But this did not din ed in time without the magically swift . 10. Economy of thread beyond that The Pretty Pets Still at It. The Great Flood. through at each thrust of any other machine. 11. A henimer that ~ l h . Howe Machine form the common . work of the . And it has been cited as a memorable instance that will make any width of or fell. 13. A Bat few of our reader«, excepting, of His Trials and Ultimate Success. quitter, that will adjust itself to any thick­ Company. within twenty-four hours after a telegram course, those who «pent the last year of tho In October, 1844, he formed a rough wood order for 50,000 sandbags, to be used for ness of material. 14. Tucking any fabric More Burglaries. and wire model, which sewed by using two field-works, had reached New York from without injury or pucker. 15. A corder, so Confederacy in what was then known as th» threads, with the aid of a shuttle and a Washington, the bags were made, packed constructed as to cord around very short Trans-Mississippi Department, can form an curved needle, with the eye near the point. aud shipped from this city. curves, even to square corners. 16. Sewing Origin of the Howe Sewing [ c o n t i n u e d .] accurate idea of the suffering amongst the He had not the means to buy the raw mate­ Its Speed Contrasted with Hand Sewing the finest fabric, without injury or pucker, rial necessary to make a machine after his and the heaviest material with the utmost This morning, when the family of W. H. inhabitants of this section of our State. Machine Improvements. model. A friend, Mr. George Fisher, ad­ The total value of the labor done by the T h e T eche, sew ing m achine in 1863 (w ar tim e), was . 17. Compactness, simplicity, and du­ Brooks, who resides at No. 307 Auuunciation vanced the money, and he completed his rability. 18. Ease of operation and manage­ From its head to where it meets the At- first sew ing m achine in May, 1845. This $342,000,000; and an expert, under oatb, street, awoke, they at once realized that the testified, by careful estimate, that as far ment. And its other special advantages over chafalaya, has overflowed its bauks, and the machine sewed all the seams of two suits other machines are, 19. Its durability is such house had been entered. The clothing and back as 1862 sewing machiifcs had saved in people of St. Martin, St. Mary, Iberia, and Comprehensive Merits. of woolen clothes, and the sewing outlasted that 27 yeais of use have not placed a second­ furniture were so dissrranged that it was the cloth. labor at least $19,000,000 a year. An intelli­ a large portion of Vermilion, are under gent woman can learu to sew with a Howe hand Howe Machine in market. 20. It con­ evident some of the pets had paid a visit. Doubt and Opposition tains the material for its own repair. 21. It Machine in one hour; and an average - Immediate inspection was made, aud it was water and suffering terribly. Mr. Howe was at first told that if this stiess becomes profanent in the use of it in a has less wearing points than any other. Tile Tows of Brushear Im niense Annual Sales. fourni that a large amount of clothing, jew­ machine should prove successful *• it would mouth. Let us uow examine and realize its 22. It draws up a stitch as it is drawn up by is fully two feet under water, with no imme_ reduce all to beggary !” Its practical hand. 23. It gives off thread in proportion relative speed:—A good hand-sewer averages elry and silverware, and a clock were miss­ diate prospect of belief. value was also doubted. It was smiled at 35 stitches in a minute: while the fastest to the thickness of the fabric sewed, thus ing. None of the family were aroused ex­ New York Warerooms, 699 Broadway, as an ingenious toy, although on one occa­ avoiding slow motion over seams, dropping The Ouachita River machines, on some kinds of work, perform cept an elderly lady, who remembers having «orner Fourth street. sion it sewed five seams faster and better 3000 stitches in the same time. To stitch a stitches and breakingneeilles. 24. It sews a and its tributaries «re inundated, and in Factories, at Bridgeport, Conn. ; Peru, than they could be sewed by live of the man’s hat by hand takes fifteen minutes ; tight seam in cassimere, burying the thread heard the clock strike ont in the street, late Tensas, Caldwell, Concordia and Catahoula, Indiana; and Glasgow, Scotland. swiftest sewers that could be found. How­ by machine, only 1 minute ; and 1 girl can on either side, and then in a tissue paper, in the night. The entrance was effected Branch Offices, in all the principal cities without change of tension. 