Troubs (Charley's Aunt' Set to Open at 8:15 Tonight
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W&L's Record • FRIDAY W r ling-tum t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MARCH 11, 1955 Number 40 Eleven D.U. Dr. R. E. Alley Troubs (Charley's Aunt' Set Groups Meet To Join W&L Physics Staff To Open At 8:15 Tonight Here Today Richmond Professor Leybum, Fishwick Will Fill Lothery's Post Famous Comedy 3rd Dr. Reuben Edward Alley, Jr., Production of Year Featured Speakers associate professor of physics and for the past year cha1rman of the "Charley's Aunt," the Trouba Delegates from Della Upsilon department at t.he University of third production of the !951- chapters in 11 colleges and universi Richmond, has been appointed lo the scason, opens tonight nt 8.15 in the ties began a two-day convention faculty of Washington and Lee, Dr. 'I r·oub Theater. here this afternoon. Francis P. Gaines announced today. SLarring m the world famous The delegates from Province ill Dr. Alley's appointment as asso comedy, wh1ch will be seen tonight, of the fraternity will hear Dean ciate professor Of phySICS wlll be and tomorrow at 8:15 and Thursday, James G. Leyburn speak at a ban come cffectwe next September. He Friday and Saturday March 17, 18, quet tonight aL the DU house. Dr. wlll fill a vacancy created last sum and 19, are John Duncan, Carl Leybum will discuss the trends in mer by the accidental death of Pro Barnes, Fritz Kackley, Dale Corne increased college enrollment and PJIU..IP ADAMS. whose talk will fessor Thomas E. Lothery. lius, Andy Dalton, and Tom O'B1·ien. the effect it will have on fraternities climax fine arb program Monday A 1938 graduate of the University Dale Cornelius, president oi the in the future. night. of Richmond, Dr. Alley received Troubadours, will play the part o! Tomorrow night, Dr. Marshall his graduate training at Princeton, Lord Fancourt Babberly. Cornelius Fishwick will speak at the conven earning his E.E. degree in 1940 and bas appeared in many Troub plays, tion banquet at Natural Bridge Hotel. his Ph. D. in 1919. During World iJtclUd..lng the lead In "Mr. RoberLs." At the same time awards will be Newly Formed War Il he was with the U. S. Navy John Duncan, who apeared in the presented. as a radar expert, with overseas 'froubs' "1he Male Anunal'' and This is the first time the £raterni Parent Council service in the Pacific. "Detective Story," will take the part Ly's provincial conference has been Ilis professional background in ot ~lt~phcn SpetUgue. held at Washington and Lee since cludes positions as physics and elec Fntz Kackley, last seen in "The 1948. Meets in April trical engineering inst.ructor at Madwoman ol. Chaillot," w1ll play In addllion to nearly 50 delegates, Richmond and Princeton, and staff Jack CJtehlley. ·rom O'Brien as Bras many alumni and officials of the na The Parents' Advisory Council. work at t.he M.l.T. Radiation Labora fu-st commillee of Its kind organized set and Andy Dalton as Charley tional fraternity will attend the tory and the Bell Laboratories. at Washington and Lee, will get un wyckham, will appear on the Wash weekend gathering. In 1948, Dr. Alley was made assil. derway with the opening meeting mgum and Lee stage for the tirs1. Activity tonight and tomorrow tant professor of phys1cs at Rich scheduled for April 23 in Lexing tune m "Charley's AunL" will include five panel discussions on mond, and in 1949 he was promoted Carl Barnes, playmg the part of !ratemlty operations covering pledge ton. to an associate professorship and The chairman pro tern of the com S1r ~·rancls Chesney, was seen m training, rushing, public relations, made chairman of the departmenL mittee is Marion M. Caskie, Jr., of "Detective Story." scholarship and chapter manage He was w1th the Bell company from Washington, D. C., father of Max Three of the tour !emale parts arc ment. 1951 to 1953, returning to the Um TROUBS FINAL REHEARSAL for tonight's opening of "Charley's Aunt." bemg taken b)' Lexington 1ligh well Caskie, a W&L freshman. Convention Chairman Tony Sar versity of Richmond in 1953. Heading the W&L faculty com *School gtrls. The three are: Julia gent, of the W&L chapter, will de He is a member of Phi Beta Kap Coates, Susan Coe, and Jeanne Tracy. liver a paper on rushing and pledge mittee, which IS seeking mutual ar rangements lor the council meeting is pa, Sigma Pi Sigma, Sigma Xi, and Morgan Casts Parts for Three 'Ihe !ow·th is Margaret Davis. training. Kappa Alpha Order. While at Julia Coates, who plays Amy Schools .represented at the con Frank Gilliam, Dean of Students. Calling on between 40-50 parents Princeton he received the Charles Spettigue, and Sue Coe, t.aklng the vention are Lehigh, Lafayette, Buck