The Communicator, April 22, 1971

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The Communicator, April 22, 1971 Bulletin President James Colston has culled an emergency gen- eral meeting of faculty and students in the Main Building Auditorium, today at 1:30 p.m. President Colston will the Communicator reportedly have a statement STUDENT PUBLICATION OF THE BRONX COMMUNITY COLLEGE to make concerning the City OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK I'niversity budget crisis. All are urged to attend. VOL XXIII — No. 12 Thursday. April 22, 1971 232 BY SUBSCRIPTION Registration Campaign Funding Slashes Threaten CUNY; Opens Here Wednesday Lindsay Reviews Budget Options The University Student Senate voter registration drive, Mayor John Lindsay warned in a Monday press conference that State budget cuts which has already registered over 20,000 students on four seriously threatened the funding of the City University of New York for the next aca- campuses of the City University, is scheduled to get under demic year. \vay at Bronx Community College next Wednesday, April 28. The most stringent budget option, the Mayor said, would make it impossible for Thus i'ar, the drive' has succeeded in registering 6,700 CUNY to admit a freshman class next September. It would also bring about a reduction students at Brooklyn College of 2,374 faculty positions -- 773 with at least two sites working aster for CUNY. Some officials missions, the state should be 6.000 at Lehman, 6,000 at. Queens, through attrition and 1,601 at any one time. The goal is to believe that rather than curtail asked to take over opei ations of and 2.500 at Staten Island Com- through layoffs. Furthermore, cover as many campus locations enrollment and abandon open ad- CUNY. munity College - ''ill at a total average class sixe would increase as possible. The drive here is ex- cost to the "Board of Elections of from 27.4 pupils to 38.1. pected to register some 3,500 stu- only 50 cents per student regis- A second budget option, which dents eighteen years of age and tered. anticipates some improvement of older. the fiscal crisis, would force the Fred Rrandes, coordinator of Richard Lewis, Chairman of thr drive for the University Stu- university to limit its entering I he University Student Senate, class to 25,600 students - 9,400 dent .Senate, announced, "It's said, "I'm happy university stu- been so successful up to this fewer than were admitted last dents are registering in large fall. point, both in terms of the high numbers. The first test of this number of students registered Moral Commitment newly found political weight will Under open admissions, CUNY and the lo\v cost of the eiitir.' op- conic during the course of deal- eration, that the Hoard of Flec- is morally committed to accept ing with the budget crisis. An in one of its twenty colleges tions has appropriated approxi- elected official will have to think mately SfiO.OOO in additional funds every graduating high school sen- twice before cutting funds for ior who wants to attend. Accept- for the expansion of (lie drive to education, since he is now di- all CUNY campuses." rectly accountable to students." ance notices for the fall are be- ing mailed out. (See story on A I. Bronx Community, hiring page1 six). of student, registrars is currently Recruiting A third budget, option outlined being conducted. In all, some six- by Mayor Lindsay is based on a teen students \vill be hired to Querns College will have representatives on campus to- greater improvement of the city's ii'oi-k seren hours a day regi.stor- money problems. This option \ns students bore. The Board of day and next Thursday, April Robert 2<>, from 12:30 to 2 p.m., ill would enable CUNY to continue Flections will train the regis- Institute for The Blind: Soon a part of BCC trars and pay them $2.25 per room 3-6, Main Building;. open admissions with a freshman hour. Queens is particularly interest- class of 38,000 students without ed in recruitment of minority imposing undergraduate tuition Though all details for the BCC group students. The represen- fees. However, certain economies BCC Acquires Building campaign have not yet been fi- would still be necessary. nalixed. present plans call for tatives will discuss Queens pro- gram offerings and review op- This option, like the two others, By JOANNE Mf.GOWAN the drive to be conducted here portunities tor financial aid. would necessitate a 10 per cent Bronx Community College is adding to its expanding for a total of seven school days, increase in staff work load to campus the building presently housing the Institute for the bring about greater productivity Blind. Located at Kingsbridge Road and the Grand Con- at lower cost. Full time day ses- course, opposite Poe Park, the building has three floors Bowker Is Appointed sion faculty members in the eight and encompasses 55,000 square feet of space. CUNY community colleges now The Institute, under the direc- =?r^^^^=r=^^^^=^^^!