27 May 2019

New Car Dealers Welcome Morrison Ministry

The Australian Automotive Dealer Association (AADA), has welcomed the appointment of Prime Minister ’s Ministerial team.

“It is excellent news that Minister has retained the Industry portfolio and we look forward to working with her on the very important Automotive Franchising work she started in the previous term of Government ,” AADA CEO David Blackhall said. “There is no more important issue for our industry than finalising the work that has already started on developing an Automotive-specific franchising code”, he said.

“We also welcome the appointment of the Government’s Treasury team and congratulate on his appointment as Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing and on her new role as Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Financial Technology. We anticipate a close working relationship with Treasurer and his team on key issues relating to the recommendations from the financial services royal commission,” he said. "In the Infrastructure and Transport portfolio, we look forward to working with Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack as well as Assistant Ministers in the portfolio and ” he said.

“We congratulate Angus Taylor for his appointment as Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction and Susan Ley on her appointment as Environment Minister. We look forward to playing our part in future discussions on reducing vehicle emissions in Australia,” he said.


For further information please contact: James Voortman 0452 535 696 [email protected]

Australian Automotive Dealer Association Ltd. | Level 3/10 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 E: [email protected] | W: