235, 286 Augustine, St. Thomas, theologian Amalia van Solms, wife of Frederick (354 – 430), 370 Henry, 114, 116, 170–1, 245, 289, Augustus the Younger, duke of 291, 299 Brunswick-Lüneburg, 156 amicabilis compositio, or amicable Aulic Council (Reichshofrat), Imperial composition, 275, 282 court, 32, 67, 122, 124, 275 Amsterdam, capital city of Holland, Austria, duchy of, 18, 20, 29, 36, 115, 305 119–20, 122–3, 177, 199, 206, Anabaptist, 8, 128 315, 319, 348, 381 Anctoville, Benedict of Foullougne, Upper Austria, 123 lord of, French statesman, 238 Austria, house of (see Habsburgs) 436 I NDEX

Austrian Circle, 70, 312 Alsace negotiations, 123, 171, 212, Avaugour, Charles Dubois, baron d’, 222–6, 233, 276 French statesman, 111 military campaigns, 95–6, 195, Avaux, Count d’, 52, 60, 61, 77–80, 209–10, 232, 234–7, 296, 308–9 82–4, 107, 121, 127–8, 134–6, negotiations with France, 74, 76, 138–9, 141–2, 144–5, 147–8, 179, 183, 209, 211–12, 281, 292–3 150–1, 153, 156, 166, 175, 193–4, and Palatinate, 38, 211, 256, 199, 214, 252–3, 261–2, 284, 298, 269–71, 295, 324–5 300, 314, 375, 383–4 religious policy, 73, 211, 237, 294–5, Aviz, house of, Portuguese ruling 301–4, 346, 349–50 family (1385–1580), 65 Benfeld, town in Alsace, 241, 326 Bergaigne, Dr. Joseph de, bishop of Bacon, Francis, English philosopher ‘s-Hertogenbosch, archbishop of and statesman (d.1626), 10, Cambrai (from 1646), Spanish 156, 169 diplomat, 121, 143, 166–7, Baden, treaty of (France and the 253, 298 Empire, 1714), 185 Bergen-op-Zoom, city in the United Baden-Baden, margraviate of, 286 Provinces, 243 Baden-Durlach, margraviate of, 286 Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, general in Baghdad, city of, 286 Swedish and later French service Balkan Penninsula, 25, 207–8 (see also Weimarian), 49, 60, 62–4, Balthasar Carlos, prince of Asturias, son 67, 74, 270, 293 of Philip IV (d. Oct.9, 1646), 252, Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, Italian artist 289, 316, 339–40 (d.1680), 11 Baltic Sea, 21, 25–7, 42–4, 48–9, 53–5, Besançon, city in Franche-Comté, 327 57, 62, 91, 93, 95–7, 111, 113, Bielke, Ture, Swedish diplomat, 77 175, 181, 254, 259, 264, 309–10, Billotte, Dr., physician to d’Avaux, 142 325, 340, 377 Blekinge, province in Denmark, 96 Balzac, Guez de, French political Bodin, Jean, French political theorist theorist (d.1654), 365 (d.1596), 13, 147–8 Bamberg, bishopric of, 369 Bogislaw XIV, duke of Pomerania Banér, Johan, Swedish Field Marshal (r.1625–1637), 42–3, 57–9, 75, (d.1641), 50, 67, 73, 76, 78, 82–3, 123, 253–4 215, 234 Bohemia, elecorate of Barberini, Antonio and Francesco, as Habsburg Hereditary Land, 29, cardinals, nephews of Pope Urban 35–9, 56, 68, 87, 119, 124, VIII, 100–1 196, 199–200, 207, 247, 266, Barcelona, city of, 13, 65, 94 269–71, 273–4, 276, 278, 285, Barcelona, count of, 65, 94, 102–3, 361 312, 339, 347 Baroque, 6–18, 101, 168, 282, military campaigns in, 92, 120, 176, 307, 332, 371, 374, 195, 206, 234, 292, 294, 308, 375–7, 385–6 313, 321, 324 Barth, district of Pomerania, 257 Bordewilk, Herman, notary in Basel, city in Switzerland, 154, Münster, 308 222, 355 Botelho de Marais, Rodrigo, Bavaria (see also Maximilian, elector; Portuguese diplomat, 131, 143 Wittelsbach, house of), 16, 29, 38, Botero, Giovanni, Italian political 47, 68, 70, 72, 76, 80, 83, 85, 89, theorist (d.1617), 365, 367 129, 138, 171, 180, 202, 213, 279, Brabant, province in the Low 296, 312, 314, 321–2, 326 Countries, 244 I NDEX 437

Bragança, house of, ruling family of 215, 263, 266, 272, 281, 283–5, Portugal (see also Edward, Prince; 308, 382 John IV), 65, 298 passports for, 78–9 Brandenburg, 16, 18, 29, 43, 49, 55–6, and reformed bishoprics, 67, 266, 77, 80, 86, 155, 193, 196, 201–2, 283–5 312, 331, 340, 382 treaty of Goslar, 82–3, 179 Calvinism and religious policy, 33, 74 Brussels, city in the Spanish compensation, 255, 257, 261–7, Netherlands, 39, 155–6, 306 284–5, 382 Burgundian Circle, 70, 312, 315–16, neutrality, 75–6, 179, 210, 215, 318, 355 226, 303 Burgundy, duchy of (see also Franche- Pomerania, 57–9, 67, 75, 113, 123–4, Comté), 12, 18 175, 254, 256–62, 281, 321, 325 Brasset, Jean de, French resident in the Cadiz, city in Spain, 64 United Provinces, 116, 186 Calvin(ist), 8, 20, 21, 23, 24, 33–6, 58, Brazil, Portuguese colony, 20, 113–15, 61, 63, 67, 70, 86, 115, 123–5, 251, 292, 298, 306 238, 254, 256, 270–1, 273, 290, Breda, town in the Low Countries, 11, 328, 344, 346, 348 64, 114 Cambrai, treaty of (France and Spain, Breisach, fortified town on the Upper 1529), 88, 362 Rhine, 62–3, 67, 66, 95–6, 120, Carafa, Vincenzo, Superior-General of 180, 384 the Society of Jesus (r.1645–1649), negotiations over, 180, 220–2, 369 225–7, 232–3, 236, 239–42, Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan, Spanish 255, 373 diplomat and author, 280, 351 Breisgau, area around Breisach, 222, Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria, 233, 241 Spanish statesman and soldier Breitenfeld, battles of, 43, 55 (d.1641), 66 first Breitenfeld (1631), 43, 55 Casale, fortified town in the duchy of second Breitenfeld (1642), 90, 195 Mantua, 40, 63–4, 246, 298–9 Bremen, archbishopric of (see also Castel Rodrigo, Manuel de Moura e Frederick III), 98, 125, 255, Corte-Real, marquis of, governor 262–6, 279, 281, 351 of the Spanish Netherlands Bremen, city of, 256 (r.1644–1647), 143, 232, 297 Breslau, congress of, 53 Castile, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20 Brienne, Henri de Loménie de, French Castro, War of (Papacy versus Parma, minister for foreign affairs, 106, 1641–1644), 99 162, 169, 336, 385 Catalonia, principality of, 7, 13, 65–6, Brömsebro, treaty of (Sweden and 94, 100, 103, 117–19, 152, 290, Denmark, August 23, 1645), 317, 361–2, 386 96–8, 210, 262 military operations in, 65, 94–5, 117 Brun, Antoine, Dr., Spanish diplomat, negotiations over, 108–9, 119, 178, 121, 134, 142–4, 158, 166–8, 228–31, 245–8, 298–9 252–3, 327 Cateau-Cambrésis, treaty of (France Brünn, fortified town in Moravia, and Spain, 1559), 339, 363 206, 208 , alliance of Catholic Brunswick-Lüneburg, duchy of (see estates in the Empire, 37–8, also Welf, house of; Lampadius, 47, 301 Jacobus; Goslar, treaty of), 67, Cats, Jacob, Dutch statesman (d.1660), 70–2, 125, 143, 156, 198, 202–3, 230 438 I NDEX

