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Here You Will Find What We Believe, Why We Believe and Practice It As United Methodists

By Bass Mitchell


Since you are reading this you would like to ask your booklet on infant/ when you meet. , you must have an We will meet with our interest in the topic. Most pastor: likely it is because you have Date ______questions about or perhaps Time ______you are considering it for Place ______your children. Here write down any This booklet is a resource questions you may wish to ask that might help you answer your minister or any thing some of your you might wish to explore. questions and address some of your concerns about infant baptism. It will seek to show the meaning of infant baptism and why it is a part of many churches today. It is strongly suggested that you read and discuss it with your spouse. Also, you should arrange a meeting with your minister to discuss this and ask any further questions you may have. There is a space provided at the end of the booklet for you to jot down questions or anything

2 We Believe in tradition. But that tradition Baptizing Children was based on much older ones Someone allegedly asked back to the early church and Mark Twain, “Do you believe biblical teachings, as well in infant baptism?” He is as our understanding of key said to have responded, Christian doctrines like “Believe in it? I've SEEN grace. it! We United Methodists have What About the Bible? seen infant baptism and we Some point out that we are believe it. Why? not told in the Bible United Methodists specifically to baptize are not the only children. That is true. But ones who do. there is also Catholics, no biblical Presbyterians, text that Lutherans, Anglicans, United prohibits it. Church of Christ and many What we do know others do as well. It has is that been a practice of the church according to Jewish for many centuries. So it’s authorities it was common not something we created practice to baptize ourselves. proselytes (converts to John Wesley, who we see as and then the founder of the Methodist ) and their Church, belonged to the children when they embraced - the the religion of Israel or the Anglican Church. Wesley, Church. So we see in the Book being a good Anglican, of Acts whole families like practiced infant baptism. So that of the Philippian this practice came over into jailer, Lydia, and Cornelius our church from this were baptized and surely

3 children must have been Whenever I hear this story, I included in that. We do know think about a little four that from early church year old girl who came with fathers like Justin Martyr her parents for Communion. and that children They would were being included in kneel and baptism. So it has been a hold out practice for a long time. their hands, I think one key passage is and so would the one where the disciples she; and the think that is too busy mother would to be bothered by little put the children whose parents have child's brought them to hands down, because she was be blessed by too young to receive. One Jesus. But Sunday, the same scenario Jesus presented itself, when the rebukes little girl stood up on the his disciples and says, "Let communion kneeler, and said the little children come unto in a very loud voice, "But I me, for such is the kingdom want Jesus, TOO!" And from of heaven." In other words, that time on she received the kingdom is for children Jesus through the Communion. too! They are also included Children need and want in God’s family. Jesus too. And on that day so long ago, he embraced them and blessed them. In Baptism Christ continues to embrace children, blessing them, making them without any doubt a part of God’s family. Every child that’s born is born

4 into a family of some kind. he has endured the agony of Gethsemane and the darkness When infants are baptized, it of Calvary; for you, he has is a way of affirming that uttered the cry, 'It is accomplished!' For you, he they are born into God’s has triumphed over death; for family. you, he prays at God's right hand, all for you, little There are other biblical child, even though you do not precedents for this. In the know it.

Bible we read about the of circumcision that was It's Really About Grace performed on infant males at But the greatest reason we eight days old. Circumcision baptize infants is our was a way of showing that understanding of God’s grace. they, too, were a part of Nothing, for us, shows the God’s people, heirs to the true covenant and promises of God nature of throughout history. So God’s before they could comprehend grace it, they were included. better Baptism is a kind of than this Christian circumcision. It is sacred a way of showing and saying act. You to little ones both male and see, grace is God’s female that they are loved unmerited, unearned favor and and adopted by God into God’s love. We can do nothing to family. earn it or deserve it. I like these words from Infants represent this so the Baptism of a child clearly - for they have done liturgy of the Uniting nothing and can do nothing to Church: earn what’s being done to them and for them. To baptize Little child, for you Jesus Christ has come, has them is a reminder to us that lived, has suffered; for you,

