

62 City Document No. 12,

Wednesday, 29th, 0-40 A.M. Box 62.

insiu-- No. 166 Pleasant st. Owned by Samuel Snow; loss, $350 ; ance, $3,500; occupied by I. Dowell et als., as dwelling; loss, $372

1st floor ; cause, supposed incendiary. insurance, $1 ,000 ; originated on

Wednesday, 29th, 6-17h P-M. Box 36.

No. 45 Court st. Owned by A. Tomfohrde ; insurance, $18,000 occupied by A. Tomfohrde, as restaurant ; insurance, $4,000 ; origi- nated on 1st floor ; cause, sparks from furnace.

Wednesday, 29th, 10-18 P.M. Still.

No. 200 Friend st. Owned by Wm. Sohier estate ; loss, $10 ; in- surance, $3,000; occupied by O. Mathiers, as hotel; insurance, $1,000; originated in basement; cause, careless use of lamp.

Thursday, 30th, 3-19 A.M. Box 36.

st. Owned by A. Tomfohrde ; loss, $2,275 Nos. 45 AND 51 Court ; insurance, $20,000 ; owned by A. Tomfohrde ; loss, $145 ; insurance, $12,000; occupied by A. Tomfohrde, as restaurant; loss, $1,735; insurance, $10,500; originated on the 1st floor; cause, rekindling of previous fire. Thursday, 30th, 2-15 P.M. Box 922.

Fenton ST. Cause, soot in chimney burning; needless.

Thursday, 30th, 3 P.M. Box 982.

Franklin and Taylor sts. Owned by S. W. Hayden ; loss, $650

etc. ; loss, insurance, $4,000 ; occupied by S. W. Hayden, as groceries,

; Berry, as billiard-rooms $1,910 ; insurance, $7,600 occupied by J. loss, $200 ; originated on 2d floor ; cause unknown.


Friday, 1st, 4-04 A.M. Box 114. Cause, false alarm given by John Donahoe, who was arrested and convicted of the offence.

Friday, 1st, 8-17 P.M. Still. loss, insurance. No. 26 Genesee st. Owned by J. M. O'Brien ; $25 ; $2,500; occupied by P. Highlan, as dwelling; loss, $4; originated on

3d floor ; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Friday, 1st, 10-55 A.M. Box 73.

; loss, insur- No. 245 Shawmut AVE. Owned by J. H. O'Neil $75 ; O'Neil, as dwelling loss, insur- ance, $4,000 ; occupied by J. H. ; $175 ; ance, $2,500; originated on 3d floor; cause, gas-jet igniting curtain.

Saturday, 2d, 8-52 A.M. Box 15.

loss, ; insur- No. 102 Fulton st. Owned by Geo. F. McLaughlin ; $10 ance, $4,000; occupied by I. H. Ames & Co., as furniture; insurance,^

outside of building ; cause, boys setting fire to can of $8,000 ; originated benzine. Fire Department. 63

Saturday, 2d, 1-53 P.M. Box 66.

No. 63 Emerald st. Owned by J. A. Jackson ; loss, $25 ; insurance,

$15,000; occupied by J. H. Fisher, as dwelling; loss, $5 ; originated on

3d floor ; cause, breaking box of ammonia.

Saturday, 2d, 2-26 P.M. Box 51. Nos. 144 TO 154 Pearl st. Owned by James S. Stone; loss, $1,500 insurance, $40,000 ; occupied by J. J. Arakelyan, as printer ; loss, $2,678 insui'ance, $12,700 ; occupied by Wellman Sole Cutters, as salesroom loss, $285; insurance, $6,000; occupied by Ginn & Co.; as publishers loss, $291 ; insurance, $60,250 ; occupied by Babcock Varnish Company, et als., as varnishes, etc.; loss, $67; insurance, $1,850; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Saturday, 2d, 9-35 P.M. Box 56. No. 155 Kneelanu st. Owned by R. J. Monk; occupied by H. Col- lin, as cio;ars ; oriarinated on 1st floor ; cause, g^as-iet io-nitino- curtain.

Sunday, 3d, 9-21 A.M. Still.

Nos. 113 AND 115 Purchase st. Owned by J. A. Bullard ; loss, $155 ; insurance, $35,000; occupied oy Franklin Type Writer Company, as factoiy insurance, $18,000 ; originated on 5th floor ; cause, sparks from forge. Sunday, 3d, 0-37 A.M. Box 66. No. 41 Chapman st. Owned by Mrs. M. A. Jones; occupied by

D. Cohen, as and ; loss, originated on boots shoes .$76 ; insurance, $1,000 ; 1st floor; cause unknown.

Sunday, 3d, 7-31 P.M. Box 113.

No. 43 West Third st. Owned by J. Lally heirs ; loss, $5 ; unoccu- pied dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, set by boys.

Monday, 4th, 0-20 A.M. Still.

Paris st. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Mondcty, 4th, 0-20 A.M. Still. Porter and Paris sts. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Mojiday, 4th, 0-36 A.M. Box 435.

No. 343 Medford st. P. loss, insurance, Owned by J. Stone ; $88 ;

$2,000 ; occupied by Blazer Manufacturing Company, as stove polish ; loss, $25; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 4th, 0-37 A.M. Still. Terrace st. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Monday, 4lh, 0-55 A.M. Box 133. East Ninth st. Cause, bonfire, set by boys. Remarks.—Hoseman C. E. Molloy, of Hose No. 10, had his hand severely injured by being jammed in hose reel.

Monday, 4th, 2-45 A. M. Still.

Washington st. Owned by G. Stehle ; occupied by G. Stehle, as cobbler shop originated ; on outside ; cause unknown. ;

64 City Document No. 12.

Monday, 4ih, 2-57 A.M. Box 191.

Mt. Vernon st. Owned by John Mitchell ; loss, .|235 ; insurance, $300; occupied by E. C. Penze, as storehouse; loss, $200; originated on 1st floor; cause, incendiary.

Monday, 4th, 3-23 A.M. Box 353. Blue Hill ave. Owned by N.Y. & N.E. R.R. Company; loss, $143; insurance, $143; occupied by N.Y. & N.E. R.R. Company, as depot; orio-inated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 4th, 6-26 A. M. Box\18.

No. 91 Hanover st. Owned by S. Yorenberg; occupied by S. Yor- enberg, as clothing; loss, $25; insurance, $1,000; originated on awn- ing; cause, sparks from fire-crackers.

Monday, 4th, 7-25 A.M. Still.

No. 689 Saratoga st. Owned by Richard Hosea; loss, $18 ; insur- ance, $1,200; occupied by Richard Hosea, as dwelling; originated on

outside ; cause, fire-crackers.

Mo7iday, 4th, 7-35 A.M. Still.

No. 37 Charles st. Owned by L. Tilden ; loss, $123 ; insurance,

; $4,000 ; occupied by P. J. Carroll, as tailor loss, $50 ; insurance, $5,000 ; originated on awning; cause, fire-crackers.

Monday, 4th, 9-14 A.M. Still.

No. 2 CoBURN PL. Owned by Hiram Johnson ; insurance, $2,000 ;

occupied by J. Mahoney, as dwelling ; loss, $5 ; originated on 1st floor cause, fire-crackers.

Monday, 4th, 11-10 A.M. Still.

No. 93 Silver st. Owned by Hannah O'Neil ; loss, $10 ; unoccupied dwelling; originated on 2d floor; cause, set by boys.

Monday, 4th, 0-13 P.M. Box 72. No. 1073 Washington st. Cause, smoke from chimney mistaken for fire. Monday, 4th, 3-40 P.M. Still.

No. 326 Dudley st. Owned by Wm. Manning estate ; loss, $5 ; insur- ance, $1,500; occupied by Wm. Manning estate, as storage; originated

on roof ; cause, fire-crackers.

Monday, 4th, 3-51 P.M. Box 217.

No. 40 Culvert st. Owned by R. T. Paine ; insurance, $500 ; occu- pied 1st floor cause unknown. by A. Hatch, as stable ; originated on ;

Monday, 4th, 4-18 P.M. Box 783. Sterling st. Cause, boys playing with push button in Sherwin School. False alarm.

Monday, 4th, 4-44 P.M. Box 416.

No. 32 Austin st. Owned by S. Parsons estate; loss, $18 ; insur- ance, $5,500; occupied by J. H. Pray, as dwelling; Insurance, $2,000; originated on outside; cause, fire-crackers. .

Fire Department. 65

Monday, 4th, 5-05 P.M. Still.

No. 14 Cross st. Owned by J. Riley : insurance, $4,000 ; occupied by

L. Isenberg, as shoe-store; loss, $5 ; originated on awning; cause, sup- posed fire-ci'ackers.

Mondaij, 4th, 6-22 P.M. Box 825.

No. 305 Western ate. Owned by J. Callahan ; insurance, $1,500; unoccupied dwelling; originated on roof; cause, fire-crackers.

Monday, 4th, 6-34 P.M. Box 24.

No. 20 Blossom st. Owned by J. S. Damrell ; occupied by N. G.

Tenney, as jDainter ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, boys setting fire to rags in window.

Monday, 4th, 8-15 P.M. Still. Humboldt AVE. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Monday, 4th, 8-23 P.M. Still. No. 378 Dudley st. Owned by A. D. Kingsbury; loss, $10; insur- ance, $4,000 ; occuijied by J. C. Rodgers, as provisions ; loss, $5 ; origi- nated on awning ; cause, fireworks.

Monday, 4th, 10-10 P.M. Still. Cor. of Third and C sts. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Monday, 4th, 10-50 P.M. Still. Cor. Fellows and Lenox sts. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Monday, 4th, 11-56 P.M. Box 129. No. 16 West Sixth st. Owned by G. F. Denny; loss, $45; insur- ance, $2,568; occupied by several families, as dwelling; originated in basement ; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Monday, 4th, 11-57 P.M. Still.

No. 38 Melrose st. Owned by Mrs. F. Dorn ; insurance, $4,300; occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, as dwelling; originated in basement; cause, fire-crackers.

Tuesday, 5th, 0-07 A.M. Box 122.

No. 280 Dorchester st. Owned by Thomas Ryan ; loss, $50 ; unoc- cupied ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, set by boys.

Tuesday, 5th, 0-63 A.M. Still.

No. 38 Melrose st. Owned by Mi's. F. Dorn ; loss, $10 ; insurance,

Allen, as dwelling ; loss, originated on $4,300 ; occupied by Mrs. E. $50 ; 1st floor; cause, fire-ci'ackers.

Tuesday, 5th, 1-23 A.M. Box 521. Union aye. Owned by Rowen heirs; loss, $50; insurance, $2,500; occupied by Dennis Vaughn, as dwelling; loss, $75; originated on 2cl floor ; cause unknown . ;

Q6 City Document No. 12.

Ticesday, 3th, 1-31 A.M. Box 254.

No. 16 Eaton court. Owned by J. D. White ; insurance, $2,000 occupied by Martin Flint, as dwelling ; originated in basement ; cause, fire-crack ei's.

Tuesday, 5th, 5-25 A.M. Still.

Washington and South sts. Owned by S. B. Whittemore; loss,

$50 ; occtipied by Vincent Moodie, as stable, etc. ; originated on 1st floor ; cause unknown

Tuesday, 5th, 5-40 A.M. Still.

jSTo. 219 Shawmut ave. Owned by M. Fellman ; insurance, $8,000; occupied by I. L. Shorey, as confectioner; insurance, $2,000; originated in basement; cause, hot ashes in barrel.

Tuesday, 5th, 6-05 P.M. Still.

No. 309 Bennington st. Owned by Henry Krupp ; loss, $2 ; in- sui'ance, $750; occupied by Henry Krupp, as store-shed; originated on roof ; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 5th, 8-05 P.M. Box 134. No. 124 Gold st. Owned by Ellen Healey; loss, $5; insurance, $2,000; occupied by Thomas Welsh, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 2d floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Tuesday, 5th, 8-48 P.M. Box 148. No. 350 Congress st. Owned by Wharf Company; loss, $350; insurance, $6,000; occupied by A. F. & C. M. Hamburgher, as junk-dealers ; loss, $500 ; originated on 3d floor ; cause, spontaneous combustion. Wednesday, 6th, 0-05 A.M. Still.

Nos. 75 AND 77 Broadway. Owned by I. Adams estate ; loss, $128 ; insurance, $1,200; occupied by Webster, Brett, & Co., as furniture; loss, $150; insm-ance, $2,500; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 6th, 3-39 P.M. Box 134. No. 125 Gold st. OAvned by Felton & Son; loss, $14; insurance. $8,000; occupied by Wm. Shumpert, as dwelling; loss, $40; originated on 2d floor; cause, mice and matches.

Wednesday, 6th, 7-27 P.M. Still.

No. 228 Washington st. Owned by C. & F. Davis ; insurance,

$1,500 ; occupied by C. & F. Davis, as bakery ; insurance, $2,000 ; orig- inated on 1st floor ; cause, gas-jet igniting curtain.

Wednesday, 6th, 7-31 P.M. Box 416.

No. 39 Main st. Owned by A. W. Teel ; insurance, $5,000 ; occu- pied by T. E. Collins, as dry goods ; loss, $21 ; insurance, .$3,000 ; origi- nated on 2d floor; cause, gas-jet igniting curtain.

Wednesday, 6th, 9-35 P.M. Box 15.

No. 3 Richmond st. Owned by Mecantile Wharf Corporation ; loss,

$623 ; insiirance, $4,500 ; occupied by W. J. Moxley, agent, as storage ;. originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp. ;

FiKE Department. 67

Thursday, 7th, 1-23 A.M. Still. .

No. 8 Eaton court. Owned by Michael Burke ; loss, $40 ; insiw- ance, $2,000; occupied by Peter Gorman, as dwelling; originated in basement ; cause, incendiary.

Thursday, 7th, 5-02 A.M. Box 69.

No. 13 to 17 Randolph st. Owned by A. Marcus & Son ; loss, $201 insurance, $9,401; occupied by J. T. Gurney, as carriages; loss, $191; on 1st floor cause, spai'lcs from forge. insm-ance, $15,000 ; originated ;

Thursday, 7th, 8-56 A.M. Box 6.

No. 24 MiNOT ST. Cause, smoke from chimney; needless.

Thursday, 7th, 9-52 A.M. Box 135.

No. 4 Springer st. Owned by N. Sprimk ; loss, $10; insurance, originated on roof; cause, $1,000 ; occupied by N. Sprunk, as dwelling; fireworks. Thursday, 7th, 0-14 P.M. Box 13.

No. 123 Richmond st. Owned by Kilby Page; insm-ance, $4,500; occujoied by G. (Tcnaso, as dwelling; originated on 2d floor; cause, ignition of kettle of fat.

Thursday, 7th, 1-10 P.M. Still.

loss, No. 200 West Third st. Owned by Lewis Flanders ; $5 ; un-

floor ; cause, set by boys. occupied stable ; originated on 1st

Thursday, 7th, 3 P.M. Still.

Orleans st. Cause, spontaneous combustion in manure pile.

Thursday, 7th, 8-32 P.M. Box 454.

No. 3 Sewall ST. Owned by W. H. Quiglej^ ; insurance, $1,000; occupied by P. Mooney, as dwelling; loss, $10 ; originated on 2d floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 7th, 8-44 P.M. Box 113. insur- West Third and B sts. Owned by M. Campbell ; loss, $120 ; ance, occupied by Simeon J. Joyce, as lamplighter; loss, $10; $600 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, dropping lighted kerosene lamp. Remarks. — S. J. Joyce was severely, and Lieut. Hart, of Chemical Engine No. 8, was slightly burned.

Thursday, 7th, 9-03 P.M. Box 922.

No. 1380 Dorchester ave. Owned by John Hogan ; insurance, $4,000; occupied by P. E. Deehan, as apothecary; insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, ignition of gasoline stove.

Thursday, 7th, 9-22 P.M. Still. Troy st. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Friday, 8th, 2-02 P.M. Box 142.

No. 35 Dove st. Owned by C. F. McDonald; insurance, $1,000; floor; occupied by R. Lennehan, as dwelling; loss, $5 ; originated on 2d cause, hot ashes from pipe in clothing. 68 Cut Document No. 12.

Saturday, 9th, 11-24 A.M. Still.

]Sro. 13 Margaret st. Owned by J. Bonner; loss, $30; insm-ance, $4,000; occupied by Mrs. Bradley et als., as dwelling; originated on. roof; cause, sparks from chimney.

' Sunday, 10th, 1-41 A.M. Box 121.

No. 43 West Third st. Owned by John Lally ; loss, $5 ; unoccupied dwelling; originated on 1st floor ; cause, incendiary.

Sunday , 1 0th ,9-37 P. M. Box 121.

No. 43 West Third st. by John Lally estate ; loss, Owned $5 ; un- occupied dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, incendiary.

Sunday, 10th, 10-51 P.M. Box 13.

No. 102 Salem st. by M. Lipman loss, ; insurance, Owned ; $420

; occupied by Israel Brown, as dwelling; loss, $3,000 $75 ; occupied by M. Lipman, as dwelling; insurance, $500; originated on 3d floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Monday, 11th, 3-33 A.M. Box 339. Vaughn ave. Cause, sparks fi"om locomotive igniting old lumber; damage, $5.

Monday, 11th, 4-16 P. 31. Still. No. 134 Chambers st. Owned by Stone heirs; insurance, $3,000;

occupied by Thomas Riley, as shed ; oi'iginated on roof; cause, children and matches.

Monday, 11th, 11-24 P.M. Still.

No. 6 Oakland pl. Owned by Daniel Morris ; loss, $40 ; insurance, $2,000; occupied by E. T. Rowe, as dwelling; loss, $65; insurance, $1,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Tuesday, 12th, 3-26 A.M.. Box 121.

Nos. 21 and 23 First st. Owned by P. Lally ; loss, $999 ; insur- ance, $11,750; occupied by P. Lally & Co., as blacksmiths; loss, $400; insurance, $5,000; occupied by C. Holmes estate, as machinists; loss, $150; insurance, $6,300; occupied by O. M. Hamilton, as shoe findings; loss, $1,520; insurance, $5,000; originated on 3d floor; eause, spontaneous combustion, supposed.

Tuesday, 12th, 7-02 A.M. Box 6. No. 72 Brighton st. Cause, smoky kerosene stove; needless.

Tttesday, 12th, 9 A.M. Still. No. 1831 Washington st. Owned by C. A. Richards heirs; loss, $20; insurance, $20,000; occupied by N. L. Moynihan, as restaurant; insurance, $1,000; originated in basement; cause, supposed rats and matches.

Tuesday, 12th, 9-40 A.M. Still. No. 161 Salem st. Owned by Mrs. Schrimiski; loss, $5; occupied by several families, as dwelling; originated on roof; cause, supposed children and matches. ;

Fire Department. ri9

Tuesday, 12th, 11-55 A.M. Box 532.

Canterbury st. Owned by P. Curley; loss, $10; occupied by P. Curley, as storage; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 12th, 2-02 P.M. Still. loss, occupied Warren bridge. Owned by City of Boston ; $60 ; by

City of Boston, as boiler-house ; originated in boiler-room; cause, defec- tive boiler setting.

Tuesday, 12th, 2-47 A.M. Still. ISTew York & New England Railroad pier. Owned by New York & New England Railroad Corporation; loss, $150; occupied by

New York & New England Railroad, as sheds, etc. ; originated on wharf; cause, sparks from hoisting-engine.

Wednesday, 13th, 1-57 A.M. Still. Nos. 2 AND 4 India sq. Owned by F. H. Monks; loss, $28; insur- ance, $4,000; unoccupied dwelling; originated on 4th floor; cause, hot ashes igniting flooring.

Wednesday, 13th, 2-09 P.M. Box 246.

No. 170 Bellevue ST. Owned by Marshall Stone ; loss, $35 ; unoc- fire. cupied sheds ; origimited on 1st floor ; cause, careless use of

Wednesday, 13th, 4-55 P.M. Box 528.

Off South st. Owned \iy Old Colony Railroad Corporation ; loss,

$378; insurance, $600 ; occvipied by Old Colony Railroad Corporation, as storehouse; loss, $78; insurance, $300; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 13th, 6-01 P.M. Box 135. No. 170 L ST. Owned by Wm. P. Henry; loss, $15; insurance, $4,000; occupied by T. B. Baker, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, upsetting kerosene stove.

4 Wed7iesday, 13th, 7-35 P.M. Still.

No. 324 Main st. Owned by Phipps heirs ; insurance, $1,000 ; occu- pied by F. M. Champlin, as grocery ; insurance, $1,500 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 13th, 8-05 P.M. Still.

Corner of C and First sts. OAvned by R. Easterbrook &, Co. loss, $5; insurance, .$14,500; occupied b}'- R. Easterbrook & Co., as foundry ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, hot iron igniting woodwork.

Thursday, 14th, 0-37 A.M. Still.

No. 43 Third st. Owned by John Lally heirs ; loss, $5 ; unoccupied dwelling ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, incendiary.

Thursday, 14th, 4-12 A.M. Still.

No. 120 Tudor st. Owned by R. Bishop ; insurance, $10,000 ; occu- loss, on floor pied by R. Bishop, as cotton waste ; .$10 ; originated 3d ; cause, spontaneous combustion. ;

70 City Document No. 12.

Thursday, 14th, 11-36 A.M. Box 4. No. 59 Haverhill st. Owned by J. C. Garrett;; insurance, $3,000;

occupied b}- J. C. Garrett, as hardware ; originated in basement; cause, upsetting kerosene stove.

Thursday, 14th, 9-12 P.M. Box 89.

No. 419 BoYLSTON ST. Owned by Massaciiusetts Institute of Tech-

nology ; insurance, $70,000 ; occupied by Institute of Technology, as college; insurance, $35,000; originated on outside; cause, sjDontaneous combustion of oily rags.

Friday, 15th, 0-42 A.M. Box 114. No. 317 D ST. Owned by M. J. Kyder; loss, $115; insurance, $2,000; occupied by A. Johnson et als., as dwelling; loss, $50; origi-

nated on 3d floor ; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp.

Friday, loth, 4-25 A.M. Still. No. 151 Court st. Owned by A. Wentworth; occupied by A. F. Landers, as dining-rooms; insurance, .$1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, ignition of kettle of fat.

Friday, loth, 11-25 A.M. Still. No. 29 Purchase st. Cause, needless automatic alarm.

Friday, 15th, 6 A.M. Box 83. No. 9 NORTHFiELD ST. heirs insm^ance, Owned "by Eldridge ; $10,-

000 ; occupied by J. Adams, as hair-dresser; loss, $5 ; originated on 1st

floor ; cause, supposed careless use of cigar.

Friday, loth, 11-10 P.M. Still. HejS'Ley court. Cause, bonfire, children and matches.

Saticrday, 16th, 10-06 A.M. Box 92. No. 28 Falmouth st. Owned by T. Henry Allen; loss, $1,000; in- surance, $9,000; occupied by R. F. Atwood, as dwelling; loss, $680; insm-ance, $2,000; originated in basement; cause, spontaneous com- bustion. Saturday, 16th, 4-17 P.M. Box 238.

SwETT ST. Owned by Hasten & Wells ; loss, $10 ; occupied by

Hasten & Wells, as fire-works factory ; loss, $25 ; originated on 1st floor cause, explosion of fireworks from friction.

Saturday, 16th, 10-45 A.M. Still.

No. 6 Anderson pl. Owned by George Stanwood ; loss, $12 ; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied by Hrs. Foskey, as dwelling; originated on 3d

floor ; cause, children and matches.

Sunday, 17th, 11-06 A.M. Box 455. No. 3 Sewall's court. Cause, smoke from stove mistaken for fire. Sunday, 17th, 6-10 P.M. Still.

Brookline AVE. AND Peabody ST. Cause, set by boys in hay-

stack ; dama-ge, $2. Fire Department. 71

Bungay, 17th, 7-56 P.M. Box 233.

No. 134 George st. Owned by Patrick Fallon ; loss, $73 ; insur- ance, $500; occupied by Patrick Fallon, as dwelling ; loss, $25; origi- nated in basement; cause unknown.

Monday, 18th, 9-04 A.M. Box 18.

No. 29 Brattle st. Owned by Marston & Co. ; insurance, $70,000; occujDied by Marston & Co., as dining-room; insurance, $30,000; origi- nated on 1st floor ; cause, ignition of fat in ventilator.

Monday, 18ih, 10-48 A.M. Box 139.

No. 412 Second st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire ; needless alarm. Monday, 18th, 1-01 P.M. Still. No. 22 Dover st. Owned by J. W. Hixon; loss, $30; insurance, Beaman, as dwelling loss, $5,000 ; occupied by J. F. ; $14 ; originated on 4th floor; cause, children and matches.

Monday, 18th, 2-05 P.M. Still. St. James ave. Cause, sparks from locomotive igniting lumber.

Monday, 18th, 3-30 P.M. Box 459.

Rutherford ave. Cause, boys setting fire to manure jiile.

Monday, 18th, 8 P.M. Still. Humboldt ave. Cause, set by boys in rubbish.

Monday, 18th, 8-21 P.M. Box 64. No. 1 Lovering PL. Owned by J. J. Grace; loss, $206; insurance, $2,000; occupied by J. H. Grossman, as dwelling; loss, $450; insur- ance, $1,500; originated on 1st floor; cause, rats and matches.

Monday, 18th, 9-15 P.M. Still.

No. 41 Orleans st. Owned by' S. E. Sellen ; insurance, $1,000; occupied by S. E. Sellen, as store; loss, $10; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Tuesday, 19th, 1-40 A.M. Box 636.

196 st. Owned by J. McMurray ; loss, No. Havre $150 ; insurance,

; $250 ; owned by B. Stuart loss, $60 ; insurance, $150 ; owned by James

Finn ; loss, $25 ; occui^ied by Daniel Shea, as stable ; loss, $250 ; insur-

ance, $250 ; occupied by James Finn, as stable ; loss, $150 ; insurance, $400; originated on 1st floor to adjoining buildings; cause, spontane- ous combustion. Bemarks.— Hoseman Sullivan, of Engine No. 40, was burned on legs.

Tuesday, 19th, 2-55 P.M. Still.

No. 181 Salem st. Owned by L. Cunio ; loss, $30 ; insurance, $4,- 000; occupied by C. J. Harkins, as dwelling; originated on 4th floor; cause, defective flue.

Tuesday, 19th, 4-16 P.M. Still. No. 410 Atlantic ave. Cause, ignition of naphtha; no damage. ;

72 City Document No. 12.

Tuesday, 19th, 8-39 P.M. Box 129.

No. 55 Fifth st. Owned by J. Canipbell ; loss, $20 ; insurance, $2,- 000; occupied by J. H. Carr, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 2d floor; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 20th, 6-50 P.M. Box 65.

No. 20 Seneca st. Owned by W. A. Smith ; occuioied by C. Thomp- son, as dwelling; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Wednesday, 20th, 10-10 P.M. Still. North Ferry head-house. Cause, accidental automatic on vibrator.

Thursday, 21st, 1-28 A.M. Still.

No. 38 Batterymarch st. Owned by A. O. Bangs et als. ; insur-

loss, ; in- ance, $3,000 ; occupied by R. J. Nagle, as junk-shop ; $185 surance, $867; originated on 2d floor; cause, supposed rats and matches. Thursday, 21st, 7-18 A.M. Box 627.

Nos. 1 TO 6 Maverick sq. Owned by T. L. and E. L. Sturtevant

; Eastern Star Lodge I. loss, $637 ; insurance, $24,000 occupied by O. of O. F., as lodge-rooms^ loss, $227; insurance, $3,800; occupied by W. B. Morse, as printer; loss, $25; insurance, $1,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, rats and matches.

Thursday, 21st, 10-51 A.M. Box 276.

No. 124 Dudley st. Owned by D. Kennedy heirs ; loss, $5; insur-

ofiice ; origi- ance, $500 ; occupied by Postal Telegraph Company, as nated on 1st floor ; cause, careless use of matches.

Thursday, 21st, 2-52 P.M. Box 416. No. 11 Union st. Owned by T. Riley; loss, $70; insurance, $1,500; occupied by J. Nagle, as dwelling; loss, $128; insurance,' $2,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 21st, 3-13 P.M. Still. No. 84 Hawley ST. Cause, accidental automatic alarm.