Cecilia Renata of Austria, queen of 138–9, 153–4, 158, 162, 172–3, Poland (r.1637–1644), 340 255–60, 284, 293, 313, 322–5, Cerdagne, county in Catalonia, 246 340, 371, 375 Cham, county of, district in the Upper Christina Maria of France, regent of Palatinate, 271 Savoy (r.1637–1648), 63, 78–9, 82, Champagne, province in France, 51 105, 172 Chanut, Pierre, French ambassador to Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Roman Sweden, 111, 257, 284 statesman, 365 Charlemagne, 18, 28, 128, 220, 336, Clement V, Pope (d.1314), 358 354, 357 Clement VII, Pope (d.1534), 358 Charles I, king of England (r.1625– Cleves, duchy of (possession of 1649), 8, 11, 22, 24, 114 Brandenburg), 260–1, 265 Charles II, king of Spain (r.1665– Coburg, city in the Empire, 341 1700), 340 Colmar, city in Alsace, 287, 336 Charles IV, duke of Lorraine (r.1624– Cologne, city of, 31, 77, 81, 127, 151–2 1675), 44–5, 50, 219, 221, 247–8, Cologne, congress of, 51–3, 59–61, 298–9, 383, 386 64, 118, 135, 174, 219, 227, 342, Charles V, Emperor (r.1519–1556), 18, 358, 379 22, 32, 37, 40 Cologne, electorate of (see also Charles Gustav, Swedish general, later Ferdinand of Wittelsbach), 29, 30, Charles X (r.1654–1660), 110, 176, 31, 80, 85, 98, 123, 132, 136, 148, 185, 313, 321–7 223, 226, 266, 276, 295, 312, Charles Louis, elector Palatine (r.1632– 369, 382 1680), 270–1, 313, 323–4, 327 war of Cologne, 33–4, 273 Charolais, county in Franche-Comté, Colombia, 359 246 Compiègne, Treaty of (France and Chavigny, Léon Bouthillier, count of, Sweden, 1635), 49, 51 French statesman (d.1652), 143 Concini, Concino, Italian in French Chemnitz, battle of (1639), 67, 120 service (d.1617), 106 Cherasco, Peace of (France and Spain, Condé, Henri de Bourbon, prince of, 1631), 40, 51, 106, 135, 247, 381 French statesman (d.1646) (see also Chigi, Fabio, papal mediator, later Pope Enghien, duke d’), 106 Alexander VII, 84, 136, 139, 145, Conseil d’en Haut (High Council), 249, 316, 341–3, 359, 375 French executive body, 23, 106, activity as mediator, 84, 99, 164–5, 158, 162 174–5, 184, 316, 359 Constance, council of (Church council, and negotiations with Protestants, 1414–1418), 341 112, 131, 164, 174, 295, 297, 302, Constance, Lake, 335 307–8, 341–2 Contarini, Alvise, Venetian mediator, observations of, 129, 138, 142, 144, 84, 98–9, 131, 141, 148, 150, 154, 183, 375 164, 174–5 Choiseul, César Gabriel de, duke of Copenhagen, city of, 83, 91 Praslin, French statesman (d.1785), Copernicus, Nicolaus, Polish 337 astronomer (d.1543), 8, 10, 367 Christian IV, king of Denmark (r.1588– corpus catholicorum, corpus 1648), 14, 38, 44, 53–5, 59, 61, evangelicorum (see also itio in 62, 79–80, 82–3, 89–93, 96–9, partes; amicable composition), 134, 173, 254, 262–4, 340 124, 203, 275 Christina, Queen of Sweden, 14, 44, Coruña, city of, 65 48, 49, 53, 54, 58, 77, 98, 110–13, Courtrai, city in the Low Countries, 249 I NDEX 439

Crete, island owned by Venice, 24, 174, East Indies (see Indies) 180, 207–8, 331 ecclesiastical reservation, 33–4, 203, Crucé, Émeric, French political theorist 273–4, 276–8, 346 (d.1648), 358 Edict of Nantes, declaration granting Cyprus, island captured by the tolerance to French Protestants Ottomans in 1570, 24, 370 (1598), 23, 56, 343 Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de, Edict of Restitution, measure returning French writer (d.1655), 9, 10 some Protestant lands in the Czernin, Hermann, count of, Austrian Empire to Catholics (1629), diplomat, 207–8 41, 43, 46, 47, 271, 342, 348, 350, 374 Damviller, town in the Low Countries, Edward Bragança, Prince (Dom 247 Duarte), brother of John IV, 198, Dante Alighieri, Italian poet (d.1321), 247, 298–9, 361 28, 358 effective suspension (effectus Danube River, 73, 206, 209, 234 suspensivus) of the Regensburg De la Gardie, Magnus Gabriel, Swedish amnesty, 73, 142, 195, 213, 323 statesman, 111, 257, 284 Ehrenbreitstein, fortress owned Decapolis, name for ten Imperial Free by the elector of Trier, 46, Cities in Alsace (see also Colmar), 195, 326 225, 287 Eilenburg, truce of (Saxony and Declaration of Ferdinand, or declaratio Sweden, 1646) (see also Ferdinandea, secret addendum to Kötzschenbroda, truce of), 235 the Peace of Augsburg, 34, 274 Einsiedel, Curt von, representative for Denmark, kingdom of (see also , 272 Christian IV; Torstensson War; Einsiedeln meeting, France and Bavaria, Brömsebro, treaty of), 12, 14, 1639, 76, 209 26–7, 38–9, 53–4, 60, 61, Elba, island of, 249 74, 79–84, 101, 110–11, 173, Elbe River, 98, 171 180, 182–4, 254, 263–4, Elizabeth Bourbon, queen of Spain 266, 331 (d.1644), 228, 339 war against Sweden (1643–1645), Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I 89–93, 95–9, 109, 183, 210, and wife of Frederick V (d.1662), 254, 309 24, 39 war against the Emperor Ems River, 133 (1625–1629), 41–4, 135 Enghien, Louis, duke d’ (later prince Deputation Diet (see also Frankfurt, of Condé), French general, 94–6, Deputation Diet), 70, 202, 272, 173, 209, 317 275, 276 England kingdom of (see also Charles I; Descartes, René, French philosopher Elizabeth Stuart), 5, 8, 12, 21–2, (d.1650), 8, 10, 111, 367, 371, 386 42, 114, 134, 333, 337, 340, Devolution, war of (1667–68), 379 357–9, 363 Dôle, city in the Franche-Comté, 327 involvement in TYW, 24–5, 39 Donia, Frans van, Dutch ambassador Parliament, 16, 71, 88, 317 from Frisia, 300, 305 and Protestantism, 38, 100, 344, Dorsten, treaty of (Hesse-Kassel, 358–9 France, Sweden, 1639), 63 Ensisheim, town of, headquarters Dunkirk, city of, 177, 249–50 for Habsburg administration of Dürer, Albrecht (German artist, Alsace, 241 d.1528), 136 Erfurt, city in the Empire, 196 440 I NDEX