5 all our lives, even before we before I was born and know who we are or who God afterwards through loving is, we are surrounded by the parents, grace and love of God. So the grandparents, baptism of infants puts the family, friends, emphasis on God, what God teachers who loved does, not on what we do, for me and who began to show me we can do nothing to earn God’s love, preparing me to God’s grace. God has already be able to respond to that given it. Baptism makes love and grace. infants of us all. I do not understand air. But it has surrounded me But Shouldn't They since I was born. It has Be Old Enough? filled my lungs each second But shouldn’t they be old and enabled me to live. enough to understand what’s Whether I understand it or going on and make this not, whether I admit it or decision for themselves? not, I am greatly indebted to I grew up in a air. denomination that believed God’s grace is like the this. It’s often called air. It surrounds us. We “believer’s baptism.” In cannot escape it. fact, I was not baptized as When we are created, that an infant but when I was is the grace of God. about 12 years old. When we took in that first Does this mean that God’s breath of air and each one grace could not and was not afterwards, that’s God’s working in my life until I grace. could believe it or When our parents and understand it? grandparents love us, that’s To the contrary, God’s God’s grace working through grace surrounded me even them in us.

6 When we grow, eat, play, understanding, then could work, love, discover a mentally challenged persons talent, learn right from ever be baptized? But doesn’t wrong, or learn new things, God love them, too, accept all is due to God’s grace. them as surely as any of us? For what have we done or Many of you have children, could we do to deserve life grandchildren, nieces and and all it’s blessings? nephews. You love them, don’t Nothing! you? But do they understand Every second of our lives your love? Do they appreciate we are surrounded by God’s it and acknowledge it all the grace and are beneficiaries time? So why love them? Why of it. We can ignore it, fail not wait until they can to acknowledge it, but it understand you love them and impacts our lives anyway. respond with appreciation? God’s grace is so Because that’s not love, is powerful, so much a part of it? Love our lives that it is not doesn’t dependent upon our have to understanding of it or our be acknowledgment of it. earned. If we cannot be baptized It can’t until we understand baptism, be. You then perhaps none of us could just ever be baptized. I certainly love them anyway, and did not understand it at age hopefully one day they will 12. I’m not sure I understand understand this and it today, at least not fully. appreciate it and give love I do not think I will ever back and to others. How much fully comprehend it. more is God‘s love for us! And if baptism is God just keeps on loving us, dependent upon our even though we do not

7 understand this love and certainly do not always show But our response, our appreciation, in the hope belief is also very that someday we will important. understand and will respond. United Methodists, as do We believe God’s grace is most denominations that beyond full understanding and practice infant baptism, have is not dependent upon our something understanding (thank God). called When a little baby needs a “confirmation.” bath, you don’t ask him if he Confirmation is wants one or understands the when a person concept of shampoo and soap, (often an older do you? You bathe him and one child but day he will understand. In sometimes an adult) who was infant baptism God washes us baptized as a child takes a clean. And hopefully we will series of classes on what it grow to better understand means to be a Christian. Then that. the person “confirms” or We baptize infants because acknowledges and accepts that we place great emphasis on for himself or herself. It’s God’s grace, not our actions really a way of affirming all or our beliefs or our that their baptism meant and understanding. Even before we still means for their lives. were born, before we are able You could say it this way. to believe, God’s grace is I was born into a certain actively working in our family - the Mitchell Family. lives. Baptism of infants I had no say so in that. It’s vividly shows that. just the way things are. I was loved, nurtured, corrected, treated like a Mitchell. In time I had to

8 make a decision about whether knowledge of God. So or not I would accept or baptism, confirmation, these confirm the values and are not just one time events, beliefs of that family in they are ongoing experiences which I was born. I could that we will seek to even, if I chose, reject that understand and live out all family and separate myself our lives. from it (though in But They Won't Remember It very real Let me address something ways I else. One of the arguments I would often hear against infant always be a Mitchell). baptism is that the infant Likewise, in infant baptism cannot remember it. we are born into God’s family How many of you remember and treated and nurtured as a being born? What? No one? Me child of God. In confirmation either. But we are still we confirm for ourselves that living, still enjoying the family - with its values and benefits of being born, of beliefs, we make them our own being alive. Though infants or we can reject them. may not remember their But let me add that baptismal birth into God’s confirmation, like baptism, family, they are still is still more a beginning living, still able to enjoy than ending. Martin Luther the blessings of that birth. said once that baptism is I have here a picture of something we do in church one myself soon after I was born. day, but it takes the rest of Handsome young lad, wouldn’t our lives to fulfill. I you say? My parents showed me believe that. Each day of our this picture and others like lives we need to confirm our it, telling me the story baptism, grow in grace and about my own birth, how sick