25. The presser over 20,000 persons have been driven from ever, it was sew as many boys’ caps by machine as 10 through the kitchen window, aud the thieves "Of the and Europe. foot is easily set out of the way when you their homes and compelled to seek shelter Patented in September, 18*6. men can by band. A first-class overcoat went through the whole house, taking every­ Working Capital...... $1,000,000. Still, not a purchaser could be bad, and bis requires 6 days’ steady sewing, by hand, and set a needle or put under work. 26. While amongst the back hills. The loss of house­ many sewing machines, once popular, are Surplus Capital...... 10,000,000. friend Fisher—who bad advanced him about only 3 da s’ by machine. In the general thing within reach. It seems singular that hold goods and stock in these parishes has uow scarcely known, and ctheis have been OFFICERS. $2000 for tools and materials, and to main work of a , the machine saves a jour­ these depredations should be confined tq the radically changed in order to exist, the Howe been immense, and it will take years to place A lden B. Stock w ell...... President. tain bit- family while he was completing his neyman 4 hours in 12. In carriage ­ Fourth District, and many refer to the or­ invention—became disheartened and gave ming, 1 machine and 3 Lands do as much as Machine Company have been vindicated by this once prosperous valley in the same con­ L.evi S. Stock w ell...... Treasurer. the public demand in adhering to the opinion ganization of a Vigilance Committee in the up all hopes of it. 11 hands. In the truss and bandage busi­ dition it was before the present flood. ness, 1 machine equals 10 men. In the of Elias Howe, Jr., Master of Mechanics, that Third as its cause. R ed R iv e r. According to the 9th Census, the Sewing First Bought and Ustd in K ngland. “ This machine is mechanical/;/ correct, and does manufacture of bags, for Hour, salt, and [ t o b e c o n t i n u e d .] Machine establishments in the United not change;” and hence they have been com­ The residents along the bottom lauds of S ta te s in 1870 employed a capital of $8,759,- In October, 1846, bis brother, Amasa B. meal, 1 machine is equal to 9 girls. 1 hem­ this stream have fared far better than any Howe, took the machine to England, where ming machine does the work of 50 girls: pelled to make continual additions to their 431, 72*11 hands, paying $5,142,248 hi wages ; manufacturing facilities. other people in the State. No eerious over­ ooiisiitiled material valued at $11,055,780, and it was approved and purchased by William and so on, through all the countless branches THE RELIEF COMMITTEE. flow having occurred from Shreveport down produced 587,919 machines, valued a t $14,- Thomas, of Cheapside, , for 250 of sewing. Factories, Number of O perativ,*, etc. to Alexandria, but above, wbat was form pounds sterling. This sum also gave Mr. 097,440. The annual iiiiinbe.r of Sewing Ma­ The Best Fam ily M achine. The following report was submitted to tin* erly known as the Raft, a great many plan­ Thomas the right to use as many others in For several years immediately previous to tations have been under water. However, chines (of 10 or 15 makes) now made in the As it is the main ambition of the principal General Relief Committee at its last meet­ U nited States approxim ates 700,000. his business as he desired. Mr. Thomas his death, Mr. Howe was actively engaged as late advices from that section report the makers to meet the almost universal demand in increasing the facilities for manufactur­ This v a st industry owes its existence to then had the invention patented in Eng­ ing. It will be found of interest: river falling steadily, a chance is left for all for “ the best” Family Machine, bujers ing these Sewing Machines at Bridgeport, t o th e original, inventive geniusof one man, land; but he broke his promise to pay Mr. H u. L. A. Wiltz, Chairman, etc: to make a good crop this year, as it is not aud users will do well to remember that the Conn. He succeeded in organizing a com­ th e la te K i .iak Hiiw k , Jr., whose first ma­ Howe 3 poui ds for every machine sold. It Sir—Your Purchasing and Shipping Com­ yet to« late to replant. following claims of the Howe Sewing Ma­ plete system, combining