George Stanley Faber: No Popery and Prophecy
GEORGE STANLEY FABER: NO POPERY AND PROPHECY BY S.W. GILLEY Durham "Defoe says, that there were a hundred thousand stout country fellows in his time ready to fight to the death against popery, without knowing whether popery was a man or a horse". 1 Such anti-Cath olicism has been a central strand in English culture since the Refor mation, a prejudice "into which we English are born, as into the fall of Adam", 2 as part of a nationalist assertion of the virtues of Protestant Britannia against its Popish enemies, France and Spain, and as the very heart of an English epic of liberation from Rome in the six teenth century. The story needed a villain, as Jack needed a giant; and what better villain than Giant Pope? The fires of Smithfield were burnt into the popular mind by George Foxe's Acts and Mouments, commonly called his Book if Marryrs, the most widely read of all works after the Bible, and the British epic identified Romanism with continental despotism and tyranny, with poverty and wooden shoes, so that the Reformation became the mother of English enlighten ment and liberty.3 Anti-Catholicism had a continuous history from 1520, and in the eighteenth century was an essential part in the definition of British nationhood.4 Its passions among the quality, however, abated some- I W. Hazlitt, Sketches and Essays and Winterslow (London, 1912), p. 71. 2 Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, cited in J. Pereiro, Cardinal Manning: an Intellectual Biography (Oxford, 1998), p. 174. 3 For a survey, see P.B.
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