Thursday, 21st, 8-12 P.M. Box 41. No. 263 Washington st. Owned by W. Sohier; loss, $155; in- Company, as dining- surance, $40,000 ; occupied by Silver Grill Cafe originated on 1st floor; cause, rooms ; loss, $645; insurance, $16,500; ignition of woodwork from furnace.

Thursday, 21st, 10-25 P.M. Still. No. 289 Federal st. Owned by W. H. Westcott; loss, $25; insur- et als., as plumbers loss, Hawkins ; $7 ance, $2, .500 ; occupied by J. E. ; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Friday, 22d, 1-06 P.M. Box 19. No. 75 Endicott ST. Cause, smoke from stove mistaken for fire. ;

Fire Depaetment.

Saiurdmj, 23d, 8-35 A.M. Box 428.

No. 1 Scott's coukt. Owned by Robert Armstrong; loss, $75; insurance, $500; oecuiDied by A. McEachern, as dwelling; loss, $60; originated on 2d floor ; cause, breaking kerosene lamj). Bemarks. — Mrs. Annie McEachern was badly burned on hands.

Saturday, 23d, 9-07 A.M. Box 81.

No. 117 Pembroke st. Owned by Ellen Davis ; loss, $200 ; insui*- ance, $7,000; occupied by E. B. Goudrey, as dwelling; loss, $41; in- surance, $500 ; originated in basement ; cause, ignition of naphtha.

Saturday, 23d, 2-01 P.M. Box 114. No. 117 Bolton st. Owned by Thos. Broderick; loss, $30; insur- ance, $1,000 ; occupied by Thos. Broderick, as dwelling ; originated on roof; cause, sparks from chimnej'.

Saturday, 23d, 3-32 P.M. Still.

No. 165 Milk st. Cause, smoke from stove mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 23d, 5-01 P.M. Box 24. No. 132 Cambridge st. Owned by Wm. Sohier; loss, $52; insur- ance, $5,000 ; occupied by C. Barnard, as bakery ; loss, $23 ; insurance, originated on 1st floor; cause, ignition of gas from leaky pipe. $2,900 ;

Saturday, 23d, 5-05 P.M. Box 112. No. 14 Swan st. Owned by Ellen Devine; loss, $263; insurance,

No. 10, owned by D. D. Gilbert; loss, ; insurance, $2,000. $27 $2,000 ; occupied by P. F. Shevlin, as stable, etc. ; loss, $240 ; insurance, .$1,750 ; originated on 1st floor, extended to adjoining buildings ; cause un- known. Saturday, 2.3d, 8-36 P.M. Box 213. No. 8 Farnham ST. Owned by T. Howe heirs; occupied by W. Q. Spear, as stable; loss, $2; originated on 2d floor; cause, careless smoking in stable. Sunday, 24th, 7-39 A.M. Box 523.

No. 684 Centre st. Owned by Cyrus White ; loss, $460 ; insurance,

$15,500; occupied by E. W. Clark & Co., as dry goods ; loss, $2,100; insurance, $10,250; originated on 2d floor ; cause, overheated kerosene stove. Sunday, 24th, 8-30 A.M. Still.

Dover st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Sunday, 24th, 10-48 A.M. Still.

No. 3 Curtis court. Owned by Silas Pierce ; occupied by John Hanley, as dwelling; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Sunday, 24th, 0-45 P.M. Still.

Congress st. Cause unknown. Remarks. — Pile of railroad ties owned by N. Y. & N. E. E.R. damage, $25. Sunday, 24th, 0-46 A.M. Box 917.

Freeport ST. Cause unknown. Remarks. — Slight fire on coal-run, owned by Boston Gas Comj^any. ;

74 City Document No. 12.

Sunday, 24th, 4-57 P.M. Box 123. No. 363 DoRCHESTEK AVE. Cause, sparks from loeomotiv^e ignit- ing pier owned by the Norway Iron Works ; damage, $10.

Monday, 25th, 9-58 P.M. Box 262.

No. 27 Marcella st. Owned by John Keenan ; loss, $35 ; insm'- ance, $4,000; occupied by John Keenan, as dwelling; loss, $12; insm*- ance, $1,100; oi'iginated on Ist^floor; cause, mice and matches.

Tuesday, 26th, 3-05 P.M. Still. No. 328 Congress st. Owned hj S. P. Putnam & Co.; insurance, $40,000; occupied by S. P.Putnam & Co., as mattresses; insurance, $5,000; originated on sixth floor; cause, spontaneous combustion.

Wednesday, 27th, 8-05 A.M. Still. No. 357 Third st. Owned by Samuel Lord; loss, $10; insurance,

$3,000 ; unoccupied dwelling ; originated on roof ; cause, sparks from burning chimney.

Wednesday, 27th, 3-45 P.M. Still.

No. 42 Lowell st. Owned by Rogers estate ; occupied by David

Marks, as dwelling ; originated on 2d floor ; cause, overheated kero- sene stove. JVednesday, 27th, 8-26 P.M. Box 618.

No. 150 Marginal st. Owned by North American Fire Insui-ance Company; loss, $54; insurance, $21,000; occupied by Henry Hutch- ings, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 2d floor; cause, breaking of kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 28th, 11-08 A.M. Still. No. 363 Dorchester ave. Cause, sparks from locomotive igniting pier of Norway Iron Works ; damage. $25.

Thursday, 28th, 1-08 P.M. Box 634. Central square and Porter st. Owned by Universalist Society loss, $2,066 ; insurance, $18,000 ; occupied by L. J. Wyzanski, as dry- goods ; loss, $20; insurance, $14,000; occupied by Outing Club e;; aZs., as club rooms; loss, $150; insurance, $2,000; originated on 4th floor; cause, careless use of cigar.

Friday, 29th, 0-46 A.M. Box 818. Cause, false alarm.

Friday, 29th, 8-27 P.M. Still. Bragdon and Brunswick sts. Cause, bonfire, children and matches.

Friday, 29th, 8-52 P.M. Box 69. No. 30 Rochester st. Cause, ignition of rubbish in ash barrel; no damage. Friday, 29th, 9-01 P.M. Box 78.

No. 102 E. Brookline st. Owned by John McGrady; insurance, $5,000; occupied by George Gould et als., as dwelling; loss. $25; in- surance. .$1,500; originated on 4th floor; cause, window curtain ignit- ing from gas-jet. Fire Department. 75

Saturday, 30th, 1-28 P.M. Box 827.

Allston Heights. Grass fire ; cause unknown.

Saturday, 30th, 7-35 P.M. Still. 835 Columbus ave. O. insurance, No. Owned by Nute; $15,000 ^ occupied by W. J. Conklin et als., as dwelling; loss, $7; insurance, $7,500; originated on awning; cause, careless throwing match from window. Saturday, 30th, 8-03 P.M. Box 612. Remarks. — Fire occurred on board a steam-yacht, owned by C. F. " Morrill, anchored off Jeffries Point; loss, $400.

Sunday, 31st, 11-46 A.M. Still. No. 12 James st. Owned by J. D. Morse; loss, $46; insin-ance, $8,000; occupied b}' J. E. Morse, as dwelling; loss, $40; insurance,

$1,500 ; originated on 3d floor; cause, rats and matches.


Monday, 1st, 8-02 A.M. Still. No. 48 Chauncy ST. Owned by L. Morse; loss, $37; insurance,, $15,000; occupied by E. O. Bullock et als., as fancy goods, etc., insur- ance, $69,500; originated in basement; cause, electric wires igniting woodwork. Monday, 1st, 7-39 P.M. Box 52.

Nos. 119 AND 121 Summer st. Owned by E. K. Harris; loss,

; insurance, occupied by Fishel Bros., $4,532 $40,000 ; as hats and caps ; loss, $5,000 ; insurance, $5,000 ; occuj^ied by J. F. Noera, as knit goods ; loss, $5,368; insurance, $10,000; occupied by SV . D. Brackett & Co., as shoes, etc.; loss, $2,595; insurance, $11,000; occupied by Houghton, Loring, et als., as iDoots and shoes; loss, $1,406; insurance, $19,050; originated on 4th floor ; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 2d, 7-52 P.M. Box 12.

Nos. 71 to 75 NOETH Margin st. Owned by E. M. Dorey ; loss,

$99 ; insurance, $1,000 ; owned by Edward Grey ; loss, $103 ; insurance, $1,500; occupied by several families, as dwelling; loss, $100; origi- nated on roof ; cause, overheated chimney.

Wednesday, 3d, 5-15 A.M. Box 546. Cass st. Owned by J. A. Whittemore heirs ; loss, $236 ; insurance,

$236 ; occupied by Mr. Fay, as storage ; loss, $25 ; originated on 2ci floor; cause, incendiary.

Wednesday, 3d, 10-15 A.M. Still. st. No. 330 Main Owned by M. Roghan ; insurance, $5,000; occu- pied by H. Collins, as liquors ; V. insurance, $6,000 ; originated in base- ment; cause, esijlosion of lamjj.

Wednesday, 3d, 11-14 P.M. Box 844. Lincoln ST. Owned by Mrs. J. Denver; loss, insurance, '"'' $150; occupied J. Albert el als., as ; by dwelling; loss, $100; originated on 2d floor ; cause unknown. 76 City Document No. 1'2.

Wednesday, 3d, 11-53 P.M. Box 28.

No. 26 Clinton st. Owned by J. D. Williams ; loss, insurance, $156 ;

; ; $10,000 occupied hj C. W. Parker & Co., as hotel loss, $25 ; insurance, $20,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, overheated boiler igniting wood- work. Thursday, 4ih, 5-59 A.M. Box 221. Nos. 1270 TO 1274 Tremont st. Nos. 1270 and 1272 owned bv Frank H. Lear; loss, $73 on No. 1270; $1,051 on No. 1272; insurance^ $2,000 on No. 1270; $2,000 on No. 1272. No. 1274 and rear owned by G. Keppler; loss, $375; insurance, $2,000; occupied by D. Collins, as dwelling; loss, $75; originated on 1st floor of No. 1272, extended to

adjoining buildings ; cause, ignition of fat on stove.

Thursday, 4th, 8-57 A.M. Box 62. No. 110 Warrenton ST. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Friday, 5th, 1-55 P.M. Box 9.

No. 18 Moon st. Owned by D. P. Desmont; occupied by B,. Win-

dolo, as dwelling ; loss, $10 ; originated on 3d floor ; cause, children and matches. Friday, 5th, 2-35 P.M. Still. No. 6 South Eden st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Friday, 5th, 4-30 P.M. Still. Bennett st. Owned by C. C. Ready; loss, $40; insurance, $800;

occupied by Mrs. McGee, as dwelling; originated on roof ; cause, struck by lightning. Saturday, 6th, 1 P.M. Still. No. 292 Washington st. Cause, ignition of electric switch-box.

Saturday, 6th, 5-20 A.M. Still.

No. 88 Dover st. Owned by S. W. Winslow ; loss, $58 ; insurance, $7,500; occupied by John Kewer & Son, as dining-room; insurance, originated in basement; cause, overheated range.

Saturday, 6th, 6-29 A.M. Box 38. No. 58 Long Wharf. Owned by S. Hammond estate; loss, $456; oils, insurance, $6,000 ; occupied by H. Anderson, as paints, etc. ; loss,

$850 ; insurance, $3,000 ; originated on 2d floor ; cause, spontaneous combustion, supposed.

Satitrday, 6th, 8-10 A.M. Box 212.

No. 34 SwETT ST. Owned by John McBarron ; loss, $51; insurance, $1,000; occupied by J. E. Bogue, as carriages; loss, $39; insurance, $500; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Saturday, 6th, 9-47 P.M. Still. No. 367 Tremont st. Owned b}^ M. Pollard; loss, $12; insurance, $4,000; occupied by D. Owen, as harness-maker; originated on 2d floor; ca\Tse, iDreaking kerosene lamp.

Sunday, 7th, 5-40 A.M. Still. No. 161 High st. Owned by Charles G. Chase; loss, $65; insur by Ellis Lubricator Companj', as raaehine-shoi? ance, $18,000; occupied ; loss, $59 ; insurance, $6,025; occupied by W. T. C. Maeallen Company, :;

Fire Department. 77 as insulators; loss, $71; insurance, $6,000; occupied by Massachusetts

Electric Engineering Company, as laboratory ; loss, $196 ; insurance,

originated on 5tli floor ; cause, overheated $4,700 ; smelting furnace.

Monday, 8th, 1-58 A.M. Box 451.

No. 57 Corey st. Owned by R. J. Tobin; loss, $10 ; insurance, $1000; occupied by J. Hanford, as dwelling; originated on 2d floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamj).

Monday, 8th, 3-05 P.M. Still. No. 500 Harrison Ave. Owned by A. E. Whittier; insurance,

; occupied by Jordan & Co., as hay-store; loss, $50 ; insvirance,

; originated on 1st floor; cause vmknown.

Monday, 8th, 8-57 P.M. Still.

No. 133 Charles st. Owned by P. Shea heirs ; loss, $33 ; insurance,

$6,000; occupied by D. O'Brien, as dwelling; loss, $200 ; insurance, $1,500; originated on 3d floor; cause, rats and matches.

Tuesday, 9ih, 1-33 A.M. Box 546.

Centre st. Owned by E. C. Colburn ; insurance, $800; occupied by

E. C. Colburn, as barn, etc. ; originated on outside; cause, incendiary.

Tuesday, 9th, 3-08 P.M. Box 452.

Nos. 309 AND 313 Medford st. Owned by C. H. Burns ; loss, $950 insurance, $1,000 ; No. 311 owned by H. Murray ; loss, $300 ; insurance,

$300 ; occupied by J. A. Carroll, as stable; loss, $25 ; occujDied by John Wells, as stable; loss, $25; occupied by M. Freeman, as stable; loss,

$20 ; insurance, $800 ; originated on 2d floor ; cause unknown. Remarks. — Engineman W. H. Clay, of Engine No. 27, was severely injured by being caught in balance-wheel of engine.

Tuesday, 9th, 11-03 P.M. Still. No. 182 Hanover st. Owned by J. Renison; occupied by J.

Renison, as furniture ; originated in basement ; cause, sjjontaneous com- bustion. Wednesday, 10th, 4-56 A.M. Box 465. Roland st. Owned by Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Company loss, .$3,925 ; insurance, $90,000 ; occupied by Crosby Steam Gauge &

Valve Company, as factory ; originated in basement ; cause, sjDonta- neous combustion.

Wednesday, 10th, 6-48 P.M. Box 636. Nos. 2 and 3 Saxon court. Owned by B. S. Evans; loss, $172; insurance, $1,500; occupied by J. Quinn et als., as dwelling; origi- nated in basement ; cause, careless use of matches.

"Wednesday, 10th, 8-23 P.M. Box 4. No. 217 Endicott ST. Owned by E. P. Clark; loss, $28; insurance,

$1,500 ; occupied by Thomas Lucid, as junk-store ; originated on 1st

floor ; cause, mice and matches, supposed.

Wedyiesday, 10th, 9-47 P.M. Box 543.

Centre st. Owned city of Boston loss, city by ; $500 ; occupied by of Boston, as branch library; loss, $50; oi'iginated on outside; cause, incendiary. ;

78 City Document No. 12.

Thursday, 11th, 10-35 A.M. Still.

loss, unoccupied sheds Western ave. Owned by John Wood ; $5 ; ; unknown. originated in shed ; cause

Friday, 12th, 2^08 A.M. Box 46.

jSTos. 85 AND 87 Milk st. Owned by aST. E. Mutual Life Insurance Company; loss, $4; insurance, $20,000; occupied by Hayden & Stone,

1st floor ; cause, over- as brokers' office ; insurance, $500 ; originated on charged electric wires.

Friday, 12th, 2-30 A.M. Still. No. 246 Federal st. Canse, slaking of lime on wagon owned by

Waldo Bros. ; damage, $30.

Friday, 12th, 5-53 P.M. Still. No. 165 High st. Owned by C. E. Billings; insurance, $25,000; occupied by Billings & Clapp, as chemicals; insurance, $80,000; origi- nated in basement; cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Friday, 12th, 7-50 P.M. Box 15. No. 84 TO 90 Richmond st. Owned by F. J. Doe; loss, $104; in- surance, $10,000; occupied by T. Trefrey, as furniture; loss, $1,375; insurance, $6,000; originated on 3d floor; cause, supposed spontaneous combustion.

Friday, 12th, 10-15 P.M. Still.

No. 14 Sheppard ST. Owned by A. McMurtry ; loss, $35; insur- ance, $1,600; occupied by John Cain, as dwelling; loss, $15; origi- nated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Saturday, 13th, 4-03 P.M. Box 54.

No. 61 Beach st. Owned by H. B. Spofford ; insurance, $5,000 occupied by J. Mellor, as tailor; insurance, $1,500; originated on roof; cause, careless use of matches.

Saturday, 13th, 6-25 P.M. Still. No. 4228 Washington st. Owned by W. S. Davis; insurance, $2,000; occupied by W. S. Davis, as dwelling; insurance, $1,000;

originated on 1st floor ; cause, overheated oil stove.

Saturday, 13th, 9-10 P.M. Still. No. 339 Harrison ave. Owned by Richard Comer; loss, $20; insurance, $5,000; occupied bj^ Lewis J. Scott, as dwelling; loss, $25;

insurance, $1,000 ; originated on 4th floor; cause, breaking kerosene

lam J). Sunday, 14th, 1-33 A.M. Box 36.

10 AND 12 State st. Owned by Treadwell estate ; loss, $600 Nos. ;

insurance, $10,000 ; occupied by Fish & Sancton, as printers ; loss, $1,497; insurance, $4,600; originated on 4th floor; cause, electric wires. Remarks.—Hoseman Redman, of Engine No. 4, was injured by falling slate. Hoseman Enos, of Engine No. 6, severely burned on foot by molten metal. Fire Department. 79

Sunday, 14th, 2-41 A.M. Box 56. South, near Lehigh st. Owned by O. C. R.R. Company; occupied by ]Sr. y. & Boston Despatch Company, as office ; originated on 1st floor; cause, gas-jet igniting woodwork.

Monday, loth, 9-53 A.M. Box 427.

jSTo. 29 Adams st. Owned by Annie Estel ; loss, $90; insurance, $1,500; occupied by G. E. Connell, as dwelling; loss, $53; insurance,

^1,500 ; originated on 2d floor; cause, careless use of matches.

Monday, 15th, 2-35 P.M. Still.

No. 3 WiNTHROP ST. Owned by H. L. Marcy; insurance, $1,000; occupied by William Clark, as dvyelling ; originated on 1st floor; cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Monday, 15th, 5-20 P.M. Box 53. '

Nos. 1 AND 3 Eliot ST. Owned by Brown heirs ; loss, $50 ; insur- ance, $10,000; occupied by VV. L. Green et als., as dwelling; loss, $35; insurance, $8,500 ; originated on 3dfioor; cause, careless use of fumi- gating material. Remarks. — Police ofiicer Daniel Doherty, of the Railroad Squad, was seriously injured by being knocked down and run over by Chemical Engine No. 1 on .

Monday, 15th, 9-2S P.M. Box 18.

No. 13 CORNHiLL. Owned by John G. Low ; loss, $113; insurance, $4,000; occupied by Hub Blank Book Company, as bookstore; loss, $123; insurance, $2,500; occupied by B P. Verne, as hair-dresser; loss, originated floor unknown. $10 ; on 1st ; cause

Tuesday, 16th, 6-16 A.M. Box 21.

Sudbury and Hawkins sts. Cause, overchai-ged electric wires igniting box in street.

Tuesday, 16th, 4-45 P.M. Still.

No. 13 Merrimac ST. Cause, matches thrown in bales of husk on sidewalk; damage, $10.

^ Tuesday, 16th, 5-47 P.M. Still.

No. 27 Sudbury st. Cause, needless ; automatic alarm.

Tuesday, 16th, 10-07 P.M. Box 61.

No. 30 Common st. Owned by E. W. Bigelow; insurance, $4,000; occupied by L. Wiggin, as dwelling; loss, $35; insurance, $1,200; originated on 4th floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 17th, 1-39 A.M. Box 261. No. 2935 Washington st. Owned by Catherine Pender; loss, $15 ; insurance, $3,500; occupied by Catherine Pender e^ a/s., as dwelling, etc. ; loss, $10 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, spontaneous combustion.

Wed7iesday, 17th, 6-39 A.M. Box 26. No. 5 Southac PL. Ovvned by Boston Cooperative Company; oc- cupied by Benjamin Lee, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 2d floor; cause unknown. 80 City Document No. 12.

Wednesday, 17th, 0-28 P.M. Box 428,'

Reak Scott's court. Owned by Vail ej^ Oil Company; loss, $100; occupied by Valley Oil Company, as refinery ; loss, $50 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, bursting of still-pipes. Remarks. — R. J. Restarrick, of Hook and Ladder No. 9, was injured in knee. Wednesdaij, 17th, 1-38 P.M. Box 13.

No. 246 North st. Owned by M. D. Genai-o ; insurance, $8,000; occupied by B. Passannanti, as dwelling; loss, $10 ; originated on 3d floor; cause, careless use of pipe in bedding.

Wednesday, 17th, 3-10 P.M. Still. Brookline and Washington sts. Cause, electric motor igniting car of West End R.R.

Wednesday, 17th, 4-34 P.M. Box 436. No. 341 Bunker Hill st. Owned by James Greely; loss, $400; insurance, $3,000; occupied by R. White, as dwelling; loss, $37 ; in- surance, $500; occupied by R. Bailey, as dvvelling; loss, $50; occupied by T. Kenniston, as dwelling; loss, $150; originated on 1st floor; cause, children and matches.

Thursday, 18th, 9-45 A.M. Still. No. 37 Wall st. Owned by L. R. Cutter; occupied by L. Hackett, as dwelling; insurance, $1,000; originated in basement; cause, chil- dren and matches.

Thursday, 18th, 0-13 P.M. Box 113.

West First and B sts. Owned by Clark & Van Blunt ; occupied

; careless by John Hopkins, as junk-shop ; originated on 1st floor cause, use of matches.

Thursday, 18th, 1-12 P.M. Still. Parkman ST. Owned by A. T. Kimball; loss, $20; insurance,

; on roof ; cause, $3,000 ; occupied by John Lynch, as dwelling originated sparks from chimney.

Thursday, 18th, 5-19 P.M. Box 79. No. 233 Marlborough st. Cause, hot ashes in wooden receptacle in yard ; no damage.

Friday, 19th, 4-40 A.M. Still. No. 387 Sumner st. Owned by M. Moore; loss, $26; insurance, $1,000; occupied by M. J. Riley, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, rats and matches.

Friday, 19th, 1-45 P.M. Still. No. 13^ Howard st. Owned by M. A. L. Prescott; loss, $20; insurance, $10,000; occupied by N. E. Lodging Hotel Company, as

dwelling; loss, $10; insurance, $2,000 ; originated on 2d floor; cause, ignition of benzine. Friday, 19th, 6-30 P.M. Still. No. 227 Atlantic ave. Owned by H. M. Whitney; occupied by originated M. F. & A. M. McDonald, as dining-saloon ; insurance, $300 ;

on 1st floor ; cause, careless use of matches. ;

Fire Department. 81

Saturday, 20th, 1-25 A.M. Box 286. False alarm. Saturday, 20th, 6-27 A.M. Box 26.

No. 211 Ca^mbridge ST. Owned by E. Listner; loss, | $799 ; insur-

ance, $5,000 ; owned by A. Cameron; loss, $10; insurance, $5,000 occupied by A. Fergenbaum, as tailor; loss, $250; insurance, $500

occupied by J. Fishbein, as clocks, etc., loss, $1,000 ; insurance, $1,200

originated on 1st floor ; cause, ignition of naphtha stove.

Stmday, 21st, 0-01 A.M. Box 217. No. 2 Riverside ave. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Sunday, 21st, 3-54 A.M. Box 843. WiCKLOW ST. Owned by John Spencer; loss, $525; |insurance, $1,600; occupied by Mrs. Tighe, as dwelling; loss, $25; occupied by J. Fagan, as dwelling; loss, $350; insurance, $600; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp, supposed.

Sunday, 21st, 4-54 P.M. Box 458. B. & M. Railroad yard. Cause, set by Ijoys in axle-boxes of freight cars. Sunday, 21st, 5-29 P.M. Box 455.

SoMERViLLE, Mass. Cause, fire in Somerville, Mass.

Sunday, 21st, 5-47 P.M. Still. No. 592 Columbus ave. Needless alarm.

Sunday, 21st, 9-25 P.M. Still.

No. 31 Leverett st. Owned by V. Thipps ; insurance, $5,000 occupied by V. Phipps, as dwelling; loss, $10; insurance, $2,500; originated on 2d floor; cause, cai'eless use of kerosene lamp.

Monday, 22d, 6-19 A.M. Box 632.

No. 120 Border st. Owned by W. G. Bell ; loss, $15 ; occupied by L. L. Harris, as stable ; originated on hay-loft ; cause unknown.

Mo7iday, 22d, 8-30 A. 31. Still. Mt. Vernon st. Owned by Geo. Smith; loss, $16; insurance, $3,000; occupied by C. Van Buskirk, as dwelling; loss, $3; insur- ance, $800; originated on roof; cause, sparks from chimney.

Monday, 22d, 0-22 P.M. Box 114. Nos. 248 AND 250 Athens st. Owned by Richard Stack; loss.

insurance, $800 ; occupied by Reavey and Wigley, as dwelling loss, .$20 ; originated on outside , cause, children and matches.

Monday, 22d, 10-40 P.M. Box 134. False alarm. Tuesday, 23d, 7-30 A.M. Still.

No. 21 Hamilton st. Owned by Curtis Guild heirs ; insurance,

$25,000; occupied by A. & J. M. Anderson, as machinists ; insurance,

$25,000 ; originated on 3d floor ; cause, overheated boiler igniting woodwork. ;

82 City Document No. 12.

Tuesday, 23d, 8-57 A.M. mill.

No. 72 West Broadway. Owned by P. Kane ; insurance, $2,500 occupied by Catherine Brown, as picture-frames; loss, $100; insur- ance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, unknown.

Wednesday, 24th, 2-02 P.M. Box 26. N"o. 1 LiNDELL PL. Cause, careless use of fumigating material.

Wednesday, 24th, 5-55 P.M. Box 9.

Hanover and Clark sts. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Wednesday, 24th, 7-32 P.M. Still. No. 46 Hanover st. Cause, overheated thermostat.

Thursday, 25th, 1-32 P.M. Still.

jSTo. 24 Brimmer st. Owned by M. A. O. Elder; occupied by M. A. O. Elder, as dwelling; originated in basement; cause, soot under boiler igniting.

Thursday, 25th, 7-29 P.M. Box 4.

No. 119 Charlestown st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Friday, 2eth, 8-06 P.M. Still. Franklin place, off Washington st. Cause, soot in chimney burning. Friday, 26th, 11-57 P.M. Box 53. No. 651 Washington st. Owned by Boylston Mai-ket Association loss, $855; insurance, $150,000; occupied by L. F. Brigham et als., as tailor, etc. ; loss, $1,500; insurance, $1,500; occupied b}' several firms, as ofiices, etc.; insurance, $649,400; originated on 5th floor; cause unknown.

Saturday, 27th, 1-01 A.M. Still.

Rear No. 2 Savin st. Owned by Davis & Glidden ; loss, $50; in- surance, $12,000; occupied by Davis & Glidden et als., as workshop; loss, $83; insurance, $150; originated on 1st floor; cause, unknown.

Saturday, 27th, 9-52 A.M. Box 112.

No. 13 Ontario st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Saturday, 27th, 6-09 P.M. Still. No. 55 Tremont ST. Cause, overcharged electric wires.

Saturday, 27th, 11-04 P.M. Box 59. No. 90 South st. OwnedbyWm. Gaston; loss, $2,754; insurance, $20,900; occupied by W. B. White & Son, as boots and shoes; loss, $3,719; insurance, .$5,500; occupied by Geo. W. Cox, as stencils; loss, $10; insurance, $700; occupied by H. L. Houghton, as optician; loss, $64 ; insurance, $500 ; occupied by Staple Fastening Com]3any, as machinists ; loss, .$.504 ; insurance, $2,000 ; occupied by A. & E. Lane, as leathers; loss, $852; insurance, $10,000; originated on 8d floor; cause unknown. ;

Fire Department. 83

Sunday, 28th, 11-45 A.M. Still. No. 394 Shavviuqt ave. Owned by C. W. Bartlett; loss, $25; insurance, $5,000; occupied by J. W. S. Raymond, as dwelling; origi- nated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Sunday, 28th, 3-55 P.M. Box 711. Harrison ave. Cause, slight fire in power-house of West End Railroad. Monday, 29th, 5-15 P.M. Box 221.