pertection of work­ chine, below illustrated, embodied all the has been estimated that Mr. Thomas has chine have long since been triumphantly mittee report as follows: The Mississippi received a profit of $1,000,000 from the 250 manship with the largest production, at the im p o r ta n t features which distinguish the established, as specially characteristic of it, We have received from tiie United States at this point is about on a stand, falling at -whole; and which, as siuce improved by pounds be invented in this machine. smallest cost. In order to obtain these re­ Commissary 608 barrels o f pork, 998 do. and enabling it to fulfill every requirement sults, time, labor, money, and the experience Vicksburg, stationary at Memphis, and at iiim self and others, is now crackers, 22 do. beans; aud have received Trials In England—Return to America. of a perfect, comprehensive and durable of his life as a practical mechanic were St. Louis and above failing slowly. The Representative Revving M achine; sewing machine for use in families : 1. from contributions 395 barrels flour, 46 do. T h e U hio Being extremely poor, with a family to freely contributed ; and, further to facilitate crackers, 2 do. beans, 62 do. pork, 13 liali- and as such we propose to give a brief his­ support, and receiving no encouragement in Beauty aud excellence of stitch, alike on the manufacture and sale, both sides of the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, barrols flour, 218 sacks flour, 37,465 pounds at last accounts was falling at Pittsburg, tory of its origin and present capacities, this country, Elias Howe, Jr., went to Lon­ Cincinnati, Evansville and Cairo. with other facts of importance to all buyers beauty aud durability of seam, that will The Howe Machine Company of bacon and sundries. don with his farniiy, in 1847. and there Our total shipments have been : P250 bar­ The SaflTerers a n d users. worked for Mr. Thomas, adopting the ma­ neither rip nor ravel. 3. Complete control was organized, aud the business is carried Howe’s First Attem pt. over the threads. 4. An entirely new rotary on in that name, under the supervision of rels pork, equal to 333,333 rations ; 242 b ar­ throughout our State, the people in the chine to the manufacture of corsets. But rels of flour, equal to 42,108 ratio n s; 15,501 overflowed sections are in a most deplorable owing to dishonorable treatment, Mr. Howe tension for the upper thread, greatly in­ his son-in-law, Ahlen B. Stockwell, Presi­ Elias Howe, Jr., Inventor of the Sewing creasing the beauty and uniformity of stiteli dent, and Levi S. Stockwell. Treasurer, of pounds bacon, equal to 20.068 rations ; condition. Many are without means, and Machine, was horn at Spencer, Mass., in separated from Thomas, although his exi­ 5503 barrels meal, equal to 500,480 rations; even those who are happily in possession o f gencies were such that he was compelled to for which the Howe Machine is celebrated. the Company. The number employed at 1819. (H e died in , L. I., in 1867.) 5. A perfectly uniform tension in the shut­ Bridgeport, Conn., oti machines aione, is 70 barrels beans, equal to 105,000 rations ; ready money cannot hire labor to assist in His father was a farmer and miller. He sell a machine for 4 pounds, (though worth and sundries, such as potatoes, krönt, etc. moving their families to the high lands, as 50 pounds), and also to pawn his first ma tle, which does not vary from a full to an about 1500; at Peru, Ind., on all the wood­ worked in the mill at an early age, ai d empty bobbiu—variation being a common work used, about 750; in Glasgow, Scot­ O ur purchases have been, in gross: 3483 the -egroes, almost to a man, refuse to work, there received his first idea of machinery. chine and letters patent, to pay his expenses barrels meal, 580 barrels pork, 560 barrels lookitijp to the parish committee to feed hack to Amerca. He reached New York, objection to other machines. 6. An auto­ land, on m achines alone, about 1000; and in He was subsequently employed in factories matic self-regulating take-up, which pre­ New York city about 750; making a total of bread, 50 barrels beans, 35 sacks corn, 13 5 them out of the supplies daily forwarded *ud machine shops in Lowell, Cambridge a fte r tw o years’ absence, in April, 1849, with sacks cotton seed. 72 sacks salt; amounting from our city ; and yet with all this distress hut fifty cents in his pocket. Hare he found vents missing of stitches in crossing heavy about 4000 operatives, when all the facto­ and Boston. He married at the age of 21, seams. 