Erlach, Hans Ludwig von, general in Forstner, Christoph, representative for the Weimarian army, 74 Mömpelgard, 139–40 Ernest August of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Fraga, military conference (1644), 118 285 France (see Mazarin, Jules; Richelieu, Erskine, Alexander, Swedish statesman, Armand-Jean; Servien, Abel; Avaux, 181, 310–11 count d’; Longueville, duke of) Estates-General, French deliberative Franche-Comté (the County of body, 16, 23, 362 Burgundy), 18, 20, 51, 63, 121, Estonia, 12 166–7, 225, 247, 315, 327 European Union, 13–14 Franchetta, Girolamo, Italian political theorist, 368 Fehmarn, battle of (1644), 92, 97 Francis I, king of France (d.1547), 134 Ferdinand Charles, archduke of Further Francis William von Wartenberg, 83–4, Austria (r.1646–1662), 319 125, 130, 132, 136, 148, 151–2 Ferdinand I, Emperor (r.1556–1564), Franconian Circle of the Holy Roman 18, 33–4, 37, 274 Empire, 69, 88–9, 193, 196 Ferdinand II, Emperor (r.1619–1637), Frankenthal, fortified town in the 35–8, 40–4, 46–9, 52–3, 55–6, Lower Palatinate, 321, 325–7 59–60, 64, 67, 85, 87, 116, 119, Frankfurt, city of, 77, 127 123–4, 132, 199, 219, 235, 264, Frankfurt, Deputation Diet 266, 269–70, 272, 340, 348, 350 (1643–1645), 74, 86–9, 148, Ferdinand III, Emperor, 14–15, 52, 196, 200–1, 347 53, 61, 63–4, 66–7, 69–90, 92–3, Frederick Henry, Dutch stadholder (see 98–9, 120–4, 132, 134, 136, 148, also William II; Amalia van Solms; 151, 163, 171, 177, 179–80, 186, Knuyt, Johan), 64, 82, 97, 114, 192, 195, 200, 205–7, 210–15, 116, 170, 229, 260, 288, 340 223–6, 232, 235–6, 239, 241, military campaigns, 64, 96, 232 255, 263, 271–6, 280, 282–3, and peace negotiations, 118, 229–30, 286–7, 292, 294–6, 301–5, 245, 249–50 310–13, 315–19, 321–8, 340–1, Frederick of Oldenburg, administrator 347, 349–50, 355, 361, 366, 375, of Bremen and Verden, later King 380–2 Frederick III of Denmark (r.1648– Ferdinand Wittelsbach, archbishop of 1670) (see also Christian IV; Cologne, 98, 132, 295 Bremen, archbishopric of; Verden, Fermat, Pierre de, French bishopric of; Denmark), 53, 98–9, mathematician (d.1665), 375 262–5, 340 Field of the Cloth of Gold, meeting Frederick V, elector of the Palatinate (France and England, 1520), (d.1632), 24, 25, 36–9, 123–4, 133–4 269–71, 273, 313, 323, 365 Finland, duchy of, 12, 26 Frederick William, elector of Flanders, Army of (Spanish army in the Brandenburg (the “Great Elector”) Low Countries), 65, 118 (see also Brandenburg; Fritze, Dr. Flanders, county of, 114, 177, 244, 378 Petrus; Wittgenstein, Johan), 58, Fleming, Clas, Swedish admiral 75, 76, 110, 123–4, 175, 254, (d.1644), 91 256, 257–61, 264–5, 325, 340 Fontainebleau, treaty of (France and Freiburg, siege of (1644), 95–6 Bavaria, 1631), 209, 295 Fritze, Dr. Petrus, representative for Forest Towns, four Habsburg towns on Brandenburg, 201 the Upper Rhine, 222, 233, 241, Fronde, revolt in France (1648–1653), 319–20, 326 173, 316–17, 331 I NDEX 441

Fuenterrabía, siege of (1638), 62 Gracián, Baltasar, Spanish writer Funen (Danish Fyn), island in (d.1658), 371 Denmark, 91 Grana, marquis of, Imperial ambassador in Madrid, 120 Galileo Galilei, Italian scientist Grass, Günther, German author, 133 (d.1642), 10, 363, 366–7 Gravelines, city in Low Countries, 96, 177 Gallas, Matthias, Imperial general, Griffin, House of, ruling family of 91–3, 180, 195, 205 Pomerania (see also Bogislaw XIV; Gans, Johannes, confessor to Ferdinand Pomerania), 57, 75 III, 350 Gronsfeld, Jobst, count of, Bavarian Garrison State (Italian Stato dei general, 308 presidi), 248 Gross, Leo, American scholar Gaston d’Orléans, younger brother of (d.1990), 354 Louis XIII (d.1660), 44, 50, 96, Grotius, Hugo, Dutch statesman and 106, 339 philosopher (d.1645), 111, 140, Geer, Louis de, Dutch industrialist in 147, 365, 367 Swedish service (d.1652), 91 Gryphius, Andreas, German playwright Gelderland, province in the United (d.1664), 9, 68 Provinces, 251, 290 Guébriant, Jean-Baptiste Budes, count George II, landgrave of Hesse- of, French general (d.1643), 82–3, Darmstadt (1626–1661) 95, 234 and Marburg inheritance, 63, Guericke, Otto von, scientist and 125, 235 representative for the city of and mediation, 53–6 Magdeburg, 366 George William, elector of Gustafson (or Gustavson), Gustav, Brandenburg (r.1619–1640), 43, administrator of Osnabrück, 284 57, 58, 59, 75 Gustavus II Adolphus, king of Sweden Germany, Army of (French army in the (r.1611–1632), 14, 39, 55–6, 78, Empire) (see also Turenne, viscount; 109, 134, 210 Weimarians), 95, 293 military campaigns, 40, 43, 53, 237 Ginetti, Marzio, Cardinal, papal plans for peace, 42–5, 55, 57–8, 113, representative to the Congress of 235, 253, 259, 270, 284 Cologne, 174 Glogau, city in Silesia, 326 Habsburgs, 18, 38–40, 45, 50–1, 51, Glückstadt, city on the Elbe and 59, 69, 93–4, 108, 120, 139, 154, sometime residence of Christian 176–7, 179, 187, 191–3, 211, 220, IV, 61–2, 89–90, 92 224–6, 246, 294, 315, 317, 319, Godefroy, Théodore, French 340, 379–80, 383, 384 historiographer and specialist with Austrian Habsburgs, 25, 29, 35–7, the delegation in Münster, 134 41–2, 45–6, 49, 52, 57, 64, 67, 73, Golden Bull, Imperial document 76, 83, 87, 90, 93, 95–6, 98, 102, establishing the electors (1356), 109, 112–13, 118, 121, 180, 184, 29, 198, 213, 270 194, 195–7, 199, 205–8, 210, 212, Gonzaga-Nevers, Charles, duke of 215, 219, 221–2, 237–41, 253–5, (d.1631), 40, 41 261, 269–71, 274, 278, 282–3, Goslar, treaty of (Emperor and 285–7, 302–3, 310, 312, 314, Brunswick, 1642), 82–3, 284 333–4, 340, 349–50, 355, 362, Gothenburg, Swedish port on the 374, 376–7, 379, 381 North Sea, 26 Spanish Habsburgs, 37, 63, 109, 208, Gotland, island, 97 334, 339, 348–9 442 I NDEX