Hampshire st. Owned by Roxbury Carpet Company ; occupied by floor; Roxbury Carpet Company, as dry-room ; originated on 2d cause, friction of machinery.

Monday, 29th, 6-19 P.M. Box 645. sts. by_ Nay & White; loss, $200 Condor and Meridian Owned ; occupied by Wni. A. Tupper, as blacksmith; loss, $275; insurance, $300; originated on ground floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 29th, 10-25 P.M. Still. Portland st. Cause, electric motor igniting car of West End Railroad. Monday, 29th, 11-42 P.M. Box 214. Rear No. 2020 Washington st. Owned by L. Berenson; loss, stable loss, $302 ; insurance, $12,000 ; occupied by Joseph Harris, as ; dining-saloon -$592 ; insurance, $700 ; occupied by J. C. Knowles, as loss, $15; insurance, $500; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 29th, 11-54 P.M. Box 134. False alarm.

Tuesday, 30th, 0-56 A.M. Box 38. . Cause unknown.

Tuesday, 30th, 8-38 A.M. Box 825.

No. 277 Everett st. Owned by J. F. Riordan; occupied by J. F, Riordan, as dwelling; cause, spontaneous combustion in oily I'ags.

Tuesday, 30th, 10-47 A.M. Still.

No. 5 Haverhill st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Tuesday, 30th, 6-46 P.M. Box 66.

; insurance, No. 29 Mayo st. Owned by Orin Sherman loss, $350 ; $13,000; occupied by I. Frankstowe, as dwelling; loss, $790; insur- ance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 30th, 8-04 P.M. Box 853. Oakland st. Owned by Brighton Savings Bank; loss, $10; insur- ance, $700; occupied by W. Durgin, as stable; loss, $156; insurance, kerosene lantern. originated on 1st floor ; cause, breaking ;

84 City Document No. 12.


Thursday, 1st, 9-15 P.M. Still. Remarks. — Fire on board the schooner " Aclehaide " at wharf of Glen- don Company, East Boston ; caused by slaking of lime.

Friday, 2d, 10-14 A.M. Box 85.

No. 420 Tremont ST. Owned by H. C. Angell ; loss, .fl98; insur- ance, $15,000; occuijied by T. H. Burns et als., as fruits, etc.; loss,

$122; insurance, $1,000 ; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Friday, 2d, 4-13 F.M. Still.

ISTo. .3.3 Cedar st. Owned by F. Silver; occupied by C. L. Hutch- inson, as dwelling ; originated on 3d floor ; cause, children and matches.

Friday, 2d, 7-15 P.M. Still.

No. 47 Barton st. Owned by J. Scarlett; occcupied by Mary Conners, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp. Saturday, 3d, 1-22 A.M. Still.

No. 229 Northampton st. Owned by Louis Binney; loss, $16; insurance, $4,500; occupied by E. H. Houghton, as dwelling; cause, hot ashes in wooden barrel.

Saturday, 3d, 5 A.M. Box 93.

No. 20 Fabin st. Owned by B. Goldie ; loss, $130; insurance, $3,000; occupied by M. Whitman, as bakery; insurance, $1,250; originated in basement; cause, defective oven iu bakery.

Saturday, 3d, 3-45 P.M. Still. Nos. 90 AND 94 South st. Owned by Wm. Gaston; insurance, $19,000; occupied by Wm. B. White, as boots and shoes; insurance, $5,000; originated on 5th floor; cavise, sjoontaneous combustion.

Sunday, 4th, 4-18 P.M. Box 844. No. 112 Market st. Owned by Margaret Denver; loss, $40; insurance, $3,000 ; occupied by Ann Carey, as store, etc. ; loss, $139 insurance, $2,000 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause unknown.

Sunday, 4th, 9-09 P.M. Box 15. Nos. 39 AND 40 Commercial st. Owned by Isaac Sweetzer; loss, $25; insurance, $2,000; occupied by Armour & Co., as provisions; insurance, $10,000 ; originated in smoke-house ; cause, carelessness in smoke-house.

Monday, 5th, 8-50 P.M. Still.

Devonshire and Water sts.-, Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Tuesday, 6th, 5-27 A.M. Box 16.

No. 2 Friend st. Cause, smoke mistaken for flre.

Tuesday, 6th, 6-56 A.M. Box 141. Cause, runaway team striking pole on which box was located. ;

Fire Department. 85

Tuesday, 6th, 4-23 P.M. Box 67. No. 5 Burroughs pl. Owned by Skinner heirs; loss, $14; insurance, $5,000; occupied by A. T. Newland, as dwelling; loss, $4:5;

insurance, $2,000 ; originated on 2d floor; cause, careless use of lighted cigarette. Tuesday, 6th, 6-27 P.M. Still.

No. 122 Prince st. Owned by C. P.Gordon; loss, $20; insurance, $3,000; occupied by J. Sherman, as dwelling; loss, -$10; originated on 2d floor; cause, children and matches.

Tuesday, 6th, 6-03 P.M. Box 12.

No. 55 Charlestown st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Wednesday, 7th, 9-35 A.M. Still. No. 300 Athens st. Owned by J. A. Kelley; loss, $1,250; insur- ance, $1,000; occupied by E. Myer, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 1st floor; cause, children and matches.

Wednesday, 7th, 10-49 A.M. Box 259. No. 2 Amory ST. Owned by W. Chester; loss, .$150; insurance, $2,000; occupied by A. Burke, as dwelling; originated in basement; cause unknown. Wedjiesday, 7th, 7-25 P.M. Still.

No. 86 Beacon ST. Owned by Emory Sears ; occupied by Emory

Sears, as dwelling ; originated in yard ; cause, incendiary.

Wednesday, 7th, 8-45 P.M. Still. No. 8 Ashland pl. Owned by A. E. Yalentine; occupied by C.

Stewai't, as dwelling ; originated on 2d floor ; cause, gas jet igniting window curtain.

Wednesday, 7th, 11-44 P.M. Still. Ashland and Poplar sts. Owned by C. H. Wise; loss, $75; occupied by A. Donlan, as stable ; loss, .$30 ; originated in hay-loft cause, incendiary.

Thursday, 8th, 0-40 A.M. Box 121. No. 43 West Third st. Owned by M. C. Lally; loss, $1,275; insurance, $3,000; occupied by M. C. Lally, as dwelling; originated

on 1st floor ; cause, incendiary.

Thursday, 8th, 10-19, 10-23 A.M. Box 242, 272. Rear No. 45 Edgewood st. Owned by B. Foley; loss, $25; occu- pied by B. Foley, as morocco loss, .$10 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, ; boiling over of kettle of oil.

Thursday, 8th, 5-45 P.M. Still.

No. 47 Alger st. Owned by Mary Brenhan ; loss, $5 ; insurance, $1,000; occupied by Mary Brenhan, as dwelling; originated in base- ment ; cause unknown.

Thursday, 8th, 9-24 P.M. Box 435. No. 462 Medford st. Owned by C. Callahan; insurance, $1,200; occupied by C. Callahan, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp. S6 City Document No. 12.

Thursday, 8th, 9-35 P.M. Still.

No. 19 Prospect st. Owned by E. Ridgeway loss, W. ; $128 ; insur- ance, ; occupied by White, as dwelling ; $2,500 G. loss, $50 ; insurance, $800; odginated on 2d floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 8th, 11-16 P.M. Box 35. Tremont and Beacon sts. Cause, electric motor igniting car of West End Railroad.

Friday, 9th, 8-35 A.M. Box 618. No. 164 Marginal st. Owned by S. L. Bowker; loss, $118; insur- ance, $1,400; occupied by E. Delaney, as dwelling; originated on 2d floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Friday, 9th, 1-25 P.M. Box 57. No. 118 Tyler st. Owned by J. W. McDonald; loss, $349; insur- ance, $1,000. 69 Oak st. ; owned by P. H. Sheehan ; loss, $63; insur- ance, .$2,500. 71 Oak st. ; owned J. loss, insurance, by McCaffrey ; $75 ; $3,500; occup)ied by J. W. McDonald, as carjaenter; loss, $334; insurance, $500 ; occupied by A. A. McDonald, as storage ; loss, $360. Originated on 1st floor, NTo. 118 Tyler st., extended to Nos. 69 and

71 Oak St. ; cause, ignition of ^oX, of glue.

Friday, 9th, 5-30 P.M. Siill.

1 Hancock st. Owned by O. Viles heirs ; loss, $55 ; insurance, $20,000; occupied by F. L. Dore, as dwelling; loss, $10; insurance, $3,000; originated on 3d floor; cause, rats and matches.

Saturday, 10th, 5-05 A.M. Box 546.

Baker st. Owned by city of Boston ; loss, $150 ; occupied by city of Boston, as school-house; originated on outside; cause, incendiary,

Saturday, 10th, 8-43 A.M. Box 825. Nos. 301 AND 303 Western ave. Owned by Jerry Callahan loss, $363; insurance, $1,800; occupied by Ellen Hughes, as dwelling loss, $150 ; insurance, $800 ; occupied by Roland Shaw, as dwelling loss, $130; insurance, .$600; originated on 2d floor; cause, defective chimney. Saturday, 10th, 10-12 A. 31. Still.

No. 193 Salem st. Owned by Christ Church Corporation ; loss, $86 ; insurance, $2,000; occupied by C. Downer, as dwelling; loss, $50; insurance, $750 ; originated on 2d floor ; cause, kerosene-lamp explosion.

Saturday, 10th, 1-41 P.M. Box 24.

No. 10 Blossom st. Owned by Franklin BEaven, Jr. ; insurance,

$1,000 ; occupied by I. Doblin, as tailor-shop ; loss, $5 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, ignition of oil stove.

Saturday, 10th, 4-07 P.M. Box 993. No. 833 Washington st. Remarks. — Fire in old abandoned barn owned by Tucker & Ather- ton ; set on fire by persons unknown; no damage claimed.

Saturday, 10th, 4-11 P.M. Still.

Nos. 36 TO 40 Chaungy st. Cause, defect in electric wires. ; ;

Fire Depaktment. 87

Saturday, 10th, 6-17 P.M. Box 917. No. 186 Fkeepoet ST. Owned by Dorchester Gas Li^ht Company; Dorchester Gas Light Company, loss, $50 ; insurance, $50 ; occupied by originated on 1st floor; cause unknown. as office ;

Saturday, 10th, 2-45 P.M. Still.

No. 1774 Washington st. Owned by Sheldon heirs ; insurance,

Wilson, as dining-sahjon ; loss, $2 ; insurance, $8,000 ; occupied by E. A.

in basement ; cause, boiling over of kettle of fat. $2,400 ; originated

Sunday, 11th, 8-43 P.M. Box 112.

No. 231 Dorchester ave. Owned by Leander Jones ; occupied by

W. F. Hill, as stable ; originated on outside ; cause, incendiary.

Monday, 12th, 6-46 P.M. Box 127. Needless alarm.

Monday, 12th, 7-34 P.M. Box 91.

No. 3 St. Paul st. Owned by F. P. Lord; loss, $300; insurance, $6,000; occupied by S. G. Dresser, as dwelling; loss, $300; originated, on 2d floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Monday, 12th, 10-20 P.M. Still.

No. 89 W. Fourth st. Owned by Benj. Leeds; loss, $5 ; insurance, $1,500: occupied by John Cahill, as dwelling; originated on 2d floor cause unknown.

Tuesday, l.^lh, 1-40 A.M. Box 637. No. 212 Border st. Ignition of coal-hoist; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 14th, 8-29 A.M. Box 324.

; No. 9 Olney st. Owned by M. H. Norton ; loss, $25 insurance, $3,000; occupied by M. H. Norton, as dwelling; loss, $100; originated on 2d floor; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 14th, 11-55 A.M. Box 12. No. 84 Endicott ST. Cause, ignition of leaky gas in basement.

Wednesday, 14th, 3-56 P.M. Still.

No. 85 Milk st. Cause, electric wii'es igniting woodwork.

Wednesday, 14th, 9-25 P.M. Still. No. 30 Randolph st. Needless alarm.

Thursday, 1.5th, 11-17 A.M. Still.

No. 208 Tremont ST. Owned by G. D. Sargent heirs; insurance,

; occui^ied by Mrs. Dr. Palmer et als., as offices, etc. ; loss, $25 $7,000 ; insurance, $1,800; originated on 2d floor; cause, ignition of gasoline stove. Thursday, 15ih, 2-05 A.M. Still. No. 1926 Washington st. Cause, slaking of lime in barrels damage, $10. ;

88 City Document No. li'.

Thursday, 15th, 1-36 P.M. Box 61.

No. 34 BOYLSTON ST. Owned by J. L. Little estate; insurance, $150,000; occupied byE. D. Gaylord, as dentist; insurance, $35,000; orio-inated on 2d floor; cause, iornition of o'as ; no damao;e.

Thursday, 15th, 9-33 P.M. Box 39.

No. 168 Tremont st. Owned by Shirley heirs ; loss, $404 ; insur- ance, $10,000; occupied by J. E. Marshall et als., as regalias, etc.; loss, $3,000; insurance, $3,000; originated on 4th floor; cause un- known. Friday, 16th, 8-12 A.M. Box 428.

Rear Scott's court. Owned by S. B. Whittemore ; loss, $10; oc-

cupied by Valley Oil Company, as refineiy ; originated on roof; cause, overheated flue. Friday, 16th, 6-20 P.M. Still. Brookline and Washington sts. Cause, electric motor igniting West End car. Saturday, 17th, 11-19 A.M. Box 9.

No. 14 Fleet st. Owned by Henry Krey ; loss, .$780; insurance,

$4,000; occupied by Henry Krey, as dry goods; loss, $50 ; insurance, $3,000; occupied by Mrs. A. Pearson, as dwelling; loss, $300; insur- ance, $1,500; originated on 4th floor; cause unknown.

Saturday, 17th, 8-55 P.M. Box 49.

Summer and Avon sts. Owned by G. Gardner estate ; insurance, $100,000; occupied by C. F. Hovey & Co., as dry goods; insurance, $650,000; originated on roof; cause, spontaneous combustion; no damage. Saturday, 17th, 10-05 P.M. Box 521. Rear No. 174 Green st. Remarks.— This fire was set by some unknown person in an old hack

that was disused and condemned ; no damage.

Monday, 19th, 8-20 A.M. Box 127.

No. 206 W. Ninth st. Owned by J. F. Concannon ; loss, $20, insur- ance, $2,500; occupied by Ellen Morrisey, as dwelling; loss, -$20; originated on 2d floor; cause, children and matches.

Monday, 19th, 8-25 A.M. Still. No. 1448 Tremont ST. Owned byE. F. Kenney; loss, $15; insui'-

ance, $1,500 ; occupied by C. Obert, as dwelling ; originated on 2d floor cause, rats and matches.

Monday, I9th, 1-26 P.M. Box 33. False alarm.

Monday, 19th, 6-39 P.M. Box 639.

No. 264 Havre st. Owned by P. J. Conroy ; insurance, $1,000; oc- cupied by P. J. Conroy, as dwelling ; insurance, $300 ; originated in basement; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Tuesday, 20th, 6-l9h A.M. Box 461.

No. 570 Main st. Owned by A. H. Allen estate ; insurance, $27,500 ; occui)ied by G. L. Boyce & Co., as clothing; loss, $108; insurance,

$9,200; originated on 1st floor ; cause, defective flue. Fire Department. 89

Tuesday, 20th, 9-15 A.M. Still. No. 31 Magazine st. Owned hy J. F. Dimmock; loss, $72; insur- ance, $4,000; occupied by R. Sewell, as dwelling; loss, $50; originated on 1st floor; cause, cliildren and matches. Eemarhs. — Mrs. Sewell was severely burned while trying to extin- guish the flames.

Tuesday, 20th, 10-04 A.M. Box 276. No. 2440 Washington st. Owned by W. B. Owens; loss, $22; insurance, $20,000 ; occupied by H. E. Snow, as dwelling ; originated on 2d floor; cause, careless use of matches. Remarks. — W. A. McKenzie, of Engine No. 12, was thrown from the engine and severely bruised about the hip.

Tuesday, 20th, 5-30 P.M. Box 451.

No. 28 Princeton st. Owned by city of Boston ; occupied by James O'Connell, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, smoke mistaken for fire. Tuesday, 20th, 8-20 P.M. Box 639.

No. 183 Marion st. Owned by S. Neary; occupied by P. Donovan, as dwelling; originated on 3d floor; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 21st, 6-17 A.M. Box 6.

Rear Nos. 106 and 108 Leverett st. Owned by J. O. Day; loss, $60; insurance, $1,000; owned by C. B.Hawkins; loss, $15; insur- ance, $1,000; occupied by M. T. Rush, as furniture; insurance, $1,000; occupied by C. B. Hawkins, as stable; originated in yard; cause, sup- posed incendiary.

Wednesday, 21st, 9-10 A.M. Box 221. No. 1272 Tremont st. Cause, ignition of gasoline from leaky stove. Wednesday, 21st, 6-04 P.M. Still. False alarm.

Wednesday, 21st, 10-43 P.M. Box 24. No. 93 Cambridge st. Cause, careless use of matches.

Thursday, 22d, 5-48 P.M. Still.

No. 14 Fay st. Cause, gas explosion ; no damage.

Thursday, 2 2d, 5-56 P.M. Box 77. No. 560 Albany st. Remarks. — Slaking of lime on board schooner "Adelaide," owned by T. D. Blakie ; removed from wharf of Glendon Company; damage, about $3,000 ; insurance, $2,000.

Friday, 23d, 5-30 A.M. Still. No. 560 Albany st. " " Remarks. — Given for slaking lime in schooner Adelaide ; see pre- vious fire.

Friday, 23d, 5-57 P.M. Still.

No. 13 Central st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire. 90 City Document No. 12.

Friday, 23d, 7-18 P.M. Siill.

IsTo. 71 Chestnut st. Owned by W. H. Allen ; loss, $20 ; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied by H. W. Hutchings, as painter; cause, light mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 24th, 6-15 P.M. Still.

No. 96 Arch st. Cause, back draught from furnace ; needless.

Sunday, 25th, 5-50 P.M. Still. No. 70 Lambert ave. Owned by Wm. Blanchai'd heirs; loss, $165; insurance, $5,000; occupied by Mrs. Blanchard, as dwelling; loss, $288; insurance, $1,500; originated on 1st floor; cause, incen- diary. Monday, 26th, 5-44 A.M. Still.

No. 129 Friend st. Cause, struck by lightning ; no damage,

Monday, 26th, 11-29 P.M. Box 269.

No. 2 Amory ST. Owned by W. R. Chester; loss, $100; occupied by P. Monahan, as stable ; loss, $200 ; insurance, $200 ; occupied by

James Curley as stable ; loss, $150 ; insurance, $500 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, incendiary.

Tuesday, 27th, 1-18 P.M. Still.

; loss, No. 131 Hudson st. Owned by John Morrisey $15 ; insurance,

$7,000 ; occupied by A. McDonald, as dwelling ; loss, $5 ; originated on cause, children and matches. 3d floor ;

' Tuesday, 27th, 4-30 P.M. Box 215.

No. 959 Tremont st. Owned by J. H. Hayes ; loss, $50 ; insur- ance, $6,000; occupied by M. A. Doian, as restaurant; loss, $30; insur- of ance, $300 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, careless use pipe.

Tuesday, 27th, 9-17 P.M. Box 54.

No. 7 Knapp ST. Owned by Mr. Elkins ; occupied by Pullman

Club, as club-rooms ; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Wednesday, 28th, 10-13 P.M. Box 134.

No. 126 Gold st. Owned by P. Feeney ; loss, $40 ; insurance, $2,500; occupied by J. Mahoney, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 3d floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 29th, 1-45 A.M. Box 847.

Faneuil ST. Owned by G. H. Brooks; loss, $2,500; insurance, $1,000; occupied by James Downing, as ice-houses; loss, $1,680; unknown. insurance, $8,000 ; cause

TJmrsday, 29th, 8-53 P.M. Still.

No. 651 Washington st. Owned by Boylston Market Ass'n ; loss, $50; insurance, $150,000; occupied by Freeland, Loomis, et als., as on 1st floor; cause, soot clothing, etc. ; insurance, $632,500; originated in ventilator igniting.

Friday, 30th, 3-30 P.M. Still. J. No. 46 Webster st. Owned by M. G. Keefe ; occupied by M.

; pipe ignit- Kelley, as dwelling ; originated in yard cause, sparks from ing rubbish. ; ;

Fire Department. 91


Saturday, 1st, 6-15 A.M. Still. Wharf, 560 Albany st. Cause, slaking of lime on board sehoonei- " Adelaide " owned T. Blakie to ; by D. ; damage vessel, $2,500 ; insm^-

ance, $2,000 ; damage to contents, $700 ; no insurance.

Saturday, 1st, 3-41, 4-04, P.M. Box 981.

Fulton st. Owned byO. Ames estate; loss, $400; Nos, 25, 27, and

29 owned by A. T. Stearns & Sons ; loss, $1,460 ; insnrance, $6,000 ;

occupied by Holmes & Blanchard, as storage ; loss, $6,500 ; insur- ance, $2,200; occupied by Johnson, Peterson, e^ als., as dwellings; loss, $450; originated on 1st floor; extended to other buildings; cause, supposed sparks from bonfire.

No. 40 High st. Owned by Geo. A. Eastman; loss, $650; in-

surance, $5,000 ; No. 12 High street; owned by C. Driscoll ; loss, $311 insurance, $1,500; occupied by C. Driscoll, as dwelling; loss, $60; insurance, $300.

jSTo. 23 Fulton st. Owned by Mrs. Christopher; loss, $86; insur-

ance, $1,550. No. 52 High street; owned by W. W. Whitmarsh ; loss, $2,362; insui-ance, $2,700; occupied by Mrs. Christopher, as dwelling; insurance, $500; occupied by W. W. Whitmarsh, as stable; loss, $537; insurance, $4,500. No. 108 Walnut st. Owned by Mrs. A. J. Walker; loss, $45; insurance, $1,500. No. 76 Taylor street; owned by Margaret Clancy; loss, $150; insurance, $1,900; occupied by A. J. Walker, as dwell- ing; insurance, $500; occupied by M. Clancy, as dwelling; insurance.

No. 22 High st. Owned by C. L. Veazie ; loss, $7; insurance, $2,000 No. 15 Fulton street; owned by M. Thompson; loss, $5;,

insurance, $1,800. No. 17 Fulton street; owned by J. Townsend ; loss,,. $5; insurance, $1,800.

Saturday, 1st, 5-35 P.M. Box 35, False alarm. Saturday, 1st, 5-37 P.M. Box 718.

Cause, smoke mistaken for fire ; needless.

Saturday, 1st, 6-48 P.M. Still. Medford ST. Cause, sparks from locomotive ignitino- rubbish.

Saturday, 1st, 7-54 P.M. Box 214. No. 1 Arnold st. Owned by H. Page; insurance, $5,000; occu- pied by C. Stead; loss, $21; insurance, $1,000; originated on 2d floor cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Sunday, 2d, 1-05 A.M. Box 273. False alarm.

Sunday, 2d, 2-48 A.M. Box 336. No. 26 Seaver ST. Owned by J. D. Thompson; insurance, $2,500; occupied by W. E. Downing, as dwelling; insurance, orio-i- $2,000; *^ nated in basement; cause unknown. ;

92 City Document No. 12.

Sunday, 2d, 3-07 A.M. Box 546. "Cow Island," High st. Owned by J. M. Gately; loss, $2,103; insurance, $2,200; occupied by J. M. Gately, as storage ; loss, $1,475; insurance, $2,750; occupied by J. M. Gately, as stable; occupied by J. M. Gately, as dwelling; originated in storage shed, extended to stable and dwelling; cause, supposed incendiary.

Sunday, 2d, 3-50 P.M. Box 19. Nos. 22 TO 26 Cross st. Owned by S. Pinkofsky; loss, $1,006; insurance, $8,834; occupied by S. Katz, as tailor; insurance, $1,300; occupied by AUard & Cole, as shoe findings; loss, $222; insurance, $600; occupied by D. Novinski, as grocery; loss, $160; insur- ance, $250; occupied by M. Ruggiero, as dwelling; loss, $15; in-

floor ; cause, explosion of naphtha surance, $350 ; originated on 1st stove. Sunday, 2d, 9-29 P.M. Still. Nos. 51 AND 57 Hanover st. Cause, automatic alarm given by some malicious person.

Tuesday, 4th, 0-30 A.M. Box 87. No. 12 Sawyer st. Owned by Mrs. Kehoe; loss, $39; insurance, $3,500; occupied by Emma Gunn, as dwelling; loss, $25; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Tuesday, 4th, 0-58 A.M. Box 567.

Johnson st. Owned by O. Keisling; loss, $200; occupied by O. Keisling, as stable; originated on 1st floor; cause, supposed in- cendiary. Tuesday, 4th, 11-48 P.M. Box 72.

for fire needless. No. 6 Cherry st. Cause, smoke mistaken ;

Tuesday, 4th, 3-18 P.M. Still. No. 205 Eliot st. Owned by J. Stevenson; insurance, $1,500; oc-

cupied by H. A. Bell, as dwelling ; loss, $25 ; insurance, $1,500 originated on 2d floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 5th, 0-35 A.M. Box 21. No. 44 Sudbury st. Owned by J. E. Johonnet; loss, $84; insui^-

as harnesses loss, ; insur- ance, $7,000 ; occupied by M. Reardon, ; $50 ance, $1,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, rats and matches.

Wednesday, 5th, 9-54 A.M. Still.

No. 385 Albany st. Owned by E. B. Mayo ; occupied by G. W. McCawley et als., as dry-house; originated on 1st floor; cause, over- heated stove. Wednesday, 5th, 11-40 A.M. Box 428. Mystic wharf. Cause, sparks from locomotive.

Wednesday, 5th, 2-34 P.M. Box 642. insur- No. 77 Brooks st. Owned by James Menzie ; loss, $45 ; ance, $3,000; occupied by James Menzie, as dwelling; originated on 8d floor; cause, defective chimney. ; ;;

Fire Department. 93

Wednesday, 5th, 3-29 P.M. Box 212. False alarm. Wednesday, 5th, 7 P.M. Still. No. 11 Fay st. Owned by R. Estabrook; insurance, $1,800; oc- cupied by M. Givenor, as dwelling- ; loss, $50 ; insurance, $400 originated on 1st floor ; cause, careless use of matches.

Thursday, 6th, 5-05 A.M. Box 61.

No. 64 Pleasant st. Owned by F. J. Doe ; loss, $26 ; insurance, $6,000; occupied by A. Shuker et als., as dining-room; loss, $200; insurance, $500 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause vmknown.

Thursday, 6th, 9-10 A.M. Still. No. 306 West Chester park. Owned by G. Dexter; loss, $737; insurance, $20,000; occupied by J. T. Ramsey, as dwelling; loss, $240; insurance, $5,000; occupied by L. C. Haskell, as dwelling; loss, $58; insurance, $1,500; occupied by J. F. Flanagan, as dwelling; loss, $68; insurance, $5,000; originated on 3d floor; cause, defective fireplace. Thursday, 6th, .3-16 P.M. Box 54.

No. 84 Harrison ave. Owned by E. S. Hamlin; loss, $35; in- surance, $9,000; occupied by J. Cameron, as dwelling; insurance, $1,500; originated in basement; cause, defective boiler setting.

Thursday, 6th, 3-40 P.M. Still.

No. 40 Lowell st. Cause, ignition of wood in stove oven.

Tliursday, 6th, 4-03 A.M. Still.

No. 1831 Washington st. Owned by C. E. Richards estate ; in- surance, $20,000 ; occupied by N. Moynihan, as restaurant ; loss, $48 insurance, $1,000 ; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Thursday, 6th, 7-22 P.M. Box 191.

No. 36 Mt. Vernon st. Owned by Hugh Giblin ; loss, $.100 insurance, $2,500; occupied by J. H. JSaltmarsh, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 6th, 8-13 P.M. Box 56.