7. Short, straight, and strong nee­ ries are running in full, and producing, as to $28,149 49. O f this am ount $600 have we hear, and from good authority, that the Iteing then a journeyman machinist at $9 a employ meut in in: chine shops. But his sor­ dles, not liable to break in passing over we have said, about 800 machines per day. drawn for daily for expenditures, such as usurper’s tax-collectors are in many in­ w eek. In 1843, when extrem ely poor, he rows were now increased by the death of heavy seams, as do the curved needles of The number of styles is about 15, ranging drayage, labor and prepaying freights. Of staures endeavoring to collect taxes fron» first conceived the idea of a machine for his wife, in Cambridge, Mass., (where this other machines. 8. Finer needles, for the the $600 we have expended $415 15. The great public benefactor now, too, lies buried) from $00 to $250, according to am ount of these unfortuuites. sewing. At first he invented a needle, same thread, than any other machine. 9. ornamentation. The annexed repre­ items for same appear ou our cash book. pointed at both ends, with the eye in the and by the loss of all his household goods, Our Strainboatinen Sewing equally well with any kind of sents one style, letter A, of After consultation with members of your are, as usual with them, in the front rank of' ntiddle, that should work up and down which bad been embarked in a vessel distributing committee I deemed it best thiougb the cloth, and carry the thread wrecked off Cape Cod. the many who are anxious to assist the that some action should lie taken to procure sufferers, and although they cannot be ex­ a supply of cotton seed for planting. To TUB FIH.ST SEW ING M A-CIIINE. pected to perform the service gratuitously, this end, for immediate use, we purchased are carrying till supplies at less thau half ot from D. Tate & Co. 133 sacks of Petit Gull usual rates. The Ouachita Belle for Cam­ cotton seed, at $35 per ton. Through the den aud Gov. Allen for Vicksburg left last assistance of T. L. Airev, Esq., of your com­ evening, and more than half of their freight mittee we hope we have secured sufficient was shipped by the relief committee. seed to answer our purposes at greatly re­ duced prices. We recommend to your dis­ The Crevasses. tributing committee that as few orders tor Bonnet Carre is still drawing off an im­ meat be given as possible, as the price lias mense voliimn of water and daily increasing again advanced. Holders now ask $4 56 in width, and the same may be said of the per barrel. Hickey and Morgattza breaks. Daily the A heavy advance of corn and corn meal levees on either end of these crevasses are in tl*‘ West is 'the chief cause of the ad­ crumbling away, and yet no steps are being vance here. In expending the means at the taken by the Levee Company to check them. command of this committee, we have been What a few weeks ago would have been, on guided by the desire to get the most we tiie failing of the rivers, hut tiie work of" could of good food tor the least money. As days, will, when it is ever undertaken, le meal lias advanced to such high prices, we that of months and perhaps years. will be compelled to use hard bread or flour iu our future issues. Your committee have been notified by About the City- Capt Sulivan, of the United States Com­ missary Department, that he would at an A ssaulted a t H is II »me.—As Mr. George O. early day be able again to assist us with at [T ares was quietly Bitting on bis step on Villere, nea Canal street, a colored ruffian by the name o f least a portion of our daily issues. If such Vailary smith, who vrai considerably intoxicated, should be the case there will be a very de­ crossed from ibe opposite si le o; the street, advanced cided falling off in our expenditures. upon Mr. Beares. and u**ing the most insulting tan­ nage drew a pistol up *n that gentlemau aud th re a t­ The following is a list of supplies turned ened to kill him. Mr Beares, 1-aring some personal over to your committee by Messrs. Deeves, damage, aud being unarmed, w* nt into his door, when H uhhs & Co., April 25, 1874 : ti s wife furnished him with a weapon i . case of an y THE IMPROVED HOWE SEWING MACHINE. 