Geology of the West Troms Basement Complex, Northern Norway, with Emphasis on the Senja Shear Belt: a Prelimi­ Nary Account

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Geology of the West Troms Basement Complex, Northern Norway, with Emphasis on the Senja Shear Belt: a Prelimi­ Nary Account NGU - BULL 427,1 995 Klaas Bouke Zwaan 33 Geology of the West Troms Basement Complex, northern Norway, with emphasis on the Senja Shear Belt: a prelimi­ nary account KlAAS BOUKE Z'NAAN Klaas Bouke Zwaan, Norges geologiske undersekelse, P,O.Box 3006- Lade, 7002 Trondheim, Norway. The West Troms Basement Complex (WTBC), amphibolite facies, tectonically overlies the tona­ North Norway, includes the islands west of litic gneisses on Rinqvassaya (Fig. 1). On Trornse from Senja in the south to Vanna in the Kvaloya, these supracrustal rocks occur as inter­ north (Fig. 1). The complex forms part of the vening, narrow, steep, NNW-SSE striking belts western margin of the Fennoscandian Shield and within the gneisses. The northern half of Senja is is separated from the Caledonian nappes in the underlain by a 30 km-wide shear belt called the southeast by a combination of a basal, Senja Shear Belt (SSB) (Fig. 1) (Tveten & Zwaan Caledonian, low-angle thrust fault and a system 1993). The SSB consists of paragneisses, com­ of post-Caledonian faults. The general NNW­ monly associated with ultramafic rocks. The SSE structural grain of the WTBC continues gneisses are interpreted as intermediate to mafic beneath the Caledonian fold belt, and parallels metavolcanites, and terrigenous, mainly quartzi­ the Svecokarelian trend in northern Sweden and tic, sedimentary rocks. The rocks were initially Finland (NGU 1993 a and b, Olesen et al. 1993). metamorphosed under amphibolite-facies condi­ Because the length of the outcrop of about 200 tions, but in places reached granulite facies km crosses the strike of the major tectonic featu­ accompanied by extensive partial melting. res, a variety of rock-types and structures are The SSB separates the tonalite province to the exposed. northeast from an area to the southwest domina­ The results of this study place constraints on ted by granitic rocks with minor quartz diorite and Precambrian crustal evolution of the WTBC with gabbro bodies. The rather uniform 40 km-long focus on: (1) definition of the previously poorly and 20 km-wide Ersfjord granite body on Kvaloy known petrological provinces, and (2) identificati­ (Landmark 1973) is part of this magmatic provin­ on of a major province-bounding shear belt. ce, and intruded discordantly the surrounding Tonalitic to anorthositic and gabbroic gneisses tonalitic gneisses. The Ersfjord granite has a Rb­ and banded migmatites of possible Archaean Sr whole-rock isochron age of 1706 ± 15 Ma age are the main rock-types of the WTBC nor­ (Andresen 1980), which is about the same age theast of Senja. Two complexes are recognised as the minimum Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age there (Fig. 1): (1) a weakly banded to nebulitic of 1746 ± 93 Ma for quartz dioritic and 1768 -t­ rock complex in the northeast with a felsic to 49 Ma for granitic rocks of southern Senja (Krill & intermediate composition; (2) a strongly defor­ Fareth 1984). med complex of intermediate to mafic banded Dolerite dykes , mainly 10-20 m thick and seve­ gneisses to the southwest of complex (1). Both ral km long, and in places occurring as dyke rock complexes have undergone amphibolite­ swarms, play an important role in establishing facies metamorphism. age relationships for the tectono-magmatic histo­ The boundary between the two complexes ry of the WTBC (Landmark 1973). They cross­ coincides with a major magnetic discontinuity cut the weakly developed banding in the tonalitic (Henkel 1991) wich is well defined on the to anorthositic gneiss complex in the northeast Trornse aeromagnetic map (NGU 1993 b). The but are deformed to amphibolite lenses within northeastern tonalitic gneiss area is characteri­ the several km-wide shear zone underlying the sed by very deep-seated low and intermediate supracrustal sequence on Hinqvasseya and magnetic sources. The area of banded gneis to Hebbeneseya, Some dykes, however, intruded the south shows high-magnetic irregular patterns both the shear zone rocks and the supracrustal depicting shallow magnetic sources. sequence. This assumed Svecokarelian shea­ An assumed Earliest Proterozoic supracrustal ring is also responsible for the tectono-metamor­ sequence of intermediate to mafic metavolcani­ phic banding in the more mafic tonalite complex tes and terrigenous metasediments variably to the southwest. The granitoids in the tonalitic metamorphosed to middle greenschist and lower province are younger than both the dolerites and 34 Klaas Bouke Zwa an NGU - BULL 427, 1995 LEGEND AUTOCHTHONOUS ROCKS OF ASSUMED LATE PRECAMBR IAN TO EARLY CAMBRIAN AGE fu:~@ Interme diate volcani tes and terrigenous sediments metamorphos ed in green schist facias c=:=::::J CALEDONIAN NAPPES WEST TROM S BASEMENT COMPLEX EARLY PROTEROZOIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS 1746·1706 Ma "'''' ''''' ''''''''1 Gabbro l~ Diorite , quartz diorite L£::!~ Granite, granodio rite PARAGNEISSES OF ASSUMED EARLIEST PROTEROZOIC AGE ••~~~'%""_]i3 Intermediate to mafic volcanites and terrigenous sedi ments metamorphosed up to amphibolite facias/ metamorphosed up to granulite facies and partly an atectic MIGMATITIC ORTHO- AND PARAGNEISSES OF ASSUMED ARCHAEAN AGE :« t ··v..j +..+' TonaJitic to anorth ositic migmatitic gn eiss, cut by numerous do lerite dykes/with quartz dioritic to gabb roic ban ds, co mmo nly strongly deforme d/r ich in g ranitold PRECAMBR IAN ROCKS BELONGING TO THE LOFOTEN-VESTERALEN AREA, UNDIFFERENTIATED Precambrian Jow angle fault zone Caledo nian basa l thrust zone Prec ambria n ductile shear zon e Ca ledo nian and/or post-Caled onian fault zone ! S en j a Sh e ar x y y o 10 20 km Fig. 1. Simplified map of the West Trams Basement Complex (WTBC). SS -- Svanfjell shear zone; AS -- Astridal shear zone; TS -- Torsnes shear zone . NGU - BULL 427. 1995 Klaas Bouke Zwaan 35 ~ Regional post -Caleeonian Normal fault or fault zone. Ticks point towards downfautted block ...--- -= -- Post-Caledonian normal faults ............... Caledonianthrust zone Major Precambrian shear zones Minor Precambrian shear zones '9 .~.-:;.f-=..~ Foliationtrends of all kends. interpreted from aerial photos ~ Axial-surface trace of antiform o Ourcrop with palaeomagnetic age determina tion Fig.2: . Structural element map. Senja area. SS --Svanfjell shear zone; AS -- Astridal shear zone; TS -- Torsnes shear zone. the Svecokarelian shearing. Since the quartz tern suggesting some form of mutual relations­ diorite on southern Senja -- containin g dolerite hip. Within the shear zones, the migmatitic coun­ dyke swarms (Landmark 1973) -- is 1746 Ma old, try rocks and granitoid rocks are penetratively the dolerites on Senja are unrelated to, and mylonitised and recrystallised under lower younger than those on Rinqvasseya. amphibolite-facies conditions. The late stages of The Senja Shear Belt (SSB) is defined by air the granitoid intrusions are represented by peg­ photo and satellite imagery interpretation and matites and aplites, which are less deformed, confirmed by subsequent mapping and geophy­ indicating that the intrusions are contemporane­ sical measurements (Olesen et al. 1993). (Fig. ous with the shear zone development. 2). The SSB is bounded by two, major, ductile In a regional context the SSB appears to link up shear zones striking NNW-SSE. The SW border with Henkel's Bothnian-Senja Fault Zone (BSF) is defined by the steep to moderately dipping, 1.5 defined on geophysical grounds (Fig. 3)(Henkel km-wide, Svanfjellet Shear Zone (SS) (Fig. 2) 1987, 1991). In Henkels interpretation the BSF (Cumbest 1986, Tveten & Zwaan 1993). The NE is genetically related to the Bothnian-Seiland border is defined by two steep shear zones, the Fault Zone -- renamed the Bothnian-Kvrenangen ea. 1.5 km-wide Torsnes Shear Zone (TS) Fault Complex by Olesen & Sandstad (1993) (Zwaan 1992) exposed along the southwest sho­ (BKF) -- further to the northeast (Fig. 3). This re of Kvaleya, and the 800 m-wide Astridal Shear relationship is of interest. The 30 km-wide belt of Zone (AS) farther to the southwest. The bending paragneisses, which is the locus of the SSB, of axial-surfaces to megafolds in the lensoidal resembles the Kautokeino Greenstone Belt -- the block between the TS and the SS depicts left­ locus of the BKF. Olesen & Sandstad (1993) lateral strike-slip shearing (Fig. 2)(Tveten & interpret the greenstone belt as an Early Zwaan 1993, Zwaan & Bergh 1994). Proterozoic rift infill. Furthermore, along strike Within the SSB, minor and major folds and nar­ the rocks of the SSB may conceivably be corre­ row shear zones , together with the above-descri­ lated with a sequence of earliest Proterozoic vol­ bed boundary shear zones, form a coherent pat- canic and sedimentary rift infill in Sweden descri- 36 Klaas Bouke Zwaan GU - BULL ~ 2 7 . 1995 References N ~\ I, Andrese n, A. 1980: The age of the Precambrian basement in \ western Troms, orway. Geol. For. Stockh. Forh. 10 1, 291­ ! 298. Cumbest, R.J. 1986: Tectonothermal overprinting of the Weste rn Gneiss Terrane, Senja , Troms, northern Norway . M.Sc. Thesis, University of Georgia. Athens Georgia U.S.A. 143 pp. Forslund, T. 1988: Post kaledonske forkastnlnger I vest Troms, med vekt pa Straumsbukta-Kvalo yslettaforkastnlngen , Kvalaya . Unpubl. cand. scient. thesis. Univ of Tromsa 160 pp. Gorbatschev, R. & Bogdanova, S. 1993: Frontiers in the Baltic Shield. In: Gorbatschev, P (ed.) The Baltic Shield. Precamb. Res . 64, 3-21. Henkel, H. 1987: Tectonic studies in the Lansjarv region. Swed. Nuct. Fuel Waste Manage. Ca. Tech. Rep . 87-07, 66 pp. Henkel, H. 1991: Magnetic crustal structures in northern Fig. 3. Botnian-Senja (BSF) and Bothnian-Seiland/Kvrenangen Fennoscandia. In: Wasilewski, P & Hood, P(eds). Magnetic (BKF) Fault Zones and the Early Tertiary Senja Fracture Zone Anomalies - Land and Sea. Tectanophys lcs 192 , 57-79. (SF) (slightly modified from Henkel 1991). SSB -- the Senja Krill, A.G. & Fareth,E. 1984: Rb-Sr whole rock dates from Shear Belt. Black lines -- generalised magnetic dislocations. Senja, North Norway. Nor. Geol. Tidskr. 64, 171-172. Landmark, K. 1973: Beskrivelse til de geologiske kart Tromso og MAlselv, del 11.
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