Nos. 140 TO 144 Kneeland st. Owned by Bangs & Wells ; loss,

$721 ; insurance, $10,000 ; occupied by Lee Hammond, as bar-room loss, $362; insurance, -$13,500; occupied byC. A. Bacheller, as clothes- cleaner; loss, $1,577; insurance, $2,000; occupied by G. F. Waldron, as machinist; loss, $675; insurance, $5,000; originated on 2d floor; cause unknown. Tliursday, 6th, 10-30 P.M. Box 91.

No. 238 Washington st. Owned by E. .J. Dyer; insurance, .$10,000; occujDied by E. J. Dyer, as dwelling; loss, $20; originated in yard; cause, hot ashes igniting barrel.

Friday, 7th, 0-04 A.M. Box 412.

No. 223 Main st. Owned by Mary Crozier ; loss, $371; insurance, $1,500; owned by M. Donovan; loss, $58; insm-ance, $2,500; oc- cupied by W. M. Nason, as dwelling; loss, $25; occupied by Mary 94 City Document No. 12.

Crozier, as dwelling-; loss, $20; insurance, $1,000; No. 5 , occupied by several families, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor, extended to other buildings; cause unknown.

Friday, 7th, 10-23 A.M. Box 453. No. 548 Main st. Owned by F. Lund; loss, $25; insurance, $500; Lund, cooper occupied by F. as ; insurance, $2,000 ; originated on roof; cause, sparks from chimney.

Friday, 7ih, 10-48 P.M. Box 76.

No. 63 Rutland st. Owned by A. Sampson; loss, $175; insur-

ance, $7,500; occupied by A. Sampson, as dwelling; insurance, $2,500 ;^ originated in basement; cause, hot ashes in wooden barrel.

Saturday, 8ih, 1-33 A.M. Box 53.

Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 8th, 10-13 P.M. Still. Cause, bursting of carboy of chemicals in car on Boston & Maine Railroad track no ; damage.

Sunday, 9th, 4-25 P.M. Still.

Sleeper st. Owned by Boston Wharf Company ; loss, $24 ; insurance, $750; occupied by John Collins, as paper stock; loss, $20; insurance, $1,000; originated on outside; cause, set by boys.

Monday, 10th, 4-31 P.M. Box 112. No. 172 Dorchester ave. Owned by Benj. Leeds; loss, $33; in- surance, $3,000; occupied by P. Cohen, as restaurant; loss, $10; origi- nated on 1st fioor; cause, explosion of gasoline heater.

Monday, 10th, 5-35 P.M. Still.

No. 52 Purchase st. Owned by J. J. Richards ; insurance, $20,000 ; occupied by C. W. Calkins & Co., as printers; insurance, $10,000; originated on 3d floor ; cause, ignition of benzine vapor.

Tuesday, 11th, 0-56 A.M. Still.

No. 64 Sterling st. Owned by J. C. Dana ; loss, $50 ; occupied by R.

Wi-ight, as dAvelling; loss, $25 ; originated on 3d floor; cause, supposed careless use of matches.

Tuesday, 11th, 5-02 A.M. Still.

No. 11 Adams st. Owned by P. Malonej^; loss, $18; insurance, $2,500; occupied by E. Doran, as dwelling; originated on 2d floor;, cause, rats and matches.

Tuesday, 11th, 8-02 P.M. Box 537. Wybian ST. Owned by C. H. Dozier; loss, $77; insurance, $2,000; occupied by C. H. Dozier, as dwelling; loss, $15; originated on 3ci floor ; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 12th, 0-16 P.M. Box 61.

No. 102 Warrenton st. Owned by H. Bresnahan ; insurance, $1,500; occupied by John Garvey, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 2d floor; cause, careless smoking in bed. ;

Fire Department. 95

Wednesday, 12th, 6-32 P.M. Box 421.

Nos. 10 AND 12 Chelsea st. Cause, explosion of lamp ; needless alarm. Wednesday, 12lh, 9-29 P.M. Box 532.

Canterbury st. Owned by Ann Carey ; loss, $33 ; insm-ance,

$2,500; occupied by P. Dolan, as dwelling ; originated in basement; cause, sparks from chimney.

Thursday, 13th, 4-30 P.M. Still. Hamilton and Broad sts. Owned by Wm. J. Cutler; insurance,

occupied by Cutler Bros. & Co., as drugs, etc. ; loss, $10 ; insur- $35,000 ; ance, $100,000; originated in basement; cause, breaking bottle of chemicals. Thursday, 13th, 4-60 P.M. Still. No. 197 Devonshire st. Cause, careless use of lighted paper luider thermostat. Thursday, 13th, 5-13 P.M. Box 545. No. 21 Ballard st. Owned by P. McCarthy; loss, $25; occupied by children P. McCarthy, as storehouse ; originated on 1st floor; cause, and matches. Thursday, 13th, 6-27 P.M. Box 259.

No. 55 Amory ST. Owned by J. Boshiner; loss, $5 ; insurance, $5,000; occupied by W. B. Jinks, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, defective gas-pipe.

Friday, 14th, 2-35 P.M. Still.

No. 40 BOYLSTON ST. Owned by Thos. Boylston ; loss, $100; occu- pied by Thos. Boylston, as hennery; originated on 1st floor; cause, children and matches.

Friday, 14th, 6-30 P.M. Still.

No. 1 CussON PL. Owned by J. Bornstein; insurance, $2,000; occu- pied by M. Levinstein, as dwelling; originated on 2d floor; cause, care- less use of lamp.

Friday, 14th, 9-01 P.M. Box 416.

No. 58 Harvard st. Cause, explosion of kerosene lamjD.

Saturday, loth, 1-10 A.M. Box 16. No. 9 Merchants row. Owned by Wm. L. Richardson; loss, $465 ; insurance, $10,000; occupied by L. Mellett, as telephone supply com- pany; loss, $200; originated on 4th floor; cause, hot ashes in wooden barrel. Saturday, 15th, 1-50 P.M. Still.

No. 2255 Washington st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 15th, 4-48 P.M. Box 56.

No. 6 Mt. Washington ave. Owned by Merrill heirs ; loss, $50 occupied by J. Mungivan, as plumber; loss, $25; occupied by H. S. Hussey, as builder; loss, $100; originated on 1st floor; cause, supjjosed incendiary. Sunday, 16th, 3-35 A.M. Still. Mason Building, Kilijy st. Cause, steam mistaken for fire. 96 City Document No. 12.

Sunday, 16th, 6-42 P.M. Still.

No. 70 Beacon st. Owned by T. Dwight ; occupied by T. Dwight, as dwelling; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Monday, 17th, 8-57 P.M. Box 45.

ISTos. 91 AND 93 Federal st. Owned by Anna Bigelow; loss, $777 ; insurance, $65,000; occuiDied by Boston Mailing Company, as bindeiy; loss, $1,456; insurance, $11,750; occuj^ied by W. S. Best et als., as pi'inters, etc.; loss, $94; insurance, $126,000; originated on 6tli floor; cause unknown. Tuesday, 18ih, 11-02 A.M. Still.

9 Barton st. Owned by Hootelein ; insurance, occu- No. M. $4,000 ; pied by W. Goldberg, as dwelling ; originated on 2d floor ; cause, ovei'- heated stove-pipe.

Wednesday, 19th, 1-50 A.M. Still. Off Meridian-st. bridge. Remarks. — Fire on board the barge " Eliza Bachelder," used as a cement factory ; caused by sparks from stove ; loss on barge, $100 ; in- surance, $350 ; on contents, $150.

Wednesday, 19th, 6-21 P.M. Box 52.

No. 39 Kingston st. Owned by J. A. Willard; loss, $587; insur- ance, $20,000 ; occupied by T. F. tihristian, as dry goods ; loss, $265 ; insurance, $25,000 ; occupied by M. D. Witherell, as woollens ; loss,

$4,263 ; insurance, $10,000 ; occupied by Challenge Umbrella Company, as umbrellas ; loss, $50 ; insurance, $6,000 ; occupied by J. H. Callahan

& Co. et als., as cloaks, etc. ; loss, $495; insurance, $27,700; originated on 3d floor ; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 19th, 7-55 P.M. Still.

No. 71 L ST. Owned by M. A. Veazie ; loss, $15 ; insurance, $4,000 ; occupied by G. H. Rowe, as dwelling ; loss, $10 ; originated on 3cl floor; cause, hot ashes from pipe setting fire.

Thursday, 20th, 0-55 A.M. Box 4.

Prince and North Margin sts. 136 Prince st. ; owned by Daniel

McLaughlin ; loss, $190 ; insurance, $5,000. 99 Noi'th Margin st. ; owned by. Daniel McLaughlin ; loss, $100; insurance, $1,500; occupied by several families, as dwellings. Originated on 1st floor 136 Prince street, extended to 99 No. Margin street; cause, sparks from peanut- roaster igniting flooring.

Thursday, 20th, 10-15 A.M. Still. No. 325 Bunker Hill st. Owned by St. Francis de Sales' parish; loss, $88 ; insurance, $4,000 ; occupied by St. Francis de Sales' parish, as convent house; originated on 1st floor; cause, defective flue.

Thursday, 20th, 7-27 P.M. Box 436.

No. 341 Bunker Hill st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Thursday, 20th, 10-17 P.M. Box 87.

No. 2 Lenox st. Owned by Dexter heirs; insm-ance, $10,000; oc- cupied by R. F. McClellen, as dwelling; originated in basement; cause, ignition of gas from leak in pipe. Fire Department. 97

Friday, 21st, 0-06 P.M. Box 9.

No. 488 Commercial st. Owned by M. Russo ; loss, $50 ; insurance,

$5,000 ; occupied by several families as dwellings ; loss, $10 ; origi- nated on 1st floor; cause, hot ashes igniting woodwork.

Friday, 21st, 0-47 P.M. Box 631.

No. 65 Sumner st. Owned by Lockwood ManTg Company; insur- ance, $2,000; occupied by Lockwood Man'f'g Company, as storage; insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Friday, 21st, 4-26 P.M. Box 15.

Nos. 78 AND 80 Commercial st. Owned by Minot heirs ; loss, $158 ; insurance, $5,000; occupied by J. F. Clark & Co., as produce; loss, $3,549; insurance, $17,750; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Friday, 21st, 8-30 P.M. Still.

No. 559 Main st. Owned by S. Gould ; occupied by S. A. Freeman, as apothecary ; loss, $25 ; originated on aAvning outside ; cause, fire- works. Friday, 21st, 8-58 P.M. Box 677.

Leyden ST. Owned by B. Chiesa; loss, $150; insm-anee, $1,500; occupied by Mrs. Morrow et als., as dwelling; originated in basement; cause, defective fine.

Saturday, 22d, 10-55 A.M. Still. West Third and C sts. Cause, set by boys in manure pile.

Saturday, 22d, 0-36 P.M. Box 6.

No. 160 Leverett st. Cause, smoke from stove mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 22d, 5-13 P.M. Still. Neponset AVE. Cause, set by boys in pile of rubbish.

Sunday, 23d, 11-45 A.M. Still. Crawford and Holvtorthy sts. Cause, set by boys in brush pile.

Sunday, 23d, 3-45 P.M. Still. No. 135 Dartmouth st. Owned by N. L. Merrill; loss, $275; by J. Jones et als., as dwelling, etc. insurance, $12,000; occupied G. ; loss, $125; insurance, $8,800; originated in basement; cause, careless use of matches. Sunday, 23d, 5-37 P.M. Box 244.

No. 42 Bartlett ST. Owned by H. G. Denny; loss, $659; insur- ance, $500; occupied by H. G. Denny et als., as carriage-shed; loss, $15; insurance, $300; occupied by J. M. Watson, as mason-locker; loss, $40 ; insurance, $500 ; occupied by Sanborn & Fairbanks, as con- tractors ; loss, $5 ; originated in carriage-shed, extended to locker and stable ; cause unknown.

Monday, 24th,. 1-27 P.M. Still.

No. 250 Dudley st. Owned by F. Magullion ; occupied by Savage

Club, as club-house ; originated on roof ; cause, sparks from chimney. ;

98 City Document No. 12.

Monday, 24th, 6-25 P.M. Box 428.

No. 100 Decatdr ST. Owned by J. E. N. Davis; loss, $300; insur- ance, $500; occupied by J. E. N. Davis, as junk-store; loss, $50; originated on 1st floor ; cause, set by boys.

Tuesday, 2 oth, 7-17 A.M. Still.

No. 3 Oak st. Owned by C. W. Stevens; loss, $10; occupied by

Sawyer & Mason, as outbuildings ; originated in ash-liouse ; cause, hot ashes in wooden receptacle.

Tuesday, 25th, 2-58 P.M. Still.

Brookline AVE. Cause, set by boys in marsh grass.

Tuesday, 25th, 6-28 P.M. Box 214.

Nos. 6 TO 10 HuNNEMAN ST. Owned by Hunneman, heirs; loss, $804; insurance, $1,000; occupied by M. Brown, as blacksmith; loss, $150; insurance, $1,000; occupied by W. M. Swett, as carpet-cleaner; loss, $324; insurance, $1,000; occupied by J. E. S. Adams & Co., as carriages; loss, $300; insurance, $3,500; originated on 1st floor; cause, sparks from forge.

Tuesday, 25th, 6-32 P.M. Box 428. False alarm. Tuesday, 25th, 7 P.M. Box 9.

No. 41 Clark st. Owned by L. A. Lineman; insurance, $1,000; occupied by Captain Adamson as dwelling ; loss, .$2 ; originated on 2d floor; cause, breaking of kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 26th, 8-28 A.M. Box 126.

No. 305 West Broadway. Owned by E. S. Blasland; insurance, $3,500; occupied by George D. Bently, as dwelling; loss, $15; origi- nated on 3d floor ; cause, cliildren and matches.

Wednesday, 26th, 0-54 P.M. Box 819.

Western ave. Owned by Geo. O. \Vhitten ; loss, $40 ; insurance, $7,500; occupied by Geo. O. Whitten, as glue factory; originated on

2d floor ; cause, spontaneous combustion.

Wednesday, 26th, 3-10 P.M. Box 47. No. 88 Broab st. Owned by Hill estate; loss, $485; insurance, $1,000; occupied by West & Jenney, as refiners; loss, $1,276; insur- ance, $1,500; occupied by H. L. Fuller, as carpenter; loss, $10; insur-

ance, $225 ; occupied by Egerton & Joel, as tobaccos ; loss, $732 insurance, $17,000 ; originated on 2d floor ; cause, explosion of camphor machine. Wednesday, 26th, 3-41 P.M. Box 635. No. 239 Paris st. Owned by city of Boston; loss, $5; occupied by

Sewer Department, as oflice ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, stove-pipe igniting partition.

Thursday, 27t;h, 1-25 A.M. Box 453.

No. 28 Beach st. Owned by Charlestown Savings Bank ; loss, $300 ;

insurance, $1,200 ; occupied by J. Devine, as dwelling; loss, $35 ; in- surance, $300; occupied by J. Hanchey, as dwelling; loss, $25; origi- nated on 1st floor; cause, rats and matches. Fire Department. 99

Thursday, 27th, 11-20 A.M. Box 324.

Rear Holmes ave. Owned by Geo. P. Gill ; loss, $25 ; unoccupied, as stable, etc. ; originated on 1st floor; cause, carelessness with matches.

Thursday, 27th, 10-10 P.M. Still.

No. 20 Dennis st. Cause, set by boj^s in a lumber joile.

Thursday, 27th, 6-08 P.M. Box 12. No. 83 Endicott st. Owned by A. Devlin heirs; loss, $16; insur- ance, $2,400; occupied by Wm. Barrale, as dwelling; loss, $2; origi- lamp. nated on 1st floor ; cause, breaking kerosene

Friday, 28th, 9-30 P.M. Box 421.

No. 17 Chelsea st. Owned by P. O. Reardon; loss, $2; insurance, $1,000; occupied by M. H. Bernstein, as stable; originated on roof; cause, sparks from chimney.

Friday, 28th, 1-14 P.M. Still.

No. 15 Temple st. Owned by H. Voyes ; loss, $10; insurance,

; loss, originated in base- $300 ; occupied by John Ash, as dwelling $5 ; ment; cause, unknown.

Friday, 28th, 2-10 P.M. Box 4.53.

551 and 553 Medford st. Owned by M. Muldoon ; loss, $375 Nos. ; insurance, occupied by W. McComber, as dwelling ; loss, $125 $1,500; ; occujDied by J. Kelley, as dwelling; loss, $25; originated on 1st floor; cause, children and matches.

Friday, 28th, 5-10 P.M. Still. No. 6 Fruit-st. court. Owned by Geo. Tinkham; insurance,

; 1st $2,000 ; occupied by Emma Hammond, as dwelling originated on floor; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp.

Saturday, 29th, 6-12 P.M. Box 74. No. 27 Hamburg st. Owned by P. Callahan; loss, $160; insurance,

$1,500; unoccupied; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Sunday, 30th, 0-51 P.M. Box 113.

No. 149 B ST. Owned by L. J. Tobin ; loss, $170; insurance, on occupied by L. J. Tobin, as dwelling ; loss, $50 ; originated $5,500 ;

3d floor ; cause, lighted match igniting clothing.

Sunday, 30th, 1-19 P.M. Box 62.

No. 234 BOYLSTON ST. Owned by Thorndike heii'S ; insurance, $100,000; occupied by G. A. & J. L. Damon, as hotel; insurance, $30,000; originated in basement; cause, carelessness, sparks from smoker's pipe. Sunday, 30th, 7-15 P.M. Still.

No. 986 Harrison ave. Owned by H. P. Hall heirs ; occupied by T. Metzer, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 3d floor; cause, explo- sion of kerosene lamp.

Monday, 31st, 3-40 P.M. Still. 91 Elm st. Cause, smoke from stove mistaken for fire. ;;

100 City Documext No. 12.

Monday, 31st, 5-43 P.M. Box 546.

Gardner st. Cause unknown grass fire. ;

Monday, 31st. 6-01, 6-06 P.M. Boxes 537 and 534. Brook st. Owned by Max Muller; loss, .$339; insurance, $2,950; occupied by M. Muller as dwelling and stable ; loss, $40 ; insurance,

$350; originated on 2d floor ; cause, incendiary.

Monday, 31st, 10-53 P.M. Box 66.

No. 70 Middlesex st. Owned by D. Goodnough ; loss, $50 ; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied by J. O'SuUiran et als., as dwelling ; loss, $25; originated on 1st floor ; cause, supposed smoking in bed.


Tuesday, 1st, 4-15 A.M. Box 56. Kneeland and South sts. Owned by Old Colony Railroad Com- pany ; loss, $1,000; insurance, .$100,000; occupied by Old Colony

Railroad Corporation, as depot; insurance, .$2,000 ; originated on 3d floor ; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 1st, 10-16 A.M. Box 315. No. 38 Harlow st. Owned by C. & H. Woodward; occupied by

William Kavanah, as dwelling; loss, $40; insurance, $1,000 ; originated on 3d floor; cause, children and matches.

Tuesday, 1st, 6-09 P.M. Box 81. No. 183 Warren aye. Owned by A. A. Adams; loss, $44; insur- ance, $6,000; occupied by C. J. Adams, as dwelling; loss, $25; origi- nated on 4th floor; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 1st, 10-02 P.M. Box 65.

No. 198 Albant ST. Owned by S. A. Way estate ; loss, $99 ; insur- ance, $2,500; No. 202 owned by Catherine Downey ; loss, $60; insui'- ance, $1,500 ; No. 198 occupied by George Campbell as carriages ; loss,

$138 ; insurance, .$500 ; originated on 1st floor, No. 198, extended to No. 202 Alban}^ street; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 1st, 11-07 P.M. Box 115.

Foundry st. Owned by Old Colony Railroad Cor^Doration ; loss,

$10 ; occupied by Old Colonj" Raili'oad Corporation, as boiler-shop originated on 1st floor ; cause, overheated stove.

Wednesday, 2d, 2-12 A.M. Box 244.

No. 2526 Washington st. Owned by J. W. Hanson ; loss, $174 insurance, .$5,000; occupied by D. J. McSherry, as grocery; loss, $91 insurance, $800 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 2d, 10-35 P.M. Still. No. 2 Amory ST. Cause, children and matches igniting rubbish. ;

Fire Department. 101

Wednesday, 2d, 10-48 P.M. Box 411.

Austin st. Owned by State of Massachusetts ; loss, $15 ; occupied second by State of Massachusetts, as prison ; loss, $10 ; originated on floor ; cause, incendiary.

Thursday, Sd, 4-33 A.M. Box 465.

Cause, alarm given for fire on marsh in Somerville.

Thursday, 3d, 3-11 P.M. Box 612. insur- No. 225 Eterett st. Owned by S. Treadwell ; loss, $20 ; ance, $800; occupied by C. Riley, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on

3d floor ; cause, children and matches.

Thursday, 3d, 8-05 P.M. Box 424. False alarm. Friday, 4th, 0-43 A.M. Box 66. Nos. 24 AND 26 Dover st. Owned by Bart. O'Brien; loss,

Bart. O'Brien, as liquors ; loss, $3,720 ; insurance, $10,000 ; occupied by $175; insurance, $2,200; occupied by A. L. Miller, as dwelling; loss, $1,000; insurance, $1,000; occupied by Benj. M. Snow, as dwelling;

1st floor ; cause, hot ashes in loss, $506 ; insurance, $1,000 ; originated on wooden receptacle.

Friday, 4th, 6-45 A.M. Box 9.

No. 327 North st. Owned by Boston Real Estate and Trust Com- Edw'd Russell, as baker, pany ; loss, $97 ; insurance, $1,000 ; occupied by on 2d floor cause, mice etc."; Joss, $100 ; insurance, $2,500 ; originated ; and matches. Saturday, 5th, 7-15 A.M. Box 527.

No. 78 Keyes ST. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Saturday, 5th, 1-58 P.M. Box 93. No. 71 W. Dedhahi ST. Owned by Collyer heirs; loss, $220; insurance, $1,000; occupied by F. B. McLaughlin, as carpenter; loss,

; on 1st floor; cause unknown. $550 ; insurance, $700 originated Remarks.— Hoseman Murphy, of Engine 3, cut on hands with glass.

Saturday, 5th, 10-28, 10-41 P.M. Box 638. 11-26 P.M. Box 645. loss, Wharf, No. 406 Border st. Owned by Isaac Pratt, Jr. ; insurance, $18,000; owned by Boston Tow Boat Company; loss, $10,000 ; $10,000; occupied by Graham & Cameron, as stair-builders; loss, $1,500; insurance, $1,500; occupied by H. S. Robinson, as boiler-shop; loss, $26,764:; insurance, $23,668 ; occupied by Cunningham & Banks,

; ; occupied by B. H. as lumber, etc. ; loss, $820 insurance, $60.000

Mvirray, as planing-mill ; loss, $3,000 ; occupied by McHugo & Snow, as box-factory ; loss, $1,940; insurance, $3,700; occupied by Herman Fowle Drake, as carpenter ; loss, $938 ; insurance, $3,000 ; occupied by in Build- & Foster, as wood-workers ; loss, $2,000 ; originated Murray unknown. ing ; extended to four others ; cause Beraarks. — Chief Spencer, of Chelsea, with a portion of his depart- ment responded and rendered efticient service.

Saturday, 5th, 10-53 P.M. Still.

No. 7 Camden st. Owned by C. A. Richai'ds estate ; loss, $100 insurance, $2,250; occupied by Charles Frell, as dwelling; loss, $88; insurance, $1,100; originated on 2d floor; cause, kerosene lamp igniting woodwork. ;;

102 City Document No. 12.

Sunday, 6th, 3-01 A.M. Box 41. No. 39 Akch ST. Owned by Amoiy estate; loss, $936; insur-

ance, $33,000 ; occupied by Rockwell & Churchill, as printers; loss,

$2,24:3 ; insurance, $38,600 ; occupied by D. Lothrop & Co., as printers loss, $200; insurance, $3,000; occupied by Russell Publishing Co., as

printers ; loss, $22; insurance, $2,000 ; occupied by C. A. Bi-ooks, as restaurant; loss, $18; insurance, $3,800; originated on 5th floor; cause unknown. Sunday, 6th, 4-35 A.M. Still.

No. 204 Friend st. Owned by William Porter ; loss, insurance, $75 ; $2,000; occupied by M. Covechi, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, sparks from roaster.

Sunday, 6th, 7-50 A.M. Box 14.

Lincoln's Wharf. Owned by F. W. Lincoln ; loss, $823 insurance, $2,500; occupied by J. Doyle et als., as stables; loss, $100; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Sunday, 6th, 3-16 P.M. Box 12.

No. 52 Endicott ST. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Sunday, 6th, 7-40 P.M. Still. No. 113 Beach st. Cause, explosion of kerosene lamp. Remarks. — Mrs. Margaret Flynn was fatally burned by her clothing taking fire, and died at the hospital.

Sunday, 6th, 8-02 P.M. Box 19.

Nos. 1 TO 9 Washington st. Owned by S. W. Hardy estate; loss. $1,156; insurance, $24,000; occupied by Whidden, Seaver, & Co.,

as furniture ; loss, $14,785 ; insurance, $44,000 ; originated in base- ment cause ; unknown.

Monday, 7th, 2-53 A.M. Box 53. No. 178 Tremont ST. Owned by Sohier heirs; loss, $1,795; in-

surance, $80,000 ; occupied b}^ Hallett Davis Company, as pianos loss, & ;

$1,265 ; insurance, $7,500; occupied by E. W. Tyler, as piauos ; loss,

$48 ; insurance, $16,000; occupied by E. S. Greenwood, as modiste; loss, $50; insurance, $500; occupied by Hood &, Reynolds, as dental

l^aidors ; loss, $139 ; insurance, $25,600 ; various other parties were dam-

aged to the extent of $250, with insurance of $14,000 ; originated on 4th floor; cause, rats and matches.

Monday, 7th, 3-26 P.M. Box 128.

No. 1 Wendell pl. Cause, sparks from chimney mistaken for fire.

Monday, 7th, 3-36 P.M. Still.

No. 729 Washing-ton st. Cause, ignition of insulation on elective Avires.

Tuesday, 8th, 6-45 A.M. Still. No. 58 Webster st. Owned by R. Hen-ick; occupied by H. B. Mens- lage, as grocer; originated in ceiling; cause, careless use of kerosene lamp. Tuesday, 8th, 10-30 A.M. Box 19-

No. 11 Charlestown st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire. ;

Fire Department. 103

Taesdmj, 8th, 5-35 P.M. Still.

lN"o. 636 Dudley st. Owned b}^ B. S. Evans; loss, $35; insurance, $2,000; occupied by J. E. Dillon, as dwelling; loss, $20; oi'iginated on 2d floor; cause, gas-jet igniting curtain.

Tuesday, 8th, 6-12 P.M. Box 54.

ISTos. 33 TO 37 Essex st. by F. Stalil ; loss, insur- Owned Wm. $445 ; ance, $25,000; cccuijied by Gutman Bros, et als., as umbrellas, etc.; loss, $1,865; insurance, $15,900; originated on 4th floor; cause unknown. Tuesday, 8th, 6-47, 6-56 P.M. Box 45. Nos. 91 AND 93 Federal st. Owned by Anna S. Bigelow; loss, $6,793; insm'ance, $59,223: occupied by Rice, Kendall, & Co., as paper stocks ; loss, $2,674; insui'ance, $109,500 ; occupied by W. S. Best, asjDrinter; loss, $261; insurance, $9,950; occupied by S. K. Abbott e^ als., as bindery; loss. $438; insurance, $19,700; occupied by Boston Mailing Company et als., as stock, etc.; loss, $8,988; insurance, originated on 6th floor; cause unknown. $27,072 ;

Tuesday, 8th, 10-36 P.M. Box 142.

jSTo. 314 W. Second st. Owned by Hersey Manufacturing Company ; insurance, -$5,000 ; occui^ied by Hersey Manufacturing Company, as machinists; loss, $10; originated on 2d floor; cause, friction of machinery. Wednesday, 9th, 1-36 P.M. Box 143.

No. 185 West Seventh st. Owned by Daniel Mahoney ; loss, $40 ; insurance, $3,000; occupied by Daniel Mahoney, as dwelling; origi- nated on roof; cause, careless use of oil stove.