to serve on the new committee, Ira Young Medal Ior research work Female Roles in ~My 3 Angels' part of Ella Delahay, both appeared nell, Penn State, Pennsylvania, President Francis P. Gaines said the during preparation for his E. E. de Mrs. Marshall Fishwick, Miss Pris Quimby, and Miss Patsy Nuckols m "Wintcr:,el" Jeanne Tracy, as Swarthmore, John Hopkins, Rutgers, University was setting up the com gree. have been selected to play the three female roles in ''My 3 Angels.'' ac Kitty Verdun, was in the Troubs' Virginia and North Carolina. mittee in the conviction that through The 36-year-old native of Peters cording to Phil Morgan, production director. "Detective Story." it the University will gain valuable burg, Va., is a member of the Amer Mrs. Fishwick, who took comedy parts in "The Male Animal" and Margaret Davis, who plays Donna service and counsel. ican Physical Society, the American "Detective Story," will play Madame Parole in the new Troubadour pro Lucia d'Alvadorez, will make her Alumni Plan In a letter of introducUon to par Institute of Electrical Engineers, duction. Her part is another comic* first appearance since returning to (Conlinued on page !our) the Institute of Radio Engineers, role. Lexington. She was seen in ''The and the American A.o;sociation of Pris Quimby, voice instructor or Valiant." 25th Reunion Physics Teachers. Southern Seminary, will play Emilie, Storey To Give "Charley's Aunt" was 6.rst pre The academic and law classes of IFC Votes Permanent wife of the shopkeeper. She was sented in the Royalty Theater in 1930 will gather May 13 and 14 in graduated from the Westminster Tucker Series London on Dec. 21, 1892. It was Lexington for their 25th Anniver Representative Rule Choir College in Princeton, N. J. She produced in America for the first SWMSFC Plans The Honorable Robert G. Storey sary Convocation and Reunion moot is active in several local choral time in 18M on the slage o{ the Two permanent representatives will deliver the John Randolph ing. groups and while in high school ap Standard Theater in New York will be elected to the IFC from each Tucker Lectures on April 15 and 16 The program, planned for more Spring Events peared in the production, "Button, City. fraternity beginning next year, ac in Lee Chapel. Mr. Storey, Dean of than 275 members of the 1930 gradu Button." Directing the Washington and Lee cording to a resolution passed at Two Virginia girls' college lacrosse the School of Law at Southern ating class will have its headquar Patsy Nuckols, a Lexington High production is Troubadour advisor, the IFC meeting this week. teams will fight it out on Wilson field Methodist University, is past presi ters in the Mayflower HoteL School senior and head cheerleader, Carlson Thomas, who announced IFC representatives will be elect during a spring weekend according dent of the American Bar Associa Heading the faculty committee will play the part of Marie Louise. earlier in the week that his east ed by individual fraternities. The to temporary plans announced today tion. making preparations for the first She will make her first appearance would be well prepared fOL' tonight's two men elected will be required to by Gordon Gooch, chairman of the "Current PerU of the Legal Pro 25th anniversary meeting is James on the Troubadour stage in "My 3 opening. Assisting Thomas is Dale represent their fraternity at the Student War Memorial Scholarship lession" will be the theme for the D. Farrar, assistant dean o£ students. Angels." Cornelius, also a member of the cast. weekly IFC meetings. No other dele Fund Committee. three lectures. Storey will talk on On the faculty committee are: Cy Rehearsals for the production The comedy is centered around the gates will be recognized as repre The girls' event, sponsored by ''The Rule of Law and Present Dan Young., alumni secretary; Dr. Theo scheduled to open April 5 began on love affairs of two Oxford under sentatives by the IFC. SWMSFC, will pit two oi these ger," at 12 p.m. Friday, April 15, and graduates and the complications dore Smedley, professor of law; This resolution was passed to cor Wednesday with practices being held teams, Hollins, Randolph-Macon, or that evening at 8 p.m., will speak on which result from their attempts to Henry Ravenhorst, assistant pro rect the present situation in which Sweet Briar, in the afternoon pro in the Student Union Building, un fessor of engineering; Watty Bowes, til "Charley's Aunt." finishes Its run ''The Impact of Communism Upon by-pass V1ctorian niceties. any fraternity member could repre gram. the Legal Profession." Saturday the president. of the student body; next week. The set decorations have been sent his group at IFC meetings.