51 bids. Hour, 45 do meal, 18 do crackers, further demonstration on the part of the negro. (M r. B. then resumed his seat on the step wben Ya - 2 do beans, 2 do molasses, 5 sacks salt, 3465 lary returned, aud would have, perhaps, put his for­ this style being provided with drop leaf, is furnished a lienimer, braider, qnilt- lbs. bacon, ^ bid. mackerel,l bid. grits, 1 sack mer i o executi n ha I it not been for the drawers, and box top, with various degrees er, gage, gage-screw, twelve assorted corn, 1 box candles, 8 half bbls. krout, 2 tim et ap p e ara ce o f tw o office* g whom Mr. B a res needles, six , needle-plate, screw­ cases peas, 4 do corn, 6 do sausages, 1 do called upon to arrest the teilow. They took him its of elegant . Aiming the re­ charge, au I when ou Gisq iet sc eut, Vallarv s 'e p p e d cent improvements are several material driver, oil-can, belt, two wrenches, aud a slides, 13 half bids, flour, 12 do pork, ld o rice, o one side and threw hi« weapon into the street, a ones in the mode of construction, adapting Book of Instruction for using the Machine. 6 do potatoes, 1 keg lard, 3 kits salmon, 1 keg search was mad tor it nut without suce-ss. He w as it still better to Family Use, and increasing Sewing Machine supplies, parts, etc., can be pig-’ feet, 4 bids, beef, 8 do peas, 1 box soap, then taken ti the First Station «here he w as a lso bad at ali the numerous* branch offices and 2 sacks potatoes, 2 doz. yeast powders, 2 charged w th ' eiug . dangerim* and suspicious char­ its reputation for being the most lightly run­ acter. He will be heard from by Judge McArthur o n ning of ail Sewing Machines. of the agent of the Company, throughout sacks peas, 4 cases peaches, 3 kegs herrings, o.iday. the country. The machine cotton and halt doz. shovels. Ne «I* R e p a irs— The fire-plug on Felicity street, It* V ersatile ann Toulouse near i'au d,in s reet. was robhed last necessary; but it is essential that a Machine night of $700. Agathe W iImou. a servant in the house, 009 Broadway. It embraces all the princi­ velopment. of the Sew ing Machine, the per­ of weight. The sizes are accurately gradu­ April 29, Id bbls Flour, Board -loll 'Inspectors. should be well made, if expected to be per­ F ro m ity of * t. L o u is M ay 2d, 87 b b ls F lo u r, l.W being suspected by Mr. Gade.ihe, was arreste I and ples of sewing liy machinery embodied in severing genius of Elias Howe, Jr., was at ated, the trade-mark is on each spool, and lodged in jail to await fu. tiler investigation of the manently of good service. Ladies, who wish bbls Meal 10 bbls I iraekers, 4:0 I lbs ilacoti, 4 sacks all the sewing machines now in use; and, last compensated, and this was at about the the length, printed on the spool, is guaran­ B ons, I cask beef, l obi Hams, 218 acks Fiour. case. to introduce the Sewing Machine into their rate of $75,000 a year. But it cost him vast teed. The trade-mark, a medallion likeness F ro m C incinnati Ii* lief Cl au n u t tee, .»lay 7, so b b s even in -the above crude form, makes perfect families, will save themselves much time, ■work, at the rate of 300 stitches a minute. sums of money to defend his rights. of Elias Howe. Jr., is imbedded iu evety Floor, 5(1 bbls Po, k, 17 bb s Ur . kers, 12.00 bsISn-ou, expense and perplexity, by purchasing the From Louisville board of Trade. M 1 >ii f tv *r of de.leiuiHUt, a-*nt, t irongh ll.os. C. , hi President $5oo; Wha ion York, as a great curiosity—"The Yankee Sew­ the Howe Machine is off-; red ; hut, «ni ac­ O. M orris, Oh ’es Ii. D olson, au*I Aloen G. • help*. reached the enormous total of and New Hampshire, 1858; and tleir late.-t I viug k «hut,ai, ol Nasiiviiie, ...... , tiiro u h. in g Machine, 12j rents a ticket." He was re­ count of constantly needed repairs, time M ;ss s. 'Vlieeioc , F ui- y A Co.. $4 ; Pup Is of seller I Sigg la the tjue who diaag tea aud won’t be 15 1,‘4 14 Howe Sew ing M achine*, hist when they will not work, or of gar­ and crowning triumph was at the great Vi­ Scho I, $24 2o; Holy ,riu ty Sell jot (boys aud gills). couvi red . ceiving only weekly wages as a j uirney man Superior D istrict Court. machinist ; bill be resolv.d to prosecute the (one hundred and fifty three thousand, two ments ruined when they do work, they enna E xhibition, in 1873, where tin y r e ­ $1 : 45. ceived no less than Five testimonials for Su­ •Ja.'ue* Wa huk has filed a p* tition ag iuHt the city of infringers ef bis patent. The legal contest hundred and forty four,) in one year; and ! c ise purchasers