A New Paradigm of Industrial Organization
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Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences 93 A New Paradigm of Industrial Organization The Diffusion of Technological and Managerial Innovations in the Brazilian Industry BY LEDA GITAHY ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS UPPSALA 2000 Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology presented at Uppsala University 2000 Abstract Gitahy, Leda, 2000. A New Paradigm of Industrial Organization. The Diffusion of Technological and Managerial Innovations in the Brazilian Industry. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Social Sciences 93. 48 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-4778-3. Based on the concepts of techno-economic paradigm, network and production chain, the main purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the diffusion of technological and managerial innovations in the Brazilian industry during the 1980s and the 1990s. It consists of a summary and six selected papers. Empirical studies were conducted at different moments of the re-structuring process and at different points of the production chain. The samples cover large leading firms as well as small second and third-tier suppliers in the automotive and footwear industries. They throw light on the process of diffusion and establishment of a new paradigm of industrial organization, mostly in conflict with the Taylorist/Fordist. Ideas, methods and management techniques were largely adopted and imitated from the so-called “Japanese model”, but the diffusion of the new paradigm in Brazil is also the result of adapting and modifying this model by trial and error. At the firm level, the adoption of these innovations entails a highly complex process of social change, reversing norms and models of behaviour hitherto dominant. They modify the daily practices at work, and the division of labour within and between companies, as well as between companies and other institutions, such as those within the educational system. These transformations are studied by distinguishing competition, management, and technological patterns. The results show that, under the conditions of a an extremely large domestic market, the re-structuring of the Brazilian industry occurs in a context characterized by crisis, economic instability, recession and unemployment as well as by political re-democratization and growing influence of the labour movement. The diffusion of the new paradigm of efficiency together with the increasing globalization of the economy and the ongoing abandonment of import substitution, transformed the organization of work and inter-firms relations, changing the volume, structure, and location of employment as well as the content and hierarchy of skills. Keywords: technological paradigm, flexible production, network, employment, skills, education, Brazilian industry. Leda Maria Caira Gitahy, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Box 821, S-751 08 Uppsala, Sweden. © Leda Gitahy 2000 ISSN 0282-7492 ISBN 91-554-4778-3 Printed in Sweden by University Printers, Ekonomikum, Uppsala 2000 “... Nations which adopt the new techniques from abroad always do so for a double and apparently self-contradictory motive: to become like their more advanced rivals, but to remain just as they are. They must at least meet the efficiency standards of their powerful competitors if they are to preserve their independence - hence the need to copy who ever has come up with the successful techniques of the day. But paradoxically, they imitate others the better to defend their individuality.” Charles Sabel “Just how to achieve self realization, to preserve freedom, and adapt society to both, seems increasingly harder to know; it is felt as a central, overwhelming problem of our days. … From finding security in a repetion of sameness, of only slight and slow variations, we are having to live with a very different kind of security; one that must rest on achieving the good life, with very little chance to predict the outcome of our actions in a fast changing world. … To manage such a feat, heart and reason can no longer be kept in separate places. … The daring heart must invade reason with its own living warmth, even if the simetry of reason must give way to admit love and the pulsation of life. No longer can we be satisfied with a life where the heart has its reasons, which reason cannot know. Our hearts must know the world of reason, and reason must be guided by an informed heart.” Bruno Bettelheim LIST OF PUBLICATIONS I. Gitahy, Leda (2000) Toward a New Paradigm of Industrial Organization? The concept of technological paradigm and its utility to study the diffusion of technological and managerial innovations in the Brazilian industry. Accepted for publication in Portuguese as Gitahy, Leda (2000) Na direção