The Perl Review Volume 0 Issue 5 September 1, 2002 Like this issue? Support The Perl Review with a donation! Community News ii Short Notes iii New Modules v Extreme Mowing 1 Andy Lester Perl Assembly Language 4 Phil Crow What Perl Programmers Should Know About Java 13 Beth Linker Filehandle Ties 20 Robby Walker The Iterator Design Pattern 26 brian d foy Book Reviews 40 Andy Lester Like this issue? Support The Perl Review with a donation! Web Access Email
[email protected] Publisher brian d foy Editor Andy Lester Technical Editors Kurt Starsinic, Adam Turoff Copy Editors Glenn Maciag, Beth Linker, James Tillman Contributors David H. Adler, Phil Crow, brian d foy, Andy Lester, Beth Linker, Allison Randal, Robby Walker The Perl Review Letters – Online, searchable Perl Send your letters, comments, and suggestions to documentation
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