9 I was, how they thought they baptism so often that I might lose me, how they 'remember' it now." I would prayed for me, and then how I argue that Eleanor's memory got better and how they gave of her baptism, a memory thanks to God. I do not given to her as a gift by remember any of that, but those who presented her to through their stories and that day, are as pictures I could remember it strong, as vivid and as in a way. It became real to meaningful as that of someone me. who was baptized as an My friend Stephen gave the adolescent or an adult. best response to that I have Memory of the personal ever heard: "experience" of baptism is One of our shut-ins talked not nearly as important as to me during a visit about one's appropriation of the her importance of baptism for baptism. daily life... She went One of the things I try to into do when children are baptized detail is make sure there are lots about what people were of pictures taken and even a wearing, how the church was video made if possible. These decorated, the number of are then later used to show persons in attendance. I and teach the children who assumed she had been baptized they are and what this means. as an older child or even an adult. When I made a remark Other Concerns to that effect Eleanor said, The Parents. First, there "No, I was only a few months is something about infant old. But my parents, my baptism that bothers and other church me...parents who wish to have members told me about my their children baptized but

10 who themselves lack A Common Misunderstanding. commitment to Christ or the Third, it is a frequent determination to truly rear misunderstanding that because their children as Christians. United Methodists practice Infant baptism has become infant baptism, we do not just a social event that practice baptism on looks good in the baby photo confession of faith. That’s album. I tell parents who not true. We encourage and are thinking about this for welcome any person at any their child that they are time to make a confession of giving their child to Christ faith in Christ and that and promising to rear the person will be baptized. In child as a child of God. Some fact, we will even baptize of them look quite surprised them in whatever manner they at hearing that. wish - from sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. The Church. Second, when a So we practice... child is baptized, it’s not Infant Baptism: just the parents who are Baptism --> nurture --> faith (confirmation) - Discipleship promising to rear the child as a Christian. Read the and baptismal ceremony in the Believer/adult baptism: United Methodist Hymnal (page Nurture --> faith --> baptism 8). It has a portion for us -->Discipleship to affirm our responsibility Both come out to the same for helping nurture children. end - discipleship! For we, too, in a spiritual sense become their parents. No Condemnation. Fourth, Do we provide the kind of we do not condemn our support and nurture they and brothers and sisters who may their parents need? believe and practice baptism

11 differently than we do. It is In the United Methodist one and the same baptism and Book of Worship there is a one and the same Spirit at song we sing when a child is work in all of us. We are in baptized. I think it says the same family - God’s well what I’ve tried to say, family. “God Claims You”

Conclusion Little child, God claims you, God helps you, protects you, I have come to love and loves you, too. baptizing infants - and wish We this day do all agree A child of God you’ll always more of you would provide be. some more infants for us - Little child, God claims you, (this got a host of giggles, God helps you, protects you, especially from the widows) and loves you, too. We your family love you so, because it speaks so We vow to help your faith to powerfully to me of the grace grow. of God, that even little Little child, God claims you, helpless newborns are loved, God helps you, protects you, and loves you, too. cherished, accepted as God’s We are here to say this day own children even before they That we will help you on your way. can even say the word “God.”

But then it’s up to me, to Little child, God claims you, God helps you, protects you, you as the community of and loves you, too. faith, and to their parents And if you should tire or cry Then we will sing this to see to it that they learn lullaby. to say “God” and love God and Little child, God claims you, serve God, and confirm in God helps you, protects you, their own hearts and hear and loves you, too. ---Stanley M. Fare with their ears that they, too, are the beloved children of God with whom God is well pleased.