IE WESTFIELD LEADER Westfield Since 1890
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IE WESTFIELD LEADER Westfield Since 1890 Nl n USPS 6»» 1TEAR, NO. 23 Second Clasi Pottije PtM WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1988 Published 20 Pages—30 Cents o • Wfuncu. N.J. Every Thursday Zoning Board Denies Mayor Stone To Give Genesee Trail Pool Annual Address Jan. 3 The Town Council of Westfield (Ward 2), Christian Abeel (Ward At its Dec. 19 meeting, the first floor addition which would will hold a special meeting for 3), and Michael Panagos (Ward Westfield Board of Adjustment include a bathroom and closet the purpose of organizing for the 4 > also will be sworn in for addi- denied an application for a swim- and hallway to the rear of his year 1989, Tuesday, Jan. 3, at tional terms. ming pool on Genesee Trail. home. A present side yard viola- fi:30 p.m., in the Council The appeal of Martin and tion would be continued for an ad- Chambers of the Municipal The annual organization Shirley Diamond of 59 Genesee ditional ten feet. Board members Building, 425 East Broad St. At meeting, which is generally at- Tr. to install a poo) measuring requested that the application be this time, Mayor Raymond W. tended by Westfield's "official 18.5 feet wide and 38 feet in carried until January, to afford Stone will give his annual ad- family" and former elected of- length, was denied after board them, the opportunity to see the dress as he begins his second ficials, also is the session at members heard testimony from house. term of office. which the town council approves neighbors for and against the Robert and Maureen Brewster Councilmen Frank Rodgers a schedule of meeting dates for proposed pool. of 230 Hazel Ave. came before the (Ward 1), Garland "Bud" Boothe (he coming year. _ ., Board members noted that the board to request permission for a Council com- Diamonds had previously receiv- porch and vestibule. Violations Wetlands Report mittees and their chairmen also ed variances for a deck and kit- included a coverage problem of are named. chen addition, using up much 24% instead, of 20% and a front Photo by Classic Studio available space in their rear yard setback of 16.5 feet instead Made Available MAYOR RAYMOND W. STONE (seated) and Councilmen (left to yard. The pool would have left of 40 feet. Additions to the home Town Administrator John Tax Collector's right) W. Jubb Corbet, Garland "Bud" Boothe, Christian Abed, the applicants with a 10-foot rear had been previously made. Malloy has announced that James lleinilich, Richard Hagger, Frank Rodgers, James Hely ami yard., Michael Panagos, are expected to be on hand at the organizational Most of the Brewsters' copies of a preliminary wetlands Office Closed meeting of the council on Jan. :!. Mayor Stone will begin his second Finding the rear yard unsuit- neighbors were on hand to testify report done by Hudson Partner- term of office. able for a pool of the dimensions on behalf of the applicants. Their ship, are on file at the Municipal The Office of the Tax Collec- requested, board members sug- immediate neighbor, who would Building, 425 East Broad St. The tor will close at 10 a.m., Fri- gested reducing the size of the be most affected by the addition, report deals with a vacant piece day, Dec. 30 and re-open Tues- pool to alleviate the setback however, was opposed. It was of property between Summit day, .Jan. 3, at 8:30 a.m. Recycling Information violations. No compromise could pointed out that this neighbor's Avenue and Tice Place. be reached, and the application house was built after the town's Residents' newspapers, 753-7276. was unanimously denied. zoning code was changed to re- aluminum cans and glass bottles Westfielders also may utilize Also denied was the carried quire 40 foot setbacks. New Color-coded Permits and jars will be collected on the the town's two recycling centers. over appeal of L.G.E. Lascelles Board members suggested that following day during the re- Newspapers and aluminum cans of 033 North Chestnut St., for per- the Brewsters cut back their ad- For Parking To Be Issued mainder of December and the may be taken to the Watterson mission to build a kitchen ad- ditions to 22% and come back in month of January: Street municipal parking lot dition and a screened porch. January with revised plans. Parking permitholders are advised to park in their proper North of railroad tracks: (across from the Westfield Board members were opposed to Norman Yang of 2 Normandy municipal parking lots. Par.king.neimits are color-coded by lot. Thursdays, Dec. 20, Jan. 12 and Rescue Squad's headquarters) the porch which would create a Dr., was granted a variance for The following'are the designated permit colors foi-19B9: 26. .. the second and fourth Saturdays 