Hague, The, city of, 84, 107, 116, 121, and Imperial constitution, 362, 87, 141, 148, 156, 163, 169, 227–8, 125, 193, 198, 362 230–1, 245, 250–3, 284, 289, 291, as a military power, 67, 72, 83, 93, 298, 305–6 124–5, 182, 215, 235, 322 Haguenau, landgraviate of, 225 war with Hesse-Darmstadt, 124–5, Halberstadt, bishopric of, 255, 261, 232, 234–5, 286, 304–5, 308 263, 265–6, 279, 284, 351 Hesse-Marburg, succession dispute Halland, province of, 96–7 over, 63, 235, 305 Hamburg, city of, 52, 60, 62, 77, 83, Hildesheim, bishopric of, 67, 83, 203, 132, 135, 173, 373 265, 284, 351 Hamburg, treaty of (1638), 60, 63, Hill, David Jayne, American historian 74, 135 (d.1932), 353 Hamburg, treaty of (1641), 76–83, 85, Hitler, Adolf, 5, 91 99, 115, 120, 135, 151–2, 163, Hobbes, Thomas, English political 191–2, 197, 203 theorist (d.1679), 10, 366, 367, Hanse (Hanseatic League), 151 371, 376 Härjedalen, province, 97 Hohenzollern, house of, ruling family Haro, Don Luis Méndez de, Spanish of Brandenburg, 57–8, 254 minister, 94, 117, 121, 134 Holland, province of the United Hatzfeld, Melchior von, Imperial Provinces, 22, 97, 101, 114–16, general, 195 232, 245–6, 250, 260, 288–92, Heidelberg, city in the Lower 298, 306, 364 Palatinate, 46 Holstein, duchy of (see Schleswig and Heilbronn League, 48, 56–7, 59 Holstein, duchies) Heilbronn, city in the Empire, 209–10, Holy Roman Empire (see Ferdinand 326–7 III; Trauttmansdorff, Maximilian; Heinsius, Anthonie, Dutch statesman Volmar, Isaac; and specific (d.1720), 333 institutions, such as Imperial Henry II, king of France (d.1559), Circles and Imperial Electors) 335 Honnecourt, battle of (1642), 94 Henry IV, king of France (d.1610), 107 Horn, Gustav, Swedish general Henry VII, Emperor (d.1313), 358 (d.1657), 91 Henry VIII, king of England (d.1547), Hulle, Anselm van, Flemish painter, 134, 358 364 Herbsthausen, battle of (1645), Hungary, kingdom of, 66, 79, 205–8, 186, 209 358, 382 Hereditary Lands, territory ruled directly by the Austrian Ibrahim I, Sultan (r.1640–1648), Habsburgs, 73, 90, 93, 120, 206–8 225, 273, 279–80, 282–3, immediate estates, 29, 30, 222, 285–7, 304, 310 239–40, 286, 315 Hesse-Darmstadt, landgraviate of (see Imperial Chamber Court, 32, 275, also George II), 53, 124–5, 234–5, 304, 355 286, 304–5 Imperial Circles (see also Austrian Hesse-Kassel, landgraviate of (see also Circle; Burgundian Circle; Amalia Elizabeth; William V), 15, Franconian Circle), 31, 32, 35, 62, 33, 55, 63, 70–1, 80, 105, 108, 69–70, 86, 88–9, 201, 312, 320–2 123, 158, 164, 172, 193, 203, 273, Imperial Counts, 30, 31, 71, 281 296, 369 Imperial Diet (see also Deputation Diet; demands of, 273, 286, 312, 319 Nurember, Execution Diet of), 16, I NDEX 443

29–31, 33–4, 41, 70–5, 77, 86, 88, James I, king of England (r.1603– 125, 129–30, 137, 151–2, 1625), 12, 22, 24, 39 166, 184, 196, 201–4, 213, 223, Jämtland, province of, 97 241, 271–3, 275–8, 303, 311, Jankov, battle of (1645), 176, 194–5, 315, 320, 323, 325, 327, 205–6, 208–10, 234 342, 355–6, 361, 366, Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 52, 280, 369, 382 350–1, 371 Imperial Electors (see also Mainz; John Casimir, Count Palatine of Trier; Cologne; Bavaria; Zweibrücken-Kleeburg (d.1652), Brandenburg; Palatinate; Saxony; 323 Bohemia), 29, 30, 35, 38, 41, 43, John George, elector of Saxony, 38, 46, 66, 67, 69–70, 80–1, 85–9, 133, 47, 53, 56, 124–5, 149, 210, 215, 148–50, 154, 185, 192, 235, 266, 303, 311, 347 197, 201–3, 212, 223, 237–8, John IV, king of Portugal (r.1640– 260–1, 270–1, 303, 311, 320, 1656), 65, 103, 172, 247, 298, 361 322, 361, 372 John Sigismund, elector of Imperial Free Cities, 29, 30, 33, Brandenburg (d.1619), 58 71, 132, 151–2, 225, 256, 273, Johnson, Samuel, English writer 280, 327 (d.1784), 386 Imperial Knights, 30, 33, 71, 152, 273, Judicium Theologicum, polemical tract 280, 311 (see also Wangnereck, Herman), Indies, 21, 114–15, 244, 251, 290 280, 350 Innocent X, Pope (r.1644–1655), 99–100, 109, 248, 341, 343, 351 Kaiserslautern, city in the Empire, 337 IPM, Instrumentum Pacis Kalmar War (1611–1613), 26, 111 Monasteriensis (term for the treaty Kammin, bishopric of, 259, 262, 265 signed between France and the Kempen, battle of (1642), 83 Empire in 1648) (see Münster, Kepler, Johannes, German astrologer treaty of) (d.1630), 367 IPO, Instrumentum Pacis Kiel, city of, and Kiel Fjord, 91–2 Osnabrugensis (term for the treaty Knights of Malta (see Malta, Knights of) signed between Sweden and the Knuyt, Johan de, Dutch ambassador for Empire in 1648) (see Osnabrück, Zeeland, 115–16, 160, 170 treaty of) Kolberger Heide, battle of (1644), 92 Irene Romanov, Tsarevna, 90 Königsmarck, Hans Christoff, Swedish Italy (see also Venice; papacy; Mantua; general, 98, 182, 210, 234, 295, 313 Milan; Naples), 20, 23–4, 28, 30, Kötzschenbroda, truce of (Sweden and 37, 39, 40, 50, 60, 63, 101, Saxony, 1645), 210, 235 108–9, 117, 119–20, 174, 181, Krane, Johann, Imperial ambassador, 214, 219–20, 247–9, 290, 333, 83–4, 135, 166 335, 357, 367–8, 381 Krebs, Dr. Johan, Bavarian itio in partes, 275 representative, 171, 304, 314 ius belli (right of conquest), 253, 195, Kurz, Ferdinand Sigmund, count of, 220, 253, 352–3 Imperial statesman, 60, 61, 62, 74, ius emigrandi (right of emigrating), 163, 211–12 274, 285 ius reformandi (right of reformation), La Court, Henri Groulart de, French 32–3, 273, 282–3, 288, 325 statesman, 326 ius suffragii (voting right of estates), La Mothe-Houdancourt, Philip de, 87–8, 197 French general, 95 444 I NDEX

