

Article The Alteration of Intestinal Microbiota Profile and Immune Response in coioides during Infection

Joan Tang Xiao Joe 1,2 , Yung-Che Tseng 3 , Jen-Leih Wu 4 and Ming-Wei Lu 5,6,*

1 Marine Biotechnology, National Taiwan University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan; [email protected] 2 Marine Biotechnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan 3 Marine Research Station, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan; [email protected] 4 Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan; [email protected] 5 Department of Aquaculture, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan 6 Center of Excellence for the , National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +886-02-24622192 (ext. 5206)

Abstract: Epinephelus coioides, or , is a high economic value fish that plays an important role in the aquaculture industry in Asia. However, both viral and bacterial diseases have threatened grouper for many years, especially nervous necrosis virus, grouper iridovirus and harveyi, which have caused a bottleneck in the grouper industry. Currently, intestinal microbiota can provide novel insights into the pathogenesis-related factors involved in pathogen infection. Hence, we investigated the comparison of intestinal microbiota communities in control group and pathogen- infected grouper through high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Our results showed that microbial diversity was decreased, whereas microbial richness was increased during pathogen   infection. The individuals in each group were distributed distinctly on the PLSDA diagram, especially the GIV group. and were the most abundant in all groups. Citation: Xiao Joe, J.T.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Interestingly, beneficial genera, Faecalibacterium and Bifidobacterium, predominated in the intestines Wu, J.-L.; Lu, M.-W. The Alteration of of the control group. In contrast, the intestines of pathogen-infected grouper had higher levels of Intestinal Microbiota Profile and Immune Response in Epinephelus harmful genera such as Sphingomonas, Atopostipes, Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter. Additionally, coioides during Pathogen Infection. we investigated the expression levels of innate and adaptive immune-related genes after viral and Life 2021, 11, 99. https://doi.org/ bacterial infection. The results revealed that immunoglobulin T and proinflammatory cytokine levels 10.3390/life11020099 in the intestine increased after pathogen infection. Through these unique bacterial compositions in diseased and uninfected fish, we could establish a novel therapeutic approach and bacterial marker Academic Editors: Jana Seifert and for preventing and controlling these diseases. Live H. Hagen Received: 7 January 2021 Keywords: intestinal microbiota; Epinephelus coioides; nervous necrosis virus; grouper iridovirus; Accepted: 26 January 2021 ; immune response Published: 28 January 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in 1. Introduction published maps and institutional affil- iations. Orange-spotted grouper (E. coioides) is an important species with high economic value in Asia. Owing to the fast growing and spawning of grouper year-round at temperatures from 22 ◦C to 28 ◦C, the orange-spotted grouper is an easier species to culture compared to other grouper species. Unfortunately, the grouper has suffered from the spread of infectious diseases, which have caused mass mortalities, in recent years. Nervous necrosis Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. virus (NNV), grouper iridovirus (GIV) and V. harveyi were reported as the leading causes Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. of death in the early life cycle of grouper [1–3]. This article is an open access article The main cause of disease in cultured grouper is viral including NNV and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons GIV. NNV is one of the most threatening viral diseases affecting over 120 species of cultured Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// marine fishes worldwide, especially post-hatch larvae of Epinephelus spp., and the mortality creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ ranges from 90 to 100% [1,4,5]. NNV mainly attacks the central nervous system and is 4.0/). associated with viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), vacuolation in the brain and

Life 2021, 11, 99. https://doi.org/10.3390/life11020099 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/life Life 2021, 11, 99 2 of 17

eyes, abnormal swimming, dark body color and even anorexia [4,6]. Other major pathogens, such as GIV of the Ranavirus, also cause severe mortalities of up to 60% and lead to huge economic loss in the grouper industry [7,8]. The symptoms of infectious grouper include darker skin color, and the gills may bleed and become congested; additionally, the target organs (spleen and head kidney) become swollen [3,9]. Furthermore, the family is most often associated with bacterial infection in grouper [10]. V. harveyi has also been referred to as opportunistic in Lates calcarifer [11], Lateolabrax japonicus [12] and Litopenaeus vannamei [13]. According to previous studies, V. harveyi destroys the tissues on the epidermis and cause skin ulceration called skin ulcer disease [10]. Recently, many studies have revealed that diseases influence the intestinal micro- biota composition [14], not only in mammals but also in fish species. The intestine is a complex organ composed of beneficial and harmful bacteria; thus, a beneficial intesti- nal microbiota has been highlighted as having a key role in maintaining proper digestive functioning [15,16]. The disruption of intestinal microbiota has been reported to correspond with fish after pathogen infections, including infections in Salmo salar, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Larimichthys crocea and Hippocampus kuda [17–20]. As mentioned above, a series of stud- ies have stated that the composition of intestinal flora is altered by pathogen infection; however, the actual mechanism is still unknown. Therefore, the interaction of pathogens and intestinal microbiota is becoming an attractive topic for microbiological and medical research [21]. We previously developed an intestinal microbiota database of healthy grouper through- out metamorphosis stages. This database revealed that distinct bacterial composition dominated in each stage [22]. To enrich the knowledge about the alteration in intestinal microbiota upon viral and bacterial pathogen infection, we focused on comparing microbial communities of control group with NNV, GIV-and V. harveyi-infected grouper in this study. In addition, we evaluated the mRNA gene expression levels of cytokines-mediated inflam- matory factors and immunoglobulins in grouper intestine after viral and bacterial infection. We expected that the intestinal microbiota profile could help us understand the interaction between the and intestinal microbiomes. Through these data, we established a novel therapeutic approach and bacterial marker for preventing and controlling these diseases.

