Zebrafish Won't Breed in a Hot Room and Other Findings

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Zebrafish Won't Breed in a Hot Room and Other Findings The Page 9Collegian iPhone S4: verdict? November 11, 2011 The Grove City College Student Newspaper Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to visit Tuesday Justice will deliver the J. Howard Pew Memorial lecture W. Soren Kreider hear about his remarkable jour- opinions on the new health care News Editor ney from his grandparent’s home law. On Tuesday, students may to Yale School and the Supreme get an inside look at how those A visit from a sitting Su- Court. deliberations will play out. preme Court justice is a rare Junior Dennis Steinbeck said, “It is a tremendous privilege experience, even for Ivy League “After reading his memoirs, I and honor for the college to schools. But next Tuesday, Nov. have a new appreciation of the host Supreme Court Justice 15, at 7 p.m., Grove City Col- value of hard work and I’m Clarence Thomas,” sophomore lege will host Associate Justice excited to hear more of the Noelle Huffman said. “As a Clarence Thomas as he delivers personal experiences that have committed constitutional- the J. Howard Pew Memorial made Justice Thomas into the ist, Thomas has provided an Lecture in Crawford Audito- brilliant legal mind that he is.” inestimable service to the cause rium. During his time on the Su- of justice and limited govern- Justice Thomas went from preme Court, Thomas has dealt ment throughout his 20 years the depths of rural Southern with a wide array of controver- on the court. I am expectantly poverty to a seat on the nation’s sial cases and is widely consid- anticipating his arrival and look most preeminent legal body. ered to be one of the foremost forward to experiencing such a Thomas’s life is an American constitutional scholars in a num- unique lecture opportunity.”The success story of hard work and ber of key areas. Within the next event is scheduled to begin at perserverance, and on Tuesday couple terms, he and the rest of 7 p.m., but seats are likely to go Public Domain Grove City students will get to the Court will be deliver their fast. Justice Clarence Thomas will be visiting campus on Nov. 15. Zebrafish won’t breed in a hot room and other findings Students present on independent research Kristie Eshelman (REU) programs at other institu- Collegian Staff Writer tions. The program includes presen- When junior Edward Quigley tations in the fields of biology, came to Grove City College as chemistry, computer science, a prospective student, he saw a electrical engineering, mechani- poster describing a professor’s cal engineering, mathematics and research. physics. “At the time, I couldn’t have Regarding his seminar entitled imagined that I would end up “The Effects of TMS on Zebraf- being one of the research assis- ish Caudal Fin Regeneration,” tants contributing to that work,” junior Evan Niewoehner shared Quigley said. “The work gave some of the challenges that went me a flavor for what research into conducting the research and is in the world of computer putting together the presentation. science, and it’s now something “The building got so hot that the I’m considering as I begin to fish wouldn’t breed, so we began think about life after gradua- to breed an entirely new genetic tion.” strain of zebrafish,” he said. Dr. Christiaan Gribble and Junior Benjamin Emery Dr. Michael Jackson started the performed 10 weeks of research Kevin Hanse Hopeman Student Research during a summer undergraduate Benjamin Emery, Cody Wolfe, Evan Niewoehner, Jacob Choby and Edward Quigley have all presented Seminars in 2008 as a way for research program. He said that independent research through the Hopeman Student Research Seminar. students to present their research presenting his findings added a ting, but not very pressure-filled presentations are an important “Research plays a critical role in after participating in the Grove new challenge to his work. because it was on campus and all. part of the collaborative nature of the academic development of City College Swezey Summer “I thought that presenting was It was a great learning experience science and the Hopeman Student undergraduate students in science, Research Fellows Program. good practice, but difficult since for when I have to do something Research Seminars provide an op- engineering, and mathematics, The program has expanded my audience ranged from those like it again in the future.” portunity to present your research. and we’re particularly excited by to include presentations from who were very well informed to Sometimes, it’s not all about the I hope to refine and apply the skill the response of GCC students students who have conducted those who had no background at data. “Scientific research is only of presenting research in graduate over the years – their continued research at Grove City College all. It was very well coordinated.” worthwhile if it is shared,” said school and as a scientist.” participation is critical to making or who participate in Research Cody Wolfe, junior, said, “I