Inverclyde Community Partnership Council Briefing January 2020 Produced By: Inverclyde Community Safety Partnership Email:
[email protected] Campaigns and Initiatives CRIMESTOPPERS Police Scotland has linked up with independent charity Crimestoppers to help tackle drug dealing in Inverclyde by encouraging people to speak up 100% anonymously. If you have any information about drug dealing please contact CRIMESTOPPERS anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through the non-traceable Anonymous Online Form at FEARLESS Fearless is a valuable tool for young people to report crime completely anonymously as well as where young people can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. Over the next few months staff from Fearless will be visiting Secondary Schools across Inverclyde to help support young people ensuring they know there are options when reporting crime. Crime Last month there were a reported 518 crimes, which is average for crime across the past year. 5 Yr Past Monthly Past Recorded Crime Month Average Year GROUP 1 - Crimes of Violence 8 9 163 GROUP 2 - Crimes of Indecency 11 7 151 GROUP 3 - Crimes of Dishonesty 98 105 1545 GROUP 4 - Crimes of Fire Raising, Malicious Mischief etc 79 68 697 GROUP 5 - Other Crimes 123 96 1318 GROUP 6 - Miscellaneous Offences 141 131 1617 GROUP 7 - Offences Relating to Motor Vehicles 58 70 773 Grand Total 518 487 6264 Table 1: Type of recorded crimes in Inverclyde (Source: Police Scotland, 2020) The 5 Yr Monthly Average is defined as the average of only this month over the past 5 years eg May 2016 = average of May12, May13, May14, May15 & May16.