2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Sampling and Challenge of Juvenile Grouper In this study, juvenile of orange-spotted were collected from hatcheries at Pingtung, Taiwan. The experiment was conducted at National Taiwan Ocean University (Keelung, Taiwan) by following the institutional IACUC guideline (approval number: 106009). The juveniles (1–2 cm) were daily fed a mixture of commercial feeds and Artemia nauplii (0.2 g). NNV and GIV titers were determined using TCID50 (50% tissue culture infective dose) in grouper fin cells (GF-1) and grouper kidney cells (GK) [23]; the LD50 test of V. harveyi was performed according to Li J et al., 2019 [24]. The healthy groupers were separated into four groups in duplicate: the control (n = 20), NNV (n = 20), GIV (n = 20) and Vibrio (n = 20) groups. were acclimatized in 5L tanks equipped with a storage tank system at 30 °C with a salinity of 32‰ and constant aeration. The juve- 6.6 8 niles were injected intraperitoneally with NNV (10 TCID50/mL), GIV (10 TCID50/mL) and V. harveyi (6.4 × 107 CFU/mL). The sample collection procedures were performed according to Wayne Knibb et al., 2017 [25]. We collected the intestine samples from five individuals in each tank. All the pathogen infected grouper displayed obvious clinical signs with abnormal swimming behavior (NNV), lethargy (GIV), lesions on skin and tail (Vibrio) with the mortality occurring after seven and 14 days post infection (dpi) with virus and bacteria, respectively. No clinical signs were observed in the control groups. Furthermore, the affected tissues (NNV: brain; GIV: head kidney; V. harveyi: liver) were homogenized and the viruses and bacteria detected by PCR using specific primers for NNV, GIV or V. harveyi. In addition, the intestine and head kidney samples of all groups were collected Life 2021, 11, 99 3 of 17

for RNA and DNA extraction. After dissection, intestine and head kidney samples were washed twice with PBS and immediately stored at −80 °C until subsequent use.

2.2. RNA Extraction and cDNA Synthesis Total RNA was extracted from intestine and head kidney samples by using TRIzol® Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s instructions, and DNase I treatment (Thermo Scientific™, Waltham, MA, USA) according to the manufac- turer’s instructions. The quality of extracted RNA was determined on a 1% agarose gel by electrophoresis. After that, total RNA (1 µg) was used for cDNA synthesis by using HiScript I Reverse Transcriptase (BIONOVAS, Halifax, NS, Canada). Reverse transcription was conducted according to the manufacturer’s protocol with random primer. The synthe- sis condition of cDNA was set at: 65 ◦C for 5 min, 30 ◦C for 10 min, 42 ◦C for 60 min and 70 ◦C for 15 min.

2.3. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis Gene expression profiles were performed using the Applied BiosystemTM 7500 Real- Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) on a TOptical Thermocycler® (Analytik Jena AG, Jena, Germany). The qPCR reaction volume was 20 µL in total, con- taining 1 µL of the cDNA template, 10 µL of the 2X qPCRBIO syGreen Master Mix, 0.8 µL each of the forward and reverse primer (10 pmol/uL) and 7.4 µL distilled . The amplification condition was initial denaturation at 95 ◦C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95 ◦C for 5 s, 65 ◦C for 30 s. The melting curve and cooling were performed at the last step of qPCR. The primers used in this study are listed in Table S1. The relative expression levels of the target gene were normalized to beta-actin, a housekeeping gene and calculated by the standard 2−∆∆Ct method. The changes were analyzed by unpaired sample t-test. Statistical significance was accepted at p < 0.05, and high significance was accepted at p < 0.01. All data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (mean ± SD).

2.4. Genomic DNA Extraction and Gene Sequencing Total genomic DNA from the intestine was extracted using the Genomic DNA Mini Kit (Geneaid) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The genomic DNA was monitored on 1% agarose gels to analyze the DNA concentration and purity. Amplicon sequencing (16S V4: 515F-806R) was performed by using 300 bp paired-end raw reads and all the paired- end reads were assembled using FLASH v.1.2.7 [26] at Biotools, Co., Ltd. Demultiplexing was carried out based on barcode identification. As a quality control, low-quality reads (Q < 20) were discarded by the QIIME 1.9.1 pipeline [27]. If three consecutive bases were < Q 20, the read was truncated and the resulting read was retained in the data set only if it was at least 75% of the original length using split_libraries_fastq.py script in QIIME [28]. Sequences were chimera-checked using UCHIME to obtain the effective tags [29,30] and filtered from the data set; then, operational taxonomic unit (OTU) clustering at 97% sequence identity using the UPARSE [31] function in the USEARCH v.7 pipeline [32] was performed. For each representative sequence, the RDP classifier (v.2.2) algorithm [33] was employed to annotate classification based on the information retrieved from the Silva Database v.132 [34,35]. This analysis was performed with a minimum confidence threshold of 80% for each assignment. Sequences with one occurrence (singletons) or present in only one sample were filtered out. To analyze the sequence similarities among different OTUs, multiple sequence alignment was conducted by using PyNAST software (v.1.2) [36] against the core-set dataset in the Silva database.