La Thuillerie, Gaspar Coignet, French Longueville, Anne-Genviève, duchess ambassador, 96, 116 of, 173 Lamberg, Johan, Imperial ambassador, Longueville, Henri II d’Orléans, duke 135, 143, 154, 166, 172 of, French ambassador, 107, 131, Lamboy, William, count of, Imperial 134–7, 139–40, 145, 147, 149–52, general, 182 154–5, 158, 165–6, 173, 182, 194, Lamormaini, William, SJ, confessor to 214, 240, 249, 252, 298, 300, 314, Ferdinand II, 348 316, 374 Lampadius, Jacobus, representative of Lorraine, duchy of (see also Charles IV; Brunswick-Lüneburg, 125, 202, Moyenvic), 5, 44, 45, 46, 50, 95, 204, 272, 281 108, 119, 122, 219, 221–2, 233, Landrecies, town in the Low 246, 292, 298–300, 314, 383 Countries, 247 Louis the Pious, Emperor (d.840), 357 Langermann, Lorenz, Danish Louis XI, king of France (d.1483), statesman, 79, 82 370–1 Latin language, use of, 6, 12, 152, Louis XIII, king of France (r.1610– 164–7, 169, 187, 286, 343, 360 1643), 14, 40, 41, 44, 50, 63, 65, Lauingen, town in the Empire, 292 93–4, 106, 118, 134, 151, 228–30, Lech River, 237 316, 336, 361, 378 “Legitimate peace” (see “Pax licita”) Louis XIV, king of France (r.1643– Lengerich, town in the Empire, 1715), 12, 93–4, 103, 105–6, 173, 133, 201 178, 228, 249, 252, 316, 334, 337, Lens, battle of (1648), 317 339–41, 343–4, 350, 379 Leopold I, Emperor (r.1658–1705), Louise Henriette of Orange, daughter 334, 344 of Frederick Henry, 175, 260, 340 Leopold William, archduke of Austria, Low Countries (generically; for the 73, 82, 180, 195, 206, 225, 235–7, territory controlled by Spain, see 288, 348 Spanish Low Countries), 30, 231, Lérida, city in Catalonia, 94–5, 344–6, 357 248, 317 Lübeck, city of, 127 Letter of Majesty to Bohemian estates Lübeck, conference of, 59–61, 77, 81 (1609), 35, 37–8 Lübeck, treaty of (Empire and Leucate, town in Roussillon, 62, 65 Denmark, 1629), 135 Leuxelring, Johannes, representative for Luís, Dom, Portuguese the city of Augsburg, 125, 302 statesman, 170 Liège, bishopric of, 98, 326 Lusatia, province of, 35, 38, 83, Linz, treaty of (Emperor and 124, 266 Transylvania, 1645), 208 Lutheran, 8, 23, 32–5, 46, 53, 55–6, Lionne, Hugues de, French statesman, 58, 69–70, 86, 90, 110, 124, 127, 107, 141, 154, 346 132, 139, 203, 235, 256, 265, 267, Lipsius, Justus, Flemish philosopher 270–1, 278, 285, 305, 328, 345, (d.1606), 364–5, 367, 384 347, 349, 351 Lisbon, city of, 13 Lützow, Kurt von, Imperial statesman, Lithuania, 12 75–80, 82 Livonia, 26, 42, 49, 53, 97 Luxembourg, duchy of, 18, 233, 315 Löben, Johan Frederick von, representative for Brandenburg, Maastricht, city in the Low 143 Countries, 64 Long Turkish War (1593–1606), Machiavelli, Niccolo, Italian political 25, 206 theorist (d.1527), 370, 373 I NDEX 445

Madrid, 37, 65, 89, 120, 127, 155–7, 95–6, 123–4, 138, 158, 179, 185, 160, 182, 227, 306, 319 199–200, 208–12, 222–3, 225–6, Magdeburg, archbishopric of, 33, 201, 234–7, 261, 269–71, 280, 292–6, 203, 255, 260–1, 265–7, 272, 279, 301, 303, 308, 312, 324–5, 284–5, 351, 369, 382, 384 349–51, 374–5 Magdeburg, city of, 93, 366 Maximilian II, Emperor (d.1576), 37 Mainz, city of, 96 Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal, French Mainz, elector of (see also Anselm minister, 84, 93–5, 100–1, Kasimir; Johan Philip von 105–12, 117, 134, 141, 153–4, Schönborn), 29, 67, 76, 80, 85, 158–9, 161–3, 173, 176–7, 165, 169, 193, 196, 203, 302–3, 179–80, 187, 193–4, 209, 211, 312, 318, 320, 327, 349–50, 370 221, 224, 228–30, 232–4, 236, Malmö, siege of, 91 238–9, 248–9, 257, 290, 293, Malta, Knights of, 207 295–6, 300, 314–17, 333, 336–7, Malvezzi, Virgilo, Italian historian 340, 342, 367, 372, 374–6, (d.1653), 364–5 377–8, 383–6 Mantua, duchy of, 15, 63, 298, 336 Mazarin, Michael, Cardinal, brother of Mantuan Succession War (1628–1631), Jules, 100 40–1, 43, 50–1, 64, 101, 106, 120, Mecklenburg, duchy of (see also Adolph 219–20, 381 Frederick), 42, 53, 92, 264 Marcilly-Croissy, Antoine de, French mediators (see Chigi; Christian IV; diplomat, 205 Contarini; Denmark; papacy; Mardyk, siege of, 249 Venice) Maria Anna, Empress, wife of Medina de las Torres, duke of, Spanish Ferdinand III (d.1646), 120, statesman, 143 136, 316 Mediterranean Sea, 24–5, 180, 208 Maria Anna of Austria, or Mariana, Meierij van ‘s-Hertogenbosch daughter of Ferdinand III, (Bailiwick of Bois-le-Duc), territory 316, 340 in the Low Countries, 117, 243–4, Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg, queen 251–2, 290, 297, 308, 344, 348 dowager of Sweden, 54, 58, 110 Melander, Peter, count of Holzappel, Maria Gonzaga, regent of Mantua Imperial general, 235, 308–9 (r.1637–1647), 63 Melo, Don Francisco de, marquis of Maria Theresa, daughter of Philip IV, Tor de Laguna, governor of the 230, 252, 339–40 Spanish Low Countries Marie de Medici, queen of France (1641–1644), 83, 94 (r.1600–1610), 11 Memmingen, town in the Empire, 292 Marie Louise of Gonazaga-Nevers, Mercy, Franz von, Bavarian general, queen of Poland (r.1645–1648), 95–6, 209–10 341 Meroschwa, Wenceslaus, 365, 371 Mark, county of, 265 Mesmes, Henri de, member of Matenesse, Johan van, Dutch Parlement, 314 ambassador from Holland, 151 Metz, Toul, and Verdun, the “Three Mattei, Gaspare, papal nuncio at the Bishoprics”, 45, 108, 219, 222, Diet of Regensburg, 342 225, 241, 286–7 Matthias, Emperor (r.1612–1619), 35–7 Meynerswijck, Bartold van Gent, Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel heer van, Duch ambassador from (r.1592–1627), 124 Gelderland, 151, 245 Maximilian I, elector of Bavaria, 14, Michael I, tsar of Russia (r.1613–1645), 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 69–72, 76, 89, 90 446 I NDEX