4.5 foot side yard. The application permission to erect a second Railroad station - green } . : South of railroad tracks: of the month, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 rj was denied, however a variance floor addition and deck contrary Citgo lot (Elm Street) - pmk Fridays, Dec. 30, Jan. 13 and 27. p.m. Glass bottles and jars and m was not needed for the breakfast to front yard and rear yard set- Shell lot (North and Central avenues) orange Recyelables should be placed cardboard may be taken every C"5 room. back violations. Mr. Yang's ex- at curbside by 7:30 a.m., on the Saturday and Sunday to the isting front yard setback is 30.3 Watterson Street - white : to John Sisto of 542 Arlington Ave. Permitholders who park in tl.n wrong lot will be issued sum- designated days. To report a Lamberts Mill Road Conserva- tion Center, 9a.m. to 5p.m. (ex- to presented his application for a {Continued from pago 3] monses. missed pick-up, residents may call the recycling Hotline, cept on holidays). to CO GO Affordable Housing, School Budget, Library Highlight 1988 Westfield's Mt. Laurel afford- news stories follows: tative school budget — the pro- Cruz and his firm. The court's given a slide presentation re- budget protested by residents; able housing obligation, the Jan. 7 - Mayor Raymond W. posed budget is 8 percent higher ' decision results in the halt of the garding a pre-kindergarten pro- police department seeks suspects school budget defeat and subse- Stone predicts solid waste than the current school budget. sale of the Ewan Tract, which gram. in local armed robbery of a quent cuts made by the Town management and improvement Jan. 28 - Superior Court Judge was to have been auctioned off March 10 - Conservation Center jewelry and gift store on North Council, and the townwide in the curbside recycling pro- Eugene D. Serpentelli signs a for single family homes. The fees for decals are increased Avenue. volunteer effort to move the con- gram and the conservation court order forbidding Westrield Prospect Association presents its from $5 to $25; Planning Board May ii - Union County ulilities tents of the old library to its new center will be among the issues officials from selling or develop- concerns, regarding affordable approves field house expansions; Authority outlines plans for headquarters, and a case of faced by Town Council in 1938. ing public lands because of the housing at a Town Council Sussex Street condominiums reducing waste disposal costs; arson which destroyed a Central Jan. 14 - The Planning Board town's zoning ordinance violates" meeting; a tentative school received Planning Board's ap- final reading of an ordinance for Avenue apartment/office build- approves accessibility ramps at Mt. Laurel affordable housing i budget is approved; Morris proval. preliminary discussions of a ing were among the top stories in the Westfield Y. requirements. The judge's deci- Kamler is named Unico Man of Westfield this year. March 17 - Speaker Chuck Prospect/Elm Street parking Jan. 21 - The Board of Ed- sion came as a result of a lawsuit! the Year; Susan Pepper will seek Hardwick offers a bill to control deck is passed. A week-by week synopsis of top ucation reviews a $30 million ten- filed by Westfield builder Miguel re-election lo the Board of garbage costs and illegal dump- .May 12 - Town Council gives go Education, ing; the Board of Education ahead on the design stage of a 150 Feb. I - Dr. Mark C. Smith, adopts an expense budget of space parking deck in the central superintendent of schools in $29,748,142 at its meeting; the business district; town meeting Westfield, criticizes the state for Westfield Y raises $1,374,658 dur- convenes to discuss teen drink- f poor business policies (increas- ing its capital improvement cam- ing issues. ing slate aid for "pet" educa- paign; Summit Bank is granted a May 1!) - Zoning Board dis- tional projects); three Westfield use variance to build its West- cusses lodging house issue on residents are arrested on Jan. 30 field office at the corner of East Lenox Avenue; field house on drug violations; George Broad and Elmer streets; a head renovations are jeopardized by Weimer will not seek Board of on collision injures four indi- high bids; stolen Jaguar auto- Education reelection. viduals on Central Avenue — one mobile crashes local dealership's Feb. II - Town Council ap- victim is treated for a broken gate. proves increase in overtime neck. May 2(> - The former Nancy parking fees from S3 to $5; a March 24 - A standing room Reynold's Realty building on special police officer is suspend- only crowd protests fee increases East Broad Slreet is demolished ed from the department after be- at the Conservation Center; the to make room for a bank; United ing arrested Feb.