2.5. Bioinformatics and Statistical Analysis Subsequent analysis (NCBI-Accession number: SUB7303081) of alpha and beta diversi- ties was performed using the normalized data. Alpha diversity was indicative of the species complexity within individual samples based on the observed OTU output from the QIIME pipeline. The number of observed OTUs is the number of different species represented Life 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 18

2.5. Bioinformatics and StatisticalAanalysis Subsequent analysis (NCBI-Accession number: SUB7303081) of alpha and beta diver- sities was performed using the normalized data. Alpha diversity was indicative of the Life 2021, 11, 99 species complexity within individual samples based on the observed OTU output 4from of 17 the QIIME pipeline. The number of observed OTUs is the number of different species rep- resented in the microbial community. Beta diversity parameters, the unweighted UniFrac [37,38], were calculated by using the QIIME pipeline. Normally, UniFrac is used for ana- in the microbial community. Beta diversity parameters, the unweighted UniFrac [37,38], lyzing the comparison between two samples to achieve a UniFrac distance matrix. To fur- were calculated by using the QIIME pipeline. Normally, UniFrac is used for analyzing therthe comparisonincrease the betweengroup distinction, two samples a supervised to achieve partial-least-squares a UniFrac distance discriminant matrix. To further analy- sisincrease (PLS-DA) the groupwas used distinction, to evaluate a supervised and visualize partial-least-squares variance based on discriminant the OTU level analysis of the intestinal(PLS-DA) microbiota was used composition to evaluate andamong visualize the groups. variance PLS-DA based was on performed the OTU levelusing of the the R packageintestinal mixOmics. microbiota For composition statistical analysis, among the the groups. significance PLS-DA of all was species performed among using groups the at R variouspackage taxonomic mixOmics. levels For statisticalwas detected analysis, using the differential significance abundance of all species analysis among with groupsa zero- inflatedat various Gaussian taxonomic (ZIG) levels log-normal was detected model as using implemented differential in the abundance “fitFeatureModel” analysis with func- a tionzero-inflated of the Bioconductor Gaussian (ZIG) metagenome log-normalSeq modelpackage as [39]. implemented Moreover, in Welch’s the “fitFeatureModel” t-test was per- formedfunction using of the STAMP Bioconductor software metagenomeSeq (v2.1.3) to identify package significant [39]. Moreover, differences Welch’s amongt-test wasthe groupsperformed (p value using < 0.05) STAMP [40]. software (v2.1.3) to identify significant differences among the groups (p value < 0.05) [40]. 3. Results 3.1.3. Results The Intestinal Microbiota Richness and Diversity Associated with Grouper Disease 3.1. The Intestinal Microbiota Richness and Diversity Associated with Grouper Disease The species accumulation curve (SAC) indicated that the number of microbial OTU had aThe positive species effect accumulation on species richness, curve (SAC) indicating indicated that that the adequacy the number of ofsample microbial size could OTU generatehad a positive a sample effect survey. on species When richness, the curve indicating became flat, that the number adequacy of of intestinal sample sizemicrobial could speciesgenerate did a sample not increase survey. with When the the sample curve size became. Figure flat, 1 the presents number a ofsharp intestinal increase microbial in the curvespecies until did a not sample increase size withof 20, the indicating sample that size. the Figure survey1 presents sample asize sharp of intestinal increase inmicro- the bialcurve species until awas sample adequate. size of 20, indicating that the survey sample size of intestinal microbial species was adequate.

Figure 1. Species accumulation curve derived by grouper intestine samples and estimations of the Figure 1. Species accumulation curve derived by grouper intestine samples and estimations of the number of intestinal microbiomes in the gastrointestinal tract of grouper. Each dot represents the number of intestinal microbiomes in the gastrointestinal tract of grouper. Each dot represents the total richness for all samples pooled. The x-axis is the number of samples and the y-axis is the number total richness for all samples pooled. The x-axis is the number of samples and the y-axis is the numberof observed of observed species. species. In the alpha diversity analysis, the observed species indices in Figure2A represent differences in the species richness of control group and pathogen-infected group. The variation in the GIV group was higher than that in the other groups, the NNV and Vibrio groups, while the control group became the least abundant. Similarly, unweighted UniFrac is a qualitative beta diversity measure that compares the significant microbial differences in each sample. As shown in Figure2B, the microbial beta-diversity was increased in the order of Vibrio, NNV, and GIV, followed by the control group. These results indicated that Life 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 18

In the alpha diversity analysis, the observed species indices in Figure 2A represent differences in the species richness of control group and pathogen-infected group. The var- iation in the GIV group was higher than that in the other groups, the NNV and Vibrio groups, while the control group became the least abundant. Similarly, unweighted Life 2021, 11, 99 5 of 17 UniFrac is a qualitative beta diversity measure that compares the significant microbial differences in each sample. As shown in Figure 2B, the microbial beta-diversity was in- creased in the order of Vibrio, NNV, and GIV, followed by the control group. These results indicatedan immense that diversity an immense of intestinal diversity microbiota of intestinal in healthy microbiota grouper in couldhealthy maintain grouper immune could maintainhomeostasis immune in the homeostasis gastrointestinal in the tract. gastrointestinal tract.