Middelburg, capital city of Zeeland, Nederhorst, Godert van Reede, lord 306 of, Dutch ambassador for Utrecht, Milan, duchy of, 12, 20, 21, 39, 40, 51, 116, 143, 160, 245, 252, 289, 301, 65, 109, 117, 225, 248 306 Minden, bishopric of, 255, 261, 264–6, Neuchâtel, county of, 149 283, 321, 351 Neuenburg, fortified town in the Modena, city-state, 99 Empire, 241 modus consultandi, or mode of Nicholas-Francis of Lorraine, 45, consultation, 196, 200–5 298–9 Mömpelgard, county of, 139, 382 Nijmegen, treaties of (1678–79), 185, Montaigne, Michel de, French writer 331–3, 337, 341, 343, 359 (d.1592), 364 Nikolsburg, treaty of (Emperor and Montjuich, battle of (1641), 65 Transylvania, 1622), 135 Monzón, city of, 95 Nomény, margraviate of, 219 Monzón, treaty of (1626), 51, 247 nondum reconciliati, not yet reconciled Moravia, region, 35, 206 estates, 61, 72, 77, 85 Moselle River, 46, 138 Nördlingen, battle of (1634), 46, 48, Moyenvic, fortified town in Lorraine, 49, 52, 112, 195 222, 225 normal year (to regulate religious Munkacz, treaty of (Emperor and status), 278–9, 281–2, 285, 287 Transylvania, 1645), 205–6 North Sea, 21, 26, 65, 113, 180, 243 Münster, city of, 5, 127–43, 331 Nuremberg, city of (see also Oelhafen, Münster, negotiations in, 77, 80–4, 89, Tobias), 69, 127, 272, 281, 328 99–100, 103, 107, 112, 115, 116, Nuremberg, Electors’ Diet of 121–2, 143–5, 147–8, 151, 154–6, (1639), 69 160, 163, 166, 168, 172–5, Nuremberg, Execution Diet of 180, 182, 184–5, 192–3, 196–7, (1649–1650), 185, 322–3, 326–8 200–4, 209, 211–12, Nuremberg, treaty of (1542), 219 214, 220, 222–4, 227, 229, 231–2, 237, 240–2, 245, 252, 255, Oder River, 258–9, 262 259, 261, 277, 281, 284, 288–9, Oelhafen, Tobias, representative for 292, 297–301, 301–2, Nuremberg, 272, 281 314, 318–19, 322, 328, 342, Ogier, François de, 127–8, 139, 363, 372, 382 166, 186 Münster, treaty of (France and the Oisterwijk, Willem van, Dutch Empire), 3, 187, 320, 343, 355 ambassador in Paris, 116 Münster, treaty of (Spain and the Oldenburg, house of (see Christian IV; United Provinces), 166, 300–1, Frederick of Oldenburg) 305–8, 354, 364 Oldenburg, toll, 171 Murad IV, Sultan (r.1623–1640), 206 Olivares, Gaspar de Guzman, count- duke of, Spanish minister, 65, 66, Naples, kingdom of, 8, 12, 18, 20, 109, 94, 116–17, 120 119, 248–9, 317, 358, 362 Oñate Treaty, 1617, 37, 225, 241, 319 Napoleon Bonaparte, 5, 128 Orange, house of (see also Frederick Nassau, Johann Ludwig, count of, Henry; William II; Louise Imperial ambassador, 144, 154, Henriette), 22, 254, 260 166, 172 Orbetello, siege of, 248 Naudé, Gabriel, French writer and Ösel, island, 98 librarian to Cardinal Mazarin, 111 Osnabrück, bishopric of, 33, 125, 148, Navarre, kingdom of, 20, 102, 246–7 265, 282–5, 322 I NDEX 447

Osnabrück, city of, 127–43, 331, Paris, Peace of (1763), 333, 337 127–8, 171, 181–2, 184 Paris, treaty of (France and United Osnabrück, negotiations in, 77, 80–2, Provinces, 1635), 84 84, 87, 89, 98–9, 103, 112, 122, Parlement, French law court, 23, 88, 144, 147, 155, 163, 166–7, 171–3, 314, 317, 362 175, 180–2, 184–5, 192–3, 196–7, Parliament of England, 16, 71, 88, 317 201–4, 211, 214–15, 223–4, 237, Parma, duchy of, 99 241, 255, 258–61, 263, 277, 281, Pascal, Blaise, French philosopher 288–9, 298, 301–2, 318, 320, 322, (d.1662), 8, 145–6, 366–7, 375 325, 363, 382, 384 Passau, conference of (1644), 95 Osnabrück, treaty of, 3, 187, 321, 343, Passau, treaty of (Emperor and Bavaria, 355–6, 361 1647), 296, 303 Otto, Markus, representative for the Paul IV, Pope (d.1559), 358 city of Strasbourg, 272 Paul V, Pope (d.1621), 358 Ottoman Empire, 18, 24–7, 32, 174, Pauw, Adriaan, Dutch ambassador for 180, 205–8, 331, 358, 378 Holland, 115–16, 160, 170, 175, Oxenstierna, Axel, Swedish chancellor, 228, 230–2, 242, 245, 289, 292, 38, 44, 46, 48–51, 54, 56, 59–61, 298, 380 74, 90–1, 109–13, 122, 140, 153, “Pax licita,” polemical tract, 280, 351 158, 162, 256–9, 284, 293, 309, Pearl Harbor, battle of, 91 313, 333, 342, 346, 373, 375–6 Peene River, 257, 259 Oxenstierna, Bengt, Swedish statesman, Peñaranda, Don Gaspar de Bracamonte 327 y Guzman, count of, Spanish Oxenstierna, Johan, Swedish ambassador, 119–21, 129, 131, ambassador, 77, 84, 112–13, 134–6, 138–42, 145, 147, 155–8, 134–5, 138, 140–3, 150, 162, 166–7, 170, 172, 214, 225–7, 171–2, 182–3, 193, 259, 231–2, 242, 244, 253, 297, 300, 261–2, 271, 284–5, 311, 305, 307–8, 315, 348 313, 319–20, 372 Perpignan, city in Roussillon, 95, 118, 384 Paderborn, bishopric of, 203, 235 Philip II, king of Spain (r.1556–1598), Pakistan, 238, 359 18, 20, 36, 50, 65, 344, 358 Palatinate, electorate of (see also Philip III, king of Spain (r.1598–1621), Frederick V; Charles Louis; 37, 46, 105 Maximilian I), 24, 29, 33, 37, 38, Philip IV, king of Spain, 15, 50, 61, 39, 46, 64, 70, 76, 80, 90, 123, 64–6, 78, 83, 93–5, 102–3, 105, 185, 200, 209–11, 237–8, 256, 116–18, 121, 157–8, 160–1, 182, 269–71, 274, 276, 281, 293, 304, 219, 228–31, 241, 243–5, 251–2, 313, 321, 323–7, 339, 346, 365 286, 289, 297, 316, 325, 327, 331, Palatinate-Neuburg, Wolfgang Wilhelm 334, 339–40, 344, 348, 362, of the, 382 368–70 papacy (see also Urban VIII; Innocent Philip V, king of Spain (d.1746), 340 X; Chigi, Fabio), 23–5, 27–8, 41, Philip the Magnanimous, landgrave of 64, 76, 81, 99–101, 106, 146, 174, Hesse (d.1567), 124 177, 248, 265, 269, 280, 297, 302, Philippsburg, fortified town in the 332, 341–3, 349–50, 352, 354, Empire, 46, 96, 195, 221–2, 233, 357–9, 363, 373, 382 237–8, 241, 264, 337, 373 Paris, city of, 51, 62, 84, 106, 111, 116, Piccolomini, Ottavio, Imperial general, 127, 138, 147, 155–6, 158, 160, 120, 321 179, 209, 317, 322, 332, 376 Pillau, town in Prussia, 96 448 I NDEX