junior Jake Choby. “Collaboration Regarding the overall success these events successful.” Experiences for Undergraduate really liked it. It was a formal set- is vital to modern science. Oral of the seminar series, Gribble said, The Collegian Vol. 72 No. 9 Life E! Perspectives Sports News..................................2 Check out the “Mystery of Take the “Stairwell” to Campus faculty address Dr. The women’s swim team Life.....................................4 Edwin Drood” behind the heaven with Joel Ansett Lisle’s chapel presentation dominates St. Vincent and Entertainment....................9 scenes on page 4. and his music. Page 10. in an open letter to the cam- prepares to take on Carnegie Perspectives.......................11 pus. Page 11. Mellon University. Page 12. Sports.................................12 2 News Nov. 11, 2011 Feinberg ’06 runs for Internship fair is a series of Congress fortunate events Dennis Steinbeck and to get practical advice from had a phone screening, was Collegian Staff Writer Kristie Eshelman Collegian Staff Writer their peers in an informal set- called to the corporate head- ting. quarters for a second round Grove City graduate Evan An assistant in both the Office interview and was given the Feinberg ’06 is making This Wednesday, the Career of International Education and internship opportunity shortly his debut into politics this Services Office hosted its eighth the international sourcing firm thereafter.” week. Feinberg is running annual internship fair in the ET2C, senior Jeremy Anderson against Rep. Tim Murphy Breen Student Union Great encouraged students to look Organizations featured: (R-PA), a moderate Repub- Room. Unlike the annual career beyond local job listings. lican well entrenched within fair, at which students network “Intern abroad,” he said. “The • Carnegie Science Center his district. with representatives from out- business world is a very dy- • Dow Corning Corporation Feinberg is not new to side companies, the internship namic place. Interning abroad • Enterprise Rent-A-Car politics, . In the past few fair features Grove City College not only provides you with • Good Works, Inc. years, Evan has worked for students who can draw upon great experience in your field • HCJB Global both Rand Paul (R-KY) their past experiences to help of choice, but it also gives you • HOPE International and Tom Coburn (R-OK), prospective interns find a chal- an introduction on a first-hand • InterSystems Corporation and most recently he volun- lenging and instructive experi- basis into another culture. I be- • KEYW Corporation teered on Sen. Pat Toomey’s ence. lieve that an internship can be a • Leaders for Christ, Costa Rica (R-PA) successful campaign. Evan Feinberg Kristy Roman, a junior great experience, but interning • Leadership Institute Congressman Murphy is Education major, served as a Evan Feinberg is an ’06 gradu- abroad can be the experience of • Make-A-Wish Foundation too liberal for today’s GO, summer camp intern at Urban • New Day Creations ate of Grove City College. a life time!” Feinberg remarked, and by Promise. • New York Botanical Gardens The representative students returning to more conserva- the right,” College Repub- “Even if the internship you • Northwestern Mutual Finan- obtained their internships in a tive stances, the country’s licans executive director, se- are looking at has no salary, tial Network variety of ways. Some took ad- current problems can be nior Andrew Patterson said. you will still receive the ben- • Office of International Educa- vantage of JobGrove and similar resolved. If this is the case, Feinberg’s campaign web- efit of having the experience tion search engines, and others found then rhino Republicans like site touts his conservative and learning that the intern- • PNC Financial Services their internships through net- Murphy will have to go. viewpoints and offers insight ship opportunity has to offer,” Group working. Feinberg is not the only on the policies he hopes to she said. “Don’t be afraid to try • PPG Industries Student representative senior • Rosetta person who feels this way. implement upon his elec- something new that pushes you Tim Rieste, can testify to the • Students International “Congressman Murphy’s tion. His years spent as outside of your comfort zone, effectiveness of the internship • The Hershey Company voting record has irritated Rand Paul’s top policy aide because that is when you will fair in finding a position as an • Urban Promise conservatives in his district have given him unique in- learn and grow the most.” internal audit manager for the • Urish Popeck for some time. Evan will be sight into issues like health- The internship fair allowed Hershey company. • Westinghouse Electric Com- the first candidate to chal- care, educa- students to get information Reiste said, “I applied online, pany lenge the Congressman from tion, labor and FEINBERG 5 about different opportunities Cuban communism coming to an end? Dennis Steinbeck them with sandbags in the Collegian Staff Writer Gulf of Mexico.
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