FigureFigure 2. 2. SpeciesSpecies diversity. diversity. ( (AA)) Alpha Alpha diversity diversity analysis analysis with with observed observed species species indices indices was was used used to to evaluate evaluate the the number number ofof different different species species in in the the intestinal intestinal flora. flora. (B ()B Beta) Beta diversity diversity analysis analysis with with unweight unweighteded UniFrac UniFrac was was used used to evaluate to evaluate the differencesthe differences in microbial in microbial communities communities among among samples samples in terms in terms of species of species complexity complexity [40]. [The40]. asterisk The asterisk (*) represents (*) represents sig- nificant difference at * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 from controls. Note: The upper and lower range of the standard significant difference at * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 from controls. Note: The upper and lower range of the standard deviation are indicated in each box with a horizontal line with dots as outliers. The interquartile range is Q3-Q1 (IQ), the deviation are indicated in each box with a horizontal line with dots as outliers. The interquartile range is Q3–Q1 (IQ), the maximum range is Q3 + 1.5 * IQ, and the minimum range is Q1-1.5 * IQ, which generate the area between the minimum − andmaximum maximum; range a isline Q3 inside + 1.5 *the IQ, boxplot and the shows minimum the median. range is The Q1 group1.5 * names IQ, which are generateplotted on the the area X-axis. between the minimum and maximum; a line inside the boxplot shows the median. The group names are plotted on the X-axis. 3.2. The Intestinal Flora Community Composition of Uninfected and Diseased Grouper 3.2. The Intestinal Flora Community Composition of Uninfected and Diseased Grouper Based on PLS discriminant analysis (PLSDA), each dot represents a sample. The PLSDABased diagram on PLS of the discriminant distribution analysis of microbes (PLSDA), significantly each dot separated represents the GIV a sample. group and The thePLSDA other diagram groups, ofis theshown distribution in Figure of 3A. microbes Similar significantly distributions separated were found the GIV in the group control and andthe otherVibrio groups, groups. is The shown NNV in group Figure was3A. correla Similarted distributions with these weretwo groups. found inThese the controlresults providedand Vibrio a good groups. dataset The NNVfor clearly group understanding was correlated the with variability these two and groups. correlation These in results con- trolprovided group a and good pathogen-infected dataset for clearly groups. understanding A Venn thediagram variability shows and the correlation different inrelation- control shipsgroup among and pathogen-infected the control, NNV, groups. GIV and A VennVibrio diagram groups shows(Figure the 3B). different In total, relationships 1245 OTUs wereamong found the control,in these NNV,four groups. GIV and There Vibrio were groups 276 (FigureOTUs in3B). the In overlapping total, 1245 OTUs area; werethese OTUsfound were in these common four groups.to all groups. There Furthermore, were 276 OTUs the innonoverlapping the overlapping region area; revealed these OTUs the uniquewere common OTUs in to each all groups. group, Furthermore,including 30 OTUs, the nonoverlapping 173 OTUs, 49region OTUs revealedand 195 OTUs the unique that OTUs in each group, including 30 OTUs, 173 OTUs, 49 OTUs and 195 OTUs that belonged belonged to the control, GIV, Vibrio and NNV groups, respectively. Sixty-four OTUs were to the control, GIV, Vibrio and NNV groups, respectively. Sixty-four OTUs were shared shared between the control and GIV groups; one OTU was shared between the control between the control and GIV groups; one OTU was shared between the control and Vibrio and Vibrio groups; and 37 OTUs were shared between the control and NNV groups. A groups; and 37 OTUs were shared between the control and NNV groups. A small number small number of OTUs were shared between the NNV, GIV, Vibrio groups and the control of OTUs were shared between the NNV, GIV, Vibrio groups and the control group, and the group, and the overall variation of intestinal microbial communities in pathogen-infected overall variation of intestinal microbial communities in pathogen-infected grouper seemed grouper seemed distinct from that of uninfected grouper. distinct from that of uninfected grouper.

3.3. Interaction between Disease and Intestinal Microbiomes We determined the top ten taxonomic classifications to examine the relative abundance and proportions of microbial phyla (Figure4A) and genera (Figure4B) in uninfected and diseased grouper. The intestinal microbiome (at the phylum and genus level) showed different microbial communities in each treatment group. Intestinal microbial communities in each group were dominated by two bacterial phyla: Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, with control (88% and 10%), NNV group (81% and 9%), GIV group (76% and 13%) and Vibrio group (89% Life 2021, 11, 99 6 of 17

and 8%), respectively. In the control group, the most abundant genus level was Vibrio (36%), followed by Photobacterium and Donghicola (30% and 7%, respectively). On the other hand, the genus Vibrio had higher connectivity with the NNV, GIV and Vibrio- infected groups, indicating that both viral and bacterial diseases affect the communities of harmful microorganisms. Endozoicomonas accounted for 2% and was overrepresented in the Vibrio group, while the proportion of Escherichia Shigella in the NNV and Vibrio groups (1%) was greater than that in the control and GIV groups, accounting for 0.2% and 0.3%, respectively. Compared with the NNV (1%) and GIV groups (2%), Donghicola was abundant in the control (7%) and Vibrio groups (4%). The results of taxonomic classification (Figure5) revealed that Proteobacteria might play a key role in both heathy and pathogen- infected grouper. Thus, we further analyzed the top 35 genera and generated a taxa heatmap to analyze the microbiome annotation and abundance information. The microbial communities of the control group consisted of Tropicibacter, Photobacterium, Sulfidobacter, Maritalea, Donghicola, Pseudophaebacter and Shimia. Lachnoclostridium and Terrisporobacter were most abundant genera in NNV-infected grouper. Four genera were enriched in the Vibrio group: Endozoicomonas, Delftia, Enterovibrio and Ruminococcus. In addition, Aureispira, Life 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 18 Eubacterium hallii, Bacteroides, Parasutterella, Rubritalea and Fusicatenibacter were highly abundant in the GIV group.

