50000000 Housing Project for Southeast Matawan Township
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MQ3KDUTH C O . HISTORICAL A SSS.,- FSBEHOLD* #.J. 'P,': f ’ ■ .... f;: . $50,000,000 Housing Project Street Signs. For IWarlboro Township Paul T. Caliill ’’Miss Rheingold” At Cliffwood Beach Buys Company For Southeast Matawan Township Cliffwood Beach Co., Frederick Weiuel, chairman of the Matawan Tpwuship' Planning Real Estate Firm, Sold Board, disclosed last night that a Coin-Boxing Barred P a u l T hom as C ahill, 157 N ether- developer who will adhere to the Matawan Is Key wood Dr., Cliffwood Beach, has lWM>y-150-foot m inim um lot a iie Chief Jeha J. Flood, Mata purchased the real estate bus|. Is In te reste d in buying up 1500 waa Police, aald yesterday he In Sterner Plan ness of the Cliffwood Beach Co., acres in the southeasterly section had received a directive from k s b e r t W arw ick, M onm outh Inc., from the Estates of Samuel of the township. At somewhat less Planning Chairman D. Walker and Charles W. Mor. than three houses to the acre, this Ceuaty traffic safety co-ordl- aatar, that all solidtalioni for Resubmits To State risey and has formed tlie Caliill would be a 3000-to-t000 hom esite Co. Officers of the new i^tjipany development. Tlie houses w ould be charitable or public service Matawan Station and the Mat are Mr. Cahill, president; Everett priced in the - >15.000 range, ic- purposes from motorists oa hlghwaya must stop. - The di awan Township-ftarilan area near II. Larrison, Broadwly, Keyport, cording to Mr. Wenzel, making tt vice president; Lillian A. Wei- : a 150,000,000 u n d ertak in g . rective especially made point the Garden State Partway are of panlag coin boxes among stead, Morganville, secretary' reported to play a big role in the ' Mr. Wenzel eald he had 'gone drivers at ma|or highway ln- treasurer. V1— over' maps of all vacant land tersecttoem and the spreading plan resubmitted by E. Donald Mr. Cahill and Mr. Larrison areas in that part of the township of blankets into which drivers Sterner, chairman of the Mon also have purchased the Pirate with a representative of tha de- Ship on Route 35 from Ihe Estates may. less coins while they mouth County Planning Board, to 'Veloper and it appeared dubious an awaiting a change la a of Mr. Walker snd Mr. Morrlsey, the State Highway Department and there would be quite the 1500 acres traffic light. 1 ' which will be the headquarters available.- The planning board Chief Flood alated tn e dl- th e N. I. Highway Authority. A for the real eatatu and insurance Chairman declared he was making rectlva had th e endorsement mammoth rapid transit- terminal firm. The Cahill Co. plans to known the fact this developer ol the Monmouth C ounty and a multi-thousand car parking continue bulldlhg new homeai de would be seeking options on land Prosecutor's Office as being area near the crossing of the New velop a highly ikllled Insurance _ inthe area so landowners Would duly founded in Isw and York & Long Branch R.R. and the staff, and will aell homes, that know that he had made proper therefore applicable to enforce Garden State Parkway Just east have been occupied previously. approach to., the township au ment by police. The Matawaa of Matawan Station are said to be The Cliffwood Baach Co. waa . thorltles before going forth. • ' Police Department accordingly the key features of Mr. Stemer'a formed in April .IM I by th« late Mr. Wenzel acknowledged that lt will comply with Ihe directive p lan . Mr. Walker ai« Mr. Morrliey has, been rumored that other de- and enforce It, Chief Flood Commuters would come by car with office* In Keansburg and ' velopcrs have been seeking options stated. ■ ■ from the more southerly areas of Laurence Harbor. The firm ex. William VaaDyke, one of the owners ol the Cliffwood Beach Peel la tba area for the past month. Several first aid squads In pan d ed in M ay 1931 an d o pened the county to the. Malawan-Raritan and Cabana Club, la shown welcoming Robbln Bain, "Miss Hhelngold," - Tho planning board chairman Ihe bayshore area have beea parking area And take the train an office In the Old Pirate Ship, Marlboro Township officials Supervise the Installation of who attended *wlmmlng races at th* pool July I . _________ -stated that the planning,body had active In such solicitations at located on Old Amboy H d„ Cliff to New York and^Newark from the first street signs tb be erected under a programp rogr to have' all streets traffle Intersections weekends. a wood Beach. The new ship waa no Intention' of Interfering in the Matawan Station. It waa conceived clearly- and■ properly■ Identified ln the township,nshlp. ' ' Shown above, (left built on R oute 31 In 1117. private business dealings between in the idea that future population to right),tht), are: Road committee.................... chairman Frankrrsnli' Ratejlffeitatcllffet slgas am landowners and developers, but growth In - the county will lake lights_ ' chairman' " Millard_______ B.'