Wednesday, 9th, 8-16 P.M. Box 54.

No. 83 Beach st. Owned by Wm. Russell ; insurance, $8,500 ; occu- pied by Mrs. C. Bain, as restaurant; loss, $2; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking of kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 10th, 5-55 P.M. Still. No. 20 Lenox st. Cause, soot in chimnej^ burning.

Thursday, 10th, 6-19 P.M. Box 718.

Court sq. Owned by Fifty Associates ; occupied by Whipple & Co., as hotel; originated on 5th floor; cause, gas-jet igniting curtain. Friday, 11th, 10-15 A.M. Still. No. 78 Mt. Vernon st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Friday, 11th, 3-55 P.M. Box 268.

No. 2 COPELAND PL. Owned by John M. Way heirs ; loss, $40 insurance, $2,000; occupied by William May, as dwelling; loss, $10; insurance, $500 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, defective fireplace.

Friday, 11th, 4-59 P.M. Box 844.

No. 82 Market st. Owned by T. M. Roddy ; insui'anee, $1,500 ; oc- cupied by W. H. Blake, as tinsmith ; originated on 1st floor ; needless alarm. ;

104 City Document No. 12.

Friday, 11th, 10-16 P.M. Box 645. No. 467 Meridian st. Owned by R. Garner; loss, $190; insurance, $3,500; occupied by C. Mohier, as grocer; loss, $300; insurance, originated 1st floor unknown. $1,000 ; on ; cause

SaMirday, 12th, 11-26 A.M. Box 461.

Main st. Cause unknown ; in pile of loose hay ; no damage.

Saturday, 12th, 0-42 P.M. Still.

No. 33 Parker st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 12th, 0-45 P.M. Box 49.

No. 24 Sumner st. Owned by Pickett estate ; loss, $230 ; insurance, $75,000; occupied by C. C. Moulton e;! a^s., as restaurant; insurance, $180,000; originated in basement; cause, back draught from furnace.

Saturday, 12th, 5-16 P.M. Box 412. No. 208 Main st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Sunday, 13th, 0-4,9 A.M. Box 9.

No. 17 Salutation st. Owned by M. Haley ; loss, $97 ; insurance, $2,000; occupied by Mary Irwin, as dwelling; loss, $50; originated on 2d floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Sunday, 13th, 1-18 P.M. Box 811.

No. 780 Beacon st. Owned by J. Stevenson ; insurance, $45,000 occupied by J. A. Gatt, as hotel ; loss, $25 ; originated in basement cause, overheated steam-pipes.

Monday, 14th, 8-19 A.M. Box 9. No. 5 Clark st. Cause, ignition of fat in stove oven.

Monday, 14th, 6-47 P.M. Box 2. No. 4 Phipps PL. Cause, hot ashes igniting barrel in yard.

Tuesday, 15th, 8-08 A.M. Still.

No. 6 Crescent pl. Owned by P. Levinthall ; loss, $20 ; insurance,

occupied by L. Aaronofsky, as dwelling ; originated on 6th floor $7,000 ; ; cause, ignition of kerosene-oil stove.

Tuesday, 15th, 10-37 A.M. Still. No. 61 Maverick sq. Owned by M. Dyer heirs; loss, $35; insur- ance, $3,000; occupied by Geo. Young, as dwelling; insurance, $2,000; originated on 3d floor; cause, spontaneous combustion.

Tuesday, 15th, 1-13 A.M. Still.

No. 58 Clarendon st. Owned by R. B. Leuchans ; loss, $25 ; insur- ance, $6,000; occupied by D. W. Hall et als., as groceries; loss, $37; in basement; cause unknown. insurance, $1,500 ; originated

Tuesday, 15th, 0-34 P.M. Box 13.

No. 39 Ferry st. Owned by D. J. Fhxgg ; loss, $180; insurance,

$500 ; occupied by F. O .Vegelahn, as furniture ; loss, $1,983 ; insurance, $3,000; originated on 2d floor; cause unknown. . ;

Fire Department. 105

Tuesday, 15th, 5-33 P.M. Still.

No. 9 WmSHiP ST. Owned by D. O'Connell ; loss, $20 ; insurance,

$2,000 ; occupied by J. Levitt, as dwelling ; loss, $15 ; originated on 2d floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 17th, 8-15 A.M. Still. No. 33 EvEKETT ST. Cause, ignition of fat in stove oven.

Thursday, 17th, 6-50 P.M. Still.

No. 41 Fruit st. Owned by Massachusetts General Hospital ; insur-

Robert Rowe, as dwelling ; loss, $15 ; insur- ance, $2,000 ; occupied by 1st floor; breaking kerosene lamp. ance, $500 ; originated on cause,

Thursday, 17th, 8-24 P.M. Box 252.

Elmore st. Cause, light mistaken for fire.

Thursday, 17th, 9-45 P.M. Still.

No. 24 Norfolk st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Thursday, 17th, 9-01 P.M. Box 56. No. 122 Cove st. Owned by Old Colony Railroad Corporation; loss, $10; occupied by Marj' McTntire, as dwelling; loss, $10 ; origi- nated on 2d floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Friday , 1 8th , 9-4 6 A. 31. Box 651 Albany Freight Yard. Cause, incendiary.

Remarks. — Cai^-load of cotton, owned by Bennett & Lovell ; loss, $390; insurance, $1,833.

Friday, 18th, 0-49 P.M. Box 48.

No. 274 Purchase st. Cause, ignition of naphtha vapor ; needless alarm. Friday, 18th, 5-20 P.M. Still.

No. 20 South Margin st. Cause, careless use of candle ; no dam- age. Saturday, 19th, 4-45 A.M. Box 53.

No. 659 Washington st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 19th, 4-10 P.M. Still.

Washington st. Cause, sparks from furnace igniting shavings ; no damage. Saturday, I9th, 4-50 P.M. Box 36. Court SQ. Cause, soot in chimnej^ burning.

Saturday, 19th, 8-17 P.M. Still. No. 29 Temple pl. Cause, accidental automatic, overheated ther- mostat. Sunday, 20th, 0-49 A.M. Box 72. Nos. 1083 AND 1085 Washington st. Owned by Taylor & Co.

loss, .$542 ; insurance, $3,500 ; occupied by Taylor & Company, as bak-

ery ; loss, $88 ; insurance, .$500 ; occupied by J. C. Treanor, as variety store; loss, $350; insurance, $1,000; originated in basement; cause unknown. 106 City Document No. 12.

Sunday, 20th, 11-46 A.M. Still. CkSAi. ST. Cause, electric motor igniting car of West End Rail- road. Sunday, 20th, 8-48 P.M. Box 61.

40 KiRKLAXD ST. Owned by loss, No. John Dugan ; $1,370 ; insur- ance, $2,500 ; occupied by John Carroll, as dwelling; loss, $950; in- surance, $800 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lainp.

Monday, 21st, 1-53 A.M. Still.^

No. 95 LoxDOi«r ST. Owned by T. F. Croak ; loss, $25 ; insurance, $3,000; occupied by T. F. Croak, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, careless use of matches.

Monday, 21st, 1-30 P.M. Still. No. 158 Tremont ST. Owned B. Inches insurance, by M. ; $19,000 ; occupied by Collateral Loan Company, as office ; loss, $20 ; insurance,

$85,500; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Monday, 21st, 4-56 P.M. Box 13 5. False alarm.

Monday, 21st, 7-55 P.M. Still. No. 90 Phillips st. Owned by D. Callahan; insurance, $3,000; occupied by P. Nagle, as dwelling ; originated on 3d floor ; cause, chil- dren and matches.

Monday, 21st, 9-55 P.M. Box 72. No. 1038 WASHrN"GT0X st. Owned by Mary R. Brown; loss, $50; insurance, $5,000; occui^ied by A. P. Doane, as dwelling; loss, $60; insurance, $1,500 ; originated on 2d floor; cause, gas-jet igniting cui*- tain. Tuesday, 22d, 2-13 A.M. Box 635.

No. 241 Paris st. Owned by Augustus Russ ; occupied by Mrs.

Maginess, as dwelling ; originated on 3d floor ; cause, careless smok- ing in bed.

Tuesday, 22d, 7 A.M. Still.

No. 1 Hancock st. Owned by Charles Smith ; loss, $55 ; insurance,

$22,000; occupied by F. L. Doi'e, as dwelling; insurance, $3,000 ; orig- inated on 3d floor; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 22d, 5-40 P.M. Still. No. 7 Asylum st. Owned by Geo. R. Sneadon; loss, $185; insur- ance, $4,000; occujjied by D. Cremins, as dwelling; loss, $10; origi- nated in basement; cause, overheated furnace.

Wed7iesday, 23d, 2-12 A.M. Box 145.

No. 869 E. Fourth st. Owned by J. P. Cushing ; loss, $425 ; in- surance, $5,000; occui^ied by C. E. Sturgess et als., as dwelling; loss, .$75; insurance, $2,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, careless use of matches. Wednesday, 23d, 2-32 A.M. Box 525. No. 52 Eliot st. Cause, hot ashes igniting barrel in yard. . ;;

Fire DErAUTMENT. 107

Wednesday, 23d, 9-58 A.M. Box 631. Nos. 41 AND 43 Sumner st. Owned by Maverick Wharf Company insurance, $9,400 ; occupied by Jolm Morrison, as eoal-slied ; insurance, $5,000; originaled on roof: cause, sparks from hoisting-engine.

Wednesday ,23d, 5-1 7 P. M. Box 2 72 Elm Hill ave. Cause, brusli-fire, set by boys.

Thursday, 24th, 7-53 A.M. Still.

No. 370 Broadway. Owned by South Boston Savings Bank; in- surance, $35,000 ; occupied by O. T. Taylor, as dry goods ; insurance, $10,000; originated in basement; cause, rats and matches.

Thursday, 24th, 4 P.M. Still.

Beach and Lincoln sts. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Thursday, 24th, 4-52 P.M. Box 516.

ST. by T. Minton loss, Keyes Owned ; $15 ; occupied by T. Minton, as tool-house ; loss, $15; originated on outside; cause, incendiary.

Thursday, 24th, 7-15 P.M. Still. Medford ST. Cause, bonfire, set by boys.

Friday, 25th, 11-10 A.M. Still.

No. 88 Adams st. Owned by Henry Hall; loss, $15; insurance, .$6,000; occupied by Henry Hall, as dwelling; insurance, $2,000; orig- inated on 2d floor ; cause, overheated stove-pipe.

Friday, 25th, 11-50 A.M. Still.

No. 377 Walnut ave. Owned by J. W. Newell; loss, $200; in- surance, $10,000 ; oecuified by S. Shuman, as dwelling; originated in basement ; cause, defective stove-pipe.

Friday, 25th, 5-52 P.M. Still.

No. 46 Woodward ave. Cause, careless use of matches ; no dam- age. Friday, 25th, 8-50 P.M. Box 66. No. 80 Middlesex st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Saturday, 26th, 2-02 P.M. Still.

No. 27 Beach st. Cause, accidental automatic, overheated ther- mostat. Saturday, '26th, 5-31 P.M. Box 12.

No. .^4 North Margin st. Cause, children playing with matches needless alarm. Saturday, 26th, 5-49 P.M. Box 523.

No. 688 Centre ST. Owned by Cyrus White ; loss. $700; insurance, $17,198; occupied by S. D. Balkham & Co.; loss, $1,120; insurance,

$8,100; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Saturday, 26th, 6-45 P.M. Still. No. 29 Harvard st. Owned by Ira Moore; loss, $25; insurance, $4,000; occupied by J. F. Buckley, as dwelling; insurance, inated in basement; cause, breaking kerosene lamp. 108 City Document No. 12.

Saturday, 26th, 8-45 P.M. Still.

Medford ST. Cause, bonfire ; burning rubbish.

Sunday, 27th, 4-50 A.M. Still.

ST. Owned by Holyhood Cemetery Association ; loss, $1,380 Bakek ; insurance, $1,200; occupied by Holjiiood Cemetery Association, as stable ; loss, $287 ; insurance, $200 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, supposed incendiary.

Sunday, 27th, 2 P.M. Still. Burnham's wharf, Swett ST. Cause, spontaneous combustion in coal pile ; loss, $300 ; no insurance.

Sunday, 27th, 4-44 P.M. Box 73. No. 74 AValtham ST. Owned by S. Williams; insurance, $10,000; occupied by A. M. Fifield, as dwelling; insurance, $2,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, ignition of dust in register; no damage.

Sunday, 27th, 6-15 P.M. Still. No. 40 Sudbury st. Owned by L. Boles; insurance, $7,000; occu- pied by A. L. Berry, as drum-maker; loss, $15; originated on 3d floor; cause, careless use of candle.

Sunday, 27th, 7-11 P.M. Box 5. No. 22 Lowell st. Cause, steam mistaken for fire.

Monday, 28th, 9-30 A.M. Still. No. 100 L ST. Owned by Wm. T. Eaton; loss, $80; insurance, oi-iginated $2,666; occupied by Geo. C.Wiswall, as dwelling; loss, $5 ; on 2d floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 28th, 4-17 P.M. Box 677. Saratoga anu Bennington sts. Owned by Sullivan & Carr;

insurance, $6,000 ; occupied by B. L. Almedia, as hardware ; loss, $20; insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, upsetting can of turpentine. Monday, 28th, 9-50 P.M. Box 5. Causeway st. Cause, ignition of Avaste paper; no damage.

Tuesday, 29th, 1-40 P.M. Still. No. 252 Friend st. Owned by Mrs. Ryan; loss, $10; insurance,

as fruits, etc. ; insurance, ; origi- $2,000 ; occupied by B. Funoka, $500 nated on 1st floor; cause, sparks from roaster.

Tuesday, 29th, 9-21 P.M. Box 571. loss, No. 330 Centre st. Owned by Centre Street Baptist Church ; ^$25; occupied by Baptist Society, as church; originated in basement; cause, careless use of matches.

Wednesday, 30th, 3-16 A.M. Box 65.

loss, ; insurance, No. 4 Way st. Owned by S. A. Way estate ; $201 $7,500; occupied by L. Woronoff, as storage; originated hi basement; cause unknown. Fire Departmext. 109

Wednesday, 30th, 2-40 P.M. Still. No. 6 Belcher lane. Owned by Currier Bros.; loss, $50; insur- ance, $20,000 ; occupied by Boston Nut & Bolt Company, as hardware; loss, $-^0 ; insurance, $2,0U0 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, sparks from furnace. Wednesday, 30th, 7-19 P.M. Box 86.

No. 5 Rutland st. Owned by E. J. Ward well ; loss, $2; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied by M. A. Wiley et als., fis dwelling; insurance, $1,300; originated on 3d floor; cause, gas-pipe leaking.


Thursday, 1st, 1-39 A.M. Box 4. Warren Bridge. Cause, broken trolley-wire on bridge.

Thursday, 1st, 4-28 P.M. Box 16. No. 70 State st. Cause, mice and matches igniting waste paper.

Friday, 2d, 2-49 A.M. Box 726.

No. 393 Federal st. Owned by J. Fitch heirs; loss, $15; oc- cupied by J. A. Robertson, as planing-mill; originated on 1st floor; cause, sparks from furnace igniting shavings.

Friday, 2d, 5-07 P.M. Box 461. False alarm.

Friday, 2d, 5-31 P.M. Box 249. No. 47 Ward st. Owned by Wm. H. Stevens; loss, $50; oc- cupied by Geo. Brown, as dwelling; loss, $127; insurance, $1,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, drapery igniting from stove.

Friday, 2d, 9-15 P.M. Still. No. 103 Bunker Hill st. Owned by J. H. Deland; loss, $75; insurance, $2,50L); occupied by R. A. Lane, as bakery; loss, $70; in- surance, $550; originated on 1st floor; cause, overheated oven.

Friday, 2d, 7-50 P.M. Still. Nos. 62 AND 64 CORNHiLL. Owned by C. U. Cotting; occupied by S. N. Gaut & Co., as bakery; originated on 1st floor; cause, gas-jet setting Are.

Saturday, 3d, 1-12 A.M. Still. No. 54 A ST. Owned by J. Lavery; loss, $94; insurance, $1,000; occupied by J. Lavery, as undertaker; loss, $16; insurance, $500; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Saturday, 3d, 9-13 A.M. Box 69. No. 81 Bristol st. Owned by J. F. Paul; insurance, $1,696; oc- cupied by J. F. Paul & Co., as wood-workers; insurance, $500; originated on 2d floor; cause, overheated steam-pipes. ;;;

110 City Document No. 12.

Saturday, 3d, 9.30 A.M. Still. No. 2 LOTHROP PL. Owned by Potridge estate; insurance, $9,000; occupied by A. L. Johnson, as dwelling; loss, $22; insurance, $1,500; originated on 2d floor; cause, supposed smoking in bed.

Saturday, 3d, 3-16 P.M. Box 992.

Carlisle st. Owned by James Fish ; loss, $208 ; insurance, $2,000 occupied by James Fish, as dwelling; loss, $150; insurance, $600; originated on 2d floor; cause, children and matches.

Sunday, 4th, 1-37 P.M. Still. Harrison ave. and Canton st. Cause, overheated thei-mostat, automatic. Sunday, 4th, 8-20 P.M. Box 9. No9. 30 and 32 Battery st. Owned by Jelly estate; loss, $430; insurance, $16,000 ; occupied by Levine Brothers, as cigars, etc.; in- surance, $3,000 ; occupied by L. Sahken, as tailor ; insurance, $6,0U0 originated on 3d floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 3th, 3-27 A.M. Box 62. No. 194 Pr.EASANT ST. Owned by J. A. Stevenson; loss, $140; insui'ance, $12,000; occupied by A. H. Stuart, as dining-room; loss, $197; insurance, $600; originated on 1st floor; cause, igniting of naphtha stove. Monday, 5th, 3-12 P.M. Still.

No. 8-2 Harrison avk. Owned by E. S. Hambin heirs ; loss, $2 insurance,. $5,000; occupied by J. P2. Cameron, as dwelling; loss, $23; insurance, $1,500; originated on 1st floor; cause, children and matches. Monday, 5th, 6-30 P.M. Box 521. No. 59 BoYLSTON AVE. Cause, soot in chimney bui'ning; need- less-. Monday, 5th, 8-20 P.M. Box 54.

No. 34 Beach st. Owned by Boston Real Estate Trust Company insurance, $5,000 ; occupied by Nelson Brothers, as blacksmiths ; loss, $5; originated on 2d floor; cause, sparks from forge.

Monday, 5th, 10-40 P.M. Box 86.

No. 1575 Washington st. Owned by P. W. Smith ; loss, $13 ; in- surance, $8,000; occupied by C. B. Ewell, as periodicals; loss, $75; insurance, $2,300; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 6th, 1-33 P.M. Box 115. Fourth and Foundry sts. Owned by Alger estate; loss, $10; occupied by Old Colony Railroad, as boiler-room; originated on roof; cause, overheated chimney.

Tuesday, 6th, 5-59 P.M. Box 9. No. 275 North st. Owned by J. P. Bartlett; loss, $240; insur- ance, $3,000; occupied by C. Ferritti, as dwelling; loss, $50; occupied by M. A. Flaherty, as dwelling; loss, $25; originated on 5th floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp. ;

Fire Department. Ill

Wednesdaij, 7th, 1-20 A.M. Still. No. 426 Saratoga, st. Owned by O. J. Gove; occupied by A. AV. Fulleiton, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, overheated stove; no damage.

Wednesday, 7th, 2-55 A.M. Still. No. 748 E. Broadway. Owned by T. F. Brophy; loss, $75; in- surance, $2,000 ; occupied by T. F. Brophy, as dwelling; originated in basement ; cause, defective chimney.

Wednesday, 7th, 6-53 P.M. Still.

No. 3 QuiNCY PL. Owned by J. H. Collaraore ; loss, $25 ; insur- ance, $750; occupied by J. Casottgoli, as dwelling; originated on 3d floor; cause, defective flue.

Wednesday, 7th, 7-39 P.M. Box 5.

No. 56 BiLLERiCA ST. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Wednesday, 7th, 8-20 P.M. Box 417.

Nos. 6-8-10 Benedict st. No. 6, owned b3' B. Lombard ; loss, $256; insurance, $2,500. No. 8, owned by J. Donovan; loss, $150. No. 10, owned b}' M. O'Brien; loss, $35; insurance, $1,000; occupied by Wm. Sullivan, as wagon-shed; loss, $103; occupied by Wm. Fletcher, as stable and sheds; loss, $1,235; Insurance, $1,400; 0(!cu- pied by P. H. Denney etals., as dwelling; loss, $15. Originated in No. 8, extended to otlaer buildings; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 7th, 11-55 P.M. Box 18. No. 73 CORNHILL. Owned by E. Wheelwright; loss, $238; insur- ance, $14,000; occupied by J. S. Wall, as bamboos; loss, $835; insurance, $1,000; occupied by PI. L. Phelps, as printer; loss, $51; insurance, $900 ; originated on 5th floor ; cause, sparks from stove.

Thursday, 8th, 11-26 AM. Box 13. No. 231 North st. Owned by M. Keany heirs; loss, $40; insur- ance, $6,000; occupied by several families, as dwelling; originated on roof; cause, careless use of plumber's pot.

Thursday, 8th, 2-40 P.M. Still.

No. 18 Howard st. Owned by Evans heirs ; occupied by D. Rus- sell, as plumber ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, careless use of matches.

Thursday, 8th, 5-10 P.M. Still.

No. 1090 Tremont ST. Owned by H. S. Lawrence ; insurance, $3,000 occupied by L. Castel, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 3d floor; cause, breaking kei'osene lamp.

Thursday, 8th, 5-32 P.M. Box 144. No. 934 Broadway. Owned by J. S. McDonald; loss, $205; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied bj^ J. S. McDonald as dwelling; loss, $179; insurance, $2,500; originated on 2d floor; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp. Remarks. — J. S. McDonald, the owner and occupant, was found lying on the floor burned to death upon the arrival of the department. ;

112 CiTir Document No. 12.

Thursday, 8th, 6-20 P.M. Still.

No. 4 La Grange st. Owned by J. Mcintosh ; loss, $25 ; insur- ance, $1,500; occupied by C. Bussell, as dwelling; loss, $20; insur- ance, $900 ; originated on 2d floor ; cause unknown.

Thursday, 8th, 6-45 P.M. Box 114.

FiKST AND E STS. Owned by Jenney Man'f'g Company ; loss, $250; still- occupied by Jenney Man'fg Company, as oil-works ; originated in house ; cause, explosion of naphtha gas.

Friday, 9th, 6-23 P.M. Box 61. No. 12 Shawjmut AVE. Owned by J. H. Dwyer; loss, $100; occu- pied by D. Alexander, as variety store; loss, $400; insurance, $5,000;

oi'iginated on 1st floor ; cause, incendiaiy.

Saturday, 10th, 5-47 A.M. Box 927.

Clayton st. Owned by Bacon Lithograph Company ; loss, $400; in- surance, $8,000; occupied by Bacon Lithograph Company, as printers; loss, $10,630; insurance, $55,350; originated in basement; cause, gas- jet igniting woodwork.

Saturday, 10th, 10-20 A.M. Still.

No. 16 Portland st. Owned by H. A. Shepard; insurance, $4,000;

occupied b}- A. Munro as dining-room ; insurance, .$500 ; originated on

1st floor ; cause, hot ashes igniting woodwork.

Sunday, 11th, 9 P.M. Box 9.

No. 384^ Hanover st. Owned by S. Panofsky ; insurance, $4,000

on 4th floor ; cause, up- occupied by T. Olsen, as dw^elling ; originated setting kerosene stove.

Monday, 12th, 1-20 P.M. Still.

No. 35 FIaynes st. Owned by J. Hamlin ; loss, $42 ; insurance, $2,000; occupied by H. McLaughlm, as dwelling; originated on 2d floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 12th, 3-45 P.M. Box 74. No. 1476 Washington st. Owned by C. Rollins; loss, $250; in- surance, $12,000; occupied by C Maguire, as dining-room; loss, $42;

insurance, $2,000 ; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Monday, 12th, 6-24 P.M. Box 154.

No. 679 E. Eighth st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Monday, 12th, 6-28 P.M. Box 64.

No. 29 Mayo st. Owned by O. Sherman ; loss, $50 ; insurance, $13,000; occupied by S. Boraky etals.,&s dwelling; loss, $92; insur- ance, $2,000; originated on 4th floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 12th, 7-07 P.M. Box 629. " " Bemarks. — Fire on board tow-boat Nabby C. ; caused by over- lieated boiler; loss, $1,175; insurance, $2,500. ;

Fire Department. 113

Tuesday, 13th, 5-30 P.M. Box 268. No. 24 MoRELANi) ST. Owned by E. W. Savo;ent; occupied by W. B. S. Gay, as dwelling; cause, back dvaught from furnace; no fire.

Tuesda%j, 13th, 9 P.M. Box 972.

No. 1162 AVashington st. Owned by M. Haley; loss, $1,100; insur- etc.; loss. .$400; in- ance, $4,000 ; occupied by Karle Bros., as shoes, surance, $2,500; occupied by H. White, as dwelling; loss, $200; occupied by J. B. Stetson, as studio; loss, $1,000; occupied by P. Rothenburg, as clothing; loss, $2,185; insurance, $1,400; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 13th, 10-32 P.M. Still. No. 296 Main st. Owned by G. M. Starbard; loss, $40; insur- insurance, ance, $5,000 ; occupied byB. Cqjano, as clothing; loss, $200;

$3,000; originated on 1st floor ; cause, hot ashes in wooden receptacle.

Tuesday, 13th, 11-59 P.M. Box 68. in- Nos. 75 AND 77 Wareham st. Owned by Hart heirs ; loss, $627 ; surance, $6,500; occupied by C. H. Delaney et als., as wood-woi'ker loss, $264; insurance, $5,000; originated in engine-room; cause un- known. Remarks. — Engineman Weston had his hand injured b}' being caught between hydrant and suction.

Wednesday, 14th, 1-52 A.M. Box 68.

No. 5.S3 Albany st. Owned by D.W. Badger; insurance, $100,000; occupied by D. W. Badarer, as wood-worker; originated in hot-air flue; cause, friction of machinery. Remarks. — Several members of the department were slightly injured by falling into excavation in rear of building.

Wednesday, 14th, 5-14 A.M. Still.

No. 50 Orlea:ns st. Cause, electric wires.

Wednesday, 14th, 6-54 A.M. Box 21. insur- No. 11 Hawkins st. Owned by A. Wentworth ; loss, $25; ance, $1,000; occupied l)y West & Dixon, as wood-workers; origi- nated on 5th floor; cause, supposed sparks from stove.

Wednesday, 14th, 3-51 P.M. Box 73.

No. 52 Elm st. Owned by W. F. AVihle ; occupied by A. H. Dav-

enport, as furniture ; originated on 5th floor ; cause, gas-jet igniting cotton pile.

Thursday, 1.5th, 0-07 P.M. Still. No. 50 Monument sq. Cause, hot ashes in wooden receptacle; no damage. Friday, 16th, 0-06 A.M. Box 54.

Oxford and Beach sts. Owned by Miiiot heirs; insurance, $4,000; occupied by (x. W. Gilbert et als., as provisions, etc.; origi- nated in basement; cause unknown. ;

114 City Document No. 12.

Fridaxj, 16th, 0-59 A.M. Box 994. No. 68 Milton avr. Cause unknown. Remarks. — This fire was in a small hut built by boys from old lumber.

Saturday, 17th, 2-47 P.M. Still.

Nos. 76 AND 80 Pkixce st. Owned by I. Cohen; loss, $121; in- surance, $lo, 000 ; occupied by E. Alphia, as dwellino^; loss, $25; oc- cupied by A. B. Kauni, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 4th floor; cause, gas exj)losion from lighted candle. Remarks. — P. Buckley, Aliss Alphia, and Mrs. Raum were more or less injured by the explosion.

Sunday, 18th, 0-34 A.M. Box 135. No. 168 I ST. Owned by F. Clapp; loss, $25; insurance, $2,000; occupied by F. L. Coombs, as barber ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Stmday, 18ih, 10-36 A.M. Box 716. No. 242 Washington st. Owned by Sears heirs; insurance, $170,000: occupied by Boston Globe Company, as publishers; insur- ance, $225,000 ; originated in basement ; cause, breaking of kerosene lamp.