Pinerolo, fortified town in Italy, 40, Ratzeburg, bishopric of, 264, 266 51, 108, 219–20, 222, 225, 246, reason of state, 18, 342, 345, 365, 381, 384 367–9, 375, 379 Piombino, town in Italy, 249 Redslob, Robert, German-French legal Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus, scholar (d.1962), 354 Peñaranda’s physician, 142 Reede, Godert van (see Nederhorst) Poel, island of, 264 Regensburg, amnesty of, 73, 74, 195, Poland, 12, 15, 18, 25–7, 39, 42–4, 48–9, 213, 272–4, 277–8, 323 53, 58, 89–90, 110–11, 123, 176–8, Regensburg, city of, 73, 76, 82, 129–30 254, 331, 341, 363, 378, 386 Regensburg, Diet of (1640–41), 70–5, Pomerania, duchy of (see also Bogislaw 86, 151, 213, 272–3, 342, 369 XIV; Frederick William, elector of Regensburg, Diet of, 1654, 366 Brandenburg), 18, 42–3, 49, 53–5, Regensburg, Electors’ Diet (1630), 41 57–8, 62, 67, 75–6, 89–90, 113, Regensburg, Electors’ Diet (1636), 52, 123, 135, 160, 175, 198, 253–62, 59, 85 265–6, 281, 289, 295, 321, 325, Regensburg, Treaty of (1630), 41, 101, 327, 340, 360, 377 165, 191, 219, 381 Porto Longone, fortified town in Reigersberger, Dr. Nicholas, knight of, Italy, 249 representative for Mainz, 302 Portugal, 7, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 50, Reinking, Dietrich, representative for 65, 66, 94, 100, 102–3, 113–14, Frederick of Oldenburg, 263–4 117–19, 131, 152, 169, 178, 181, Rembrandt van Rijn, Dutch artist 231, 244, 246–8, 251, 298–9, (d.1669), 10 306, 317, 331, 335, 361–2, 363 Reumont, Johan von, German Prague, conference of, 321, 324 soldier, 132 Prague, Peace of (1635), 45–9, 52, 59, Rheinfelden, battle of (1638), 62 61, 63, 67–8, 70–7, 85, 122, 124, Rhine River, 5, 39, 45–6, 49–51, 195, 213–14, 265, 271–2, 276, 67, 83, 95–6, 138, 209–10, 278, 294, 342, 346–7, 350 220–2, 232, 234, 236, 241, Prague, siege of, 313, 320 293, 335–6, 357 Princes’ College, 29, 86–7, 151–2, 186, Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis, 201–4, 223, 295, 311 Cardinal, French minister, 40–2, Proudon, Pierre-Joseph, French 44, 45, 46, 50–2, 61–4, 66, 74, philosopher (d.1865), 352–4 77–8, 82, 93–4, 101, 105–9, 112, Prussia, region on the Baltic, 5, 26, 42, 116–17, 135, 192, 219–21, 227, 53, 55, 96–7, 110, 123 229, 270, 333–6, 342, 367, 369, Pufendorf, Samuel, German political 373, 377, 382, 384 theorist (d.1694), 27 Robert, king of Naples (d.1343), 358 Punic War, First, 381 Rocroi, battle of (1643), 94–5 Pyrenees mountains, 20, 50, 62, 65, Rohan, Henri, duke of, French writer 94, 102 (d.1638), 368 Pyrenees, peace of (France and Spain, Rome, city of, 24, 99–100, 127, 146 1659), 334, 340 Rosas, town in Catalonia, 247–8 Rosenhane, Schering, Swedish Quiroga, Father, confessor to Ferdinand diplomat, 112, 137, 139–40, 164 III’s wife Maria Anna, 120 Rostock, city of, 264 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, French Rain, city of, 237 philosopher (d.1778), 4 Rákóczy, György, prince of Roussillon, county in Catalonia, 62, Transylvania, 205–8 94–5, 118, 246–8 I NDEX 449

Rubens, Peter Paul, Flemish painter Schomberg, Marshal, French general, (d.1640), 11, 136 317 Rudolph II, Emperor (d.1612), 34, 35 Schönborn, Johan Philipp von, elector Rügen, island of, 257, 259 of Mainz, 303 Russia, 18, 25–7, 90–1, 111, 331 Schönebeck negotiations (1635), 49, Ryswick, treaty of (1697), 185 57, 191 Schwerin, bishopric of, 264, 266 ‘s-Hertogenbosch, city in the Low Scotland, 12 Countries, 64 Selden, John, English writer (d.1654), 367 Saavedra y Fajardo, Don Diego de, Servien, Abel, marquis de Sablé, French Spanish ambassador, 121, 135, ambassador, 84, 107–8, 131, 135, 139–40, 147, 160, 337, 371, 386 140–1, 147–51, 154, 158, 162, Safavid Empire of Persia, 206 165–6, 170, 176, 182, 186–7, 214, Salces, siege of, 65 252–3, 284, 289–92, 298–300, Salvius, Johan Adler, Swedish 307, 314–15, 318–19, 341, 346–7, ambassador, 60–2, 75, 77–80, 367, 372, 374–5, 377–9, 383–5 82–4, 86–7, 112–13, 121, 130, Shakespeare, William (d.1616), 9, 11 133–5, 147, 150, 162, 173, 176, Sicily, kingdom of, 7, 12, 18, 119, 317 193, 202–3, 255–6, 258–60, Siena, republic of, 248 279, 281–2, 284, 304, 309, 311, Sigismund III, king of Poland (d.1632), 318–19, 373, 377, 378 15, 26, 42, 58, 340 satisfactio militiae, pay to demobilize Silesia, region in the Empire, 35, 83, Sweden’s army, 309–12 120, 122, 124, 255, 304 Saverne, town in Alsace, 241 Skåne, province in Denmark, 91, 96 Savoy, duchy of (see also Christina skepticism, 8, 10, 258, 364, 367 Maria; Thomas, Prince; Pinerolo), Solms, Amalia von (see Amalia van 11, 15, 36, 40, 51, 63, 78–80, 108, Solms) 117, 166, 220, 247, 333, 381 Somalia, 359 Saxony, electorate (see also John Sötern, Philipp Christoph von (see Trier, George; Kötzschenbroda, truce of; elector of) Eilenburg, truce of; Schönebeck; Sound, The, 26–7, 90–2, 96–7, 254 Wettin, house of), 29, 46–7, 49, Sousa Coutinho, Francisco de, 53, 56, 58, 124, 179, 210, 215, Portuguese diplomat, 169–70, 226, 235, 265–6, 271, 278, 172, 231 293–4, 303, 328, 347 sovereignty, 3, 5–6, 13, 64, 84, 90, 97, Saxony-Altenberg, duchy of (see also 146–50, 152–3, 197, 219, 232–3, Thumbshirn, Wolfgang), 125 237–41, 242–3, 250, 254, 276, Saxony-Coburg, duchy of (see 290, 306, 351–62, 366, 376, 379 Thumbshirn, Wolfgang) Spain (see also Philip IV; Peñaranda; Saxony-Weimar, duchy of (see also Spanish Low Countries; Milan; Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar), 165 Naples), 3, 12–14, 17–18, 20–5, Schaumburg district, 261 37–42, 45–6, 48, 50–3, 59–61, Scheldt River, 114–15, 243–4, 250 63–6, 69, 76, 78–84 Schiller, Friedrich, German writer Spanish Low Countries, or Spanish (d.1805), 341 Netherlands, 18, 20–1, 39, 46, Schleswig and Holstein, duchies, 12, 50–1, 62, 64–6, 83, 94, 96, 108, 38, 98, 262 114, 117–21, 156, 160, 166–7, Schneidbach, Ludwig, 263 177, 180, 182, 225, 228–9, 232, Schneider, Balthasar, representative for 243, 246–50, 293, 301, 335, 340, Colmar, 287 348, 355, 362, 376, 379, 386 450 I NDEX