....... Lamberson; . MayorJayor Charles T. MCMcCuej Bora IS Keypori Webb & Knapp D cy clop Half-Acre cautioned that unless a developer 2-3 Year Term place in areas not readily accej- Committeeman W. Lindsay LeMqlnei Township Clerk Floyd Wyckolf. Mr. Cahill, the ion of Mr, and . could show proof to an owner- that alble to the N. y. & Long Branch Mr*. Arthur J. Cahill, Oreon Minimum Lot Size With Septic Tanks . he was prepared to develop at the main line tracks In the«hore area. Grove Av*i, Keyport, wa* bom In 100-t>y-l50-foot minimum lot size, For Embezzlement Mr. Sterner said he discussed New Yorkers Are Advertise Bids Keyport and la a graduate ol Key. Sanitary Sewer System Eliminated From the owner was dickering* with the terminal Monday In Trenton someone who had, no chance to Had Stolen Pin during a meeting with Dwight . Plant For Land Under Option In Marlboro carry hla project out. R. D. Palmer, state highway com Settling In Area For New Route 18 Webb A Knapp Inc.. New York, A company representative notod Offers By Developer . missioner, and an adviser to Gov. will go ahead with plans lor .Uialr that the effoct of tha aland of . M r.. Wenzel declared that It Robert B. Meyner on commuter Comprise 60% O f;’, A 42-year-old Union Beach man Work All Within h o u sin g development between townahlp officialdom would b* to hardly appeared any Othpr de* problems. ; Indicted for embezzling fiinds while Routes 31 and 19 la Marlboro velopcr would be offering all the New Horn* Buyer* Maditon Township (rawer! the townihlp from a • "Favorably Inclined" T ow nship d e sp ite the "laying firm seek in g th e 1509 a c re s Is. A secretary-treasurer of a^M sdlson "*ewer plant town" to a "aoptlr ' Mr. Sterner said Mr. Palmer Sixty per cent of the buyer* at The State Hlghwty Department down of the law" by the MaHboro water and atwer plant Is Included Township bowling league' Tuesday tank town." He notod that Webb was “favorably Inclined" toward Sayre Woods South, Routa ' t, advertised - for bids yesterday to Township Committee and the plan Ii Knapp's miln concern In gel- and discussions are being Initiated w as given stiff two-to-three-year a the plan, Mr. Sterner ssld, how Madison Township, are from New be received July 29, for additional ning board at iho June 30 private on aid for schools on the basis tini lot aliei Wiueed wia tor iuf- term In New Jeraey State Prison ever) he did not know When ac York, Saul L. Cantor, president R o u te .11 ' c o n stru ctio n on th e conference th at tho half-acte flcfent number of users per mile whereby the builder would erpct by Middlesex- Couhty, Judge Du tion will be taken on the proposal. of Cantor and Goldman, Bulldcrii route's.new alignment In Middle- minimum lot also, muat be ad ■long aewer main)' to be put at no cost to the school district Bols S. Thompson. Mr. Sterner first suggested the Inc., developers of the 2000-hoin* se>f County. The proposed project, hered to, The developer* hat) down io lha State Publlo Utilities . ooe school room. for each 50 houses community, has reported. A sur terminal In 1996. In effect, he said, located entirely in Madison Town- wanted a araaller lot kite In part Commission would gtant a Iran' sold. The Matawan Township Frederick: P. 'Peterson, 40 9 it would be'an extension of the vey conducted among these buy ahtp. WtU provide ramps for a new ot their subdivision. chl»e to the private sewer plint ' Boprd .ol Education’s . views will Florence; Ave., Union Biach, era- New York subway system Into ers to determine their reasons fpr Utcroansa to link Route ft wllh »h»t .wwW hav* Men b#w)fdjtoout J22M |rgiplbA M s*. '#■' selectiv e home lji- th»j!*jf*!u»t l|, ltft*#-«tyle .. {continued on,pa& w e t - Brea 'revealed that c0nvenlen$e ^w aiutha.frahebU . mo. Merchants Bowling :fcaagoe mjitructlon now underway from r i ’»r i V .... % as' the’ principal ‘factor Influenc Old' Bridge easterly. ’ ” ■ - which holds niatdvefl a t.. the HU1 tnd woulI Kav. apace Mr several b e a ts U r e d *vHf|v thousand cars and would provide ing their choices, ' The new Route 11 southbound limes Bowling Alley. Route 9, able to provide rentals lhat will Alonzo Willis high apeed aervlce to any point Buyers Indicated, Mr.