FigureFigure 3. Microbial 3. Microbial community community composition. composition. (A) Partial least-square-discriminant (A) Partial least-square-discriminant analysis (PLS- analysis (PLS- DA)DA) of ofsample sample distribution distribution (blue squares (blue repres squaresent the represent control, red the circles control, represent red circles NNV, green represent NNV, green triangles represent GIV and black dots represent Vibrio). (B) Venn diagram representing OTU triangles represent GIV and black dots represent Vibrio). (B) Venn diagram representing OTU richness and overlap of microbial communities in the control, GIV, Vibrio and NNV groups (red), whichrichness are represented and overlap by blue, of microbial purple, yellow communities and red color, in respectively. the control, The GIV, total Vibrio OTU richness and NNV groups (red), waswhich 6,372 are OTUs represented among the four by blue,groups. purple, yellow and red color, respectively. The total OTU richness was 6372 OTUs among the four groups. 3.3. Interaction between Disease and Intestinal Microbiomes We determined the top ten taxonomic classifications to examine the relative abun- dance and proportions of microbial phyla (Figure 4A) and genera (Figure 4B) in unin- fected and diseased grouper.

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FigureFigure 4. Species 4. Species abundance abundance distribution distribution displayed displayed thethe top top ten ten most most abundant abundant at the at (A the) phylum (A) phylum and (B) and genus (B levels.) genus The levels. The distributiondistribution was was visualized visualized asas microbiomesmicrobiomes with with different different relative relative abundances abundances at classification at classification levels levels and theirand their relative relative abundanceabundance proportions. proportions. Typically, Typically, the the data data intuitively intuitively distingu distinguishedished the the differences differences in in the the abundance abundance of bacteria of bacteria between between healthyhealthy and diseased and diseased grouper. grouper. The The X-axis X-axis shows shows the the group group names; names; thethe Y-axisY-axis shows shows the the percentage percentage of relative of relative abundance. abundance.

The intestinal microbiome (at the phylum and genus level) showed different micro- bial communities in each treatment group. Intestinal microbial communities in each group were dominated by two bacterial phyla: Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, with control (88% and 10%), NNV group (81% and 9%), GIV group (76% and 13%) and Vibrio group (89% and 8%), respectively. In the control group, the most abundant genus level was Vibrio (36%), followed by Photobacterium and Donghicola (30% and 7%, respectively). On the other hand, the genus Vibrio had higher connectivity with the NNV, GIV and Vibrio-infected groups, indicating that both viral and bacterial diseases affect the communities of harmful microorganisms. Endozoicomonas accounted for 2% and was overrepresented in the Vibrio group, while the proportion of Escherichia Shigella in the NNV and Vibrio groups (1%) was greater than that in the control and GIV groups, accounting for 0.2% and 0.3%, respec- tively. Compared with the NNV (1%) and GIV groups (2%), Donghicola was abundant in the control (7%) and Vibrio groups (4%). The results of taxonomic classification (Figure 5) revealed that Proteobacteria might play a key role in both heathy and pathogen-infected grouper. Thus, we further analyzed the top 35 genera and generated a taxa heatmap to analyze the microbiome annotation and abundance information. The microbial commu- nities of the control group consisted of Tropicibacter, Photobacterium, Sulfidobacter, Mari- talea, Donghicola, Pseudophaebacter and Shimia. Lachnoclostridium and Terrisporobacter were most abundant genera in NNV-infected grouper. Four genera were enriched in the Vibrio group: Endozoicomonas, Delftia, Enterovibrio and Ruminococcus. In addition, Aureispira, Eu- bacterium hallii, Bacteroides, Parasutterella, Rubritalea and Fusicatenibacter were highly abun- dantFigure in the 5. Bacterial GIV group. abundance heatmap at the genus level was established for the control, nervous necrosis virus (NNV), grouper iridovirus (GIV) and Vibrio groups. The blue color indicates that the abundance level was less than the mean level, while the red color indicates that the abundance level was higher than the mean level.

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3.4. Differential Abundance Analysis and Statistical Analysis Welch’s t-test was performed on different pathogen-infected groups to further study the microbial community structure. Through statistical analysis, the microbiomes with significant difference in abundance between groups could be found depending on the OTU abundance features. As shown in Figure6, the induction of Faecalibacterium and Bifidobacterium was significantly affected in the control group compared to the NNV group. Increases in Endozoicomonas, Staphylococcus, Sphingomonas, Stenotrophomonas and Acinetobacter were observed in the GIV group. In the Vibrio and control groups, Faecalibacterium was more abundant and was clearly observed in healthy grouper. From these results, we found that the pathogen may drive changes in the abundance of micro- biomes. To support this view, we further investigated the relationship between the intestinal microbiomes of uninfected grouper and NNV, GIV and Vibrio-infected grouper. Therefore, we tried to clearly understand the potential roles of healthy and diseased grouper, and we Life 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 18 subsequently assayed the differentially abundant species by metagenomeSeq in the control, NNV, GIV and Vibrio groups (Figure7).

Figure 6.6. ComparisonComparison ofof uninfected uninfected and and different different disease diseas groupere grouper intestinal intestinal microbiota microbiota to characterize to charac- differentialterize differential abundances abundances between between the two the groups. two groups. Note: Note: The left The chart left chart shows shows the mean the mean abundance abun- dance level and ratio between two groups, while the right chart shows the 95% confidence inter- level and ratio between two groups, while the right chart shows the 95% confidence intervals. The vals. The probability value (p value < 0.05) is plotted on the right-hand side. probability value (p value < 0.05) is plotted on the right-hand side.

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FigureFigure 7. 7.MetagenomeSeq MetagenomeSeq annotated the the species species with with significant significant differences differences (* (*p valuep value < 0.05; < 0.05; ** p** valuep value < 0.01) < 0.01) among among the thegroups groups to conduct to conduct an intensive an intensive study study of community of community structure structure differences. differences. Top row, Top genus row, genusSphingomonasSphingomonas, Atopostipes, Atopostipes, Staph- , Staphylococcusylococcus; Bottom; Bottom row, row, genus genus MongoliitaleaMongoliitalea, Acinetobacter, Acinetobacter and Ralstoniaand Ralstonia. .

