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Blood Drawn Slips Will NOT Be Accepted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³+HDOWK &HUWLILFDWH´ IURPWKHVWDWHRIRULJLQLVVXHGE\DQ DFFUHGLWHGYHWHULQDULDQRQDQRIILFLDOVWDWHKHDOWKFHUWLILFDWH ZLWKLQWKHSDVWWHQ GD\V FOLQLFOHWWHUKHDGVDUHQRW DFFHSWDEOH $9DOLG&HUWLILFDWHRI9DFFLQDWLRQIRU(TXLQH,QIOXHQ]D9LUXV ³)OX´ DQG(TXLQH5KLQRSQHXPRQLWLV9LUXV ³+HUSHV´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³5DFH 5HWXUQ9HW 5HWXUQ)DUP 5HWXUQHWF´PXVWSUHVHQWD+HDOWK &HUWLILFDWHQRWROGHUWKDQWHQ GD\VZKLFKPXVWDOVRFRQWDLQ WKHYDFFLQDWLRQGDWHVRIWKH(TXLQH,QIOXHQ]D9LUXV ³)OX´ DQG (TXLQH5KLQRSQHXPRQLWLV9LUXV ³+HUSHV´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³&(57,),&$7(2)9$&&,1$7,21´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²3521* *5281'('(;7(16,21&25'60867%(86(' 9,2/$7256:,//%(68%-(&77267$//$//2&$7,215(92&$7,21 '8(72)('(5$/(3$5(*8/$7,216$//+256(60867%(%$7+('217+( '(6,*1$7(':$6+3$'6%,2'(*5$'$%/(62$321/< ,7,67+(75$,1(5¶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¶62)),&(7+()2$/ &(57,),&$7(5(*,675$7,210867%(),/(',17+(5$&,1*2)),&( 9,2/$7256:,//%(68%-(&77267$//$//2&$7,215(92&$7,21 12'2*6:,//%($//2:(',17+('(/$:$5(3$5.67$%/($5($ $//&$760867%(63$<('1(87(5(' 2$7&22.(560867%(86(':,7+$0(7$/,&&217$,1(5&$86(2)),5( 68%-(&772,00(',$7(5(92&$7,21 12),5($5063(50,77('217+(35(0,6(6 777 Delaware Park Boulevard Wilmington, DE 19804 ***** Telephone Number: (302) 994-2521 Outside Delaware (Entries Only): (800) 441-6587 Fax (Racing Office): (302) 993-8952 Fax (Stall Office/Insurance): (302) 993-8965 Licensing Fax: (302) 993-8949 Stewards Fax: (302) 993-8932 Horsemen’s Bookkeeper Fax: (302) 993-8947 Internet: ***** 81st Season 81 Days of Racing Wednesday, May 30th to Saturday, October 20th. ***** DELAWARE RACING ASSOCIATION William M. Rickman, Jr. Chief Executive Officer William Fasy President John E. Mooney Executive Director of Racing Jerome E. Doro (Jed) Racing Secretary Kevin DeLucia Senior Vice President *** Nancy Myshko Andy Gomeringer Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Racing at Delaware Park is conducted under the authority of the Delaware Thoroughbred Racing Commission. THE DELAWARE THOROUGHBRED RACING COMMISSION The Honorable John C. Carney Jr., Governor Michael Scuse, Secretary of Agriculture W. Duncan Patterson, Chairman Edward J. Stegemeier, Secretary Henry J. Decker Debbie Killeen Richard A. Levine, Esq. John F. Wayne, Executive Director Staybridge Suites Ramada 270 Chapman Rd. Newark, DE 19702 Quality Inn 260 Chapman Rd. Newark, DE 19702 Main: 302-366-8098 65 Geoffrey Dr. Newark, DE 19713 Main: 302-738-3400 Main: 302-292-1500 • Apartment Style Suites • Competitive Rates • Full Service • Complimentary Hot • Free Breakfast • 2400 Sq. Ft. Meeting Space Breakfast Daily • Convenient Amenities • Complimentary WIFI • Convenient Amenities • Complimentary WIFI • Spacious Parking • Great location Lindsey Drennen Equine Nutrition Sales 610.246.6266 Oxford Feed & Lumber Brandywine Ace, Pet & Farm 112 Railroad Ave., Oxford, PA. 19363 1150 Pocopson Rd, West Chester, PA. 19382 610.932.8521 610.793.3080 HORSE TRANSPORT, LLC FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS 3719 Old Capitol Trail Wilmington, DE19808 Experienced Drivers Who Are Experienced Horsemen. 