
Match the words with the definitions:

1. people who watch a TV show or play a. stage 2. someone who enters a competition b. judge 3. the person who chooses the winner in a competition c. take part 4. the person who comes first in a competition d. audience 5. something you want to happen very much e. winner 6. a performance on tv or in the theatre f. talent 7. an activity you do in your spare time g. dream 8. something you are good at h. show 9. participate in an activity i. contestant 10. the place where you perform j. hobby

Complete the sentences with one of the words above:

1. I don’t want to be second – I want to be the ______.

2. John’s a fantastic singer and ______in all the school shows.

3. There’s a new TV ______called “Top Talent”. It’s on every Monday at 9 o’clock.

4. It’s my ______to become a famous pop star like Rihanna.

5. My cousin has a lot of ______. She sings and plays the piano.

6. Justin is always nervous before he goes on ______to perform.

7. The ______screamed and clapped when One Direction finished singing.

8. Sometimes it’s hard for the ______to decide the winner.

9. My ______are collecting stamps and playing football.

10. judges the ______on “” and “Britain’s Got Talent”.

Discuss with you partner:

1. Do you sing or dance well?

2. Do you play a musical instrument?

3. Do you know anyone who is very talented?

4. Do you like “reality” shows?

5. Would you like to appear on TV?

6. What’s your favourite TV show?

7. What kind of TV shows are popular in your country?

8. Are there any talent shows in your country?

9. Has anyone famous ever appeared on a talent show in your country?

10. Would you like to be a judge on a talent show?

Proff’s English World

“Britain's Got Talent” is a British television talent

show competition which started in June 2007. The

auditions take place in front of the judges and a live

audience. At any time during the audition, the judges may

show stop the act by pressing a buzzer which lights a large

red "X" on the stage. If all the judges press their buzzers,

the act ends immediately. The judging panel give an act a "Yes" if they like them and would like them

to return for the next show.

Now watch the video and complete the table

Faryl George Jeremy Kate

How old is she/he?

Where is she/he Birmingham Chesire from?

What does she/he


What do the

judges say about


Who did you like the most?

Proff’s English World