Shire of Bruce Rock Local Planning Strategy

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Shire of Bruce Rock Local Planning Strategy Belk a River Salt River Lock hart River L ockh art R iver Wakeman Creek Creek Wakeman Kunjin Creek TRIB Y ilga rn R iver Salt River L ockh art R iver reek man C Wake ek Cre an kem Wa ver Lockhart Ri ek re C an em ak W Shire of Bruce Rock Local Planning Strategy Shire of Merredin D A O R B R ! U Belka C E IN D E Shire of Kellerberrin R R E R M Karembrenin O C Rock K K C Strategy 19 N O Strategy 14 R Support the appropriate Recognise previous extraction of basic raw 0 3 6 500 m settlements as rural D materials O QUARRY ! O D BUFFER kilometres L ! A K E I C N U E R Produced by: B JURA Mapping & GeoSpatial Data Branch NATURE RESERVE Department of Planning, WA On behalf of: ! NANGEEN HILL Western Australian Planning Commission KWOLYIN NATURE RESERVE R Copyright © March 2011 NATURE RESERVE O A Nangeen Kwolyin D Z:\Projects\pol\stat_plan\country\Bruce Rock Hill Hill Strategy 16 LPS\Bruce_Rock_shire.mxd !!A SHACKLETON Protect and provide BRUCE Bruce NATURE management incentives ROCK Rock Base information supplied by: RESERVE Western Australian Land Information Authority ! for land affected by salinity Nunegin ! LI 430-2009-4 Hill ROAD BRUCE ROCK Kokerbin Airstrip !!A ! Rock NATURE RESERVE Legend ! YARDING BR NATURE RESERVE ! Eujinyn U Zones KOKERBIN CE NATURE RESERVE ! B R RO Residential QUAIRADING U CK C Yarding E 500 m Kwolyin !!A ! RUBBISH TIP ! ROC BUFFER Commercial K ! N ! A R Coarin E Shackleton M Rock Erikin lt B a E Townsite BRUCE S E ! N River General industry Shackleton R Lake O Light industry C MOKAMIE K ROAD NATURE RESERVE k e Rural re Strategy 18 YILGERIN C Recognise areas of NATURE RESERVE Aboriginal and Rural residential Shire of Yilgerin European heritage Rock ! rlin Bruce Rock Yawe Ardath Special use ! Strategy 13 Local Scheme Reserves L Protect and promote o c the settlements k C Shire of w Conservation O o R Quairading o R d Nanjigul Rock I G I Parks and recreation Mt Bebb N Udallin Rock WIALKUTTING Cumminin NATURE RESERVE Rock !!A ! WANDJAGILL Railway purposes Pikaring Shire of Narembeen ! Hill ! NATURE RESERVE ! Public purposes WULYALING NATURE RESERVE Not within potable water PIKARING NATURE supply operating area ! RESERVE Babakin ! Other reserves ! ! G BOOLANELLING u l l NATURE RESERVE y SORENSENS Strategy 14 Remnant native vegetation NATURE RESERVE Recognise previous Woondeline KIMBERLEY settlements as rural R Rock O !!A Aboriginal heritage site A D SEAGROATT PILBARA Cadastre NATURE RED LAKE RESERVE GASCOYNE Buffer (500 m) NATURE RESERVE MID WEST Primary salt affected lands ! GOLDFIELDS (1987-90 and 1995-97) - ESPERANCE Shire of Corrigin WHEATBELT Townsite boundary PERTH PEEL SOUTH Waterway WEST GREAT SOUTHERN Local government boundary Index to study area Study boundary Shire of Bruce Rock Map 1.
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