Nj Donald Claricy, Granted Allowing Them Until May 1, 1972, to Playgrounds, Helps Barbara Kovach with a Design Project at Denham Playground

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Nj Donald Claricy, Granted Allowing Them Until May 1, 1972, to Playgrounds, Helps Barbara Kovach with a Design Project at Denham Playground ,-•>>' \ - ft •' - In case of emergency The^Zip Qocie \ " , . call 376-0400 for Police Department for Springfield is (!' or First Aid Squad x 376-0144 for Fire Deportment 0708 l . 376-6440 for 'hoHlne1 -/"'•' on drug problems PublUh.d Ev.ry Thur.doy by Trumq, PuUlthlno Corp. 41 Mountain av.., Sprlr>(,<ield, N.J. 07081 -.686-7700 \ Subscription Rate Second Class Pos^go VOL. 43 NO. 39 Moiling Mdtmfi SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1972 20 Cents Per Cocy} P.O. Bo* t9,_i(iWllld. N.J. 0706! JB.50 Y.orly. Paid at Sp.lnaflold, H-J- Police act to cur ..»•'••• • cycling on Rt. 78 by 'sweeping'area By ALLAN COI.DSTklN about mini-bike riders. Single efforts are A continuing nuisance to local residents who usually futile and the department believes live anywhere'near the 3'i miles of Rt. 78 right organized action will be much more effective. of way that runs through Springfield is the noise and dust caused by mini-bikes, trail bikes A LESS PUBLICIZED factor is the extensive or motorcycles that travel the.,well-worn (by damage, that har>.be<!n done to the. fencing cycle riders) paths of this prohibited area. surrounding thej-ight of way. Whole sections While the rouglihess of the terrain provides have been cut out and will, of course, have to be an exhilarating place to cycle, it also makes it replaced. It brings up the sffuation of parents nearly irrfbossible lo reach many seclions of found guilty of allowing their children to this state^wned property by ambulance or to 'Continued on pago B) gel other kinds of rescue apparatus into areas in case of accidents—And at an average mini- bike speed of 45 miles per hour, mishaps can MINI-BIKES, MAXI-TROUBLE^Ptl. Donald Scfiwerdt, left, and Sgt. Richard Goerike of At right, they illustrate how radio communication will aicTthe local police in their .occur. In the past six months, two riders have the Springfield Police Department survey the damage done to a section of fencing extensive sweep operations to curtail much of the Illegal mini-bike activity. suffered fjacturcd bones, police say. surrounding the Rt. 78 right-of-way, an area used extensively by mini-bike riders. ( • • . (Springfield Police Photos) Also, in Uits relatively remote area, there, have been cases of older boys mugging alia forcibly taking the cycles, of younger riders. , It is for these reasons that the Springfield ~ —Police Department, under the supervision of Pool/Will serve as site Chief George Parsell, has decided to crack down on people who continually disregard warnings to stay out of tlnVarea. As things are now, anyone who desires to sec or hear a mini- of three evening shows bike has just to spenda little time around any part of the right of way and' he won't be The Springfield Recreation Department will held Friday, Aug. 4th, with the next day as a disappointed/^ present three evenings of entertainment for rain date. ' The major difficulty in stopping the mini-bike local residents in the form of summer concerts _ This group was organized for the purpose of traffic .'is the almost impassible Jask of,. at pie municipal pool. "singing ancT"atlainirig~the~greutest possible 1 patrolringT:/mile?of land forall daylight And— The first program will be on Wednesday, excellence in the performance of choral music Ihedusk hours. It is with this factor in mind und tu \ilaix befone thcii a,udlenee» a ""when the Springfield community I'layers will I Chief ~Parsell~Iias pr<>mised.~freo,uent Icllectually stimulating selection-of music in /perform excerpts from a mmlCol.'Those who sweeps of the Rt. 78 area throughout "tKfT.' the best of taste. saw the recent performance of "Fiddler on the coming months. Roof" know of the talent in Ih.is group. The third program is still in tho process of --O--0- j The Master Chorale of Now Jersey are the being booked, but it is a group that will add ONE SUCH SWEEP."held several weeks ago, performers for the next program which will bo variety to the concert programs, the statement garnered numerous riders and, surprisingly, added. ... none of them were' Springfield residents. A UNEASY RIDERS From .0 Bryant The Players have been in existence for three police spokesman said this was not indicative avenue vantage point, two mini-bike Protestants to hear " ~yeareandhaveBtagedsnchBhowras-"Gypgy." of-the-situation-because-the-pnlice know_oi_al "Picnic^" "Mame," "Lovers and Other rtdors-are-caught-by-a-telephoto lens . least 20 youths who have ridden illegally in the as they move along a trail in the Rt. 78 Strangers," "Plaza Suite," a musical revue r : . area. " * •'.'.•' rightof-way, a path blazed • by the serinon by pastor entitled "It's A ModJ^orld" and their latest hit, The sweeps will consist of at least 20 mem- "Fiddler on the Roof."