ComparedCompared withwith controlcontrol group, group, NNV, NNV, GIV GIV and and Vibrio Vibrio groups groups showed showed an an increase increase in thein abundancesthe abundances of genus of genusSphingomonas Sphingomonas, Atopostipes, Atopostipes, Staphylococcus, Staphylococcusand Acinetobacter. and Acinetobacter.Among these,AmongSphingomonas these, Sphingomonasspp. and spp.Staphylococcus and Staphylococcusspp., which spp., arewhich known are known to be harmful to be harmful bacteria inbacteria both human in both and human aquatic and . aquatic In animals. addition, InMongoliitalea addition, Mongoliitaleaspp. was clearly spp. was superior clearly to thesuperior NNV to group, the NNV whereas grou thep, whereas vibrio group the vibrio was enrichedgroup was with enrichedRalstonia withspp. Ralstonia In conclusion, spp. In thereconclusion, was a there significant was a differencesignificant amongdifferenc uninfected,e among uninfected, NNV-infected, NNV-infected, GIV-infected GIV-in- and Vibrio-infectedfected and Vibrio-infected microbiota, microbiota, which implied which that implied the normal that the and normal healthy and composition healthy com- of grouperposition mightof grouper be altered might through be altered viral through and bacterial viral and infection. bacterial infection. PathogenicPathogenic Infection Up-Regulates the Pro-I Pro-Inflammatorynflammatory Cytokine Cytokine Gene Gene Expression Expression in in E. E.coioides coioides Intestine Intestine and and Head Head Kidney Kidney AsAs shownshown in Figure 88A,A, treatmenttreatment withwith NNV, GIVGIV and Vibrio caused an increase of of proinflammatoryproinflammatory response in intestines. The The expression expression level level of of IFN-2 IFN-2 and and TNF- TNF-αα werewere significantlysignificantly increasedincreased in the Vibrio group. Similarly, Similarly, iL-6 iL-6 and and iL-1 iL-1ββ expressionexpression levels levels in in VibrioVibrio group group were were higher higher than than control control group. group. On On the the other other hand, hand, the higherthe higher induction induction TNF- αTNF-, iL-6α and, iL-6 iL-1 andβ wereiL-1β observedwere observed in NNV in NNV and GIV and group GIV group compared compared with thewith control the control group. Ingroup. head In kidney, head kidney, we found we the found IFN-2 the and IFN-2 TNF- andα highly TNF-α expressed highly expressed in NNV in group. NNV iL-6group. and iL-1iL-6β andexpressions iL-1β expressions in the GIV in and the VibrioGIV and groups Vibrio were groups higher were than higher control than group. control Our group. results showedOur results the showed innate immunethe innate genes immune were genes upregulated were upregulated in both intestinein both intestine and head and kidney head afterkidney pathogen after pathogen infection. infection. To evaluate To evaluate whether whether the immune-related the immune-related genes genes were expressedwere ex- inpressedE. coioides in E.after coioides pathogen after pathogen infection, infection, we analyzed we analyzed the immunoglobulins the immunoglobulins (antibodies) (anti- in thebodies) intestines in the (Figureintestines8C). (Figure The expression 8C). The ex ofpression IgD and of IgMIgD and was IgM the mostwas the upregulated most upreg- in theulated control in the group control compared group compared to pathogen to pathog infecteden group,infected whereas group, whereas no significant no significant changes werechanges shown were in shown IgT expression. in IgT expression. In contrast, In contrast, we found we that found IgT expressionthat IgT expression of the pathogen of the infectedpathogen group infected increased group whenincreased compared when compared to the control to the group. control group.

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Figure 7. MetagenomeSeq annotated the species with significant differences (* p value < 0.05; ** p value < 0.01) among the groups to conduct an intensive study of community structure differences. Top row, genus Sphingomonas, Atopostipes, Staph- ylococcus; Bottom row, genus Mongoliitalea, Acinetobacter and Ralstonia.

Compared with control group, NNV, GIV and Vibrio groups showed an increase in the abundances of genus Sphingomonas, Atopostipes, Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter. Among these, Sphingomonas spp. and Staphylococcus spp., which are known to be harmful bacteria in both human and aquatic animals. In addition, Mongoliitalea spp. was clearly superior to the NNV group, whereas the vibrio group was enriched with Ralstonia spp. In conclusion, there was a significant difference among uninfected, NNV-infected, GIV-in- fected and Vibrio-infected microbiota, which implied that the normal and healthy com- position of grouper might be altered through viral and bacterial infection.

3.5. Pathogenic Infection Up-Regulates the Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Gene Expression in E. coioides Intestine and Head Kidney As shown in Figure 8A, treatment with NNV, GIV and Vibrio caused an increase of proinflammatory response in intestines. The expression level of IFN-2 and TNF-α were significantly increased in the Vibrio group. Similarly, iL-6 and iL-1β expression levels in Vibrio group were higher than control group. On the other hand, the higher induction TNF-α, iL-6 and iL-1β were observed in NNV and GIV group compared with the control group. In head kidney, we found the IFN-2 and TNF-α highly expressed in NNV group. iL-6 and iL-1β expressions in the GIV and Vibrio groups were higher than control group. Our results showed the innate immune genes were upregulated in both intestine and head kidney after pathogen infection. To evaluate whether the immune-related genes were ex- pressed in E. coioides after pathogen infection, we analyzed the immunoglobulins (anti- bodies) in the intestines (Figure 8C). The expression of IgD and IgM was the most upreg- Life 2021, 11, 99 ulated in the control group compared to pathogen infected group, whereas no significant 10 of 17 changes were shown in IgT expression. In contrast, we found that IgT expression of the pathogen infected group increased when compared to the control group.