Spanish Succession, war of the (1701– Terranova, duke of, Spanish ambassador 1714), 340 in Vienna, 120 Speyer, bishopric of, 237–8 Teutoberg Forest, battle of (AD 9), Speyer, city of, 96, 355 127, 133 Spinola, Ambrosio, Spanish general Thiers, Adolphe, French statesman (d.1630), 11, 64 (d.1877), 4 St. Lambert’s Church, Münster, 128 Thionville, siege of, 95 St. Romain, Melchior, lord of, French Thomas, Prince of Savoy, 63, 248–9 diplomat, 83, 145–6 Three Bishoprics (see Metz, Toul, and Stadholder (see Frederick Henry; Verdun) William II) Three Musketeers, novel by Alexandre States-General, deliberative body of the Dumas (1844), 105, 375 United Provinces, 21, 97, 115–16, Thumbshirn, Wolfgang Konrad, 160, 170, 228, 230, 232, 244–5, representative for Saxony-Altenberg 250–3, 291–2, 298–9, 305–6, and Saxony-Coburg, 125, 185, 348, 384 272, 281, 375 Stettin, city of, 253, 259–62, 265 Thurn and Taxis family, 155 Stettin, treaty of (Sweden and Tilly, Count Johan Tserclaes von, Pomerania, 1631), 58, 59 Bavarian general (d.1632), 43, 47 Stockholm, 59, 91, 98, 111, 127, 140, Tilly, Werner, count of, 382 155, 256–7, 262 Torricelli, Evangelista, Italian scientist Stralsund, city of, 42, 49, 196, 369 (d.1647), 366 Strasbourg, bishopric of, 225, 241 Torstensson War (1643–1645), 90–3, Strasbourg, city of (see also Otto, 98–9, 111, 254, 262 Markus), 220, 272 Torstensson, Lennart, Swedish general, Stuhmsdorf, truce of (Sweden and 78, 83, 90–3, 95, 171, 176, Poland, 1635), 135 179–81, 195, 205–6, 208, 210 Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, French Tortosa, town in Catalonia, 94, statesman (d.1641), 358 180, 317 Sundgau, region in Alsace, 226 Toul (see Metz, Toul, and Verdun) Swabia, district in southwestern Toulon, city in France, 248 Germany, 209, 225, 287 Transylvania, principality of (see Sweden (see Christina, Queen; also Hungary; Linz, treaty of; Oxenstierna, Axel; Oxenstierna, Nikolsburg, treaty of; Ottoman Johan; Salvius, Johan Adler; Empire; Rákóczy, György), 36, Torstensson, Lennart; Wrangel, 122, 135, 138, 205, 208, 331, 363 Karl Gustav) Trautmannsdorff, Maximilian, count Switzerland, 11, 16, 51, 135, 185, 209, of, Imperial ambassador, 14, 52, 335, 339, 355–6, 357, 363, 378–9 72, 122, 127, 130, 134–5, 140, Szöny, treaty of (Emperor and 142, 145, 152, 154–5, 163, 166, Ottomans, 1642), 206 168, 172, 176, 180, 183, 186, 214–15, 218, 222–7, 232–3, Tacitus, Publius Cornelius, Roman 236–42, 246, 255–6, 258, 260–1, historian, 364 263, 267, 271, 276–9, 281–8, 296, Tarragona, city in Catalonia, 94, 180 302, 313–14, 320, 346, 349, 373, Telgte, town of, 133 380, 384 Temple, Sir William, English statesman Trauttmansdorff’s Instrument (1647), (d.1699), 337 284–5, 287, 301–4 Ter Borch, Gerard, Dutch painter, 130, Trent, council of (1545–1563), 167, 364 148, 341 I NDEX 451

Triebsees, district in Pomerania, 257 Verden, bishopric of, 98, 125, 255, Trier, elector of, 29, 46, 51, 66, 78–80, 262–3, 265–6, 279, 281, 283, 351 123, 169, 192–3, 195–6, 215, 221, Verdun (see Metz, Toul, and Verdun) 237–8, 326, 336 Vervaux, Johannes, Father, confessor to Turenne, Viscount, French general Maximilian I, 209, 350–1 (see also Germany, Army of; Victor Amadeus, duke of Savoy Weimarians; Wrangel, Karl (r.1630–1637), 63 Gustav), 95–6, 186, 209, 232–3, Vienna, city of, 25, 36–7, 78, 89, 120, 236–7, 293, 296, 308, 322 127, 155, 163, 167, 181, 195, Tuscany, grand duchy of, 11, 99, 109, 248 206–8, 210, 226, 288, 319, 351 Tuttlingen, battle of (1643), 95 Vienna, Congress of (1814–1815), 352 Twelve Years’ Truce (1609–1621), 21, vivente imperatore, “during the life of 38–9, 114, 117, 227, 243, 288 an Emperor”, 198, 213, 362 Two Crowns (see France, Sweden) Vltava River, 313 Tyrol (see also Ferdinand Charles), 122 VOC, or Dutch East Indies Company (see Indies) Ucker River, 259, 261 Volmar, Isaac, ambassador for the Ukraine, 8, 25, 331 Empire, 101, 122, 134–5, 141, Ulm, truce of (1647), 179, 281, 292–6, 144, 154, 157–8, 165–6, 172, 187, 301, 374 194, 201–2, 285, 301–2, 304, 310, United Nations, 3, 6, 137 312–13, 318–20, 378 United Provinces (Dutch Republic) (see Voltaire, French philosopher (d.1778), Frederick Henry; Pauw, Adriaan; 4, 27–8, 127 Knuyt, Johan; Holland; Zeeland) Vorburg, Johan Philipp, representative Upper Quarter, region in the Low for Würzburg, 171, 303 Countries, 251 Urban VIII, Pope (r.1623–1644), 51, Walfisch, fortress of, 264 59, 99–100, 106, 111, 149, 173–4, Wallenstein, Albrecht von, Imperial 342–3, 358–9 general (d.1634), 42, 43, 264 Usedom, island of, 259 Wangnereck, Henry, Jesuit theologian, Utrecht, province in the United 280–1, 350–1 Provinces (see also Nederhorst), Warnemünde, town in the Empire, 264 116, 245, 292, 298, 305–6, 384 Weimarian Army, the army left behind Utrecht, treaty of (1713), 185 by Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar when Utrecht, union of (1579), 290 he died, later part of the French Army of Germany, 63–4, 74, 293, Valdemar Christian of Schleswig- 296, 309 Holstein, 90 Welf, house of, rulers of Brunswick, Valtellina, valley in the Alps, 50, 51 266 Van Dyck, Anthony, Flemish painter Werth, Johan von, Bavarian general, (d.1641), 11 294, 322 Vasa, House of, rulers of Sweden and Weser River, 98 Poland, 58, 110, 340 West Indies (see Indies) Vechta, town in the Empire, 325, 327 Wettin, house of, rulers of Electoral and Velazquez, Diego, Spanish painter Ducal Saxony, 265 (d.1660), 11, 64 Wettstein, Rudolf, representative for Venice (see also Contarini, Alvise), 11, the city of Basel, 154, 172, 185, 16, 18, 24, 25, 84, 99, 105, 148, 335–6, 347, 355, 378–9 152, 154, 158, 170, 173–4, 180, WIC, or Dutch West Indies Company 207–8, 363, 378 (see Indies) 452 I NDEX

Wilkins, John, English philosopher Wolfgang Wilhelm, Pfalzgraf of (d.1672), 156 Palatinate-Neuburg, 382 William II of Orange, stadholder (see Wolin, island and port, 259 also Frederick Henry; Amalia van Worms, city of, 77, 96 Solms), 114, 170, 245, 252, 289, Wrangel, Karl Gustav, Swedish general, 91, 291, 298–9, 306, 340 111, 181, 235–7, 293–4, 308–9, 313 William III, king of England (d.1702), Württemberg, duchy of, 122, 213, 273, 114, 333, 340, 344 349 William V, landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Würzburg, bishopric (see Vorburg, (r.1627–1637), 63 Johan Philipp; Schönborn, Johan Wismar, city in the Empire, 4, 42–3, Philip von) 140, 255, 264, 283, 326 Wismar, treaty of (France and Sweden, Zapata, Gualterio Lopez, count of, 1636), 51, 60 ambassador for Spain, 102, 143 Wittelsbach, house of, rulers of Bavaria, Zaragoza, city in Aragon, 66 the Palatinate, and Cologne, 266, Zealand, island in Denmark, 91 270, 382 Zeeland, province in the United Wittgenstein, Johan, count of Sayn- Provinces, 113–15, 170, 243, 245, Wittgenstein, representative for 250, 288–90, 292, 298–9, 306–7, Brandenburg, 166, 261, 312, 328 348 Wittstock, Battle of (1636), 50 Zsitvatorok, treaty of (Empire and Wladislaw IV, king of Poland Ottomans, 1606), 206 (r.1632–1648), 58, 89–90, Zúñiga, Don Balthasar de, Spanish 254, 331, 340 statesman (d.1622), 37 Wolfenbüttel, battle of (1641), 82 Zusmarshausen, battle of (1648), Wolfenbüttel, city of, 83, 156 309, 313