Sunday, 18th, 11-50 A.M. Still. No. 2 East Springfield st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Sunday, 18th, 7-20 P.M. Box 138.

No. 37 O ST. Owned by E. M. Nyen ; occupied by E. M. Nyen, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kero- sene lamp. Monday, 19th, 1-45 P.M. Still. United States Navy Yard. Owned by United States Government loss, $100; occupied by United States Government, as ship-house; originated on roof; cause, sparks from chimney.

Monday, 19th, 4-45 P.M. Box 155. No. 571 Broadway. Owned by Marcus Kallman; insurance, $3,000; occupied by M. Kallman, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 3d floor; cause, careless use of matches.

Monday, 19th, 7-46 P.M. Box 678. Butler ave. bonfire burning rubbish. Cause, ;

Monday, 19th, 7-59 P.M. Box 46.

No. 65 KiLBY ST. Owned by M. Williams estate; loss, $442; in- surance, $8,000; occupied by H. C. Hill, as office; insurance, $500; originated in basement; cause, mice and matches.

Tuesday, 20th, 1-53 P.M. Still.

Somerset st. Owned by Suff'olk County; loss, $1,350; insurance, $10,000; occupied by Suffolk County, as Court-House; originated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 20th, 4-08 P.M. Box 465.

No. 2 Spice st. Cause, children and matches ; no damage. ;

Fire Department. 115

Tuesday, 20lh, 5-04 P.M. Box 91. No. 6 St. Paul st. Owned and occupied by Lizzie Bennett, as dwelling; loss, $10; insurance, $7,500; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp. Remarks. — Miss Bennett was severely burned about the body, and a citizen named Joseph Dean was severely injured by being run into by engine No. 23.

Tuesday, 20th, 5-39 P.M. Box 154.

East Ninth st. Cause, breaking of lighted lantern on board the steam-yacht " Rosebelle," owned by Regan & Kane; damage, $10; insurance, $1,500.

Wednesday, 21st, 7-38 A.M. Still.

No. 25 Orleans st. Cause, hanging-lamp igniting woodwork.

Wednesday, 21st, 6-51 P.M. Box 93. No. 75 West Dedham st. Owned by Wm. Collier estate; loss, $465; insurance, $1,500; occupied by P. Donald etals., as roofer; loss,

$1,000; insurance, $1,050 ; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 21st, 7-03 P.M. Still. Webster and Mill sts. Cause, crossing of automatic electric wires.

Wednesday, 21st, 8-13 P.M. Box 54.

Oxford and Beach sts. Owned by Minot heirs ; insurance,

$4-,000 ; occupied by G. W. Gilbert et als., as provisions, etc.; origi- nated on 3d floor; cause, gas-jet igniting window curtain.

Wednesday, 21st, 9-01 P.M. Box 51. No. 168 Oliver st. Owned by C. H. Lee; loss, $97; insurance, $10,000; occupied by Denman & Co., as boiler-room; originated in basement; cause, spontaneous combustion.

Thursday, 22d, 4-18 A.M. Box 73.

No. 12 Union park. Owned by M. Williams estate ; loss, $240 insurance, $20,000 ; occupied by M. Gulesian, as dwelling, etc. ; loss,

$75; insurance, $3,600 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Thursday, 22d, 6-58 A.M. Box 25.

AsHTON PL. A. J. Tuttle loss, ; 2 Fruit street, Owned by ; $400 No. owned by F. Murphy; loss, $35: insurance, $3')0; occupied by F. Murphy, as stable; loss, $35; insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor of Tuttle's stable; extended to No. 2 Fruit street; cause, gas-jet igniting woodwork.

Thursday, 22d, 2-18 P.M. Box 248.

Cause, light from locomotive mistaken for fire.

Thursday, 22d. 2-23 P.M. Box 9.

No. 7 Comet's wharf. Cause, careless use of fire, thawing water- pipes ; no damage. ;

116 CiTr Document No. 12.

Thursday, 2 2d, 4-37 P.M. Box 716. No. 246 Washington st. Owned by Massachusetts Real Estate

Company ; occupied by Advertiser Company, as editorial-room ; origi- nated on Gtli floor; cause, steam-pipes igniting woodwork; no damage.

Friday, 23d, 4-49 A.M. Still.

No. 886 Harrison AVE. Owned by Mary A. Marble ; occupied by

J. Cantelo, as junk-shop ; loss, $20 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, spontaneous combustion.

Friday, 23d, JO A.M. Still.

No. 47 Leverett st. Owned by T. ; loss, B. Towne $77 ; insurance, $7,000; occupied by M. Palais, as furniture; insurance, $3,000; origi- nated in basement; cause, sparks from stove.

Friday, 23d, 10-55 A.M. Still.

No. 72 Decatur st. Ellen Jeffries loss, Owned by ; $12 ; insurance, "

"' ; occupied by Ellen Jeffries, as dwelling ; originated in basement cause, thawing water-pipes.

Friday, 23d, 8-08 P.M. Box 73.

No. 4 Medford ST. Owned by M. A. Foster; loss, $191 ; insurance, $2,500; occupied by M. A. Fostei% as dwelling; insurance, $10'0; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Friday, 23d, 10-21 P.M. Box 43.

Nos. 42 AND 44 Chauncy ST. Owned by W. H. Slocumb ; loss, $1,-.

457 ; insurance, $20,000 ; occupied by Clark & Kaufman, as fancy goods ; loss, $20,-iOO ; insurance, $20,200 ; occupied by Hewes & Potter, as sus- penders ; loss, $5,650; insui'ance, $11,150 ; occupied by J. T. Nichols ei als., as coopers; loss, $78; insurance, $1,000; originated in base- ment cause ; unknown.

Saturday, 24th, 8-40 A.M. Still.

No. 972 Harrison AVE. Owned by Thomas Hall ; loss, $20; insur- ance, $3,000 ; occupied by Mrs. Lynch, as dwelling; loss, $5 ; originated on 3d floor ; cause, sparks from stove.

Saturday, 24th, 11-54 A.M. Box 52.

No. 130 Summer st. Cause, steam mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 24th, 1-35 P.M. Still.

No. .30 South Margin st. Owned by G. Holden ; loss, $10 ; insur- ance, $3,000; occupied by several families, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, careless use of lamp.

Saturday, 24th, 3-16 P.M. Box 26. No. 184 Charles st. Cause, overheated chimney; needless alarm.

Saturday, 24th, 3-35 P.M. Still. Harrison ave. Needless, automatic alarm.

Saturday, 24th, 4-24 P.M. Still. No. 7 Commonwealth ave. Cause, soot in chimney burmng. Fire Department. 117

Saturday, 24th, 5 P.M. Still. No. 51 Orchard st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Saturday, 24th, 5-50 P.M. Still.

ScOLLAY SQ. Cause, electric motor igniting car.

Saturday, 24th, 8-08 P.M. Box 199.

No. 45 MONADNOCK ST. Owned by H. G. Hollings ; loss, $39; in- surance, $5,000; occupied by H. G. Hollings, as dwelling; insurance,

$3,600 ; originated on roof ; cause, sparks from chimney.

Saturday, 24th, 8-12 P.M. Box 84.

No. 445 Marlboro' st. Owned by C H. Watson ; loss, $26 ; insur- ance, $10,000; occupied by C. H. Watson, as dwelling; insurance,

$5,000 ; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Saturday, 24ih, 8-28 P.M. Box 134. No. 175 West Sixth st. Owned by James Dutfy; loss, $85; insur- ance, $2,.o00 ; occupied by M. Duffy, as dwelling; loss, $25; originated on 1st floor; cause, upsetting lighted candle.

Saturday, 24th, 8-57 P.M. Box 251. No. 144 Cedar ST. Owned by H. S. Fairbanks; loss, $116; insur- ance, $4,500; occupied by Mrs. Brown, as dwelling; originated on 3d floor ; cause unknown.

Saturday, 24th, 9-53 P.M. Box 919.

No. 12 Ellsworth st. Owned by J. Lee ; loss, $20 ; insurance, $1,500; occupied by J. Duggan, as dwelling; loss, $15; originated on 1st floor; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp.

Saturday, 24th, 11-03 P.M. Box 6. No. 98 Leverett st. Owned by E. Kamber; loss, $25; insurance, '",000; occupied by A. Cestaro, as fruits, etc.; loss, $10; insurance, ~

" ; originated in basement ; cause, ignition of kerosene stove.

Saturday, 24th, 11-54 P.M. Box 457. False alarm.

Sunday, 25th, 2-27 A.M. Box 4.

No. 171 Charlestown ST. Owned by J. Monagle heirs ; loss, $50; occupied by Clark Brothei's, as plumbers ; loss, $15 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, sparks from plumber's pot.

Sunday, 25th, 3-10 A.M. Box 42.

Nos. 31 TO 33 Winter st. Owned by K. Richardson loss, G. ; $2,094 ; insurance, $20,500; occupied by CoUamore & Co., as dry goods; loss, $21,500; insurance, $43,500; occupied by Chandler &Co.,'as dry goods; loss, $4,120; insurance, $263,500; occupied by Lamson Store Service Company, as office, etc.; loss, $172; insurance, $172; occupied by M.

A. Singleton, as hair-dresser; loss, $242; insurance, $500 ; originated in basement; cause, back draught from furnace. ;

118 City Document No. 12.

Sunday, 25lh, 3-56 A.M. Box 417.

No. 198 RuTHEnFOUD ave. Owned by C. F. Morrell ; loss, |15; in- surance, $600 ; occupied by P. Keith, as blacksmitli; originated on 1st floor; cause, sparks from forge.

Sunday, 25lh, 4-13 A.M. Box 424.

No. 11 MouLTO^^ ST. Owned Julia ; by Dennis loss, $26 ; insurance,

I ; occujjied by Julia Dennis, as dwelling ; originated on 1st floor cause, overheated stove.

Sunday, 25th, 7-45 A.M. Box 17. No. 54 Salem st. Owned by C. Holmes; loss, $15; insurance, $5,- 000; occupied by D. Bendetson, as cigars, etc.; loss, $15; insurance, $100; originated in basement; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Sunday, 25th, 9-04 A.M. Box 443. No. 31 Joiner st. Owned by M. E. Downer; loss, $48; insurance, $2,000; occupied by T. Crowley et als., as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Sunday, 25th, 11-44 A.M. Box 96. No. 254 Columbus ave. Owned by M. F. Hodges; loss, $337; in- surance, $15,000; occupied by M. E. Marble, as bakery; loss, $40; insurance, $1,000; originated in basement; cause, thawung out water-pipes.

Sunday, 25th, 11-50 A.M. Still.

Harold st. Cause unknown ; brush fire.

Sunday, 25th, 1-04 P.M. Box 112. No. 13 Swan st. Cause, sparks from chimney. Needless.

Simday, 25th, 4-05 P.M. Box 454. Alford ST. Cause, bonfire of old rubbish. Needless.

Sunday, 25th, 8-06 P.M. Still.

No. 28 Rochester st. Owned by D. McCarthy; loss, $6 ; insurance, $3,500; occupied by Mrs. O'Rourke, as dwelling; loss, $15; originated on 3d floor; cause, careless use of candle.

Monday, 26th, 0-45 P.M. Still. No. 15 Peltiam ST. Owned by T. Herbert; loss, $5; insurance, $7,000; occupied by T. Herbert, as dwelling; originated on 3d floor; cause, overheated stove.

Mojidmj, 26th, 1-07 P.M. Still.

No. 1 Arcadia ST. Owned by B. S. Evans; loss, $120; insurance, $3,000; occupied by S. L. Stearns, as dwelling; loss, $150; insurance, $2,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of water-back in range. Monday, 26th, 6-28 P.M. Box 424. No. 37 MouLTON ST. Owned by J. Stone; insurance, $1,000; oc- cupied by J. McGrady, as dwelling; loss, $20; originated on 2d floor; cause, careless use of candle. ;

Fire Department. 119

Monday, 26ih, 6-35 P.M. Still.

No. 99 Maverfck st. Owned by J. W. Swint; loss, $85; insur- ance, $7,000; occupied by J. VV. Swint, as baUery; loss, $16; in- surance, $3,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, careless use of lamp.

Monday, 26lh, 8-32 P.M. Still. No. 535 Washington st. Owned by Eugene Tompkins; insm-ance,

$225,000 ; occupied by Eugene Tompkins, as theatre ; originated on

1st floor ; cause unknown ; no damage.

Monday, 26th, 8-48 P.M. Box 232.

No. 297 Dudley st. Owned by J. Ham ; loss, $35 ; insui-ance, $2,000; occupied by Minnie Denney, as milliner; loss, $258; insur- ance, $500; originated on 1st floor; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp.

Tuesday, 27th, 2-39 A.M. Box 334.

No. 141 Columbia st. Owned by J. E. Haskell ; loss, $2,350 ; in- sui'ance, $6,000; occupied by J. E. Haskell, as dwelling; loss, $1,000;

insurance, $1,000 ; occupied by J. E. Stever, as dwelling: loss, $150;

originated in basement ; cause, hot ashes in wooden receptacle.

Tuesday, 27th, 4-44 A.M. Box 413. Front st. Owned by B. & M. Railroad; loss, $695; insurance, $14,500; occupied by B. & M. Railroad, as freight-house; originated

on 2d floor ; cause unknown.

Tuesday, 27th, 4-51 A.M. Box 414.

Remarks. — This alarm was given for fire in B. & M. freight-house.

Tuesday, 27th, 6-26 A.M. Box 113. West First and B sts. Owned by Brooklyn Cooperage Company loss, $5; occupied by Brooklyn Cooperage Company, as cooper-shop;

\ originated on 1st floor ; cause, overheated furnace.

Tuesday, 27th, 6-54 P.M. Box 97.

No. 197 Beacon st. Owned by H. L. Shaw; loss, $265; insurance, $10,000; occupied by J. G. Mumford, as dwelling; loss, $41; in-

surance, $6,500 ; originated in basement ; cause, overheated furnace.

Tuesday, 27th, 9-45 A.M. Box 5.

No. 36 Causeway st. Cause, careless use of matches ; no damage.

Tuesday, 27th, 10-44 A.M. Still. No. 1 Foster pl. Owned by Burnett heirs; loss, $15; insurance, $1,000; occupied by M. Uoherty, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Tuesday, 27th, 1-06 P.M. Still. No. 53 Newman ST. Owned by T. Flaherty; loss, $15 ; insurance, $2,500; occupied by several families, as dwelling; oi'iginated on 1st

floor ; cause, thawing water-pipes. 120 City Document No. 12.

Tuesday, 27th, 2-10 P.M. Still. No. 37 Edinboro' st. Owned by C. P. Campbell; loss, $16; insurance, $5,000; occupied by Wm. Perry, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, rats and matches.

Tuesday, 27th, 4-37 P.M. Box 17. No. 139 BLA.CKSTONE ST. Cause, thawing water-pipe.

Tuesday, 27th, 4-02 P.M. Box 61. No. 6 Warrentok st. Owned by J. P. Lang; loss, $530; insur- ance, $7,000 ; occupied by Mrs. Dinan, as dwelling ; loss, $7 ; origi- nated on 1st floor; cause, gas explosion.

Ttiesday, 27th, 5-45 P.M. Still. Nos. 365 AND 367 Tkemont st. Owned by Hutchings & Pollard; loss, $125; insurance, $10,000; occupied by L. E. Hutchings et als., as dwelling, etc.; originated in basement; cause, careless use of kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 28th, 0-41 A.M. Box 64.

No. 2 Pine st. Owned by L. Ilaberstroh & Son ; insurance, $1,000; occupied by L. Ilaberstroh & Son, as painters; insurance, $6,000; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 28th, 3-05 P.M. Still. Nos. 41-43 Fedeual st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Wednesday, 28th, 6-05 P.M. Box 254. No. 263 Pynchon st. Owned by Lowell heirs; loss, $15; insur- ance, $3,500 ; occupied by M. Kavery, as dwelling ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Thursday, 29th, 3-45 A.M. Box 73. No. 1393 Washington st. Owned by T. W. Seaverns; loss, $80; insurance, $1,5U0; occupied by P. IL & J. J. Horan, as hardware; loss, $178; insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor ; cause unknown.

TJmrsday, 29th, 7-48 A.M. Still. No. 69 Broad st. Owned by W. P. B. Brooks; loss, $92; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied b}^ Smith & Whittier, as woodenwai-e ; origi- nated on 1st floor; cause, mice and matches.

Thursday, 29th, 9-45 A.M. Box 115. Foundry st. Cause, thawing water-pipe in car of O. C. Railroad; damage $25. Thursday, 29th, 4-34 P.M. Box 454. Needless alai-m, given by boys for bonfire.

Thursday, 29th, 7-06 P.M. Still.

No. 405 Chelsea st. Owned by D. P. Noonan ; loss, $2 ; insur- ance, $2,525; occupied by H. Shellhouse, as dwelling; insurance, $1,000; originated on 3d floor; cause, careless use of matches. ;

Fire Department. 121

Thursday, 29th, 7-55 P.M. Still.

Nos. 88 TO 98 Canal st. Cause unknown ; automatic alarm.

Thursday, 29th, 10-10 P.M. Still.

No. 28 North Anderson st. Owned bj' S. Sappiro ; insurance, $3,000; occupied by Wm. Gayser, as dwelling; orij^inated in base- ment; cause, incendiary.

TJiursday, 29th, 11-10 P.M. Still.

No. 14 Ashland PL. Owned by C. D. Ingei'soll ; loss, $25; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied by F. Turner, as dwelling; insurance, $1,500; originated in basement; cause, thawing water-pipes. '

Friday, 30th, 10-02 A.M. Box 242.

No. 45 Edgewood ST. Cause, ignition of oil in kettle ; damage, $5.

Friday, 30th, 1-49 P.M. Still.

India wharf. Cause, needless ; automatic alarm.

Friday, 30th, 2-12 P.M. Box 919.

Freeport ST. Cause, boiling over of tar in unfinished building ; no damage. Friday, 30th, 2-50 P.M. Box 245. No. 1326 Tremont st. Owned by T. B. Crowell; loss, $137; in-

surance, $7,500; occupied by H. Linsky et als., as clothing, etc. ; loss, $500; insurance, $1,100; originated on 1st floor; cause, upsetting stove. Friday, 30th, 6-26 P.M. Box 56.

No. 311 Federal st. Owned by C. A. Dean; loss, $1,028 ; insur-

ance, $1,600; occupied by L. Mason, as dining-saloon ; loss, $100; oc- cupied by several families, as dwelling; loss, $100; originated in shed,

extended to adjoining buildings ; cause, hot ashes in wooden receptacle.

Nos. 307 AND 309 Federal st. Owned by S. Clough ; loss, $200 occupied by J. Sullivan, as junk-shop; loss, $200. Nos. 313 AND 315 Federal st. Owned by C. A. Dean; loss, $478;

insurance, $2,000 ; occupied by D. J. Donnelly et als., as dwelling ; loss,

$350 ; insurance, $400.

No. 66 Cove st. Owned by Mary Haggerty ; loss, $360; insurance, $4,000; occupied by J. Mclntire et als., as dwelling; loss, $90.

Friday, 30th, 7-34 P.M. Box 65.

No. 320 Harrison ave. Owned by Brett heirs ; loss, $85 ; insur- ance, $3,000; occupied by D. J. Brett ei als., as furniture, etc.; loss,

; igniting $50 ; originated in basement cause, gas-jet bedding.

Saturday, 31st, 0-30 A.M. Still. No. 388 Meridian st. Cause, light from stove used in drying plas- tering mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 31st, 10-52 A.M. Still. No. 15 Chardon ST. Cause, accidental breaking of automatic wires.

Saturday, 31st, 4-49 P.M. Box 465. Rowland st. Cause, overheated metal-pot; needless alarm. ;

122 City Document No. 12.

Saturday, 31st, 9-18 P.M. Box 39.

No. 145 Trkmoxt ST. Owned by E. E. Pratt; loss, $958 ; insurance,

$20,000; occupied by E. J. States, as fancy goods ; loss, $125; insur-

ance. $7,500 ; occupied by G. W. Smith, as photographer; loss, $1,518 ;

insurance, $5,000 ; occupied by Fox & Baird, as hair-dressers ; loss, $607; insurance, $1,000; occupied by E. Delano, as upholsterer; loss, $75; insurance, $1,000; occupied by B. Smith et als., as offices

loss, $45 ; insurance, $3,200 ; originated on 3d floor ; cause unknown.

Saturday, 31st, 11-23 P.M. Box 112.

No. 12 Gold st. Owned by J. Hayden ; loss, $14; insurance, $900; occupied by C. Foley, as dwelling; loss, $L0; originated on 1st tloor; cause, upsetting kerosene lamp.


Sunday, 1st, 0-35 P.M. Box 93.

No. 135 West Canton st. Needless alarm.

Sunday, 1st, 3-57 P.M. Box 716. No. 244 Washington st. False alarm.

Sunday, 1st, 3-58 P.M. Box 25.

AsriTON PL. Owned by Parkman heirs ; loss, $200 ; owned by F. S. Murphy; loss, $53; insurance, $500; occupied by F. S. Murphy,

as stable ; originated on 1st floor, extended to adjoining building ; cause, incendiary. Sunday, 1st, 7-05 P.M. Box 35.

Nos. 18 AND 20 Beacon st. Owned by Boston University; loss, $2,100; insurance, $65,000; occupied by H. E. Dennett, as dentist; loss, $2,500; occupied by C. W. Sanderson, as artist; loss, $1,873; in- occupied b}' A. Workmen, as offices loss, surance, O. U. ; $100 $3,500; ; originated 4th 5th floors unknown. insurance, $2,000 ; on and ; cause

Su?iday, 1st, 8-35 P.M. Still.

Nos. 35 AND 37 W. Fourth st. Owned by M. Devine; loss, $.50; insurance, $2,500; occupied by J. Currier, as grocery; loss, $165; in-

surance, $t>00 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, supposed incendiary.

Monday, 2d, 10-57 P.M. Still. Washington, Summer, and Avon sts. Owned by various parties ; insurance, $500,000; occupied by Jordan, Marsh, & Co., as dry goods; insurance, .$1,000,000; originated in basement; cause, ignition oi" waste

paper ; unknown. Tuesday, 3d, 0.04 P.M. Still.

No. 250 Federal st. Owned by N. Y. & N. E. Railroad ; insurance, .$2,000; occupied by W. C. Hopkins, as painter; insurance, $600; orig- inated on 2d floor; cause, ignition of naphtha gas.

Tuesday, 3d, 3-44 P.M. Still. No. 149 Medford ST. Owned by B. F. Wild & Co. Cause, sponta- neous combustion in coal- pile. Fire Department. 123

Tuesday, 3d, 3-46 P.M. Box 454. False alarm.

Tuesdatj, 3d, 4-12 P.M. Box 127.

No. 12 Eakl ST. Owned by T. A. Fitzgerald; loss, $.5 ; occupied by T. A. Fitzgerald, as dwelling; loss, $5; originated on 2d floor; cause, children and matches.

Tuesday, 3d, 7-10 P.M. Box 61.

No. 245 Tremont st. Owned by C. W. Galloupe ; loss, $150 ; in- sui-ance, $50,000; occupied by H. P. Vieth, as hotel; loss, $288; insur- ance, originated on ith floor cause unknown. $22,500 ; ;

Tuesday, 3d, 8-25 P.M. Still. No. 149 Medford ST. Cause, spontaneous combustion of coal on board lighter at wharf.

Wednesday, 4ih, 0-46 A.M. Box 53.

No. 74 BOYLSTON ST. Owned by J. M. Little estate; loss, $500; in- surance, $125,000; occupied byF. W. Payne, as dentist; loss, $200; in- surance, $2,000; occupied by R. L. Barnay et als., as dentist, etc.; loss, .$25; insurance, $oo,oOO; originated on 3d floor; cause, rats and matches.

Wed7iesday, 4th, 2-40 A.M. Still.

Border st. Owned by John Robbins ; insurance, $2,000 ; occupied by Wm. Baker, as harness-shop; insurance, $500; originated on 1st floor ; cause, defective flue.

Wednesday, 4th, 8-50 A.M. Still. No. 21 Sheafe ST. Owned by J. Heller; loss, $22; insurance, $5,000; occupied by J. Heller, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Wednesday, 4th, 8-59 A.M. Box 81.

No. 131 Dartmouth pi.. Owned by G. L. Simonds ; loss, $320; in- surance, $500 ; occupied by J. M. Gowan, as dwelling; loss, $77 ; in- surance, $500; originated on 4th floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp. Wednesday, 4th, 9-44 A.M. Box 99. No. 322 West Chester park. Owned by J. Taylor; loss, $95; in- surance, $7,000; occupied by J. Heilbrun, as dwelling; loss, $521; insurance, $2,500; originated on 1st floor; cause, children and matches.

Wednesday, 4th, 6-29 P.M. Still.

No. 5 Charter pl. Owned by H. Flaherty et als. ; insurance, $3,500; occupied by H. Carter, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Wednesday, 4th, 7-47 P.M. Box 843. George st. Owned by S. J. Wilde; insurance, $1,500; cause, dry- ng plastering in unfinished dwelling. ;;;

124 City Document No. 12,

Thursday, 5th, 4-40 P.M. Still. No. 131 Broadway. Owned by A. F. Cole; insurance, $4,000; oc- cupied by J. Murphy, as dwelling; loss, $100; originated on 2d floor; cause, curtain igniting from lamp.

Thursday, 5th, 10-35 P.M. Box 455.

False alarm.

Friday, 6ih, 11-32 A.M. Box 89. No. 115 Newbury st. Cause, soot in chimney burning; needless alarm. Friday, 6th, 10-24 P.M. Box 153.

East First and P sts. Owned by M. Ogden ; loss, $419 ; insurance,

$500 ; occupied by Sunderland & Ogden, as file factory ; loss, $y80 insurance, $1,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, sparks i'rom forge.

Saturday, 7th, 10-14 A.M. Box 41.

No. 40 Water st. Owned by Simmons estate ; insurance, $275,000 occupied by Aspinwall Land Company, as ofiice ; originated on 6th floor; cause, mice and matches.

Saturday, 7th, 4-57 P.M. Box 961.

Lyndehurst ST. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 7th, 6-29 P.M. Box 267. No. 830 Parker st. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 7th, 9-44 P.M. Box 5. No. 148 Merrimac st. Owned by Torrey estate; insurance, $2,500; occupied by S. Sottile, as grocery ; loss, $20 ; insurance, $2,000 ; orig- inated on 1st floor; cause, upsetting stove.

Sunday, 8lh, 4-29 P.M. Box 451. Cause, alarm given by operator owing to imperfect register of alarm from box 454.

Sunday, 8th, 4-30 P.M. Box 454. False alarm.

Sunday, 8th, 7-15 P.M. Box 623.

Boston & Maine Freight yard. Cause, boys setting fire to car- load of cotton on track; damage to car, $20; cotton owned by C. M. Weld; loss, $200; insurance, $1,175.

Monday, 9th, 10-17 A.M. Box 142.

No. 410 W. Second st. Owned by M. Collins ; loss, $135 ; insurance,

$1,000 ; occupied by D. T. Dufty, as dwelling ; originated on 3d floor cause, thawing water-pipes.

Monday, 9th, 11-07 P.M. Box 136.

First st. Owned by N. E. Dredging Company; insurance, $6,000; cause, breaking lantern on board dredger. ;;

Fire Department. 125

Tuesday, lOlh, 0-46 A.M. Box 454. * Malden bridge. Cause, burning of insulation on electric wires.

Tuesdatj, 10th, 7-50 A.M. Still. No. 8 Atlantic st. Owned D. K. Marston; occupied by D. Amsden, as stable; originated in hay-loft; cause, careless use of matches.

Tuesdaij, 10th, 8-22, 8-30, 8-36 A.M. Box 48.