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Figure 8.FigureInnate 8. immune-relatedInnate immune-related genes genes expression expression in in thethe intestine and and head head kidney kidney of E. ofcoioidesE. coioides after infectionafter infection with NNV, with NNV, GIV and V. harveyi. (A) The expression levels of IFN-2, TNF-α, iL-6 and iL-1β in intestines. (B) The expression levels of α β GIV andIFN-2,V. harveyi TNF-.(α, AiL-6) The and expressioniL-1β in head levelskidney.of Adaptive IFN-2, immune-related TNF- , iL-6 and genes iL-1 expressionin intestines. in the intestine (B) Theof E. expressioncoioides after levels of IFN-2, TNF-infectionα, iL-6 with and NNV, iL-1 GIVβ in and head V. kidney.harveyi. (C Adaptive)The different immune-related Ig isotopes (IgD, genes IgM expressionand IgT) expressi in theon intestinein the intestines of E. coioides of after infectioncontrol with NNV,group and GIV pathogen and V. infected harveyi .((NNVC)The, GIV different and Vibrio Ig group) isotopes group. (IgD, The relative IgM and mRNA IgT) levels expression were normalized in the intestines by of β-actin. Data presented are presented as mean ± SD (n = 5) and the asterisk (*) represented significant difference at * p < control group and pathogen infected (NNV, GIV and Vibrio group) group. The relative mRNA levels were normalized 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 from controls. by β-actin. Data presented are presented as mean ± SD (n = 5) and the asterisk (*) represented significant difference at * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.0014. from Discussion controls. Recent studies have suggested that microbiome profiling has the capacity to become a feasible application for screening candidate microbiomes against animal or plant dis- eases, including colorectal cancer and irritable bowel disease in humans, leaf spot disease in plants, and bleaching disease in aquatic animals [41–44]. Based on our case study, we used metagenomics analysis to analyze the function of the microbiome and the interaction between the microbiome and host. Indeed, this tool can help identify potential therapeu- tics [45,46].

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4. Discussion Recent studies have suggested that microbiome profiling has the capacity to become a feasible application for screening candidate microbiomes against animal or plant diseases, including colorectal cancer and irritable bowel disease in humans, leaf spot disease in plants, and bleaching disease in aquatic animals [41–44]. Based on our case study, we used metagenomics analysis to analyze the function of the microbiome and the inter- action between the microbiome and host. Indeed, this tool can help identify potential therapeutics [45,46]. We aimed to understand the differences in the intestinal microbiota of Epinephelus coioides under normal conditions and pathogen pressure. In this study, we investigated the composi- tion of intestinal microbiomes from uninfected individuals and NNV, GIV and V. harveyi- infected individuals. NNV usually affects the nervous system, causing behavioral abnor- malities and extremely high mortalities [25,47], whereas iridovirus infection leads to high mortality in many economic marine and freshwater fish, especially GIV-infected grouper, the mortality of which ranges from 30% to 100% [48–50]. In addition, V. harveyi is an opportunistic pathogen causing skin injury and muscle necrosis disease in grouper [51]. As stated above, grouper is susceptible to these infectious diseases and causes signifi- cant economic losses in aquaculture [52]. We further examined whether these diseases could alter the composition of the intestinal flora. In Figure2A, we assumed that the increase in species richness in the intestinal microbiota, during grouper infection with both virus and bacterial pathogens, might help to enhance resistance against the pathogens. Figure2B indicates that an immense diversity of intestinal microbiota in healthy grouper could maintain immune homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract. Our findings, which indicated no significant differences in intestinal microbiome diversity (data not shown), are consistent with a previous report [53]. Apart from that, PLSDA (Figure3A) presented the intestinal microbiome communities from uninfected and infected grouper. The GIV group clustered distinctly among all groups. The NNV and Vibrio groups remained close to the control group, indicating that GIV might affect the enrichment and diversity of intestine communities. Previous studies revealed that the environment, dietary habits or disease also influence the structure of the intestinal bacteria in aquatic animals [18,22,54,55]. The intestinal communities of a majority of marine fish harbor a higher proportion of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes [56–58]. In our study, these two phyla were enriched in all groups, revealing that they are the most common bacteria in the intestinal flora of marine fish [59]. At the genus level, the intestine communities of the control group were domi- nated by Tropicibacter, Photobacterium, Sulfidobacter, Maritalea, Donghicola, Pseudophaeobacter and Shimia. Among these, many Sulfitobacter strains, which are considered sulfite oxi- dizers, have the ability to produce sulfite oxidases, including the oxidation of organic and inorganic sulfur compounds and carbon monoxide, which can be used in biosensor systems for detecting sulfite [60–64]. Researchers from Iran discovered that Maritalea is a radiation-resistant microorganism that acts as a remoistening agent to endure extreme dryness [65]. Phaeobacter spp., such as P. inhibens and P. gallaeciensis, have been used as probiotics against Vibrio pathogens in scallop and algae cultures [66,67]. Tropicibacter, Photobacterium, Donghicola and Shimia are genera that are abundant in marine organ- isms or , and Photobacterium mainly live in symbiotic relationships with aquatic organisms [68–71]. Additionally, we detected an abundance of Lachnoclostridium and Terrisporobacter in the NNV group. Previous studies identified that Lachnoclostridium is related to several viral diseases and has high potential to become a bacterial marker for colorectal adenoma detection [72,73]. In addition, Terrisporobacter was formerly known as a pathogen in humans [74]. The genera Enterovibrio, Delftia, Endozoicomonas and Ruminococcus were abundant in the Vibrio group; these genera are opportunistic bacterial pathogens in both humans and fish [75–80]. After infection with GIV, the intestinal microbiota was associ- ated with a wide range of Aureispira, Eubacterium hallii, Bacteroides, Parasutterella, Rubritalea and Fusicatenibacter. Bacteroides and Parasutterella often act as virulence factors in the intes- tine to form intestinal chronic inflammation [81,82]. Nonetheless, Eubacterium hallii has the Life 2021, 11, 99 12 of 17

