
Animation Timeline for Teachers

A simplified timeline of throughout history. In this document we’ve outlined some of the key moments in history. Spend some time working your way through the timeline below. The links will exemplify each selected key moment in the .


180 AD: A type of zoetrope is invented by Ting Huan.

http://www.slides.uni-trier.de c. 1650: is developed.


1824: Sir John Herschel invents the .


1824: Peter Roget presents his paper: ”The with regard to moving objects.”


1831: Dr. Joseph Antoine Plateau and Dr. Simon Rittrer construct a machine called a phenakitstoscope.

1868: The first flipbook is patented in 1868 by John Barnes Linnett as the kineograph.


1872: starts his photographic gathering of animals in motion.


1906: J. Stuart Blackton makes the first animated , which he called "Humorous phases of funny faces."


1908: In France, Emile Cohl produces a film, Phantasmagorie.


1910: Emile Cohl makes En Route, the first paper , which saves him time because he doesn’t have to redraw each new cell. He only has to reposition the paper.


1914: Winsor McCay produces "Gertie, The Trained Dinosaur," which consists of 10,000 drawings.


1928: creates the first cartoon with synchronized sound, "."

1964: Ken Knowlton, working at Bell Laboratories, starts developing techniques for producing animated movies.

1995: is the first full-length 3D CG .

For a more in depth study please see: http://www.joshuamosley.com/UPenn/courses/Ani/AnimationHistory.html