finally to realize that it Collections made in New York City by • v Or e ii^ t<» tli ft» lowing t fleet: w as loi g, but lie was finally victorious; they now manufacture them at the rate of would have been more j idieions to pur­ perior Merit, viz: 1 for Merit ; 1 for Pi»- gress; and 3 for Co-operation. Messrs. Slistniek & Bitiger, 18Spruce street, P ' tJ »1er, w ho re sit es in N« w Y«»rk, re p re s e n t« aud thus a leading branch of our national of about 800 pi r day. chase a genuine Howe Machine, even on D«t i tu i-t'iM i vri* r i ’.ine boule, made aiul i sued industry became tributary to bun, the It is only upon a great scale that Sewing cash terms. This Compativ do not pretend Such are the world’s unboiight in and forwarded t ’lrougli Messt«. Leon l’i i e bv h city o ew o ieaus, f‘»r th * s mi of n thou* founder of it. Machines can now lie made weil or profitably. to construct “cheap” machines. Their in­ honor of the Father of the Sewing Machine & Co. and G. L. Ferre : ******* i d i a r - e *eh. u at ti * ay 1 1854. p ay a le tw e u iy Iifdnstry, who, fortunately, unlike the ma­ »•a s a ter da e. i*> th • order «d an « eu.lorn- d i>y the Decision ot ,Vu lïc *|ir lÿne in Ahattt one-fifth of all made iu the United variable practice is to have N* vv »i e in , J.a k-o i and Great N »rthe* u 1 a iroad jority of great inventors and benefactors of Soa'lii k ,V $50: tia-les Hanselt 109; Kr- States are sent to foreign countries. Since n e s t c o u ru e r A o 25. ,1. U. H »t k o 50; ». H. • •in an y . Saul h'liul-* c»*iiHtit ie a p o tlio u <»t a h rie a In lo5ll, Elias Howe, Jr., produced 14 Sew­ Every M achine Perfect, mankind, did not go unrewarded to his "t b o m L a ith 'i i/. d u» b isaii d by an ac t o f th e in g Mal limes, in a Sill all slnqi ill G hi bt.'eet, single establishments ill New England em­ Ill llk ilig er A Co.. 10 1; M. -» r m s ,m u A Soils. 5 ; ploy f.OO machines, and the shirt-makers in and the sterling Howe Machines are now grave. But far more prenants than these ••bn tz, S u hwrick A o -50; F izer. Mam A Co., '* rr.l KM’inlilv of the Stat *f Loui-ia a appioved iu this city ; aud in 1-*.>1 they were all in offered on terms liberal cn >ug i to bring gulden testimonials is the const, nit homage 511; Hoy Bros., 5 i;J. S. Rock ««.I A Co., 511; olu, vf.i .-u Is. irt ,4 .tu t » in .tie i an a t lo r th e m iImi rip« l'roy, N. Y., run over 3000 of them. mou >>y »h»-city of New t.rleaiiM to t e sio k .»I t e S. successful operation in New Ym k and Worces­ them within tlu reach of ali classes. of thanks, rendered by hundreds of thous­ Watson, ol ilium, Wa so I A Ca.. 2'0; I imm i mi, • yckolf A Co . 25; J. Mov ns. 2 s.-iieii.I B os 2>; ■ » J i k* >ii au d Gr« a t m> 'berii Kail oad. an also in te r, aew mg gaiters, pantaloons, hoot legs, etc.., Whut the llonc Sewing Machine Per­ Thorough and gratuitous just ruction in its ands of faithful hearts, whose, hands are * f *r in it y wit » he p'ov s ous of oi •» the tiling [). Wa lei Ste:n, 25; A. H a v. oi tb id», PI a t A Co . v 5 . So th a t lie rated I hat .besides i/.n form*. use, respect till atti nti.m, and all required strengthened and whose toil is eased, in the b u d a r i Ac., -.5. Itees .» t oo ue. 25; W. il I , Ooiiuii"!! t’oiiiicn o» t c t* of w r eaiis, approved the Sewing Machine, and making the first perpetual struggle for life, for t aiment, for ••allu p k Co- 1C ; ». Cr.iehio , in. 25; iil.v.rd ... Apru 7, 1"5L ‘ utitl* o an <• tli nance p oviding,. te., a» The llovve Sewing Machine now accom­ information are given to every pmcha d> \e i to G ■" rat •K-eoiuly. I he oiduaic»* wxg Sewing Machine with his own hands, he was scr. All the machines are fully war bread and Home, which, but for this t.dis­ SU opKiiii 25; A. K. Ely, of , tv Vanle. pooi A K t plishes nearly cvoiy variety o f work th a t ‘ bell, 2 i; I bo-. I Smull A Co.. 25; Ml un M Knight i t Ii d by t e city , (in May 1 - n d 4 1874 a d b o rd * entitled to the credit of having brought hi* the needle ever did ; audit is the opinion of ranted and in every case satisfaction ci r a t i o n if E lia s Ho w e , had au*- » me ri»-*naud, were p otested pa; met.i Invitig invention into succissfut use in iiiamitaet in mg. A 0,25; A Sinon A M o . 25; c..sli, 10; Jos. i(. j a disinterested expert that of all sewing is guaranteed. Each Family Machine •as- s ...... h-llied them. Rossi a, 25; J V. 'an ..est a C ». 25; F Kb ; eeu »erlined. Toe oetitio