ability to maintain intestine metabolic balance due to the formation of propionate [83]. In short, the relationships between these commensal bacteria and their hosts remain unknown, and they may play an important role in the intestinal immune system of grouper, suggest- ing that the key bacteria present in each group could be further validated as screening microbiome markers for NNV, GIV and V. harveyi infection. In order to better understand the differential abundance of significantly different mi- crobiomes, we explored the expression profile of microbiomes via Welch’s t-test. The upreg- ulation of Faecalibacterium and Bifidobacterium in control group is consistent with the results of previous microbiota studies [84–88]. Similar studies have shown that Faecalibacterium is predominantly expressed in healthy individuals [89]. These results demonstrated that these two microbiomes could be novel complex supplements considered for use in aquaculture. In contrast, the infection group had an increased abundance of . For example, Staphylococcus warneri was generally recognized as a fish pathogen [90] and is the major cause of infectious diseases in spotted rose snapper [91] and rainbow trout [92,93]. In MetagenomeSeq analysis, we found Mongoliitalea spp. was clearly superior to the NNV group, whereas the vibrio group was enriched with Ralstonia spp., some species reported as infectious bacteria on human, which cause meningitis, respiratory infection and catheter related infection [94]. Acinetobacter spp., which are abundant in NNV, GIV and Vibrio- infected grouper, were identified as serious pathogens that could lead to major disease outbreak in Labeo catla [95]. In the Vibrio group, Ralstonia spp. was a common bacterium isolated from diseased fish [96]. This analysis showed that grouper have a weak immune system that may allow some harmful bacteria to colonize the intestinal tract. Fish immunity consists of two components, innate and adaptive immune system [97]. Recent studies revealed that cytokines play appreciable innate immune factors in fish which displayed as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal agents [98]. The gut- associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) contain a variety of immune cells and play a critical role in maintaining the balance between pathogenic and commensal microbiota [99]. More- over, the microbiota has a positive effect on immune regulatory functions of the intestine by stimulating the immune response during pathogen infection [100]. Valero Y et al., [101] no- ticed that antibacterial and antiviral activity were modulated by several innate and adaptive immune genes. We analyzed different genes, including proinflammatory cytokines and im- munoglobulins, to determine the innate and adaptive immune responses triggered by viral and bacterial infections. Previous studies reported that different proinflammatory cytokines production was induced by the pathogens and host commensal communities [102–104]. Similarly, all the expression of proinflammatory cytokines (IFN-2, TNF-α, iL-6 and iL-1β) showed upregulation in the intestines and head kidneys of pathogen-infected groupers compared with the control group. As expected, the immunoglobulin-based adaptive im- mune system (Figure8B) showed high expression of IgT in intestines of pathogen-infected grouper, whereas IgM and IgD in intestines showed no substantial difference between uninfected and pathogen-infected grouper. This result revealed that immunoglobulin T presented a specialized function in the intestinal mucosa immunity after infection with viral and bacterial pathogens. Strong evidence from a USA team indicated IgT has a specialized function in mucosal immunity, acting as mammalian IgA, which plays a critical role during viral and bacterial pathogen infection in teleost [105]. In summary, we examined the intestinal microbiota profile of uninfected E. coioides and E. coioides infected with different types of pathogens. Our results clearly indicated that disease dramatically affected the diversity and composition of the fish intestinal microbiota. Interestingly, we discovered that the intestinal flora of diseased grouper contained a high abundance of harmful bacteria. In contrast, beneficial bacteria were overrepresented in the control group. However, the symbiotic relationships between either bacteria and bacteria or bacteria and host are currently unknown, and they might be key to helping the host against both viral and bacterial disease. Thus, we speculated that infectious diseases are associated with the intestine immune system, which eventually gives rise to the proinflammatory response [106]. Perhaps a better understanding of the roles these bacteria play may allow Life 2021, 11, 99 13 of 17

us to develop a novel dietary strategy, such as multistrain probiotics, and identify novel bacterial markers for the diagnosis of NNV, GIV and V. harveyi infections. Additionally, identification of the composition and function of disease-associated microorganisms in inflammatory and immune response can be further investigated and considered for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in the aquaculture industry.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/2075-172 9/11/2/99/s1, Table S1: Sequence of primers used in this study. Author Contributions: Author Contributions: J.-L.W., M.-W.L. and Y.-C.T. conceived and designed the experiments. J.T.X.J. performed the fish experiments. J.-L.W. and Y.-C.T. contributed materials. J.T.X.J. analyzed the metagenomic data. J.T.X.J. and M.-W.L. wrote the paper. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (grant numbers: MOST-108-2313-B-019-006, MOST-108-2313-B-019-003 and MOST-109-2823-8-019- 001) for supporting this work. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Jyh-Yih Chen at the Marine Research Station, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan for the instrument instructions in the fish trial and sampling. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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