* large amount of illegal cycle traffic. bers of the police force who will allow riders to • 5i - ^ of Catholic church This week's show is directed by Evelyn enter the right of way—and then Beal all exits. ' Orbach of Springfield, Costumes are being Plainclothes policemen, masquerading as handled by Docile Cohen and pro^s by Ftenee mini-bike or motorcycle riders, will -also be Poor collection Shatten and Rita Miller. • • " employed. IX — Appearing in the show are Manfred Orbach, The department regrets resorting to these Tama Bruder, Kcrmlt Bloomgorden, Debbie measures but as Chief Parsell said, "past Stavllsky. Judy Orbach, Andy Cohen, Teddy of glass, paper 1 ' experience lias shown that the practice of Rosenkrantz, Irene Mackoff. Rita Miller. merely issuing a warning to juvenile offenders "For the first time since the start of the glass Sylvia Summers, -Honnie jgrbachj Barbara^ ot_parenla_has_l)een insufficient. Our policy and recycling program," the Springfield Save Teltlebaum. Susan Warner, Rachel Friedman, "henceforth: is lo sign the necessary juvenile or Our Environment Committee, xepflrted .this._ Shelley Wolfe, Gil Wolfe, Hcrshey Snydej, •r.- adult complaint. week, "there was a poor collection onMune 17. Elliot Lewis, Sue Denner, Robin Laxarus, Only six tons of glass" andno,200Tpounds of Jerry Cohen, Sheila Sugarman, Ed Denner, "Should an adult consider going with his v newspapers were brought in. Judy Reich, Lll Snyder, Jeanlne Blanco, Ruth child to this area, he should keep in mind that - Roller and Jan JCrusch. he is risking not only a juvenile complaint "The truckman, has already informed the committee that if the glass collection does not The Springfield Recreation Department t his child, but also that charges will be stressed that "this is an open, free evening's filed against him for contributing to the bring forth a great deal more tonnage, it will entertainment and cve/yone Is welcome." In delinquency of his child. - .noL be. worth his while^Q-doJhe. hauling._Jtt is case of rain, the show will bo offered on July 19. ''The basis of our enforcement efforts on this therefore moreimportanHhan-ever that each section of state highway property is that it is an citizen continue to save and bring in glass and unauthorized intrusion on state property and .newspapers. -••.-...• all violators, regardless of age, will be handled "The next collection wilji take pluce on 2 Dem accordingly. Saturday, July 22,' at the Jonathan Dayton "The basic complaints offenders will risk are in Springfield urge trespassing on private property and, under Regional High School parking lot, from 8:30 DISCUS JOCKEY — Bruce Zabelski of Springfield, discus thrower who will compete for township ordinances, causing noise and other a.m. to 1 p.m. All townspeople arc urged to V \the U. S. junior team against a Russian ndtlonal team July 28-29 in, Sacramento, disturbances." • • —,— briqg in every bottle, jar and vial that can be rent leveling action /Calif., works out at Melsel Field under the guidance of A/tarty'Taglienti, track coach WithThese new tactics In mind, the depart- found. Don'tforget tied-up newspapers too. For "We are now free to enact a rent leveling /ol Joriathan Dayton Regional High School. Zahelski won the state Group 2 title for ment asked all residents whose horiles adjoin further information call Peggy Hammer, 273- ordinance in Springfield." So declared Dayfon In 1970. As a sophomore this spring for the University of Texas at El Paso, the properly not to call the police to complain 0278, or Edna Klein, 273-2021." Springfield Township Committeeman and "he had the be,st distanta-of any junior (16-19) in the country. candidate for reelection Donald Clancy in MSGR. FRANCIS X. COVLE summing up his reaction to Superior Court, •judge Morris PaBhman's recent decision that The Right Rev. Francis X. Coyle, pastor of 'municipalities- have the right to regulate Local industry wins approval St. James Roman Catholic Church, S. apartment rents in the absence of state law Springfield avenue, will be guest speaker at the diing so. ' summer union service of the Presbyterian and' \Townshlp Attorney Jay Bloom has been. for air pollution improvements Methodist Churches this Sunday qt 10 a.m., at ' instructed toresearch thepreparatidhof a rent Township Commitieeman Normnn Banner Banner added that he is seeking measures to the Mithodlst Church • —— leveling ordinance for Springfield, Clancy said. this week announced tljat after lengthy *?v* fTlfinpy^ fllnng lyjth'^rthur Keyselhout, his reduce noise at Carter Bell. He also said he is in . For the past four years the union-services, running mate for township committeeman, has dtscussiuim aim afljustntents^tfie Carter Bell close touch with efforts to reduce the side ef- which havebeen ln-existence fop^e years, have Tieeif activeln working with tenants' groups In Manufacturing" iCo., Springfield, Had finally fects of blasting operations in the Houdaille : emphasized Ihe ecumenical spirit as clergy of "Springfield; been judged In compliance with state air Quarry.
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