219 Federal st. OAvned by J. H. Hecht ; loss, $74,000 Nos. 207 TO ; insurance, $74,000; occupied by Hecht Bros., as wool dealers; insur- ance, $512,500; occupied by J. Koshland & Co., as wool dealers; loss. $48,641; insurance, $53,500; occupied by Patterson & Bros., as wool dealers; loss, $128,156; insurance, $130,000; occupied by F. Caraher, as boots and shoes; loss, $2,000; insurance, $2,000; occupied by J. VV. & D. Lyons, as liquors; loss, $o,100; insurance, $81,000; occupied by D. E. Baxter, as fruits; loss, $2,000; insurance, $2,000; occupied by

Colby & Weymouth, as meats; loss, $700 ; originated in basement, ex- tended to adjoining buildings ; cause unknown. No. 221 Federal ST. Owned by J. H. Hecht; loss, $19,120; insur- ance, $30,000 ; occupied by C Carven, as liquors ; loss, $3,373 ; insur-

Robinson, as dining-room ; loss, $l,Oi)U ance, $4,000 ; occupied by A. A. ; insurance, $1,000; occupied by Hecht Bros., as storage of wool; in- surance, $293,000. Nos. 225 AND 227 Federal st. Owned byB. Roth; loss, $706; insur- ance, $5,000 ; occupied by McGarry & Murphy, as liquors ; loss, $700 insurance, $3,000; occupied by several families, as dwelling; loss, $300. Nos. 185 TO 205 Summer st. Owned by A. T. Brown; loss, $863; insurance, $20,000 ; occupied by B. F. Thompson, as leathers ; loss, $2,500; insurance, $70,000; occupied by VVm. Tren et als., as hair-

dresser; loss, $45 ; insvirance, $26,300.

Nos. 175 TO 183 Summer st. Owned by J. A. Preston heirs ; loss, $20,692; insurance, $25,000; occupied by White Bros. & Co., as Goohue leathers ; loss, $77,745 ; insurance, $78,000 ; occupied by G. H. & Co., as wool; loss, $27,500; insurance, $27,500.

Nos. 167 TO 173 Summer st. Owned by S. S. Constant heirs ; occupied by W. A. Stetson & Co., as leathers; loss, $63,328; insui-ance, $70,-

000 ; occupied by Corey Leather Company, as skins ; loss, $82,760 insurance, $83,500 ; occupied by Oriental Tea Company, as storage loss, $32,631; insurance, $135,000; occupied by L. B. Clark & Co., as storage; loss, $10,332; insurance, $15,000; occupied by American Shoe Tip Company, as shoe tips; loss, $750; insurance, $1,000. Nos. 161 AND 165 Summkr ST. Owned by N. F. Damon; loss, $532; insurance, insurance, $25,000 ; occupied by Pfister & Vogel, as leather; $230,000.

Nos. 12 AND 14 South st. Owned by N. W. Rice ; loss, $1,086 ; in- surance, $70,000; occupied by N. W. Priest et als., as leathers; loss,

$3,928 ; insurance, $392,500. Nos. 30 to 40 South st. Owned by Francis estate; loss, $590; in- surance, $69,000; occupied by Homer Brothers et als., as leathers; insurance, $551,000. Bemay^ks. — Joseph F. Barker, a repoi'ter on the "Transcript," was killed by being buried in the ruins on .

Tuesday, 10th, 11-41 A.M. Box 423.

No. 40 Chestnut st. Owned by G. A. Jacobs; insurance, $1,500; occupied by A. Crafts, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 2d floor; cause, clothing igniting from stove. ;

126 City Document No. 12.

Tuesday, lOih, 3-29 P.M. Box 13.

No. 1 Keefe's alley. Owned by C. A. Robinson; loss, S363 ; in- surance, $6,000; occupied by P. Pepillio et als., as dwelling; loss, $175; originated in basement; cause, supposed overheated stove.

Tuesday, 10th, 9-04 P.M. Box 412.

Nos. 176 AND 178 Main st. Owned by Thorndike heirs ; loss, $296 insurance, $3,000 ; occupied by I. Nesson, as clothing ; loss, $4,283 insurance, $6,900; occupied by J. A. Danforth, as dwelling; loss,

$34 ; insurance, $2,000 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, overheated stove.

Wednesday, lltli, 7-30 A.M. Still.

Dent st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Wednesday, 11th, 10-33 P.M. Box 97. No. 39 Marlborough st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Wednesday, 11th, 10-44 A.M. Box 417.

No. 47 Miller st. Owned by G. D. Otis ; insurance, $2,000 ; occu- pied by J. Splan et als., as dwelling; originated in basement; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Wednesday, 11th, 11-05 A.M. Still. No. 2 Byron court. Owned by A. Byron; loss, $30: insurance, $2,000; occupied by J. T. Byron, as dwelling; Insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of kerosene lamp.

Wednesday, 11th, 11-32 A.M. Box 25.

No. 30 N. Anderson st. Cause, careless use of fire ; no damage.

Wednesday, 11th, 5-30 P.M. Box 124.

loss, insurance, No. 242 Broadway. Owned by M. F. Gavin ; $24 ; $10,000; occupied by A. L. Bridges et als., as provisions; originated in basement ; cause, careless use of matches.

Wednesday, 11th, 9, 9-05 P.M. Box 51. Nos. 109 AND 111 Purchase st. Owned by J. IM. Currier; insurance, $10,000; owned by J. A. Ballard; loss, $150; insurance, $35,000; oc- cupied by F. G. Young, as oils, etc.; loss, $1,638; insurance, $8,000; occupied by Cranston Press Company, as printers ; loss, $500 ; insur- by Rnmey Manufacturing Company, as govern- ance, $2,000 ; occupied ors; loss, $500; insurance, $500; occupied by C. Littlejohn, as paper stock; loss, $500; insurance, $500; occupied by W. C. Page & Co., as slippers; loss, $1,679; insurance, $5,000; occupied by Thorpe Manu- facturing Company, as typewriters; loss, $7,100; insurance, $30,000; occupied by H. Rotman," as clothing; insurance, $2,750; occupied by P. C. Austin, as nickel plater; loss, $1,5U0; insurance, $1,500; occu- pied by Mandell & Co., as printers; insurance, $4,500; originated on 5th floor; cause, supposed friction of machinery.

Thursday, 12th, 2-39 A.M. Box 85. insur- No. 136 Castle st. Owned by I. Rothenburg ; loss, $336 ; ance, $4,500; occupied by D. Hayes, as dwelling; loss, $75; originated in basement; cause, thawing water-pipes. Fire Department. 127

Thursday, 12th, 1-50 P.M. Still. No. 337 Prixceton st. Owned by J. Dwyev; loss. $14; insurance, $1,000; occupied by Michael Lyden, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, children and matches.

Thursday, 12th, 7-36 P.M. Box 33. No. 37 Beacon st. Owned by G. B. Blake; occupied by G. B. Blake, as dwelling; originated in chimney; cause, soot in chimney burning.

TMorsday, 12th, 8 P.M. Still. No. 117 Falmouth st. Owned by Nathan Matthews; insurance, $30,000; occupied by A. K. Page et als., as dwelling; insurance, $2,200; originated in basement; cause, overheated steam-pipes.

Thursday, 12th, 10-07 P.M. Box 823.

heirs ; loss, No. 198 Western ate. Owned by Augustus Russ $96 ; insurance, $2, .500; occupied by C. N. Roberts et als., as provisions; in- surance, $1,200; originated on 1st floor; cause, overheated stove.

Thursday, 12th, 10-17, 10-40 P.M. Box 45. loss, No. 238 Devonshire st. Owned by Hunnewell estate ; $3,344 ; insurance. $60,000; occupied by M. Dean & Co., as clothing; loss, $5,750; insurance, $55,000; orighiated on 1st floor; cause unknown.

Friday, 13th, 3-11 A.M. Box 15. Commercial dock. Cause, overheated stove igniting cabin of sloop "Shawmut." Owned by A. Sormson et als., lying at Commercial

wharf; damage, $800 ; no insurance. Remarks. — T. Kneedson and T. Olsen were found dead in the cabin

after the flames were extinguished ; both the above were natives of Sweden. Friday, 13th, 4-34 P.M. Box 539.

Canterbury st. Owned by B. ]\I. Wedger ; loss, $300 ; occupied by B. M. Wedger, as fireworks; loss, $700; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of chemicals. Bemarks. — Margaret Flynn, an employee, was burned to death, and B. M. Wedger, the proprietor, was fatally, and John Tully severely burned. Saturday, 14ih, 1-10 P.M. Box 6. No. 49 Barton st. Owned by G. L. Pike; loss, $150; insurance, $2,000; occupied by M. Sheldon, as dwelling; loss, $90; originated on

3d floor ; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Saturday, 14th, 3-17 P.M. Box 18. No. 24 Brattle st. Owned by A. P. Rogers; insurance, $12,000;

occupied by Smith & Co., as desks, etc. ; insurance, $3,500; originated in basement; cause, defective chimney.

Saturday, 14th, 4-43 P.M. Box 417. in- No. 75 Washington st. Owned by E. A. Downey ; loss, $29 ; surance, $4,000; occupied by A. E. Jones, as dwelling; insurance, $1,200; originated on 4th floor; cause, careless use of candle. ;

128 City Document No. 12.

Saturday, 14th, 4-52 P.M. Stilt.

Xo. 778 East Fourth st. Owned by M. E. Lawton ; loss, $50 insurance, $4,

Saturday, 14th, 5-25 P.M. Box 124. No. 155 Broadway. Owned by B. L. Neary; loss, $'79; insurance,

$3,500 ; occupied by E. M. Lane, as dry goods ; loss, $.o05 ; originated on 1st floor ; cause, gas-jet igniting clothing.

Saturday, 14th, 7-46 P.M. Box 57.

Nos. 62 AND 64 Harvard st. Owned by S. K. Harwood ; insurance, $1,000; oceiipied by A. Dolan, as dwelling; loss, $30; insurance, $1,700; originated on 2d floor; cause, upsetting stove.

/, 15th, 8 A.M. Stm. Market st. Cause, sparks from locomotive igniting railroad bridge.

Sunday, loth, 4-03 P.M. Box 454.

Alford ST. Cause, set by boys in rubbish under building.

Sunday, 15th, 4-35 P.M. Still.

School st. Cause, electric wires setting fire to structure on City Hall. Simday, 15th, 10-32 P.M. Box 62.

No. 175 Pleasant st. Owned by Allen heirs ; insurance, $10,650 occupied by H. Worrell, as grocery; insurance, $800; originated in basement; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Monday, 16th, 0-59 A.M. Box 23. No. 3 Cambridge st. Owned by Shaw heirs; loss, $85; insurance, $L500; occupied by Lorigne & Paquin, as barbers; loss, $35; origi- nated in basement ; cause, careless use of matches.

Monday, 16th, 9-40 A.M. Still.

No. 27 Commonwealth aye. Owned by T. K. Lothrop ; occipied by T. K. Lothrop, as dwelling; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Monday, 16th, 9-42 A.M. Box 148.

No. 351 Congress st. Owned by Chase & Co. ; occupied by Chase & Co., as confectioners; loss, $5; originated on 5th floor; cause, fric- tion of machinery.

Monday, 16th, 11-16 A.M. Box 66.

No. 27 Emerald st. Owned by RL A. Donovan ; occupied by A.

Frotepin, as dwelling ; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Monday, 16th, 2-27 P.M. Still. No. 57 Green st. Owned by H. Mayers; loss, $2; insurance, $2,500; occupied by H. IMayers et aU., as dwelling; insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Monday, 16th, 3-43 P.M. Still. Dover and Washington sts. Cause, electric wires. Fire Department. 129

Tuesday, ITtli, 0-S7, 0-50, 1-06 A.M. Box 47.

Nos. 271 AND 275 Franklin st. Owned by J. A. Nowell heirs ; loss, $12,318; insurance, $26,000; occupied by Ashton Valve Company, as factory, etc.; loss, $22,875, insurance, $55,000; occupied by E.

Meyers & Co., as jDolishes ; loss, $2,94S; insurance, $6,000; occupied

by Underhay & Co., as oils, etc. ; loss, $500; insurance, $0,500; occu- pied by F. Howland, as offices; loss, $65; insurance, $500; originated

on 2d and 4th floors ; cause unknown. Remarks. — W. B. Hill, the engineer of the building, was taken from the roof by means of ladders.

Tuesdaij, 17th, 1-16 P.M. Box 155. No. 654 Broadway. Owned by O. D. Dana; loss, $178; insurance,

$3,000; occupied by A. Hall et als , as dwelling; loss, $20; insur- ance, $300; originated on Istiioor; cause, thawing water-pipes.

Tuesday, 17th, 3-32 P.M. Still.

No. 24 Newjland st. Owned by C. O'Loughlin ; loss, $30; insur- ance, $2,500; occupied by S. Clark, as dwelling; Icjss, $30; originated

on 1st floor ; cause, careless use of pipe.

Tuesday, 17th, 9-04 P.M. Box 242. Dacia ST. Owned by J. Kiley; loss, $120; insurance, $3,000; un- occupied dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, careless use of kero- sene stove. Remarks. — Miss Winnie Collins was slightly injured by being struck on head by ladders of Truck No. 4 while returning from the alarm.

Wednesday, 18th, 1-54 P.M. Still. No. 15 Hanover st. False alarm.

Wednesday, 18th, 7-46 P.M. Still. No. 29 North sq. Cause, thawing water-pipes; no damage.

Wednesday, 18th, 9-59 A.M. Box 427.

No. 204 Bunker Hill st. Owned by M. Roughan ; insurance, $15,000; occupied by M. Roughan, as saloon; insurance, $7,500; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Thursday, 19th, 10-05 P.M. Still.

No. 691 Tremont st. Owned by A. Tomfohrde; occupied by G. E. Jenks, as dwelling; cause, thawing water- pipes.

Thursday, I9th, 3-43 A.M. Still.

No. 47 Hanover st. insurance, Owned by Rayner estate ; $30,000 ; occupied by Rust. Richardson, & Co., as druggists; insurance, $50,000;

oi'iginated on 2d floor ; cause, gas-jet igniting woodwork.

Thursday, 19th, 10-23 A.M. Still.

No. 43 Piedmont st. Owned by M. J. Pendleton; loss, $52; in- surance, $2,000; occupied by S. D. Turner, as dwelling; loss, $15; originated in basement; cause, supposed incendiary. 130 City Document No. 12.

Thursday, I9th, 11-20 A.M. Box 996. No. 406 Norfolk st. Cause, thawing water-pipes.

Thursday, 19lh, 0-53 P.M. Box 992. No. 642 Washington ST. Owned by C. E. Milner; loss, $807; in- surance, $800; occupied by A. M. Milner, as carpenter; loss, $95; in- surance, $500; occupied by S. Kapland, as painter; loss, $385; insurance, $300; originated on 2d floor; cause, mice and matches.

Thursday, 19th, 2-50 P.M. Still. No. 1844 Washington st. Owned by Lawrence heirs; loss, $13; insurance, $22,500; occupied by K. A. Upton, as restaurant; insurance,

originated on 1st floor ; cause, defective chimney.

Thursday, 19th, 3-38 P.M. Box 64.

No. 3 Ohio st. Owned by S. A. Stralton; insurance, $2,500; occu- pied b}^ E. Milliken, as dwelling; loss, $50; insurance, $5C0 ; origi- nated on 3d floor ; cause, clothes igniting from stove.

Friday, 20th, 6-05 P.M. Box 37. No. 130 State st. Owned by J. F. Mills estate; insurance, $12,000; occupied by A. M. Cummings. as printer; insurance, $1,000; origi- nated on 3d floor;, cause, hot ashes igniting rubbish.

Saturday, 21st, 5-20 P.M. Still.

No. 185 Blackstone st. Owned by J. M. Pendleton; occupied by

J. Newton, as liquors ; originated in basement ; cause, thawing water- pipes. Saturday, 21st, 7-45 P.M. Box 45. No. 65 Federal st. Owned by J. Ritchie; insurance, $55,000; occupied by Gethro & Mason, as barbers; loss, $150; insurance, $700; originated in basement; cause, spontaneous combustion.

Sunday, 22d, 3-37 A.M. Still.

No. 45 Farnswokth st. Owned by Boston Whai'f Company ; occu- pied by F. DeR. Pell & Co., as bagging; originated on 1st floor; cause, overheated furnace.

Sunday, 2 2d, 6-45 A.M. Still.

No. 6 Bridge court. Owned by J. S. Damrell ; occupied by Mrs.

McCarthy, as dwelling ; oi'iginated on 2d floor ; cause, careless use of matches. Sunday, 22d, 5-31 P.M. Box 71. No. 23 Dover st. Owned by M. G. Knapp; loss, $40; insurance, $3,800; occupied by R. A. Hynes, as dwelling; loss, $85; insurance, $2,000; originated on 2d floor; cause, gas-jet igniting curtain.

Sunday, 22d, 6 P.M. Still. No. 222 Cabot st. Owned by M. Kenney; loss, $10; insurance, $2,000; occupied by M. Kenney, as dwelling; loss, $15; originated on 2d floor; cause, breaking of kerosene lamp.

Sunday, 2 2d, 6-07 P.M. Box 418.

FiTCHBURG R.R. YARD. Causc, smoke mistaken for fire . ;

Fire Department. 131

Sundaij, 22d, 6-53 P.M. Box 33. No. 36 BEA.CON ST. Cause, soot ia chimney burning.

Sunday, 22d, 10-31 P.M. Still.

Nos. 307 AND 309 C ST. Cause, smoke mistaken for fire.

Mondmj, 23d, 10-19 A.M. Still.

No. 99 High st. Owned by J. Stone estate ; loss, $45 ; insurance, $1,500; occupied by VV. L. Fyler, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 2d floor ; cause, children playing with fire.

Monday, 23d, 11-44 A.M. Box 71.

No. 58 Berkeley st. Owned by E. Jordan; loss, $55; insurance, $8,000; occupied by F. Carlton, as dwelling; loss, $90; insurance,

$1,000 ; originated on 3d floor; cause unknown.

Monday, 23d, 0-41 P.M. Box 41S.

34 ave. Owned by Lockwood heirs ; insurance, $800 No. Warren ; occupied by Smith & Wiley, as wood-shed ; insurance, $1,000 ; origin- ated on 1st door; cause unknown.

Monday, 23d, 1-28 P.M. Box 35.

No. 8 Beacon st. Owned by Fifty Associates ; insurance, $14,000; occupied by R. H. Vivian, as tailor; loss, $100; insurance, $4,000; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Monday, 23d, 6-35 P.M. Box 65. No. 33 Broadway. Owned by Gardner Brewer heirs; loss, $145 insurance, $15,000; occupied by W. F. Thackery, as salts; loss, $347 insurance, $1,000; occupied by H. D. Stiles e^ als., as chewing-gum loss, $459 ; insurance, $2,800; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Monday, 23d, 8-44 P.M. Still. Nos. 26 TO 42 Winter st. Cause, overheated thermostat.

Tuesday, 24th, 3 A.M. Box 21.

No. 135 Court st. Owned by T. F. Welch heirs ; loss, $843 ; in- surance, $12,000; occupied by C. H. Dearborn, as lodging-house; loss,

$206; insurance, $2,500 ; occupied by G. E. Clark, as tailor ; loss, $600;

insvu^ance, occupied by B. F. Ellis, as gents' goods ; loss, -$350 $22,000 ; ;

insurance, $5,000 ; originated on 2d floor ; cause, supposed careless use of matches. Bemnrks. — Several lodgers had narrow escapes, being rescued by members of the department. Joseph Sullivan was found dead, having been suffocated.

Tuesday, 24th, 6-30 A.M. Still.

Nos. 102 and 104 West Brookline st. Owned by Milo Whitney insurance, $8,000; occupied by JNIilo Whitney, as piano-key factory;

insurance, $6,300 ; originated in basement ; cause, back draught from furnace. Eemarks. — Wm. Hunt was severely burnt on the face and hands. .

132 City Document No. 12.

Tuesday, 24th, 10-15 A.M. Still No. 318 Commonwealth aye. Owned by E. O. Sheppavd; insur- ance, $-20,000; occupied by C. H. Colburn, as dwelling; originated on

1st floor ; cause, back draught from furnace.

Tuesday, 24th, 5-20 P.M. Still.

Medford ST. Cause, spontaneous combustion in coal pile.

Tuesday, 24th, 5-25 P.M. Still.

No. 319 Sumner st. Owned by Geo. C. Fitzpatrick; loss, $10; in- surance, $2,.oO'>; occui)ipd by John Marnock, as dwelling; originated

on 2d floor ; cause, children and matches.

Tuesday, 24th, 6-35 P.M. Box 16.

No. 28 Fankuil Hall sq. Owned by F. A. Whitwell ; loss, $130; insurance, $7.oOO; occupied by Skinner & Arnold, as dressed beef; loss, $300; insurance, $7,000; occupied by Kelly & Sons, as clothing; loss, $120; insurance, $12,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, careless use of gas stove.

Tuesday, 24th, 11-45 P.M. Still. No. 46 Hanover st. Cause, breaking automatic wires.

Wednesday, 25th, 1-11 A.M. Box 29. False alarm.

Wednesday, 25th, 2-43 A.M. Box 65. False alarm.

Wednesday, 25ih, 4-36, 4-45, 4-53 A.M. Box 17.

Nos. 31 TO 3.5 Union st. Owned by R. Carpenter estate; loss, $10,994; insurance, $26,000; owned by Fifty Associates; insurance, $9,000; occupied by Walker, Pratt, & Co., as stoves and ranges; loss, $39,709; insurance, $111,650; occupied by Ar Showe & Co., as teas and spices; loss, $1,400; insurance, $8,500; occupied by A. Mills, as lamps, etc.; loss, $150; insurance, $1,000; occupied by Thomas Hollis„as drugs, etc.; loss, $107; insurance, $15,500; occupied by S. W. Chamberlain, as coppersmith; loss, $25; insurance, $l,O00; occu- pied by W. B. Ilamman et als., as produce; loss, $20; insurance, $1,500; occupied by Gardner & Chapin, as storage; loss, $60; insur-

ance, $2, .500 ; occupied by Harding & Button, as meats ; loss, $5 ; in-

surance, $2,500 ; cause unknown.

Wednesday, 25th, 5-46 P.M. Box 48.

No. 192 Summer st. Owned by N. Estes ; occupied by Berwick &

; unknown. Smith, as printers ; originated in basement cause

Wednesday, 25th, 1-50 P.M. Still. Saratoga and Cuktis st. Owned by George Cooper; loss, $25; insurance, $000; occupied by F. B. Perkins, as dwelling; originated on 1st floor; cause, children playing with fire.

Wednesday, 25th, 5-14 P.M. Box 217.

No. 3 riAMPSHiRE ST. Owned byT. H. Hall; insurance, $2,000; oc- cupied by M. Hill, as dwelling; loss, $10; originated on 3d floor; cause, children and matches. . ;

Fire Department. 133

Wednesday, 25th, 8-12 P.M. Box 249.

Nos. 643 AND 64/) Parker st. Owned by J. Kilroy heirs: loss, $663; insuvaiK-e. $3,000; ocenpied by J. S. Dietel, as bakery, loss, $25; insnrunee, $1,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, defective bake oven. Wednesday, 25ih, 10 P.M. Still.

No. 149 Medford ST. Cause, spontaneous combustion in coal pile.

Th ursday , 2 6th , 8-2 7 P. M. Box 53

No. 17 ROYLSTON PL. Owned by J. A. Sturgis ; loss, $100 ; insur- ance, $6,000 X occupied by W. Walter, as chinaware ; insurance, $1,200 originated in basement ; cause, overheated furnace.

Thursday, 26th, 8-37 P.M. Box 53.

No. 17 BOTLSTON PL. Cause, given for fire in Boylston place; need- less alarm. Friday, 27th, 1-46 A.M. Box 47.

No. 27 Purchase st. Owned by S. Q. & J. M. Currier; loss, $()0,O00 by printing-presses $56 ; insurance, ; occupied Vv. H. Golden, as ;

: sponta- loss, $28 ; insurance, $35,000 ; originated on 3d floor cause, neous combustion.

Friday, 27th, 8-34 A.M. Box 26. No. 213 Cambridge st. Owned by R. Wobolsky; loss, $5; insur- ance, $5,000; occupied by C. Malo et als., as pool-rooms; loss, $30;

insurance, $1,000; originated on 1st floor ; cause unknown.

Friday, 27th, 3-25 P.M. Still.

Congress st. and Exchange pl. Owned by C. W. Holden ; in-

surance, $4,000; occupied by C. W. Holden, as oiSces, etc. ; originated

on 4th floor ; cause, electric wires igniting woodwork.

Friday, 27th, 5-36 P.M. Box 418. False alarm.

Friday, 27th, 5-58 P.M. Box 288. No. 10 Mansfr ST. Owned by P. Glennon; loss, $30; insurance, $2,500; occupied by M. W. Hennigan, as dwelling; loss, $25; insur- ance, $500; originated on 1st floor; cause, breaking kerosene lamp.

Friday, 27Ih, 9-55 P.M. Still. No. 227 Harrison ave. Owned by Hunnewell estate; loss, $10;

insurance, $5,000 ; occupied by Michael Sullivan, as dwelling ; loss, kerosene lamp. $5 ; originated on 4th floor ; cause, explosion of

Friday, 27th, 10-15 P.M. Box 73. No. 260 Shawmut ave. Owned by Chas. Jenkins; insurance,

$35,000 ; occupied by E. S. Fletcher, as a dining-room ; insurance,

$1,800 ; originated on 1st floor; cause, boiling over of kettle of fat.

Saturday, 28th, 0-07 A.M. Box 86.

No. 39 WoRCESTEii SQ. Owned by Morris Lewis ; loss, $675 ; in- surance, $7,000; occupied by Morris Lewis, as dwelling; loss, 134 City Document No. 12.

insurance, $4,500 ; originated in basement ; cause, hot ashes in wooden receptacle.

Saturday, 2Slh, 10-10 A.M. Still. No. 8 CoNNOLLEY ST. Owned by A. R. Jewett; loss, $15; insur- ance, $2,500; occupied by D. Ryan, as dwelling; originated on 3d floor; cause, overheated stove.

Saturday, 28th, 7-10 P.M. Still.

No. 333 Wasiiinotox st. Owned by Dr. Greenough ; occupied by

Wyman & Co., as dining-rooms ; cause, soot in chimney burning.

Saturday, 28th, 7-38 P.M. Box 266.

Humboldt ave. Cause, steam mistaken for fire.

Saturday, 28th, 8-28 P.M. Box 423.

No. 77 Henley st. Owned by J. Mullett ; loss, $25 ; occupied by J. Mullett, as storehouse; loss, $155; insurance, $500; originated on 1st floor; cause, explosion of najjhtha gas.

Saturday, 28th, 10-50 P.M. Box 221.

No. 1244 Tremont st. Owned by H. J. Brawley ; loss, $20; insur- ance, .$2,000; occupied by Mrs. Mottling, as dwelling; originated on

1st floor ; cause, upsetting stove.

Saturday, 28lh, 11-04 P.M. Still.

No. 46 Broadway. Owned by J. Peard ; loss, $15 ; insurance, $3,000; occupied by N. Burns, as dwelling; loss, $15; originated on 1st floor; cause, ui^setling kerosene lamp.

Sunday, 29th, 1-45 A.M. Still.

Nos. 29 AND 31 Meridian st. Owned by Ambrose Woods; loss, $30; insurance, $6,500; occupied by R. C. Whitten, as clothing-store; loss, $160; insurance, $10,000; originated on 1st floor; cause un- known.

Sunday, 29th, 1-45 A.M. Still. Nos. 11 AND 13 Green st. Cause, careless use of matches in saw- dust; no damage.

Sunday, 29th, 6-40 P.M. Still.

No. 198 Harrison ave. Owned by Dr. Phillips; loss, $15; insur-

ance, $5,000; occupied by Thomas Vesey, as dwelling; loss, $7 ; insur- ance, $1,000; originated in basement; cause unknown.

Sunday, 29th, 8-13 P.M. Box 86. No. 480 Sham'Mut AVE. Owned by A. Kalbskofi"; loss, $40; insur- ance, $4,000; occupied by H. E. Ballou, as dwelling; loss, $200;

originated on 1st floor ; cause unknown.

Monday, 30th, 7-31 A.M. Box 458. Nos. 413 TO 419 Rutherford ave. Owned by A. H. Allen es- tate; loss, $835; insurance, $2,000; occupied by E. M. Dix, as hay

and gi'ain ; loss, $600 ; insu^'ance, $6,000; occupied by A. H. Allen es-

tate, as storehouse ; loss, $200; insurance, $1,000; occupied by O. W. Fire Department. 135

Dix, as stable; loss, $200; originated on 1st floor; cause, supjjosed in- cendiary.