^!!!^^^= teach an average of 13.9 hours (ion of the Light House, has been Ivong Dash To Top Berkeley Post per week. used as a referral center for the Because of tin1 building's "rath- Fourth Option destitute blind. A lack of funds er distant" location, students Albert H. Bowker,} chancello„ - _ „ _r vo^._f thw* . e-^ Cit^>i ^ yT Universit^iAiv^toi u^yy ..... v_i. -<• - *.*. - ' The last option reviewed by the has forced the closing of the or- will have to plan their classes of New York for the last eight years, announced late last ganixation. week that he is resigningresigning1 his post to becombeco e chancellor Mayor, based on the most op- accordingly. "It would be diffi- of the University of California at Berkeley. timistic improvement in city fis- According to Dean of Adminis- cult to rush from the Main Build- ing or the Jerome Avenue Center Dr. Bowker's decision to leave CUNY was unknown cal matters, would make possible tration Daniel McGrath, renova- In even the Board of Higher Ed- "full enrollment expansion at all tions will get under- way shortly to a class in the new building," ucation until last Friday after- by the demands of presiding over levels," but would still provide and be completed in time for the Dean McGrath noted, adding that noon. Farlier in the week he had the largest municipal university CUNY with a budget that is $52 Spring, 1972 semester. The new- "by cutting through St. James tur.ied down an offer to join the in the country. As CUNY chan- million under the amount re- center, he said, will house the Park the building is readily ac- Federal Government, reportedly cellor. Dr. Bowker presides over quested for next year. Music and Art Departments with cessible to both the Fordham and as its top-ranking official on twice as many colleges as are in CUNY officials said privately remaining space allotted to vari- Kingsbridge Centers." higher education, stating that a the entire University of Californ- that the budget cuts arc a dis- ous other departments. The distance from the new cen- change of position was not im- ia system. Sources further state ter to Fordham and Kingsbridge minent. I hat Dr. Bowker wanted to get is about equal to the distance be- The Hoard met Tuesday to hack to a smaller educational Education Department Team tween the Fordham building and establish a committee to seek a setting where he felt he could the Jerome Avenue Center. successor to Dr. Bowker. The make a greater intellectual con- The Brrn.x Community campus committee includes representa- tribution. To Gather Admissions Data must keep expanding to meet the tives of CUNY's students, fac- Years of Growth The State Education Depart- date. growing need for facilities ulty and alumni, as well as mem- ment will be sending an investi- Early Evaluation brought on by ever increasing Since his appointment as chan- clas-; sixes, Dean McGrath ex- bers of the Board. cellor in July. 1963, Dr. Bowker gating team to Bronx Commu- The State Education Depart- plained. With the completion date Irresistible Offer nity College on April 27 and 28, has presided over CUNY in its ment, Mr. Horn explained, real- for the new BCC campus listed greatest period of growth. In to gather information on open Or. Bowker issued a statement izes that it is too early to evalu- as anywhere from 1973 to 1975, saying that the chance to become 196.'?, the university comprised admissions. ate the Open Admissions program eleven colleges with 110,000 stu- According to Max Horn, assis- the college is forced to keep head of Berkeley and return to and that such an assessment to renting space to meet immediate dents. Today, CUNY is a twenty tant to President James Colston, a campus environment, was "an be valid will require the pro- demands. When the new campus opportunity I could not turn campus university with 195,000 the purpose of this visit will he gram to be in operation for a is completed, the present centers clown." He called the Berkeley st udents. to collect for the Board of Re- much longer period of time. How- will continue to be part of BCC. offer '"irresistible." Dr. Bowker, The two major problems fac- gents reliable- data so that they ever, so as to provide the Re- who was reportedly selected by ing the University as Dr. Bow- may make informed decisions on gents with facts on which to the Hoard of Regents of the Uni- ker departs are the consolidation admissions problems and may base responsible decisions, it is versity of California from more of the open admissions program more readily identify ways to be necessary to assemble whatever Elections than 300 candidates, is expected and coping with lack of funds.
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