de um novo paradigma de organização industrial? O conceito de paradigma tecnológico e sua utilidade para tratar o tema da difusão de inovações tecnológicas e organizacionais na indústria brasileira, Coleção Mundo do Trabalho, Boitempo Editorial, São Paulo (in print). II. Gitahy, Leda (1994) Technological Innovation, Subcontracting, and the Labour Market. Published in Portuguese as Gitahy, Leda (1994) “Inovação Tecnológica, Subcontratação e Mercado de Trabalho” in São Paulo em Perspectiva, Vol. 8 nr 1, pp 144-153, São Paulo. (ISSN 0102-8839). III. Gitahy, Leda, Rabelo, Flávio, and Costa, Maria Conceição (1990) Technological Innovation, Industrial Relations, and Subcontracting, version in English prepared as a paper presented to the I Symposium on “New Technological and Societal Trends” (Session IV) at XII World Sociological Congress, Madrid, July. Originally published in Portuguese as Gitahy, Leda, Rabelo, Flávio, and Costa, Maria Conceição (1991) “Inovação Tecnológica, Relações Industriais e Subcontratação” in Textos para Discussão nr 10, DPCT/IG/UNICAMP, Campinas, pp 1-34. Also published in Spanish as Gitahy, Leda, Rabelo, Flávio, and Costa, Maria Conceição. (1992) "Innovación tecnológica: relaciones industriales y subcontratacción" in Boletin CINTERFOR, nr 120, julio-setiembre, pp 71-98, Cinterfor/OIT, Montevideo (ISSN 0254- 2439). IV. Gitahy, Leda and Rabelo, Flávio (1991) Education and Technological Development: the Case of the Autoparts Industry. Originally published in Portuguese as Gitahy, Leda and Rabelo, Flávio (1991) “Educação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico: o caso da indústria de autopeças” in Textos para Discussão nr 11, DPCT/IG/UNICAMP, Campinas, pp 1-30. Published in Spanish, as Gitahy, Leda and Rabelo, Flávio (1992) “Educación y Desarrollo Tecnológico: el caso de la industria de autopartes”, in Gallart, M.C.(ed.) Educación y Trabajo - Desafios y Perspectivas de Investigación y Políticas en la década de los Noventa - Red Latinoamericana de Educación y Trabajo CIID-CENEP y CINTERFOR/OIT, Montevideo, pp 107-140. Published in Portuguese as Gitahy, Leda e Rabelo, Flávio (1993) “Educação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico: o caso da indústria de autopeças”, in Educação e Sociedade, Ano XIV, agosto, pp 225-251, CEDES/Papirus, Campinas (ISSN 0101-7330). V. Gitahy, Leda, Ruas, Roberto, Rabelo, Flávio, and Antunes, Elaine (1997) Inter-firm Relations, Collective Efficiency, and Employment in two Brazilian Clusters. Originally published in Portuguese as Gitahy, Leda, Ruas, Roberto, Rabelo, Flávio, and Antunes, Elaine (1997) ”Relações interfirmas, eficiência coletiva e emprego em dois clusters da indústria brasileira”, in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo, nr 6, pp 39-78, ALAST, São Paulo (ISSN 1 405-1311). An earlier version was published in English as Ruas, Roberto, Gitahy, Leda, Rabelo, Flávio, and Antunes, Elaine (1994). ”Inter-Firm Relations, Collective Efficiency, and Employment in two Brazilian Clusters”, World Employment Programme Research, WEP 2-22/WP.242, pp 1-55, ILO, Geneva, March (ISBN 92-2-109333-6). VI. Abreu, Alice, Gitahy, Leda, Ramalho, José Ricardo, and Ruas, Roberto (1999) Industrial Restructuring and Inter-firm Relations in Brazil: A Study of the Auto-Parts Industry in the 1990s in Occasional Papers nr 21, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, London. (ISSN 0953 6825) pp 1-40. Also accepted for publication in Portuguese as Abreu, Alice, Gitahy, Leda, Ramalho, José Ricardo, and Ruas, Roberto (2000) ”Produção flexível e relações inter-firmas: a indústria de autopeças em três regiões do Brasil”, in Abreu, Alice (editora) Produção flexível e novas institucionalidades na América Latina, Editora UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro (in print). Reprints were made with permission from the publishers Contents Acknowledgements Preface 1. Introduction 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Historical background 1.3 Basic concepts 1.4 Method 2. The studies 3. Conclusions and suggestions for further research 3.1 Main findings 3.2 Changes in the Brazilian industry, 1970-1999 3.3 Final discussion References Articles I) Toward a New Paradigm of Industrial Organization? II) Education and Technological Development: the Case of the Autoparts Industry III) Technological Innovation, Industrial Relations, and Subcontracting IV) Technological Innovation, Subcontracting, and the Labour Market V) Inter-firm relations, Collective Efficiency and Employment in two Brazilian Clusters VI) Industrial Restructuring and Inter-firm Relations in Brazil: A Study of the Auto- Parts Industry in the 1990s Acknowledgements As is the case for most PhD theses, there are many persons who, in different ways, have contributed to the fulfilment of the dissertation. Taking into consideration the period that has elapsed since