302-994-1433 DELAWARE PARK STAKES SCHEDULE Closing Saturday, June 23, 2018 Saturday, July 7, 2018 $300,000 Guaranteed THE DELAWARE OAKS - Grade III For Fillies Three Year Olds One Mile And One Sixteenth Closing Monday, June 25, 2018 Saturday, July 7, 2018 $75,000 Guaranteed THE DASHING BEAUTY STAKES - Grade BT Match Series For Fillies And Mares Three Year Olds and Upward Six Furlongs Closing Saturday, June 23, 2018 Saturday, July 7, 2018 $200,000 Guaranteed THE ROBERT G. DICK MEMORIAL STAKES - Grade III For Fillies And Mares Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And Three Eighths(Turf) Closing Monday, June 25, 2018 Saturday, July 7, 2018 $75,000 Guaranteed THE CAPE HENLOPEN STAKES - Grade BT For Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And One Half(Turf) Closing Monday, July 2, 2018 Saturday, July 14, 2018 $50,000 Guaranteed THE CARL HANFORD MEMORIAL STAKES - Grade BT For Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And One Sixteenth Closing Saturday, June 30, 2018 Saturday, July 14, 2018 $750,000 Guaranteed THE DELAWARE HANDICAP - Grade II For Fillies And Mares Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And One Quarter Closing Monday, July 2, 2018 Saturday, July 14, 2018 $75,000 Guaranteed THE HOCKESSIN STAKES - Grade BT Match Series For Three Year Olds and Upward Six Furlongs DELAWARE PARK STAKES SCHEDULE Closing Saturday, June 30, 2018 Saturday, July 14, 2018 $200,000 Guaranteed THE KENT STAKES - Grade III For Three Year Olds One Mile And One Eighth(Turf) Closing Friday, August 10, 2018 Wednesday, August 22, 2018 $50,000 Guaranteed THE WHITE CLAY CREEK STAKES - Grade BT For Fillies Two Year Olds Five And One Half Furlongs Closing Friday, August 17, 2018 Wednesday, August 29, 2018 $50,000 Guaranteed THE STRIKE YOUR COLORS STAKES - Grade BT For Two Year Olds Five And One Half Furlongs Closing Saturday, September 15, 2018 Saturday, September 29, 2018 $75,000 Guaranteed (Plus up to $50,000 Delaware Certified Bonus) THE DTHAA GOVERNORS DAY HANDICAP (RESTRICTED TO HORSES WHICH HAVE STARTED AT DELAWARE PARK IN 2018 (STAKES RACES EXCLUDED).) For Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And Seventy Yards Closing Saturday, September 15, 2018 Saturday, September 29, 2018 $100,000 Guaranteed THE FIRST STATE DASH (Delaware Bred or Certified) A For Two Year Olds Five And One Half Furlongs DELAWARE PARK STAKES SCHEDULE Closing Saturday, September 15, 2018 Saturday, September 29, 2018 $100,000 Guaranteed THE SMALL WONDER (Delaware Bred or Certified) A For Fillies Two Year Olds Five And One Half Furlongs Closing Saturday, September 15, 2018 Saturday, September 29, 2018 $100,000 Guaranteed THE NEW CASTLE (Delaware Bred or Certified) A For Three Year Olds and Upward Six Furlongs Closing Saturday, September 15, 2018 Saturday, September 29, 2018 $100,000 Guaranteed THE TAX FREE SHOPPING DISTAFF A (Delaware Bred or Certified) For Fillies And Mares Three Year Olds and Upward Six Furlongs Closing Saturday, September 15, 2018 Saturday, September 29, 2018 $75,000 Guaranteed (Plus up to $50,000 Delaware Certified Bonus) THE GEORGEA ROSENBERGER MEMORIAL (RESTRICTED TO HORSES WHICH HAVE STARTED AT DELAWARE PARK IN 2018 (STAKES RACES EXCLUDED).) For Fillies And Mares Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And One Sixteenth(Turf) Closing Friday, September 28, 2018 Wednesday, October 10, 2018 $50,000 Guaranteed THE WINTER MELODY STAKES - Grade BT For Fillies And Mares Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And One Sixteenth Closing Friday, October 5, 2018 Wednesday, October 17, 2018 $50,000 Guaranteed THE GROVER "BUDDY" DELP MEMORIAL STAKES - Grade BT For Three Year Olds and Upward One Mile And One Sixteenth Delaware Park Horse Aftercare Initiative Delaware Park and Delaware Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association partner with two 501(c)(3) charities to help trainers find their horses quality homes after their racing careers.
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