Monday, 30th, 7-55 A.M. Box 461. Nos. 660 AND 662 Main st. Owned by Wm. Burns; insurance,

$1,500; occupied by E. M. Spicer et als., as vaiiety store ; insurance, $1,200; originated on 1st floor; cause, overheated stove.

Monday, 30th, 2-30 P.M. Still.

No. 64 Meridian st. Owned by A. Carstenson lieirs; loss, $75; in- surance, $4,500; occupied by Thomas J. Kearnan, as plumbing shop; insurance, $500; occupied by John J. Cuny, as paper-hanger; loss,

$25 ; insurance, $500 ; originated in basement ; cause unknown.

Monday, 30th, 8-01 P.M. Box 32. No. 63 Mt. Vernon st. Cause, soot in chimney burning.

Monday, 30th, ,9-07 P.M. Box 112.

No. 22 A ST. Cause, boiling over of kettle of fat.

Monday, 30th, 9-12 P.M. Box 412. No. 180 Main st. Owned by W. Nash; loss, $100; insurance, occupied by Goldberg, as gents' $3,000; M. goods ; insurance, $1,200; occupied by J. E. Howard, as dwelling; loss, $)4; insurance, $700;

originated on 1st floor ; cause unknown.

Monday, 30th, 9-57 P.M. Still. Nos. 25 AND 27 Temple st. Owned by J. P. Cushing; loss, $10; insurance, $14,000; occupied by D. P. Wise, as restaurant; loss, $12; insurance, $10,000; originated on 1st floor; cause, electric wires ignit- ing woodwork.

Motiday, 30ih, 10-41 P.M. Box 81. No. 100 Appleton ST. Owned by J. Wolf; loss, $40; insurance, $6,000; occupied hy A. Wolf, as dwelling; loss, $70; insurance, $4,000; originated on 5th floor; cause, gas-jet igniting curtain.

Tuesday, 31st, 9-29 P.M. Box 15.

Nos. 194 AND 1 96 Commercial st. Owned by P. Mclntyre loss, ; $257 ;

insurance, $2,500 ; occupied by P. Mclntire, as groceries ; loss, $97 ;

insurance, $2,000 ; occupied by L. Frankel, as cigars ; loss, $339 ; insur- ance, $1,000; originated on 3d floor; cause unknown. :

136 City Document No. 12.


To the Board of Fire Oommissioners

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith my annual report, showing the service performed for the year ending January 31, 1^93, covermg the inspection of build- ings in whicli electric currents are used for lighting and })ovver service, the underground service of the various com- panies, the plant of the West End Street Railway Company, the service of the electric lighting companies, work for the maintenance and operation of the Fire-Alarm Telegraph, and other matters properly coming within the jurisdiction of this

Bureau : Number of buildings examined 2,467 Defects reported .... 234 Defects remedied 141 Isolated plants examined 131

Arc lights examined . 1,408 Incandescent lights examined 55,188 Motors examined 418 Notices of installation received 2,152 Number of buildino-s from which dead and aban- doned wires have been removed 1,827 Amount of wire removed miles, 122 Reports of defective wires received 996 Reports of same sent to owners 621 Number of poles in use by the various companies,

independent of the West End Street Railway . 11,467 Plans of streets, showing location of poles, which have been granted by the Board of Aldermen,

now complete and filed in this office . . . 1,682

The New England Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany.

The conduits of this company vary in size from two to tifty ducts, consisting of iron pipe in concrete, cement-lined iron pipe in concrete, creosoted wood-boxes and vitritied clay conduits. Total length of conduits .... 20.72 miles Total miles of ducts 176.23 " " Total number of manholes .... 437 The underground cables of this company have a capacity of from 20 to 200 wires, their total length being 73.09 miles, containing 8,281 miles of wire. Fire Department. 137

The Edison Electric Illuminating Company have installed in their system about 73,000 incandescent lights, 541 arc lights, 1,033 motors, with total of 3,185 horse-power. They have about 3 miles of overhead wire and about 41 miles of underground service. The Western Union Telegraph Company have al)out 550 miles of wire overhead, not including railroad routes, and about H50 miles of underground. The underground system includes about 3 miles of conduit, of trenching, and connects all the railroad depots with the main office, lOU . The Boston Electric Light Company have no underground service, but have aboutj622 miles of wire on poles and house- tops. They operate about 2,800 arc and 1,800 incandescent lights. About 48 per cent, of the arc lights burn all night, the balance being day and half-night lights. Current is also furnished for 170 motors, which are used for operating printing-jjresses, ventilators, elevators, etc. The West End Street Railway Company have 256 miles of track, of which 148 miles are operated by electric cars. They have now running 626 box electric cars, and will have as a corresponding equipment, the coming summer, 850 open cars. To operate these cars they have 233 miles of feeders and 153 miles of trolley wire.

The road is operated from three stations : the Allston, the Cambridge, and the Central station on Albany street. At the Allston station there are four engines, driving eight 100 horse-power and four 80 horse-power generators. At the Cambridge station there are three engines, which will drive seven 500 K. W. machines. The ultimate capacity of these engines is about 800 horse- power each. At the Central station there are six engines, which will drive eighteen 500 K. W. machines, and a tem- porary plant of eleven engines, driving 44 generators of 80 horse-power each. The maximum total output of current would be 32,300 amperes. The Charlestown Gas & Electric Company have no under- ground service, but have about 75 miles of overhead wire, and light 230 arc and 460 incandescent lamps. The Brook line Gas Light Company have 1,108 incandes- cent and 111 arc lamps, with 45 miles of wire, which is on poles, covering about ten miles of street surface. They have no underground service. The Postal Telegraph Cable Company have no under- ground service, but have about 350 miles of overhead and 34 miles in cables. The Boston District Messenger Company have 235 miles 138 City Document No. 12. of overheud wire, but none underground. About 25 miles of wire, which formerly belonged to the Electric Time Com- pany, is now owned by this company, and will soon be taken down. The Suburban Light & Power Company have no under- ground service, but have about 75 miles of overhead wire, supplying current to 50 motors, 225 arc and 6,000 incan- descent lamps. Isolated Plants.

There are 154 isolated plants in the city, of 12 or more systems, used principally for lighting purposes, the united dynamo capacity being about 9,850 horse-power. A number of these plants have undergone extensive changes at the suggestions of this Bureau, but remain in an unsatisfactory condition at the present time. In this connection I would call your attention to the ordi- nance governing the inspection of installations for high-power service. As it now reads I am required to examine and report to the owners or occupants of buildings in which such service is to be established any defects that I may discover, but as no penalty is incurred in case my suggestions are unheeded, many of the defects noticed and reported are not remedied until trouble results from such lack of attention, unless the parties interested may, for their own protection, deem it ex- pedient to act upon the suggestions made to them by me. The leading companies of this city have, however, generally shown a disposition to do everything that I have recom- mended in the way of correcting defective work, but there are some companies located in other places who do a consid- erable amount of work in this city, and in most cases they neglect to inform me of their purpose, and when the fact that such work is in progress finally comes to my notice, I frequently find that much of it is poorly done as far as it can be examined, and the greater part of it so concealed as to prevent a proper inspection of it to be made. Close attention has been given and frequent examinations made of hotels, theatres, and other places of amusement, dur- ing the paf?t year, to see that the wiring of these places is properly done and kept in a safe condition. Reports of de- fects have been made to interested parties, which in some respects have been cheerfully complied with, in two of the theatres the wirino; having been almost entirelv renewed. From examination of work done before this Bureau was established I am of the opinion that, while it might have been considered good enough at that time, it falls far short of Fire Department. 139 the requirements of the present day, and, as years of service have added to its other defects, it seems important that many of these instalhitions should be renewed. Immediate examinations have been made of buildings in which fires have been reported as resulting from electric wires. Of the thirty- four fires reported, there appears to be no doubt that thirty-one of them were due to electrical causes. In two instances fires occurred where defects in wiring had been reported to the parties interested and the faults noted had not been remedied. Overhead wires of all de- scriptions are run in a very careless manner, in many places crossing buildings less than two feet from the roof, which would seriously interfere with the work of the Fire Depart- ment, as well as of others who might have occasion to visit the roofs for any purpose. The present ordinance gives this Bureau no authority

whereby it can cause such defects to be remedied, and it seems to be important that it should be changed to meet the requirements of the case ; and I would recommend that your honorable Board should take action in the matter with the view of causing such changes to be made in existing ordi- nances as will oblige all persons intending to establish elec- trical installations for lighting or power service to notify this Bureau of their purposes before or as soon as the work is commenced, in order that a proper examination of it can be made, and that no current shall be applied to any completed installation until a certificate of approval shall have been issued to the owners from this office. There should be, as I have already suggested, some defi- nite regulations to cover the manner of placing overhead wires to the effect that no wire shall be less than seven feet from any roof over which it passes, and that it shall not inter- fere with the free use of fire-escapes, nor drop diagonally

from any building across any street in order to enter buil cl- ings at a lower point on the opposite side. Not only should the Inspector of Wires have authority under the ordinance to order all electrical work to be done in conformity with established rules, but there should be sufficient penalties attached to make it for the interest of persons engaged in such work to comply with any directions which may be sent to them by him. During the year many interesting and instructive tests have been made with the test board which was completed and placed in this office just previous to my last annual report. The testing of safety fuses especially, which have been 140 City Document No. 12. taken from different places, has shown a condition of things which should be corrected, the majority of these fuses carry- ing from two to three times their marked carrying capacity, and some of them even more than this. Many samples of wire have been received from different parts of the country for insulation tests, and while this Bureau cannot under existing laws condemn any wire on account of poor insula- tion it has been considered desirable that it should become informed as to the comparative merits of different kinds of wire, and with the aid of this board tests have been made with such satisfactory results that many questions in dispute have been settled by a practical illustration where argument would have done no more than to leave the matter an open question and still in doubt. In several instances where par- ties have been notified of defects in their service and have applied at this office for information they have been shown in such tangible form, by the operation of this board, the possibilities of fire and the dangers liable to result from im- perfect wiring, as to leave no doubt in their minds that the reports emanating from this office were based on sound prin- ciples, the result being that the work reported and proved to be unsafe has been renewed in conformity with my sug- gestions. Electrical devices of all descriptions have been submitted by many inventors and others for the purpose of ascertaining whether they will meet with the approval of this Bureau before being applied in service. The board has more than fulfilled my expectations as to its efficiency, and has proved to be a valuable feature in the equipment of this office. In view of the fact that the time of the examiners now employed is fully occupied principally on new work, owing to the rapidly increasing number of installations and the large extent of territory which they are obliged to cover, and realizing the importance of a rigid examination of the old as well as the new w^ork it has become evident that the present force is inadequate to give to this work the attention that its importance demands, I would therefore respectfully recommend that three additional examiners be appointed in order that the purpose for which this Bureau was created may be more systematically and throughly accomplished.


The work of new construction and renewal of circuits in this branch has been carried on to a greater extent than usual during the past year, a special force having been employed for this purpose. Fire Department. 141

I have continued the policy followed in previous years of relieving the overloaded circuits as far as practicable by con- structing new ones to cover the same districts, with which a part of the apparatus has been connected. The route of these circuits has been so arranged as to admit of an alternation in the connection of boxes so that no extended succession of them shall depend on the integrity of any single circuit for their successful operation. All the old circuits covering the districts wherein these new circuits have been constructed have been entirely re- newed, making in all 13 circuits, new and old, now com- pleted. These circuits cover all the districts in City proper and East Boston, all the signal-boxes being grouped and con- nected into a part of them, while the others are assigned for the service of the alarm bells and gongs. In addition to this new work I have renewed all the wire running along the line of Tremont street as far as Camden street, together with the wires from , through Federal street, Mt. Washington avenue, Granite, First, and E streets, to Broadway. I have made use of covered iron wire and No. 10 hard- dravvn copper wire in a part of this work, for the purpose of ascertaining their comparative merits by a practical test in service. No results have as yet been obtained, however, as it will require some time for the deterioration naturally follow- ing exposure to the elements, and other causes incidental to active service of the wires to become manifest. Further details of the new construction and renewal of circuits and other work done for the maintenance of the ser- vice are as follows : Alarm circuits 18, 22, and box gong circuit 34, which were partially built last season, have been completed with entirely new construction throughout. Alarm circuits, 2, 3, 6, 15, 17, and 30 have been entirely rebuilt, and the system has been extended by the construc- tion of new circuits 25, 26, and 27, in City proper, and two circuits in East Boston, 28 and 29. Partial reconstruction has been made of circuits 1, 9, 11, 24, 33, and 5 telephone, from a point on Federal street to the corner of Broadway and E street, South Boston, and new wire has been run for circuits 9, 10, 24, 29, and tele- phone circuit 13, on Norfolk street, Dorchester, from Wash- inglon street to the N. Y. & N. E. Railroad bridge, and on Harvard street from the brids^e to Blue Hill avenue. J 42 City Document No. 12.

New wires have also been run for the same circuits on Eiver street, from Centre avenue to Fremont street. The wires on Federal street and Dorchester avenue, from Federal street-bridge to Field's Corner, comprising a part of circuits 1, 9, 10, 11, 24 33 and telephone circuit 13 have been transferred to the long-distance telephone poles, usino- No. 10 copper wire previously run. Circuits 11 and 33 and telephone circuits 13 and 14 have been renewed on from High to A street with new No. 9 iron wire. All the wires in circuits 2, 7, 8, 13, and 17 and telephone circuits 7 and 19, running on structures along the line of Tremont street, have been renewed with No. 9 iron wire from City Hall to Camden street. New wires have also been run for circuits 7, 19, and 31 on Dale street from Warren to Washington street, and for cir- cuits 12, 16, and 32 from City Hall to Warren bridge. A circuit has been run from the house of Engine 32 to one of the houses in Somerville, which is operated by a "tailing" connection with the gong at Engine 32, for the purpose of giving alarms to the Somerville department in order that assistance may be rendered in case a tire should occur on the Charlestown side of the line of sufficient mao-nitude to make such assistance necessary. Telephone circuits 6, 15, 23, and 25 have been made metallic and circuit 23 has been equipped with high resistance gener- ator magnets connected in multiple, for the purpose of over- coming the induction which has been especially bad in this circuit. A new telephone in the basement of City Hall has been added to the service. All the wires of the system leading from the structures on City Hall into the head- room have been renewed with No. 16 Clark wire. About 190 miles of No. 9 galvanized iron wire, 16 miles covered iron, 21 miles No. 10 hard-drawn copper, and 18,000 feet No. 16 Clark covered wire have been used in the new construction, renewal and repair work herein de- gcril)ed. About 1,300 cross-arms of various sizes are now in use, and attachments are made to about 200 poles and structures belonging to various companies by means of extensions. Eighty-tive new 10 pin cross-arms have been placed on poles of the New England Telephone Company on Dorchester avenue for future use. A 10-conductor aerial cable 1,100 feet in length has been run at Warren bridge for connection with the East Boston circuits, and shorter lengths have been placed at Federal- Fire Department. 143

street and Mount Washington-avenue bridges and at various other points for connecting apparatus in the department houses. New sub-marine cables have been laid at the Charlestown end of Chelsea bridge and bridges on Dover, Federal, and Meridian streets. Seventy-three new poles have been set, 71 old ones taken down, 38 new structures built, and 28 old ones removed dur- ing the year. New apparatus boards have been placed in the residence of the chief and houses of Engine No. 5 and Hook & Lad- der No. 12. Seventeen new signal-boxes have been placed and con- nected with the system during the year.

Underground Service.

Cables containing 61 conductors have been laid in one of the conduits of the New England Tele[)hone & Telegraph Company from a point on Waltham street, through Harri- son aveiuie. Beach, South, Snmmer, High, and Pearl streets, Post Office square, \\'ater, Washington, and School streets to the City Hall.

Two kinds of cal)le have been used ; one manut'actui'ed by, the Okonite Company and the other by the Eastern Electric Cable Company. They are placed in a three-inch iron pipe laid in concrete, with T joints for side connections, and are 10,059^5^ feet in length. Total length of conductors is 613,629^5^ feet. The work of connection is now in progress and when .com-

pleted it is intended to utilize it for service in place of the overhead wires now running in this section of the city. Although it is too early for me to speak of undei'ground service in this system from any practical exi)erience, it ap- pears from the results obtained by other companies that it may no longer be regarded in the light of an unsolved prob- lem, and in view of the fact that overhead wires have become a standing menace to the public safety, the dangers from which ai'e being frequently demonstrated in various ways, and taking into consideration the constantly increasing diffi- culty experienced hy this Branch in maintaining the effi- ciency of its service, I would recommend that your Board should take such action as you may deem expedient for the purpose of extending the work in this direction as far as practicable during the coming season. 144 City Document No. 12.

Dynamo Experiments.

During the summer I have been trying a series of exhaus- tive experiments for the purpose of ascertaining whether it would be practicable to substitute dynamos for the gravity battery now in use in this service. A motor-dynamo, or direct current transformer, of comparatively low voltage, was placed in the office of the Inspector of Wires and connected with one of the circuits by means of wires running to the Fire-Alarm headquarters. The tirst tests were made with great caution, a su})ple- mentary gravity being held in readiness to be applied at a moment's notice should any failure in the experiment be developed, but from the commencement it proved to be sub- stantially successful, only a few features requiring to be changed and those of such a character as to be easily effected. After a few weeks of trial of the single circuit connection I procured an a])paratus of higher power equipped with a set of controlling resistance boxes, to which I connected a group of six circuits whose battery requirements were as exacting as any others in the entire system. There had been an aggregate of three hundred and fifty modified gravity cells in use to supply these circuits with a sufficient amount of current for their service, and I found no difficulty whatever in obtaining from this dynamo all that was required with an excess of current in reserve to supply for more circuits if necessary. The constancy and steadi- ness of the current thus obtained, together with the facility for instantaneously increasing or decreasing it to meet the varying conditions of the circuits, have thoroughly convinced me, after a trial of several months, that the dynamo is greatly superior in all respects to any form of galvanic bat- tery yet used in fire-alarm service, and I recommend that the new plant which is to be established in the Fire Depart- ment headquarters building on Bristol street shall be entirely equipped with this system. A combination switch-board, so constructed as to admit of an interchange of connections between dynamos and circuits, will be necessary to prop- erly carry out the system above described, and I have arranged a plan whereby any dynamo in the series may be connected with any circuit or group of circuits at will with- out loss of time. While it is obvious that any dynamo system would not be safe for this service if it depended on one source of supply for motive power, I have no hesitation in confidently and earnestly recommending it for ado[)tion in view of the fact, that, in addition to establishing an inde- pendent plant for furnishing light and power to the head- FiEE Department. 145 quarters building, it is quite feasible, as I have already ascer- tained, to utilize the power of several companies now en- gao:ed in business requiring currents of high potential. To do this it will be necessary to make such arrangements with these companies as will enable me to use either service at a moment's notice, and there will be no difficulty in mak- ing such arrangements, as a proper connection of wires and switches will easily effect the desired result. In conclusion, I desire to say that I consider this to be one of the most important improvements in fire-alarm service which has been considered in recent years, and hope that you will take such action in the premises as to insure its incorporation in the new plant soon to be established. Respectfully submitted,

B. S. Flanders, Inspector of Wires. 146 » City Document No. 12.

bureau for the inspection of wires.

The force employed is as follows :


Beown 8. Flanders.

Deputy Inspector. Cyrus A. George.

Assistant Deputy Inspector. William H. Godfrey.

Inspection of Wires Branch.

ClerJc. John B. Shea.

Draugldsman. James T. Ball.

Examiners. James E. Cole, Jeremiah A. Field, James J. Dunlea, Walter J. Burke.

Fire-Alarm Branch.

Operators. Charles M. Chaplin, Kichard Donahue, James L. Gethins, iTames L. Crowley, UzziEL Putnam, Jona. M. Morris.

Assistant Operator. Wm. H. Johnson.

Dattery-man. John B. Jeffers.

Assistant Battery-man. Jeremiah E. O'Brien,

Foreman of Construction. Hiram W. Cherrington. Fire Department. 147

Hejgairers. g. j. h. gutermuth, Granville S. Mendell, John Flavell, IssACHAR Wells, Wm. H. Barker, David Isaacs, E. M. Illingworth, Samuel J. Horton, Thomas P. Bannon, Daniel F. McCarty, Thomas Kaine, Peter M. Kendrick, Arthur J. Duffy, Thomas J. Lythgoe, James Friel, Thomas C. Harrington, William McSwEENEY.

Care of Clocks. Wm. J. Reagan.

A constant watch is kept at the headquarters, City FTall, night and day, by the operators. Each set of operators have assigned to them certain hours of duty, during which time they are responsible for the correct working of the a})paratus in giving ahirms, and all testing of the circuits and other de- tails pertaining to the service. An automatic arrangement is connected with the receiving apparatus, by which assist- ance may be called from the sleeping apartments, if at any time the operators should be suddenly incapacitated by ill- ness from performing their duties. No operator is permitted to sleep duirr.g his watch, unless expressly relieved by some one else, and by consent of the Inspector. Each operator is accountable to the Inspector for any mistakes that mav occur at the office durino; his hours of duty. An accurate account is kept of the time of giving each alarm, and of the station from which it originates, and all other necessary information.

There are 556 fire-alarm boxes, divided as follows, viz. :

Boston . 148 City Document No. 12.

The followino; boxes are private property : 38 duplicate, 115, 149, 152,^227, 228, 244, 271, 279,281, 283, 299, 422, 442, 443, 511, 533, 617, 623, 624, 626, 629, 698, 711, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 722, 723, 724,725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 737, 738, 739, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 778, 779, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 816, 838, 842, 919, 927, 974.

Stock and Fixtures.

Magnetic Fire-Alarra Apparatus, the whole cost of which is about $135,000. Working lines of wire, about 615 miles ;

signal-boxes in use, 556 ; stril^ing-machines, 35 ; gongs, 132 ; box gongs, 66; tappers, 17; vibrators, 6; local registers in department houses, 44 ; one electric watch-clock ; two re- peating three-dial clocks for striking signals ; relays in use,

63 ; eighteen-pen registers, 2 ; oflSce bells in use, 6 ; tele- graph keys in use, 36 ; telephones in use, 79 ; 2 switch- boards ; 40 galvanometers ; 1 fire apparatus covering map ;

2 portable rheotropes ; 1 type-writer ; 1 chronometer ; 1 tele-

phone switch-board at headquarters ; 1 ditto in chief's office ;

1 set telegraphic apparatus in inspector's house ; 8 sets tele- graphic apparatus in assistants' houses ; 1,800 battery-cups in use at Central Office ; 50 cups dry battery in house of Engine

No. 15 ; 50 ditto in house of Engine No. 10 ; 50 ditto in house of Engine No. 14 ; 50 ditto in house of Engine No. 23 ; 60 ditto in house of Engine No. 25 ; 80 ditto in house of Engine

No. 9 ; 40 spare battery- cups ; 329 spare porous cups ; 239 spare battery-cups at shop; 1,800 lbs. sulphate of copper; 500 lbs. zinc; brackets, wire, insulators, etc., office furni- ture, bedsteads, bedding, and sundry other articles.

In Inspector's Office.

1 high current testing-board ; 1 volt-meter; 1 Am-meter;

1 mil-am- meter ; 6 galvanometers; 2 high resisting gener- ators ; 1 rheostat ; 1 chlo. silver dry cell battery ; 1 type- writer ; 1 copying press ; 1 safe.

Alarm Bells.

The Fire- Alarm Telegraph is connected with the following bells ;

Adams School-house, Sumner street. East Boston, steel, 2,995 lbs., owned by city. Bunker Hill School-house, Charlestown, 2,009 lbs., owned by city. Fire Department. 149

Chapman School -house, Eutaw street, East Boston, steel, 3,109^ lbs., owned by city. Chemical Engine-house No. 4, West Roxbury, owned by city, weight 1,059 lbs. City Hall, Charlestown, composition, 3,(500 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 2, composition, 800 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 16, Temple street, Dorchester, composi- tion, 4,149 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 17, Meeting-House Hill, Dorchester, composition, 4,000 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 18 Harvard street, Dorchester, composi- tion, 3,le4 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 19, Mattapan, Dorchester, composition, 2,927, lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 20, Walnut street, Dorchester, composi- tion, 3,061 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 21, Boston street, Dorchester, composi- tion, 3,026 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 28, West Roxbury, composition, 4,000 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 29, Brighton, steel, 1,535 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 30, West Roxbury, 300 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 34, Brighton, composition, 1,501 lbs., owned by city. Engine-house No. 40, Orleans street. East Boston, composi- tion, 817 lbs., owned by city. , steel, 5,816 lbs., owned by city. Lewis School-house, Dale street, Boston Highlands, compo- sition, 3,104 lbs., owned by city. Maverick-street Church, East Boston, composition, 2,000 lbs. Princeton-street Shool-house, East Boston, composition, 2,470 lbs., owned by city. Saratoga-street M.E. Church, East Boston, steel, 1,968 lbs., owned by city. Smith-street School-house, Boston Highlands, composition, 4,083 lbs., owned by city. Warren School-house, Charlestown, composition, 3,000 lbs., owned by city. Winthrop School-house, Charlestown, composition, 3,000 lbs., owned by city.

Bells owned by the city, which have been disconnected from service, are located as follows : 150 City Document No. 12.

Apparatus Eepair-Shop, bell formerly used on house of Chemical Engine 5; one composition, 400 lbs., formerly

used on house of Chemical Engine No. 4 ; one composi- tion, 400 lbs., formerly used on house of Chemical Engine

No. 6 ; and two small bells from other locations. Dean School-house, Wall street, composition, 712 lbs. Engine-house No. 1, Dorchester street, South Boston, com- position, 800 lbs. George-street School-house, Boston Highlands, composition, 4,160 lbs. Hook and Ladder-house No. 4, Dudley street, Boston High- lands, composition, 3,509 lbs. Lawrence School-house, B street. South Boston, steel, 3,400 lbs. Lincoln School-house, Broadway, South Boston, composi- tion, 3,110 lbs. Phillips School-house, cor. Pinckney and Anderson streets, composition, 900 lbs. Quincy School-house, Tyler street, composition, 2,941 lbs. Rice School-house, Appleton street, composition, 3,042 lbs. Rubber Factory, Charlestown, composition 999 lbs. Ticknor School-house, Dorchester street, Washington Vil- lage, steel, 2,995 lbs. , Trenton street. East Boston, composition, 1,760 lbs. Formerly used on Castle-street Church. Van Nostrancl's Brewery, Charlestown, composition, tSl8 lbs. Formerly used on Boylston School-house. Walpole street, Boston Highlands, composition, 2,958 lbs. Wells School-house, Blossom street, composition, 1,675 lbs.

Public Clocks.

The following public clocks, 39 in number, are taken care of by the Fire Department.

Gity Pro'per. Arlington-street Church. Charles-street Church. Christ Church, Salem street, owned hj city. Commercial Wharf. Lynde-street Church. Odd Fellows Hall, Tremont street, owned by city. Old South Church, owned by city. Old State-House, owned by city. Park-street Church. Suftblk County Jail, owned by city. Fire Department. 151

St. Stephen's Church, Clark street, owned by city. Shawmut-avenue Church. Tremont M E. Church, owned by city. Young Men's Christian Union, owned by city.

South Boston. r)igelow School-house, owned by city. Gaston School-house, owned by city. Lincohi School-house, owned by city. Phillips Church, owned by city. St. Augustine Church, Dorchester street, owned by city. Ticknor School-house, Washington Village, owned by city.

East Boston.

Central square Church. -street Church, owned by city. Lyceum Hall, owned by city. Trinity Church, owned by city.

Boston Highlands.

Winthrop-street Church, owned by city. Metropolitan stables, Treraont street, owned by city. Roxbury High School, owned by city.


Baker Memorial (Upham's Corner), owned by city. Keponset Church. Tileston School (Mattapan), owned by city. Unitarian Church (Milton Lower Mills).

Gharlestown. Bunker Hill Church. City Hall, owned by city. Harvard Hill Church. High School-house, owned by city. Unitarian Church. West Roxbury.

Dr. Strong's Church. . Unitarian Church. Brighton.

Bennett School-house, owned by city.